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(PERLs 1-01)
The term PORTFOLIO itself comes from the Italian word for “a case designed to carry loose papers”.
In academical point of view, a portfolio is actually a set of experiences and insights a student has gained
from practical assignments. It is sometimes used to assess a student’s engagement with their fieldwork
and their ability to use theoretical knowledge in an applied setting. It is a compilation of academic and
professional materials that exemplify someone’s beliefs, skills, qualifications, trainings and experiences.
It provides insight into one’s personality and work ethics.

A PORTFOLIO ENTRY is an account of the liabilities that a reinsurer is responsible for.


The Gibb’s cycle used in reflective practice is a tool for self-reflection, mental well-being
monitoring, academic learning and teaching activities, personal and professional is
structured in six Phases.



As I take a moment to delve into the contents of my portfolio, I'm struck by the journey it represents. This
collection of artifacts, projects, and writings stands as a testament to my growth, learning, and
achievements over the course of my academic and personal development. It's not merely a collection of
papers and assignments but a reflection of my evolution as a learner, thinker, and doer.

In my opinion, the purpose of portfolio is to curate a selection of items that demonstrate the progress and
the fulfillment of learning objectives. Each item has to be chosen with care, representing a milestone or a
significant point in educational journey. Looking at the variety of content, I can see a clear thread
connecting my initial goals with the outcomes and achievements I've reached.

One of the projects that stands out is the compiling portfolios on various topics assigned to us. I am
reminded of the countless hours spent researching, writing, and revising. My portfolios reflect my
dedication to honing my writing skills which were less developed at the start of my academic journey. I
can see tangible evidence of my improvement in structuring arguments, conducting rigorous research, and
crafting compelling narratives.

I was exploring my creative side and learning to express my ideas through art. Portfolio writing illustrates
not only my artistic growth but also my willingness to step outside my comfort zone and embrace new
forms of expression. It serves as a reminder that personal growth often occurs when we venture beyond
the familiar.

Throughout the portfolio, I am reminded of the challenges I faced. I recall the moments of frustration
when assignments felt overwhelming and the times when I questioned my abilities. These experiences,
however, are equally vital. They taught me resilience, problem-solving, and the importance of seeking
help and guidance when needed. In many ways, my portfolio is a testament to the lessons I've learned
from my failures and obstacles.

Looking forward, I can clearly see how the skills and knowledge I've gained will shape my future
endeavors. The critical thinking skills I've developed through extensive research and analysis will
undoubtedly be valuable as I pursue further studies and enter the professional world. The ability to take
creative risks will continue to inspire innovation and open new doors in my life.

In conclusion, the portfolio is not just a compilation of work; it's a reflection of one’s journey as a learner,
a thinker, and a creator. It's a testament to growth, accomplishments and determination to keep progressing.
As one contemplate the pages within the portfolio, he is filled with a sense of pride for how far one has
come and excitement for the boundless opportunities that lie ahead in one’s educational and professional



Person A: I've always believed that money can buy happiness. It provides comfort, security, and
the ability to enjoy life.

Person B: While money can solve problems and enhance experiences, true happiness seems more
about relationships, purpose, and personal fulfillment, don't you think?

Person A: Absolutely, those are important too. But having financial stability can ease stress and open up
opportunities for a more fulfilling life.

Person B: I get that, but there are countless stories of wealthy individuals who aren't happy. Maybe
happiness is more about balance and perspective than just the amount of money one has.

Person A: True, balance is key. It's just easier to find that balance with the resources money provides.

Person B: Fair point. However, wouldn't you agree that meaningful connections and pursuing passions
play a significant role in happiness, irrespective of financial status?

Person A: I agree, relationships and passions are vital. But let's not ignore that financial freedom
can enhance the quality of those connections and pursuits.

Person B: It's a complex topic. Maybe the key is recognizing that while money can contribute to
happiness, it's not the sole factor. Striking a balance between financial stability and personal fulfillment
is the real challenge.

Person A: Well said. Perhaps the pursuit of happiness requires a holistic approach that encompasses
both the material and the emotional aspects of life.

(PERLs 1-04)


Teamwork is a fundamental aspect of human collaboration and interaction. Teamwork is
the collaborative effort of a group of individuals working together to achieve a common
goal or objective. It is a fundamental concept in all aspects of life.
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.”

Teamwork has played a pivotal role in my personal and professional development. Over the years,
I have had the opportunity to engage in various teamwork experiences, each offering unique
insights and lessons. As I reflect on these experiences, I am reminded of the significance of
teamwork in achieving common goals, enhancing individual growth, and fostering a sense of

One of the most crucial lessons I have learned about teamwork is the power of diversity. Teams
consist of individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and skill sets. While this
diversity can lead to conflicts and challenges, it also brings a wealth of perspectives and ideas to
the table. Working with people from varied backgrounds has exposed me to alternative
viewpoints, which, in turn, has broadened my understanding of complex issues. These
interactions have encouraged me to approach problems with an open mind and a willingness to
consider multiple solutions.
In addition to embracing diversity, effective communication is another key aspect of successful
teamwork. Clear and open communication lays the foundation for a cohesive and well-
functioning team. I have found that teams with open channels of communication are more likely
to resolve conflicts, share ideas, and coordinate their efforts efficiently. Furthermore, active
listening is an integral part of effective communication. It is not enough to express one's
thoughts and ideas; team members must also attentively listen to one another to fully understand
and appreciate the contributions of each individual.

As I think back on my experiences, I realize that teamwork has pushed me to develop essential
skills, such as leadership, compromise, and time management. Leadership within a team is not
about taking charge but about guiding and inspiring others to work together towards a common
goal. Moreover, compromise is often necessary in a team, as differing opinions and priorities
arise. I have learned that finding middle ground and seeking win-win solutions are essential for
maintaining team harmony. Lastly, time management plays a critical role in ensuring that team
projects stay on track. Meeting deadlines and managing time efficiently is not only a personal
responsibility but also a commitment to the team's success.
One of the most rewarding aspects of teamwork is the sense of accomplishment that comes
from achieving a collective goal. The journey from initial planning to final execution can be
arduous, but the shared triumph at the end is immensely satisfying. The relationships built
through teamwork are also invaluable. It is through these collaborative experiences that I have
formed strong bonds with colleagues, classmates, and friends. The trust and camaraderie
developed in a successful team can extend beyond the specific project and lead to lasting

In conclusion, teamwork is a fundamental aspect of personal and professional growth. It
provides opportunities to learn from others, develop critical skills, and achieve common
objectives. It is a dynamic and multifaceted process that requires embracing diversity, effective
communication, and the ability to adapt to different roles.

As I continue to engage in teamwork experiences, I remain committed to valuing the
contributions of others, communicating openly, and constantly evolving as a team member.
“Teamwork is not just about achieving a goal; it's about the journey, the growth, and the
connections made along the way”.

(PERLs 1-05)

Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending

messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. It is repeated behavior, aimed at scaring,
angering or shaming those who are targeted. One of the reasons that cyberbullying has become so
prevalent among teens is because cyberbullies can hide their identities online, operating
anonymously or under an alias such as with email spoofing. The victim might never know where
the bullying originated. Cyberbullying can have a devastating and long-lasting effect on its
victims. According to UNICEF, cyberbullying can affect victims physically, mentally and
emotionally, leaving them feeling afraid, angry, ashamed, tired or experiencing symptoms such
as headaches or stomach aches.
“Courage is fire and bullying is smoke.”


Case Overview:
Sana, a high school student, has been a victim of relentless cyberbullying for several months. Her
classmates anonymously post derogatory comments, spread rumors, and share manipulated images of her
on various social media platforms.

Sana has been facing cyberbullying, primarily through anonymous accounts, for an extended period. The
online harassment includes hurtful messages, body-shaming comments, and fabricated stories aimed
damaging her reputation. Despite Sana's attempts to block accounts, the bullying persists as perpetrators
create new anonymous profiles.


Psychological Impact: Continuous cyberbullying has taken a toll on Sana's mental health, causing
anxiety, depression, and a decline in academic performance. She feels isolated and experiences a loss of
self-esteem due to the relentless harassment.

Legal and Ethical Concerns: The anonymity of the perpetrators complicates identification and
legal action. The lack of accountability for cyberbullying behaviors raises ethical concerns regarding
online behavior and responsibilities.

School Intervention: The school's response to cyberbullying remains inadequate, lacking proactive
measures to address and prevent such incidents. Sana feels unsupported and unheard by school authorities.

Cyber Safety Education: There's a need for comprehensive cyber safety education within the
school to raise awareness about responsible online behavior, the impact of cyberbullying, and strategies to
combat it.

Discussion: Impact on Victim: Cyberbullying can have severe psychological consequences, affecting
the victim's mental health, academic performance, and social well-being. Understanding these
implications is crucial in addressing the victim's needs.

Responsibility and Accountability: Discussions should focus on ethical and legal responsibilities in online
interactions. Emphasizing accountability for one's actions and the consequences of cyberbullying is

School Intervention and Support: Effective strategies to prevent and address cyberbullying
within the school environment need discussion. Establishing clear protocols for reporting, support systems
for victims, and disciplinary actions against perpetrators are critical.

Cyber Safety Education: The importance of comprehensive cyber safety education cannot be
overstated. Discussions should revolve around integrating digital citizenship, empathy, and online
etiquette into the school curriculum.



An outbreak of the Congo virus has been identified in a specific region, leading to severe illness and
fatalities among the local population.

Application of Scientific Method:

Observation: Healthcare professionals note a sudden increase in patients presenting with symptoms
consistent with the Congo virus.

Question/Problem Identification: Scientists and healthcare experts pose the question: "What is causing
the outbreak of the Congo virus, and how can it be contained?"

Hypothesis Formation: Based on observations and existing knowledge:

Hypothesis 1: The virus might be transmitted through tick bites or contact with infected

animals. Hypothesis 2: Human-to-human transmission could be contributing to the outbreak.

Hypothesis 3: The outbreak might be linked to specific geographical locations or animal reservoirs.

Experimentation/Testing: Healthcare teams and researchers conduct investigations to test each


For Hypothesis 1: They collect samples from ticks and animals in the region to identify the virus and its
mode of transmission.

For Hypothesis 2: They trace contacts of infected individuals to determine the potential for human-to-
human transmission.

For Hypothesis 3: They analyze geographical and ecological factors to identify potential hotspots or
reservoirs of the virus.

Analysis of Results: Data analysis reveals the presence of the Congo virus in ticks and certain animal
species, confirming Hypothesis 1. Limited evidence of human-to-human transmission is found, supporting

Hypothesis 2. Geospatial analysis identifies specific areas with a higher prevalence of infected ticks,
validating Hypothesis 3.

Conclusion: The outbreak of the Congo virus is primarily transmitted through tick bites and contact with
infected animals. While there is limited human-to-human transmission, the focus should be on preventing
contact with infected ticks and animals.

Further Action/Resolution: Health authorities implement measures such as public awareness campaigns,
vector control strategies to reduce tick populations, and precautions for individuals in contact with animals
known to carry the virus.

Monitoring and Iteration: Ongoing surveillance, monitoring of new cases, and adapting containment
strategies based on evolving information about the virus and its transmission dynamics are crucial. Health
officials continuously iterate through interventions to effectively control the outbreak.

This hypothetical approach demonstrates how the scientific method can be applied to understand the
Congo virus outbreak, identify transmission mechanisms, and implement targeted measures to contain and
mitigate its spread.

(PERLs 1-07)

Being a learner with goals is a commendable endeavor, but there can be challenges and gaps in
your learning journey. Here are some common gaps that individuals may encounter when
striving to be a goal-oriented learner:
Fear of Failure:
A fear of failing can deter you from setting ambitious goals and taking risks which is a gap
in personal growth.
Lack of Clarity:
One of the most significant gaps is not having clear, well-defined learning goals. Vague or
overly broad objectives can make it challenging to stay focused and motivated.
Inadequate Planning:
Without a well-thought-out plan, it's easy to get lost in the learning process. A lack of
structured steps and milestones can hinder progress.
Inconsistent Effort:
Learners often struggle with maintaining consistent effort over an extended period. Consistency is
crucial for achieving long-term goals.
Overcommitting to learning goals can lead to burnout. It's essential to balance your learning
with other aspects of life, including rest and relaxation.
Procrastination can be a significant barrier to goal-oriented learning. It's essential to
develop effective time management and productivity skills to combat this gap.
Lack of Feedback:
Not seeking feedback or ignoring it when it's given can be a detrimental gap in the
learning process. Constructive feedback is invaluable for growth.
Inadequate Goal Alignment:
Your learning goals should align with your broader life and career objectives. A
misalignment can lead to a gap between what you're learning and what you need to achieve
your aspirations.

Unwillingness to Adapt: Being too rigid in your approach can lead to gaps in your learning.
It's essential to be open to adjusting your strategies and goals based on your experiences and
changing circumstances.
Limited Resources:
A lack of access to the necessary resources, whether it's educational materials, mentors, or tools,
can be a significant gap in your learning journey.
Overreliance on Formal Education:
Relying solely on formal education and not engaging in self-directed learning can limit your
growth. A well-rounded learner should explore various learning avenues.
Ineffective Note-Taking:
Poor note-taking skills can lead to a lack of retention and understanding. Developing
efficient note-taking techniques is essential for productive learning.
Neglecting Self-Reflection:
Not taking the time to reflect on your learning progress, what's working, and what's not can
create a gap in your ability to adapt and improve.

To bridge these gaps and become a more effective learner with goals, it's crucial to set clear,
achievable objectives, create a well-structured plan, and continually assess and adapt your
strategies as needed. Seek support and resources when necessary, maintain a growth mindset, and
persevere in your pursuit of knowledge and skill development.

(PERLs 1-03)

Entry No. 07
1. All students must display their college identification cards

a) at all time while in the college premises and in the hospital

b) at all time while in the college premises only

c) at all time while in the hospital

d) whenever asked for by a teacher

e) When a patient asks, who you are

2. Student notices/messages will be displayed

a) only on the notice board placed by the college authorities with the approval of the Principal

b) anywhere as the students wish

c) only on the notice board placed by the college authorities without the approval of the Principal

d) on the doors of lecture theatres

e) in WhatsApp groups only

3. Bullying is

a) an intentional and repeated act

b) hurtful or aggressive action

c) typically, a real or perceived imbalance of physical power

d) a social network, or verbal skills that favor the perpetrator/s

e) all of the above

4. if I'm a victim of harassment, I will

a) not tell anyone and keep it to myself

b) only inform my friend & tell her to keep it a

secret c will inform the accused friends

d) inform the Principal / HOD

5. The students must essentially display the highest ethical standards and moral in the college,
hospital and hostels with conduct par excellence. True-False

6. If a student intentionally damages college property, the student will be responsible for the amount
of the damage. True-False

7. The Code of Conduct applies only when a student is in the classroom. True-False

8. A student can be suspended or expelled for making threatening comments to a teacher,

administrator, other. staff members of the college. True-False

9. Students found guilty of being accessories to any behavior prohibited by college rules may be
subject to the same consequences as students who directly participated in the incident. True-False

10. If you see bullying happening to someone else, it's okay not to report it. True-False

11. Students can be searched if the college has good reason to believe that the student has a gun or
some other weapon/ drugs. True-False

12. Students are expected to adhere to all college rules and regulations, follow directions, and
interact respectfully with fellow students and college personnel. True-False

Attendance Record

The student have above 75% attendance in all below mentioned subjects

 Physiology
 Biochemistery
 Anatomy

(PERLs 1-09)
Entry NO. 09

Student's Name: MUHAMMAD RAWAHA CHAUDHARY Student’s Roll #: 45

Teacher's Name: Teacher’s Signature:

Academic Performance: BEHAVIOUR

Student's Attendance: Respect for peers and teachers
o Excellent Excellent
o Good Good
o Satisfactory Satisfactory
o Needs Improvement Needs Improvement

Class Participation: Clasroom Behavior:

o Excellent Excellent
o Good Good
o Satisfactory Satisfactory
o Needs Improvement Needs Improvement
Assignments: Work Ethic and Responsibility:
o Excellent Excellent
o Good Good
o Satisfactory Satisfactory
o Needs Improvement Needs Improvement

Areas for Improvement:

(PERLs 1-10)


As I walked into the bustling community center, I was greeted by the vibrant energy that filled the room.
Amidst the lively chatter, I noticed a group gathered around an easel, engrossed in creating intricate
artworks. Among them was Shahid, a remarkably talented artist with a unique approach to painting
despite being visually impaired.

Intrigued by the blend of colors and textures emanating from Shahid's canvas, I approached, introducing
myself and expressing my admiration for his work. He welcomed me with a warm smile, his passion for
art shining through his words.

Curious to understand his process, I asked Shahid about his artistic journey. With a genuine enthusiasm,
he shared how his heightened sense of touch and an acute awareness of textures guided his creations. He
described how he transformed the world around him into a vibrant symphony of shapes and shades
through his fingertips.

As we conversed, Shahid's insightful perspectives on art and life left an indelible impression. He spoke of
the interconnectedness of senses and how his visual impairment had enhanced his ability to perceive
emotions through the strokes of his brush. His descriptions vividly painted images of a world perceived
beyond sight, one where emotions and experiences took precedence.

Intrigued by his technique, Shahid invited me to experience his process firsthand. Guiding my hand
over the canvas, he encouraged me to feel the layers of paint, guiding me through the intricacies of his
masterpiece. With his gentle guidance, I began to understand the depth and richness of his tactile artistry.

As our interaction came to an end, I felt deeply inspired by Shahid's resilience and creativity. His ability to
transcend perceived limitations showcased the boundless potential of the human spirit. Our encounter left
me with a renewed appreciation for the power of perception, reminding me that true artistry transcends
the boundaries of sight and unveils the beauty within.

(PERLs 1-11)


(PERLS 1-12)

Being a successful and responsible learner is essential for personal growth and
educational achievement. Here are some key responsibilities of being a learner:
Active Engagement: Actively engage in the learning process. Pay attention in class,
participate in discussions, and ask questions when you need clarification.
Self-Motivation: Take the initiative to learn and seek knowledge independently. Set
personal goals and stay motivated to achieve them.
Time Management: Manage your time effectively by creating schedules and setting
aside dedicated study time. Avoid procrastination and distractions.
Organization: Keep your learning materials, notes, and assignments organized. Use tools
like planners, folders, and digital apps to help you stay on top of your work.
Critical Thinking: Develop critical thinking skills by analyzing information,
making connections, and asking critical questions.
Responsibility for Learning: Take ownership of your learning. Understand that you
are responsible for your own education and success.
Attendance and Punctuality: Attend classes regularly and arrive on time. Missing classes
can result in missed opportunities to learn.
Homework and Assignments: Complete assignments and homework on time. Submit quality
work and meet deadlines.
Participation: Contribute actively in class discussions, group projects, and other learning
activities. Sharing your ideas and perspectives can enrich the learning experience for everyone.

Effective Study Habits: Develop effective study habits, such as note-taking, summarizing,
and reviewing material regularly. Adapt your study techniques to suit your individual learning
Respect for Teachers and Peers: Show respect to your teachers and fellow students.
Respectful behavior creates a positive and productive learning environment.
Seek Help When Needed: Don't hesitate to ask for help if you're struggling with a particular
subject or concept. This can include seeking assistance from teachers, tutors, or classmates.
Adaptability: Be open to new ideas and different ways of learning. Adapt to changes and
challenges in your educational journey.
Reflection and Self-Assessment: Reflect on your progress and performance regularly. Evaluate
your strengths and weaknesses and use this information to improve.
Goal Setting: Set clear, achievable learning goals. Having a sense of purpose in your studies can
provide motivation and direction.
Continuous Learning: Understand that learning doesn't stop when you leave the classroom.
Embrace a lifelong learning mindset to stay informed and adapt to changing circumstances.
Ethical Conduct: Maintain academic integrity by avoiding plagiarism and cheating.
Uphold ethical standards in your learning and academic work.
Resilience: Develop resilience and the ability to bounce back from setbacks or failures.
Learning from your mistakes is an important part of personal growth.
Communication Skills: Work on your communication skills, both written and verbal. Effective
communication is important for understanding and conveying information.
Feedback Reception: Be open to constructive feedback and use it to make improvements in your
learning and performance.
Taking these responsibilities seriously can lead to a more successful and fulfilling learning
experience, both in the classroom and throughout life.

(PERLs 1-13)


Dr. Anwaar a general practitioner, engages in a non-professional practice by frequently sharing unverified
medical advice on social media platforms and endorsing alternative treatments without scientific evidence.

Background: Dr. Anwaar has a significant social media following and uses various platforms to
disseminate health-related information. Recently, Dr. Smith promoted a new herbal supplement as a cure
for a common cold without scientific validation. Despite lacking clinical evidence, Dr. Smith advocated
its use, citing anecdotal success stories from unknown sources.

Ethical Concerns: Dr. Anwaar 's promotion of unverified treatments raises ethical concerns. Providing
unsubstantiated medical advice may mislead the public, potentially leading to harm if individuals opt for
alternative treatments without consulting healthcare professionals.

Professional Responsibility: As a medical practitioner, Dr. Anwaar has a duty to uphold professional
standards and base recommendations on evidence-based medicine. Sharing unverified information on
social media neglects this responsibility.

Impact on Public Health: Dr. Anwaar ’ s influential presence on social media amplifies the reach of
misinformation. Followers may perceive unverified recommendations as credible medical advice,
potentially influencing their healthcare decisions.

Trust and Credibility: Engaging in non-professional practices undermines the trustworthiness and
credibility of the medical profession. Followers may lose confidence in medical expertise, impacting the
doctor-patient relationship.


Adherence to Evidence-Based Practice: Dr. Anwaar should prioritize evidence-based medicine and refrain
from promoting unverified treatments. Recommendations must align with established medical guidelines
and scientific evidence.
Transparency and Accountability: Dr. Anwaar should acknowledge the limitations of social media
discussions and emphasize consulting qualified healthcare professionals for personalized medical advice.

Continued Medical Education: Engaging in continuing medical education programs can help Dr. Smith
stay updated with evidence-based practices, fostering a commitment to professional standards.

Social Media Guidelines: Establishing guidelines for responsible engagement on social media is crucial.
Promoting verified information, disclosing conflicts of interest, and directing followers to reliable sources
can mitigate the spread of misinformation.

Reflective Practice and Peer Review: Encouraging critical self-reflection and seeking feedback from
peers can aid in assessing the impact of social media interactions and correcting any potential
misinformation disseminated.

Conclusion: Dr. Anwaar's non-professional practices on social media pose ethical, professional, and public
health concerns. Addressing these issues requires a commitment to evidence-based medicine, transparency,
and responsible use of social media platforms to uphold the integrity of medical advice and maintain
public trust.

(PERLs 1-14)


An evaluation of Muhammad Rawaha as a medical

Your Name

First Name Last Name

1. How often does Rawaha succeed at the following?

Never Rarely Occasionall Frequently Always


Complete tasks on time

Demonstrate excellence

Inspire his peers

Take a leadership role

2. What are Rawaha’s greatest strength?

3. What are Rawaha’s greatest weakness?


(PERLs 1-15)


Medical students have a rigorous and demanding curriculum to complete, as they are preparing to
become healthcare professionals. Here is a list of common learning goals for a medical student:
Clinical Knowledge and Diagnosis:
Develop a deep understanding of human anatomy, physiology, disease pathology, clinical
diagnosis and nomenclature.
Clinical Skills:
Learn and practice physical examination techniques. Develop proficiency in history-taking
from patients and interpretation of medical tests and diagnostic imaging.
Medical Ethics and Professionalism:
Understand the principles of medical ethics and patient confidentiality. Develop strong
communication skills with patients and colleagues.
Patient Care and Safety:
Learn to provide compassionate and patient-centered care. Practice infection control and
patient safety procedures. Develop clinical reasoning and decision-making skills.
Pharmacology and Medication Management:
Understand the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drugs and learn to prescribe and
manage medications safely and effectively. Explore the potential side effects and interactions
of drugs.

Medical Research and Evidence-Based Practice:

Gain an appreciation for evidence-based medicine. Learn to critically appraise medical
research and clinical trials. Conduct research or participate in research projects.
Medical Specialization and Sub-specialization:
Explore various medical specialties to make informed career choices. Gain exposure to different
clinical settings through rotations. Consider sub-specialization options within a chosen field.
Continuing Medical Education:
Commit to lifelong learning and keeping up-to-date with medical advances. Attend
medical conferences and workshops. Pursue continuing medical education credits.
Medical Technology and Informatics:
Understand the use of electronic health records (EHRs) and healthcare informatics.
Familiarize oneself with medical imaging and diagnostic equipment. Learn to use technology
for telemedicine and remote patient monitoring.
Global and Public Health:
Explore public health issues and epidemiology. Understand the impact of health disparities and
social determinants of health. Participate in community outreach and global health initiatives.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance:
Learn about medical malpractice and legal responsibilities. Understand healthcare
regulations. Comply with medical documentation requirements.
Professional Development and Career Planning:
Prepare for medical licensing exams, such as the USMLE. Develop a curriculum vitae and
prepare for residency applications. Consider future career options, whether in clinical
practice, research, or academia.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
Collaborate effectively with other healthcare professionals (nurses, pharmacists, etc.
Understand the roles of different team members in patient care.
Mental Health and Self-Care:
Recognize the importance of mental health and self-care. Develop coping strategies for the stress
and demands of medical school. Seek support and counseling when needed.


“Mental health is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not
where you’re going.”

Mental health is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human well-being that
encompasses emotional, psychological, and social dimensions. Over the years, a growing
body of literature has delved into the various facets of mental health, aiming to
understand its determinants, consequences, and potential interventions. This literature
review synthesizes key findings from diverse studies, shedding light on the current state
of knowledge surrounding mental health.

Determinants of Mental Health:

Research has identified a myriad of factors influencing mental health, ranging from
biological and genetic factors to environmental and socio-cultural determinants. Genetic
predispositions, neurotransmitter imbalances, and structural brain abnormalities have
been explored as potential biological contributors to mental health disorders.
Concurrently, socio-economic status, cultural background, family dynamics, and
exposure to traumatic events have been identified as influential environmental

Prevalence and Epidemiology:

Epidemiological studies provide crucial insights into the prevalence of mental health
disorders. Globally, mental health conditions affect a significant proportion of the
population, with conditions such as anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia being among
the most prevalent. Furthermore, studies underscore the importance of recognizing the
importance of mental health, considering how factors such as gender, ethnicity, and socio-
economic status interact to shape mental health outcomes.

Stigma and Barriers to Treatment:

Despite the growing awareness surrounding mental health, stigma remains a pervasive
barrier to seeking and receiving treatment. Numerous studies highlight the detrimental
effects of societal stigma on individuals with mental health disorders, leading to delayed
intervention and increased suffering. Additionally, structural barriers, including limited
access to mental health services, financial constraints, and insufficient mental health
literacy, contribute to the treatment gap.

Innovations in Intervention and Treatment:

Advancements in mental health interventions have emerged in recent years, emphasizing
a holistic and integrated approach. Psychosocial interventions, such as cognitive-
behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based approaches, have demonstrated efficacy in
managing various mental health conditions. Moreover, the integration of technology,
such as telemedicine and mobile applications, has expanded access to mental health
services, particularly in underserved areas.

Global Mental Health Initiatives:

International efforts to address mental health on a global scale have gained momentum.
Initiatives such as the World Health Organization's Mental Health Action Plan
prioritize the integration of mental health into overall healthcare systems. The goal is to
reduce the treatment gap, enhance community awareness, and promote mental well-
being as an integral component of public health.

This literature review highlights the multidimensional nature of mental health,
emphasizing the interplay of biological, environmental, and socio-cultural factors. As
the field continues to evolve, addressing stigma, improving access to treatment, and
advancing innovative interventions remain critical. Global initiatives and a
collaborative, interdisciplinary approach are pivotal in fostering a comprehensive
understanding of mental health and promoting mental well-being across diverse

(PERLs 1-19)


Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through female

Anopheles mosquitoes. Each year, over half a billion people become infected with malaria, with roughly

80% of them living in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nearly half a million people die of malaria every year, most


them young children under the age of five. Unlike many other infectious diseases, the death toll
for malaria

is rising. While there have been many programs designed to improve access to malaria treatment, the best

way to reduce the impact of malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa is to focus on reducing the number of people

who contract the disease in the first place, rather than waiting to treat the disease after the person is

already infected.

There are multiple drugs available to treat malaria, and many of them work well and save lives, but

malaria eradication programs that focus too much on them and not enough on prevention haven’t seen

long-term success in Sub-Saharan Africa. A major program to combat malaria was WHO’s Global

Malaria Eradication Programme. Started in 1955, it had a goal of eliminating malaria in Africa within the

next ten years. The program focused mainly on vector control by Cloroquine and spraying large amounts
of DDT. More than one billion dollars was spent trying to abolish malaria.The number of people in Sub-

Saharan Africa who contracted malaria as well as the number of malaria deaths had actually increased

over 10%

during the time the program was active.

One of the major reasons for the failure of the project was that it set uniform strategies and policies.

By failing to consider variations between governments, geography, and infrastructure, the program was

nearly as successful as it could have been. Sub-Saharan Africa has neither the money nor the infrastructure

to support such an elaborate program, and it couldn’t be run the way it was meant to. Most
African countries

don't have the resources to send all their people to doctors and get shots, nor can they afford to

clear wetlands or other malaria prone areas.

Additionally, the widespread use of chloroquine has created drug resistant parasites which are now

plaguing Sub-Saharan Africa. Because chloroquine was used widely but inconsistently, mosquitoes

developed resistance, and chloroquine is now nearly completely ineffective in Sub-Saharan Africa, with

over 95% of mosquitoes resistant to it. As a result, newer, more expensive drugs need to be used to

prevent and treat malaria, which further drives up the cost of malaria treatment for a region that can ill

afford it.

Instead of developing plans to treat malaria after the infection has incurred, programs should focus

on preventing infection from occurring in the first place. Not only is this plan cheaper and more

effective, reducing the number of people who contract malaria also reduces loss of work/school days

which can further bring down the productivity of the region.

One of the cheapest and most effective ways of preventing malaria is to implement insecticidetreated
bed nets (ITNs). These nets provide a protective barrier around the person or people using them.

While untreated bed nets are still helpful, those treated with insecticides are much more useful because

they stop mosquitoes from biting people through the nets, and they help reduce mosquito populations in

a community, thus helping people who don’t even own bed nets. Bed nets are also very effective because

most mosquito bites occur while the person is sleeping, so bed nets would be able to drastically reduce

the number of transmissions during the night. In fact, transmission of malaria can be reduced by as much

as 90% in areas where the use of ITNs is widespread. Because money is so scarce in Sub-Saharan Africa,

the low cost is a great benefit and a major reason why the program is so successful. Bed nets cost

roughly 2 USD to make, last several years, and can protect two adults. Studies have shown that, for

every 100- 1000 more nets are being used, one less child dies of malaria.

Reducing the number of people who contract malaria would also reduce poverty levels in Africa.

Vector control is more effective than treatment strategies because it means fewer people are getting sick.

When fewer people get sick, the working population is stronger as a whole because people are not put out

of work from malaria, nor are they caring for sick relatives. A strong working population creates a

stronger economy, which Sub-Saharan Africa is in desperate need of.

(PERLs 1-20)

Painting is a creative and expressive art form that allows you to convey your thoughts, emotions,
and ideas through visual means. Whether you're an experienced artist or just starting out, there's
always room for growth and exploration in the world of painting. I’ve my hands in this craft since
my childhood. I’ve pursued it as a hobby as well as a side hustle to earn by selling my art pieces.
My passion for art burned like a fierce fire, but lately, my creative flames had dwindled into
mere embers. I felt stuck, lost in the labyrinth of my own imagination, and yearned for guidance
to rekindle my artistic brilliance.
I had heard rumors of a wise painter who resided at the far end of the town. He was known for
his deep knowledge of art and had a reputation for helping struggling artists find their way. With
a heart filled with hope and determination, I embarked on a journey to seek his guidance.
As i approached his cozy cottage, I couldn't help but marvel at the lush garden that surrounded
it, with flowers of every imaginable color swaying in the gentle breeze. With each step closer to
the cottage, my anticipation grew, and I wondered if the stories I had heard were true.
Upon knocking gently on the door, it creaked open, revealing a serene, white-bearded man with
a warm smile. He welcomed me inside and offered her a cup of herbal tea. We sat in his cozy
living room, filled with artwork that adorned the walls, each piece a testament to his own
remarkable talent.
I felt a mixture of awe and vulnerability as i shared my struggles with him, my voice quivering
with the weight of her doubts. I spoke of my creative block, the nagging self-doubt that had
gripped my soul, and the longing to once again breathe life into my canvases.
He listened attentively, his eyes full of understanding and empathy. He offered gentle words of
wisdom, "My dear, art is a journey, not a destination. Every artist faces challenges, but
it's in those moments of uncertainty that you truly learn and grow."

He encouraged me to explore new horizons, to step out of my comfort zone, and to draw
inspiration from the world around me. He shared stories of his own struggles and how he had
found solace and inspiration in nature, the simple joys of life, and in the heart of the town
As the conversation unfolded, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and a flicker of hope within my
heart. His guidance was like a beacon of light in the midst of my creative darkness. He urged
me to keep painting, to trust in myself, and to embrace the uncertainty of my artistic journey.
With gratitude and newfound determination, I left his cottage, my mind abuzz with ideas and my
heart full of inspiration. I returned to my home, ready to embark on a new chapter in my artistic
life, armed with the wisdom and encouragement I had received from the wise old man.
I continued to paint, MY canvases alive with a newfound energy and vitality. I discovered the
beauty in imperfection, the joy in taking risks, and the power of perseverance. In my journey to
seek help from that knowledgeable painter, I had not only found my way back to my art but also
a deeper understanding of myself as an artist.


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