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Latihan Sumatif kls 6

1. 4,235 + 3,574 + 2,571 =

2. 8,753 - 3,452 - 2,895 =

3. 4,236 + 1,659 - 3,255 =

4. 7,025 - 5,009 + 2,301 =

5. (2,336 + 5,658) - (3,123 + 1,229) =

6. 326 x 28 =

7. 4,176 x 24 =

8. 25 x 36 x 19 =

9. 6,505 : 5 =

10. 47,827 : 13 =

11. 17³ =

12. √729 =

13. ³√117,649 =

14. 12³ + 12² =

15. ³√2197 + √289 - 3³ =

16. The name of this picture is

17. Trapezoid is .....

18. Layang- layang adalah ....

19. This picture is ...

20. This shape is ....

21. 3,6,9,...,...,...

22. 234, 349, 464,....,...,...

23. 3,217 ; 3,439 ; 3,661 ;... ; ... ; ....

24. 3,215 ; 3,146 ; 3,077 ; ... ; ... ; ....

25. 14, 42, 126,....,....,....

26. isosceles triangle is ....

27. If a number multiplied with four, then divided by three become twenty, what is the number?

28. If today is Saturday, what day in the next 67 days?

29. Ruby has 705 diamonds Claude has 107 diamonds. Layla has 502 diamonds Rafaela has 474
diamonds. Selena has 527 diamonds. If Angela has diamonds as much as the sum of all her
friends diamonds, how much Angela's diamond?

30. 154,... , 174, ..., 194

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