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NAME : ________________________________ GR.& SECTION :_________________ DATE : _______________

TEST I. Multiple Choice. Read and understand each questions carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the basic unit of matter?
a. atom b. cell c. compound d. molecule
2. ___________ are the outermost electrons which are directly involved in chemical bonding
a. anions b. protons c. cations d.valence electrons
3. According to the Bohr model, which energy level is closest to the nucleus?
a. first energy level b. second energy level c. third energy level d. fourth energy level
4. What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy the third energy level?
a. 2 electrons b. 6 electrons c. 8 electrons d. 18 electrons
5. Which of the following is composed of the symbol of the element and dots which represents the number of valence
a. Bohr’s Symbol b. Lewis Electron Dot Symbol c. Rutherford’s Symbol d. J.J Thomson’s Symbol
6. How many electrons can occupy a single orbital?
a. 1 electron b. 2 electrons c. 4 electrons d. 8 electrons
7. ___________ is the way in which electrons are distributed in the different orbitals around the nucleus of an atom.
a.chemical bonding b. electron configuration c. energy levels d. Lewis symbol
8. Which model describes the energies and positions of the electrons in an atom?
a. Bohr model b. Dalton model c. Rutherford model d. Thomson model
9. Which subatomic particles have a positive charged?
a. electron b. neutron c.proton d. nucleus
10. What is the charge of an ion formed when an atom gains an electron?
a. negative b. positive c. neutral d. variable
11. What happens when an electron transitions from a higher energy level to a lower energy level in the Bohr model?
a. It absorbs energy. c. It remains at the same energy level.
b. It emits energy. d. It gains or loses mass.
12. According to the Quantum Mechanical Model, which statement best describes electron behavior?
a. Electrons orbit the nucleus in specific paths.
b. Electrons are located in fixed energy levels.
c. Electrons have definite positions and velocities simultaneously.
d. Electrons move in wave-like patterns called orbitals.
13. Which among the following shows that an atom is stable?
a. having 2 valence electrons c. having 6 valence electrons
b. having 4 valence electrons d. having 8 valence electrons
14. Which of the following types of elements are most likely to form an ionic bond?
a. Nonmetals b. Noble gases c. Halogens d. Metal and nonmetal
15. Which of the following best describes the formation of an ionic bond?
a. sharing of electrons between atoms c. bonding of atoms through a network of covalent bonds
b. transfer of electrons between atoms. d. presence of a partial positive and partial negative charge
16. Which type of bond forms between two non-metals?
a. Ionic bond b. Covalent bond c. Metallic bond d. Hydrogen bond
17. Which of the following compounds is held together by a metallic bond?
a. H2O b. CO2 c. Cu d. HCl
18. Which of the following compounds is held together by a covalent bond?
a. NaCl b. HCl c. MgO d. CaF2
19. Why do atoms form covalent bonds?
a. to achieve a stable electron configuration c. to gain a positive charge
b. to minimize chemical reactions d. to create a magnetic field
20. How many electrons are typically shared in a single covalent bond?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
21. Lithium (Li) belongs to Group 1, which of the following best describes the element Lithium?
a. high electronegativity c. low electronegativity
b. high ionization energy d. a non- metallic element
22. What type of chemical bonding exist in metals through the attraction between freely- moving valence electrons and
the positively charged metal atom?
a. ionic bonding b. metallic bonding c. polar covalent bonding d. non polar covalent bonding
23. The letter s, p, d or f are used to designate a particular _________ within an energy level.
a. sublevel b. spin c. space d. color
24. The electronic configuration of an atom in an element with atomic number 8 is ____________.
a. 1s22s6 b. 1s2 2s2 2p6 c. 2s2 2p6 d. 1s2 2s2 2p4
25. What happens to the electrons in a covalent bond?
a. Electrons are transferred from one atom to another. c. Electrons are donated to a central atom.
b. Electrons are shared between two atoms. d. Electrons are attracted to opposite charges in the nucleus.
26. Which statement accurately describes the Bohr model of the atom?
a. Electrons orbit randomly around the nucleus.
b. Electrons occupy fixed energy levels or shells.
c. Electrons exist as continuous waves around the nucleus.
d. Electrons are located at the exact position determined by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
27. How does the Quantum Mechanical Model differ from the Bohr Model?
a. The Quantum Mechanical Model includes electron wave behavior.
b. The Bohr Model is more accurate in predicting electron positions.
c. The Quantum Mechanical Model describes electrons as particles only.
d. The Bohr Model considers the energy of electrons only.
28. Which property is NOT typically associated with covalent compounds?
a. low melting point c. electrical conductivity in the solid state
b. insolubility in water d. low boiling point
29. Which property is NOT typically associated with ionic compounds?
a. high melting point b. conductivity in the solid state c. Solubility in water d. Low boiling point
30. Which of the following element has the highest electronegativity?
a. Fluorine b. Iodine c.Lithium d. Rubiduim
31. The ability to conduct electricity is a property of:
a. halogens b. metals c. non-metals d. semiconductors
32. Which of the following refers to the ability of an atom to attract electrons toward itself in a chemical bond?
a. electron affinity b. electronegativity c. ionization energy d. polarity
33. Which of the following refers to the energy required to remove an electron from an atom?
a. electron affinity b. electronegativity c. ionization energy d. polarity
34. In the Quantum Mechanical Model, what is an orbital?
a. A circular path followed by an electron.
b. A specific energy level occupied by an electron.
c. A region in space where an electron is likely to be found.
d. A particle emitted when an electron changes energy levels.
35. How did the Bohr model of the atom improve Rutherford's atomic model?
a. It explained the existence of different energy levels in an atom.
b. It discovered the presence of protons in the nucleus.
c. It explained the electron's wave-particle duality.
d. It introduced the concept of electron orbitals.

Test II. Find the electronegativity difference of the following pair of elements and identify whether the pair of
elements are likely to form an ionic or covalent (polar/nonpolar) compounds. Write your answers on the space
provided. ( 1pt. each)
Pair of elements Electronegativity Difference Polarity of compound
(Ionic, Polar Covalent, Non Polar Covalent)
1.chlorine (Cl2 )
2. silicon dioxide (SO2)
3. rubidium iodide (RbI)
4. hydrogen fluoride (HF)
5. aluminum fluoride (AlF3)

Test III. Identify if the given properties is for Ionic compound or Covalent compound. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.

_______________________1. high polarity _______________________ 6. conduct electricity

_______________________2. soft and flexible _______________________ 7. flammable
_______________________ 3. exist in solid, liquid or gas _______________________ 8. less soluble in water
_______________________ 4. lower melting point _______________________ 9. hard and brittle
_______________________ 5. higher boiling point _______________________ 10. exist as crystalline solids

Test IV. Show how the sharing of electrons form covalent bond in the following compound using Lewis Electron
Dot Structure. (5 pts. each.)

1. methane (CH4) 2. silicon dioxide (SO2)

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