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Writing about Imagine (John Lennon).

The song tell us about a world where there are no problems and where we can live
in peace. I think that it’s something that we can do, but we can’t because we are so
selfish. The thought of people is so close where they only think in their own profit.
We, most of the time, do things without thinking if that, that we do, does wrong to
the others. Up today, people are so proud and insensitive ones with others. I think
also that this can be possible if we leave this way of thinking, and if we also leave
our pride, and we start to help and take care of the people a round us. We decide
how the world is, and if we are aware that what we do can affect the others,
everything could be better for every one. The world was made for us to make good
things and to live in harmony. It’ll be excellent for every one and so wonderful. This
will be a pacific, a patient and a relaxed world, and that’s what we're all looking
for, but the thing is if we would sacrifice ourselves for it.

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