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[10:22pm ] K: feeling how they relax you [10:22pm ] K: guide you [10:22pm ] K: and

for now [10:22pm ] K: arouse you [10:23pm ] K: feeling the first stirrings of
arousal building within you now [10:23pm ] K: sending the smallest bits of pleasure
through your core [10:23pm ] K: slight at first [10:23pm ] K: but slowly growing
within you [10:23pm ] K: as you sink down [10:23pm ] K: deeper and more relaxed
[10:23pm ] K: deeper and more aroused [10:23pm ] K: can you feel it? [10:24pm ] K:
yes, feeling that arousal growing within you [10:24pm ] K: but now perhaps feeling
something new happening [10:24pm ] K: perhaps starting in your feet [10:25pm ] K:
as that arousal seems to spread even more intensely there [10:25pm ] K: and you can
feel it becoming stronger and stronger [10:25pm ] K: as slowly [10:25pm ] K:
sensually [10:25pm ] K: the flesh of those feet seems to fade from your awareness
[10:25pm ] K: melting away [10:25pm ] K: becoming now a silver pool [10:25pm ] K:
or pure [10:25pm ] K: liquid [10:25pm ] K: arousal [10:26pm ] K: still leaving you
every sensation [10:26pm ] K: the wonderful arousal cascading through you
[10:26pm ] K: as every tiny motion [10:26pm ] K: makes delicious ripples and waves
[10:26pm ] K: the send such erotic pleasure [10:26pm ] K: coarsing through you
[10:27pm ] K: as that arousal grows [10:27pm ] K: spreading to your calves and up
your legs now [10:27pm ] K: deliciously aroused [10:27pm ] K: amazingly excited
[10:27pm ] K: as every fibre of your body [10:27pm ] K: from the legs down [10:28pm
] K: seems transformed now [10:28pm ] K: pure pleasure [10:28pm ] K: pure erotic
sensation [10:28pm ] K: feels so very good [10:28pm ] K: doesn't it? [10:28pm ] K:
yes [10:28pm ] K: very nice [10:29pm ] K: body relaxing into it [10:29pm ] K: lost
to the arousal that still spreads [10:29pm ] K: spreading quickly now [10:29pm ] K:
across your upper body [10:29pm ] K: and down through your arms [10:29pm ] K: and
again slowly [10:29pm ] K: slowly [10:29pm ] K: up into your head [10:29pm ] K: as
it enters your head [10:29pm ] K: and your mind [10:30pm ] K: time seeming to slow
for you now [10:30pm ] K: all thought buried within perfect pleasure [10:30pm ] K:
becomeing arousal itself [10:30pm ] K: so that time may seem to stand still now
[10:30pm ] K: seconds passing [10:30pm ] K: minutes [10:30pm ] K: days [10:30pm ]
K: only pleasure left [10:31pm ] K: even the air around you sending the most
delicious ripples of orgasm [10:31pm ] K: waves of pleasure [10:31pm ] K: wave
after wave after wave [10:31pm ] K: all within one great [10:31pm ] K: timeless
moment [10:31pm ] K: until finally [10:32pm ] K: finally you can feel time slowly
beginning to return to you [10:32pm ] K: as your body begins to reform [10:32pm ]
K: body and mind reforming totally [10:32pm ] K: as I count to 5 [10:32pm ] K: with
each number becoming once again whole and complete [10:33pm ] K: free of trance at
the count of 5 [10:33pm ] K: but remembering totally all the delicious sensations
you've experienced [10:33pm ] K: 1 body returning now [10:33pm ] K: 2 beginning to
become alert [10:33pm ] K: 3 more and more [10:33pm ] K: 4 almost there [10:33pm ]
K: 5 awake and alert

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