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Republic of the Philippines

University of Science and Technology of Southern

Philippines Claro M Recto Avenue, Lapasan,
Cagayan de Oro City
Tel. Nos (088) 856-1738/856-1739 Telefax (088) 856-4696

College of Engineering and Architecture

1st Semester
S.Y. 2023 2024

Engineering Management

Samsung C&T Corporation –

A Pillar of South Korean
Innovation and Global


Agbas, Iver
Macas, Marmy Neil
Tubal, Ma. Aubrey


December 2023

Table of Contents
I. Introduction..............................................................................................................................2

IV. Distinctive Features and Competitive Advantage.................................................................4

V. Samsung C&T and Philippines’ EEI Corporation...............................................................5

VI. Risks Encountered...................................................................................................................6

VII. Social Economic Responsibility...............................................................................................6

VIII. Famous Project.........................................................................................................................7

IX. Conclusion.................................................................................................................................8

X. References.................................................................................................................................9

I. Introduction

Samsung C&T Corporation, a distinguished South Korean conglomerate, stands as a

testament to the nation's prowess in business innovation and global leadership. Established
with a commitment to excellence, Samsung C&T has evolved into a multifaceted entity,
offering a diverse array of products and services that span the realms of construction, trading,
and investment. With a rich history dating back to its inception, the company has become
synonymous with cutting-edge technology, strategic diversification, and a relentless pursuit
of quality.

As a dynamic player in the global market, Samsung C&T's business model

encompasses a wide range of products and services, reflecting its adaptability and resilience
in an ever- changing economic landscape. From groundbreaking construction projects to
international trade ventures and strategic investments, the company has positioned itself as a
driving force in various industries, contributing not only to the South Korean economy but
also leaving an indelible mark on the global business stage.

This case study delves into the intricacies of Samsung C&T Corporation, exploring its
historical journey, the breadth of its product and service portfolio, its unique position in the
competitive landscape, the challenges it has faced, and its notable efforts in social and
economic responsibility. Through a closer examination of Samsung C&T, we aim to uncover
the key factors that have propelled the company to prominence and examine the depth of its
impact on both local and international fronts.

II. History of Samsung Corporation (SamsungC&T, 2022)

 1938-1970s: Foundations and Early Growth Samsung C&T Corporation traces its
roots back to 1938 when it was established as the Samsung Trading Company by Lee
Byung- chul in Daegu, South Korea. Initially focusing on food products, textiles, and
other goods, the company played a crucial role in South Korea's post-war
reconstruction. Over the following decades, Samsung expanded its operations,
diversifying into various industries, including construction, insurance, securities, and
 1980s-1990s: Diversification and Global Expansion In the 1980s and 1990s, Samsung
underwent significant diversification and global expansion. The company entered the
construction industry (Samsung Construction Inc., 1977) and began undertaking
major projects both domestically and internationally. Notable projects during this
period included the Seoul Olympic Stadium (1988) and the Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Twin Towers (1994). Samsung's prowess in construction and engineering gained
international recognition, contributing to its status as a global player.
 2000s: Growth and Strategic Transformation The 21st century marked a period of
continued growth and strategic transformation for Samsung C&T. The corporation
expanded its portfolio to include engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC)
services, further solidifying its position in the global construction market. The
acquisition of Samsung Corporation's various affiliates, such as Samsung Engineering
and Samsung Heavy Industries, enhanced the company's capabilities across multiple
 2010s-Present: Innovation and Sustainability In recent years, Samsung C&T has
prioritized innovation and sustainability in its business practices. The company has
been involved in landmark projects globally, contributing to the construction of iconic
structures such as the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. With a commitment to green building
practices and environmentally conscious projects, Samsung C&T has aligned itself
with the evolving demands of the modern world.

III. Products Offered (SamsungC&T, Business, 2022)

 Construction and Engineering: Renowned for its expertise in construction,

undertaking projects ranging from skyscrapers and bridges to infrastructure and
residential developments. They are the contractors in building Incheon Bridge,
Raemian, Nuclear Power Plants and Burj Khalifa
 Trading and Investment: Engages in global trade, dealing with various commodities
and goods. Strategically invests in various industries, contributing to its business
growth and economic impact. They trade chemicals and steel globally, they are also a
full-line energy provider and solution provider in industrial materials.
 Fashion and Resort: Samsung C&T has been involved in the fashion and retail
industry, including the operation of fashion businesses and the development of resorts
and leisure facilities. They own the fashion brands Beanpole and 8Seconds, as well as
the water park resorts Everland and Caribbean Bay.
 Samsung Electronics: A global technology conglomerate that designs, manufactures,
and sells a wide range of consumer electronics, including smartphones, TVs, home
appliances, and semiconductor products
IV. Distinctive Features and Competitive Advantage
Samsung C&T stands out from its competitors due to its strong focus on
innovation and cutting-edge technology. They continuously strive to adopt advanced
engineering techniques and innovative materials to ensure sustainable and efficient
construction practices. By integrating their various business sectors, Samsung C&T
can provide comprehensive solutions, giving them a competitive edge in the market.
This integrated approach allows them to leverage expertise across different domains,
providing clients with a one-stop solution for their construction needs. Additionally,
Samsung C&T's commitment to research and development enables them to stay at the
forefront of technological advancements within the construction industry, further
enhancing their competitive advantage.

V. Samsung C&T and Philippines’ EEI Corporation

EEI Corporation, based in the Philippines, and Samsung C\&T Construction

Company, based in South Korea, are two prominent players in the construction industry that
have established themselves through their performance and reputation. Despite operating in
different countries, they share similarities and differences in several aspects. EEI
Corporation has a long-standing history in the Philippines and has been involved in
numerous infrastructure projects, earning a solid reputation for delivering high-quality
results. They have completed various projects, including highways, airports, and power
plants in the country (Corporation, 2023). This experience has positioned them as a reliable
and trusted construction firm. On the other hand, Samsung C&T Construction Company is a
globally recognized construction firm with extensive experience in both domestic and
international markets. They have built a strong reputation for undertaking large-scale
projects and are known for their innovation and efficiency. Their project portfolio includes
high-rise buildings, industrial facilities, and large-scale infrastructure development around
the world.
In terms of technical expertise, EEI Construction Company showcases proficiency in
various construction disciplines, ranging from civil engineering to mechanical and electrical
systems. Their diverse skill set enables them to implement complex infrastructure projects.
Samsung C\&T Construction Company, meanwhile, is known for its technological
advancements and innovative solutions in the construction industry. They utilize advanced
construction methods and technologies to enhance project efficiency and outcomes.
When it comes to financial resources, Samsung C&T Construction Company has a
significant advantage over EEI Corporation due to its larger scale of operations and access
to substantial capital. As a global conglomerate, they have the resources to undertake larger
and more complex projects. While EEI Construction Company may not have the same
financial backing, its strong reputation and established presence in the Philippines enable
them to secure projects and successfully deliver them. Both EEI Corporation and Samsung
C&T Construction Company prioritize sustainability in their construction practices. EEI
Corporation implements green building initiatives and considers sustainable design
principles in their projects. Samsung C&T Construction Company has a specific focus on
environmentally friendly construction practices, energy efficiency, and reducing carbon

VI. Risks Encountered
Like any company operating in the construction industry, Samsung C&T faces
certain risks. Economic fluctuations and geopolitical uncertainties pose challenges to project
profitability and investment decisions. Changes in government policies, variations in material
costs, and regional instabilities can all impact the construction industry and create risks for
companies operating within it. Furthermore, competition with other construction firms,
particularly in international markets, presents its own set of obstacles. Companies must
continuously monitor market conditions, adapt to changing circumstances, and manage risks
effectively to maintain profitability and sustainability.

VII. Social Economic Responsibility

Samsung C&T places high importance on social economic responsibility and
endeavors to make a positive impact on society. They actively engage in environmental
preservation efforts by implementing sustainable practices in their construction projects.
Additionally, Samsung C&T promotes diversity and inclusion within its workforce, ensuring
equal opportunities and fair treatment for all employees. The company also significantly
contributes to social welfare programs, supporting community development initiatives.
Safety is a top priority for Samsung C&T as well, as they maintain stringent safety protocols
and promote occupational health and safety practices on their construction sites, ensuring the
well-being of workers and minimizing accidents.
 Ontario Wind and Solar Power Cluster Development Project (SamsungC&T,
Environment, 2022) - The completion of the Ontario Wind and Solar Power Cluster
Development Project, particularly the North Kent 1 Wind project in Phase 3,
signifies a major success for Samsung C&T and the Canadian government,
showcasing the company's dedication to sustainable energy solutions and
contributing significantly to Ontario's increased wind and solar power generation
capacity, emphasizing the pivotal role of public-private partnerships in advancing
large-scale sustainable energy initiatives.
 Samsung C&T regards site safety (SamsungC&T, Society, 2022) - Samsung C&T
places utmost importance on on-site safety, focusing on strengthening and implementing
a robust safety and health management system. The company has reinforced its
management structure by obtaining ISO 45001 certification, a globally recognized safety
management standard. This dedication extends to ensuring the well-being of employees
and visitors at Samsung C&T business sites and partner companies through a
comprehensive, site-centric safety management approach.

 Water and Waste Recycling System- As a construction company, they take responsibility
for post-construction waste through a recycling system, reusing circular materials and soil.
In June 2022, 202,000 tons of waste were repurposed as site fill, and damaged safety
helmets were was melted to create employee cardholders. Their water recycling
initiative involves using contaminated water from construction sites to reduce dust,
with ongoing assessment of its effectiveness since its implementation last year.
VIII. Famous Project
One of Samsung C&T's most renowned projects is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United
Arab Emirates. As the main contractor for this architectural marvel, Samsung C&T played a
crucial role in the construction of the world's tallest building. The Burj Khalifa stands at an
astonishing height of 828 meters and encompasses many uses, including residential,
commercial, and leisure spaces. Samsung C&T's expertise in managing complex projects and
coordinating with various stakeholders contributed to the successful completion of this iconic
skyscraper. This project not only added prestige to Samsung C&T's portfolio but also
demonstrated their ability to deliver outstanding construction solutions on a grand scale.

Figure 1: Burj Khalifa during the construction

IX. Conclusion
In conclusion, Samsung C&T Corporation stands as a testament to South Korea's
business innovation and global leadership. From its humble beginnings as the Samsung
Trading Company, the company has evolved into a multifaceted conglomerate offering
construction, trading, and investment services. With a rich history spanning several decades,
Samsung C&T has become synonymous with cutting-edge technology, strategic
diversification, and a relentless pursuit of quality.
The company's business model reflects its adaptability and resilience in an ever-
changing economic landscape. From construction projects to international trade ventures
and strategic investments, Samsung C&T has positioned itself as a driving force in various
industries, contributing to the South Korean economy and leaving a mark on the global
business stage.
Samsung C&T's diverse product and service portfolio includes construction and
engineering, trading and investment, fashion and resort, and Samsung Electronics. Its strong
focus on innovation and cutting-edge technology, as well as its integrated approach to
providing comprehensive solutions, gives Samsung C&T a competitive advantage in the
When compared to EEI Corporation, a top-performing construction company in the
Philippines, Samsung C&T stands out with its global recognition and extensive experience
in both domestic and international markets. While EEI Corporation has a strong reputation
in the Philippines and showcases proficiency in various construction disciplines, Samsung
C&T is known for its technological advancements, innovative solutions, and access to
substantial financial resources.
As with any company in the construction industry, Samsung C&T faces risks such as
economic fluctuations, geopolitical uncertainties, and competition with other firms.
However, the company actively manages these risks and prioritizes sustainability in its
construction practices, environmental preservation efforts, diversity and inclusion within its
workforce, and social welfare programs.

X. References
SamsungC&T. (2022). Business. Retrieved from

SamsungC&T. (2022). Environment. Retrieved from

SamsungC&T. (2022). History of Samsung C&T. Retrieved from Samsung C&T:

SamsungC&T. (2022). Society. Retrieved from

EEI Corporation. (2023). Retrieved from Our Company:


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