Khin Su @analysis Essay

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Khin Su

Prof. Chong Min

Analysis Essay
March 14,2024

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of adjusting clocks forward by one hour in the
spring and back by one hour in the fall to make better use of daylight during the longer days
of summer. This practice has been in place in the United States since 1918 and was initially
implemented to conserve resources during World War I. Proponents of DST argue that it has
several benefits, including energy savings and increased safety.

Firstly, one of the arguments in favor of DST is its potential to save energy. Studies from the
1970s have shown that DST can save about 1% per day in energy costs. This is because more
sunlight in the evening means less need for artificial lighting and appliances, which are major
consumers of electricity.Moreover, this aligns with the original argument put forth by
Benjamin Franklin in 1784, who believed that adjusting the clocks to make better use of
daylight would result in energy savings.

Secondly, supporters of DST claim that it can lead to increased safety. Research has shown
that having more daylight in the evening can reduce the number of accidents involving
pedestrians and vehicle occupants. Studies have found an 8–11% reduction in pedestrian
crashes and a 6–10% decrease in crashes for vehicle occupants after the spring shift to DST.
This suggests that having more daylight in the evening can make commuting safer for
individuals because people are more likely to be out in the evening while daylight hours after
work or school. This has been supported by studies that show a decrease in crime rates
following the implementation of DST.

on the other hand, critics of DST argue that the benefits of the practice may not outweigh the
costs. A study in California in 2007 found that DST had little to no effect on energy
consumption that year. Another study in Indiana showed that residents spent more money on
energy and air pollution increased after the state switched to DST. Critics also point to safety
concerns, with research showing an increase in pedestrian fatalities immediately after the
clocks are set back in the fall.

In conclusion, the debate over the benefits and drawbacks of Daylight Saving Time continues
to divide opinions. While supporters argue that DST can lead to energy savings, increased
safety, and reduced crime rates, critics raise concerns about the actual impact on energy
consumption and safety. Further research and analysis may be needed to determine the true
effects of DST on society.

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