Understanding The Selp

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Understanding The Self: Political Self


Political self under the subject of understanding the self together with some of my invited guests
here in my channel… I have prepared some questions for them but before we start let me introduce
the guests I’ve mentioned.

(dito yung edited na pagpapakilala sa mga vloggers na invited. Janella, jhuana,Rovie, Joshua & rans)

Hi guys!

(isa-isang babati kay kim yung iba )

Now let me start this vlog with some questions for you guys, I want to know you opinions first.


JHUANA: let me answer first, for me, the reason behind kung bakit may mga taong madaling
magpasunod ng mga tao either good or bad way is siguro because nakikitaan sila ng attitude of being a
leader. May mga tao kasing gano'n e. Makikita mo agad sa kanina yung potential on how they handle
people. Other reason pa is they use flowery words or magaling silang makipag usap sa tao. They look
so confident kapag nagsaasalita kaya very convincing and persuading talaga.

ROVIE: I think it’s because they have powers, powers that comes in there position like they are
famous, presidents, leaders or maybe they are adults. But in ordinary people ,maybe because they
give threats or they are just too scared thats why they follow that person.

JANELLA: I believe that certain people, through their actions, appear more authoritative and
present themselves as someone who you can trust. As a result, persuading others to follow their
lead becomes easier for them. Another consideration is that a person may have had a previous
leadership experience, which influences others to follow them since they are certain that this
person knows what they are doing.

KIM: Joshua?

JOSHUA: In my opinion, the reason why it’s easy for some people to convince others to follow them
is simply that most people are easily led. The people who usually are most easily led are those who
some people find most easy to lead. Followers look for leaders, while leaders look for followers.
Actually di ko alam kung ikocondsider ko ang sarili kung leader ba ako o isang follower , basta
nagbibigay ako ng support sa taong gustong mag lead.

KIM: For me, Persuading the public is frequently a real aim of politicians seeking to achieve
their policy agendas. As you can see in reality, some people can easily persuade others by
presenting what they are capable of, and others use their influence to persuade them. Some
people choose who they will persuade, based on who they know who can relate to and
motivate them. But everyone has point, Now lets move on to our next question..WHY IS IT EASY

JHUANA: siguro due to lack of knowledge and ignorance. Kasi as we observe, kapag kulang ka sa
knowledge, you tend to believe on everything that they say kasi nga, wala kang alam, hindi ka well-
educated about that certain topic. Ignorance naman is ganon din e pero parang mas ineemphasize lang
yung experience mo about doon. So bale, madali kang macoconvince if yung taong yon is may
experience na. Kunwari, example is school based elections, kadalasan nare re-elect lang yung mga
previous officers kasi diba, sila yung may experience sa ganong field kaya yung vote ng marami, mas
assured sa part nya.

ROVIE: for me they convinced easly because they trust that person or maybe she/he have an idea
about that issue like they can tell to themselves that it is possible to happen that is why they

JANELLA: Some individuals are readily persuaded, especially when they are given material.
Whether the information is accurate or not, when it is conveyed well, it can have a serious
influence on others. People are also easily persuaded when everything around them is influenced
by the same thing; us humans prefer to mirror one another's actions in order to form social
bonds. As a consequence, certain people will conform to what is presented to them, towards what
appears to be right, particularly for those who lack the knowledge to make better decisions and
perhaps those who have fears, which many politicians use to persuade and influence others.

JOSHUA: it may be because a leader is smart and sociable with the people, it may also be because of
the promises of aspiring leaders that people like, and even more so that people see the potential to
be a good and reliable leader.

KIM: So most people are easily led, which makes it easy for some people to persuade others
to follow them. For me, the reason why some people are readily persuaded is because they
either don't have a strong choice; have strong convictions; or are related to the person who
persuades them.

Now for my last question which is, WOULD A PERSON’S TRAIT AND VALUES IMPACT ITS

JHUANA: yes it would really have an impact. Example ulit, kung sa sarili mo alam mong generous ka at
aware ka rin na maganda yung effect ng pagiging generous sa society, syempre diba you'll find the
candidate na with same attitude as you. It also affects also on how you will decide which one to

ROVIE: for me yes , because there are political ideologies that may correlate to ones own beliefs and

JANELLA: Yes, I believe that your values shape and determine who you are politically. Your
political self is influenced by the values you obtained and absorbed in everyday situations, as well
as beliefs and ideals you've been exposed to since you were a child. Those same values will shape
and mold your own political values over time. Everything you've been taught, every piece of
information you've been given, and everything you've been introduced to will soon become the
bedrock of who you are politically. In terms of a person's trait, I don't believe it has much of an
impact on their political self. I'm not sure; it could vary from individual to individual.

JOSHUA: Yes, I think your “political self” reflects your values . Ang iyong mga values naman ay
resulta ng iyong buhay na karanasan, ibig sabihin, kung ano ang mga paksang pampulitika na tinalakay sa
bahay, kung ano ang itinuro sa iyo sa paaralan, kung ano ang nalantad sa iyong mga unang taon bilang
isang may sapat na gulang, kung ano ang tinatalakay ng iyong mga pangkat sa lipunan. Over time your
political values will evolve and take shape as a consequence of such experiences. Consciously or sub-
consciously you adopt what you believe in and embrace these. And presumably in real life you practise
what you embrace.

KIM: Yes, since it influences how you think or behave in a given scenario, but values and
traits are not entirely relevant. As a political self includes Honing your powers of perception
and also process of making decisions. It expresses how social and economic factors have a
significant impact on a person's mental health and well-being.

Now me and my friends will explain to you guys what Political self is, if you wanna know more
about it then please keep on watching.

Person 1:

 Two Types of Motives of Social Influence

 Normative Influence- We conform so that we can fit with the expectation of others (fit
to what others are doing)

EX: Hindi ka gutom pero since you’re surrounded by people eating mapapa kain kana rin so that you can
fit with that surrounding of yours.

 Information Influence- Conform base on accepting information obtained from others as

evidence of reality.

EX: we wash our hands because the doctors or health professionals have told us washing our hands
helps us to reduce the risk that we may catch the virus. (in this case, hindi natin ito ginagawa para sa
ibang tao, ginagawa natin ito dahil may evidence na natutulungan nga tayo nito, o ginagawa rin natin ito
dahil isang professional ang nag sabi meaning, may experience o may kaalaman ito tungkol sa bagay na
ito and that is counted as fact)

Person 2:

 Leadership- The Process by which Certain group members motivate and guide the group.
(Having leadership skills will not only be beneficial when you are a leader, it can also be beneficial to
you even in non-leadership situation)


 Asking for opinions of others

 Giving information to others
 Instructing to those who dosen’t know what they are doing

Person 3:

 Theories of leadership
 Psychological Needs

David Mclelland (Believed that we have three psychological needs)


EX: You are the Elder in the Family, A leader in the classroom or a teacher (if you are a
teacher you need a power, in order for your students to obey you, or follow you) If You are in politics
you need to have high need of power, for other people to believe in you and follow you.


Desire to please others, desire to be like by other.

Ex: You are singing so that a lot of people will like you.


Need to reach your goals, to be competitive to fulfill for achievements.

(According to Mclelland that everyone of us has these needs, each persons manifest these needs, but
has different needs. Some may need to be a need for power, some may need for affiliation)

(leader is someone with high need for power but low in affiliation.)

Mcclelland is telling us that a leader should have a power that can command others, but at the same
time who doesn’t want to please others. Since it’s hard to please everyone, a leader can be someone
who is disliked, someone that doesn’t please everyone as long as he has a high need for power.

Person 4:



Motivation to lead as a result of a desire to be in charge and lead others.

(you want to be in charge)


Those who seek leadership positions because they will result in personal gain.

Ex. Sinabi ng teacher na exempted na sa quiz ang leader, kaya ka nag volunteer. Kasi you will get
something, benefit from it selfish desire


Desire to lead out of a sense of duty or responsibility

(Desire to lead out of a sense of duty or responsibility, they may not like being a leader but they have
to lead because it’s their responsibility)

Ex. ELDEST sibling in the family will become the leader of the family because he is the eldest.

Person 5:



1. INSTRUMENTAL – leaders who plan and organizes for their subordinates. (they give

Ex. You’re the boss in the organization and you want your member to become or be able to
finish his degree so you will give him a plan to follow in order to get his degree.

2. SUPPORTIVE – leaders who shows concern to their subordinates. (those who asks their
subordinates “How are you doing?” “Are you happy with your job?”)
3. PARTICIPATIVE – leaders who allow subordinates to participate in decision making. (leader
na nagtatanong sa members ng suggestions)
4. ACHIEVEMENT ORIENTED – sets challenges and rewards achievements.

KIM: That is all for this vlog guys! I hope you learn something from us, and see you on my next video,

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