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Aggressive Behavior and Altered Amounts of Brain Serotonin and Norepinephrine in Mice

Lacking MAOA
Author(s): Olivier Cases, Isabelle Seif, Joseph Grimsby, Patricia Gaspar, Kevin Chen,
Sandrine Pournin, Ulrike Müller, Michel Aguet, Charles Babinet, Jean Chen Shih and
Edward De Maeyer
Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 268, No. 5218 (Jun. 23, 1995), pp. 1763-1766
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science
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Accessed: 17-09-2016 05:14 UTC

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by X-linked inheritance. By reverse tran-

Aggressive Behavior and Altered Amounts of
scriptase-rnediated PCR (RT-PCR), IFN-P
Brain Serotonin and Norepinephrine in RNA was detected in the testis and spleen
but not in the brain. Because this suggested
Mice Lacking MAOA that the abnormal behavior of Tg8 mice
was not due to IFN-3, we examined the
Olivier Cases, Isabelle Seif,* Joseph Grimsby, Patricia Gaspar, behavior of the F2 progeny of Tg8 females
Kevin Chen, Sandrine Pournin, Ulrike Muller, Michel Aguet, mated to knockout males lacking the IFN-P
Charles Babinet, Jean Chen Shih, Edward De Maeyer receptor (6). F2 and F3 pups having the
IFN-3 transgene but no IFN-3 receptor dis-
Deficiency in monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), an enzyme that degrades serotonin and played the same abnormal behavior as Tg8
norepinephrine, has recently been shown to be associated with aggressive behavior in pups and were used to rule out the possibil-
men of a Dutch family. A line of transgenic mice was isolated in which transgene inte- ity of IFN-3 affecting the phenotypic fea-
gration caused a deletion in the gene encoding MAOA, providing an animal model of tures of Tg8 mice.
MAOA deficiency. In pup brains, serotonin concentrations were increased up to ninefold, By inverse PCR (7) done on Tg8 DNA
and serotonin-like immunoreactivity was present in catecholaminergic neurons. In pup with transgene primers, we obtained 2.0 kb
and adult brains, norepinephrine concentrations were increased up to twofold, and of the two genomic regions flanking the
cytoarchitectural changes were observed in the somatosensory cortex. Pup behavioral transgene. We then isolated the junctions
alterations, including trembling, difficulty in righting, and fearfulness were reversed by the by inverse PCR done on C3H DNA with
serotonin synthesis inhibitor parachlorophenylalanine. Adults manifested a distinct be- primers derived from the flanking regions,
havioral syndrome, including enhanced aggression in males. and it appeared that transgene integration
had caused a genomic deletion of at least 1
kb. The 2-kb flanking sequences and 1-kb
deleted sequences were not found in the
In the debate surrounding advances in by injecting an IFN-1 minigene into one- GenBank and European Molecular Biology
genetic research on aggressive behavior cell embryos of C3H/HeJ (C3H) mice. The Laboratory databases but were mapped to a
(1), transgenic animal models carrying minigene was devised to evaluate the po- 3-million-base pair (bp) X-chromnosome re-
single gene defects are of critical impor- tential of the gene encoding IFN-1 for an- gion containing several genes (8), including
tance. We describe transgenic mice lack- tiviral gene therapy. We describe the trans- the genes encoding MAOA and MAOB.
ing MAOA as a result of the integration of genic line Tg(H2-IFN-4)8 (Tg8), which RT-PCR done on total RNA from Tg8
an interferon 3 (IFN-3) transgene into was initially characterized by the X-linked spleen or testes, with two primers derived
the gene encoding MAOA, and report recessive abnormal behavior of mouse pups. from rat MAOA exons 1 and 8 (9), showed
that MAOA-deficient males show in- By Southern (DNA) blot hybridization that the MAOA RNA of Tg8 mice, instead
creased aggressiveness. MAOA and mono- and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a of occurring as a single species as did the
amine oxidase B (MAOB) are mitochon- single minigene copy was found in Tg8 MAOA RNA of C3H mice, consisted of at
drially located enzymes with overlapping DNA (5). This transgene was transmitted least four smaller species (Fig. IA). PCR on
substrate specificities and tissue distribu-
tions. They inactivate neuroactive amines
such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepi- Fig. 1. MAOA RNA of A 15 8
nephrine. MAOA and MAOB are encod- Tg8 mice. (A) Represen-
tation of the Tg8 gene SA S
ed by separate genes that are closely linked
encoding MAOA be-
on the X chromosome, and they share
tween exons 1 and 8 (the
70% similarity in amino acid sequence
(2). The loss of both MAO genes may be
gene for MAOA probably - -
has 15 exons) and struc- " " "
implicated in the severe mental retarda- ture of the four species _ - _ _ -_
tion of some patients with Norrie disease of MAOA RNA detected " --v ,-
(3), and recently a family has been de- by RT-PCR. The species --
scribed in which a point mutation in the containing IFN-f se- ---- ------ - -- -,, - -
gene encoding MAOA abolishes MAOA quences (an exon of 199
catalytic activity and is associated with bp) results from splicing B SA SD
impulsive aggression (4). events between legiti- AGGACATCTCCCACGT
mate MAOA splice sites I
and cryptic IFN-f splice C
sites (SA and SD, accep-
0. Cases, I. Seif, E. De Maeyer, Centre National de la tor
to r and and
do no donr
r sites stes I G G G I S G L int
Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Unit6 de Recherche As- present in antisense GTTCTGGAAGCCCGGGATAGAGTTGGAGGAAGAACATATACTGTGAGG int 2 AA
Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Southern
che M6dicale, Unit6 106, Hopital de la Salpetriere, 75651 site. The MAOA exon 2 ACCTCTCGGATATTCTCAGTCACCAATGGCGGCCAG int 6 GAACGGAAATTTGTAGGTGGCTCTGGCCAA
S. Pournin and C. Babinet, CNRS, URA 361, Institut
Pasteur, 75724 Paris, France.
U. Muller, Institute of Molecular Biology I, University of quence (TGTTAAC), as
Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland. opposed to the cryptic acceptor SA. (C) C3H MAOA sequences obtained by RT-PCR between exo
M. Aguet, Genentech, South San Francisco, CA 94080, and 8. The Tg8 RNA splice between exons 1 and 4 causes a reading frame shift, and the IFN-f ex
the hybrid RNA species does not restore the normal reading frame. Internal initiation of transla
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. occur at ACAATG within exon 4.

SCIENCE * VOL. 268 * 23 JUNE 1995 1763

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Tg8 DNA indicated that exons 2 and 3 propensity to bite the experimenter; (iv) static, hunched, fluffed-fur posture after the
were missing. The deletion encompassing hunched posture; and (v) bat and ball pos- first olfactory stimulus. Alterations were
MAOA exons 2 and 3 was estimated by tures with hindlimb crossing upon suspen- also seen in mating behavior. When
Southem blot analysis to span 17 kb. sion by the tail (12). Postural traits were 2-month-old virgin Tg8 males were tested
Any truncated polypeptide that could be well reproduced in 12-day-old C3H pups by individually for 30 min with a nonreceptive
synthesized from the various Tg8 MAOA a single injection of clorgyline, whereas the virgin C3H female, the courtship differed
RNA species (Fig. IC) was expected to be other behaviors, particularly auditory star- from that of C3H males in that it was
devoid of catalytic activity, because MAO tle, were not fully obtained even when clor- disrupted by episodes of grasping [12 ? 2
exon 2 encodes part of the Poc4 unit that isgyline was administered from birth (30 mg/ grasping events (mean + SEM, n = 5)] that
required to position the cofactor FAD (10). kg per day). were reflected by increased frequency and
Using serotonin as a substrate, we found Adult mice had a different pattern of intensity of female squeaking (113 + 20
that MAOA activity was abolished in the behavioral alterations. Males housed in versus 28 ? 8 squeaks, P < 0.001). In the
brain and liver (Table 1). In contrast, groups from the time of weaning showed Porsolt's swim test (14), Tg8 adults, instead
MAOB activity on phenylethylamine was signs of offensive aggressive behavior (13) of mostly floating, made persistent attempts
not altered ( 1). (Fig. 2B), notably bite wounds on genitals to escape, which corresponds to what is
All Tg8 pups displayed the same pattem and rump, which were most apparent from observed when normal mice receive MAO
of altered behavior, which varied with age. the age of 3 months (areas scabbed over, inhibitors and other antidepressants. For
Chronic administration of the serotonin with fur missing; in 6- to 12-week-old indi- 9-week-old mice, the time spent immobile
synthesis inhibitor parachlorophenylala- viduals, wounds were detected by palpa- in water, in a test of 4 min (after 2 min for
nine (PCPA) [300 mg per kilogram of body tion). We investigated aggression in Tg8 habituation), was 200 ? 7 s for C3H fe-
weight per day, subcutaneous (SC)] re- males in two different resident-intruder males (mean ? SEM, n = 15), 84 + 12 s for
versed to normal all the behavioral traits of tests (Fig. 2, C and D). Tg8 resident males Tg8 females, 156 ? 12 s for C3H males, and
Tg8 pups, whereas none of the traits were attacked the intruder faster than did C3H 37 ? 8 s for Tg8 males (P < 0.001). In the
modified by the catecholamine synthesis residents. In the interval preceding the on- open field test as described by Chen et al.
inhibitor alpha-methylparatyrosine (300 set of attack, C3H residents displayed in- (1), Tg8 adults stayed a longer time in the
mg/kg per day, SC). In newboms, the first tense social investigation and home cage center, with much hesitation as to which
sign of abnormal behavior was intense head checking, whereas Tg8 residents adopted a direction to take, and it remains to be de-
nodding. Between days 5 and 10, the pat-
tern included (i) trembling upon locomo-
tion and suspension by the tail, (ii) pro- Fig. 2. Behavioral alterations A B

longed righting (Fig. 2A), (iii) moving of Tg8 mice. (A) Righting re- 30 - -C3H (n= 25) 10 * Wounded
backward instead of pivoting when placed sponse. Pups were separated 5 +Tg8 (n= 25)
from their dam, isolated in a 825 8
on a new surface, and (iv) prolonged and
bare cage at 200C for 3 min to 20
stronger reactions to pinching. These be- wake them up, and placed on _ E 6
haviors could be reproduced in C3H pups, 0m)15 0
their backs. The graph gives c 4
but with less intensity, by daily injection of the mean time for the pups to Z 10 E
the MAOA inhibitor clorgyline (30 mg/kg turn over with an upper limit of j z 2
per day, SC). Between days 11 and 16, Tg8 1 min (mean of the mean of 5 z H
mice showed (i) frantic running and falling five consecutive time points O 3 0
over, jumping, or prompt digging to hide for each pup ? SEM). Tg8 Age (days) Age (months)
pups turned over with forceful
under woodshavings in response to moder-
movements and excitation, C D
ate sound and movement; (ii) sleep accom-
panied by violent shaking and jumps caus- whereas C3H pups acted 16 - C3H(n 30) 8 0 Tg8 (n 20)
calmly. (B) Aggression be- 14 7T )
ing frequent dispersion of littermates; (iii) tween Tg8 male cage mates. 12X
The plot represents a 1-day E 10 E 5
survey of skin wounds in 2- to ? 8 4
Table 1. MAOA activity in the brain and liver of
7-month-old males housed in @ 8
Tg8 and C3H mice. MAOA activity (in nanomoles
groups from the time of wean- E 4 :E * *
per 20 min per milligram of protein) was deter-
mined by use of 14C-labeled serotonin (5-HT) as ing (1 2 cages; in the one cage z
substrate (23) and, when necessary, by addition
of unwounded 4-month-old 21
of 1 -6 M L-deprenyl (dep) to inhibit interference mice, two individuals were 0 l - 0
by MAOB, which was abundant in liver tissue (as wounded 2 weeks later). In the 01 1-2 2-3 34 4-5 510 01 1-2 23
compared with MAOA, MAOB has less affinity for control survey, no wounded Latency to first attack (min) Latency to first a
5-HT and greater affinity for L-deprenyl). Each val- individuals were found among
ue corresponds to one mouse (average of a du- 2- to 8-month-old C3H males housed in groups from the time of weaning (173 males in 22 cages). Skin
plicated sample, with less than 10% variation). wounds were not present in Tg8 and C3H female groups. (C) Latency to the first appearance of biting
Similar results were obtained with other sets of attack in resident-intruder tests after a long period of breeding. Each 6-month-old resident was given
mice of various ages (8 to 400 days old). a single 1 0-min encounter in his home cage with a 2-month-old C3H intruder. The 30 Tg8 residents
and 30 C3H residents were housed with a female from the age of 2 months and reared several litters.
C3H at day Tg8 at day The 60 intruders were housed in groups of 10 from the time of weaning; attack latency (mean ? SEM)
Tissue of Tg8 and C3H residents was 74 ? 10 s and 237 ? 18 s, respectively (t test; t(58) = 7.90, P < 0.0001).
14 30 90 14 30 90 (D) Latency to the first appearance of biting attack in resident-intruder tests after a period of isolation.
Tg8 and C3H males were individually housed for 5 weeks beginning at weaning and were given single
Brain 20.9 22.0 14.0 0.1 * 0.4 0.4 3-min encounters (a short time to allow further testing) in their home cages with 2-month-old C3H
Liver 7.1 5.5 3.9 2.5 1 .5 1 .4
intruders. Attack latency of Tg8 and C3H residents was 1 10 ? 12 s and 172 ? 4 s, respectively (P <
Liver+ dep 3.9 2.9 1.8 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.0001). One month later, the residents were given single 1 0-min encounters in their home cages with
*Twenty-five percent above a blank that had BALB/cJ
no homo-intruders: Attack latency of Tg8 and C3H residents was 27 ? 6 s and 252 ? 35
genate. s, respectively (P < 0.0001).

1764 SCIENCE * VOL. 268 * 23 JUNE 1995

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termined whether this behavior corre- or lazabemide (60 mg/kg, IP) (16), two not aggravate the behavioral traits of 12-
sponds to sensory or cognitive deficits or MAOB
to inhibitors differing in several phar- day-old Tg8 mice.
reduced fear. For 12-week-old mice, the macological properties. These treatments Comparison of the amount of serotonin
time spent in the center of the field was 10 did not overtly affect C3H behavior but (5-HT), dopamine (DA), and norepineph-
? 2 s for C3H females (mean + SEM, n = caused, in Tg8 adults, restlessness and at- rine (NE) in Tg8 and C3H brains showed
13), 93 + 34 s for Tg8 females, 20 + 4 s for tentional deficit, which disrupted social in- an increase in all three amines in Tg8
C3H males, and 118 + 27 s for Tg8 males teraction, feeding, and self-grooming, be- brains (Fig. 3). The elevation in DA was
(P < 0.001). In the beam-walking test, Tg8 ginning within 2 hours after injection and slight, although the DA metabolite dihy-
adults grasped the edge of the beam with lasting for at least 3 hours (17). droxyphenylacetic acid was markedly de-
hindlimbs while walking (15), whereas C3H In the rodent brain, MAOB activity is creased (3.5 times less at 3 months). The
adults were sure-footed (it should be noted low at birth and increases during the first amount of 5-HT was considerably increased
that adult Tg8 and C3H mice are blind, as month (partly due to gliogenesis), whereas in Tg8 pups (ninefold at day 1 and sixfold at
they carry a retinal degeneration gene). MAOA activity is close to adult amounts day 12) and returned to normal in older
A particular behavioral test to distin- from the first week on (18). This develop- mice, whereas the amount of the 5-HT
guish MAOA-deficient adults from normal mental difference may explain why the phe- metabolite 5-HIAA (probably produced by
adults consisted in giving an injection of notype of Tg8 mouse pups was more severe MAOB) was considerably decreased in Tg8
L-deprenyl [15 mg/kg, intraperitoneal (IP)] than that of adults, and why L-deprenyl did pups and returned to normal in older mice.
The MAOB inhibitor L-deprenyl (15 mg/
kg, IP) elicited within 3 hours a greater
Fig. 3. Amounts of 5-HT, 5-HIM, 2500 J C3H = 500 increase in 5-HT in Tg8 than in C3H
DA, and NE in whole brains from Xg 200 T98 m 400 brains (2.5-fold versus 1.2-fold in 4-month-
Tg8 and C3H mice. Values from a old males) and caused the near disappear-
HPLC assays (24) are expressed in o 1500 300 ance of 5-HIAA in Tg8 brains but no de-
picogram per milligram of wet brain E j JJ4j12 jjf J
crease in 5-HIAA in C3H brains. This sug-
and represent the mean + SEM (n > 100 2 200 gests that the role of MAOB in 5-HT oxi-
=4, 5, 7, 8, 4, 4, and 2). Mice were 1 50 < 100
dation in the brain in vivo is more
of both sexes and various ages (ex- o
important than can be predicted from in
cept for the 3-month-old mice, 8 1 28 46 90 210 1 8 12 28 46 90 210
which were males only) and were vitro tests (Table 1).
housed in groups according to sex 1600 - 1500 In 7-day-old Tg8 pups, the density of
beginning at weaning (except for e fibers stained by 5-HT immunochemistry
the 7-month-old mice, which were S 120 1200 was enhanced in several brain regions
breeding pairs). 80 900 (such as the striatum, cerebral cortex, and
the hilus of the dentate gyrus), and 5-HT-
800 ~ ~ ~ w 0 like staining was abnormally present in cat-
echolaminergic neurons of the locus coer-
0 ~~~~z uleus and nigral complex (A8, A9, and
1 8 12 28 46 90210 1 8 12 28 46 90210
Age (days) Al0) (Fig. 4, D and E). These neurons
showed no immunoreactivity to the 5-HT-
synthesizing enzyme tryptophan hydroxy-
lase (TPH), and during chronic administra-
tion of the TPH inhibitor PCPA (300 mg/
kg per day, SC), they did not remain im-
munoreactive to antibody to 5-HT. Thus,
the presence of 5-HT immunoreactivity
probably corresponds to 5-HT uptake (19)

ge I L and the likely absence of MAOB in this

category of neurons (20). In contrast, in
10-week-old Tg8 mice, the distribution and
density of 5-HT-immunoreactive cell bod-
ies and fibers appeared normal. One of the
possibilities to explain the difference be-
tween pups and adults is that 5-HT may be
captured by MAOB-rich cells in adults
(such as mature glial cells) (20).
It is well documented that in the so-
matosensory cortex of normal pups, sero-
Fig. 4. Abnormal 5HT immunostaining in 7dayold Tg8 brains. (A through tonergicC) afferents
Coronal show a pattern
sections ofthat coin-
brain. (D through F) Corresponding sections of Tg8 brain. 5-HT polyclonal cides withantibody was
cylindrical used at (barrels)
aggregates a dilution
of 1: 15,000 and was revealed by a streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase complex andin
granule cells by diaminobenzidine.
layer In
IV (21). Instead of this
the locus coeruleus (Ic) [(A) and (D)] substantia nigra (sn) and ventral tegmental area (vta) [(B) and (E],
disjunctive pattern (Fig. 4C), the somato-
5-HT like immunoreactivity is present in terminal fibers and medial forebrain bundle (mfb) in C3H and Tg8
sensory cortex of Tg8 pups showed a con-
mice but is abnormally present in cell bodies in Tg8 mice [arrows in (D) and (E)]. Four different 5-HT
antisera (three polyclonal and one monoclonal) revealed the same staining pattern. Double immunofluo-
tinuous band of 5-HT immunostaining (Fig.
rescent staining for 5-HT and the catecholamine synthesizing enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase showed that 4F). In Tg8 pups and adults, Nissl and
these 5-HT-like immunoreactive cell bodies were catecholaminergic. In the somatosensory cortex [(C) cytochrome oxidase chemistry revealed a
and (F)], clusters of 5-HT-immunoreactive fibers delineate barrels in layer IV in C3H mice (C), whereas complete absence of barrelfield in the so-
they form a continuous band in layer IV in Tg8 mice (F). Scale bar, 225 pLm. matosensory cortex, whereas barrelettes

SCIENCE * VOL. 268 * 23 JUNE 1995 1765

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were present in the trigeminal and thalamic owitz, D. Wahistein, R. E. Wimer, Eds. (Elsevier, Am- U.S.A. 90,153 (1993).
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15. B. Kolb and 1. Q. Whishaw, Can. J. Psychol. 37, 211 sonication in 0.1 M HCI04 containing 0.2%
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thalamic afferents in the barrels of normal
18. D. Tsang, K. P. Ho, H. L. Wen, Dev. Neurosci. 8, 243 IN), and the mobile phase was an 80:20 mixture
pups express large amounts of 5-HTIB re- (1986); M. Strolin Benedetti, P. Dostert, K. F. Tipton, (pH 2.9) of 100 mM Na2H2PO4 and methanol, with
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19. W. Lichtensteiger et al., J. Neurochem. 14, 489 refine NE determination), the HPLC system was a
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5-HT receptor knockouts. pp. 407-421; J. A. Wallace et al., Brain Res. Bull. 9, mM triethylamine.
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20. P. Levitt, J. E. Pintar, X. 0. Breakefield, Proc. Nati. Courtier, L. Eusebe, and D. Haranger for participa-
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rotonin metabolism and severe behavioral R. M. Denney, L. M. Kochersperger, R. M. Rose, C. Prada for lazabemide; and R. Hen, M. Jouvet, J. P.
alterations, both phenomena being linked. W. Abell, Science 230, 181 (1985). In the normal Changeux, l. Gresser, L. Abbott, E. Lauret, V. Vie-
brain, most catecholaminergic neurons of the locus illard, R. Zawatzky, and J. De Maeyer-Guignard for
The behavioral traits of adults may be re-
coeruleus and nigral complex are rich in MAOA. discussion. Supported by CNRS, the Agence Na-
lated to persisting defects in monoamine 21. T. Woolsey and H. Van der Loos, Brain Res. 17, 205 tionale de Recherches sur le Sida, the Association
metabolism or to structural alterations such (1970); R. J. D'Amato et al., Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. pour la Recherche sur le Cancer, and National In-
U.S.A. 84, 4322 (1987); R. W. Rhoades et al., J. stitute of Mental Health grants RO1 MH 37020,
as the one we demonstrated in the cerebral
Comp. Neurol. 293, 190 (1990); M. C. Osterheld- R37 MH 39085, and K05 MH 00796.
cortex, an issue that pharmacological inter- Hass et al., Dev. Brain Res. 77, 189 (1994).
ventions may help to clarify. The finding 22. C. A. Bennett-Clarke et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2 November 1994; accepted 6 April 1995
that MAOA-deficient males with a C3H/
HeJ genetic background display enhanced
aggression under standard rearing condi-
Transcriptional Activation by Tetracyclines
tions supports the idea that the particularly
aggressive behavior of the few known hu- in Mammalian Cells
man males lacking MAOA is not fostered
by an unusual genetic background or com- Manfred Gossen,* Sabine Freundlieb, Gabriele Bender,
plex psychosocial stressors but is a more Gerhard MOller, Wolfgang Hillen, Hermann Bujardt
direct consequence of MAOA deficiency.
A transcriptional transactivator was developed that fuses the VP1 6 activation domain with
REFERENCES AND NOTES a mutant Tet repressor from Escherichia coli. This transactivator requires certain tetra-
cycline (Tc) derivatives for specific DNA binding. Thus, addition of doxycycline to HeLa
1. C. C. Mann, Science 264,1686 (1994); M. Barinaga,
ibid., p. 1690; F. Saudou et al., ibid. 265, 1875 cells that constitutively synthesized the transactivator and that contained an appropriate,
(1994); C. Chen, D. G. Rainnie, R. W. Greene, S. stably integrated reporter unit rapidly induced gene expression more than a thousandfold.
Tonegawa, ibid. 266, 291 (1994).
The specificity of the Tet repressor-operator-effector interaction and the pharmacolog-
2. A. W. J. Bach et al., Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85,
4934 (1988); Z.-Y. Chen, J. F. Powell, Y.-P. P. Hsu,
ical characteristics of Tc's make this regulatory system well suited for the control of gene
X. 0. Breakefield, I. W. Craig, Genomics 14, 75 activities in vivo, such as in transgenic animals and possibly in gene therapy.
3. F. A. Collins et al., Am. J. Med. Genet. 42, 127
4. H. G. Brunner, M. Nelen, X. 0. Breakefield, H. H.
Ropers, B. A. van Oost, Science 262, 578 (1993). The ability to tightly control individual both. Systems founded on well-defined reg-
5. The IFN-3 minigene is a 1588-bp Acc I-Apa I frag-
gene activities would greatly facilitate the ulatory elements from evolutionarily distant
ment derived from plasmid pKb-lFN-3 [I. Seif, E. De
Maeyer, I. Riviere, J. De Maeyer-Guignard, J. Virol. analysis of gene function, particularly in sys- species have therefore been expected to be
65, 664 (1991)]. The Tg8 transgene is identical to the tems that are not amenable to genetic dis- useful. With the use of the E. coli lactose
minigene, except for a 64-bp terminal deletion in the
section. The achievement of this goal in and tetracycline (tet) resistance operons,
herpes virus thymidine kinase (TK) region and a 148-
bp deletion in the promoter region from the major more complex eukaryotic cells has been dif- several transcription control circuits have
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11. 0. Cases et a/., unpublished data. the VP16 protein) can stimulate the expres-
12. I. Q. Whishaw, T. Schallert, B. Kolb, J. Comp. *To whom correspondence should be addressed.
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