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She grew up in Riyadh, but was born in Beirut.

We travelled to Sydney many times growing up.

When I was a child, we moved to Istandbul.

Before I moved out, I said goodbye to her and I started to cry.

My parents were born in Hong Kong. They moved to Canada before I was born. When I
was 10 years old, I travelled to Hong Kong for the first time and I met my grandparents.

I grew up in Toronto, then I moved to Scotland to go to university. After I finished

studying, I got a job in Edinburgh as a dentist.

My parents were born in Hong Kong, and I was born in Canada.

I was born in Chicago.

When I was 10, I met my grandparents in Hong Kong.

When I was 18, I got a job at a fast-food restaurant.

I grew up in Tornoto, then I moved to Scotland.

I grew up in Toronto, then I moved to Scotland to go to university.

After I finished studying, I got a job as a dentist.

After I moved to Cyprus, I started a new business.

I met my husband in 2001, We got married in 2005.

Where did you go to school?

Did you go to university?

What did you study?

I went to school in Berlin.

Where did you lean Italian?

I failed Linguistics,but I passed Maths.

To go to school

I went to school in Berlin.

To go to university.

I went to go university.

I went to university when I was 19.

I was at university when I was 19.

You went to school together.

You were at school together.

She went to school in Hamburg.

She was at school in Hamburg.

To be at school = I was at school with your brother.

I went tot school in Berlin

To learn

Where did you learn Italian?

Learn about something = learn (how) to do something

To learn about something =I learned a lot about marketing at my last job

To learn (how) to do something = I’m learning how to play the guitar.

I’m learning how to drive.

I’ve learned a lot about marketing

I learned Russian at school

To take= She took French at university

To Fail= He failed one of his final exams.

To pass= I passed my driving test in 2018.

I think I am going to university in Boston.

I was at school with your brother.

I was at Southampton university.

I learned how to code in Java

She passed all her tests last month.

I’m learning how to drive/ to drive.

He did not study French at university.

Did you pass your exam?

When did we finish school?

Did not

Person/thing + did + not + verb (base form)

Remember : We do not use the past simple form of the main verb in the sentence . We keep
the base form.

I did not take chemistry at school.

He did not learn how to swim

He did not go to university

She didn’t take history at school.

Did not = didn’t

He did not pass his exam.

He didn’t pass his exam.

My children didn’t go to the same school.

Did + person +verb (base form)

Did you pass?

Did they learn to swim when they were children?

Did we take our exams in March?

Where did you learn Italian?

Did she take English at school?

We didn’t meet at university.

Where did you learn how to speak French?

When did they finish school?

What subject did she study at university?

Where did Sian go to university?

What did you learn at school today?

Did you learn to drive when you were 16?

We didn’t meet at university.

I didn’t pass the exam because it was very difficult.

Where did you go to university?

Where did you meet?

I didn’t get a car until I was 21.

Did you finish that book?

Why didn’t you pass your exam?

When did she meet her husband?

Smile , Zero

Can you hear the different consonants at the start of these words?

S = school,rice, grass,place,science

Z= zombie,nose,days,lazy ,eyes,rise,buzz

I always have some rice early in the morning.

Do you have ice?

Sip , zip

Ice , eyes

Lacy, lazy

Son , zone

To graduate

I graduated from university in 2018

I got a job as a call centre agent. This was my first job after I graduated.

The job was boring. I worked 60 hours a week but I didn't earn much money. I quit after five

I studied psychology but I wanted to work as a banker, so I took an exam to learn about
finance. It was very hard, but I passed!

After, I got a job at an investment bank in London. I've been at this company for six years.

I worked at a café while I was studying. After I graduated, I was at the same job.

After two years, I quit to go travelling and I became a language teacher in Vietnam.

To have lots of work

I’m up to my eyeballs in work right now.

I’m drowning in emails at the moment

To have an exam

I have two exams tomorrow.

To revise.

We were revising for the language test on Friday.

To have a class

We had a few classes together last year

To understand

Did you understand the article?

I don’t understand the topic of the paper.

To discuss

Today,we were discussing Shakespeare.

Did you understand the article?

We went to the same class.

I’m stressed, I haven’t revised for the exam.

What were you doing this time last year?

This time last year I was living in Spain with my parents

You were living in London when you met your husband.

I was showering when you called me.

I was living with my parents when I got my first car.

I was working on Sunday

You were using the phone

He was living in France.

We were having a meeting

They were cooking dinner.

You were working last Saturday

They were having a chat earlier.

They are living together.

They were living together.

I was using her computer.

At 9am yesterday, I was working at the café.

Not = was /were

I was not talking to you = I wasn’t talking to you.

They were not living together= They weren’t living together.

She wasn’t studying at home

They were not talking about you.

Were they living together?

Where was Eva studying last night?

Who was using the bathroom for ages last night?

She was using his phone

We weren’t living together until two months ago.

Were you working from home on Tuesday?

I was studying yesterday.

I was working on Sunday.

She was revising all morning

She was studying maths this morning

Where were you studying today? The library was full

Who was driving this car yesterday?

What were you doing this time last year?

Julia: Girl, you would not believe what I just did in my online class.

Farah: What did you do?

Julia: OK, So while my teacher was talking, my phone rang.

It was my cousin. So we were chatting and I said, "I really don't like this class!"

Suddenly, I heard my teacher go "Julia, Julia... we can hear you."

Farah: Oh... my...

Julia: Yeah... my microphone was still on so he was listening when I said I hated his class.

Farah: Wait, but your camera was off, right?

Julia: Well, no. My camera was also on!

Farah: JULIA! Why didn't you check you were on mute?

Julia: Girl, I don't know!

He was listening when I said I hated his class

So while my teacher was talking, my phone rang.

We were chatting and I said, I really don’t like this class

When ,while and as ,and

I was waiting for the bus when I saw a car accident.

While you were sleeping, we bought you a gift.

As she was walking, it started to rain.

We were cooking and I cut my finger.

I took a photo as my children were playing in the park

I was working as a taxi driver when I met your mother

I passed an exam in Biology.

I studied Chemistry at university.

I went to university in 2010

I went to university in Melbourne, Australia in 2014. I studied Chemistry, but it was very

difficult and I almost failed my exams! 😬

I loved being a university student because I made so many friends. I lived in a small
apartment with five male students. I got a job while I was studying.

I really miss those days.

I went to university in Melbourne, Australia, in 2014

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