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A complementary therapy is something who is additional to ordinary medicine.

The incorrect
word is . . .
Select one:
a. A
b. Therapy
c. Who
d. Additional

Question 2

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Question text

A hazard is something that is danger and likely to cause damage. The incorrect word is . . .
Select one:
a. A
b. Something
c. Danger
d. Cause

Question 3

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Assessing pain can be complicated as the physical and physiology aspects of the patient all need
to be considered. The incorrect word is . . .
Select one:
a. Assessing
b. Complicated
c. Physiology
d. Be

Question 4

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Concepts of a 'healthy diet' have steadily altered across time in response to beliefs and research,
and at no other time in history have we had access to so much evidence of the impact of food on
the human body. Despite considerable 'hype' from those with vested interests and frivolous
speculation from irresponsible journalism, there is now a clear consensus about what a 'healthy
diet' consists of which has remained relatively consistent over the past few years. The UK
Department of Health's guidelines for a healthy diet are represented in the health promotion tool,
the 'plate model', which shows the five major food groups and the proportion each should
contribute to the dietaryintake. Additionally, it is recommended that each individual should eat
five or more portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day. However, people who are unwell
often require a more energy-dense diet in order to obtain sufficient nutrients to meet their needs
and therefore adherence to healthy eating guidelines may not be appropriate. In addition, some
people are prescribed a therapeutic diet for a particular medical condition and are required to
avoid certain types of food. The type of diet outlined above is not suitable for those under five
years of age. Who is probably writing the text?
Select one:
a. Housewife
b. A chef
c. Hospital cook
d. Nutrient practitioner

Question 5

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text

Concepts of a 'healthy diet' have steadily altered across time in response to beliefs and research,
and at no other time in history have we had access to so much evidence of the impact of food on
the human body. Despite considerable 'hype' from those with vested interests and frivolous
speculation from irresponsible journalism, there is now a clear consensus about what a 'healthy
diet' consists of which has remained relatively consistent over the past few years. The UK
Department of Health's guidelines for a healthy diet are represented in the health promotion tool,
the 'plate model', which shows the five major food groups and the proportion each should
contribute to the dietaryintake. Additionally, it is recommended that each individual should eat
five or more portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day. However, people who are unwell
often require a more energy-dense diet in order to obtain sufficient nutrients to meet their needs
and therefore adherence to healthy eating guidelines may not be appropriate. In addition, some
people are prescribed a therapeutic diet for a particular medical condition and are required to
avoid certain types of food. The type of diet outlined above is not suitable for those under five
years of age. Who is probably writing the text?
Select one:
a. Housewife
b. A chef
c. Hospital cook
d. Nutrient practitioner

Question 6

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Concepts of a 'healthy diet' have steadily altered across time in response to beliefs and research,
and at no other time in history have we had access to so much evidence of the impact of food on
the human body. Despite considerable 'hype' from those with vested interests and frivolous
speculation from irresponsible journalism, there is now a clear consensus about what a 'healthy
diet' consists of which has remained relatively consistent over the past few years. The UK
Department of Health's guidelines for a healthy diet are represented in the health promotion tool,
the 'plate model', which shows the five major food groups and the proportion each should
contribute to the dietaryintake. Additionally, it is recommended that each individual should eat
five or more portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day. However, people who are unwell
often require a more energy-dense diet in order to obtain sufficient nutrients to meet their needs
and therefore adherence to healthy eating guidelines may not be appropriate. In addition, some
people are prescribed a therapeutic diet for a particular medical condition and are required to
avoid certain types of food. The type of diet outlined above is not suitable for those under five
years of age. Who is probably reading the text?
Select one:
a. Students
b. An infant
c. Hospital cook
d. Health practitioners

Question 7

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Concepts of a 'healthy diet' have steadily altered across time in response to beliefs and research,
and at no other time in history have we had access to so much evidence of the impact of food on
the human body. Despite considerable 'hype' from those with vested interests and frivolous
speculation from irresponsible journalism, there is now a clear consensus about what a 'healthy
diet' consists of which has remained relatively consistent over the past few years. The UK
Department of Health's guidelines for a healthy diet are represented in the health promotion tool,
the 'plate model', which shows the five major food groups and the proportion each should
contribute to the dietaryintake. Additionally, it is recommended that each individual should eat
five or more portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day. However, people who are unwell
often require a more energy-dense diet in order to obtain sufficient nutrients to meet their needs
and therefore adherence to healthy eating guidelines may not be appropriate. In addition, some
people are prescribed a therapeutic diet for a particular medical condition and are required to
avoid certain types of food. The type of diet outlined above is not suitable for those under five
years of age. Based on the text, what diet is needed by sick people?
Select one:
a. More carbohydrate and vitamins
b. Energy-dense diet and high nutrients food
c. Some fruits and vegetables
d. The five major food group.

Question 8

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Concepts of a 'healthy diet' have steadily altered across time in response to beliefs and research,
and at no other time in history have we had access to so much evidence of the impact of food on
the human body. Despite considerable 'hype' from those with vested interests and frivolous
speculation from irresponsible journalism, there is now a clear consensus about what a 'healthy
diet' consists of which has remained relatively consistent over the past few years. The UK
Department of Health's guidelines for a healthy diet are represented in the health promotion tool,
the 'plate model', which shows the five major food groups and the proportion each should
contribute to the dietaryintake. Additionally, it is recommended that each individual should eat
five or more portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day. However, people who are unwell
often require a more energy-dense diet in order to obtain sufficient nutrients to meet their needs
and therefore adherence to healthy eating guidelines may not be appropriate. In addition, some
people are prescribed a therapeutic diet for a particular medical condition and are required to
avoid certain types of food. The type of diet outlined above is not suitable for those under five
years of age. The word "obtain" in sentence 2 paragraph 2 is closed meaning to . . .
Select one:
a. Get
b. Release
c. Have
d. Add

Question 9

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
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Question text

Many health and social care professionals see musculoskeletal injuries as a occupational hazard.
The incorrect word is . . .
Select one:
a. Many
b. Social
c. A
d. Hazard

Question 10

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Obesity can reduced a person's life expectancy, the increased weight relating to conditions such
as type II diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, sleep apnoea and coronary heart disease. The incorrect
word is . . .
Select one:
a. Obesity
b. Reduced
c. Weight
d. Such as

Question 11

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text

Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male
and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is
designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases
millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the
column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted
into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called
the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing strip to attract the
specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator. To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids
use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds
have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one or at most a few species of
insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different
times. Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way
obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or
removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards
of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At
the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors. What does the passage
mainly discuss?
Select one:
a. Birds
b. Insects
c. Flowers
d. Perfume

Question 12

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Question text
Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male
and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is
designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases
millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the
column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted
into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called
the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing strip to attract the
specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator. To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids
use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds
have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one or at most a few species of
insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different
times. Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way
obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or
removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards
of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At
the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors. The orchid is unique because
Select one:
a. The habitat in which it lives
b. The structure of its blossom
c. The variety of products that can be made from it
d. The length of its life

Question 13

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Question text

Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male
and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is
designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases
millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the
column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted
into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called
the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing strip to attract the
specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator. To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids
use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds
have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one or at most a few species of
insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different
times. Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way
obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or
removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards
of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At
the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors. The word "fused" in line 2 is
closest in meaning to . . .
Select one:
a. Combined
b. Hidden
c. Fertilizer
d. Produced

Question 14

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male
and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is
designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases
millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the
column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted
into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called
the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing strip to attract the
specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator. To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids
use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds
have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one or at most a few species of
insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different
times. Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way
obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or
removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards
of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At
the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors. How many orchid seeds are
typically pollinated at one time?
Select one:
a. 200
b. 2000
c. 20000
d. 200000

Question 15

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male
and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is
designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases
millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the
column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted
into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called
the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing strip to attract the
specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator. To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids
use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds
have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one or at most a few species of
insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different
times. Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way
obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or
removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards
of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At
the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors. Which of the following is a
kind of petal?
Select one:
a. The column
b. The sepal
c. The stem
d. The labellum

Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male
and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is
designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases
millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the
column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted
into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called
the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing strip to attract the
specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator. To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids
use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds
have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one or at most a few species of
insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different
times. Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way
obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or
removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards
of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At
the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors. The labellum (line 7) is most
comparable to . . .
Select one:
a. A microscope
b. An obstaclecourse
c. An airport runway
d. A racetrack

Question 17

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male
and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is
designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases
millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the
column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted
into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called
the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing strip to attract the
specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator. To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids
use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds
have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one or at most a few species of
insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different
times. Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way
obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or
removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards
of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At
the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors. The word "lure" in line 10 is
closest in meaning to
Select one:
a. Attract
b. Recognize
c. Follow
d. Help

Question 18

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male
and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is
designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases
millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the
column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted
into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called
the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing strip to attract the
specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator. To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids
use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds
have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one or at most a few species of
insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different
times. Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way
obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or
removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards
of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At
the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors. Which of the following is
NOT mentioned as a means by which an orchid attracts insects?
Select one:
a. Size
b. Shape
c. Column
d. Perfume

Question 19

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male
and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is
designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases
millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the
column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted
into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called
the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing strip to attract the
specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator. To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids
use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds
have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one or at most a few species of
insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different
times. Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way
obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or
removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards
of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At
the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors. The word "their" in line 13
refers to
Select one:
a. Orchid
b. Birds
c. Insects
d. Species

Question 20

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male
and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is
designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases
millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the
column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted
into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called
the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing strip to attract the
specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator. To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids
use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds
have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one or at most a few species of
insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different
times. Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way
obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or
removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards
of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At
the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors. Which of the following
statements about orchids' scents does the passage support?
Select one:
a. They are effective only when an insect is near the blossom
b. Hamrmful insects are repelled by them
c. They are difficult to tell apart
d. They may change at different times
Question 21

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male
and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is
designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases
millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the
column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted
into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called
the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing strip to attract the
specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator. To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids
use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds
have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one or at most a few species of
insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different
times. Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way
obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or
removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards
of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At
the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors. The word "placed" in line 15
is closest in meaning to . . .
Select one:
a. Estimated
b. Measured
c. Deposited
d. Identified

Question 22

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male
and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The column is
designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some cases
millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze. Surrounding the
column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted
into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes. The most noticeable of the petals is called
the labellum, or lip. It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing strip to attract the
specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator. To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids
use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds
have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one or at most a few species of
insects or birds. Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different
times. Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way
obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or
removed. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards
of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At
the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors. The word "discrete" in line 18
is closest in meaning to . . .
Select one:
a. Complicated
b. Separated
c. Inoffensive
d. Functional

Question 23

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Social factors are important in determining how we come to like or dislikes certain foods. The
incorrect word is . . .
Select one:
a. Determining
b. Come
c. Dislikes
d. Factors

Question 24

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

That are many factors regarding food choices. The incorrect word is . . .
Select one:
a. That
b. Are
c. Regarding
d. Choices

Question 25

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Question text

The administration of a college or university provides the governing structure of the institution.
Although each institution organizes its administration differently, nearly all colleges and
universities have a board of trustees, a president, at least one vice president, deans of various
divisions, and a number of academic departments. In addition, state college and university
systems are governed by state boards of higher education. The word various in line 5 has a close
meaning with . . .
Select one:
a. Miscellaneous
b. Variety
c. Kinds
d. Difference

Question 26

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The administration of a college or university provides the governing structure of the institution.
Although each institution organizes its administration differently, nearly all colleges and
universities have a board of trustees, a president, at least one vice president, deans of various
divisions, and a number of academic departments. In addition, state college and university
systems are governed by state boards of higher education. Where in the passage does the author
mention that state college and university systems are governed by state boards of higher
Select one:
a. Sentence 1
b. Sentence 2
c. Sentence 3
d. Not stated

Question 27

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
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Question text

The administration of a college or university provides the governing structure of the institution.
Although each institution organizes its administration differently, nearly all colleges and
universities have a board of trustees, a president, at least one vice president, deans of various
divisions, and a number of academic departments. In addition, state college and university
systems are governed by state boards of higher education. The word "its" in line 3 refers to . . .
Select one:
a. Administration
b. Institution
c. President
d. Divisions

Question 28

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The boy was booked for the operating immediately he came in. The incorrect word is . . .
Select one:
a. Was
b. For
c. Operating
d. Came

Question 29

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The nurse should not administer any drug if the prescription are illegible. The incorrect word
is . . .
Select one:
a. Should
b. Drug
c. If
d. Are

Question 30

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The patients was mobilized as soon as possible after the operation. The incorrect word is . . .
Select one:
a. Patients
b. Mobilized
c. As
d. After

Question 31

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text

The prescription must be written and signed by the nurse, stating that those is a verbal
prescription. The incorrect word is . . .
Select one:
a. Must
b. Written
c. Those
d. Is

Question 32

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The prescription must been legible and the approved or generic name should be used. The
incorrect word is . . .
Select one:
a. Prescription
b. Been
c. Should
d. Used

Question 33

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text

The treatment by obesity should be individualised and include assessment and goal-setting. The
incorrect word is . . .
Select one:
a. Treatment
b. By
c. Individualized
d. And

Question 34

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Question text

To administer a drug is to give it to someone or to cause someone to received it. The incorrect
word is . . .
Select one:
a. A
b. Give
c. Someone
d. Received

Question 35

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To slide is to move easily and without interruption between a surface. The incorrect word is . . .
Select one:
a. Slide
b. To
c. Easily
d. Between

Pipa Alaska dimulai di tepi beku Samudra Arktik. Ini membentang ke selatan melintasi
negara bagian terbesar dan paling utara di Amerika Serikat, berakhir di desa pelabuhan bebas es
terpencil hampir 800 mil dari tempat ia dimulai. Ukurannya sangat besar dan sangat rumit untuk
dioperasikan. Pipa baja melintasi dataran berangin dan mil tak berujung tundra halus yang berada
di atas tanah beku. Ini menjalin melalui ngarai bengkok, mendaki gunung terjal, terjun di atas
tebing berbatu, membuat jalan melalui hutan lebat, dan melewati atau di bawah ratusan sungai
dan sungai. Pipa berdiameter 4 kaki, dan hingga 2 juta barel (atau 84 juta galon) minyak mentah
dapat dipompa melaluinya setiap hari. Bertumpu pada rak baja berbentuk H yang disebut
"bengkok," bagian panjang pipa mengikuti jalur zigzag tinggi di atas tanah beku. Bagian panjang
lainnya hilang dari pandangan di bawah tanah spons atau berbatu dan kembali ke permukaan
nanti. Pola rute naik-turun pipa ditentukan oleh tuntutan iklim Arktik dan subarktik yang sering
keras, letak tanah yang berliku-liku, dan komposisi tanah, batu, atau permafrost yang bervariasi
(tanah beku permanen). Sedikit lebih dari setengah pipa ditinggikan di atas tanah. Sisanya
terkubur di mana saja dari 3 hingga 12 kaki, sangat tergantung pada jenis medan dan sifat-sifat
Salah satu yang terbesar di dunia, biaya pipa sekitar $ 8 miliar dan sejauh ini merupakan proyek
konstruksi terbesar dan termahal yang pernah dilakukan oleh industri swasta. Faktanya, tidak ada
satu bisnis pun yang dapat mengumpulkan uang sebanyak itu, sehingga 8 perusahaan minyak
besar membentuk konsorsium untuk berbagi biaya. Setiap perusahaan mengendalikan hak
minyak untuk saham tertentu dari tanah di ladang minyak dan dibayarkan ke dalam dana
pembangunan pipa sesuai dengan ukuran kepemilikannya. Saat ini, terlepas dari masalah iklim yang
sangat besar, kekurangan pasokan, kerusakan peralatan, perselisihan tenaga kerja, medan
berbahaya, sejumlah kesalahan manajemen, dan bahkan pencurian, pipa Alaska telah selesai dan
beroperasi. Bagian ini terutama membahas pipa

Teks 2
Kereta api bukanlah institusi pertama yang memaksakan keteraturan pada masyarakat, atau untuk
menarik perhatian pada pentingnya ketepatan waktu yang tepat. Selama para pedagang telah
menetapkan barang dagangan mereka t fajar dan perayaan komunal telah dirayakan, orang-orang
telah sepakat kasar dengan tetangga mereka mengenai waktu hari. Nilai tradisi ini saat ini lebih
jelas dari sebelumnya. Kalau bukan karena penerimaan publik terhadap satu tolok ukur waktu.,
kehidupan sosial akan kacau tak tertahankan: barang, jasa, dan informasi transfer harian besar-
besaran akan berjalan sesuai dan dimulai; Struktur masyarakat modern akan mulai terurai.

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