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Neural Differential Algebraic Equations

James Koch*, Madelyn Shapiro, Himanshu Sharma, Draguna Vrabie, Ján Drgoňa
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA

Abstract— Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs) describe scheme. Our framework leverages themes from operator
the temporal evolution of systems that obey both differential splitting methods [4] and Physics-Informed Neural Network
and algebraic constraints. Of particular interest are systems (PINN)-style [5] optimization problems to accommodate
that contain implicit relationships between their components,
such as conservation relationships. Here, we present Neural algebraic relationships. We demonstrate the utility of these
arXiv:2403.12938v1 [cs.LG] 19 Mar 2024

Differential-Algebraic Equations (NDAEs) suitable for data- methods on two closure modeling tasks: (i) a tank-manifold
driven modeling of DAEs. This methodology is built upon problem, where one needs to ‘invert’ the model to provide
the concept of the Universal Differential Equation; that is, a an estimate of a property of a model component, and (ii)
model constructed as a system of Neural Ordinary Differential a tank-pipe-pump network for learning unknown nonlinear
Equations informed by theory from particular science domains.
In this work, we show that the proposed NDAEs abstraction interactions. Our specific contributions are:
is suitable for relevant system-theoretic data-driven modeling • Taking inspiration from the well-established field of
tasks. Presented examples include (i) the inverse problem of operator splitting, we extend neural timesteppers to
tank-manifold dynamics and (ii) discrepancy modeling of a net- appropriately integrate DAEs.
work of pumps, tanks, and pipes. Our experiments demonstrate
• We accomplish this via an algebra surrogate layer that
the proposed method’s robustness to noise and extrapolation
ability to (i) learn the behaviors of the system components and modifies algebraic states of a system, while an ODE
their interaction physics and (ii) disambiguate between data Solver integrates differential states.
trends and mechanistic relationships contained in the system. • We demonstrate the utility of the method in appli-
cations to canonical closure and inverse modeling of
I. INTRODUCTION constrained networked system dynamics.
Modeling and simulation of systems via Differential- The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we
Algebraic Equations (DAEs) can be difficult, both in terms of give a brief overview of recent methods proposed for data-
formulation as well as numerical implementation. Common driven modeling of agent-based systems. Section III details
issues include (i) over- or under-constraining states and (ii) our proposed methodology and its implementation. Example
incorrect model specification, either of which can lead to results are provided in Section IV, followed by a discussion
a prohibitively challenging modeling task [1]. While many in Section V.
such algebraic relationships may be known (e.g., mass is
conserved through a pipe), the relationships between system
states and these algebraic constraints are often difficult A. Differential-Algebraic Equations
to reconcile in a modeling framework (see, for example, Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs) are systems
index of a DAE and choosing appropriate initial condi- comprising differential and algebraic relationships that de-
tions [1]). Incorporating these algebraic relationships into scribe the evolution of a system’s states. Specifically, we are
well-established data-driven modeling paradigms is also non- concerned with semi-explicit DAEs written as:
trivial. Here, measurement noise, partial observations, and dx
missing or incorrect physics all confound the ability to = f (x, y, u)
dt (1)
effectively build models that obey algebraic constraints.
0 = g (x, y, u) ,
Furthermore, it is generally rare to construct a DAE-
based model of an engineering system from first principles. where x ∈ Rnx are the differential states of a system that
More common is to adopt simplified models that can capture evolve according to the vector field defined by f : Rnx ×
improperly specified or missing physics at a given fidelity. Rny × Rnu → Rnx , y ∈ Rny are the algebraic states, and
A common approach is to employ a closure model [2], u ∈ Rnu are exogenous inputs. The algebraic states y evolve
i.e., a surrogate for the full-fidelity physics inserted into a such that the algebraic relationships, defined by g(x, y, u) =
lower-fidelity model. Closure models have enabled major 0, are satisfied for all time t.
advancements in scientific computing but still traditionally A standard DAE solution approach is to transform the
rely upon rigorous reduction from first principles physics to system into a set of ODEs to be integrated with standard
derive required simplified relationships [3]. numerical solvers. This process is termed index reduction [1].
To address this issue, we present a framework for the data- The index of a DAE is a distance measure between a
driven modeling of DAEs with a novel neural timestepper DAE and its associated ODE: an index-1 DAE requires one
differentiation of algebraic relationships to yield a consistent
*Contact: set of ODEs, index-2 requires two differentiations, etc. After
differentiation and substitution into other system relation- of Eq. 2, assume f can be decomposed into operators A and
ships, the governing equations can be written as a set of B such that:
first-order ODEs. dx
= A(x) + B(x) (5)
B. Neural Differential Equations for the interval t ∈ [t, t + ∆t]. The Lie-Trotter splitting
A Neural Ordinary Differential Equation (NODE) ap- scheme defines the sub-tasks as:
proximates the flow map of a dynamical system with a  
neural network architecture. Consider a dynamical system x̂(t+∆t) = ODESolve A(x), x(t) (6)
with states x ∈ Rnx . A NODE approximates the temporal
x(t+∆t) = ODESolve B(x), x̂(t+∆t) (7)
dynamics of x according to the ODE:
dx The first sub-task solves the ODE defined by the operator
= f (x; θ) , (2) A(x) on the time interval [t, t + ∆t]. The second sub-task
solves the ODE defined by the operator B(x) on the same
where the parametric flow f : Rnx → Rnx maps the states to
time interval, but with the initial conditions defined by the
their time derivatives with tunable parameters θ. The solution
solution of the first sub-task. Many variations of this scheme
to Eq. (2) is the initial value problem:
exist for different applications and orders of accuracy. For
Z t+∆t example, Strang splitting [14] is a second-order accurate
(t+∆t) (t)
x =x + f (x; θ) dt, (3) scheme that uses half-steps (i.e., steps of ∆t2 ) in the above
where the superscript contained in parentheses denotes in-
dexing by time, not exponentiation. Practically, this integra- D. Related Work
tion is performed with a standard numerical ODE solver, 1) Machine Learning for Dynamical Systems: Methods
which we denote as: for learning dynamics from data exist on a continuum from
‘black-box’ models to ’white-box’ models [15]. The ‘black-
x(t+∆t) = ODESolve f, x(t) ; θ , (4)
box’ modeling task is performed without regard to the under-
where the limits of temporal integration are understood to lying system or domain knowledge and includes Recurrent
be [t, t + ∆t]. In general, the NODE concept extends f to Neural Networks (RNNs) and their variants (e.g., LSTMs)
any differentiable mapping by implementing Eq. (4) in a [16], neural state space models [17], neural timesteppsers
differentiable manner [6]. This is achieved through either [8], sparse symbolic regression [18], and Neural ODEs [9].
(i) backpropagating residuals through the elementary func- Often, such models extract salient features in the training
tions of the explicit time-stepping integrator (reverse-mode data to infer future states. However, they are at risk of
automatic differentiation) [7], [8], (ii) an adjoint sensitivity poor generalization (overfitting) and lack of interpretability,
definition and solution [9], or (iii) forward-mode automatic except for symbolic regression techniques [18]. ‘White-
differentiation [10]. box’ models use domain knowledge to constrain models to
A fundamental assumption of a NODE model is that match expected dynamics by construction and often lead to
a direct relationship exists between each system state and parameter-tuning problems [19]. In ‘gray-box’ models, re-
its temporal derivative. This is a reasonable assumption cently referred to as physics-informed machine learning [20],
for many cases, but poses challenges for partially-observed prior knowledge is incorporated in a manner to constrain a
systems [11] and application to DAEs. Index reduction is a ‘black-box model’. Neural ODEs constructed with domain
reliable technique for recasting a DAE into a set of ODEs for knowledge, termed Universal Differential Equations [6],
standard numerical integration [12], but this is incompatible [21], are an attractive modeling platform for these problems
with the present data science problem. When governing because of their flexibility in encoding physics and other
equations are unknown or incomplete, the equivalent set of structural priors.
ODEs and required state augmentations are also unknown. 2) Data-driven Modeling of DAEs: If the DAE is well-
characterized, the parameter estimation, inverse design, and
C. Fractional Step Methods control tasks are possible through an adjoint sensitivity
Our methodology is inspired by fractional step methods for analysis [22], [23], [24]. This strategy is generally successful
evolving complex multiphysics problems. In fractional step if (i) the index of the underlying DAE is low and (ii) all
methods (also termed ‘Operator Splitting’), the evolution of constituent physics are known.
a system is split into simpler, independent sub-tasks. The Recent works have begun to address some common is-
underlying ODE or PDE is then solved explicitly as the sues regarding data-driven DAE-based models. Moya and
sequential solution of these sub-tasks, albeit at a decreased Lin [25] use explicit Runge-Kutta time-stepping to com-
level of accuracy (i.e., splitting error [13]). There are several bine semi-explicit DAEs into machine learning frameworks,
well-established mathematical techniques for decomposing which they demonstrate by modeling power networks. Xiao
the solution of an ODE into sub-tasks. The simplest scheme, et al. [26] construct neural ODE and DAE modules to
Lie-Trotter operator splitting [4], assumes a differential op- forecast a regional power network. Huang et al. [27] adopt a
erator can be decomposed into two sub-tasks. For the ODE simplified approach to the construction of a surrogate system
for sequence-to-sequence mappings for DAEs. These studies subsequent ODESolve as an exogenous input, similar to the
share features of expressing the learning task in terms of a notion of Neural Controlled Differential Equations [29].
semi-explicit DAE with varying degrees of parameterization
and integration of domain knowledge. In addition to these
studies, Zhong et al. [28] addressed contact modeling in
multi-body dynamics, the authors in the work handled a
constraint update architecture with similar explicit time-
stepping as in Moya [25] and Xiao [26].
While the specific treatment of each of these domain-
focused problems varies, each leverages a form of a multi-
step integration technique that separates the evolution of
differential and algebraic states. Here, we recognize that
the commonality of these works holds the potential for a
more powerful generalization of standard neural integration.
Specifically, we recast these ideas under the umbrella of
fractional-step methods, where integration is split into sim-
pler, sequential sub-tasks. In effect, we propose a new class Fig. 1. Schematic of the proposed DAE Timestepper.
of neural integrators that are well-suited for a wide variety of
modeling tasks, including DAEs, boundary value problems, Training the algebraic update sub-task is accomplished by
and other multi-physics systems. formulating a PINN-style penalty loss [5] in which known
constraints are used to ‘penalize’ the discrepancy between
III. METHODS constraint satisfaction and predicted states. These penalties
Consider the DAE system of Eq. 1. Similar to the approach are assessed in a multi-objective optimization loss function:
of a Lie-Trotter fractional step scheme, we split the evolution
L(Θ) = λ1 Lresidual (X, X̂; Θ)+λ2 Lconstraints (X, X̂; Θ), (10)
of a system’s differential and algebraic states into sequential
sub-tasks. The first sub-task updates the algebraic states where Lresidual is a measure of the residual between the
using a trainable deep neural network (DNN). The second training dataset and the model’s output, Lconstraints is a
sub-task takes as input the updated algebraic states and regularization term penalizing the constraint violations. The
performs a single-step integration. These two sequential sub- λ’s represent weightings for balancing the multi-objective
tasks define one complete forward pass; all system states are loss function. We optimize model parameters Θ with an off-
updated exactly once. More formally, consider a differen- the-shelf stochastic gradient-based optimizer [30] to solve
tiable ODE layer, denoted as ODESolve. Using a fractional Θ∗ = argmin L(Θ).
step method as our solution technique for Eq. 1, we formulate Θ
For this work, we choose minimal architectures for ease
a Neural DAE (NDAE) as:
of implementation and exposition, as outlined in Alg. 1. We
  use a first-order explicit timestepper for the ODE integration
y (t+∆t) = h x(t) , y (t) , u(t) ; θh and use a DNN as a neural surrogate of an algebra solver.
x(t+∆t) = ODESolve f, {x(t) , y (t+∆t) , u(t) }; θf , IV. NUMERICAL CASE STUDIES
All experiments were performed using the Neuro-
where h : Rnx ×Rny ×Rnu → Rny pairs with g as an explicit
MANCER Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) pack-
algebra solver or trainable neural surrogate thereof and the
age [31] built on top of PyTorch [32]1 . Each presented model
temporal integration bounds are assumed to be [t, t+∆t]. We
was trained using an Intel I9-9980 CPU laptop with a wall-
denote this complete set of operations as DAESolve, with
clock training time on the order of 5 minutes.
one complete time step captured as:
A. Tank-Manifold Property Inference
{x(t+∆t) , y (t+∆t) } =
  (9) 1) Problem Description: A manifold is a physical real-
DAESolve f, h, {x(t) , y (t) , u(t) }; Θ , ization of a conservation relationship that manifests as an
algebraic constraint in a DAE. Figure 2 depicts a pair of
where Θ = {θh , θf } is the set of all model parameters.
tanks fed by a manifold. A pseudo-infinite reservoir supplies
Note that in this formulation, the updates to the algebraic
the pump. At the manifold, the inflow is exactly equal to
and differential states are sequential; that is, the ODESolve
the sum of the outflows; that is, yin = y1 + y2 , where y
step is dependent upon the update to the algebraic states. The
represents volumetric flow rates and the subscripts 1 and 2
sub-tasks do not commute. This is an essential assumption
denote the two exit streams of the manifold. In this example,
that enables explicit updates for both algebraic states and dif-
the two tanks have different area-height profiles but have a
ferential states. Figure 1 depicts the handling of differential
and algebraic states through the Neural DAE. The module 1 Repository containing all training and visualization scripts will be open-
generates an internal state y (t+∆t) that is processed by the sourced and publicly available by the time of publication.
Algorithm 1: Neural DAE training exist a unique set of tank profiles that recovers the behavior
(0) (0) (N ) (N ) seen in observations.
Data: X̂ = {(x̂ , ŷ ), ..., (x̂ , ŷ )}: Time
series dataset with spacing ∆t
Parameters: θf , θh : Tunable parameters for
mappings f and h
/* Pick appropriate integrator */
1 Function ODESolve(f, {x, y, u}):
2 x∗ ←− x + ∆t × f (x, y, u; θf )
3 return x∗

/* Sequential sub-tasks */
4 Function DAESolve(f, h, {x, y, u}):
5 y ∗ ←− h (x, y, u; θh )
6 x∗ ←− ODESolve (f, {x, y ∗ , u}; θf ) Fig. 2. Tank-manifold-pump schematic. A reservoir supplies fluid to a
7 return (x∗ , y ∗ ) pump-manifold system. The tanks have different area-height profiles but a
common datum. Conservation is enforced at the manifold.
/* Training loop */
8 while not converged do
/* Forward pass */ 2) Model Construction: In the system described by Eq.
(0) (0)
X ←− {(x̂ , ŷ )} 11, the differential states are column heights x1 and x2 and
10 for k ∈ 1, . . . , N do the algebraic states are the volumetric flows y1 and y2 . The
11 X ←−Concat (X, input flow is treated as an exogenous control input, i.e., u =
12 DAESolve(f, h, {x(k−1) , y (k−1) , u(k−1) }) ) yin .
/* Evaluate loss We aim to approximate the area-height profile of Tank
13 L ←− Criterion ( X, X̂ ) #1 as well as construct a surrogate for the behavior of
14 if converged then the manifold such that (i) fluid is conserved and (ii) the
15 break; fluid column height constraint is satisfied. There are two
16 else neural networks that we seek to train: N N1 : R1 → R1 ,
17 obtain gradients; an approximation of the sought area-height profile ϕ1 , and
18 update model weights {θf , θh }; N N2 : R4 → (0, 1), the surrogate of the behavior of the
manifold. Each are implemented as a feed-forward neural
network with one hidden layer of 5 nodes, each with sigmoid
activation functions. The output layer of N N1 is linear while
the output layer of N N2 is sigmoidal, constraining the output
common datum such that the column heights are identical.
to (0, 1).
As a fluid is pumped into the two tanks, the flow rates in the
two streams varies to ensure (i) the conservation relationship 3) Optimization Problem: A time series dataset is con-
of the manifold and (ii) that each of the tanks have identical structed by simulation of the system given in Eq. 11
pressure head, i.e x1 = x2 , where x is the height of the regularly sampled on the interval t ∈ [0, 500] with ∆t = 1.0
fluid in the respective tank. The full DAE that describes the and with a constant inflow of yin = u = 0.5:
evolution of this system is given as:
X̂ = {(x̂(0) , ŷ (0) ), ..., (x̂(N ) , ŷ (N ) )}, (12)
dx1 y1
dt ϕ1 (x1 )
(11) where N is the time series prediction horizon and the b·
dx2 y2
= denotes membership to the dataset. The optimization prob-
dt ϕ2 (x2 )
lem seeks the minimum of the differential state trajectory
0 = yin − y1 − y2 0 = x1 − x2 ,
reconstruction loss and algebraic state reconstruction loss
where ϕ1 and ϕ2 denote the area-height profiles for the two when predicted by our DAESolve:
tanks. The solution of Eq. 11 can be obtained with many
off-the-shelf standard scientific computing packages. For this N
study, the √area-height profiles are set to ϕ1 (x) = 3.0 and min λ1 ||x(k) − x̂(k) ||22 + λ2 ||y (k) − ŷ (k) ||22
ϕ2 (x) = x + 0.1 respectively. The goal of the learning θ1 ,θ2
k=1 k=1
task is to recover ϕ2 (x) given observations of tank heights s.t. {x(k+1) , y (k+1) }
x and pump volumetric flow rates y. Note that if the task  
were to recover both ϕ1 (x) and ϕ2 (x) simultaneously, the = DAESolve f, h, {x(k) , y (k) , u(k) }; {θ1 , θ2 } ,
problem would be ill-posed in the sense that there does not (13)
The functions f and h are defined as: in the network and their interaction physics and (ii) disam-
y1 biguate between data trends and mechanistic relationships
3 contained in the network.
f: y2
NN1 (x2 ;θ1 ) ,
( (14) TABLE I
u (1 − NN2 (x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 ; θ2 )) , STATES FOR TANKS - MANIFOLD - PUMP EXPERIMENT.

Note that the mapping h defines a convex combination at Mean Square Error
the manifold: the outflows y1 and y2 will sum to u by (MSE)
Tanks Height 9e-03
construction. Volumetric Flow 2e-02
For all examples contained in this work, the optimizer Area-Height 6e-03
is Adam [30] with fixed learning rate of 0.001. Training is Unseen inlet mass-flow 1e-01
deemed ‘converged’ after 20,000 epochs or until an early
stop is triggered after 20 epochs of increasing loss.
B. Tank Network Modeling
4) Results: The time series data for the tank heights and
volumetric flows are given in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) respectively. 1) Problem Description: Figure 5 expands upon the tank-
The trained model is able to accurately reproduce the time se- manifold problem of Fig. 2 by adding additional tanks,
ries data seen in training. Additionally, it is able to accurately feedback mechanisms, and ‘closing the loop’ in the network
learn the model of the unknown area-height profile of Tank flow. In this example, the pump flow rate depends on the
#2. Figure 4(a) depicts the ground-truth area-height profile fluid heights of Tank #1 and the reservoir. Tanks #1 and #2
and the model’s reconstruction. Furthermore, to demonstrate have a height constraint (equivalent pressure head) and are
the generalization, the trained model is tested fed by a common manifold. The outlets of tanks #1 and #3
 on an unseen
inlet mass flow rate; u(t) = 12 + 14 sin 100 t
. The resulting depend on the square root of the fluid column height in the
time series of volumetric flows from the trained model rollout respective tanks. The full system can be described by the
is compared with the ground-truth conditions in Fig. 4(b). DAE:
Table-I gives the Mean Squared Error (MSE) of the trained
neural DAE model. dx1 1
= (y1 − y3 )
dt ϕ1 (x1 )
dx2 1
= (y2 )
dt ϕ2 (x2 )
dx3 1
= (y3 − y4 )
dt ϕ3 (x3 )
dx4 1
= (y4 − y0 )
dt ϕ4 (x4 )
0 = y0 − p(x1 , x4 ) 0 = y0 − y1 − y2
√ √
0 = y3 − α1 x1 0 = y4 − α2 x3
0 = x1 − x2
where x denotes the fluid column height for tanks #1
Fig. 3. (a) Tank heights. (b) Volumetric flow. through #4 (the reservoir), p is a pump response function,
y represents volumetric flows, and α describe the discharge
coefficients of the tank outlets. The differential states are
x = {x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 } ∈ R4 and the algebraic states are
y = {y0 , y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 } ∈ R5 .
In this example, several characteristics make the dynamics
more complex. First, the system is closed, as there is no
material transfer into or out of the system. Second, there is
the potential for backflow through the manifold from Tank
#2. Lastly, the feedback mechanism from the tank level
transducers to the pump controller is such that oscillations
can occur.
2) Optimization Problem: The system given in Eq. (15)
was simulated with the following specifications:
Fig. 4. Trained model (a) Area-height relationships (b) Volumetric flow
time series. ϕ1 (x1 ) = 2.0 ϕ2 (x2 ) = 1.0
ϕ3 (x3 ) = 1.0 ϕ4 (x4 ) = 10.0
Extrapolation to a new flow condition demonstrates the
ability to (i) endogenize the behaviors of the components p(x1 , x4 ) = 0.1x1 x4 α1 , α2 = 0.1 (16)
Figure 6(b) demonstrates this extrapolation for the same
time horizon. The reconstructed time series data matches the
behavior of the unseen data: there exist damped oscillations
that decay to a steady state value. Table-II shows the MSE for
the neural DAE models trained for the tank network problem.
Noise tolerance is an important consideration in the eval-
uation of system identification tasks, especially in settings
with nonlinearities and feedback mechanisms. For this exam-
ple, we investigate noise tolerance by introducing Gaussian
white noise. Figures 7(a) and 7(b) show similar training
and extrapolation tasks for the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
of 20 dB. Despite the significant noise, the learned dynamics
are faithful to the underlying physics, as demonstrated in the
Fig. 5. Networked system defined by tanks, pipes, a manifold, and a pump.
The system exhibits oscillatory dynamics for some parameter choices and extrapolation task, and result in an MSE of 7e − 02.
sensing schemes.

A single-trajectory dataset X̂ was constructed through

sampling this simulation at ∆t = 0.1 for t ∈ [0, 20]. The
optimization problem definition is identical to that of Eq. 13.
For this problem, it is reasonable to assume that the basic
physics for a gravity-fed pipe network are known, which
provides a starting point for constructing a model. However,
discharge coefficients and quantifying feedback mechanisms
are not as straightforward. Here, we attempt to approximate
(i) the Level Controller (LC) dynamics for pump control with
a neural network NN1 : R2 → R1 , (ii) manifold dynamics
with with a second neural network NN2 : R2 → R1 , and
(iii) the discharge coefficients α1 and α2 . The mappings f
and h are defined as:

y1 −y3
ϕ1 (x1 )

 y2

f : ϕy32 −y
(x2 )

 ϕ3 (x3 )

 y4 −y0 ,

 ϕ4 (x4 )
 NN1 (x1 , x4 ; θ1 ) (17)

y0 NN2 (x2 , x3 ; θ2 )

h : y0 (1 − NN2 (x2 , x3 ; θ2 )) Fig. 6. Tank Network problem : (a) Ground truth data vs Neural-DAE
 √ model prediction. (b) Extrapolation case: inferring behavior for unseen
α1 x1

 component parameters using Neural-DAE.
α √x .

2 3

For this example, both NN1 and NN2 are simple multi- TABLE II
layer perceptrons each with a two hidden layers of size 30 M EAN S QUARE ERROR FOR THE DIFFERENTIAL STATE AND ALGEBRAIC
3) Results: Figure 6(a) details the time history of the four
Mean Square Error
tank heights for both the ground truth data as well as the Trained Model Type Tank-Network Experiment
open-loop model rollout. At these process conditions, the No Noise
Tanks Height 1e-02
Unseen initial Data : Tanks Height 6e-02
pump delivers an oscillatory flow to the manifold, which our Tanks Height 1.03
20 dB Noise
model is able to capture. Additionally, the tuned model is Unseen initial Data : Tanks Height 7e-2
able to infer the values for the discharge coefficients: for the
case of zero noise the recovered values are α1 = 0.1027 and
To demonstrate generalizability, the trained model is de- This work presents a framework for the data-driven model-
ployed on an unseen area-height tank profile; for this, we ing of Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs). Specifically,
redefine ϕ1 (x1 ) = 1.0. In doing so, the system’s limit cycle we introduce a novel method called Neural Differential
is destroyed, and the true dynamics approach a steady state. Algebraic Equations (NDAEs) that extends the notion of
(for example, higher-order DAEs that are characteristic of
design or parameter optimization problems). Lastly, we have
made no claims about computational scalability nor partial
observability, both of which are critical for modeling real-
world complex systems with hundreds of degrees of freedom.
We reserve these topics for future work.
This research was supported by the U.S. Department
of Energy through the Building Technologies Office under
the Advancing Market-Ready Building Energy Management
by Cost-Effective Differentiable Predictive Control projects.
PNNL is a multi-program national laboratory operated for
the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by Battelle Memorial
Institute under Contract No. DE-AC05-76RL0-1830.
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