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Is food insecurity the biggest problem faced by families today in France.

Nowadays, food insecurity is one of the most important problems that the human kind is

facing. In effect, over 811 million people worldwide are facing chronic undernourishment or

food insecurity. Those people are mainly located in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. This

phenomenon is less common in Europe and specifically in France compared to the rest of the

world, but it can affect some families and the food insecurity could be one of the major issues

they are facing.

First of all, the statistical office of the European Union, enumerated in 2019, around 7.8% of

the French population was unable to afford a meal with meat, chicken, fish, or a vegetarian

equivalent every second day. However, it is not always the top worry for all families, food

insecurity poses a serious challenge for certain segments of the population in France. France,

being a developed country, has a wide range of social safety nets that include various welfare

programs and support systems that are intended to help people who are in need. Food

insecurity is unquestionably a serious problem, but it coexists with a variety of other

socioeconomic difficulties. These include having access to reasonably priced healthcare,

being able to afford housing, having a high-quality education, having job possibilities, having

income inequality, and maintaining the environment. Variations exist in the relative

importance of these difficulties according to individual circumstances, region, and socio-

economic level. Strong social safety nets in France address a wider range of societal issues

while also assisting in reducing the effects of food insecurity. By acknowledging food

insecurity in this wider framework, policymakers can create comprehensive approaches that

tackle various issues concurrently, ultimately promoting increased resilience and overall well-

being in French society.

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