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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 529 (2021) 167887

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Spin–phonon interaction and magnetoelastic coupling associated with

unusual cluster-glass states in YFe0.9Cr0.1O3
Subhajit Raut *, Somnath Mahapatra, Simanchalo Panigrahi
Thin Film Lab., Department of Physics and Astronomy, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Sundergarh 769008, Odisha, India


Keywords: The magnetic, optical phonon behavior of the polycrystalline YFe0.9Cr0.1O3 (YFC-10), prepared by solid-state
Spin–phonon interaction reaction route, had been studied via static and ac magnetization measurements and Raman spectroscopic
Cluster glass techniques respectively. The results indicated that YFe0.9Cr0.1O3 undergoes unusual cluster-glass transitions at
Weak ferromagnetism
low temperatures viz. Tf1 (SG1) = 108 K (Freez.1) and Tf2 (SG2) = 30 K (Freez.2) coexisting with the long-range
Raman Effect
weak ferromagnetic (WFM) state. Raman spectroscopic (RS) measurements revealed 12 distinct modes of vi­
brations at all temperatures with 83–433 K. Interestingly, the freezing transition at Tf1 is found to be accom­
panied by significant phonon renormalization. From the detailed analysis of the line-shape function of the Raman
modes, the anomalous T-variation of the peak position and the linewidths suggests the existence of spin-phonon
interaction in the present solid solution. Moreover the temperature dependent synchrotron X-ray diffraction
studies between 10 and 300 K revealed the anomalous thermal variation of the lattice parameters and micro­
scopic structural parameters such as super-exchange angles and (Fe/Cr)O6 octahedral bond lengths and bond
angles at both the freezing transitions. Overall, the system exhibits the strong magnetoelastic and spin phonon
coupling over a broad thermal regime viz. from Liquid. N2 to temperatures above room temperature (RT = 300
K) which makes YFe0.9Cr0.1O3 reliable for application purpose.

1. Introduction role in the observance of phenomena such as superconductivity arising

from electron-phonon interactions and magneto-electric effects in mul­
Magnetic materials exhibiting strong inter-correlations between tiferroic materials arising from spin–phonon interactions. Nevertheless,
spin, charge, lattice and electronic degrees of freedom has found enor­ materials exhibiting more than single novel functionality are being
mous importance in the field of material science research. Such coupling preferential explored [14]
between the different degrees of freedom enables multifunctional Members of the mixed rare earth orthoferrites and orthochromates
behavior in the materials thereby rendering technologically important has gained considerable attention in the last few decades owing the
properties in materials such as colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) and intriguing properties such as magnetization reversal (MR) [17,14]. Spin
giant magnetoresistance (GMR) phenomena [1–3], giant magneto- reorientation (SR) transitions, negative thermal expansion (NTE) [14],
caloric effects (GMCE) [4–6] and multiferroicity [7,8]. Likewise, the diverse magneto electric effects [62–64]. In RFeO3 materials, the tran­
materials with magnetically ordered states, the spin glasses (SG’s) also sition metal sublattice usually orders magnetically at TN1 between 620
find importance in technology especially to the artificial neural net­ and 740 K and between 120 and 250 K for RCrO3 (depending on the rare
works in computational science [9]. It has been established that disorder earth ion) into a slightly canted antiferromagnetic structure with a very
and magnetic frustration attributed to the competing inter-actions are weak ferromagnetic component [9–11]. The interaction between the
primarily required for the frozen SG state. The deeper exploration of R3+ and M3+ ions usually causes the phenomenon of SR and MR in the
these interactions are inevitable also in order to understand the under­ RMO3 series [12]. Hence, for the nonmagnetic R3+ ions, both the phe­
lying mechanism for occurrences of the SG states. Moreover, in the nomena of MR and SR are found to be absent [13]. However, these
above mentioned functional materials, the interaction between lattice phenomenal features can be found in the perovskite solid solutions with
vibrations (phonons) and different degrees of freedom plays a crucial two different transition metal ions even with nonmagnetic R3+ ion. For

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Raut).
Received 2 September 2020; Received in revised form 10 January 2021; Accepted 22 February 2021
Available online 6 March 2021
0304-8853/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Raut et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 529 (2021) 167887

instance, Pomiro et al. [14] examined the three members of the perov­ 2. Experimental techniques
skite family RFe0.5Cr0.5O3 (R = Lu, Tm and Yb) through combined
neutron powder diffraction and magnetization measurements and re­ The polycrystalline samples of YFe0.9Cr0.1O3 are prepared via con­
ported that R = Tm and Yb systems exhibited spin reorientation tran­ ventional solid state reaction route using high purity oxides of Y2O3
sition (TSR) below their Néel temperature TN, which are close to room (99.9%, Sigma-Aldrich), Cr2O3 (Alfa Aesar, 99.99%) and Fe2O3 (Alfa
temperature. But no such SR occurs in the Lu-based system, instead a Aesar, 99.99%). The details of the sample preparation are mentioned
magnetization reversal can be observed with a high compensation elsewhere [19]. The single phase formation of the material has been
temperature Tcomp.≈ 225 K. Mandal et al. [61] reported composition confirmed via X-ray diffraction technique using laboratory sources (Co-
dependent first order spin reorientation transition and weak ferromag­ kα) which is further confirmed through synchrotron x-ray diffraction
netic transition (second order) in YFe(1-x)MnxO3 (x ≤ 0.45) solid solu­ (SXRD) at room temperature. The XPS of our prepared material were
tions. In YFe(1-x)MnxO3 solid solutions, TN decreases whereas TSR recorded in ESCA spectrometer SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH,
increases with increasing ‘x’ content and at the intermediate value of x Germany make installed in UGC-DAE, Indore Center, used for the highly
= 0.40, both the TN and TSR occur around room temperatures. In this insulating materials. The data has been recorded using Al-Kα (1486.61
regards, the solid solutions YFe0.5Cr0.5O3 (YFC-50) have gained eV) X-rays. 13 KV, 100 W. The obtained XPS spectra have been analyzed
considerable attention from several researchers owing to the high value using XPSPEAK 41 software. The Dc and Ac magnetic susceptibility
of Tcomp. ~ 240 K, exchange bias, magnetocaloric effects [17] and measurements were performed in an MPMS 3 -SQUID VSM (Super­
magnetoelectricity [16]. Using molecular field approximation (MFA), it conducting Quantum Interference Device-vibrating sample magnetom­
had been established that the magnetization in the entire temperature eter, Quantum Design) installed in Institute of Physics, Bhubaneshwar,
within the ordered state for all the compositions in YFe(1− x)CrxO3 (0 ≤ x India. The Raman spectra were recorded in a confocal micro Raman
≤ 1) (YFC) is governed by the competition between the Dzyaloshinskii- spectrometer, ALPHA 300R (WiTec, Germany). The temperature
Moriya (DM) interaction from all the possible pairs of the transition dependent Raman spectroscopy were done in Linkam THMS600 stage
metal ions namely DFe-Fe, DFe-Cr and DCr-Cr interactions [15]. Later Bil­ using the liquid nitrogen as coolant. During measurement, the sample is
loni et al. through monte-carlo simulations [18] confirmed the proposed warmed at the rate of 20 ◦ C per min. from the lowest attained temper­
mechanism of MR stated in Dasari et al.[15] for the intermediate com­ ature (83 K) and halted for 5 min at the desired temperatures before the
positions viz. x = 0.4, 0.5 in YFC series. data acquisition. The data acquisition time was maintained for 30secs at
From the above discussions, it is apparent that considerable atten­ each temperatures during the entire measurements. The synchrotron X-
tions had been given from past decades to YFC-50, both experimentally ray diffraction (SXRD) data were collected using a He closed cycle
and theoretically owing to its peculiar MR phenomenon above liquid refrigerator (CCR) installed at BL12 Indus-II synchrotron source, Raja
nitrogen temperature, with diamagnetic Y3+ ion in it. This system is a Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), India. The wave­
prototype of a single-phase material with complex magnetic interactions length used was 0.801280 Å.
and magnetoelectric correlations. Unlike YFC-50, the physical proper­
ties of the lower Cr percentage doped materials haven not gained 3. Results and discussions
considerable attention owing to their weak ferroelectricity [15] and
absence of MR effect. In our previous work on YFe0.9Cr0.1O3 (YFC-10) 3.1. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies
[19], we studied the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of it has been
shown that the YFC-10 exhibits strong magnetoelastic coupling which In order to determine the possible valance states of the elements
are manifested as abrupt changes in the unit cell volume and lattice present in the prepared specimen, XPS measurement was conducted on
parameters at the magnetic transition temperatures. This system also the prepared sample. Fig. 1(a)-(f) displays the XPS core-level spectra of
exhibited an isostructural transition below TN and in a narrow temper­ the elements in YFC-10. Fig. 1(a) displays the C-1s spectra used as a
ature interval of 400–500 K, arising due to the competition between the reference for assigning the spectra of the other elements and for
in-plane and out-of-plane (symmetric super-exchange and antisym­ charging effect correction. It shows three reference spectra (taken dur­
metric DM) interactions. Also, the inequivalent DM interactions be­ ing the measurement) with slightly varying peak positions with binding
tween the various cations randomly distributed at the same energies at 288.8 eV, 289.0 eV and 288.9 eV designated as Ref.1, Ref.2
crystallographic site is found to be responsible for the weak ferroelec­ and Ref.3 respectively in Fig. 1(a). For charging corrections the mean
tricity (~0.005µC/cm2) in this system [15,19]. value of the peak position was subtracted from the 284.6 eV (actual
In this article, the Ac and Dc magnetic susceptibility measurements carbon reference peak). The calculated difference of ~4.33 eV gives the
below room temperatures (RT) have been used in order to examine the peak shift due to charging and is subtracted from the binding energy
magnetic properties of the prepared YFC-10 ceramics upto low tem­ values of the spectra of all other elements to give the charging correction
peratures. Magnetic susceptibility measurements revealed unusual to the binding energy values in the spectra for each species. The peak
cluster-glass like states at low temperatures in the ordered magnetic deconvolutions is proceeded thereafter for data analysis. The mixed
state. Moreover, the optical phonon behavior at the freezing transition Gaussian-Lorentzian line shape function superimposed on a Shirley
temperatures Tf1 and Tf2 and at the isostructural distortion region have background is used for the peak synthesis (deconvolution) procedure.
also been studied via Raman spectroscopy in a broad temperature Fig. 1(b) shows the peak synthesis of the O1s core-level spectrum.
regime from 80 to 450 K. The temperature dependent Raman spectro­ Peak deconvolutions yielded three synthetic peaks with their maxima at
scopic measurements revealed the existence of the strong spin–phonon binding energies 528.76 eV, 529.87 eV and 531.09 eV. The peak at
(spin–lattice) coupling and magneto-elastic effects which are manifested 528.76 eV, usually designated as the low binding energy component
as abrupt thermal variation of the Raman line width and Raman shift at (LBEC) in literatures [20] corresponds to the oxygen from Mt.-O (Mt =
the glass transition temperatures and at the isostructural distortion re­ Y, Fe/Cr) bonds in stoichiometric units. The medium binding energy
gion as well. The phenomenon of magnetoelastic or spin lattice coupling component (MBEC) at 529.87 eV appears from the increasing oxygen
associated with both freezing transitions in YFC-10 is directly revealed losses from the lattice that accounts for the chemical non-stoichiometry
through SXRD measurements. These results suggest the intrinsic in the specimen. The high binding energy component (HBEC) at 531.09
coupling between the spin, charge and lattice degrees of freedom in YFC- eV corresponds to the oxygen from surface adsorbed OH− radical [20].
10, which makes it a promising magneto-dielectric material. Fig. 1(c) shows the Fe 2p core-level XPS spectrum in the specimen,
with the Fe- 2p3/2 and Fe-2p1/2 doublets at the maximum binding en­
ergies of 710.37 eV and 724.17 eV marked as broken red and blue lines
in the figure respectively. Peak deconvolution of the Fe- 2p3/2 spectrum

S. Raut et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 529 (2021) 167887

Fig. 1. XPS core-level spectra for the specimen: (a) C1s peaks used as reference for peak assignment of various elements in YFC-10. (b) O1s spectrum deconvoluted in
three component peaks. (c) Fe 2p spectra with the Fe 2p3/2 peak deconvoluted into two components. (d) Cr 2p spectra of which the Cr 2p3/2 spectra is deconvoluted
in to two components. (e) Y 3d spectra deconvoluted into Y 3d5/2 and Y 3d3/2 component peaks. (f) The Y 3p spectra showing single synthetic peaks each for Y 3p3/2
and Y 3p1/2 of Y3+ ions as shown by the broken curves in figure (f).

results into two synthetic peaks with maxima centered at 709.8 eV and and Cr-2p1/2 total angular momenta respectively. Peak deconvolution of
711.97 eV. The higher binding energy peak accounts for the Fe3+ ions the Cr-2p3/2 peak yielded two synthetic peaks at 575.33 eV and 576.44
while the lower ones at 709.8 eV corresponds to the Fe2+ ions [21]. The eV. The lower binding energy peak at 575.33 eV corresponds to Cr2+
peak positions of the Fe- 2p3/2 synthetic peaks are similar to that ions while the higher binding energy curve correspond to the Cr3+ ions
observed in YFeO3 single crystals reported in cheng et al. [23]. Usually, [23,24]. Since the satellite peak of Cr-2p3/2 is superimposed on Cr-2p1/2
the Fe3+ 2p3/2 line is associated with a satellite peak ~ 8 eV above this peak [25], the relative concentration of the ions in different valance
principal peak [22] which is also indicated in Fig. 1(c). The occurrence states of Cr in YFC-10 is determined only from the deconvoluted peaks of
of these two peaks in the recorded XPS spectrum of Fe 2p3/2 angular Cr-2p3/2, as the ratio of the relative area [Cr2+]/[Cr3+], which came out
momenta further indicates the presence of the mixed valance ions of Fe to be 0.32. Fig. 2(e) shows the peak synthesis of Y 3d core-level spectra
in the prepared specimen of YFC-10. Such occurrences of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in the specimen, yielding Y-3d5/2 and Y-3d3/2 overlapped curves at
ionic states has also been found earlier in several ceramic systems con­ maximum binding energies 156.67 eV and 158.77 eV respectively cor­
taining Fe and Cr such as in double perovskite YFeCrO6 [24] and mixed responding to Y3+ ions. Similarly for the Y 3p core-level spectra in YFC-
perovskites RFe0.5Cr0.5O3 systems [26]. The estimated value of the ratio 10, peak deconvolution of the Y-3p3/2 and Y-3p1/2 yielded single peak
of the two valence states calculated from the area under the synthetic for each (shown as broken curves), corresponding to Y3+ ions in the
curves as [Fe2+]/[Fe3+] as 0.47. specimen.
Fig. 1 (d) shows the peak deconvolutions of the Cr-2p core-level The presence of the oxygen vacancies can be due to the high calci­
spectra in the sample. The spectra shows two peaks with maxima at nation and sintering temperatures used in the preparation method for
binding energies 575.97 eV and 586.27 eV corresponding to Cr-2p3/2 the bulk YFC-10 and are usually found in numerous ceramic oxides [23].

S. Raut et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 529 (2021) 167887

Fig. 2. (a)-(c) The DC magnetization measurement of YFC-10 in ZFC and FC protocols under H = 100Oe under 100Oe, 1kOe and 30kOe field respectively. The point
of inflections are indicated as broken lines, black and red respectively at high (T1) and at low (T2) temperatures. (d) Isothermal hysteresis curve M(H) at 5 K dis­
playing the weak ferromagnetic behavior.

In the bulk oxides, the release of oxygen from the lattice creates trapped 4. Temperature dependent DC and AC magnetization studies
charges. The ionization of the oxygen vacancies liberates these trapped
charges and as the released charges are absorbed by the Fe3+/Cr3+ ions, 4.1. Dc magnetization studies [M(T) vs. T and hysteresis]
charge transformations into Fe2+ /Cr2+ ions respectively takes place in
the specimen as explained with the KrÖgner-Vink notations [26,27] The temperature dependent dc magnetization of YFC-10 measured
through the relations under Zero field cooled warming (ZFC) and Field cooled warming (FCW)
protocols within the temperature interval of 5–300 K at various applied
Oo ⇔ Vo + ½O2 (1a) fields are illustrated in Fig. 2(a)-(c). For applied fields of 100 Oe and
Vo ⇔ V0o −
+ 2e (1b) 1kOe, the ZFC and FCW curves exhibited a wide irreversibility from 300
K downwards upto the lowest measured temperature. As shown in Fig. 2
Cr3+ + e− ⇔ Cr2+ (1d) (a) in 100 Oe field, the ZFC magnetization exhibited a continuous
downturn below temperature ~270 K followed by a sharp rise for T
Fe 3+ −
+ e ⇔ Fe 2+
below 30 K. In contrast to ZFC, the FCW magnetization continues to
Here Oo, Vo and V0o 2−
represents the lattice O ions, oxygen vacancies have nearly constant values until 250 K below which, it continuously
and ionized oxygen vacancies respectively. Cations with different va­ decreases similar to ZFC magnetization. The FC curve also exhibits a
lance and oxygen vacancies have found to be responsible for diverse clear bump-like feature centered around 45 K and again rises below 30 K
physical properties in these materials such as anomalous dielectric re­ similar to the ZFC curve. At intermediate applied fields of 1kOe [Fig. 2
laxations below room temperatures [28], extrinsic origin of the pyro­ (b)], the thermomagnetic irreversibility persists below 300 K with a
current in YFC-50 [29], high electrical conductivity at elevated sharp rise of the magnetization below 30 K. However both the ZFC and
temperatures in ferroelectric oxides [30] etc. Another important con­ FC magnetization exhibited a sharp fall around 190 K, followed by a
sequenses of the mixed valence of the magnetic ions in that single phase gradual decrease upto 70 K above which both the ZFC and FC magne­
materials is that the magnetic interactions can be greatly biased from the tization slowly increases first upto 28 K and the rises sharply with
Fe2+-Fe3+, Cr2+-Cr3+ interacting pairs with the usual Fe3+-Fe3+, Fe3+- decreasing temperature upto 5 K. However, in contrast to the ZFC curve
Cr3+ and Cr3+-Cr3+ symmetric and antisymmetric exchange interactions shown in Fig. 2(a), the ZFC magnetization under 1kOe exhibits a bump
in YFC-10. around 40 K. Fig. 2(c) shows the ZFC-FC curves measured with 30kOe

S. Raut et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 529 (2021) 167887

magnetic field. It can be observed that although the ZFC and FC signature of spin-glass like magnetic transition, it is also exhibited by
magnetization overlapped significantly between 300 and 200 K, yet a highly anisotropic ferromagnets, compounds with canted magnetic
wide thermomagnetic irreversibility exist for T < 200 K. A prominent structure arising from competing antiferromagnetic (AFM) and ferro­
broad hump occurred in the ZFC-FC magnetization around 160 K after magnetic (FM) exchange interactions and also in high-anisotropic anti­
decreasing from 250 K down to 190 K, but unlike shown in Fig. 2(a) and ferromagnets with random orientations of crystallites [35–38]. The
(b), both the ZFC and FC magnetization exhibits the bump centered Isothermal hysteresis loop of the prepared YFC-10 ceramics measured at
around 50 K. As obtained for lower and intermediate fields, both the ZFC 5 K as shown in Fig. 2(d), demonstrates the weak ferromagnetic
and FC magnetization measured in the 30kOe field also exhibited sharp behavior as that observed above RT [19]. Such hysteresis loops are
increase below 30 K. Such features like thermomagnetic irreversibility composed of a low field ferromagnetic component (FM) superimposed
of the ZFC-FCW magnetization at all applied fields from temperatures by a high field antiferromagnetic component (AFM) and is described as
much above Tf1 and the increase of the FCW magnetization above it (H) = σS +χ AFM H . Here σS is the low field saturation magnetization
indicates the formation of spin-glass like or more precisely cluster-glass value of the FM component and χAFM is the antiferromagnetic
states at low temperatures in the prepared specimen of YFC-10. Similar susceptibility.
features in ZFC-FCW magnetization have been previously reported in
various metallic systems (amorphous DyNi) [31], reentrant spin-glass
4.2. AC magnetization studies
insulating systems (La0.5Sr0.5CoO3) [32], the electron-doped manga­
nite Ca1− xSmxMnO3 [33] and in Heusler alloys (Ni2Mn1.36Sn0.64) [34].
The temperature dependent ac magnetic susceptibility measure­
Although the bifurcation between the ZFC-FCW magnetization is a
ments have been employed in order to gain further insight into the

Fig. 3. (a) & (b) Displays the thermal variation of real (M′ ) and imaginary part (M”) of the AC magnetic susceptibility respectively. The arrows in figure (c) indicates
the direction of variation of the frequency dependent features in M′ spectra.(e) & (f) shows the variation of the relaxation times with the reduced temperature
‘t’[=(Tf-TSG)/TSG] for the Freez.1 and Freez.2 transitions respectively. The solid lines (red) shows the power law fit, representing the critical slow dynamics of the
freezing processes as described in text. The inset of figures (c) & (d) describes the T variation of the relaxation times in Vogel-Fulcher (VF) shown as the red line in the
insets and are described in the text. (e) Relaxation dynamics studied under the FC protocol at 20 K (circle, blue) and 115 K (square, black).

S. Raut et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 529 (2021) 167887

possible magnetic states at low temperatures in the prepared ceramics. Table 1

Since the thermomagnetic irreversibility drastically increases below Parameters obtained from the AC-susceptibility data analysis: (TSG) glass-like
250 K, the ac susceptibility measurements at different frequencies phase transition temperature according to the power law fit, (zν) the critical
spanned between 5 and 300 K. The real part (M′ ) and imaginary part exponent, (τ0) the shortest microscopic flipping time according to the power law
(M′′ ) of the ac susceptibility are displayed in Fig. 3(a) and 3(b) respec­ fit, (T0) a measure of interaction strength between the magnetic entities esti­
mated from the VF law fit, (τ*) the shortest microscopic flipping time according
tively. Astonishingly, both M′ and M′′ exhibited frequency dependent
to the VF law fit and (Ea/kB) average activation energy barrier.
features at Tf1 and Tf2 respectively, thereby ruling out the possibility of
the spin reorientation transitions which have been reported to be absent Process TSG zν τ0 (s) T0 (K) τ* (s) Ea/kB (K)
for lower percentage Cr- doped compositions in the YFe(1− x)CrxO3 series
[15] and also confirms the re-entrance of glass-like magnetic states at Freez.1 108 6.76 (1.387 ± 104.24 5.927 445 ± 5.9
± 0.29 0.232) ± 0.63 × 10− 6
low temperatures in YFC-10. The M′ vs. T showed a monotonous ×
10− 4
decrease in the magnetization values below 180 K with a slightly Freez.2 30.0 4.11 (2.298 ± 14.72 ± 2.083 228 ± 16.6
increasing tail below 30 K at 3 Hz. On increasing the frequency, both of ± 0.22 0.247) × 2.14 × 10− 5
these features shifted towards the higher temperatures. However, the 10− 3
frequency dependent tail at low temperatures and at low frequency
appears as a complete weak bump in M′ vs T datas at higher applied
with randomly oriented ferromagnetic clusters instead of interacting
frequencies. In the Fig. 3 (b), the two sets of broad peaks are observed in
atomic spins [39].
the M′′ vs. T plots within the temperature of 5–300 K and are designated
Another plausible mechanism for the freezing process assumes that
as Freez. 1 and Freez. 2 processes in Fig. 3(b). The Freez.1 peaks co­
the frequency dependency of the freezing temperature Tf can be inter­
incides with the monotonously decreasing slopes in M′ vs. T plots above
preted in terms of thermally activated process of interacting magnetic
150 K [marked by black arrow in Fig. 3(a)] and the peak temperature
entities. In that case Tf (τ) dependence can be well described by the
exhibited frequency dependency displaying an increasing trend with
Vogel–Fulcher law (VF) [44].
applied ac frequency enhancement. The Freez. 2 peaks coincided with
( ( ))
the bumps at the low temperatures [marked by purple arrow in Fig. 3 τ = τ* exp Ea /kB Tf − T0 (1)
(a)] and similar to the Freez. 1 peaks, the peak temperature of Freez. 2
peaks also exhibited frequency dependency. The peak amplitude de­ where τ* is the characteristic time constant for the clusters, Ea is the
creases for Freez.1 whereas it increases for Freez. 2 peaks. Similar fea­ energy barrier separating two clusters and T0 is the Vogel-Fulcher
tures in the ac magnetization spectra [M′ (T, f) and M′′ (T, f)] within the temperature which measures the inter-cluster interaction strength.
long ranged magnetically ordered state has previously been observed in The time constants of both the freezing processes exhibited excellent
several re-entrant cluster glass systems [39,40,34]. For example, Chat­ agreement with VF law [Eq. (1)] and are displayed in the insets of the
terjee et al. [Ref. [34]] has found similar loss peaks within the Fig. 3(c) and (d) respectively for Freez.1 and Freez.2 and the fitted pa­
martensitic state in Ni2Mn1.36Sn0.64 Heusler alloys as obtained during rameters are also listed in Table 1. It can be seen from Table 1 that the
Freez.1 process in YFC-10, and were coincident with the frequency values of τ* are much larger than that obtained for the dilute spin glass
dependent step-like features in the real part (χ′ ) of the ac susceptibility. systems (~10-8) [45] and also resembles re-entrant cluster glass or
The frequency sensitivity of both the sets of the peaks in M′′ spectra have reentrant spin-glass systems such as Nd2NiMnO6 [39] and Heusler alloys
been estimated by calculating the Mydosh parameter (K) = [34]. Also the values of T0 (104.24 ± 0.63 K for Freez.1 and 14.72 ±
ΔTf /Tf (ΔLog10 f)and are obtained as 0.147 and 0.477 for Freez.1 and 2.14 K for Freez.2) are much smaller than the Ea/kB = (445 ± 5.9) K for
Freez.2 processes respectively. The typical values of K for the canonical Freez.1 and (228 ± 16.6) K for Freez.2. Recalling the physical signifi­
spin glasses are very less ~0.005–0.08, while for non-interacting super cance of T0 and Ea/kB, it can be suggested that T0 ≫ (Ea/kB) indicates the
paramagnetic state K assumes high values ~2. The obtained values of K strong coupling whereas T0 ≪ (Ea/kB) indicates weak coupling between
for the freezing processes in YFC-10 suggest the formation of cluster- the magnetic entities. Hence the interaction between the magnetic
glass like characteristic frozen states in the prepared specimen at low clusters are either extremely feeble or does not exist at all.
The dynamical scaling behavior [41] has also been studied for the 4.2.1. Aging effects
observed freezing processes using the critical slowing down relationship We further investigated the spin-glass like relaxation dynamics in the
[( )/ ]− zν
= τ0 Tf − TSG TSG . Here τ0 is microscopic spin flipping time, Tf present system by recording the thermo-remnant magnetization against
(K) is frequency dependent freezing temperature at which the maximum time. In this protocol, the sample was cooled under 100Oe-applied field
relaxation time (τ = 1/2πf) of the system occurs and it corresponds to the from 300 K upto the desired temperatures for relaxation studies each
measured frequency, TSG is the glassy freezing temperature in the limit f time. The field is switched off at the measuring temperatures and the
→ 0 Hz, Hdc → 0 and zν is the critical exponent. Fig. 3(c) & (d) displays decay of the sample’s magnetization was recorded for t = 5000 s.
the excellent power law fit (dynamical scaling) for the Freez.1and The Fig. 3(e) shows the M (t)/M (0) versus t curves recorded at 115 K
Freez.2 processes respectively in the Log10 τ vs. Log10 t plots, where t = and 20 K. The M (t) data are fitted with the modified stretch exponential
(Tf − TSG )/TSG is the reduced temperature. For this linear fitting process, function
a series of values of the TSG below 150 K for Freez. 1 and 50 K for Freez. 2 ( t )β
in the steps of 0.2 K were taken as trials for the best fit. After numerous M(t) = M0 − Mg exp[− ] (2)
trials, the best fit (as observed from the maximum adj.R2 of the fitted
curve) to the experimental datas were obtained for TSG1 = 108 K and The M0 and Mg are the ferromagnetic (FM) and exponential components
TSG2 = 30 K for Freez.1 and Freez.2 processes respectively. The extracted of M (t) respectively. β is an exponent which lies in the range 0 < β ≤ 1.
values of the parameters from the fits for both the relaxation processes In the above expression, β < 1 indicates the relaxation mechanism
are listed in Table 1. The spin flipping times τ0 (Freez.1) = (1.387 ± involving activation against multiple anisotropy barriers as proposed for
0.232) × 10− 4 s and τ0 (Freez.2) = (2.298 ± 0.247) × 10− 3 s are much SGs. Although the above expression for the spin dynamics relaxation
larger than the typical values ~ 10− 13 s for single spin flips [42,43]. Also have satisfactorily described the M (t) variation at 20 K, yet it failed to
for the canonical spin glasses, zν values spans between 5 and 12, but the reproduce the decay process at 115 K. However, by modifying the above
obtained values of 6.76 ± 0.29 (Freez.1) and 4.11 ± 0.22 (Freez.2) are expression with another glassy component in the form,
lower and resembles a slow spin flipping process and can be associated

S. Raut et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 529 (2021) 167887

[ ( )β1 ] [ ( )β2 ]
t t –Toulouse (GT) lines respectively. Although these theories have been
M(t) = M0 − Mg1 exp − − Mg2 exp − ⋯.. (3)
τ1 τ2 developed for concentrated ferromagnetic systems (FM), still they have
been applied to the disordered antiferromagnetic (AFM) systems as well
the fitting of the 115 K data becomes satisfactory as displayed in Fig. 3 [76].
(e), by the continuous curves. The values of the fitted parameters Mg/ It has been concluded in earlier studies on YFC series that although
M0, τ and β obtained from M (t)/M (0) curve fit with Eq. (2) at T = 20 K the spin cantation and the weak ferromagnetism in the end members of
are 0.497%, (828.72 ± 11.225) s and 0.83 ± 0.008 respectively, while the series viz YFeO3 and YCrO3 is invoked mainly by DM interactions
the values of the fitted parameters obtained from fitting of the M (t)/M between the Fe3+-Fe3+ and Cr3+-Cr3+ pairs respectively, the contribu­
(0) curve at T = 115 K with Eq. (3) yielded Mg1/M(0) and Mg2/M(0) as tions from SIMA had been found to be significant for compositions x >
6.324% and 5.758% respectively. The values of the time constants τ1 0.5 which presumably affects the thermal variation of the net magne­
and τ2 for the relaxations are obtained as (1145 ± 119) s and (1052 ± tization of the materials [15]. The SIMA contribution is small compared
119) s with β1 and β2 as 0.840 ± 0.0375 and 0.856 ± 0.0371 to the super-exchange and DM interactions for x ≤ 0.3. Hence in pres­
respectively. ence of high degree of chemical and bond disorderness and frustration as
All the above Dc and Ac magnetic susceptibility experiments on YFC- explained earlier for the present system, together with the small SIMA
10 clearly shows the spin-glass like states appearing below 200 K which contribution in contrast to the strength of the superexchange in­
is unusual to find in these mixed perovskite systems due to the absence teractions between the magnetic spins, two SG transitions below RT,
of frustration in their magnetic sublattices with Fe3+ and Cr3+ ions. In corresponding to the longitudinal and transverse freezing of the spins in
our previous work on YFC-10 [19], the existence of the ferromagnetic the Fe/Cr sublattices can occur, and also coexist with the LRO (WFM)
clusters have been found from high temperature dc magnetization state in the present specimen.
measurements where 1/χm vs. T obeyed Curie-Weiss law at tempera­ Although the theoretical predictions for the occurrences of the two
tures far above TN (~553 K). Formation of such magnetic clusters can SG states coexisting with the LRO have been verified using the macro­
results from the ferromagnetic interactions between magnetic cations scopic measurements (Ac and Dc magnetic susceptibility measurements)
with multiple valance states in YFe0.9Cr0.1O3. Our XPS results have [77–80], yet the results are rather controversial as it is not clear that the
indicated the presence of the mixed species of magnetic cations namely LRO and the SG phases are formed on the same or separate magnetic
Fe3+-Fe2+ and Cr2+-Cr3+ pairs. Hence in the present specimen of YFC-10 sublattices. Such controversies can be resolved using other microscopic
there are Cr2+/Cr3+ and Fe2+/Fe3+ interactions other than the usual tools such as neutron scattering, Mossbauer spectroscopic studies, etc.,
Fe3+/Fe3+, Cr2+/Cr3+ and Fe3+/Cr3+ magnetic interactions. The in­ that have been used to verify the longitudinal and transverse spinglass
teractions between Cr2+/Cr3+ or Fe2+/Fe3+ pairs give rise to super- model in the various Ising and Heisenberg systems [76,81–85]. Likewise
exchange interactions via the intervening O2− ions. Due to antiparallel the SG transitions in the present system have been verified also through
alignment of the spins there will be a non-zero spin moment generated detailed temperature dependent Raman spectroscopy and X-ray
giving rise to FM behavior. According to the Goodenough rule [46], the diffraction studies as shown in the preceding sections
interaction between Fe3+-O2− -Fe3+, Cr3+-O2− -Fe3+ and Cr3+-O2− -Cr3+
are however antiferromagnetic in nature with super-exchange angles Φ 4.3. Temperature dependent Raman spectroscopic measurements
≪ 180◦ giving rise to the antiparallel alignment between the concerned
spins. Also the interaction between the Cr2+/Cr2+ ion pairs which rep­ Raman spectroscopy is a versatile experimental tool to probe the
resents the d4 - d4 case can also be ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic local structural changes such as lattice distortions [66] and octahedral
between some pairs [46]. The SXRD results in this work has also showed rotations through lattice excitations and it can also probe magnetic ex­
that the magnetic cations are randomly distributed at the 4c site of the citations i.e magnons and even their interactions as well i.e. magnon-
Pnma unit cell. Such randomness in the Fe/Cr distribution at the same phonon coupling. Hence it is an ideal tool to investigate the spin–pho­
crystallographic site can lead to the frustration through bond randomness non (spin–lattice coupling) in a crystal [47–49,65]. Lattice dynamical
among the ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bonds, forming of the calculations with crystal symmetry Pnma, predicted 60 Γ-point phonon
ferromagnetic clusters within the ‘sea’ of the antiferromagnetic matrix. modes, out of which, 24 normal modes (7Ag + 5B1g + 7B 2g + 5B3g) are
Moreover, different clusters can be formed in the material with different Raman active. The unpolarised Raman spectra of YFC-10 recorded
cationic species coupled ferromagnetically. Such FM and AFM clusters within the spectral range of 100–800 cm− 1 and between the temperature
can sequentially undergo freezing processes at two separate tempera­ range of 83–433 K are shown in Fig. 4(a). In order to get better identi­
tures below RT, giving rise to the frequency dependent anomalous fea­ fication of the modes, the spectra recorded at 83 K was analyzed, as the
tures in the ac magnetic susceptibility spectrum and magnetization thermal broadening effects are subtle at low temperatures. No evolution
relaxations below the freezing temperatures. The formation of the glassy of the extra peaks in the entire measured temperature range have been
phases is evident in the present system at low temperatures, yet the observed, which rules out the possibility of any structural phase tran­
coexistence of the long range and spin-glass like phases is strongly sition in the present specimen. The lorentzian peak deconvolution of the
anticipated in this system. The isothermal hysteresis loop measured at 5 observed spectra at 83 K yielded 12 distinct normal modes of vibrations.
K (Fig. 2(d)) exhibits a weak ferromagnetic behavior similar to that The remaining predicted modes are either masked by band overlap or
observed at 300 K and also at temperatures just below TN [19]. their intensity is below the detection limit. The mode assignment has
Occurrence of two spin glass transitions have been reported earlier been made with comparison with the ref. [50,51]. The peak position of
for several multiferroic and non multi ferroic systems [67–71]. Indeed it the bands along with their symmetry assignments and respective full
has been theoretically grounded for the concentrated Heisenberg and width half maxima (FWHM) and associated atomic motions are listed in
Ising spin systems that the spin glass (SG) state arising from freezing of Table 2. The vibration modes below 200 cm− 1 are mainly characterized
either of the longitudinal or transverse components of the spins in the by displacements of the heavy rare-earth ions. Above 300 cm− 1, motions
long range ordered (LRO) phase, can coexist with the LRO phase on the of the light oxygen ions dominate, and in the intermediate frequency
same magnetic sublattices [71–75]. It has also been much more inter­ range vibration patterns involve both ions.
esting about another situation where two successive SG’s transitions The higher frequency modes mainly involve the various FeO6 octa­
have been predicted on theoretical grounds for concentrated Heisenberg hedral motions [51]. Fig. 4(c)-(j) displays the thermal variations of the
systems with small single ion magnetic anisotropy (SIMA) as compared peak shift (right panel) and FWHM (left panel) of some of the observed
to the magnetic exchange interactions (J), where both the longitudinal Raman modes.
and transverse components of the spins can freeze successively leading Usually the thermal variation of the band center of a particular
to the two SG transitions below the Almeida-Thouless (AT) and Gabay phonon mode can be described taking into account the various contri

S. Raut et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 529 (2021) 167887

Fig. 4. (a) Temperature dependent Raman spectra of YFC-10 at selected temperatures between 83 and 433 K. (b) peak deconvolution with Lorentzian line shape
function at 83 K. (c)-(h) Thermal variation of the line shape parameters, Raman Shift (Right panel) and FWHM (left Panel) of Ag(4), B2g(3), B2g(7), B3g(3), B3g(5) and
Ag(7) modes respectively. The dashed red and blue lines represents the usual anharmonic T variation of the RS and FWHM respectively.

butions according to the relation [52]: [ ]

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2
ωj (T) = ωj (0) + Δωj anh (T)+ Δωj qh (T)+ Δωj el.− (T)+ Δωj (T) ωj (T) = ωj (0) − Aj 1 + ( ( ) )
ph. sp.− ph. exp ℏωj (0)/2kB T − 1
(4) [
th − Bj 1 + ( ( ) )
where ωj(T) and ωj(0) are the phonon frequencies of the j mode at any exp ℏωj (0)/2kB T − 1 (5)
temperature T and at 0 K respectively. All other terms in the Eq. (4) are
described as: 3
+( ( ) )2
exp ℏωj (0)/2kB T − 1
(i) (Δωj)anh describes the change in the mode frequency due to the
intrinsic anharmonic effects arising from the thermal variation where ωj(0) is the mode frequency at 0 K in the harmonic approximation
and is given as: while Aj and Bj are the cubic and quartic anharmonic coefficients
respectively giving their respective strengths.

S. Raut et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 529 (2021) 167887

Table 2 presence of structural defects while Cj and Dj are parameters for cubic
The observed band positions, the corresponding symmetry assignment, FWHM and quartic anharmonic processes, respectively.
and main atomic motions of the observed Raman modes in YFe0.9Cr0.1O3.
Sl. Symmetry Band center Line width Associated Atomic (ii) (Δωj)qh describes the contributions from quasi-harmonic effects
No. Assignment (cm− 1) (cm− 1) motions which arises from the magnetostriction. For a particular mode, it
1 Ag(2) 144.72 2.07 Y(z), out-of-phase is approximated as (Δωj/ωj)qh = γj(ΔV/V) (γj is the Grüneisen
2 Ag(3) 263.588 7.195 [010]pc FeO6 rotation, parameter for the normal mode j and ΔV/V is the fractional unit
in-phase cell volume change due to thermal expansion). This factor is
3 Ag(4) 337.849 3.408 O(1) x-z plane
applicable for cubic crystals or for isotropically expanded lattices.
4 Ag(7) 497.998 10.519 O(1)-Fe-O(2) scissor-
like bending This effect can contribute in the system studied here in the
5 B1g(1) 149.65 1.84 Y(y) in-phase in x-z, freezing transition regions [see Fig. 5(c)-(f)] as the magneto-
out-of-phase in y volume effects is clearly revealed from the SXRD measurements
6 B2g(2) 214.499 2.720 Y(x), out-of-phase and one should also consider the possibility of phonon frequency
7 B2g(3) 273.356 3.769 [101]pc FeO6 rotation,
shift due to anisotropic lattice anomalies especially around
8 B2g(6) 532.217 57.114 O(2)-Fe-O(2) scissor- Freez.1 transitions.
like bending, in-phase (iii) (Δωj)el.-ph. describes the effects of the electron–phonon coupling
9 B2g(7) 663.896 22.085 Fe-O(2) stretching, in- on the jth phonon frequency which can be neglected when the
carrier concentration is low.
10 B3g(1) 177.16 2.598 Y(y) out-of-phase in x-z,
y (iv) (Δωj)sp-ph describes the change in phonon frequency due to
11 B3g(3) 428.79 12.132 octahedra squeezing in spin–lattice (spin–phonon) coupling which is caused by the
y phonon modulation of the spin-exchange integral [52]. A quan­
12 B3g(5) 631.64 22.461 FeO6 breathing titative approach to the measurement of spin phonon coupling
strength was put forward in Granando et al. [52]. In the Molec­
Similarly, the line widths of the Raman mode has the following ular Field Approximation (MFA), the phonon renormalization
temperature dependency due to the nearest neighbor spin–spin correlation is given as:
[ ] → →
2 (Δω)sp.− ph = η < S i. S j > (7)
Γj (T) = Γj (0) − Cj 1 + ( ( ) )
exp ℏωj (0)/2kB T − 1 Here the spin–spin correlation function is given as
[ 〈 〉
− Dj 1 + ( (
) ) S i, S j = 4{M(T)/Ms }2 . (8)where M (T) is the magnetization of
exp ℏωj (0)/2kB T − 1
] YFC-10 per Fe/Cr site, Ms is the saturation magnetization and η is the
3 spin–phonon coupling strength. The factor of 4 on the right hand site
+( ( ) )2 (6)
exp ℏωj (0)/2kB T − 1 stands for the four nearest neighbor canted Fe/Cr spins in the ac-plane.
From all the aforementioned effects on the mode frequency at a
where Γj(0) is intrinsic broadening of the jth mode arising from factors particular temperature, we can neglect the contributions from the
other than phonon decay from anharmonic processes such as the electron–phonon coupling as the material exhibits insulating behavior in
the concerned temperature range of the Raman spectroscopic

Fig. 5. Plot of Δω(T) versus {M(T)/Ms}2 for mode (a)B2g(3), (b) B3g(3) and (c) Ag(7). The dashed and solid lines in figures (a)-(b) and (c) respectively represents the
linear least square fits to the datas. Shaded regions in figures (a) and (b) denotes the isostructural distortion regions (Ref. [19]) in YFC-10 and the arrows mark the
temperatures at which an abrupt change of slope (m) occurs.

S. Raut et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 529 (2021) 167887

measurements [33]. Fig. 4(c) illustrates the thermal variation of the magnetostriction/magnetovolume effects. The line width of a particular
band center and line width of the Ag(4) mode that are solely described phonon mode is affected from the usual anharmonicity only due to the
by Eqs. (5) and (6) respectively with single set of the parameters. presence of spin–phonon (sp.-ph.) and (el.-ph.) interactions [50]. Hence
However, the thermal variation of the band centers as well as the line­ the changes observed in the thermal variation of the linewidths associ­
widths of several Raman active modes such as B2g(3), B2g(7), B3g(3), ated with the hardening of the B2g(3) and B3g(3) modes and softening of
B3g(5) and Ag(7) could not be described by a single set of fitting pa­ the B2g(7) mode reveal the presence of sp.-ph. interaction in the iso­
rameters in Eqs. (5) and (6) within the entire temperature interval as structural distortion region in YFC-10. Similarly, the deviation from the
displayed in Fig. 4(d)-(h). As evident from Fig. 4(d), the peak shift of the anharmonic modelling of the T variation of FWHM of the B3g (5) mode
B2g(3) mode deviates significantly from the anharmonicity above 323 K above 363 K associated with the hardening of the phonon mode
and further the peak shift increases in the frequency with increasing apparently reveals the presence of spin phonon interaction in the iso­
temperature (thereby countering the anharmonic model) above 383 K. structural transition regime. Interestingly, the thermal variation of the
Thus a significant renormalization occurs for temperatures above 383 K linewidth for T < 250 K of B3g (5) is satisfactorily described by eqn. (6)
for the B2g(3) Raman active mode. The line width of the B2g(3) Raman yet the frequency shift of the peak position exhibits a significant soft­
mode is found to obey the anharmonic variation (Eq. (6)) below 300 K ening. Since no anomalous T variation of the B3g (5) LW is associated
while it becomes independent of temperature above it. The B2g(3) line with this mode softening, the magneto-strictive or quasi-harmonic effects
width also exhibited critical T-behavior above 383 K. Similar T variation [described in Eq. (4)] is solely responsible for the observed mode soft­
of the band peak frequency and linewidths have also been exhibited by ening. The apparent independency of the LW with temperature of the Ag
the B2g(7) and B3g(3) Raman active modes. The peak frequencies of the (7) mode is found to be similar to the GaFeO3 single crystals [53] and
B2g(7) mode deviated from the anharmonic T behavior above 343 K and indicates the phenomenon of the phonon modulation of the exchange
becomes temperature independent with further increasing tempera­ integral by Ag (7) bending mode across the freez. 1 transition region.
tures. The B2g(7) phonon linewidth also clearly deviates from that pre­ Since approaching the SG transitions from the long range ordered (LRO)
dicted by Eq. (6) above 343 K and remained apparently invariant above state, the spin–spin correlation function in the (LRO) state within the
it. The B3g(3) band center frequency and linewidths as shown in Fig. 4(f) material gets modified from the interaction between the spins in the
deviates significantly above 353 K from the anharmonic model while the clustered regions with different spin–spin correlation functions itself.
linewidth upon increasing satisfactorily according to the anharmonic → →
Such modification in the < S i . S j > in the material on the same mag­
interaction becomes largely T independent above 323 K. However for T netic lattice affects the frequency of the mode causing it’s significant
≥ 353 K, it exhibits a critical behavior similar to that exhibited by renormalization with different coupling strength from the LRO state.
FWHM of B2g(3) mode. To quantify the spin–phonon coupling strength as given by the last
In our previous work [Ref. [19]] on YFC-10, the presence of signif­ term in Eq. (4), we utilized the formalism proposed by Granado et al
icant magnetoelastic coupling at TN ≈ 550 K and in the isostructural [33] suggesting a mechanism for phonon renormalization due to
distortion region which prevails about a wide range of temperatures spin–phonon interactions. The coupling strength has been esti­
~400–500 K has been inferred. The temperature range chosen here for mated from the plots of change of the phonon frequency from anhar­
the Raman spectroscopic measurements covers the Freez.1 transition monicity versus squared normalized magnetization above RT for B2g(3)
temperatures upto some temperatures within the isostructural distortion and B3g(3) modes and are displayed in Fig. 5(a) & (b) respectively. As
region also. Significant lattice distortion prevails in the thermal region ≈ evident from these figures, the linear variation of the data plotted as Δω
400–500 K in the prepared material [19], which arises from the against [M (T)/M s] 2 satisfactorily holds but with severe changes in the
competition between the interlayer and intralayer symmetric and anti­ slopes above the isostructural distortion thermal regime (shaded re­
symmetric exchange interactions. Hence the deviations from the gion). For example, remarkable changes from negative towards positive
anharmonicity of the phonon line widths and peak frequencies for T > slope has occurred in the linear variation of the Δω versus [M (T)/M s] 2
353 K indicates a strong spin–phonon coupling is also associated with plot above 373 K for the B2g(3) mode (Fig. 5(a)), while a similar and
the isostructural transition region. sharp changes from the positive to negative slope has been observed in
A remarkable feature have been noticed in the T variation of the peak the plot for the B3g(3) mode above 379 K (Fig. 5(b)). Such abrupt
frequency of the B3g (5) mode as shown in Fig. 4(g). The band center changes in the slope of the Δω versus [M (T)/Ms] 2 plots strongly in­
frequency shows a satisfactory T variation according to Eq. (5) between dicates the changes in spin dynamics across the isostructural distortion
243 and 363 K, while a significant phonon softening is noticed for T < region in YFC-10. Similar slope changes within the ferromagnetic state
243 K as well as hardening of the phonon mode is evident for T > 363 K have been reported previously in GaFeO3 single crystals [53].
similar to the B2g(7) mode. However, the linewidth of the B3g (5) mode As significant phonon hardening was observed in the T variation of
exhibits a satisfactory fitting with Eq. (6) between 83 and 363 K and the Ag (7) bending mode, the spin phonon coupling strength associated
upon further increasing the temperature it exhibits a rapid increase with with this mode is also estimated from similar plot shown in Fig. 5(c). The
temperature so that for T > 363 K a significant deviation from the fitting linear fit of the datas of the plot of Δω vs. [M (T)/M s]2 for the Ag (7)
line occurred. At last coming to Fig. 4(h), the band center frequency of mode gives the value of the slope m = − 34.191 ± 6.193 cm− 1 from
the Ag(7) mode cannot be described solely using the single fitting pa­ which the spin–phonon coupling strength is calculated to be − 8.548 ±
rameters in the usual anharmonic model within the entire temperature 1.548 cm− 1 [using Eq. (7) and Eq. (8)]. The sp.-ph. coupling strengths
interval. The best fit [with Eq. (5)] of the T variation of the peak fre­ associated with the B2g(3) mode within and below the isostructural
quency of the Ag(7) bending mode has been done within 293 K ≤ T ≤ 433 distortion region are λ1 ≈ − 7.05 ± 0.27 cm− 1 and λ2 ≈ 2.08 ± 0.18 cm− 1
K. The fitting result shows a significant phonon renormalization for T < respectively.
293 K causing hardening of the phonon mode in the Freez. 1 transition Similarly from the slopes obtained for the B3g(3) modes [Fig. 5(b)],
region. Also the linewidth of the Ag (7) mode satisfactorily matches the the values of the coupling strength are obtained as λ1 ≈ 4.02 ± 0.77
anharmonic model below Freez.1 transition region, above which it be­ cm− 1 and λ2 ≈ − 6.91 ± 0.99 cm− 1 respectively within and below the
comes apparently T invariant upto 433 K. This indicates the existence of isostructural distortion regions. These obtained values of λ’s for YFC-10
spin phonon coupling which is also associated with the spin glass tran­ are comparable to the earlier estimates reported for other systems using
sition (Tf1) in the prepared ceramics. Raman scattering. As such, for example Lockwood et al. [54] showed the
Bhadram et al. [50] showed that the existence of the spin–phonon spin–phonon coupling strength for different modes in the range from 1.3
interaction around a magnetic transition is truly revealed from the to − 0.4 cm− 1 for antiferromagnetic rutile structured MnF2 and FeF2, and
changes in the thermal variation of the phonon line widths (FWHM) as Gupta et al [55] found a very large spin–phonon coupling strength
the phonon decay lifetimes are not affected by the presence of

S. Raut et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 529 (2021) 167887

(~5.2 cm− 1) for Sr4Ru3O10. Table 3

Therefore the obtained values of the sp.-ph coupling strength in YFC- Refined Lattice Parameters, fractional atomic position, equivalent temperature
10 associated with various Raman active modes indicates strong factors and reliability factors obtained from Rietveld refinement of the SXRD
coupling between spin and lattice dynamics. In order to get direct evi­ patterns of YFC-10 at 300 K and 12 K with Fe/Cr randomly distributed at the
dence of the true nature of the spin–phonon interaction in YFC-10, Wyckoff position 4c (0, 0, 1/2).
analysis via inelastic neutron scattering experiments are required Temperature 300 K 12 K
further. Space group Pnma Pnma
a (Å) 5.59638(14) 5.59508(12)
b (Ǻ) 7.61265(17) 7.60260(14)
4.4. Temperature dependent X-ray diffraction measurements c (Ǻ) 5.28896(14) 5.28157(12)
V (Ǻ3) 225.327(10) 224.663(8)
In order to verify further the spin–lattice interactions which are Yx 0.0664(3) 0.0691(2)
y 0.2500 0.2500
associated with the cluster-glass like transitions in the present ortho­ z − 0.0175(4) − 0.0177(4)
ferrite –orthochromite system, the synchrotron X-ray diffraction mea­ Uiso. (Ǻ2) 0.006(14) 0.004(4)
surement have been employed further between temperatures 10–300 K. O1 x 0.4520(14) 0.4586(14)
Fig. 6(A) and (B) displays the Rietveld refinement of the X-ray dif­ y 0.2500 0.25000
z 0.1087(18) 0.1062(15)
fractogram of the prepared specimen at 300 K and 12 K respectively.
Uiso. (Ǻ2) 0.009(8) 0.000(2)
Similar to that obtained before in the high temperature X-ray diffraction O2 x 0.3066(9) 0.3040(11)
studies [19], the prepared specimen of YFC-10 contains <1% of the y 0.0568(9) 0.0580(7)
unreacted Y2O3 (cubic) phases that are indicated as purple coloured z − 0.3122(12) − 0.3054(11)
vertical lines in the diffractogram figures. All the diffractograms within Uiso. (Ǻ2) 0.008(6) 0.001(3)
RF (%) 4.90 1.70
the temperature range of 10–300 K were refined in the orthorhombic RBragg (%) 5.11 1.74
space group pnma and no evidence of structural phase transition was χ2 3.25 0.482
observed in YFC-10 down to the lowest measured temperature also. The
results of the Rietveld refinements of the X-ray diffraction patterns at 12
and 300 K are listed in the Table 3. K. Thereafter V(T) exhibited a sharp and continuous decrease with a dip
Fig. 6(C)-(F) displays the thermal (T) variation of the unit cell vol­ at 140 K with a subsequent change ΔV(T) ≈ 0.41 Å within 60 K of the
ume V(T) and lattice parameters a(T), b(T) and c(T) of YFC-10 between temperature interval. Below 130 K, V(T) decreases slowly upto T ≈ 22 K,
10 and 300 K. As shown in Fig. 6(C), the cell volume decreases slightly below which V(T) decreases abruptly with |ΔV(T)| ≈ 0.115 Å for the
below 300 K and then begins to increase in the similar manner upto 200 temperature decrease up to 12 K. Similar T variation have also been

Fig. 6. (A),(B) the Rietveld Refinement of the SXRD patterns of YFC-10 respectively at 300 and 12 K respectively. The Bragg’s reflections denoted by C and O
represents the minor cubic phases of Y2O3 and major phase of orthorhombic YFC-10 respectively. (C)-(F) displays the thermal variation of the cell volume and lattice
parameters of YFC-10 between 12 and 300 K. The shaded portions brown and pink in the figure represents the Spin-glass transition T- regions associated with Freez. 1
and Freez. 2 processes respectively. The Inset of figure (C) highlights the anomalous dip in the V(T) at Tf1. The broken lines black and blue indicates the inflection
points in the T variation of the cell parameters within Freez.1 and Freez.2 transition regions.

S. Raut et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 529 (2021) 167887

observed for the lattice parameters b(T) and c(T) in the measured below structural parameters such as super-exchange angles (Φ1 and Φ2),
RT thermal domain as displayed in Fig. 6(E) and (F) respectively. Unlike octahedral bond lengths etc. have also been analyzed here in the similar
V(T), b(T) and c(T), the lattice parameter a(T) [shown in Fig. 6(D)] way as that has been done with the high temperature SXRD data in ref.
increases monotonously with temperature decrement from 300 to 200 K [19]. Fig. 7(A) and (B) illustrates the thermal variation of the super-
by Δa(T) ≈ 1.46 × 10− 3 Å. It decreases first rapidly and then slowly with exchange angles Φ1 (along b-direction) and Φ2 within the ac plane of
decreasing temperature, exhibiting a similar dip at 140 K as observed for the crystal. The schematic representations of these exchange angles are
other lattice constants. a(T) also exhibited a sharp decrease of |Δa(T)| ≈ illustrated in Fig. 7(E). As evident from the Fig. 7(A), Φ1 increases at first
7.5 × 10− 4 between 22.3 and 12 K temperature interval similar to that slowly and then rapidly below 250 K with decreasing temperature upto
observed in V(T), b(T) and c(T) within the same thermal interval. The 200 K, where Φ1 exhibits a maximum. Thereafter it decreases rapidly
anomalies in the T variation of the lattice constants and cell volume with decreasing T, from 144.5 to 143.1◦ within the temperature interval
below RT reveal strong magnetoelastic coupling near 22 K and 200 K of 40 K. At the temperature of 160 K, Φ1 exhibits a minimum and with
temperatures and hence suggests the presence of the magnetostriction/ decreasing T, it increases again attaining a value ~144.3◦ at 130 K.
magneto volume effects associated with the spin glass transition pro­ Below 130 K, Φ1 again decreases upto T = 22.3 K, where it increases
cesses in YFC-10 [86]. abruptly upto the lowest measured temperature. Similar critical thermal
In order to gain further insight on the observed critical behavior of variation has also been demonstrated by Φ2 below RT as illustrated in
the lattice parameters, the thermal variation of the microscopic Fig. 7(B). Below RT Φ2 exhibits, a nearly linear and rapid increase upto

Fig. 7. Thermal variations of (A), (B) super-exchange angles ϕ1 and ϕ2 respectively; (C), (D) Fe-O1 and Fe-O2 octahedral bond lengths. The shaded regions indicates
the spin-freezing transition regimes in YFC-10. (E) The schematic representation of the various microscopic structural parameters in YFC-10 unit cell. (M = Fe/Cr).

S. Raut et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 529 (2021) 167887

200 K where a maxima of 144.98◦ is attained within the Freez.1 process

(shaded green portion in the Fig. 7). Thereafter it decreases steeply with
decreasing temperature upto 180 K. However unlike the Φ1, Φ2 in­
creases upto 160 K exhibiting a maxima of 144.6◦ in the Freez.1 tran­
sition region. As the temperature is decreased, the Φ2 increases for
temperatures below 150 K upto T = 22.3 K, below which it displays a
steep decrease.
Since the (Fe/Cr)O6 octahedra are the essential building blocks of the
Pnma structure in orthoferrites and orthochromates, the shift in the
oxygen ions O1 and O2 can be revealed by carefully analyzing the
octahedral bond lengths and bond angles. Fig. 7(C) and (D) describes the
T variation of the various octahedral bond lengths namely d(Fe/Cr-O1)
(along b direction) and d(Fe/Cr-O21), d(Fe/Cr-O22) (within the a-c plane)
As the temperature is decreased below RT, all octahedral bond
lengths exhibited a gradual decrease with temperatures upto 200 K.
Below 200 K, as the temperature is decreased, d(Fe/Cr-O1) increases and
exhibits a maximum at 160 K and again decreasing further abruptly upto
130 K. Interestingly, an abrupt rise of 0.004 Å in d(Fe/Cr-O1) occurred
roughly between 130 K and 120 K. Since the Fe/Cr atoms in the Pnma
unit cell of YFC-10 have fixed fractional position coordinates, the
anomalous shift in the O1 oxygen ions in the ac plane, as revealed from
Fig. 7(c), increases the Fe/Cr-O1 bond distance and decreases the ex­
Fig. 8. Thermal variation of the octahedral bond angles α1, α2 and β repre­
change angle Φ1 upon decreasing the temperature from 130 to 120 K.
sented in (A)-(C). The insets of figures (A) & (C) highlights the anomalous bond
Similarly, the minimum of d(Fe-O1) at 200 K causes the maximum value
angle variation at the low T cluster-glass transition (Freez.2).
of angle Φ1 at same temperature. As the temperature is decreased further
below 120 K, d(Fe-O1) decreases and again shows anomalous thermal
small for β (~0.93◦ ) and α2 (~0.14◦ ). As the temperature is decreased
variations in the Freez2. region (shown by shaded purple region in the
further, α1 is nearly constant upto 200 K while α2 increases within the
Fig. 7) in a counter manner to that exhibited by Φ1. Lastly the steep
same thermal window. Thereafter as the temperature is decreased, α1
reduction in d(Fe-O1) below 22.3 K, causes a rapid increase in Φ1 also.
decreases upto 180 K, then increases exhibiting a maximum at 160 K. On
Fig. 7(d) shows the T variation of the two octahedral bond lengths in
the other hand α2 exhibits a maxima at 200 K, then decreases with
the a-c plane of the crystal namely d(Fe/Cr-O21) and d(Fe/Cr-O22). In the
decreasing temperature upto 160 K below which it increases further
whole temperature range, both these octahedral bond distances
with lowering temperature. Below 140 K, there is a nearly constant T
exhibited critical behaviors in the Freez.1 and Freez.2 process but in a
variation of both α1 and α2 upto 22.3 K, where α1 decreases while α2
mutually exclusive manner. Below 250 K, d(Fe/Cr-O21) decreases almost
increases rapidly with decreasing temperature.
linearly upto 200 K where it assumes nearly constant values upon
Similarly as bond angle α2, β also increases linearly below 250 K with
varying T to 180 K, whereas d(Fe/Cr-O22) increases linearly upto 180 K.
decreasing T as illustrated in Fig. 8(c). However in contrast to α1 and α2,
Hence, the super-exchange angle Φ2 decreases and exhibits a minimum
β increases further with decreasing temperature upto 180 K, thereafter it
at 180 K. As the temperature decreases below 180 K, d(Fe/Cr-O21) in­
decreases significantly with decreasing T exhibiting a minimum at 160
creases by 0.012 Å whereas the d(Fe/Cr-O22) decreases by 0.019 Å within
K. Within the temperature interval of 160–180 K (ΔT = 20 K), Δβ be­
δT = 20 K. As a result of this competitive changes with temperature of
comes ~ 0.5◦ . Below 130 K β remains nearly constant with temperature
d(Fe/Cr-O21) and d(Fe/Cr-O22), Φ2 also increases steeply upto 160 K.
variation and begins to increases slowly like α2 below 51 K which is
However, since d(Fe/Cr-O21) abruptly increases by 0.011 Å upto 140 K
marked as the onset of the Freez.2 process and exhibits a maximum at
while d(Fe/Cr-O22) change is negligible within the same thermal range,
22.3 K as shown in the inset of Fig. 8[C].
there is an overall increase in the O21-Fe/Cr-O22 bonds, which gives a
Thus, our SXRD analysis of the polycrystalline YFC-10 between 12
minima in the T variation of Φ2 at 150 K. Thus, the competitive nature of
and 300 K exhibited the intense critical T-variation of the lattice pa­
the thermal variation of the Fe/Cr-O22 and Fe/Cr-O21 octahedral bond
rameters within the freezing transition regions I and II. This critical
lengths together determines the critical behavior of the exchange angle
behavior of the lattice parameters a(T), b(T) and c(T) and cell volume V
Φ2 in the entire measured temperature range. It can be interestingly
(T) is accounted from the anomalous variation of the microscopic
noted that both Fe/Cr-O22 and Fe/Cr-O21 exhibited a drastic change in
structural parameters such as octahedral bond lengths and bond angles
slope below 22.3 K similar to that observed in d(Fe/Cr-O1) [Fig. 7(c),
over the same T windows, which clearly reveals the magnetoelastic
purple shaded region].
coupling associated with the spin-glass transitions at low temperatures.
Fig. 8(a)–(c) gives the thermal variation of the octahedral bond an­
In the spin glass transition regions the in-plane (Φ2) and out-of-plane
gles α1, α2 and β as depicted schematically in Fig. 7(E). It has been found
(Φ1) super exchange angles are also found to exhibit the critical be­
previously by Zhou and Goodenough [87], the MO6 octahedra (M = Fe,
haviors which are consequences of the anomalous shifts of the O2−
Mn, V, Ni, Cr, Ti,….,and Ga) in RMO3 (R = Rare earth or Y) series are
ligand connecting the octahedras in the a-c plane and along b-directions
nearly rigid with nearly equal bond distances d ≈ 2.00 Å and octahedral
respectively. These changes in the slope of the thermal variation of the
bond angle β deviating from 90◦ by small amount δ (≈ 0.3◦ ) for rare
lattice parameters have been reported previously in several oxides such
earth ionic radii (IR) ≤ 1.11 Å and becomes highly non-rigid i.e the
as in SmFeO3 nanoparticles [56] where nonlinear T-variation of the
octahedral bond angles deviates far from 90◦ by sufficiently larger
lattice constants were evidenced at the spin reorientation regions, in
values for rare earth ionic radii (IR) ≥ 1.11 Å. The observed bond angle
oxide and sulpho spinel chromates [57,58] at the ferroelectric and
β = 90.42 (16) Å at 300 K in YFC-10 is consistent with the results re­
magnetic transition temperatures, in Triangular lattice antiferromagnets
ported in Zhou et al. [87] for IR≈1.02 Å (Y3+) ions. Although α1 and β
(TLA’s) such as LiCrO2 [59] and its doped compounds [59,60]. These
are less deviated from 90◦ yet α2 differs from 90◦ by ~ 3◦ .
isostructural distortions at the magnetically ordering temperature are
As shown in Fig. 8, all the octahedral bond angles decreases first
found responsible for the observed ferroelectricity and magneto-electric
between 300 and 250 K, which is significantly large for α1 (~4.5◦ ) while

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