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(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Activity Sheets)

Name: _______________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

ACTIVITY SHEET #1: Technical Terms in Research

PIVOT 4A BOW: Determine the definition of terminologies using dictionary, thesaurus, and online sources
MELC: Distinguish technical terms used in research.

At the end of this worksheet, the learners will be able to:

1. distinguish the technical terms used in research;
2. identify the parts of a research paper and its appropriate technical terms, and
3. use appropriate sources to define research terminologies.

Research is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data, documentation of critical
information, analysis and interpretation of what data/ information, in accordance with suitable methodologies
set by specific professional fields and academic disciplines.

Parts of Research
Below are the parts of a research paper the technical terms used to refer or name it.
Title page - this is the first page of the paper that contains an informative title and gives description of
the content of the paper. It usually contains the name of the author/s
Abstract – contains the summary of the entire study or research. The abstract also provides the
overview of the research. The length is no more than 250 words.
Introduction – describes the topic under investigation and identifies research gaps. It is the part where
how current research will address that research gap or unresolved issues.
Literature Review – it contains the sources directly related to the study. It is divided into two sections
which are related concepts and related studies.
Related concepts – present some of the fundamental concepts needed by the readers to
better understand the study.
Related studies – refers to reviewing or studying research that is already existing.
Methodology – describes the tests, experiments, steps on how the research was conducted or
performed. It features the participants, the study design, the instruments used, data gathering procedure
and data analysis. Instruments includes questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion, survey and
Results – shows the data collected and results of statistical data analysis.
Discussion – it features the summary and explanation of the result collected from the study in relation
to the previous studies presented in the literature review.
Conclusion – contains the restatement of the findings, recommendation and implications. The
conclusion may be included into the discussion.
References – cites the list sources used in the study. They may be books, dictionary, thesaurus and
online sources such as websites, online journals, online articles, online videos..etc.

Other technical terms or terminologies relevant to research are the following:

Accuracy -- a term used in survey research to refer to the match between the target population and the
Anonymity -- a research condition in which no one, including the researcher, knows the identities of
research participants.
Confidentiality -- a research condition in which no one except the researcher(s) knows the identities of the
participants in a study.
Control Group -- the group in an experimental design that receives either no treatment or a different
treatment from the experimental group. This group can thus be compared to the experimental group.
Correlation -- a common statistical analysis, usually abbreviated as r, that measures the degree of
relationship between pairs of interval variables in a sample.
Delimitation -- refers to the boundaries of the research study, based on the researcher’s decision of what
to include and what to exclude. They narrow your study to make it more manageable and relevant to 1what
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you are trying to prove.
(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Activity Sheets)

Dependent Variable -- a variable that varies due, at least in part, to the impact of the independent
variable. In other words, its value “depends” on the value of the independent variable.
Framework -- the structure and support that may be used as both the launching point and the on-
going guidelines for investigating a research problem.
Hypothesis -- a tentative explanation based on theory to predict a causal relationship between
Independent Variable -- the conditions of an experiment that are systematically manipulated by
the researcher. A variable that is not impacted by the dependent variable, and that itself impacts the
dependent variable.
Margin of Error -- the permittable or acceptable deviation from the target or a specific value. The
allowance for slight error or miscalculation or changing circumstances in a study.
Mean -- implies average and it is the sum of a set of data divided by the number of data.
Null Hypothesis -- the proposition, to be tested statistically, that the experimental intervention has
"no effect," meaning that the treatment and control groups will not differ as a result of the intervention.
Investigators usually hope that the data will demonstrate some effect from the intervention, thus
allowing the investigator to reject the null hypothesis.
Non-probability sampling -- the selection of subjects or sampling units from a population using non
random procedure. E.g., Convenient Sampling, Purposive Sampling.
Population -- the target group under investigation. The population is the entire set under
consideration. Samples are drawn from populations.
Questionnaire -- structured sets of questions on specified subjects that are used to gather
information, attitudes, or opinions.
Probability Sampling -- the selection of subjects or sampling units from a population using random
procedure; E.g., Simple random Sampling, Stratified random Sampling.
Random Sampling -- a process used in research to draw a sample of a population strictly by
chance, yielding no discernible pattern beyond chance. Random sampling can be accomplished by
first numbering the population, then selecting the sample according to a table of random numbers or
using a random-number computer generator.
Sample -- the population researched in a particular study. Usually, attempts are made to select a
"sample population" that is considered representative of groups of people to whom results will be
generalized or transferred.
Statistical Analysis -- application of statistical processes and theory to the compilation,
presentation, discussion, and interpretation of numerical data.
Triangulation -- a multi-method or pluralistic approach, using different methods in order to focus
on the research topic from different viewpoints and to produce a multi-faceted set of data. Also used
to check the validity of findings from any one method.
Validity -- the degree to which a study accurately reflects or assesses the specific concept that the
researcher is attempting to measure.
Variable -- any characteristic or trait that can vary from one person to another [race, gender,

Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is
______ 1. References are the list of sources used in in the study.
______ 2. Title page is the first page of the paper, which contains the title and description of the research.
______ 3. Results describes the tests, experiments, and steps on the how the research was performed.
______ 4. Discussion provides the summary and explanation of the result collected from the study.
______ 5. Introduction is the part where how current research will address that research gap or unresolved issues.
______ 6. Literature Review It is divided into two sections which are related concepts and related studies.
______ 7. Abstract shows the data collected and results of statistical data analysis.
______ 8. Methodology It features the participants, the study design, the instruments used, data gathering
procedure and data analysis.
______ 9. Conclusion contains the restatement of the findings, recommendations and implications.

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(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Activity Sheets)

______ 10. Related studies refer to reviewing or studying research that is already existing.
Directions: Give the meaning of the following research terminologies by using dictionary, thesaurus,
and online sources (Google, online dictionary…etc.). Write the definition on the blank.
1. data ______________________________________________________________

2. limitation ______________________________________________________________

3. operational definition ______________________________________________________________

4. reliability ______________________________________________________________

5. technical definition ______________________________________________________________

Directions: Identify the research terms defined in each number. Write your answers on the
_____________________ 1. the permittable or acceptable deviation from the target or a specific
_____________________ 2. a common statistical analysis, that measures the degree of relationship
between pairs of interval variables in a sample
_____________________ 3. a variable that varies due to the impact of the independent variable
_____________________ 4. a process used in research to draw a sample of a population strictly by
_____________________ 5. a research condition in which no one except the researcher(s) knows the
identities of the participants in a study
_____________________ 6. the proposition, to be tested statistically, that the experimental
intervention has "no effect,"
_____________________ 7. structured sets of questions on specified subjects that are used to
gather information, attitudes, or opinions.
_____________________ 8. the conditions of an experiment that are systematically manipulated by
the researcher
_____________________ 9. application of statistical processes and theory to the compilation,
presentation, discussion, and interpretation of numerical data
_____________________ 10. the selection of subjects or sampling units from a population using non
random procedure

Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of your answer on the blank.
______ 1. What is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data, documentation of
critical information, analysis and interpretation of what data/ information?
a. reference b. title page c. research d. methodology
______ 2. In which part of a research will you find the restatement of the findings, recommendation
and implications?
a. literature review b. introduction c. abstract d. conclusion

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______ 3. Which refers to the summary and explanation of the result collected from the study in
relation to the previous studies presented in the literature review?
a. methodology b. results c. discussion d. references
______ 4. What is the definition of accuracy as used in research?
a. a term used in survey research to refer to the match between the target population and
the sample
b. a research condition in which no one, including the researcher, knows the identities of
research participants
c. a research condition in which no one except the researcher(s) knows the identities of
the participants in a study
d. the degree to which a study accurately reflects or assesses the specific concept that
the researcher is attempting to measure
______ 5. Which technical term is related to research?
a. delimitation b. probability sampling c. confidentiality d. all three

Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle by writing the word defined in the boxes.

7 2 4

8 3


any characteristics that can take on different values, such as height, age, species, or exam score
a part or subset of population selected to participate in the research study
an educated or calculated guess by the researcher
refers to the boundaries of the research study
using different methods in order to focus on the research topic from different viewpoints

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(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Activity Sheets)

structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study
a clear, concise summary that communicates the essential information about the study
describes how the research was conducted or performed
implies average and it is the sum of a set of data divided by the number of data
the entire set of individuals or respondents having some common characteristic(s) selected as
participants research study

Barrot, Jessie S. Ph.D. (2016).Academic Reading and Writing For Senior High School. C&E Publishing, Inc.
Research Guides – Glossary of Research Terms. (21 May 2021). Retrieved from
Research Paper Structure (2021).UC San Diego. Retrieved from


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