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Abdullah Gül University

Department of Business Administration

BA-320 Management Information System

1)A set of connected actions taken by members of an organization to accomplish a certain
business aim or target is referred to as a business process. Depending on the business and how
it operates, these procedures may be more ad hoc and flexible or repetitious and structured.
The usual components of a business process are inputs, actions or transformations, and
The role of business processes in organizations is essential for several reasons. First of all,
operations are streamlined, waste is reduced, and redundancies are eliminated by well-defined
and optimized procedures, which raise productivity and lower costs. Second, standardized
procedures keep goods and services consistent and of high quality, which increases client
happiness and loyalty. Thirdly, businesses may determine resource needs and efficiently
distribute resources to complete tasks within allotted time periods by outlining their business
processes. Furthermore, analyzing and evaluating company processes facilitates well-
informed choices on resource distribution, process enhancements, and strategic planning.
Finally, well-defined procedures help in identifying and reducing operational risks in addition
to facilitating loyalty to legal requirements and industry standards.
2) Business processes are closely related to information systems. For instance, Business
process automation is frequently achieved via information systems through task digitization
and streamlining, less manual involvement, and increased process efficiency. As an example
of automation, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems integrate various business
functions and automate processes such as inventory management, procurement, and financial
transactions. Information systems are also related to data management. It helps to collect,
store, and process businesses data. They help decision making and provide real-time access to
information. Business processes also facilitate organizations to control their workflow with
workflow management system software. This software helps to ensure that responsibilities are
assigned to people or teams, tasks are completed in the proper order, and process performance
measures are monitored.
3) Organizations' operational effectiveness is dependent on Transaction Processing Systems
(TPS), which are distinguished by their capacity to process regular transactions reliably and
quickly. These systems make sure that data is managed quickly and error-free by placing a
high priority on correctness, speed, and dependability. Multiple users may access data
simultaneously using TPS, keeping data integrity even with heavy usage. A crucial
component is scalability, which enables TPS to adjust to rising transaction volumes without
compromising efficiency. Sensitive data is protected by integrated security measures, and
system resilience is guaranteed by backup and recovery procedures. TPS also provides
auditability tools for tracking transaction activity, which helps businesses maintain standards
of responsibility and compliance. TPS are essential tools for businesses, enabling efficient and
safe transaction processing to support daily operations.

Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) are essential for businesses, as they automate the
processing of routine transactions like sales, purchases, and payments. TPS collects and
organizes data, ensuring accuracy and reliability while enabling real-time processing and
quick access to information. They integrate with other systems, support various business
processes, and scale to meet changing needs. TPS also enhances security, compliance, and
customer satisfaction by safeguarding data and improving service efficiency. Overall, TPS
plays a crucial role in streamlining operations, facilitating decision-making, and driving
business success.

Within enterprises, enterprise systems such as ERP, CRM, and SCM optimize resource
allocation, improve decision-making, facilitate operations, and integrate information. These
technologies greatly improve organizational performance and competitiveness by giving a
single perspective on operations, automating workflows, promoting communication,
providing analytics for wise decisions, and permitting effective resource allocation.
4) Management Information Systems (MIS) use pre-defined reports and historical data to
assist planning and control tasks, providing managers with organized data for decision-
making. Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) are experts at reliably and accurately
processing large amounts of standard transactions in real-time while maintaining operational
data correctness. By providing users with interactive tools for ad hoc analysis, what-if
scenarios, and processing semi-structured or unstructured data, Decision Support Systems
(DSS) enable users to make well-informed decisions through user-friendly interfaces and
modeling capabilities. Although TPS prioritizes transaction processing, MIS concentrates on
structured reporting, and DSS provides analytical assistance for decision-making, taken as a
whole, they constitute crucial elements of an organization's information ecosystem, meeting a
variety of management and operational demands.

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