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The Revised

Early Years Foundation Stage

June 2012 Briefings
The Revised EYFS

• Overview
• Safeguarding and Welfare
• Learning and Development
• Assessment
The Revised EYFS
2 elements:
• Statutory Framework
• Non-statutory guidance

To download:
The Revised EYFS
Key Changes

• The new framework takes effect from 1 September 2012

• Aim to reduce bureaucracy e.g. the number of early learning goals
has been reduced from 69 to 17
• Strengthen partnership between parents and professionals
• There is a focus on the prime areas of learning
• Assessment when a child reaches five has been simplified
• Practitioners will be required to provide a summary assessment of
children as part of the two year-old check.
Learning & Development

• The overarching principles are defined as:

o unique child
o positive relationships
o enabling environments and
o recognition that children develop and learn in different ways and at
different rates.
• The seven areas of learning are:
o three prime areas – communication and language; physical development
and personal social and emotional development;
o and four specific areas – literacy; mathematics, understanding the world
and expressive arts and design
• The key characteristics of effective teaching and learning are
included in the revised framework.

• Assessment under the EYFS is divided into:

o ongoing assessment;
o the Progress Check at age two;
o and the EYFS Profile at the end of the EYFS.
• The Progress check at age 2-3 years will include a short written summary
of the child’s development in the Prime areas, but beyond that, it is up to
the practitioner to decide what should be included.
• The new framework places a duty on practitioners to discuss with parents
or carers how the summary of development at two years old can be used
to support learning at home. They will need to agree the most appropriate
point at which to provide this summary, to inform the Healthy Child
Programme health and development review at two years;

School readiness is now a consideration for practitioners

teaching children who are moving into Y1;

‘What really matters is making sure a child is able to start

school ready to learn, able to make friends and play, ready to
ask for what they need and say what they think. These are
critical foundations for really getting the best out of school.’

Sarah Teather, Minister for Children

Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements
Child protection
The revised EYFS includes examples of adults’ behaviour which might be
signs of abuse and neglect. If staff become aware of any such signs, they
should respond appropriately in order to safeguard children.

The EYFS now requires that safeguarding policies and procedures must cover
the use of mobile phones and cameras in the setting (see handout)

Providers are now required to have, and implement, a safeguarding policy

and procedures. These should be in line with the guidance and procedures of
the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.
Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements
Suitable people

Providers will be responsible for obtaining criminal record disclosures on

managers. Providers must obtain an enhanced criminal records disclosure in
respect of every person aged 16 and over who works directly with children,
lives on the premises on which the childcare is provided and/or works on
the premises on which the childcare is provided (unless they do not work on
the part of the premises where the childcare takes place, or do not work
there at times when the children are present.
Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements
Staff qualifications, training, support and skills
A requirement has been introduced in relation to staff supervision. Providers
must give staff opportunities for coaching and training, mutual support,
team work, continuous improvement and confidential discussion of sensitive
issues. Supervision should provide opportunities for staff to discuss any
issues – particularly concerning children’s development or wellbeing, identify
solutions to issues and receive coaching to improve their personal
effectiveness. Providers should ensure that regular staff appraisals are
carried out to identify any training needs.

The requirement for childminders to complete training in the EYFS has been
strengthened. In future they must have completed a local authority
approved training course which helps them to understand and implement
the EYFS before they can register with Ofsted.
Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements
Staff : child ratios
The age of those who can be included in ratios remains 17 under the new
requirements. Students on long term placement and volunteers (aged 17 or
over) may be included if the provider is satisfied that they are competent.

There is clarification of the circumstances in which there may be exceptions

to the child: staff ratios for childminders caring for children of mixed ages. If
they can demonstrate to parents or carers and inspectors that the individual
needs of all children are being met, then exceptions to the usual ratios can
be made when childminders are caring for sibling babies, or whey caring for
their own baby. If children aged four and five only attend the childminding
setting before and/or after a normal school day, and /or during school
holidays, they may be cared for at the same time as three other young
children. But in all circumstances, the total number of children under the age
of eight being cared for must not exceed six.
Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements
Safety and suitability of premises
The requirements in relation to risk assessment have been adjusted to clarify
that it is for providers to judge whether a risk assessment needs to be
recorded in writing. Providers must determine where it is helpful to make
some written risk assessments in relation to specific issues, to inform staff
practice, and to demonstrate how they are managing risks if asked by
parents and/or carers or inspectors. Risk assessments should identify aspects
of the environment that need to be checked on a regular basis, when and by
whom those aspects will be checked on a regular basis, and how the risk will
be removed or minimised.

When it comes to outings, providers must assess hazards and identify steps
to remove, minimise and manage them but it is up to providers to judge
whether this needs to be in writing.
Learning and Development Requirements
Overarching Principles
Every child is a Children learn to Children learn and Children develop
unique child, who strong and develop well in and learn in
is constantly independent enabling different ways and
learning and can through positive environments, in at different rates.
be resilient, relationships which their The framework
capable, confident experiences covers the education
and self-assured respond to their and care of all
individual needs children in early
and there is a years provision,
strong partnership including children
between with special
practitioners and educational needs
parents and/or and disability
Learning and Development Requirements
Development Matters
Development Look, listen Effective Planning and
Matters and note practice resourcing
A Unique Child Positive Relationships Enabling
Observing what What adults could do Environments
a What adults
child is learning could provide
Learning and Development Requirements
Characteristics of Effective Learning
Planning and Active learning Creating and
exploring engagement motivation thinking critically

Finding out and Being involved and Having their own

exploring concentrating ideas
Playing with what Keeping trying Making links
they know Enjoying achieving Choosing ways to do
Being willing to have a what they set out to things
go do
Learning and Development Requirements
‘Each area of learning and development must be implemented
through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led
and child-initiated activity. Play is essential for children’s
development, building their confidence as they learn to explore,
to think about problems, and relate to others’

EYFS Statutory Framework 2012

Learning and Development Requirements
Prime Areas Specific Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional Literacy
Physical Development Mathematics
Communication and Language Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
Learning and Development Requirements
Prime Areas
Areas of Learning and Development Aspect
Personal, Social and Making relationships
Emotional Development Self-confidence and self-awareness
Managing feelings and behaviour
Physical Development Moving and handling
Health and self-care
Communication and Language Listening and attention
Learning and Development Requirements
Specific Areas
Areas of Learning and Development Aspect
Literacy Reading
Mathematics Numbers
Shape, space and measures
Understanding the World People and communities
The world
Expressive Arts and Design Exploring and using media and materials
Being imaginative
Summative assessment
Progress Check at 2
Written summary focussing on 3 Prime Areas shared with
parents. Identifying strengths, areas for development or
anything causing concern and ways to support learning at home
Summative assessment
EYFS Profile
Assessment in final term of Reception, against the Early Learning
Goals. Practitioners must indicate whether children are meeting,
exceeding or not yet reaching expected levels of development.
Assessment to be shared with parents and Y1 teachers along with
written summary relating to characteristics of learning

NB The new profile and handbook are being produced by the

Standards and Testing Agency and are due to be available Autumn
Characteristics of Effective Learning
Planning and Active learning Creating and
exploring engagement motivation thinking critically

Finding out and Being involved and Having their own

exploring concentrating ideas
Playing with what Keeping trying Making links
they know Enjoying achieving Choosing ways to do
Being willing to have a what they set out to things
go do
Further Resources
All DfE guidance & resources can be found at:
This includes links to download:
• Summary of changes to the revised EYFS
• 2 year old check guidance
• Parents guide

WCC’s Early Years Team have produced and will email all settings:
• Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements checklists (versions for Schools,
Settings and Childminders)
• Summary of changes to EYFS

Examples of photo and acceptable use policies can be found at:

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