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#Unique Exam ID: 8499767

SAT PROGRESS TEST 1 78/98 : 80%
Uyen Mai Tran Nguyen Pass

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 48 Seconds

Q: 1 On November 5, 1966, British artist Tom Phillips was rummaging through a warehouse full of bargain books when he found
an old, hardbound Victorian novel by W. H. Mallock. The book, which Phillips purchased for mere pennies, was titled A
Human Document,
and he decided to make it the raw material for his next art project: a mixed-media book of erasure poetry. This project
would later bloom into a decades-long obsession, as he continued to _____ the near-forgotten novel into a kaleidoscopic
work of art.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. amend
B. mutate
✓ Your Ans C. transform
D. rehabilitate
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 515

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 28 Seconds

Q: 2 There was just one problem, according to scholars in the emerging field of behavioral economics: humans aren’t rational.
In the real world, people make irrational economic decisions all the time. For instance, studies of savings behavior show
that many workers choose not to enroll in retirement-savings plans offered by their employers even when these plans are
_________ in the workers’ interest. Behavioral economists who have studied the issue blame the “default effect,”
according to which people given a choice tend to favor the option presented as the default or status quo.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. ostentatiously
B. expansively
✓ Correct Ans C. overwhelmingly
✗ Your Ans D. extravagantly
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 520

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:14 Minutes

Q: 3 Newcomers were always treated with indifference. Even if you were the best guitar player, or cuíca player, or composer, or
cavaquinho player, in the world, you had to be invited to join the circle. Don’t even think about joining and fighting to set
the pace right away-newcomers only follow. The batucada-that glorious, improvised roda sound- was like a school of fish,
sometimes, floating serenely together, sometimes darting faster than you could keep up with, but you had to earn the right
to lead that school. And the songs? Don’t even think about playing a lighthearted marchinha-those were for once a year,
for Carnaval, for outsiders. Samba in the roda had mirth but it wasn’t a party; it was a lament. When you play samba on the
roda, you laugh at your own misery. You and your loneliness hold hands and traipse through the music, in awe of how
pathetic and glorious you both are.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the overall structure of the text?

A. To use sensory imagery to show how a certain musical style became widespread.
B. To make a comparison between different types of artistic expression.
C. To provide an analogy to explore the effect of a musical style on a culture.
✓ Your Ans D. To describe an auditory experience using an evocative visual image.
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 523
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 35 Seconds

Q: 4 Equally clear is the right to hear. To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as
those of the speaker. It is just as criminal to rob a man of his right to speak and hear as it would be to rob him of his
money. I have no doubt that Boston will vindicate this right. But in order to do so, there must be no concessions to the
enemy. When a man is allowed to speak because he is rich and powerful, it aggravates the crime of denying the right to
the poor and humble.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the overall structure of the text?

A. To imply that the right of speech and the protection of wealth are both essential to the pursuit of
✓ Your Ans B. To highlight the illegality of violating free speech by juxtaposing the violation with an acknowledged crime.
C. To point out that when individuals are denied the right of free speech, they are also placed at financial
D. To suggest that individuals should value the right of speech as much as they value the right to amass

Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 528

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:49 Minutes

Q: 5 Text 1
Earth is the only known planet that has plate tectonics, and this activity has been proposed as one necessary condition for
the evolution of life. Planetary scientist Diana Valencia and her colleagues found that as planetary mass increases, there is
an increase in the shear stress [stress parallel to a planet's surface] and a decrease in the plate thickness. Both of these
factors weaken the plates and contribute to plate subduction, which is a key component of plate tectonics. Therefore, the
scientists say, the conditions required for plate deformation and subduction are easily met by super-Earths. Their results
show that this is particularly true for the larger super-Earths.

Text 2
Once they had an idea of what an exoplanet’s mantle and crust might look like, geochemically speaking, the scientists were
able to determine whether that exoplanet’s crust would be dense enough to sink into the mantle, just as Earth’s oceanic
plates do at places like the Cascadia subduction zone - North America’s 1,000-kilometer-long chain of volcanoes built as
one plate takes a deep dive beneath another. Making the calculation involved rigorous modeling: As pressures and
temperatures mount during a plate’s descent, atoms in
the plate undergo a reorganization that makes the plate denser. Should the plate remain denser than the surrounding
mantle then the plate would continue to sink. If that is the case, plate tectonics might thrive for billions of years. But if it
odess not and the plate stalls, then plate tectonics would shut down, crippling life’s chances. The results paint a rather
depressing result as far as habitability is concerned: At least two thirds of the simulated planets build a crust that is too
buoyant to sink.

In response to the findings stated in Text 1, what would the author of Text 2 most likely point out?

A. The crusts of the super-Earths lack the thermal energy needed to cause deformation and subduction.
B. Conditions required for plate tectonics to occur vary according to the mass of the planet.
✓ Your Ans C. The buoyancy of most super-Earths’ plates overcomes other forces that sustain ongoing plate
deformation and subduction.
D. There is no direct method for analyzing the geochemical composition of super-Earths.
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 531
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 2:28 Minutes

Q: 6 The text is adapted from a speech delivered in 1918 by Jeannette Rankin, During the First World War,
Representative Rankin spoke at a congressional debate about amending the US Constitution to grant women

Deep down in the hearts of the American people is a living faith in democracy. Sometimes it is not expressed in the most
effective way. Sometimes it seems almost forgotten. But when the test comes, we find it still there, groping and aspiring and
helping men and
women to understand each other and their common needs. It is our national religion and it prompts in us the desire for that
measure of justice which is based on equal opportunity, equal protection, equal freedom for all. In our hearts we know that
desire can be realized
only when “those who submit to authority have a voice in their own government”-whether that government be political,
industrial or social.

Based on the text, what reason would Rankin likely suggest for why it is wrong for a democratic government to deny
suffrage to women?

✓ Your Ans A. The full set of essential liberties and protections in a democracy is unavailable to those denied the right to
choose elected representatives.
B. The nation’s founding documents enshrine the principle that a representative government is invalid if
rights are restricted.
C. Only if both men and women have the right to vote can people address the serious problems that arise in
a democracy.
D. People’s faith in democracy is weakened when there is a continual need to remind national leaders of its
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 534

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:36 Minutes

Q: 7 When Spribille and his colleagues analyzed Bryoria’s RNA-the messenger form of DNA-they discovered something
amazing. “We found that there was this third thing, riding along in every single sample,” he said, referring to the previously
unknown basidiomycete. [...] The final proof that this was not an elaborate hoax came when the researchers developed
green fluorescent markers that attach to specific RNA sequences in the basidiomycete, and blue markers that attach to
complementary RNA sequences in the other fungus, an ascomycete. Sure enough, when they added these markers to
samples of lichen tissue, the cells of a hidden fungal partner glowed under the microscope. We can’t be certain the second
fungus is present in all lichens. Spribille’s study only looked at the lichens in the Parmeliaceae family, the most widespread
and successful group on Earth today. But the entire lineage is vast and ancient, and it’s possible some groups split off on
the evolutionary tree before the basidiomycetes arrived on the scene.

Based on the text, what is true about basidiomycete yeast?

✓ Correct Ans A. It may have been absent in distant ancestors of the lichens that Spribille studied.
B. It may have initially developed as a result of lichen contamination during earlier studies.
C. It may be impossible to reproduce from cultures in a laboratory setting.
✗ Your Ans D. It may be a necessary component of symbiotic organisms other than lichens.
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 537
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:41 Minutes

Q: 8 The natural-ice trade began to decline from the early decades of the twentieth century, though in more remote areas of
North America where electric power was not available but lake ice was abundant in winter, it survived as late as the 1950s.
As ice harvesting died out, the evidence of its former vast scale rapidly disappeared. There was no alternative use for the
great ice-houses, many of which simply burned down, often set alight by a spark from a steam train-they were surprisingly
flammable, as most were made of wood and kept as dry as possible to better preserve the blocks of ice they housed. But
the majority were demolished or simply rotted away.

What is the main idea of the text?

✓ Your Ans A. The natural-ice industry declined over several decades, leaving few traces of its magnitude.
B. The arrival of the steam train signaled the demise of ice harvesting.
C. Icehouses were extremely flammable and therefore few remain.
D. In the 1950s, the natural-ice industry experienced a short-lived revival.

Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 539

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:10 Minutes

Q: 9 Macdonald dated a volcanic region, called the Franklin Large Igneous Province (LIP). He discovered the Franklin LIP
became active close to when the first snowball Earth event began around 717 million years ago. Macdonald and Robin
Wordsworth used a combination of geologic evidence and modeling to test whether the Franklin LIP could be the culprit. In
a new study, they show that Franklin LIP’s volcanic activity could have caused extreme climate change. That is because of
a unique combination of factors: First, the Franklin LIP formed in an area rich in sulfur; as it erupted, large plumes of hot
gas and dust would have lofted sulfur particles kilometers into the air.
Sulfur particles block the incoming sun and also keep heat from escaping Earth, which can create either a warming or
cooling effect, depending on the location. That’s why the next piece of physical evidence is key - geologic records show the
Franklin LIP sat at the equator where Earth receives more solar energy than the amount of heat it radiates back out to
space. According to the researchers’ model, if enough sulfur particles reached high enough into the atmosphere at this
equatorial location, it would block enough of the sun’s
incoming energy to trigger runaway cooling.

Based on the text, which additional finding, if true, would most likely help validate Macdonald and Wordsworth’s

A. Several volcanic regions extending beyond the Franklin LIP were also found to be rich in sulfur.
B. The amount of sulfur emitted during volcanic eruptions in the Franklin LIP was less than the amount of
carbon dioxide emitted.
✓ Your Ans C. Volcanic eruptions in the Franklin LIP were powerful enough to propel sulfur particles to an altitude where
they could redirect solar energy.
D. Volcanic activity occurring in the Franklin LIP caused the breakup of Rodinia into several smaller
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 542

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 42 Seconds

#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
Q: 10

A study published in 2014 in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services asked apparel merchandise buyers to rate
(from 1 to 4) the factors they take into account when making purchases. Perhaps unsurprisingly, a product’s seasonal
appropriateness received the highest average rating, at 3.39. Other factors that buyers gave the highest ratings illustrate
the wide range of expertise that Surveyke and others in the field must bring to their work. For instance, understanding the
target customer and ____________

Which choice most effectively uses the data from the table to complete the text?

✓ Your Ans A. current fashion trends each received an average rating of 3.20.
B. The product brand image showed a wide split in priorities among buyers.
C. recognizing a brand’s position in the market received essentially the same ratings.
D. scouting competitors’ products were given ratings below 3.21.

Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 559
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 53 Seconds

Q: 11

Comparing the population data collected using box traps with the camera traps, the researchers found that the camera
traps were able to provide information about more species of reptiles than the box traps did. The box traps were able to
capture just 3 species, all of which were snakes, and 7 total reptiles. In contrast, the camera traps detected ___________
and 150 total reptiles. Although the camera traps were unable to detect some of the snake species identified using the box
traps, they were able to provide information on several lizard species that researchers suspected were able to evade the
box traps.

Which choice most effectively uses the data from the table to complete the text?

✗ Your Ans A. 144 species of lizards, 6 species of snakes,

B. 4 species of lizards, 6 species of snakes,
✓ Correct Ans C. 6 species, including both snakes and lizards,
D. 27 lizards, 6 species of snakes,

Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 564
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:12 Minutes

Q: 12

Roboticist Masahio Mori speculated that likability plummets for robots in the 75 to 90 percent human resemblance range
__________________________ Mori’s name for this proposed zone of decreased likability-the uncanny valley-alludes to
the eeriness and unfamiliarity evoked by these almost-but-not-quite-human robots.

Which choice most effectively uses data from the graph to complete the example?

A. but that the drop occurs only if the robots are moving.
✓ Your Ans B. and that the drop is more pronounced for moving robots.
C. but that the change in likability is identical for moving and still robots.
D. and that still robots in this range are the least likable.

Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 568

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:21 Minutes

Q: 13
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767

A 2014 study found that 50 percent of those surveyed believed that businesses sometimes write negative reviews about
competitors, and a further 18 percent believed businesses did so often. The individuals surveyed also thought that
businesses write positive reviews of their own products or services, with 43 percent of respondents saying this happens
sometimes and 36 percent saying it happens often. And even when they did not suspect direct interference from the
businesses respondents ________________ 48 percent thought that individuals sometimes write online reviews without
purchasing the products or services, and 16 percent thought that this occurs often.

Which choice most effectively uses data from the graph to complete the example?

A. rarely considered whether reviews were honest:

✓ Your Ans B. had doubts about the validity of customer reviews:
C. did not purchase products or services with fraudulent reviews:
D. preferred products or services with higher numbers of reviews:
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 573
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 53 Seconds

Q: 14 Researchers have long warned of salinization, the increasing concentration of dissolved salts, in freshwater ecosystems.
Less attention, however, has been paid to the role of alkalinization, or rising pH, in the salinization process. As observed in
a 2018 study led by University of Maryland geology professor Sujay Kaushal, alkalinization and salinization are crucially
linked occurrences in North American fresh waterways. Given the environmental threat of what Kaushal terms “freshwater
salinization syndrome,” it is imperative that scientists ______________________

Which choice most logically completes the text?

✓ Your Ans A. take a more holistic approach and account for alkalinization processes when studying waterway
B. keep in mind that the syndrome is most prevalent in densely populated areas when studying waterway
C. recognize symptoms of the syndrome, such as infrastructure corrosion and contaminant mobilization
when studying waterway salinization.
D. consider the research methods and technologies used when studying waterway salinization.
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 576

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 16 Seconds

Q: 15 It would be helpful for Shira Suveyke to be able to foresee the future. As a retail merchandise buyer for online fashion
retailer the Outnet, Suveyke can only do her best to predict which pieces of clothing will appeal to customers in order to
decide which products will be sold on the company’s website. Suveyke must make key purchasing decisions that balance
both market and aesthetic ___________ ensure that the right items are in stock when customers want them.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. considerations. To
B. considerations, to
✓ Your Ans C. considerations to
D. considerations; to
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 580

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 29 Seconds

Q: 16 Scottish artist Katie Paterson creates conceptual art projects that invite viewers to consider their relationship to nature,
focusing on the immensity of space and time. For her piece Inside this desert lies the tiniest grain of sand, she asked
nanotechnology experts to fashion the world’s tiniest fragment of sand, which she then buried in the vast wastelands of the
Sahara. Her Fossil Necklace is a necklace of 170 fossils, each symbolizing a different milestone in the development of life
on Earth over billions of years. Paterson’s new work, Future Library, explores the links between the natural world, time, and
human activity in an exciting new _______ the project involves planting a small forest and, one hundred years later, turning
it into a book.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

✓ Correct Ans A. way:

B. way and
C. way,
✗ Your Ans D. way; as
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 583
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 12 Seconds

Q: 17 British artist Tom Phillips never planned to read Mallock’s book; instead, he would “treat” it. In this process, Phillips
_______ the book to a random page then erase, cross out, paint over, or otherwise manipulate the text so that the
carefully selected remaining words would create a unique, poetic message. In one of his earliest treatments, he folded the
title page of Mallock’s novel, truncating “A Human
Document” to “A Humument.”

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

✓ Your Ans A. would open

B. had opened
C. opens
D. opened
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 586

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 9 Seconds

Q: 18 Traditional salinization tests that solely _______ on sodium chloride, a salt often used to decide roads, are inadequate in
studying the increased salinity and pH of freshwater systems. Sodium chloride does not make water more alkaline, but
other salts-such as those
containing positive ions of calcium, potassium, and magnesium-do. Such salts are released by numerous processes,
including mining, agriculture, and, counterintuitively, acid rain.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

✓ Your Ans A. focus

B. were focusing
C. will focus
D. had been focused
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 589

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 15 Seconds

Q: 19 Together, alkalinization and salinization pose a double threat to the health of freshwater ecosystems and the animals that
rely on them. Among ____ many effects, higher salinity can cause greater levels of phosphates to be leached into rivers
and streams, fostering the
growth of harmful algae and bacteria. Elevated pH, meanwhile, can cause ammonium, a nutrient already present in water,
to convert into toxic ammonia gas, resulting in decreased biodiversity.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

✓ Correct Ans A. its

B. it’s
✗ Your Ans C. their
D. they’re
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 591
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 56 Seconds

Q: 20 Classical economic theory is predicated on a bedrock assumption about human behavior: people make economic
decisions rationally and in their own self-interest. The law of supply and demand, for example, which holds that as the
supply of an item increases, its price decreases, assumes that each shopper will strive to pay as little as possible for the
item. From the nineteenth century until quite recently,
_______________________ formed the basis of most economic models.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. there was this rational “economic man”; Homo economicus

✓ Your Ans B. this rational “economic man,” Homo economicus,
C. "economic man", being the rational Homo economicus,
D. Homo economicus was a rational “economic
man” and

Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 594

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 8 Seconds

Q: 21 In 1970, _____________ _ proposed a hypothesis to account for an emerging challenge in his field-namely, that people
react negatively to robots that closely resemble human beings. The problem, he argued, is that a robot’s likability has a
nonlinear relationship with
the degree to which it resembles a human. That is, robots bearing little or no resemblance to humans elicit little response,
and as robots resemble humans more closely, their likeability increases, with moving robots that completely resemble
humans being the most likable.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. roboticist, Masahiro Mori

B. roboticist Masahiro Mori,
✓ Your Ans C. roboticist Masahiro Mori
D. roboticist, Masahiro Mori,
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 597

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 29 Seconds

Q: 22 Species throughout time have been shaped by divergent evolution, in which a population becomes more distinct from the
rest of its species as it adapts to a habitat. Biologists have long assumed that most organisms will initially struggle to
survive when faced
with an unfamiliar environment. _______ a recent study by biologists Daniel Bolnick and William Stutz at the University of
Texas at Austin shows how newcomers to an ecosystem can thrive, allowing locally rare traits to persist and keeping
different populations within the
same species genetically closer together.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

✓ Your Ans A. However,

B. In addition,
C. Therefore,
D. Moreover,
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 599
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 18 Seconds

Q: 23 In a study published in the Journal of Comparative Psychology in 2018, Bräuer and Belger sought to learn if dogs mentally
represent what they smell. __________ the scientists wondered whether dogs have expectations of what they search for or
whether they simply follow a trail of positive stimuli.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

✓ Your Ans A. In other words,

B. Nevertheless,
C. However,
D. As a result,

Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 602

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 59 Seconds

Q: 24 An individual who wants to purchase a new laptop computer can get reviews of the available models from one of the many
websites where customers post their own reviews. However, many consumers are concerned about the trustworthiness of
anonymous customer
appraisals or are simply overwhelmed by the countless, often conflicting ______ there is growing demand for the objective,
reputable reviews provided by a professional reviewing service. Those who enjoy trying new products and sharing their
opinions may even consider
becoming professional reviewers who conduct extensive product research and report on their findings.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

A. reviews,
B. reviews; now that
✓ Your Ans C. reviews, so
D. reviews, therefore,
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 604

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 39 Seconds

Q: 25 Although there are countless neutrinos in the universe emphasizes how numerous neutrinos are, actually detecting them is
a formidable task. Neutrinos carry no electrical charge, are practically weightless, and travel at nearly the speed of light.
Neutrinos are rarely affected by matter or electromagnetic fields. ____________ many neutrinos have been traveling
through space unimpeded for billions of years.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

A. For this purpose,

B. In contrast,
C. Besides,
✓ Your Ans D. In fact,
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 607
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:6 Minutes

Q: 26 While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

● Started in 1925, the Scripps National Spelling Bee is a US-based spelling competition.
● The words used in the competition have diverse linguistic origins.
● In 2008, Sameer Mishra won by correctly spelling the word “guerdon.”
● “Guerdon” derives from the Anglo-French word “guerdun.”
● In 2009, Kavya Shivashankar won by correctly spelling the word “Laodicean.”
● “Laodicean” derives from the ancient Greek word “Laodíkeia.”

The student wants to emphasize a difference in the origins of the two words. Which choice most effectively uses relevant
information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

✓ Your Ans A. “Guerdon,” the final word of the 2008 Scripps National Spelling Bee, is of Anglo-French origin, while the
following year’s final word, “Laodicean,” derives from ancient Greek.
B. In 2008, Sameer Mishra won the Scripps National Spelling Bee by correctly spelling the word “guerdon”;
however, the following year, Kavya Shivashankar won based on spelling the word “Laodicean.”
C. Kavya Shivashankar won the 2009 Scripps National Spelling Bee by correctly spelling “Laodicean,”
which derives from the ancient Greek word “Laodíkeia.”
D. The Scripps National Spelling Bee uses words from diverse linguistic origins, such as “guerdon” and
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 611

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 44 Seconds

Q: 27 While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

● In 2013, archaeologists studied cat bone fragments they had found in the ruins of Cancun, a Chinese farming village.
● The fragments were estimated to be 5,300 years old.
● A chemical analysis of the fragments revealed that the cats had consumed large amounts of grain.
● The grain consumption is evidence that the Quan Ucun cats may have been domesticated.
The student wants to present the Quanhucun study and its conclusions.

Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

A. As part of a 2013 study of cat domestication, a chemical analysis was conducted on cat bone fragments
found in Quanhucun, China.
✓ Your Ans B. A 2013 analysis of cat bone fragments found in Quanhucun, China, suggests that cats there may have
been domesticated 5,300 years ago.
C. In 2013, archaeologists studied what cats in Quanhucun, China, had eaten more than 5,000 years ago.
D. Cat bone fragments estimated to be 5,300 years old were found in Quanhucun, China, in 2013.
Section: VERBAL MODULE 1 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 613

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 33 Seconds

Q: 28 Conservation ecologists and biologists need effective methods of collecting information about animal populations.
Traditional methods for gathering these data include using ________ box traps to capture animals, but recent
technological advances have made camera trapping-a data-collection method in which remote cameras are triggered by
animals’ presence or set to take pictures at regular intervals-a viable alternative.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

✓ Your Ans A. humane

B. benevolent
C. civilized
D. kind
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 686
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 20 Seconds

Q: 29 Over the last few decades the number of institutions around the world offering entrepreneurship education (EE) programs
has grown to over three thousand. Research shows that many of these programs use the standard lecture format to teach
students how to successfully develop and manage new business ______ but modern scholars studying EE note that
entrepreneurs learn best through hands-on experience. Therefore, although there is a place in the EE curriculum for
traditional instruction, the emphasis needs to be on activities that allow students to practice real entrepreneurship, both
inside and outside the classroom.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

✓ Your Ans A. ventures,

B. speculations,
C. missions,
D. exertions,
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 688

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 54 Seconds

Q: 30 Superhero films-the best ones, at least-ruminate on the nature of power and responsibility, and the hero-versus-evil-
counterpart formula is a means to facilitate such contemplation. The striking similarities between T’Challa and Killmonger
emphasize the profound differences in their attitudes toward their powers. At the start of the film, T’Challa believes that he
must use his powers to keep Wakanda safe from the turmoil of the outside world; Killmonger, on the other hand, seeks to
use his, along with Wakanda’s vast resources, to _______ centuries of injustice, even if that means subjugating the world
in the process.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. revise
B. tailor
✓ Your Ans C. rectify
D. alter
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 689

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 27 Seconds

Q: 31 As the story goes, it was 1948, and musicologist Remo Giazotto was about to _____ a stack of unneeded documents from
his research on Venetian composer Tomaso Albinoni when a stray scrap of paper fell to the floor. On the Paper, Giazotto
claimed, was a fragment of notated music. Dating to the early 1700s and written by Albinoni himself Anxious to bring this
lost piece of music back to life, Giazotto set to work on a creative reconstruction that he would eventually publish in 1958
under the title Adagio in G Minor for Strings and Organ on Two Thematic Ideas and on a Figured Bass by Tomaso

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. junk
B. do away with
C. banish
✓ Your Ans D. discard
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 690
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:16 Minutes

Q: 32 By sequencing and comparing the genomes of red siskins, red factor canaries, yellow canaries, and wild green canaries,
the team identified over 15,000 genetic variants that are associated with red color, most of which are confined to two small
stretches of
DNA. One of these regions contains a gene called CYP2/19, which is switched on in the birds’ skin and liver, and is a
thousand times more active in the red canaries than the yellow ones. That’s an important clue.

As used in the text, what does the phrase “confined to” most nearly mean?

✗ Your Ans A. resigned to

B. trapped in
✓ Correct Ans C. restricted to
D. captured by

Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 692

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 35 Seconds

Q: 33 The first bar code was composed of four white lines set at specific distances from each other on a black background. The
first line was always present. Depending on the presence or absence of the remaining three lines, up to seven different
arrangements were _______ and, therefore, seven different encodings. Today, twenty-nine white lines make more than
half a billion encodings possible.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. susceptible
B. responsible
✓ Your Ans C. possible
D. capable
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 693

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 57 Seconds

Q: 34 To create a barcode scanner, Woodland and Silver adapted technology from an optical movie sound system. Their
prototype scanner used a 500-watt bulb, a photomultiplier tube (a device that detects light), and an oscilloscope (a device
that translates
electronic signals into readable information). Although successful, the _______ was both large and costly. As a result,
progress stalled until the 1970s, when laser technology (both more compact and less expensive) became available.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

✗ Your Ans A. concoction

✓ Correct Ans B. contraption
C. substance
D. stuff
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 696
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 29 Seconds

Q: 35 My roses are not your average hybrid-tea roses (those long-stemmed, special occasion roses with well-formed buds). Mine
are antique roses, old or heirloom varieties that have existed in gardens worldwide for centuries. Compared to vibrant
hybrid-tea colors, antique rose colors tend to be _______. Their stems are also shorter, and their buds are a bit droopier.
Their fragrance, however, is unmatched. And unlike the hybrid-tea whose long stems make for a rosebush that is rather
scraggly looking, antique rose bushes are lush and shapely,
handsomely landscaping gardens.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. silenced
✗ Your Ans B. reduced

✓ Correct Ans C. muted

D. lower

Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 699

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 52 Seconds

Q: 36 My last Duchess is a 1842 poem by Robert Browning. This poem is loosely based on historical events involving Alfonso,
the Duke of Ferrara, who lived in the 16th century. The Duke is the speaker of the poem, and he sees himself as
reasonable: ______

Which quotation from the poem most effectively illustrates the claim?

A. “-E’en then would be some stooping: and I choose/Never to stoop. Oh sir, , she smiled, no
doubt,/Whene’er I passed her, but who passed without/ Much the same smile?”
✓ Your Ans B. “...I repeat/ The Count your master’s known munificence/ Is ample warrant that no one just pretense/ Of
mine for dowry will be disallowed;”
C. “...She thanked men—good! but thanked/ Somehow—I know not how—as if she ranked/My gift of a nine-
hundred-years-old name/With anybody’s gift.”
D. “A heart—how shall I say?—too soon made glad,/Too easily impressed; she liked whate’er/She looked
on, and her looks went everywhere./Sir, ‘twas all one!”
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 701

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 46 Seconds

Q: 37 My Heart’s in the Highlands is a 1789 song and a poem by Robert Burns. In the poem, the poet or the narrator longs for
the Highlands: _______

Which quotation from the poem most effectively illustrates the claim?

A. “Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North”

B. “The hills of the Highlands forever I love”
C. “Farewell to the mountains high cover’d with snow”
✓ Your Ans D. “My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go”
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 702
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:38 Minutes

Q: 38 This text is adapted from the memoir The Piano Shop on the Left Bank by Thad Carhart (©2001 by T.E.Carhart).

His attitude about how people treated their pianos seemed to mirror his philosophy of life. While regretting the
depredations worked by children on keyboards and strings, he regarded them as tolerable because the piano was at least
used and, as he put it, “au sein de la famille” (“at the heart of the family”). It was more than just any piece of furniture, but it
was that, too, and if drinks were spilled and stains bit into shiny finishes, it was the price one paid for initiating the young to
a joy that should stem from familiarity rather than reverence.

According to the text, what is true about Luc’s philosophy of life?

✓ Correct Ans A. It’s better to live a full and imperfect life than not participate because something might go wrong.
B. Life is a fragile gift that must be cherished and kept safe at all times.
✗ Your Ans C. Living well is like playing the piano well; it requires dedication and practice.
D. It’s important not to take life’s opportunities for granted because they may not come a second time.
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 703

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:10 Minutes

Q: 39 When Shelly Palmer-the CEO of a technology and marketing company-returned home from a meeting, he found that a
family member had cleaned and organized his notoriously messy desk. Palmer quickly realized that he could not find the
materials he needed and that the space was poorly suited to the way he was used to working. Such imposition of order
onto a worker’s desk occurs on a
larger scale in many traditional offices, where employers implement “clean desk policies” based on the notion that having
too many items on and around one’s desk can be distracting, hampering an employee’s performance.

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A. As it turns out, the state of an employee’s desk can reflect a number of things about an employee’s

B. As experts confirm, employees can work more efficiently by organizing their materials according to how
frequently they use them.
✗ Your Ans C. Some companies have gone to the extreme of distributing detailed handbooks explaining what
employees should and should not keep at their desks.
✓ Correct Ans D. Researchers have been challenging that idea, however-and employers would be wise to listen.
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 706

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:5 Minutes

Q: 40 Doug Chiang had a problem with his spaceship. Designed for the 2016 film Rogue One, the vehicle sketched out by
Chiang and his team of concept artists-professionals who help filmmakers and video game producers translate ideas from
page to screen-looked a little too out of this world. In any other film, perhaps the futuristic design would have sufficed, but
Chiang wasn’t working on just any film.
He was working on the latest installment of Star Wars, a franchise of science-fantasy films whose _______________

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A. merchandise includes toy versions of the spaceship Millennium Falcon.

B. characters frequently travel from planet to planet in spaceships.
✗ Your Ans C. themes are drawn from fairy tales and myths.
✓ Correct Ans D. Visual aesthetics draws more heavily on the past than on the future.
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 708
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 56 Seconds

Q: 41 Dogs have long been famous for their powerful noses. For millennia, humans across many hunting cultures have employed
dogs as trackers, marveling at their keen sense of smell. Today, scientific research has only confirmed the common
knowledge that the domestic dog (Canis familiarise) is endowed with olfactory capabilities more acute than the average
human’s-up to 100,000 times more, in fact. In a 2005 study led by behavioral psychologists in Northern Ireland, dogs
proved they just needed five footsteps to determine by smell
which direction a person had walked on a given trail. When there may be little dispute regarding dogs’ impressive abilities
to track scents, ___________

Which choice most logically completes the text?

✓ Your Ans A. how dogs themselves perceive odors remains a tantalizing topic of inquiry.
B. why dogs eat what they eat may be explained by the fact that dogs have considerably fewer taste buds
than humans do.
C. dogs are among a small group of animals that exhibit voluntary unselfish kindness toward others.
D. studies show dogs may even track scents in their dreams.

Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 710

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:3 Minutes

Q: 42 Patsy Takemoto Mink was born to Japanese American parents in Hawaii in 1927 and came of age during World War II, a
time when the United States placed thousands of Japanese Americans into internment camps. During the war, no
Japanese Americans served in the legislature of Hawaii, then a US territory. However, in 1952, fewer than a decade after
the war, seventeen Japanese American men
were elected to Hawaii’s House of Representatives. Despite this greater political representation for Asian Americans, Mink
faced discrimination throughout her educational and professional life. She became a lawyer in 1953, but firms would not
hire her because of her gender and interracial marriage. Her determination to fight such prejudice
____________________________ .

Which choice most logically completes the text?

A. had taken shape during her early childhood in a small sugar-plantation community.
✓ Your Ans B. ultimately led her to become the first Asian American woman elected to the US Congress.
C. was evident in her public speeches, which were widely praised over the course of her career.
D. inspired countless people, many of whom are advocates for social justice today.
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 713

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 49 Seconds

Q: 43 In a 2013 study, Katherine Milkman and two co-authors examined what they call “temptation ________ a so-called “want
experience” (in this case, listening to a favorite audiobook) with a so-called “should behavior” (exercising at a gym).
Milkman found that participants who limited their audiobook listening to time spent at the gym worked out 51 percent more
frequently than the control participants, and 61 percent of those in the experimental group even purchased gym-only
access to audiobooks.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

✓ Your Ans A. bundling”: tying

B. bundling” tying:
C. bundling,” tying;
D. bundling”; tying
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 715
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 12 Seconds

Q: 44 As the story goes, it was 1948, and musicologist Remo Giazotto was about to discard a stack of unneeded documents from
his research on ___________ when a stray scrap of paper fell to the floor. On the Paper, Giazotto claimed, was a fragment
of notated music dating to the early 1700s and written by Albinoni himself Anxious to bring this lost piece of music back to
life, Giazotto set to work on a creative reconstruction that he would eventually publish in 1958 under the title Adagio in G
Minor for Strings and Organs on Two Thematic Ideas and on a Figured Bass by Tomaso Albinoni.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. Venetian composer, Tomaso Albinoni

✓ Your Ans B. Venetian composer Tomaso Albinoni
C. Venetian composer Tomaso Albinoni,
D. Venetian composer: Tomaso Albinoni,

Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 717

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 29 Seconds

Q: 45 The mood Giazotto set for Alhinnni’s fragment is somber and pierced with yearning. The Adagio begins with the double
bass (the Lowest of the stringed instruments) marking a brooding, dirge-like rhythm, while the pipe organ ___ a gentle
introduction tune above it. When the rest of the ensemble-violins, volas, and cellos-joins in, the melody cascades in an
emotionally evocative torrent
of sound.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. play
B. are playing
✓ Your Ans C. plays
D. have played
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 719

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 26 Seconds

Q: 46 One reviewer of the 2017 film Justice League invoked the hypothesis to criticize the ___________ mustache under a
clean-shaven computer-generated imagery (CGI) mouth, writing that the actor had “an uncanny-valley thesis statement
resting on his top
lip.” Even though the idea of the uncanny valley has become a convenient shorthand for describing off-putting CGI, critics
who casually employ the concept should remember that roboticist Masahiro Mori’s original graph does not represent actual
data collected in a scientific study.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

✓ Your Ans A. filmmakers’ decision to hide an actor’s

B. filmmakers’ decision to hide an actors’
C. filmmakers' decision to hide an actors
D. filmmakers decision to hide an actor's
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 722
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 10 Seconds

Q: 47 In 1948, graduate _______________ took on a problem that had troubled retailers for years: how to keep track of store
inventories. Inspired by the dots and dashes of Morse code, Woodland and Silver created a system of lines that could
encode data. Called a
symbology, the pattern created by the spacing and widths of the lines encodes information by representing different

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. students, Norman Woodland and Bernard Silver,

B. students, Norman Woodland and Bernard Silver
✓ Your Ans C. students Norman Woodland and Bernard Silver
D. students Norman Woodland and Bernard Silver,

Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 723

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 15 Seconds

Q: 48 In the ninety-year history of the Santa Fe Indian _______________________ 2011 event marked the first time a basket
won best of show. The creator of the piece, thirty-three-year-old Passamaquoddy Indian Jeremy Frey from Princeton,
Maine, looked on as the basket sold at auction for $16,000. Frey describes his baskets as “cutting-edge traditional.”

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

✓ Your Ans A. Market-the largest Indian art festival in the nation-

B. Market the largest Indian art festival - in the nation -
C. Market, the largest Indian art festival in the nation
D. Market, the largest Indian art festival in the nation-
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 728

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 7 Seconds

Q: 49 Nine hundred years ___________ ordered the design and construction of a clock more accurate than any other. This
would be no simple timepiece. Because Chinese dynasties adhered to astrology, they relied on complicated clocks that not
only kept time but
also helped track stars, planets, the sun, and the moon. An eminent scientist and bureaucrat named Sue Song led
Zhezong’s ambitious project.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. ago, Emperor Zhezong of China,

B. ago, Emperor Zhezong, of China
✓ Your Ans C. ago, Emperor Zhezong of China
D. ago Emperor Zhezong of China,
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 733
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 35 Seconds

Q: 50 The high drama of the Adagio proved to be popular, especially in the film industry. The piece has provided the musical
backdrop to dozens of films, from Flashdance (1983) to Manchester by the Sea (2016). _______ it has saturated the
soundtracks of so many movies that New Yorker film critic Anthony Lane jessted that the work should be banned on-screen
altogether. While its use in films may border on ciché, the Adagio has become the most well-known piece of music
associated with Albinoni.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

✓ Your Ans A. In fact,

B. Even so,
C. In addition,
D. All the while,

Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 734

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 55 Seconds

Q: 51 Musicologist Carolyn Gianturco revealed in 1982 that other scholarship of Giazotto’s is suspect-littered with falsified
sources and misleading claims. While Giazotto had long maintained that the Adagio was an inspired tribute, he finally
admitted that he was indeed its only author. ______ Adagio in G Minor is now attributed solely to Giazotto. With decades of
mislabeled recordings perpetuating the error, however, the fiction of Giazotto’s great discovery lives On.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

A. In contrast,
✗ Your Ans B. Nevertheless,
✓ Correct Ans C. Furthermore,
D. Consequently,
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 735

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 18 Seconds

Q: 52 In Dubai, Escrogima worked as an Arabic-language spokesperson, often appearing on local and pan-Arab television as a
representative of the US government. Her next postings took her back to ________ to Washington, DC, as advisor to
Undersecretary for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman on issues related to Iran and the Middle East, and then home to New
York, where she was appointed Diplomat in Residence at City College of New York.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

A. US; first
✓ Your Ans B. US: first
C. US first,
D. US first
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 738
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:19 Minutes

Q: 53 Su Song created a spectacular timepiece housed within an ornate forty-foot-tall tower. At the tower’s top sat an armillary
sphere - a nest of metal rings representing celestial reference points such as the horizon and the sun’s path - that rotated
in sync with the earth, enabling precise astronomical observations. Inside the tower, a sphere depicting the sky revolved to
display the stars that were overhead. ______ below the star sphere, the tower’s open sides exposed a detailed model of a
five-story pagoda. Automated figurines would appear in the
pagoda’s doorways and ring bells, they announced hours, sunsets, seasons, and other chronological events.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

A. Besides,
B. Sooner or later,
✓ Your Ans C. Lastly,
D. Thus,

Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 739

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 55 Seconds

Q: 54 While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:

● Ancient Native American and Australian Aboriginal cultures described the Pleiades star cluster as having seven stars.
● It was referred to as the Seven Sisters in the mythology of ancient Greece.
● Today, the cluster appears to have only six stars.
● Two of the stars have moved so close together that they now appear as one.
The student wants to specify the reason the Pleiades’ appearance changed.

Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?

A. Although once referred to as the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades appears to have only six stars today.
✓ Your Ans B. In the time since ancient cultures described the Pleiades as having seven stars, two of the cluster’s stars
have moved so close together that they now appear as one.
C. The Pleiades has seven stars, but two are so close together that they appear to be a single star.
Section: VERBAL MODULE 2 TEST 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 740
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 16 Seconds

Q: 55 The line shown represents the number of gallons of water in a tank as a function of the number of minutes a pump has
been running to empty the water from the tank. How many gallons of water were in the tank when the pump started

✗ Your Ans A. 0
B. 50/3

C. 60
✓ Correct Ans D. 1000

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 749

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:2 Minutes

Q: 56 In January 2010, there were 127.8 million jobs in the United States. The number of US jobs increased approximately 0.2
million per month for the next 60 months. Which equation represents this situation, where j is the number of US jobs, in
millions, and t is the time, in months, since January 2010?

A. j = 127. 8t + 0. 2
✓ Your Ans B. j = 0. 2t + 127. 8
C. j = 12t + 127. 8
D. j = 127. 8t + 12
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 750

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 24 Seconds

#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
Q: 57

The graph shows the speed of an object over a period of time. Which is closest to the time, in seconds, it took for the
object’s speed to change from 4 meters per second to 8 meters per second?

A. 1
B. 4
✓ Your Ans C. 6
D. 15

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 765
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 32 Seconds

Q: 58

The shaded region shown represents all of the solutions for which of the following inequalities?

✓ Your Ans A. x + y ≥ 1
B. x + y ≤ 1
C. x − y ≥ 1
D. x − y ≤ 1

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 766

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:9 Minutes

Q: 59 Which of the following linear equations has infinitely many solutions?

A. 2(4x + 3) = 6
B. 2(4x + 3) = 8x
C. 2(4x + 3) = 8x − 6
✓ Your Ans D. 2(4x + 3) = 8x + 6
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 767
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 27 Seconds

Q: 60 What is the solution to the equation

6(x + 3) − 5 = 37?

✓ Your Ans A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 768

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 54 Seconds

Q: 61 √x³The given expression is equivalent to x^(c/6) , where c is a constant. What is the value of c?

✓ Your Ans A. 9
B. 7
C. 5
D. 4
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 769

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 26 Seconds

Q: 62 9x + 9y = 18
6x + 4y = 12
The solution to the given system of equations is (x, y).
What is the value of x?

✓ Your Ans 2

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 770

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 42 Seconds

Q: 63

In the figure, four lines intersect as shown. Which of the following additional pieces of information is sufficient to prove that
angle SWR is congruent to angle TVR?

A. Angle VTR is congruent to angle TSW.

✓ Your Ans B. Angle VTR is congruent to angle WSR.
C. Angle TRV is congruent to angle SRW.
D. Angle TSW is congruent to angle WSR.
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 771
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 26 Seconds

Q: 64 Which of the following is an equation of a line in the xy -plane that has a slope of 3 and a y-intercept of − 2?

A. 3x − y =− 2
✓ Your Ans B. 3x − y = 2
C. x + 3y =− 2
D. x + 3y = 2
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 772

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:32 Minutes

Q: 65 What is the graph of the equation y = 30(1/3)^x?


✓ Correct Ans B.
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767

✗ Your Ans D.

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 773

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 44 Seconds

Q: 66 The graph of a certain parabola in the xy-plane intersects the y-axis once and the x-axis twice. Which of the following forms
of the parabola’s equation gives the y-value of the y-intercept as a constant?

A. y = (2x − 3)(5x + 7)
B. y = 10(x-3​/2​) (x+7​/5​)
✓ Your Ans C. y = 10x​2​ − x − 21
D. y = 10(x-1​/20​)² - 841​/​40

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 774
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 36 Seconds

Q: 67

The graph of y = f(x) is shown. What is the value of f(0)?

✓ Your Ans A. -6
B. 0
C. 3
D. f(0) is undefined.

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 775

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:26 Minutes

#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
Q: 68 What is the equation of the graph shown?

A. − 6x + 4y = 3
B. − 2x + 3y =− 18
✓ Your Ans C. 3x − 2y = 12
D. 4x − 6y = 9
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 776

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 4:42 Minutes

Q: 69 2x2 − 6x + 3 = 0
The solutions to the equation above can be expressed in the form (6±√n)/4, where n is a positive integer. What is the value
of n?

✗ Your Ans square root of 3

✓ Correct Ans 12

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 777

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 14 Seconds

Q: 70
If x = radians, what is the value of cosx ?

✗ Your Ans A. √3/2

B. √2​/​2
✓ Correct Ans C. ½
D. 1​/3​

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 778
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 46 Seconds

Q: 71 |2x + 7| = 51
What is the sum of the solutions to the given equation?

A. -22
✓ Your Ans B. -7
C. 7
D. 22
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 779

? UnAnswered Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 0 Second

Q: 72 (1-x)(1+x+x^2+x^3+x^4+x^5+x^6)

The given expression is equivalent to 1 − x^n, where n is a constant. What is the value of n?

✓ Correct Ans 7

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 780

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:25 Minutes

Q: 73 A rectangular prism has edge lengths of 6 inches, 10 inches, and 8 inches. What is the surface area, in square inches, of
the prism?

✓ Your Ans 376

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 781

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 42 Seconds

Q: 74 If (x-2)2​=16, what is the possible value of x+2?

✓ Your Ans 8

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 782

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 51 Seconds

Q: 75 A car dealership has only sedans, SUVs, and minivans for sale. On Monday, 20% of the vehicles for sale were sedans and
50% were SUVs. If there were 16 sedans for sale at the dealership on Monday, how many minivans were for sale?

✓ Your Ans 24

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 783

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 17 Seconds

Q: 76 The US Bureau of Engraving and Printing produces 36 million notes (paper currency) every 24 hours. At what rate are the
notes produced, in millions of notes per hour?

A. 1.0
✓ Your Ans B. 1.5
C. 2
D. 2.5
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 784
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:9 Minutes

Q: 77
In the xy-plane, the graph of the equation y = intersects the y-axis at (0, c). What is the value of c?

✗ Your Ans 2.2

✓ Correct Ans 9/5

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 785

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 2:32 Minutes

Q: 78 The initial mass of sodium-24 in a sample is 10 grams. The mass of sodium-24 in the sample decreases by half every 15
hours. Which of the following equations represents the mass y, in grams, of sodium-24 in the sample after x hours?

y= (½)^
y= (10)^
✓ Your Ans C.
y= 10(½)^
y= 15(½)^
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 786

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 52 Seconds

Q: 79 The Appalachian Trail is approximately 2,200 miles long and connects Springer Mountain in Georgia and Mount Katahdin
in Maine. A hiker starts walking the trail at Springer Mountain and continues in the same direction at a constant speed of
10 miles per day. The equation 10x = 2, 200 represents this situation. What does the solution to the equation represent in
this context?

✓ Your Ans A. The number of days the hiker takes to walk the entire trail
B. The number of days the hiker takes to walk 10 miles
C. The distance, in miles, the hiker walks in 1 day
D. The distance, in miles, the hiker walks in 10 days
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 787
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:10 Minutes

Q: 80

The points on the scatterplot show the Index of Consumer Sentiment values for US consumers each year from 2008 to
2016. A line of best fit for the data is also shown. For 2015, which of the following is closest to the difference between the
actual Index of Consumer Sentiment value and the value predicted by the line of best fit?

✓ Your Ans A. 4.6

B. 2.1
C. 1.0
D. 0.2

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 788

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:12 Minutes

Q: 81 A student added potassium iodide solution to lead nitrate solution and recorded the mass of lead iodide produced. The
student performed the experiment for each of five concentrations of potassium iodide. The results are shown in the table.

Potassium iodide concentration Lead iodide mass

(moles per liter) (grams)
0.2 0.52
0.4 1.00
0.6 1.48
0.8 1.96
1.0 2.44
Which of the following types of functions best models the lead iodide mass, in grams, as a function of the potassium iodide
concentration, in moles per liter, for this experiment?

✓ Your Ans A. Increasing linear

B. Decreasing linear
C. Increasing exponential
D. Decreasing exponential
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 789
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:34 Minutes

Q: 82 The table shows the score range and the number of players in each score range for 437 players of a computer game. If
the scores in the computer game are only integer values, what is one possible median score for the 437 players?

Score range Number of players

21-25 7
26-30 103
31-35 142
36-40 117
41-45 38
46-50 19
51-55 11

✓ Your Ans 33

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 790

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:1 Minutes

Q: 83 The scatterplot shows the relationship between two variables, x and y. A line of best fit is also shown.

Which is an equation of the line of best fit?

A. y = 1. 16 − 4. 22x
B. y = 1. 16 + 4. 22x
C. y = 4. 22 − 1. 16x
✓ Your Ans D. y = 4. 22 + 1. 16x
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 791
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 25 Seconds

Q: 84 In the figure shown, BD is parallel to AE. What is the length of AE?

A. 6
B. 13
✓ Your Ans C. 16
D. 27

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 792

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 49 Seconds

Q: 85 If 4(p − 3) = 18 − 2(p − 3), what is the value of p − 3?

✓ Your Ans 3

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 793
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 39 Seconds

Q: 86 A psychologist studied how employees at a large company prefer to work. The psychologist surveyed 3 groups of
employees. The results are summarized in the table.

If a surveyed employee who prefers to work on a team is chosen at random, what is the probability of selecting an
employee from group A or group B?

A. 0.2
B. 0.25
C. 0.3
✓ Your Ans D. 0.75

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 794
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 2:15 Minutes

Q: 87 The table summarizes the number of universities and colleges in the state of Iowa by type and enrollment. If a university or
college with enrollment greater than 10,000 is selected at random, what is the probability it is a public university or college?
(Express your answer
as a decimal or fraction, not as a percent.)

✓ Your Ans 0.8

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Fill in the Blank QID: 795
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 35 Seconds

Q: 88 The graph of y = w(x) is shown in the xy-plane.

If a, b and c are positive constants, which of the following could define the function w?

A. w(x) =− a(x + b)2​-c

B. w(x) =− a(x − b)2​-c
✓ Your Ans C. w(x) = a(x + b)2​-c
D. w(x) = a(x − b)2​-c

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 796

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 17 Seconds

Q: 89
If = , what is the value of x?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
✓ Your Ans D. 8
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 797

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:19 Minutes

Q: 90 For positive values of x and n, x is n% of 20. Which expression represents n in terms of x?

100( )
100( )
100( )
✓ Your Ans D.
100( )
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 798
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 24 Seconds

Q: 91 4y − 8x = 36
y − 2x = 18
How many solutions does the given system of equations have?

✓ Your Ans A. Zero

B. Exactly one
C. Exactly two
D. Infinitely many

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 799

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 30 Seconds

Q: 92 In the equation cx + dy = 20, c and d are negative constants. Which of the following could be the graph of the equation in
the xy-plane?

✓ Your Ans A.


#Unique Exam ID: 8499767

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 800

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 30 Seconds

Q: 93 Which statement best compares the means of the two data sets shown?

✓ Your Ans A. The mean of data set A is greater than the mean of data set B.
B. The mean of data set A is equal to the mean of data set B.
C. The mean of data set A is less than the mean of data set B.
D. There is not enough information to compare the means.
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 801

✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 1:4 Minutes

Q: 94 The diameter of circle A is 6 times the diameter of circle B. The circumference of circle A is how many times the
circumference of circle B?

A. 3
✓ Your Ans B. 6
C. 12
D. 36
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 802
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 22 Seconds

Q: 95 Data set X: 1, 2, 3, 10, 17, 18, 19

Data set Y: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
The means of data sets X and Y above are both 10. Which of the following is true about the comparison of the standard
deviations of the two data sets?

A. The standard deviation of data set X is less than the standard deviation of data set Y.
✓ Your Ans B. The standard deviation of data set X is greater than the standard deviation of data set Y.
C. The standard deviations of the two data sets are equal.
D. There is not enough information to compare the standard deviations of the two data sets.

Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 803

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:47 Minutes

Q: 96 The amount of heat Q(t), in calories, required to raise the temperature of 20 grams of snow by t degrees Celsius (°C) is
defined by a linear function Q. If Q(0) = 0 and Q(3) = 30, how many calories of heat are required to required to raise the
temperature of the snow from − 10°C to − 4°C?

✗ Your Ans A. 4
B. 6
C. 40
✓ Correct Ans D. 60
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 804

✗ Incorrect Marks: 0 / 1 Time Taken: 1:7 Minutes

Q: 97 The graph of a quadratic equation is shown. The system consisting of this equation and the equation y = k, where k is a
constant, has two real solutions. Which of the following could be the value of k?

A. 0
B. 1
✗ Your Ans C. 2
✓ Correct Ans D. 3
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 1 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 815
#Unique Exam ID: 8499767
✓ Correct Marks: 1 / 1 Time Taken: 53 Seconds

Q: 98 For a linear function f, the graph of y = f(x) in the xy -plane passes through the points (4, 22) and (7, 37). which equation
defines f?

✓ Your Ans A. f(x) = 5x + 2

B. f(x) = 5x + 22
C. f(x) =− 5x + 42
D. f(x) =− 5x − 2
Section: MATH TEST 1 MODULE 2 Question Type: Multiple Choice (Radiobutton) QID: 817

Score Card Report

Start Time: Mar 17 2024 4:12PM

End Time: Mar 17 2024 5:53PM

Time Taken: 101:24 Minutes

Total Questions: 98
Correct: 78

Partially Correct: 0

Incorrect: 19
Unanswered: 1

Points: 78/98
Percentage: 80%

Result: Pass

Negative Marks: 0


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