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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
School: Maria Aurora Central School Grade Level: 1
DETAILED Teacher: Mary Ann A. Caruruan Learning Area: English
LESSON PLAN Date and Quarter: Three
(DLP) Time 10:40 - 11:10 a.m

A. Content The learner demonstrates an understanding of useful strategies for purposeful literacy
Standards learning

B. Performance The learner uses strategies independently in accomplishing literacy-related tasks

C. Learning Listen to short stories/poems and relate story events to one’s experience.
Competencies/ EN1LC-IIIa-j- 1.1
Code At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Express their ideas and thoughts about the story they heard.
II. CONTENT Naming words
A. References
1. Teacher’s Page 21-22
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional Most Essential Learning Competencies – Pages
B. Other TV.PowerPoint presentation. Images. Activity Sheet.

Routinary Activities

*Opening Prayer Good day everyone! To stay in the

presence of our Almighty God and to
begin our day let us all stand up and
follow the prayer that I will play. Let
us all now bow our head and let us
Dear Jesus, please show me how to spend
this day sharing your LOVE in every way.
Help me to be KIND to everyone to play
and laugh and have lots of fun. Sharing
your LIGHT and giving your GRACE.
Sharing your JOY with a smile on my face.
(The teacher will play a short video
Angel of God, my guardian dear to whom
God’s love commits me here. Ever this day,
be at my side, to light and guard to rule and


Good morning, Ma’am Gina!

Good morning, class!
*Greetings Good morning, Ma’am Mary!
Good morning, classmates!
Good morning!
How’s your day?
*Classroom We are all good Ma’am.
Okay, good to hear.

Now let us sing our classroom rules.

I can follow the rules,
I can follow the rules,
And we’ll have a good day,
When we follow the rules!

I can listen to my teacher,

Listen to my teacher,
Listen to my teacher,
And I follow the rules!

I can follow the directions,

Follow the directions,
Follow the directions,
And I follow the rules!

I keep my hands to myself,

Keep my hands to myself,
Keep my hands to myself,
And I follow the rules!

I’m always nice to everybody,

Nice to everybody,
Nice to everybody,
And I follow the rules!

It gives us more time to learn,

And more time to play,
More time for fun stuff every day!
It gives us more time to learn,
And more time to play,
More time for fun stuff every day!

When we follow the rules at school,

Oh yeah!

When we follow the rules at school,

Oh yeah!
You may now take your seats.
(The students will sit properly)
*Checking of Okay, now kindly check your
Attendance surroundings if there’s any litter, and if (The students will check their surroundings,
there is, kindly put it in our trash bin. if they see any litter, they will put it in the
trash bin)
Okay, children before we begin,

Leader from group 1, Marynel who is

absent in your group? (Marynel will tell who was absent this
Leader from group 2, Cheska who is
absent in your group? (Cheska will tell who was absent this
Leader from group 3, Princess who is
absent from your group? (Princess will tell who was absent this

Before we proceed to our new lesson

today, “We will have a short review of
last week’s
A. Reviewing the lesson. Who can tell me the last weeks?
previous lesson
or presenting the lesson? Anyone from the class?”
new lesson
Very Good polite expression.
(Students raise their hands)
Now class, give the 5 golden polite
“Polite expression”
expressions again.

Nice, very good.

Sorry, Thank you, please, May I, and
Excuse Me.
Now I will call three students to act in
front of one of the polite expressions.

Myka, Ismael, and Jaylord

(They will act in front of the class)
Great Job, everyone!
Could you give them a fireworks clap?

(The students will do a fireworks clap)

B. Establishing a Now, I will present a picture and you

purpose for the will guess what the picture is
lesson portraying.

Are you ready? Yes, Ma’am!

(The teacher will flash a picture on the


Picture #1

What is he doing? He is hiding

What word did you make? HIDING

Very good.

Picture #2

What is he doing?
What word did you make?
He is feeding the fish.
Very good.

Picture #2

What word did you make?

Very good everyone.

Activity/Strategy For now, I have here a worksheet

C. Presenting where you will find 5 objects in the
examples/ picture, that I am going to distribute by
instances of the group, but before that, I am going to
new lesson group you into three. The first group
will be called Dog, the second group
will be called Cat, and lastly will be
called Bird. If you’re finished
answering the activity, all you have to
do is produce the sound of the animal
belongs to you.

Is that clear?
Yes, Ma’am!
Okay, the title of this activity is “FIND

I will give you 5 minutes to answer.

After you answer the pictures choose

one representative from your group to
present and say the object that they find
in front of the class.

Is that clear?

Direction: Circle and color the 5

objects you will find in the

Yes, Ma’am
After 5 minutes

Are you done answering class?

Yes, Ma’am!
Okay, all leaders please present your
answer in front. (All the leaders will present their activity)

What are the hidden things that you see Witch, Ghost, Spider and bat
in the picture?

Very good class!

Clap, clap, clap
Give yourself a Magaling, Mahusay tramp, tramp, tramp
Clap. Magaling, Mahusay
Get Get oww….

Take your seat, everyone.

D. Discussing new Now, class, we are going to read a
concepts and book titled "Pilong Patago – tago. It
practicing new was written by Kristine Canon.
skill # 1
What is the title again, class?"

"Very good! (Students answer in chorus)

“Si Pilong Patago – tago”

Who is the author of the story?

(Students answer in chorus)
Very good! “Kristine Canon”

This book was written by Kristine


Today, we are going to read this book.”

Now as I read the story there are new

words you will see


1. Hiding

what does this word mean?

‘’it is what you do when you don't want to

it is what you do when you don't be seen’’
want to be seen.

Very good!

2. Feed - this is what you do when

you give food to animals

3. Office - it is where a manager


4. Cabinet - a thing where you can

store objects.

5. Pile of clothes - it is to put objects

on top of one another.

Let’s read the words, one more time.

Hiding (Students read the words written/posted on

Feed the board)
Pile of clothes
Very good! ‘’Feed’’
‘’Pile of clothes’’

E. Discussing new
concepts and Okay, class, we are going to read a
practicing new story. But before that please stand up,
skill #2 follow this, the interrupting song. (The students will sing and dance together)

Interrupting song

Interrupting is very disrupting

don’t start squawking
(The teacher will play the song) When someone else is talking
Interrupting is very disrupting
don’t start squawking
When someone else is talking

Interrupting is very disrupting

don’t start squawking
When someone else is talking

Okay, take your seat everyone.

Now let’s read the story about the boy

who loves hiding.

(The teacher asked questions while

reading the story. Pupils listen and
answer the teacher’s

"Pilong Patago – tago”

Written by Kristine Canon

One day his mother came looking for

"Pilo, where are you hiding? Pilo!
‘’His mother’’
Pilo! Get
inside the house and take a bath.
been playing outside for a long time

Who is the lady looking for Pilo?

Did her mother find him?

No, she did not.

Her mother suddenly heard,

"Bulaga! Nay,
you didn't see me, did you? I was
behind the post," Pilo said, laughing.

Where did Pilo hide? “Behind the post”

What did he say when he showed “Bulaga!”

himself to his mother?

That’s right.

The next day, someone is looking for

again. "Pilo! Pilo! Where are you?
Your pet
fish is already hungry. Get in here
and feed
your fish. I am going to the office
“A fish”
What is Pilo’s pet?

What is an office again? “An office is a place or a room

Where people work”
An office is a place or a room where

Who do you think is looking for Pilo? “His father”

Where do you think is he going?

“To the office”
That’s right he is Pilo’s father.

He is going to the office.

His father suddenly heard, "Bulaga!

Tay, you
didn't see me, did you? I was hiding
in the
cabinet." Pilo said, laughing again.

‘’A cabinet is where we put or keep our


Where was Pilo hiding?

“In the cabinet”
That’s right! Pilo is hiding in the

What did he say to his father?

The next day, someone is looking for
again. "Pilo! Pilo! Stop hiding. Your
lunch is
not warm anymore. Your food has
sitting on the table for a long time."

Who do you think is looking for Pilo?

Why is she looking for him? “Ate bebang”

A pile means things are put on top of

the other. “She was asking him to eat his lunch”

Ate Bebang suddenly heard,

"Bulaga! Ate
Bebang, you didn't see me, did you?
I was
hiding in a pile of clothes." Pilo said,
laughing again.

Where was Pilo hiding?

That’s right! Pilo is hiding in the pile of “In the pile of clothes”

What did he say to his ate Bebang?

He said “Bulaga! “Bulaga!”

The next day, someone is looking for

again. "Pilo! Pilo! Where are you
now? Pilo! Pilo! We have to go; the
is waiting for us outside. You will be
late to school."

His kuya Rey suddenly heard,

Kuya Rey, you didn't see me, did
you? I was
hiding by the bed.” Pilo said

Pilo has arrived from school.

Someone’s looking for him again.
“Pilo? Pilo! We have
to go. Pilo? Pilo! We have to buy
pants for you.”
His mother suddenly heard,
“Bulaga! Nay,
you didn't see me, did you? I was
hiding in my toys” Pilo said laughing

They went to the supermarket.

They arrived at the supermarket,
and Pilo’s mother was looking for
him again. "Pilo? Pilo! I found a pair
of pants for you. Pilo?
Pilo! Come here and fit these pants.
Pilo? Pilo! Where are you hiding this
time? Pilo,
you’re making me worry."

Time has passed, and Pilo has not

been found yet
Pilo wondered, "Why has nanay not
found me yet? I’ve been waiting here
for too long.
Fine, I will see Nanay now."
But Pilo didn’t find his mother. He
kept shouting, "Inay! Inay! Inay!"
Pilo is lost. He is crying.
He suddenly heard "Bulaga! You
didn't see me, did you? Stop cyring,
Pilo. Mother is here." His mother
said that and hugged him.

“Thank you so much for listening


Let’s read the new words we learned


a. hiding
b. feed ‘’Hiding’’
c. office ‘’feed’’
d. cabinet ‘’office’’
e. pile ‘’Cabinet’’

APPLICATION Okay, class let’s see if you ‘’ (The students will listen to the teacher
remembered the words we learned as he explains)’’
A. F. Developing today.
mastery (Leads to
Formative I am going to give the meaning and you
Assessment) tell me what word it is. ‘’Yes, we are!’’
Are you ready?

1. It is what you do when you don't

want to be seen. “Hiding”

2. This is what you do when you give

food to animals. “Feed”

3. It is where a manager works.

4. A thing where you can put or store
objects or clothes. “Cabinet”

5. It is to put objects on top of one

another. “Pile”
“Great job, everyone! Please remember
all the new words we learned today.

G. Finding practical Now, let us summarize what you have ‘’ (The students will listen to their
applications of learned. In this activity, you have to teacher)’’
concepts and skills in write the correct answer on the board.
daily living
Do you understand class? ‘’Yes, Ma’am!’’

Okay, for number 1 who wants to

1. It is what you do when you don't
want to be seen.

Very Good.

for number 2 who wants to answer?

2. This is what you do when you give “Feed”

food to animals.

Jaylord, can you please write your

answer in number 3?

3. It is where a manager works. “Office”

4. A thing where you can put or store

objects or clothes. “Cabinet”

5. It is to put objects on top of one

another. “Pile”

Good job, everyone!

H. Making Now, let us deepen your

generalizations and understanding…
abstractions about
the lesson “Who are the characters in the story?” “Pilo, mother, father, ate Bebang”

“If you were Pilo would you do the

same? Why?” ‘’ (Students answers vary)’’

“Is Pilo a good boy?”

‘’ (Students answers vary)’’
“What do you think Pilo feels
whenever he hides from his family? Is
he happy?”
‘’ (Students answers vary)’’
Good job!

ASSESSMENT Since everyone understood the story,

we will now have an activity again.
I. Evaluating Please prepare your pencil. " (The students will prepare their pencil)
Direction: choose the correct answer
for each question.

1. Where was Pilo hiding when his 1. A) Behind the post

mother asked him to take a bath?

A) Behind the post

B) In the cabinet 2. B) His father
C) In a pile of clothes

2. Who was looking for Pilo when he

was supposed to feed his pet fish? 3. C) In a pile of clothe
A) His mother
B) His father
C)Kuya Rey

3. Where did Pilo hide when someone 4. A) Hiding in his toys

was looking for him to eat his lunch?
A) By the bed
B) In the cabinet 5. C) He couldn't find his mother
C) In a pile of clothes

4. What was Pilo doing when he made

his mother worry at the supermarket?
A) Hiding in his toys
B) Buying pants
C) Feeding his pet fish

5. Why did Pilo start crying in the end?

A) He lost his toys
B) He was hungry
C) He couldn't find his mother

Are you finished?

Now let us check. Exchange paper and

write corrected by ‘’ (The students will respond if they were
finished or not)’’
Very good!
‘’ (The students will exchange their paper
Who got a score of 2 and above? and will write corrected by on the paper
they were checking)’’

Good job! And for those students who

got a score of 1, better luck next time. ‘’ (The students who got a score of 2 and
above will raise their hands)’’
Very good!
J. Additional For your assignment, copy what is
activities for being showed on the screen.
application or
remediation Assignment: Assignment:

Direction: Describe or draw a picture Direction: Describe or draw a picture about

about a special moment you had with a special moment you had with your family,
your family, a beloved pet, or any a beloved pet, or any personal experience
personal experience that made you that made you happy. Share it in the class.
happy. Share it in the class.



A. No. of Learners ___ of Learners who earned 80% above

who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of Learners ___ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
who require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial ___Yes ___No
lessons work? No. of ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
Learners who have
caught up with the
D, No. of Learners ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my Strategies used that work well:
teaching strategies ___ Group collaboration
worked well? Why did ___ Games
this work? ___ Power Point Presentation
___ Answering preliminary
___ Discussion
___ Case Method
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/
___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method
___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing their tasks
F. What difficulties __ Bullying among pupils
did I encountered __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
which my principal or __ Colorful IMs
supervisor can help __ Unavailable Technology
me solve? Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer/
Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works
__Reading Readiness
__Lack of Interest of pupils
G. What innovation or Planned Innovations:
localized materials did __ Localized Videos
I use/discover which I __ Making use big books from
wish to share with views of the locality
other teachers? __ Recycling of plastics to be used as Instructional Materials
__ local poetical composition

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed:


Practice Teacher T – III / Cooperating Teacher



School Principal II PT Supervisor


Program Coordinator

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