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@ ABU DHABI INDIAN SCHOOL — BRANCH 1, AL WATHBA Ss PRE BOARD-1: 2023-2024 SET-2 GRADE: Xi MAX MARKS: 70 SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY (043) TIME: 3Hrs NAME OF THE STUDENT/ EXAM NO/GR. NO: DATE: 8/01/2024 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following instructions carefully. {a)There are 33 questions in this question paper with internal choices. D (b) SECTION A consists of 16 multiple-choice questions carrying 1 mark each. (c) SECTION B consists of 5 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each. (d) SECTION C consists of 7 short answer questions carrying 3 marks each, (ec) SECTION D consists of 2 case - based questions carrying 4 marks each. .H fi (f) SECTION E consists of 3 long answer questions carrying 5 marks each. 7 {e) All questions are compulsory. (h) Use of log tables and calculators is not allowed, SECTION A The following questions are multiple -choice questions with one correct answer. Each Question carries 1 mark. There is no internal choice in this section. 1. The molar conductivity of an electrolyte increases as (A)Dilution increases (B)Temperature decreases (C)Dilution decreases (D)None of the above 2. The table below shows the Kx values for some gases at 293 K and at the same pressure, Ku values 144.97 | 69.16 | 76.48 © | 34.86 (kbar) Gas Heliu | trogen | Oxygen In which of the fol - the gases arranged in their decreasing order of solubility (from lef Helium > Nitrogen > Hydrogen > Oxygen (B) Hydrogen > Helium > Nitrogen > Oxygen (C) Nitrogen > Hydrogen > Oxygen > Helium (D) Oxygen > Hydrogen > Nitrogen > Helium 3. Consider the following sequence of reactions: CompoundA] Reduction , [8] “M°%>cHsCHZOH the compound [Al is (A) CHsCH2CN (B)CHsNO, = (C)CHsNC_— (D) CHaCN 4. Whats the order of the reaction which has rate constant, k=3X10L mols? (A)First order (B)Second order —_(C)pseudo first order {D) Zero order 5. The compound obtained by heating a mixture of a primary amine and chloroform with ethanolic potassium hydroxide (KOH) Is : (A)an alkyl cyanide (B) anitro compound —{C) an alkyl isocyanide (D) an amide 6 Which of the following vitamin is soluble in water? Va (A) Vitamin A (8) Vitaminc (C) VitaminD {D) VitaminE whieh one of the following halides contains Csy:-X bond? (A) Allyl halide (8) Alkyl halide (C)Benzyl halide (D)Vinyl halide Which of the following compounds will react with sodium hydroxide solution in water? (A) CeHsOH (B) CeHsCH20H (C)CaHsOH (0) (CHs)s3COH / ane with sodium “SS Major product formed in the reaction of 2-methyl-2-bromoprop: methoxide is ar om py bg 4 1 (a) oH (8) on,—t—one ay-f-0-F=ar, en-€—o0, ch, C= cH, by, ay, ot, oy 10. Proteins are found to have two different types of secondary structures, viz. a-helix © and bepleated sheet structure. a-hellx structure of protein is stabilised by (Peptide bonds (B)van der Waals forces {ClHydrogen bonds (0) Dipale-dipole interactions 34, The electronic configuration of Gadolinium (Atomic number 64) is: (A) [ Xe] 4f° 5a° 6s? (8) [xe] 4F Sd° 6s? (C) [Xe] 4f85a? Gs? {D) [Xe] 41” Sd? Gs? 42: When one Faraday of electric current is passed, the mass deposited, equal to (A) One gram equivalent (B) One gram mole {C} Electrochemical equivalent J3:Given below are two ‘statements labs Assertion:Potassium permanganate is stored in dark coloured bottles. Serene n Potassium permanganate will decompose in the presence af sunlight. Select the most appropriate answer from the options {A) Both A and R are true and Ris th (8) Both A and R are true but Ris not (C) Ais true but Ris false. (D) Ais false but Ris true A# Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) Assertion:D (+) ~ Glucose is dextrorotatory in nature Reason: D represents its dextrorotatory nature. Select the most appropriate answ (A) Both A and R are true and Ris (8) Both A and R are true but R is {C) Ais true but R is false. AD) Ais false but Ris true, "35. Given below are two statements labelle © Assertion:An ether is more volatile tha ReasoniEthers are polar in nature. Select the most appropriate answer from the options glven below: (A) Both A and R are true and Ris the correct explanation of A (8) Both A and R are true but Ris Not the correct explanation of A. {C)Als true but Ris false. oo Ais false but Ris true. Given below are two statements lal Assertion{A):N,N-Diethylbenzene Reason(A): Sulphonyl group attach withdrawing group. Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below: (A) Both A and R are true and Ris the correct explanation of A (8) Both A and R are true but Ris not the correct explanation of A. (C) Ais true but R is false. (D) Ais false but Ris true. {D) Half gram equivalent elled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) er from the options given below: the correct explanation of A not the correct explanation of A. 'd as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) nan alcohol of comparable molecular. mass. a belled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) ulphonamide is insoluble In alkali ied to nitrogen atom is strong electron ay, vo SECTION B This section contains $ questions with internal choice in one question. The following questions are of a very short answer type and carry 2 marks each. 17. Give reasons: i) Aniline does not undergo Friedel Craft reaction. ii) (CH3):NH is more basic than (CHs)3N in an aqueous solution, oR !) Aniline on nitration gives a good amount of m-nitroaniline,though -NH, is o/p directing in electrophilic substitution reactions. ii) pks of methylamine is less than that of aniline. 18. Observe the graph in diagram and answer the following questions. tot (i) If stope is equal to -2.0x10 sec, what will be the value of rate constant? (ii) How does the half-life of the above reaction relate to its rate constant? 19. (iJWhat are the hydrolysis products of (a) Maltose and (b}lactose (ii)What happens when D-glucose is treated with the following reagents? (aH (b} Bromine water 20. (i)Account for the following Aldehydes and ketones have lower bolling point than corresponding alcohol. (ii)JArrange the following compounds in an increasing order of their acidic strength. Benzoic acid, 4-Nitrobenzoic acid, 3,4-Dinitrobenzoic acid, 4-Methoxybenzoic acid. 21. Determine the osmotic pressure of a solution prepared by dissolving 2.5 X 10” g of \"__K,S0s in 2 Lof water at 25°C, assuming that its completely dissociated. (R= 0.0821 L atm Kt molt, Molar mass of KzSOu= 174 g mol). SECTION C This section contains 7 questions with internal choice in one question. The following, questions are short answer types and carry 3 marks each. 22. (a)Write equations forthe following | P ht gene ~Ji{Dxidation of chloroform by air and light (ii)Reaction of chlorobenzene with CH3Cl/anhyd.AlCls, (b)Which one undergoes Sy2 substitution reaction faster and why? 1 a LINAS" LNINS 23. Write the reactions taking place at cathode and anode in lead storage battery when the battery Is in use.What happens on charging the battery? OR (iThe cell in which the following reaction occu 3+ : —+ BFe?* 2Fe8* (aq) + 21” (aq) — 2Fe** (aq) +12 (nas erquno.z3ev at 298K,Calculate the standard Gibbs energy of the cell reaction. (Given:1F=96,500C/mol) (l)How many electrons flow through a metallic wire if a current of 0.5A Is Passed for 2hours?(Given 1F=96,500C/mol) 24. (IA first order reaction takes 100 minutes for completion of 60% of the reaction.Find the time when 90% of the reaction will be completed. Write two differences between ‘order of reaction’ and ‘molecularity of reaction’. 25. Illustrate the following reactions (a)Gabriet Phthalimide reaction (b)Coupling reaction (c}Carbylamine reaction 26. (a)Draw the geometrical isomers of the complex (Pt(NH;):Chi «~(b)On the basis of crystal field theary,write the electronic configuration for dion if Ye ox P. — (c)Write the hybridization and magnetic behaviour of the complex [Ni(CO)4]. 27. Account for the following {a)2n is not considered as a transition element. (b)E? of Mn* /Mn** couple is much more positive than that for Fe®* /Fe®*. {c)Out of Mn’ and Cr", which is more paramagnetic and why? 28. (a)Write the chemical equation and (1UPAC name of the product for the reaction of phenol with chloroform and sodium hydroxide. {b)What happens when phenol is treated with (i)zinc dust (ii) bromine water. {clGive simple chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds: Benzoic acid and Phenol. SECTION D The following questions are case -based questions. Each question has an internal choice and carries 4 (2+1+2) marks each, Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. 29. Solutions are homogeneous mixtures of two or more than two components.The solutions which obey Raoult’s law over the entire range of concentration are known as ideal solutions.If the vapour Pressure of such a solution is either higher or lower than that predicted by Raoult’s law,then the solution exhibits positive deviation or Negative deviation from Raoult’s law.Respectively some liquids on mixing form azeotropes which are binary mixtures having the same composition in liquid and vapour phase.There are two types of azeotropes called minimum boiling azeotrope and maximum boiling azeotrope.Some properties of the solution depends on the number of particles irrespective of their nature relative to the total number of Particles present in the solution.Such properties are called colligative properties.Colligative properties Include freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, vapour pressure lowering, and osmotic pressure. (i) Give an example of the solution which will show positive deviation from Raoult’s (iiSome liquids on mixing form ‘azeotropes’.What are ‘azeotropes’. (iii) Will the elevation in boiling point be the same if 0.1 mol of sodium chloride or 0.1 mol of sugar is dissolved In 11 of water?Explain. OR iv) Calculate the mass of compound(molar mass = 256g/mol) to be dissolved in 75g of benzene to lower its freezing point by O.4BK(Kr5.12 K kg/mal) Kg ¢ Seles’ 30. The chemistry of coordination compounds Is an important and challenging area of modern inorganic chemistry.New concepts of chemical bonding and molecular structure have provided insights into the functioning of these compounds as vital components of biological systems Alfred Werner(1866-1919),a Swiss chemist was the first to formulate his idea about the structures of coordination compounds.He prepared and characterised a large number of coordination compounds and studied their physical and chemical behaviour by simple experimental techniques. ()What is meant by the chelate effect? (ii)What is the denticity of the coordination ities (f)What is Lanthanoid contraction? What are its two consequences?

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