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6/4/22, 10:10 AM

Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS)

Government Of Uttarakhand पर्ची संख्या/Slip No : 1
Pay Slip ForThe Month Of Dec -2023

Treasury : Chakarata (0101) DDO :Principal GICNagthat (5388)


कर्मचारी : 9000882 नाम/Name : Mr Anil Rawat पदनाम/Designation : Vice Principal

Scale : 78800-209200 (LEVEL 12) Employee Type : Class II Employment Type : UK State Services Others
बैंक/Bank : Uttrakhand Gramin Bank खाता संख्या/A/C : XXXXXXXX811 PAN No : EXXXXXXXXC
GPF/PRAN : KEDU/22681 Increment Date : JAN-2025 DOR : 30-JUN-2068
Office : G.I.C.NAGTHAT Grant/Scheme : Mobile No : XXXXXXX662
Voucher No : A22020416 Voucher DATE : 31-DEC-23 Da Rate : 31%
IFSC Code : SBIN0RRUTGB Golden Card No. : XXXXXKF10
अर्जन/Earnings Amount कटौती/Deductions Amount Loan Details
Head Amount Balance Instalment Total Paid
Amount Installments Installments
Basic Pay 99800 GPF Oth IV 10000
DA 30938 SGHS Contribution 1000
HRA 6350 Income Tax 15000
Hill Allowance 540 GIS-Saving 280
GIS-Insurance 120
Total 137628 26400 Net Salary 111228


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