Emi and Ac Assignment

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1. (a)In the figure given, mark the polarity of plates A and B of a capacitor when the magnets
are quickly moved towards the coil.

(b) What is the direction of induced currents in metal rings 1 and 2 when current I in the
wire is increasing steadily?

2. An alternating voltage given by V = 70 sin 100πt is connected across a pure resistor of 25

Ω . Find
(a) the frequency of the source.
(b) the rms current through the resistor.
3. The currents flowing in the two coils of self-inductance L1=16mH and L2=12mH are
increasing at the same rate. If the power supplied to the two coils are equal, find the ratio of
(i) induced voltages, (ii) the currents and (iii) the energies stored in the two coils at a given
4. An average induced emf of 0.4V appears in a coil when the current in it is changed from
10A in one direction to 10A in opposite direction in 0.40sec. Find the co-efficient of self-
induction of the coil.

5. A coil when connected across 10Vdc supply draws a current of 2A. When it is connected
across a 10V, 50Hz ac supply, the same coil draws a current of 1A. Explain why it draws lesser
current in the second case. Hence determine the self-inductance of the coil.
6. An ac generator has a coil of ‘N’ turns each of area ‘A’, rotating with angular speed ‘ ’ in a
uniform magnetic field ‘B’. (i) What is the maximum emf between its slip rings? (ii) What is
the flux associated with the coil when the e m f across it is zero?
7. A circular brass loop of radius ‘a’ and resistance ‘R’ is placed with its plane perpendicular
to a magnetic field which varies with time as B= B0sin t. Obtain the expression for the
induced current in the loop.

8. A 2μF capacitor, 100Ω resistor and 8H inductor is connected in series with an ac source.
(i) What should be the frequency of the source such that current drawn in the circuit is
maximum? What is this frequency called?
(ii) If the peak value of emf of the source is 200 V, find the maximum current.
(iii) Draw a graph showing variation of amplitude of circuit current with changing frequency
of applied voltage in a series LRC circuit for two different values of resistance R1 and R2 (R1
> R2).
(iv) Define the term ‘Sharpness of Resonance’. Under what condition, does a circuit become
more selective?
9. An inductor L of inductance XL is connected in series with a bulb B & a c source. How
would brightness of the bulb change when (i) number of turns in the inductor is reduced (ii)
an iron rod is inserted in the inductor & (iii) a capacitor of reactance XC =XL is inserted in the
10. A 50W-100V electric bulb is to be used on a 200V, 50Hz ac supply. Calculate the
inductance to be connected to the lamp, so that it may glow with its normal brightness.
11. How does the mutual inductance of a pair of coils change, when (i) distance between the
coils is increased (ii) number of turns in each coil is decreased (iii) a thin iron sheet is placed
between the two coils, other factors remaining the same?

12. In the series LCR circuit, the voltages across an inductor, capacitor & resistor are 40V, 20V
& 20V respectively. What is the total voltage operative across the combination? What is the
phase difference between the applied voltage and the current in the circuit?
13. (a) Determine the value of phase difference between the current & the voltage in the
given series LCR.
(b) Calculate the value of the additional capacitor which may be joined suitably to the
capacitor C that would make the power factor of the circuit unity.

14. When an alternating voltage is applied across a device X, a current of 2A flows through
the circuit and is in phase with the applied voltage. When the same voltage is applied across
another device Y, the same current again flows through the circuit but leads the applied
voltage by /2 radians. (i) Name the device X & Y. (ii) Calculate the current flowing in the
circuit when same voltage is applied across the series combination of X & Y. Plot a graph
showing variation of net impedance of this series combination of X & Y as a function of
frequency of the applied voltage.

15. 24. A bar magnet M is dropped so that it falls vertically through the coil C. The graph
obtained for voltage produced across the coil vs. time is shown in figure (b). (i) Explain the
shape of the graph. (ii)Why is the negative peak longer than the positive peak? What does
the area enclose by the curve depicts?

16. An inductor of 20mH, a resistance of 10ohm and a capacitor of 20 F are connected in

series to an a.c source of 200V, 50Hz. Calculate (i) angular frequency of the source, which
drives the circuit in resonance. (ii) Current at resonance. (iii) Power factor at resonance.
17. When a series combination of a coil of inductance L & resistor of resistance R are
connected across a 12V, 50Hz supply, a current of 0.5A flows through the circuit. The current
differs in phase from the applied voltage by /3 radians. Calculate the value of L & R. (66mH,
12 )
18. An a.c. circuit having an inductor & a resistor in series draws a power of 560W from an
a.c source marked 210V, 60Hz. If the power factor of the circuit is 0.8, calculate (i)
impedance of the circuit. (ii) the inductance of the inductor used. (63Ω, 0.1H)
19. Find the inductance of the inductor used in series with a bulb of resistance 10
connected to a c source of 80V, 50Hz. The power factor of the circuit is 0.5. Also calculate
the power dissipation in the circuit. (55mH, 160W)
20. An a.c generator consists of a coil of 100 turns & a cross-sectional area of 3m2, rotating
at a constant angular speed of 60 rad/s in a uniform magnetic field of 0.04T. The resistance
of the coil is 500 . Calculate (i) maximum current from the generator & (ii) maximum power
dissipation in the coil.
21. Figure shows two long co-axial solenoids each of length ‘l’. The outer solenoid has an
area of cross section A1 and no. of turns/length n1. The corresponding values for the inner
solenoid are A2 and n2. Write the expression for self-inductance L1, L2 of the two coils and
their mutual inductance M. Hence show that M < √L1L2 .

22. An LCR series circuit consists of L=100mH, C=5 F & R=100 . An alternating emf E=150 2
sin1000t is applied across this combination. Calculate the impedance of the circuit. What is
the power dissipated in i) resistor ii) inductor & iii) capacitor & iv) in complete circuit?
23. A circuit draws a power 550 W from a source of 220V, 50Hz. The power factor of the
circuit is 0.8. The current in the circuit lags behind the voltage. Show that a capacitor of
about 1/42 x10-2F will have to be connected in the circuit to bring its power factor to unity.

24. A resistor of resistance 400 & a capacitor of reactance 200 , are connected in series to
a 220 V, 50Hz a c source. If the current in the circuit is 0.49 A, find the (i) voltage across the
resistor & capacitor (ii) value of inductance required so that voltage & current are in phase.
25. In a series LR circuit XL =R & the power factor of the circuit is P1, when a capacitor with
capacitance C such that XC =XL is put in series, the power factor P2. Find out P1/P2.
26. An LCR series circuit with 100 resistance is connected to an a c source of 200V &
angular frequency 300rad/s. When only the capacitor is removed, the current lags behind
the voltage by 600. When only the inductor is removed, the current leads by 600. Calculate
the current & the power dissipated in the circuit.
27. Three students X, Y and Z performed an experiment for studying the variation of
alternating currents with angular frequency in a series LCR circuit and obtained the graphs
shown below. They all used AC sources of the same r m s value and inductances of the same
value. What can we (qualitatively) conclude about the (i) capacitance value (ii) resistance
values used by them? In which case will the quality factor be maximum? What can we
conclude about nature of the impedance of the set up at frequency ωr.

28. A device ‘X’ is connected to a c source v = vosinωt. The variation of voltage, current &
power in one complete cycle is shown in the fig. (i) Identify X (ii) Which curve shows power
consumption over a full cycle.

29. A 40 Ohm resistor is connected across a 15 V variable frequency electronic

Oscillator. Find the current through the resistor when the frequency is (a) 100 Hz and (b)
100 kHz. What is the current if the 40 Ohm resistor is replaced by a 2 mH
30.Find the capacity of a capacitor, which when put in a series with a 10 ohm resistor; make
the power factor equal to 0.5. Assume an 80 V-100 Hz AC supply.

31. A series L-C-R circuit with R=10 , L=2H and C = 25µF is connected to a variable frequency
200 V AC supply. When the frequency of the supply equal to the natural frequency of the
circuit, what is the average power transferred to the circuit during the complete cycle?

32. Power factor can often be improved by the use of a capacitor of appropriate capacitance
in the circuit. Explain.

33.A resistor of 200 Ω and a capacitor of 40 F are connected in series to 220 V a.c. source with
angular frequency ω=300 Hz . Calculate the voltages (rms) across the resistor and the
capacitor. Why is the algebraic sum of these voltages more than the source voltage ? How do
you resolve this paradox?

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