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Lesson 3

computer storage
Computers need storage devices. They enable
computer to sleep and remember the information and
settings done by the user. The comment and the largest
storage device for computer users is hard drive.
When you use a word processor and type a lengthy text of
about 5 pages, the file size will most probably fall in
kilobytes. When you download a game application on
your smartphone, the file requirement is usually in
megabytes. Computer storage is measured in different
storage units. The commonly used storage units are bytes,
kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and terabytes.
The following are the proper order
of storage bytes and their value:
1.) Bit(b) - it is considered as the smallest unit of
measure having a binary digit of either 0 or 1.
2.) Nibble- It is half a byte having 4 bits.
3.) Byte(B)- It is a unit of data that contains 8 bits.
5.) Megabyte(MB)-It has 1,024 KB.
6.) Gugabyte(GB)- It has 1,024 MB.
7.) Terabyte(TB)- It has 1,024 GB.
8.) Petabyte(PB)- It has 1,024 TB.
9.) Exabyte(EB)- It has 1,024 PB.
10.) Zettabyte(ZB)- It has 1,024 EB.
11.) Yottabyte(YB)- It hS 1,024 ZB.
In the computer, the information is being represented and start using a digital
binary format. BINARY CODES are used in computers to represent and
interpret letters, numbers, and characters with bits. The American Standard
Code for Information (ASCII) Interchange is commonly used as a cod.
The numbering system is used to illustrate units of storage. Binary
system like KB is equivalent to 1,024 B, which when you round it
off in decimal system, is equivalent to 1,000 B. The computer
storage industries are comprised with data centres and storage
devices that relies so much on the decimal system.

Nowadays, you can store large amount of data on your gadgets

and devices. However, you will eventually notice a discrepancy
between the manufacturer's hard drive storage and computer
storage. A lot of hard drive manufacturers use a decimal number
system to define the amount of storage space. For instance, 1 MB is
equivalent to 1,000,000 B.
Computer of Measurements for Memory Storage

Name Base 10
Base 2 (Binary)

KB 1,000 B 1,024 B
MB 1, 000, 000 B 1,048,576 B
GB 1, 000, 000, 000, B 1,073,,741,824 B
TB 1, 000,000,000,000 B 1,099,511,627,776 B
PB 1, 000,000,000,000,000 B 1,125,899,906,842,624 B
Examples of Conversation Using Base 10
Example 1: if you had download a 1.7 g be movie and you
want to convert it to MB, what will be its equivalent?

a. 1GB is equivalent to 1,000 MB.
b. Multiply 1.7 GB to 1,000 MB.
c. The answer will be 1,700 MB.
Example 2: Convert the image size of 3,500 KB to MB.
a. 1 MB is equivalent to 1,000 KB.
b. Divide 3,500 KB to 1,000 MB.
c. The answer will be 3.5 MB.

Example 3: if you combine 3 TB hard drives, how many MB with be?

a. 1 TB is equivalent to 1,000,000 MB
b. Multiply 3 TB to 1,000,000 MB.
c.The answer will be 3,000,000 MB.
Thank you for listening!

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