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Class: Duration time: from 02/09/2023 To 16/12/2023

(*) Profession: <Software Engineer> Specialty: <ES> <IS> X

(*) Kinds of person make registers: Lecturer Students

1. Register information for supervisor (if have)

Full name Phone E-Mail Title
Supervisor 1 Võ Thị Thanh Vân 0903919695

Supervisor 2

2. Register information for students (if have)

Student Role in
Student Full name Phone E-mail
code Group

1 Leader

2 Member

3. Register content of Capstone Project

(*) 3.1. Capstone Project name:
 English: Building a multiplayer Unity game with Photon Realtime
 Vietnamese: Xây dựng ứng dụng game hỗ trợ nhiều người chơi dùng Photon
 Abbreviation: MPPRealtime

a. Context:

A multiplayer game in Unity is a game that allows multiple players to interact and
play together in the same virtual environment. It is a type of game that enables players

11.14-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/0
to connect over a local network or through the internet and engage in gameplay
together. Unity is a game development platform that provides tools and resources for
creating multiplayer games. Developers can utilize Unity's networking capabilities to
implement features such as real-time communication, synchronization of game states,
and multiplayer matchmaking.

In a multiplayer game built with Unity, players can join and participate in various
game modes such as cooperative missions, competitive matches, or open-world
exploration. They can interact with each other, collaborate on tasks, compete against
one another, or even form alliances.

Photon Realtime is a popular and powerful networking solution for building

multiplayer games in Unity. It provides a reliable and scalable infrastructure for real-time
communication between players, ensuring smooth and lag-free gameplay experiences.

From the above descriptions, it is necessary to build an entertainment application

using Photon Realtime in Unity to create engaging and interactive multiplayer
experiences. The Photon Realtime supports cross-platform development, allowing
games to be created for various platforms such as desktop, mobile devices, and web
browsers. Photon Realtime also provides scalable infrastructure, capable of handling a
large number of players in the same game session.

b. Proposed solutions
 Understand Photon Realtime, a robust framework for real-time communication
between multiple clients, enabling seamless multiplayer experiences.
 Build a multiplayer game using Photon Realtime
 Build a news website for the game.
c. Functional requirements
 Mobile Application
 Player
 Users can sign up for customers by phone number with OTP.
 Update personal information.
 Players can search information in the news website
 Controlling the game character: Once connected, players control a game
character or avatar within the virtual environment. They can move their
character, perform actions, and interact with the game world and other
 Achieving objectives or goals: Multiplayer games often have objectives or
goals that players need to achieve. This may involve completing missions,
solving puzzles, defeating enemies, or competing in various challenges.
Players work towards achieving these objectives individually or in
collaboration with other players.
 Cooperation and communication: Effective communication and
cooperation among players are crucial in many multiplayer games.

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Players may need to strategize, coordinate actions, share information, and
work together as a team to succeed in the game. They can communicate
through voice chat, text chat, or other in-game communication systems.
 Competing against others: In competitive multiplayer games, players often
compete against each other to achieve the highest score, win matches, or
reach the top of the leaderboards. They engage in head-to-head battles,
races, or other forms of competition to showcase their skills and
outperform their opponents.
 Admin Web Application
 Admin can manage all account in the system: Player account
 Manage configuration of system
 Manage staff of system
 User Web Application.
 Staff
 Manage transaction
 Manage report
 Accept player account request/Ban driver
 Manage news information
 System Handler
 Send notification
 Send email notification
 Auto approve/reject registration request
d. Non-Functional:
 Usability

o This software application is easy for everyone to use confidently.

 Reliability

o This software system performs the specified functions without failure.

(*) 3.2. Main proposal content (including result and product)

a. Theory and practice (document):
 Students should apply the software development process and UML 2.0 in the
modelling system.
 The documents include User Requirement, Software Requirement Specification,
Architecture Design, Detail Design, System Implementation, and Testing
Document, Installation Guide, sources code, and deployable software packages.
 Server-side technologies:

o Server: Photon Cloud, .NET

o Database System: SQL Server or MySQL Server.

 Client-side technologies:

o Web Client: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ReactJS.

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o Mobile App: Flutter, React Native.

b. Program:

 Mobile App for Player

 Web App for Player, Staff, Admin
 API for System

c. Proposed tasks for students:

 Task package 1: Understand Photon Realtime environment.

 Task package 2: Develop the Mobile application for Player.

 Task package 3: Develop the Web application for Admin, Staff.

 Task package 4: Build - Deploy and Test the system.

 Task package 5: Prepare all the required documents: System analysis and design,
test plan, installation manual, user manual.

 Each work group may have many students participating but there will be 1 member
responsible for the main responsibility.

 Notice: all students are required to understand the reference documents thoroughly
and may need to explain to the viva committee.

4. Other comment (propose all relative thing if have)

TP HCM, 07/07/2023
Supervisor (If have) On behalf of Registers
(Sign and full name) (Sign and full name)

11.14-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/0

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