An Analysis Between The Outcome Based Curriculum and Standard Based Curriculum in Papua New Guinea - 113538

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Course: TAR 591: Home Economics Curriculum

and Instruction

Assignment # 1: Analytical Essay

TOPIC: An analysis between the Outcome Based

Curriculum and Standard based curriculum in
Papua New Guinea.

Name: Timothy David

ID # 202411099

Program: PGDE

Lecturer: MR. N. KASO

An analysis between the Outcome Based Curriculum and Standard based
curriculum in Papua New Guinea.
Education is one of the key factors that can bring positively or negatively
impacts on the developing of the society, districts or nation as a whole. Papua
New Guinea (PNG) Government has recently changed Outcome Based
Curriculum (OBC) to Standard Based Curriculum (SBC) due to concerns
raised by the concerns citizens that OBC is a failing educational system. OBC
is being more difficult for teachers to plan and access which made it more
demanding when it comes to resource rather then SBC is more reliable has
more time on core subject and in core subject script and lesson. The changing
of curriculum can be beneficial but awareness or In-service must be conduct
so that everyone should know about how to go about the curriculum. This
paper will be analyzed between the two curriculum and will give feedbacks on
how the curriculum can impact the teacher teaching and student learning and
how it affects nation as whole in contribution to growth and development of
the nation.
OBE, student do whatever it takes them to learned and teacher wait for them
until they master the subject and then move on to the next. This is time
consuming and most things are not learned because of the time factor and only
broad ideas have been learn by student. A concern parent asked her children’s
headmistress about OBE and she said it is failing because no time to teach the
basics. (Png attitude, 2010). The PNG government choose an SBC because
they want to improve the standard of teaching and learning. The SBE
curriculum will inform the teacher to have a clear purpose and focus on what
will taught and assessed. Student will be informed on what they should know
and what to do. A standard base curriculum is a body of knowledge and set of
competencies that form the basis for quality education. (,
2014). I do not think the curriculum is a problem but if teachers play their part
by taking time into consideration and create a suitable lesson plan and teach
using effective strategies can address the issue. Kanz, email, (2015, July 18)
stated that OBE is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational
system and goals (outcome). By the end of educational experience each
student has achieved the goals.
OBE curricula provide chances for those students who do not make it through
to further education can start their lives but creating any job opportunity for
themselves with the basic idea they learn with the resource they have back at
homes. For example, in agriculture student learn about how to raise life stock
which they can sell and earned their living. Not everyone continues to further
education, those who do not make it through can applied the knowledge and
skills they have learn and utilizes it do something which can benefit them.
Studies say that OBE results in increased student and teachers’ self- esteem,
higher achievement for more students, decreased drop and several other
benefits. (, 2024). SBE curriculum is the set and standardize
student according to their performance and those who do not make have no
opportunities support themselves end up in street causing lots of problems to

the society. However, the standard curriculum methodology has its limitation.
Some implementations of Standard Base reform focus too much on
standardized test, leading to narrow approach to learning and exacerbating
inequalities between students from different backgrounds.
(, 2024). Different students have different learning
abilities and we cannot force every student in the same boat.
Most of the people complain that student in OBE system do not know how to
approach or speak fluent English compared to people in the past taking the
previous reform. PCAMINPNG (2021) stated that however, the problem of
low literacy and numeracy was evident in all levels of education from
elementary to tertiary as most rural areas were taught in tok-ples and Tok-
Pisin. There were numerous calls by parents, teachers and other shareholders
to abolish the OBC as it failed to produce the desired outcome. Do not
downgraded student that have no skill, English is not our language and we do
not need it measure our capabilities and by the way student know their
numeracy. The child may know what to do but find difficult to express his or
her self in terms of communication. It will take time for them to speak fluently
English, the work place will shape them. We all in the society contribute to a
child development and if we all have the clear idea of the curriculum than we
will help in contributing to develop, mold and shape a child to become some
body in the future. After parents, teacher have most important role in a student
life. They are the one who mold the character of their students and continue to
raising educated, sane and responsible citizen of our country. (Elephant,
2019). Teachers cannot blame parents and parents cannot blame teacher by
kicking a childlike soccer ball. We all living in a society can positively or
negatively influence a child development.
Government should build up the curriculum we have instead of changing
which lead to us confusing nation. The pubic does not often support the
frequent change to education system. PCADMINPNG (2021) stated that the
Department of Education seems to be eager to implement the new Standard-
Based curriculum (SBC) with a new 1+6+6 system without proper
consultation with key shareholders. This will always lead to problems and
proper awareness or consultation must be addressed before introducing the
curriculum. Teachers teaching OBE does not understand it properly or they are
lazy. Otherwise, both curriculum system is a good system but in-service
teachers training or awareness must to be given to make known to
everybody’s. teachers who have little or no knowledge about OBE model will
find it difficulty implementing it in the class. Therefore, provide faculty
training is responsibility of higher education institution.,
2024. They should analyze the advantage and disadvantage of the curriculum
and look for ideas and make improvements that can be beneficial to teacher
teaching, student learning and nation as a whole.

To conclude, most of the of people complain that OBE is a failing educational
system and government has response to their complain by implementing new
educational reform which is SBC. Lack of student basic skills is not the cause
of OBE reform but government or people in charge failed to conduct proper
awareness or faculty training. The development of a child learning is shape by
the environment they belong to. Every individual in the society can help in
child learning and development. Each educational curriculum is best, OBE
target the outcome and SBC target the purpose. I do not think the educational
system is the problem and Government should not continuously change the
reform which will confuse everyone make the nation being a confuse nation.

1. Reginal, R. (2010 October 19). Outcomes Based education is failing
PNG. Png attitude.
2. Enhance by google. (2024, July 6) what is Standard Based
3. Kanz, P. (2015, July 18) Outcome Based education is failing PNG.
4. Edu plus. (2024, February 4). Top 5 benefits of outcome-based
5. SCISPACE. (2024, March 28). What are the advantage and
disadvantage of Standard-Based Curriculum?
6. PCADMINPNG, n/a. (2021, March 18). is Papua New Guinea ready t0
implement 1+6+6 basic education system. Papua New Guinea Post
Courier, n/a.
7. Waylon. H. Lewis enterprise. (2019, March 14) what are the
challenges in teaching profession. Elephant.

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