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Opinions, Agreeing and


What you will learn:

Vocabulary: Opinions, Agreeing and Disagreeing

Part 2 and 3 Questions
Model Answers

Test Your Vocabulary
Fill in each gap with ONE word.

1) What’s your ___________ on this matter?

2) The ______ I see it, we need to tackle climate change immediately.

3) We negotiated, but couldn’t _________ an agreement

Answers at bottom of PDF

IELTS Speaking: Vocabulary

Opinionated (adj.) = to have strong opinions

To agree with s.o. / sth.

To be in agreement
To reach an agreement
To see eye to eye

To disagree with s.o. / sth.

I disagree with you on / about this issue
To have a disagreement (about / over)
To have an argument / quarrel / row (pronounced ‘cow’)

IELTS Speaking: Giving Opinions
In all parts of IELTS Speaking, you will probably get the following types
of questions, at some point.

What do you think?

What’s your take?
How do you see this?
Some people think ____, What do you reckon?

In natural spoken English, we tend to use short phrases…

I think
I reckon
I guess
In my opinion
In my eyes
The way I see it

If you don’t have a strong or clear opinion, if something is not black and
white, you can say…

It depends….
By and large… (=generally speaking)
I would tend to say…

😂 Dad Joke:

Student: Do you think you can teach me yoga?

Yoga Teacher: It depends, are you exible?

Student: Well, I am free any day except Tuesdays!

Excuse the corny punchline = the rubbish ending to the joke!!


IELTS Speaking: Agreeing and Disagreeing

Do you agree ___?

Do you think ____?


Yes, I do
For sure,
Without a doubt

I totally / completely agree

I’d go along with that
I couldn’t agree more

If you only ‘half’ agree…

Kind of, I mean _____

Sort of, I mean ____
To a point, I mean _____

I’m undecided
I’m in two minds about this one
I guess I’m on the fence

Facing a di cult choice, you can say,

I’m torn between A and B

I’m in a dilemma here = I’m in a di cult situation = I’m between a rock

and a hard place = I’m in a quandary

If you disagree….

No, I don’t
Absolutely not
I beg to di er
That’s not how I see it

Do you agree that video games are bad for children?

Part 2 + 3 Questions

Describe a disagreement you had with someone

What do you do if you disagree with someone?

How can you stop a disagreement escalating into a ght?

What disagreements do parents and children often have?

Describe a time when someone asked for your opinion

Why do some people dislike giving their opinion?

Are there any apps for collecting opinions about products and services?

Why do people like expressing their opinion on the Internet these days?

What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the Internet?

Describe a disagreement you had with someone


Partners - disagreeing about

home decoration
household chores
the way to bring up children
other family members
nancial decisions

Colleagues / classmates - disagreeing about

company/ school rules

presentation/ meeting content
contracts and prices

Parents and children - disagreeing about

doing homework / housework

staying out late
pocket money
plans for work / career
Marriage choice
Lifestyle choice

Friends - disagreeing about

where to go out
girlfriends / boyfriends

Listening Bingo!

Listen to this Part 2 answer for the question

Describe a disagreement you had with someone

Mark the words you hear. If you get 3 in a line, type BINGO in the chat!

Avoid con ict Pig-headed Talk it through

A full-blown Reach a We fell out
argument compromise
That wound me up To keep schtum We eventually
made up

Answers at bottom of PDF


Talk it through = discuss step by step

To fall out with s.o. = argue and stop speaking to s.o.
To make up with s.o. = to be on talking terms again (after an argument)
Pig-headed = stubborn
To wind s.o. up = to annoy s.o. (wind / wound / wound)
pronounce ‘wine’
To keep schtum = to keep quiet

Useful Phrases

We fell out over something simple

We were doing up the living room

To do up = to decorate

There was no consultation

Her tone was a bit o - quite brusque

To be o = rude (tone)
Brusk = rude

That wound me up

Normally we would talk it through

Each of us stood our ground

To stand your ground = not change your opinion / position

Neither of us wanted to give an inch (often used in the negative)

To give an inch = to change your opinion / position - be willing to

I can be quite pig-headed

She got a bee in her bonnet

To have a bee in your bonnet = to have an idea that you won’t let go go.

There’s no shifting her

To shift = to move

This small disagreement escalated into a full-blown argument

In the end the painter came up with a solution

We eventually made up

I felt she could have been more exible

1. What ideas can you think of for this question

Why do some people dislike giving their opinion?

They may not have an opinion (on that particular topic)

Maybe they are just not very opinionated
They may not have a real grasp of the facts

They are afraid of con ict

They want to tow (pronounced ‘toe’) the line = do what everyone else
is doing, to follow the norm.

They might be afraid of upsetting people

They don’t want to stand out = to be di erent

They don’t want to risk sounding stupid

They fear reprisals, retaliation or criticism (including; bullying, hate

speech, abusive language, violent language)

Developing and Giving Examples

Listen to a sample answer where I develop the answer.

What are the missing words?

They may have a ____ grasp of the facts

To speak out and say something incorrect that may be ______ later

Answer on next page:

They may have a super cial grasp of the facts
To speak out and say something incorrect that may be mocked


To bite your tongue = to try hard not to say something (so as not to
o end someone)

When my colleague criticised me for the same mistake she made last
week, I had to bite my tongue

To hold back = to not do or say something

When I disagreed with her, she didn’t hold back, she just started
criticising me really strongly

To see eye to eye = to agree

I think we will never see eye to eye on this issue

To be on the same page = to agree

When we present this proposal to management, we need to make sure

we are all on the same page.

To blow everything out of proportion = To make something seem

much worse than it is

Jenny is very sensitive and often blows things out of proportion.

Test Your Vocabulary ANSWERS

Fill in each gap with ONE word.

1) What’s your opinion / view / take on this matter?

2) The way I see it, we need to tackle climate change immediately.

3) We negotiated, but couldn’t reach /obtain / get / nd an agreement

Listening Bingo ANSWER

Avoid con ict Pig-headed Talk it through

A full-blown Reach a We fell out
argument compromise
That wound me up To keep schtum We eventually
made up


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