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Hello PRVN Affiliates!

We are now heading into our 9th and final week of this cycle. We will be testing some of those benchmarks we hit in
week 1 of this cycle and having some fun seeing the progress that we have made along the way. The big ones were
are looking at are the Power Clean and Power Snatch on Monday, our Front Foot Elevated Split Squat and 1 Mile Run
on Tuesday, before hitting “Angie on Wednesday. We will then be moving into Thursday with an active recovery
aerobic conditioning and stability workout before tackling a new 8RM Back Squat and “Diane”. That will fill in our
benchmark tests before we head into the weekend and get ready for Murph on the following Monday!

Theme: Famous Hotels

Time Domain Modalities/Description Intended Stimulus

Monday NA -Power Snatch + Power Clean 1RM -Speed Strength/Heavy Oly

-Core Finisher -Midline Stability/Burnout

Tuesday For Time -Front Foot Elevated Split Squat -Unilateral Strength
5:00-10:00 -1 Mile TT Effort -Running Lactic Endurance

Wednesday For Time -”Angie”: Pull-Up + Push-Ups + Abmat -Benchmark Chipper

15:00-25:00 Sit-Ups + Air Squats -Bodyweight Muscular Endurance
and Stamina

Thursday E6MOM -Bike + Farmers Carry + Double Unders -Midline Conditioning

5 Sets + Row -Threshold Capacity
4:00 on
2:00 off

Friday For Time: -Back Squat 8RM -Absolute Strength

3:00-7:00 -”Diane” Deadlift + Handstand Push-Ups -Benchmark Sprint Couplet

Saturday AMRAP -Triplet: Row + Toe to Bar + Burpee Get -Partner Workout
20:00 Overs -1:1 Work to Rest Ratio, High Effort
-Core Finisher

Sunday E4MOM -Triplet: Echo Bike + Sandbag Carry + -Power Output + Midline Stability
5 Sets Sled Push and Conditioning
2:00 on
2:00 off

Monday 05.23.22 Video Brief

General Prep Extra Instructions:
2 Rounds We are hitting a little piece here to just get the system
1:00 Cardio Choice revving for the oly work and plyometrics today.
10 Alternating Arm Swings
10 Weighted Passthroughs
10 Alternating Lunge + 10 Jumping Lunges

Plyometrics Extra Instructions:

Seated Box Jump to High Box We are hitting our favorite primer for the oly lifts here.
6 Sets x 3 Reps Goal is to work higher on each set of 3 box jumps.
R: 1:00 b/s Starting seated with feet off floor, then drive feet into the
floor and work on reaction speed and moving quickly into
a vertical jump onto the higher box.

Barbell Primer Extra Instructions:

Hang Snatch High Pull + Hang Muscle Snatch +Hang Just working on a quick little primer here to get things
Power Snatch rolling and feeling good through the positions. Focus is
5x (1+1+1) bar path and a quick turnover on the punch.
High Hang Muscle Clean + Hang Power Clean + Low
Hang Power Clean
5x (1+1+1)

Weightlifting Extra Instructions:

Power Snatch This is a retest from week 1. Working speed and power
10:00 EMOM here and really getting a big drive through the barbell for
1 Rep, starting @ 60% up to max extension. Goal would be to hit around 97% on minute 9
—-2:00 Rest —- to attempt 102% on minute 10.
Power Clean
10:00 EMOM
1 Rep, starting @ 60% up to max

Core Finisher Extra Instructions:

3 Sets, For Quality Fun little core finisher here to finish the day off. Have
20 Alt V-Ups some fun with this and try to stay unbroken on the V-Ups
-Max Hollow Hold and Russian Twists before tackling those iso holds
R: 60sec
20 Russian Twists
-Max Extended Plank Hold
R: 60sec

PRVN Mobility #1 Extra Instructions:

5/5 Active Pigeon Stretch Working through our hips and thoracic today to open up
:30sec Childs Pose the body after all the oly work.
10/10 Side Lying Thoracic Rotations
10/10 Supine Lumbar Rotation Stretch

Points of Performance and Coaching Cues:

Power Snatch: Chest up and eyes forward at the set-up, stay patient on the first pull off the floor and then
accelerate through the hips before catching with a firm punch. As much as it may seem counterintuitive, staying
over the bar longer will allow the athlete to get the bar back to the hip contact point better.
Power Clean: Chest up and eyes forward at the set-up, stay patient on the first pull off the floor and then
accelerate through the hips and focus to keep pulling on the bar as you pull under to the quarter squat with the
barbell landing on the body in a good front rack position.
Alternate Variations Scaling Considerations Class Management and Timing

As prescribed.. see scaling For the Power Snatch and the 0:00-3:00 Whiteboard Talk: Speed
modifications for adjustments to Power Clean today, let's move to Strength/Power Development
1RMs for Power Snatch + Power a hang position and work on
Clean technical proficiency from the 3:00-5:00 Grab equipment for the
knee to the hip. This allows for warm-up and workout.
athletes newer to the olympic
lifts to develop technical 5:00-15:00 General Prep Warm-Up
proficiency from the top down.
15:00-23:00 Plyometrics
For the Seated Box Jump to
High Box, let's work to just go 23:00-30:00 Barbell Prep + starting
loads on bar
from a seated position to a jump
from the box and don’t worry 30:00-40:00 Power Snatch
about jumping to the box in
order to develop that rapid hip 40:00-42:00 Rest
extension for triple extension on
the barbell. 42:00-52:00 Power Clean

52:00-60:00+ Core Finisher (optional)

or Mobility

60:00+ Clean-Up


Competitor Extra Instructions:
Strength (Prior to Main WOD) We are working up to 1RM Front Squat today and
Every 2:00 minutes, 10 Sets tackling 30 Ring Muscle-Ups for time. This would be a
1 Front Squat, starting @ 85% of 1rm and increase good day to test out your max unbroken set as well, so
each set, build to a heavy single for the day starting with the max unbroken and then resting and
finishing off the rest of the ring muscle-ups could also
Gymnastics Baseline (After the Main WOD) be a way to tackle this depending on what your focus
For Time is.
30 Ring Muscle-Ups

Tuesday 05.24.22 Video Brief

Warm-Up: Extra Instructions:
400m Run (Easy) We are starting off with a good little warm-up session
--- here to get the glutes firing as well as the paces we want
3 Sets to hit for our 1 Mile TT. Today, is simple, but will definitely
10 Alternating Step-Ups provide a good challenge to anyone that decides to really
10 Goblet Cossack Squat go all out.
15 Banded Goodmornings
200m Run @ Goal Mile Pace

Strength Extra Instructions:

Back Rack Front Foot Elevated Split Squat We are re-testing the 8RM on the Split Squat today to
Take 12:00 to Establish Max really see the improvement in our single leg strength
8 Reps/Each Building to a Max for Day work that we have focused on a bit more here during this
R: as needed b/s cycle. Goal is to increase 10-20# or so from the last time
we tested this.

Conditioning Extra Instructions:

1 Mile Run TT Everyone’s favorite! We are hitting an all out Mile Time
Trial. This one is definitely up there on the spectrum of
those workouts that provide some high anxiety, so hunker
down, get your mind right

PRVN Mobility #4 Extra Instructions:

1:00 Elevated Prayer Stretch The focus here for the mobility work today is centered
1:00/1:00 Elevated Pigeon Stretch around the glutes, hamstrings, and calves after that split
:30sec/:30sec KB Calf Smash squat and 1 mile TT
1:00/1:00 Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch

Accessories (Optional) Extra Instructions:

3 Sets We are hitting some tempo single leg RDLs, anterior tib
8/8 SL SA Romanian Deadlift 21x1 Tempo raises, and split stance pallof presses to round out the
8-10 Anterior Tibialis Raise body and tighten up those connective tissues.
:30/:30 Split Stance Paloff Press Hold

Points of Performance and Coaching Cues:

Front Foot Elevated Split Squat: The foot should be placed on a 2-3’’ plate and the athlete should be in a
stance that roughly mimics a walking lunge or the split jerk. We will descend under control, lightly tap the knee to
the ground and then accelerate back up to the start.
Run: Pull off the ground and keep the chest tall with a neutral spine. Create tension by pulling your pelvis under
your torso and work to keep a quick cadence.

Alternate Variations Scaling Considerations Class Management and Timing

This is a great opportunity to allow Split Squat: Subbing out a 0:00-3:00 Whiteboard Talk:
athletes that struggle with running weighted step-up is a great
to finish with no time cap. modification here to limit some 3:00-5:00 Grab equipment for the
tension on the knee if a split warm-up and workout.
squat creates issues.
5:00-15:00 General Warm-Up
If single leg work is the problem,
adjust to a box squat 15:00-18:00 Go over the Split Squat
and get barbells to the rack
Run Machine Subs:
400m Run = 30/24 Cal 18:00-30:00 Front Foot Elevated Split
Squat 8RM
Row/Ski/Bike Erg, 25/18 Cal
Echo Bike, 27/22 Cal Assault
30:00-40:00 Clean-Up Barbells, get in
Bike, 40/32 Cal Airdyne a running primer and make sure
athletes legs are loosened up and
ready to hit the TT.

40:00-52:00 1 Mile Run TT Effort

52-60:00 Clean-Up + Cooldown and



Barbell Conditioning Benchmark (Before Main Extra Instructions
WOD) Yes, that is all the extra work today…. Which means,
Isabel + Grace you gotta go hard and leave it all out there. Who can
For Time go sub 4:00 on this one.
30 Snatch
30 Clean and Jerk
Load: 135/95#, 61/43kg

Wednesday 05.25.22 Video Brief

Warm-Up: Extra Instructions:
2:00 Cardio Choice Mostly just focused here on loosening up the body and
2 Rounds getting ready to tackle “Angie” with our best effort.
8 (Inchworm Push-Up + Squat)
10/10 Glute Bridge March
:15sec Dead-Hang + :15sec Active Hang
8 Kip Swings

Skill Work *Coaches Only Extra Instructions: *coaches only

Spend time today tackling some good technique work for The videos and demos for these movements are in the
the kipping pull-up. For those with enough strength and video briefs for the day.
who want to play with it, add in some good butterfly

We like to work on the elevator pull-up for the kip and the
box butterfly pull-up drill along with some controlled circles
and articulations of the butterfly movement to have athletes
understand the range of motion and the feel of the

Benchmark Conditioning Extra Instructions:

“Angie” This is a really fun classic benchmark workout with the
For Time focus being on staying steady and chipping away in the
100 Pull-Ups best way you can. Speed of repetition will increase as we
100 Push-Ups move from pull-ups to push ups to sit-ups and finishing
100 Sit-Ups off with a fast set of 100 air squats.
100 Air Squats

Time Domain: 13:00-18:00

Time Cap: 25:00

PRVN Mobility #3 Extra Instructions:

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch Working through some good work on the hip flexors,
1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pose glutes, and hamstrings to stretch things out after the day.
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
1:00 Updog Pose

Accessories (Optional) Extra Instructions:

3 Sets Just adding in soe good quality work to stretch out lats,
10-12 DB Pullovers add in some extra tricep and lat strength work while
8/8 Single Arm DB Rows keeping the volume low.

Points of Performance and Coaching Cues:

Pull-Ups: Full extension at the bottom of each rep and chin over bar at the top of each rep. Focus on being
rhythmic and relaxed throughout.
Push-Ups: You should be a moving plank and initiate the rep through the shoulders and not the elbows.
Abmat Sit-Ups: Hands must touch over head and touch the toes for the rep to be an “Rx” Rep.
Air Squat: Hip crease below parallel and show full hip extension at the top of each rep.

Alternate Variations Scaling Considerations Class Management and Timing

Competitor: Wear a 20/14# Weight
Vest Pull-Ups: Strict Banded Pull-Ups 0:00-3:00 Whiteboard Talk
or Toenail Spot Pull-Ups as well
L2: as limiting the volume would help 3:00-5:00 Grab out equipment for the
For Time today. warm-up and back squat.
75 Pull-Ups
75 Push-Ups Push-Ups: Same idea as the 5:00-15:00 Warm-Up
100 Sit-Ups pull-ups for scaling mods. Band
100 Air Squats assisted, kneeling, and adjusting 15:00-25:00 Skill Work for the Pull-Up
and Talk over scaling modifications for
50 Strict Banded Pull-Ups 25:00-50:00 “Angie”
50 Band Assisted Push-Ups
75 Sit-Ups 50:00-60:00 Mobility and Cooldown
100 Air Squats

Limited Equipment Variation +

Bodyweight Option
As prescribed


Weightlifting (Before Main WOD) Extra Instructions:
Behind the Neck Split Jerk We are re-testing our 1RM Split Jerk from behind the
Every 90sec, 10 Sets neck and then finishing off the day with a primer for
*building to a 1RM Friday. Friday we have a 5k Row Time Trial, so find
that pace you feel like you can hold and be ready to hit
Conditioning (After Main WOD) it.
Primer for Friday
5 Rounds
250m Row @ 5k Pace
R: 30sec
250m Row @ 2k Pace
R: 30sec
1000m Bike Erg @ 10k Pace
R: 2:00 b/s

Thursday 05.26.22 Video Brief

Warm-Up: Extra Instructions:
3 Sets Starting off the day with a simple and effective warm-up
1:00 Bike or Row to prime the system for the workout of the day.
30sec Jump Rope Practice
10 Dual KB Deadlifts *increase weight each set
10 Hollow Rocks
:30sec Plank Hold

Conditioning Extra Instructions:

"Ritz Paris" This is a simple workout that should work on bracing and
Every 6:00 for 30:00 breathing. Goal is to hit the Bike Calories in about 75sec
20/14 Cal Echo Bike or 22/16 Cal Assault Bike before moving onto a quick farmers carry down and back
100ft Farmers Carry 70/53#, 32/24kg for 50ft out and 50ft back, then moving into smooth
80 Double Unders double unders where our focus is breathing and body
100ft Farmers Carry 70/53#, 32/24kg position, back to the farmers carry and finish with a
20/16 Cal Row strong row to end each round. The push really comes on
the row today as it finishes off each set to allow for more
Goal: 4:00 on/2:00 off rest before the next round .

PRVN Yoga Flow Extra Instructions:

2 Rounds Through Hitting a good yoga flow here to stretch out the
Right Leg shoulders, thoracic spine, lower back, and hamstrings.
:15sec Down Dog
:30sec Low Lunge
:15 Elbow to Knee and Rotate
:15sec Reach to Sky and Hold
:30sec Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch
:30sec Half Pigeon

Left Leg
:15sec Down Dog
:30sec Low Lunge
:15 Elbow to Knee and Rotate
:15sec Reach to Sky and Hold
:30sec Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch
:30sec Half Pigeon

Accessories (Optional) Extra Instructions:

No accessories today, the workout is meant to feel more
like a good accessory and conditioning piece

Points of Performance and Coaching Cues:

Cal Row: Work on a steady state long stroke, focusing on leg drive through the first half of the pull, then work on
the body and arms staying connected through the finish.
Double Unders: Breath through the dubs by keeping the chest upright and arms staying steady at the sides.

Alternate Variations Scaling Considerations Class Management and Timing

Every 6:00 for 30:00 Today, we are more looking to 0:00-3:00 Whiteboard Talk
18/13 Cal Echo Bike or 20/15 Cal keep things aerobic and stay
Assault Bike moving. Lighten the load on the 3:00-5:00 Grab equipment for the
100ft Farmers Carry 53/35#, 24/16kg Famers Carry, reduce the reps workout and warm-up.
60 Double Unders on the double unders, and lower
100ft Farmers Carry 53/35#, 24/16kg the reps on the machines to 5:00-15:00 General Warm-Up
20/16 Cal Row allow for the intervals to be done
in the correct time frame. 15:00-20:00 Room Set-Up and Final
Bathroom Breaks
Every 6:00 for 30:00 20:00-50:00 “Ritz Paris”
15/10 Cal Echo Bike or 16/11 Cal
Assault Bike 50:00-60:00+ Clean-Up, Mobility
100ft Farmers Carry 53/35#, 24/16kg Work, Cooldown
100 Single Unders
100ft Farmers Carry 53/35#, 24/16kg
15/12 Cal Row

Limited Equipment Variation

Every 6:00 for 30:00
200m Run
100ft Farmers Carry
60 Double Unders
100ft Farmers Carry
200m Run

Bodyweight Variation
Every 6:00 for 30:00
200m Run
:30sec Side Plank Right
60 Double Unders
:30sec Side Plank Left
200m Run


Complete Off Day Extra Instructions:
REST UP and Stretch Out

Friday 05.27.22 Video Brief

Warm-Up: Extra Instructions:
3 Sets, For Quality Priming the system today for the heavy 8 Rep Back
1:00 Cardio Choice Squat as well as those tng deadlifts for “Diane”. Move
10 x 1 and 1/4 Goblet Squats smoothly through the reps and focus on bracing as the
20sec Bear Plank Shoulder Taps primary goal for this warm-up.
10/8 Push-Ups
:30sec KB Dead-Bugs

Strength Extra Instructions:

Back Squat We are re-testing our 8 Rep Back Squat today with the
Take 10:00-12:00 to find an 8RM goal of hitting close to 82-85% as a good goal for most
Workout Primer Extra Instructions:
5 Deadlifts Focus today is to add weight on each set and make sure
:20sec Handstand Hold that the movements are feeling good. Go over the
— handstand push-up modifications and deadlift
Add weight modifications for today before tackling this. During this
5 Deadlifts primer it is a good time to walk around and check in with
3 Handstand Push-Ups athletes to see how things are feeling and what specific
— areas they may need to address before hitting the
Add weight workout.
5 Deadlifts *working loads
3 Handstand Push-Ups
Add weight
3 Deadlifts *overweight
3 Handstand Push-Ups

Benchmark Conditioning Extra Instructions:

“Diane” This is a classic benchmark workout that is supposed to
For Time: be a fast paced sprint. The goal weight for the deadlifts
21-15-9 should allow for them to be done in 3 sets or less for
Deadlifts 225/155#, 102/70kg each round. For the handstand push-ups we want to work
Handstand Push-Ups on quick breaks with short rest periods to allow for a fast
pace without the chance of breaking down too early on.
Those that are proficient with both movements should
work on transitions here and getting back to the bar fast
to start the next round.

PRVN Mobility #6 Extra Instructions:

:30/:30 Scorpion Stretch We are hitting some shoulders, hamstrings, calves, and
1:00/1:00 Elevated Pigeon Stretch lower back mobility to help loosen up from the work
:30sec/:30sec KB Calf Smash today.
1:00/1:00 Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch
1:00 Childs Pose
1:00 Cobra Pose

Accessories (Optional) Extra Instructions:

3 Sets, For Quality Our added accessories in today should be done at lighter
10/10 Front Rack Step-Up loads that allow us to hit quality positions and movements
:30sec Tuck L-Hang without stressing the system too much.
8/8 Single Arm Upright Row w/5sec pause on final rep

Points of Performance and Coaching Cues:

Back Squat: Brace through the midline. Create global tension and a full 360 degree breath on each rep. We
should feel close to maximal effort at 5 and then fight for 6,7, and 8.
Deadlifts: Keep the bar close and have the hips and torso rise at the same time during the deadlift. We also
want them to descend in a similar fashion by keeping tension against the barbell rather than letting the barbell
pull you down to the floor.
Kipping Handstand Push-Ups: Create a solid stable tripod with an active shoulder, then move into extension
through the kip and flex the butt to keep the hips off the wall.

Alternate Variations Scaling Considerations Class Management and Timing

Comp: 245/165#, 110/75kg, Strict Back Squat: Scale to a box 0:00-3:00 Whiteboard Talk: Barbell
Handstand Push-Ups squat, or single leg variation Conditioning
depending on the certain issues
L2: 185/125#, 84/57kg, Strict Piked with each athlete. 3:00-5:00 Grab out equipment for the
Box Handstand Push-Ups warm-up and workout
Deadlift: The best subs today
L1: would be to move to a Hex Bar 5:00-15:00 Warm-Up
21-15-9 or Sumo Deadlift first, and after
Deadlifts @ 60% of 1RM that we could even raise the 15:00-27:00 8RM Back Squat
Dual DB Strict Press ground by placing the bar on
blocks or move to a KB Deadlift. 27:00-40:00 Clean-Up from the Back
Limited Equipment Variation Squat, then work on workout primer
and getting to working loads for the
21-15-9 Handstand Push-Up: We want
Dual DB Deadlifts to have some tools in our tool
Handstand Push-Ups box for the handstand push-up. 40:00-50:00” Diane”
The Box Pike Handstand Push-
Bodyweight Variation: Up is definitely our favorite 50:00-60:00+ Clean-Up + Cooldown +
42-30-18 Toe Touches *Flat Back, option, but only if the athlete can Mobility
Mimic Deadlift do it correctly and maintain the
21-15-9 Handstand Push-Ups proper pressing form. Dual DB
Strict Press is never a bad option
and helps those that feel like
going inverted will be an issue.


Conditioning Test (As separate Session) Extra Instructions:
Time Trial Everyone's favorite to start off the day… the 5k Row
5k Row Test! A good goal is around 6-7sec/500m slower than
your 5k race pace.
Semifinal Event Test (After the Main WOD)
10 Rounds We will also be hitting the semifinal event test to see
170ft Run where we stack up and have some fun with the legless
1 Legless Rope Climb rope climb and sprint workout.

Saturday 05.28.22 Video Brief

Warm-Up: Extra Instructions:
3 Rounds We are working through a little primer piece to get things
1:00 Row ready and moving for the workout of the day.
10 Scapular Pull-Ups
10 Kip Swings
20 Alt V-Ups
5 No Jump Burpees

Partner WOD Conditioning Extra Instructions:

"Ashford Castle" Today, we have written in the ideal version of this, which
20:00 AMRAP, w/Partner is to be done as a partner workout, however if we do
50 Cal Row want to just tackle this solo, cut the reps and half and
40 Toe to Bar stay moving. The third variation plays off some synchro
30 Burpee Box Get-Overs 40'' work, where 2 partners will accumulate time on the rower
*Partition between partners in the best way you can while one partner rests, then they rotate through where 2
are always working on the same movement synchronized
Solo Version: AMRAP of 25-20-15 to accumulate the reps for the day.
3 Person Team Variation: Two People Working Synchro at
all times to accumulate reps. This is best set-up so that there is one big wall of boxes
in the center of the gym and all athletes will come to the
center and do their burpee box get overs before coming
back to their rowers and then to the rig.

Core Finisher Extra Instructions:

7:00 AMRAP Can anyone go unbroken throughout? Goal is 3+ rounds,
1:00 Forearm Plank but would love to see someone holding plank and hollow
:30sec Hollow Hold for the entire 7:00
*if you go unbroken you will finish
4 Rounds + 1:00 Plank

PRVN Mobility #1 Extra Instructions:

5/5 Active Pigeon Stretch We are working to stretch out the glutes, lats, and build in
:30sec Childs Pose some spinal rotation here to cool things off from the day.
10/10 Side Lying Thoracic Rotations
10/10 Supine Lumbar Rotation Stretch

Points of Performance and Coaching Cues:

Cal Row: This focus for today is connection through the entirety of the stroke. We are looking to maintain a
straight chain path and connect the stroke as legs, then body, then arms as we finish to the sternum.
Toe to Bar: Similar to the rings here, where we are looking for that tight kip glide while keeping the lats active
through the swing.
Burpee Box Get Overs: Stay close to the box and utilize your hands to press down on the box as you jump
your feet to the box.

Alternate Variations Scaling Considerations Class Management and Timing

20:00 AMRAP, w/Partner Burpee Box Get-Overs: We 0:00-3:00 Whiteboard Talk: go over
50 Cal Row can reduce the height and the idea for the Partner Workout, plus
40 Knee to Elbows almost anyone can do a low variations
30 Burpee Box Get-Overs 40'' height box get over.
3:00-5:00 Grab equipment for the
L1: Toe to Bar: Lets scale to warm-up + workout
20:00 AMRAP, w/Partner alternating toe to bar, then knee
40 Cal Row to elbow, then strict knee raises 5:00-15:00 Warm-Up
30 Abmat Sit-Ups and finally move to v-ups or sit-
15:00-25:00 Workout Primer for the
20 Burpees ups if we need an option that is Day. Go Over Toe to Bar, Rowing
Limited Equipment Variation + BW not on the rig. Technique, and Burpee Get-Over
Variation Technique
20:00 AMRAP Cal Row: Same cals for Ski Erg
300m Run or Bike Erg, 40/30 Cal Echo 25:00-45:00 “Ashford Castle”
20 V-Ups Bike, or 45/35 Cal Assault Bike,
10 Burpee Chair Jump Overs Sub 500m Run for 50 Cal Row 45:00-50:00 Clean-Up

50:00-57:00 Core Finisher

57:00-60:00+ Mobility, Cooldown


Competitor Class Extra Instructions:
4 Rounds, For Quality: Today is a day of testers and getting in some good
10 Banded Pass throughs quality work that will give you some baselines moving
5 Muscle Snatches 45/35lb into the rest of the summer. We are hitting some
10 Barbell Good-mornings semifinal tests from Torian and Syndicate Crown
1 Skin the Cat today, so each piece should be a focused workout with
a good amount of rest before and after to ensure
Semifinal Complex quality effort.
Work up to a Max for The Day
3 Squat Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 1 Split Jerk

Semifinal Conditioning Test

2 minutes On : 2 minutes Off
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
15/10 Cal Rogue Echo
In remaining time Max Snatches 105/75#
Repeat until 60 reps are achieved

Semifinal Conditioning Test

King Kong 2.0
3 Rounds for Time
8 Ring Muscle-Ups
6 Deficit Handstand Push-Ups 9/6.5’’
4 Sandbag Cleans 200/150#
2 Squat Snatch 205/145#

2 Sets, For Quality:
25 Deficit Push Ups
20 Med Ball Ghd Sit Ups
15 Strict Pull Ups

Sunday 05.29.22 Video Brief

Warm-Up Extra Instructions:
3 Sets, For Quality This is the same warm-up as last Sunday, with the
:30sec Jump Rope Practice emphasis on priming the legs and core today for the
10 Cobra Tall Kneeling to Standing (5/5) workout. Bracing and moving is the focus!
:30sec Medball Weighted Wall Sit
:10/:10 Single Arm Dead-Hang
*cumulative hang, so can alternate :5/:5 x 2

Conditioning Extra Instructions:

"The Fairmont" This is a fun challenge of a workout. The goal here is full
Every 4:00 for 20:00 (5 Sets) effort and moving quickly. Moving with the sandbag
12/8 Cal Echo Bike should be a challenge, but not something where you feel
100ft Sandbag Carry 150/100#, 68/45# any loss in the ability to brace and stay steady. If you
100ft Sled Push, light and fast can’t do that, reduce the loads and work to move fast.
The sled is meant to be light and a sprint. Often times this
Alternate Variation is worse than it being a heavy grind of a sled.
Every 4:00 for 20:00 (5 Sets)
12/8 Cal Echo Bike or 15/10 Cal Assualt Bike
100ft Dual KB Front Rack Carry 70/53#, 32/24kg
2x 100ft Shuttle Sprint (50/50ft)

PRVN Yoga Flow #3 Extra Instructions:

:30sec Down Dog We are hitting a good yoga flow to loosen things up at the
1:00 Dragon Pose (right) end of the week and get ready for test week.
:30sec Down Dog
1:00 Dragon Pose (left)
:30sec Down Dog
1:00 Pigeon Pose (right)
:30sec Down Dog
1:00 Pigeon Pose (left)
:30sec Down Dog
2:00 Updog

Accessories (optional) Extra Instructions:

3 Sets, For Quality Some quality work for the posterior chain to round out the
8-10 Glute Ham Raises week.
:35sec Weighted Sorenson Hold
10 Barbell Standing Calf Raises

Points of Performance and Coaching Cues:

Sandbag Carry: Carry the sandbag with arms wrapped around the sandbag tight chest upright and move fast
while still breathing.
Sled Push: Stay low and keep moving fast. The second you start to slow down the sled will feel heavier as
friction increases.

Alternate Variations Scaling Considerations Class Management and Timing

L2: The biggest focus today when 0:00-3:00 Whiteboard Talk

Every 4:00 for 20:00 (5 Sets) considering scaling is the picking
10/7 Cal Echo Bike up the bag for the sandbag 3:00-5:00 Grab equipment for the
100ft Sandbag Carry 100/80#, carry. We can raise this up and warm-up and workout.
45/36kg lift off blocks and then carry if
100ft Sled Push, light and fast 5:00-15:00 General Warm-Up
lumbar is the primary concern.
We can also modify it to a KB
L1: 15:00-25:00 Go over the workout and
Farmers carry or Front Rack talk through the best techniques for
Every 4:00 for 20:00 (5 Sets) Carry or even a medball run. the Sandbag.
10/7 Cal Echo Bike
200ft Medball Run 20/14# For the Sled Push we can go to 25:00-45:00 “The Fairmont”
100ft Sled Push, light and fast weighted step-ups as the next
best modification for the day. 45:00-60:00 Clean-Up, Mobility,
Limited Equipment Variation Cooldown, and Optional Accessory
Every 4:00 for 20:00 (5 Sets) work. Use this time that best works for
100ft Shuttle Run (25/25ft x 2) your classes.
200ft Dual DB Front Rack Carry
100ft Hill Sprint or 10 Alternating
Chair Step-Ups
Bodyweight Option:
Every 4:00 for 20:00 (5 Sets)
100ft Shuttle Run (25/25ft x 2)
30sec Hollow Hold
100ft Hill Sprint or 10 Alternating
Chair Step-Ups

Ideal Rest Day
#1) Sleep in
#2) Spend time with significant others, family, friends, etc.
#3) Drink plenty of water
#4) Meal Prep for the Next Week
#5) Stretch *use one of the old stretching mobility sessions from previous days or
2min Pigeon Pose (each side)
2min Single Leg Forward Fold (each side)
2min Couch Stretch (each side)
5min Bottom of Squat Hold
3min Standing Straddle
90sec Updog Hold

Ideally do the stretch before bed to get ready for the week

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