Math Ia

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"To what extent does the Fibonacci sequence

influence the structural elements of selected musical
compositions, and how does its relationship with the
golden ratio contribute to the perceived aesthetic
appeal of the music?"

Word count:

Candidate code; kwb129


"To what extent does the Fibonacci sequence influence the structural elements of selected
musical compositions, and how does its relationship with the golden
ratio contributes to the perceived aesthetic appeal of the music?"


Mathematical principles show the interconnectedness within the universe shown

through the use of pervasive occurrences in nature, art, architecture and various other fields.

This mathematical phenomenon has intrigued my curiosity and eagerness to learn to

understand the underlying mathematical principles governing these concepts; we can gain

insights into the intrinsic beauty and harmony present in the world around us.

I discovered that every series or sequence, while learning IB mathematics IA Topic One

Sequences and Series, usually has a connection to the outside world. For instance, geometric

sequences are used by population census organisations and other similar ones to determine

the rate of population growth in a certain area. As a result, this piqued my interest, and I

began looking into the connections between objects in the cosmos. I learned about the golden

ratio and the fibonacci sequence from this. The fibonacci sequence demonstrated that there is

always a pattern that relates to the world in a variety of domains, including nature and the

arts. Furthermore, The Golden Ratio indicates a great coherence and harmony in the

composition and organisation of different occurrences.It can take on a variety of shapes in

nature, such as the spiral configurations of galaxies or the sizes of flowers, seashells, and

"To what extent does the Fibonacci sequence influence the structural elements of selected
musical compositions, and how does its relationship with the golden
ratio contributes to the perceived aesthetic appeal of the music?"

even human bodies. It is where I realised that the two are correlated, Leaving me curious to

determine how much the Fibonacci sequence affects some musical compositions' structural

aspects. How does the music's apparent aesthetic appeal are associated with its link with the

golden ratio? Given that they exist in a variety of fields, including the arts.

I began my investigation on the above question in order to understand its response. 'Great

music and Fibonacci Sequence by Lanchester University,' ' φ Fibonacci in Music ★

Fibonacci, ' and other study publications on the relationship between music and the Fibonacci

sequence and Golden ratio which I discovered. In order to build a solid foundation on the

subject, I also viewed a few lecture videos on the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden ratio.

I've studied the known scopes and influences on the golden ratio and the fibonacci sequence,

but I was unable to determine how each of these aspects contributes to the overall impression

of musical appeal. Which helped me to get settled on this research question.


"To what extent does the Fibonacci sequence influence the structural elements of selected
musical compositions, and how does its relationship with the golden
ratio contributes to the perceived aesthetic appeal of the music?"

The main motive of this exploration is to explore the influences of the golden ratio and the fibonacci

sequence on overall impression of musical appeal. Moreover, using statistical analysis and graph

theory to find links and patterns in the musical arrangements. Further, investigate how the

fundamental framework and variations of the musical compositions might be expressed through


Background Information
The Fibonacci sequence

It is a series of number which typically begins at 0 and 1, and where each number is the
product of the two numbers that came before it: 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,
233, 377, 610.. (Carla-Pinkney, 2022).

2 2 2
𝐹1 +𝐹2 +···· 𝐹𝑛=𝐹𝑛𝐹𝑛+1

"To what extent does the Fibonacci sequence influence the structural elements of selected
musical compositions, and how does its relationship with the golden
ratio contributes to the perceived aesthetic appeal of the music?"

Golden ratio

Often represented by the greek text phi(φ). Because it is seen as aesthetically beautiful, the
golden ratio can be found in many natural phenomena, including the spiral of a seashell, the
arrangement of leaves on a stem, and even well-known works of art like music and
architecture.1 In this exploration I would be investigating the connection between the golden
ratio and the Fibonacci sequence and how these two numbers affect the structural
components of musical compositions.

Process of calculation
Data collection

Correlation between Fibonacci sequence and Golden ratio.

Mitchell, C. (2023, October 1). Fibonacci Sequence: Definition, How it Works, and How to
Use It. Investopedia.

"To what extent does the Fibonacci sequence influence the structural elements of selected
musical compositions, and how does its relationship with the golden
ratio contributes to the perceived aesthetic appeal of the music?"

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