3rd Quarter Exam G8

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Directions: Answer the following questions below by choosing the letter of the
correct answer. Encircle the letter only.
1) The woman likes to wear pink all the time. She must be a pink lover. What makes this
statement biased?
a. It is based on facts.
b. It is based on one’s personal opinion.
c. It is based on a logical explanation.
d. It is based on a scientific fact.
2) Which statement is NOT an example of the author's bias?
a. The no.1 song on the Billboard Top 100 this week is Rhianna's "Work."
b. The best song today is the song of Sarah Geronimo.
c. "One Call" is the most popular song of all time.
d. The songs of Black Pink are children's favorite.
3) What is the factor that makes an author’s information untrustworthy?
a. Opinions supported by facts
b. Generalized ideas
c. Ideas accompanied by research statistics
d. Logical arguments
4) Why is it important to be cautious in absorbing biased ideas or opinions from an author?
a. It may provide us with correct information.
b. It may change our views and lead us to the wrong conclusion.
c. It may aid us in achieving valid and authentic ideas.
d. It may direct us to the correct conclusion.
5) Which of following statement is TRUE?
a. A bias is any opinion that influences a person’s thoughts, feelings, or actions.
b. A bias opinion is authentic and reliable.
c. A bias opinion is scientifically proven fact, thus valid.
d. All the information stated by an author is unbiased.

Directions: Study the following statements below. Write (/) if the statement is
biased, then write an (X) if it is unbiased. Write your answer on the space provided.
_______6) Chocolate is the best flavor for ice cream.
_______7) Dogs are every man's best friend.
_______8) Computers are the ultimate man's invention ever invented.
_______9) According to a recent study, most learners have a social media account.
_______10) The effect of technology on children is very bad that parents can't
compete with.
_______11) The red face of the girl implicates her extreme anger over him.
_______12) A scientist developed penicillin.

Directions: Read each paragraph; then, choose the best answer to the question that
follows in order to find out if you can identify bias.
13) New cars are not built as well as they used to be. Owners of new cars in 2002 have more
complaints about their automobiles than in past years. In fact, the recalling of new cars by their
makers is becoming a routine practice in America. Instead of insisting upon safe, well-designed
products, carmakers seem more
concerned with throwing together shoddy automobiles and making a profit. Invariably, new cars
need parts replaced almost as soon as the warranty expires. Unfortunately, people need
transportation, so they continue to buy new automobiles.
The author shows bias against:
a. new car owners
b. foreign car manufacturers
c. car repair shops
d. automobile manufacturers
14) Everyone who cooks should own a food processor. This marvelous invention is now being
used by over 12 million vegetarians, compared with only half that number a couple of years ago.
Vegetarians rarely have a weight problem since most vegetables are low in calories and contain
little or no fat. They do not suffer a
build-up of cholesterol in the bloodstream as they grow older. Some doctors have suggested a
link between vegetarianism and longevity. As Americans become more health-conscious,
vegetarianism will certainly become more popular.
The author show bias for:
a. eating more vegetables
b. avoiding cholesterol
c. eating “health foods”
d. becoming a vegetarian
15) America is certainly a strong military power; it now has the nuclear power to destroy the
entire world. It is not the only country that has this capacity. The threat of nuclear war affects
all of the people.
The author seems biased against:
a. American military power
b. other countries
c. nuclear arms
d. the world.

Directions: Listed below are the names of propaganda devices. Match the name of the
device with the ideas by writing the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

_____________16) It links a person, product, or an idea to a negative symbol.

______________17) It’s about creating an urge amongst people to become a part of the “in crowd”.
______________18) It endorses an idea or a product by a famous person.
______________19) Its ultimate goal is to demonstrate how the product is meant for everybody and
will provide value to everyone.
______________20) It manipulates information so that one product looks better than the other.
______________21) It uses words or phrases to make the product look more appealing.
______________22) It transfers or projects certain qualities (this can either be positive or
negative) of a person, ideology or object to other things and people.

Directions: Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers
the question.
23) Michael Jordan wears Nike shoes and so should you!
a. Testimonial b. Bandwagon c. Name Calling d. Plain folks
24) Television Advertisement: Rush to shop at Super-Mart this weekend, everyone will be there!
a. Testimonial b. Bandwagon c. Name Calling d. Plain folks
25) Which of the following is an example of the name calling technique?
a. Are you tired of thinking up new gifts every time you get a party invitation?
b. Don’t be the only person without a great gift at the next baby shower.
c. Kris Aquino once complained about thinking of unique gifts.
d. Other gift shops in this neighborhood are full of expensive junk.
26) “Start losing weight now by trying our Herbal Slimming tea. Our slimming tea helps you lose
weight by burning fat on your body. A lot of studies show that our product has helped millions
around the world. It’s an amazing product to keep you in shape!” This uses:
a. Card Stacking b. Transfer c. Glittering Generalities d. Testimonial
27) Olga's Diner; a restaurant where the average Filipino receives above average service.
a. Card Stacking b. Transfer c. Testimonial d. Plain Folks
28) Burger King: “Why eat with a clown, when you can dine with a king?”
a. Testimonial b. Bandwagon c. Name Calling d. Plain folks
29) What propaganda device was used in this poster?
a. Glittering Generalities
b. Card Stacking
c. Name Calling
d. Transfer

30) This phone brand uses what kind of propaganda technique?

a. Glittering Generalities
b. Card Stacking
c. Name Calling
d. Transfer

31) “I wanted to make the tennis team, but I wasn’t making any progress. Then I bought a pair of
GymFans. In no time, my game improved dramatically. Before I knew it, I was on the team!”.
This is an example of:
a. Testimonial b. Transfer c. Name Calling d. Card Stacking
10) What propaganda was used in this statement: I’m just an average person, who doesn’t have
money to throw away on a pair of pants that won’t last as long as it takes. Bench denim pants
combine quality and style with a price I can afford.
a. Glittering Generalities b. Bandwagon c. Name Calling d. Plain folks

Directions: Read each item carefully and supply the term referred to. Choose from
pool the words inside the box. Write your answer on the space provided.

____________32) It simply means a problem or struggle faced by a person or people in a

____________33) It is a problem that influences and affects many citizens within a society.
____________34) It is a problem on scarcity of supply, or that the finite resources available are
insufficient to satisfy all human wants and needs.
____________35) This problem involves doing something clearly wrong or unethical having the
potential to harm others or one’s self.
____________36) It refers to conflicts over spiritual matters with God within oneself, and with
other people which generate distressing emotions and questions about one's spiritual journey in

Directions: Identify the following texts as SOCIAL, MORAL OR ECONOMIC ISSUE.

Write your answers on the space provided.
______________37) Poverty and homelessness are worldwide problems. According to Habitat for
Humanity, one-quarter of the world's population lives in conditions that harm their health and
safety. Many do not have shelter, a basic human need for survival. This issue also goes beyond
the 25% of the population directly affected. Because of the lack of shelter for this vulnerable
population, there is greater stress on government and social programs, including schools and
______________38) A warmer, changing climate is a threat to the entire world. Climate change
affects the entire world population, and the Union of Concerned Scientists calls this social issue
"one of the most devastating problems humanity has ever faced." The 800 million people already
living in extreme poverty will be impacted most severely. Around the world, people are already
noticing warmer winters, more severe storms and rainfall events, and more frequent wildfires.
These issues already put stress on governments and systems in many countries.
______________39) As the population of the world grows, resources become scarcer. The United
Nation reports that the current population of 7.7 billion people is expected to grow in coming
decades, with a projection of 8.5 billion people by 2030. The fastest growing areas of the world,
such as sub-Saharan Africa, often face already scarce resources like land for farming. As the
population becomes more than the country can sustain, people will need to move elsewhere to
avoid starvation and homelessness.
______________40) There is growing concern of an imminent debt crisis among low-income
countries struggling to keep up the payments on money borrowed from a mix of public and
private creditors over the past decade. Both the World Bank and its sister organization, the
International Monetary Fund, have warned that poor countries are being forced to cut back on
health and education spending to keep up repayments on debts incurred before their economies
were hit by a collapse in demand for their exports and a drop in remittances (“World Bank
Calls for Debt Relief Programme as Amounts Owed Hit Record Levels,” October 12, 2020).

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