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The Of cial Mindvalley Tribe

Handbook for Online Learner

Table of Contents

How to Use this Document

Getting Started
What is the Tribe?
Why Become Involved in your Tribe?
Terms of Engagement in your Tribe
What to Do Once in the Tribe
In the Tribe Platform
In the Connections App
Mindvalley Values
Navigation for The Mindvalley Community Platform
Accountability Team
Why You May Want to Find an Accountability Team & How to Do So
Why Have Accountability?

How to Find Your Accountability Team

Instructions for posting in the Mindvalley Community Platform.
After You’ve Made Your Post, Here’s What To Do Next
Telegram Messenger Guidelines for Chats and Accountability Groups
Mindvalley Ambassadors
Share Your story

How to Use this Documen

The purpose of this document is to give you an overview of our community and your Quest
journey. It’s a vital component to ensuring we create an extraordinary journey together.

1. Scan through the entire document to see what is recommended here.

2. Use the contents on the left and at the top to quickly and easily navigate this handbook.

3. Read the Mindvalley Community Creed so you're aligned with the Mindvalley values.

4. After you’re acquainted with the Terms of Engagement in this document, you’re ready to
engage with your Tribe.

Getting Started

What is the Tribe?

The Tribe is the collective group of people working their way through their Quests together
to learn, grow and connect. We discuss our insights, transformations, breakdowns and
breakthroughs. Each individual Quest has its own unique private group for all members to
communicate and engage with each other.

Why Become Involved in your Tribe?

There are numerous bene ts to Tribe learning. Here are some of them:

● Deepen your understanding of the material


● Increased motivation to learn and complete the Quest or program

● Learn from other students’ perspectives and experiences

● Positive and supportive relationships with peers

● Greater accountability

● Interactivity — team members providing each other with feedback. With cooperative
learning, students teach and encourage each other.

● Collaboration, connection and friendship

Terms of Engagement in your Trib

For the bene t of all, follow these guidelines for engaging your Tribe.

The Tribe is for:

- peer to peer interactive space
- Interacting with other Tribe members, and Mindvalley Ambassadors
- sharing your learning, experiences and feelings
- asking questions relevant to the Quest

- giving relevant feedback

- requesting clarity
- posting personal messages
- you may post Youtube video links or a blog article as long as they are completely relevant to the
conversation in question

The Tribe is not for:

- personal promotion
- spam
- marketing of personal products or a liate links to products
- promoting blogs, Facebook pages or other groups
- requesting “Likes” or “Clicks” for outside pages, blogs, programs, businesses
- social causes

If any terms above are breached, we may remove posts. If breaching of term continues, the
member may be removed from the Tribe.

Note: Our Tribes are private and your posts will only be seen by members of the Tribe.

What to Do Once in the Trib

In the Tribe Platform

● Utilise the Ask the Tribe section, either to go get help, or help others.
● Find a Tribe Buddy, someone who will be your accountability partner. Read the Chapter
on the Tribe Buddy Accountability in this handbook.

In the Connections App

This is only available to select Quests. Currently we have not transitioned the whole set of
Quest Tribes so we are still in process.

Mindvalley Value

When you join the community in Mindvalley, there are 4 values that we invite you to keep in
mind so you can show up as your best self & get the most out of your experience here.


Mindvalley believes in global unity, this means we see people, not for their ethnicity, color,
race, national identity or sexual orientation, we see people as people. We believe the
human race is best served when we think of ourselves as a member of the human race
rst, this is why our communities and our Tribes come from over 100 countries, and the
Mindvalley core team also represents individuals from 60 countries. When you join this
community, you’re joining a truly global Tribe.

● I see my fellow Tribe members as the best version of themselves that they can be at all
● I encourage the success of others as much as I encourage my own.
● I recognize the connection of all things and I collaborate for the greater good of our


We believe that the number one thing that you need to do in life is to perpetually allow
yourself to be in a cycle of transformation, this means personal transformation is number
one. This means understanding that your business and career grows, your family and
relationships develop and your general well-being rises up when you take care of your
own personal growth. Mindvalley members engage themselves in at least 20 minutes per
day in personal growth, not only Mindvalley Quests but also being immersed in
transcendental practices like meditation, active gratitude and journaling, or ensuring they
make time to work out, eat healthily or practice biohacking. Personal growth is a daily
ritual that is of utmost importance to Mindvalley members.

● I seek the good and recognize the opportunities in every situation.


● I always give myself and others permission to grow and learn from mistakes with
compassion and understanding.
● I release the past, appreciate this moment, and look forward to my inevitable success.


The Mindvalley community lives life, not just based on endless introspection and observing
life in awe in bliss, but by seeking forth to go out there, be a badass and change the
world, we seek to disrupt, to change, to create, to produce, and to start new companies
that improve our way of life, to make better our education and our social systems so that
our world is better o for our children’s children’s children. Mindvalley isn’t for people
content with just wishful thinking, we are change-makers.

● I am a de nite optimist, and I think so big that my existence positively impacts the world.
● I am so happy, optimistic and audacious that there is no room for worry, doubt, fear &
● The universe has my back and supports my worthy mission in life.


We believe in kindness and compassion, these are core aspects of human nature that our
politicians, our leaders, our CEOs, and all of us need to embody to ensure that we uplift
each other rather than put each other down. This is why our community is not about
blame or shame but instead, it’s about mutual respect, appreciation, gratitude, uplifting
others, and exchanging conscious feedback.

● I always attend to my own self-love and well-being rst and serve others from my fullness.
● I speak of abundance, health, and happiness to everyone I know and meet.
● I deeply love, value and respect myself and others so much that there is no place for fear.

Accountability Tea

Why You May Want to Find an Accountability Team & How to Do S

Whether you are in Quest All Access or you are going through an individual Quest, you soon
nd that this journey doesn’t end, it just keeps growing. As we develop our new skills,
perspectives and behaviours, we need to surround ourselves with people who
understand what we’re going through.

You’ll have many new experiences, joys and challenges, and therefore, as an accompaniment
of this life long purpose & vision, we encourage you to nd yourself an accountability
team or partner for support.


Why Have Accountability

Accountability is no new idea and it is something that is recognized by almost all successful

When we are working alone, it can be easy to let things slip, go unnoticed or give up when
things get bumpy. But we all know deep down that when we are to deliver something for
someone else, we tend to put much more care and focus into it. When it comes to
deadlines and when others are involved, we tend to cease procrastination, increase
momentum and in turn improve results.

Having an Accountability Team hacks the unnecessary time and e ort you may spend on
distraction and other unproductive behavior. When we give ourselves the gift of
accountability we put ourselves in a position where we learn to really value our work —
our beliefs, con dence & skills are consequently greatly enhanced.

How to Find Your Accountability Team

Instructions for posting in the Mindvalley Community Platform.
Write an introduction post

Here is a basic example of your accountability post

➔ Include a photo of yourself so others can connect with you easier

➔ Be clear and Write ACCOUNTABILITY, this way you are more likely to be found
by other tribe members who are looking for an accountability Team or partner.
➔ Include your name
➔ Clearly state your time zone and get clear on when you will be available.
➔ Share a short bio so the reader can see whether you are a potential match.
➔ Make it clear that you are looking for someone committed to taking this past
the nish line.
After You’ve Made Your Post, Here’s What To Do Nex

After someone leaves a comment on your post, reply to them and get talking to see if you are a
good match. Then get more speci c and ask them how they would like to connect. We
recommend Telegram messenger. Once you are connected with your team, you can read
these steps for optional guidance.

Telegram Messenger Guidelines for Chats and

Accountability Group

For instructions so you can easily get connected with your team and have a good messenger
service to conduct your conversations - CLICK HERE

Mindvalley Ambassador

The Mindvalley A-Team is made up of a unique collective of individuals who fell in love with
their Quests, played full out and showed up with unconditional support for their fellow
Tribe members. They have developed great knowledge, skill and resilience within their
experience here and generously give back their wisdom and experience to help us all
expand as a community. Our A-Team are here to support.

We do not take applications for becoming an ambassador at this time. This is a position that
these individuals manifested as a special invitation from us as a result of them showing up
consistently for others with an open heart of service.

Share Your stor

To hear a story from a trustworthy rst hand source is one of the most powerful ways for
another to see the value and bene ts of something. We know we can’t change another
person, however, we can certainly give them the inspiration to make that decision for
themself. This is why we launched our Stories platform, so that you can share your
experiences for the world to see. Together we can help raise the consciousness of our
planet and positively impact 1 billion lives.

Every story big or small has the potential to change another’s life in massive ways, so to
submit your story about how being part of the Tribe helped you, follow these steps.

● Click this link

● Select ‘program’ and then scroll to the bottom to nd The Mindvalley Community
● Fill in the form. (Record a video if you wish)


Similarly, you can choose a Quest from the list and share your transformation stories about
the Quest journey speci cally.

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