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Hi I am Regine Jamero Panes and I was born on May 8 2007 in Manila and I am the daughter of Mary Jane

Jamero and Rence Panes my father died when I was 3 years old because of hearts attack .After the death of my

father my mother decided to go home in Mindanao but later on she decided to work in Cebu and so she left me on

my grandparents house.

Now I am 16 year old and currently living in Pugwan Mahayag Zamboanga del sur . I am a senior high

student studying in San Jose National High School and taking the strand HUMSS. My favourite subject is science

because science for me is interesting. During my free time I like to read novels, comics and I also like to watch some

movies. My favourite movie is the avenger endgame directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo. Sometimes when I

am bored I draw or paint . My favourite colours is neutral and my favourite animals are birds . I am an ambivert

which means I am a person having characteristic of both introvert and extrovert. . My ambition in life is to become a

nurse someday so that I can help other people and also to help my family .

During my 16th existence in these world I’m filled with gratitude for the experiences that have shaped me and

the people who have been part of my story. My life is a testament to the fact that with passion and perseverance, we

can overcome challenges and create a life filled with purpose and joy I am thankful to those people who believe me

my motto in life is to enjoy life to the fullest. Be who you are and the most important of all Love Yourself.

Name:Regine Panes
Facebook : Regine Panes
Instagram: @Its_me_regineeee

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