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Câu 1

Money _______ a mare go.

A. makes

B. to make

C. making

D. make

Câu 2

Most of the people here each other.

A. know

B. known

C. knows

D. to know

Câu 3

Mathematics_____ difficult.

A. were

B. is

C. are
D. was

Câu 4

Marie a red car.

A. having

B. to have

C. have

D. has

Câu 5

Anybody who______ my keys will be given a candy.

A. find

B. found

C. finds

D. are finding

Câu 6

Several of the students ______ absent yesterday.

A. has been

B. was

C. had been

D. were
Câu 7

Chatting with strangers all day me.

A. .is not inspired

B. don’t inspire

C. was not inspired

D. doesn’t inspire

Câu 8

Three years in a strange land _____ like a long time for lonely people.

A. is seeming

B. are seeing

C. seemed

D. seems

Câu 9

Cattle______ allowed graze here now.

A. was

B. were

C. are

D. is
Câu 10

Experience ________ talent.

A. develop

B. develops

C. developing

D. to develop

Câu 11

Each student_________ answered the first three questions.

A. has

B. have to

C. have

D. must

Câu 12

Neither Mildred nor her friends to help on the clean-up.

A. is wanting

B. wanted

C. want

D. wants

Câu 13
John, along with twenty friends, _____ planning a party.

A. are

B. is

C. has been

D. have been

Câu 14

The children been playing in the snow.

A. have

B. to have

C. having

D. has

Câu 15

The poor living here ______ help.

A. are needing

B. need

C. needs

D. is needing

Câu 16

Some of my friends abroad.

A. to live

B. lives

C. live

D. living

Câu 17

Two billion dollars_____ not enough for the victims of the tsunami

A. were

B. are

C. was

D. is

Câu 18

The United Nations ____ its head quarters in New York city.

A. having

B. to have

C. have

D. has

Câu 19

John, as well as I, ______ a student.

A. were
B. are

C. is

D. am

Câu 20

Tom as well as his dog_____ here now.

A. are

B. is

C. was

D. were

Câu 21

Knowledge of the facts necessary to reach a vise decision.

A. be

B. were

C. is

D. are

Câu 22

The number of books in the library really remarkable.

A. am

B. are
C. be

D. is

Câu 23

The singer and the actor_____ coming now.

A. is

B. were

C. are

D. was

Câu 24

Either John or his wife ________breakfast every morning.

A. makes

B. is making

C. made

D. make

Câu 25

The Vietnamese ____ hard-working and brave.

A. be

B. being

C. is
D. are

Câu 26

Economics ________ Mr. John’s major field of study.

A. am

B. are

C. is

D. be

Câu 27

A large number of students in this school_______ English quite fluently.

A. has spoken

B. speaks

C. speak

D. is speaking

Câu 28

Neither the mother nor the children______ aware of the danger.

A. is

B. were

C. has been
D. was

Câu 29

My old friends and colleague, John _____ married.

A. just has got

B. have just got

C. has just got

D. just have got

Câu 30

The speakers exactly.

A. pronouncing

B. pronounces

C. pronounce

D. to pronounce

Câu 31

Philippines to Asian Countries.

A. belongs

B. belonging

C. to belong

D. belong
Câu 32

All of us that he is wrong.

A. think

B. thinks

C. to think

D. thinking

Câu 33

Mr. and Mrs. Brown reading their mail sent from their son.

A. is

B. was

C. are

D. were

Câu 34

One of my neighbours ____ curious about other people’s private life.

A. been

B. were

C. is

D. being

Câu 35
These people early for the lectures.

A. to arrive

B. arrives

C. arrive

D. arriving

Câu 36

Some people difficulty with the lecture, but most it clearly.

A. has / understands

B. have / understand

C. have / understands

D. has / understand

Câu 37

The number of students______ increasing now.

A. is

B. were

C. are

D. was

Câu 38

There something to be said for both sides.

A. are

B. am

C. is

D. be

Câu 39

Children ice-cream.

A. like

B. likes

C. liking

D. to like

Câu 40

Mumps me uncomfortable.

A. to make

B. makes

C. make

D. making

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