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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) encompass the social, mental and physical well-being of
workers, and for that matter the “whole person”. In the world at large, more people die at work
than in wars (ILO, 2004). Health and safety management practice in the Building Construction in
Debre Berhan is of major concern to stakeholders.

The aim of the study is to assess the level of Health and Safety Management practices of selected
Building Contractors in Debre Berhan City. Specific objectives include; document the pre-
requisite conditions that support the operation of a Health and Safety Management practice,
document the current practices of selected construction firms in Occupational Health and Safety
Management, identify the barriers to the operation of Occupational Health and Safety
Management system in Debre Berhan City and recommend measures to improve the operation of
occupational health and safety management systems on construction sites.

The objective of this study was to investigate the essence of safety practice in Debre Berhan
University construction projects and to identify corrective measures to improve safety practices.
Consequently, survey research design was use to accomplish the objective of the study. Mainly
questionnaire was distribute to engineers in Building construction companies, consultants,
clients, and interview for workers participating on site to collect the data on the level of health
and safety conditions of construction activities.

The research methodology was carrying out over three phases. In the preliminary phase,
background information on occupational health and safety were gathering from literature. This
helped to capture key issues that helped in developing the questionnaire in the second phase. The
third phase of the research methodology focused on the analysis of data collected.

The result indicates that the overall safety and health condition in the Debre Berhan City
Building construction project is very poor. In addition, there is very low level of implementation
of OSH standards, rule and policies in the construction companies. Little training and orientation
on OSH is given to employees, most of the construction companies do not have OSH

Department of construction technology and management

Prepared by: Yoftahe .S , Yishak .M , Eleni .D , Kidist .A Page i
Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

components like written safety policy, safety officer, health and safety committee, hazard
identification and reporting program, and properly placed safety signs. Based on the responses
obtained shortage of personal protective equipment and lack of safety training are the main
causes of accidents in the construction sector.

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Before everything else, we would like to thank the glory of God, who gives us the strength to
complete this thesis successfully.

We would also to acknowledge and express our deepest gratitude, to our advisor Engr. Ruperto
T. Faelnar, Jr. In addition, co. Advisor Mr. Yohannes k. for their supervision, guidance, expert
advice and support from the beginning to the end of the thesis and we would to take this
opportunity to offer our heart full appreciation for them and our family for their support by
monetary. At last but by any means not least, we really indebted and thank full to all the
construction companies, consultants, clients, and workers who were willing to take the
questioners and responding it with answers. We also like to express our deepest gratitude for our
families and friends for their support.

Thank you

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

DBU = Debre Berhan University

OSH = Occupational Safety and Health

GDP = Gross Domestic Product

PPE = Personal Protective Equipment

FDRE= Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopian

ILO = International Labor Organization

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................................ iii
ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................................................. iv
List of tables and figures .............................................................................................................................. vi
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Research Background and History .................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem .............................................................................................................. 3
1.3 General Objective ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Specific Objective: ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Significance of the Study ................................................................................................................. 3
1.6 Scope and limitations of the Study ................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER- TWO ............................................................................................................................................. 5
LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 What is Safety? ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.3Health and safety management can be preparing for work............................................................ 7
2.4 Construction Industry Health and Safety ...................................................................................... 10
2.5 Construction Hazards .................................................................................................................... 10
2.6 Hazard Prevention and Control..................................................................................................... 15
2.7 Health and Safety Measures in Construction ............................................................................... 16
2.8Setting up the Site for Health and Safety ...................................................................................... 17
2.9Emergency procedures .................................................................................................................. 21
2.10Health and safety risk assessment ............................................................................................... 22
2.11Health and Safety Training in Construction Sites......................................................................... 23
CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Method of data collection ...................................................................................................................... 24
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Debre Berhan

3.1 Instruments of data collection ...................................................................................................... 24

3.2 Questionnaire and interview ........................................................................................................ 24
3.3 Structure of the Thesis .................................................................................................................. 24
3.4Methods of data analysis and interpretation ................................................................................ 27
3.5 Source of data and Study area ...................................................................................................... 27
CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................................................... 29
RESULT, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................... 29
4.1 Results ........................................................................................................................................... 29
4.2 Discussion...................................................................................................................................... 47
4.3Limitations ..................................................................................................................................... 48
CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................................................. 50
Conclusions and Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 50
5.1Conclusions .................................................................................................................................... 50
5.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................................................ 53
BIBLOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................. 55
Books....................................................................................................................................................... 55
journals/research .................................................................................................................................... 55
Web sites................................................................................................................................................. 56
APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................... 57
APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................... 57
Sample questioner for Contractor .............................................................................................................. 66
Sample of the respondent Client ................................................................................................................ 72
Sample questioner consultant .................................................................................................................... 73
Interview questions for site workers .......................................................................................................... 74

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Debre Berhan

List of tables and figures

List of figures page

Figure 3.1 Flow chart of research methodology ------------------------------------------------------------ 25

Figure 4.1 proportions of questioner respondents ---------------------------------------------------------- 28

Figure 4.2 Company Staff response to Nature of accidents mainly experienced----------------------- 34

Figure 4.3 Company staff response to the causes of accident----------------------------------------------35

Figure 4.4 groups of workers Age -----------------------------------------------------------------------------37

Figure 4.5 educational qualifications of workers----------------------------------------------------------- 38

Figure 4.6 Workers reason for working on sites despite lack of safe practices--------------------------39

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Debre Berhan

List of Tables

Table 4.1 Distributed and returned questionnaires------------------------------------------------------ 32

Table 4.2 interview conducted----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33

Table 4.2 Population data collected from contractor side---------------------------------------------- 34

Table 4.3 Response to awareness of available safety regulations by employer--------------------- 34

Table 4.4 Response to visits for site inspection---------------------------------------------------------- 35

Table 4.5 Company staff response to the provision of safety facilities------------------------------- 35

Table 4.6 Company staff response to the availability of safety materials on their projects-------- 36

Table 4.7 Company staff response to the availability of safety elements on their projects-------- 37

Table 4.8 Company staff response importance of safety practices------------------------------------ 37

Table 4.9 Company staff response to nature of accidents mainly experienced-----------------------38

Table 4.10 Company staff response to the causes of accident ---------------------------------------- 39

Table 4.11 workers experience in building construction industry ------------------------------------ 40

Table 4.12 workers response in related to safety issues------------------------------------------------ 43

Table 4.13 worker involvement rate in accident-------------------------------------------------------- 44

Table 4.13 DBU Construction project Office responses ------------------------------------------------47

Table 4.14 consultant response---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48

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1.1 Research Background and History
The construction industry is the builder of our modern world. From dams to skyscrapers, all that
we have and see was in some way fashioned by construction contractors and workers.
Nevertheless, construction can be a dangerous work. People in the construction industry not only
face the dangers of being the first on a jobsite, but face potential health risks and exposures
throughout the building process. (Handbook of OSHA construction safety and health Page 1)

The occupational illnesses affecting construction workers have not been accurately measured,
but an educated guess is that construction workers suffer both acute (short-term) and chronic
(long-term) illnesses from their exposure to chemicals, dusts, fibers, noise, radiation, vibration,
and temperature extremes. For many specific construction trades, specific related occupational
illnesses have been documented — such as asbestosis and cancer for asbestos workers — but no
complete census as to the prevalence of occupational illnesses among construction workers has
been undertaken. Precautions need to be taking to limit exposures that have the potential to cause
detrimental health effects to construction workers since accurate exposures often cannot be
determined due to the transient nature of the work. (Handbook of OSHA, Construction Safety
and Health Page 1)

Construction is a relatively hazardous, significantly more injuries and lost workdays due to
injuries or illnesses in construction happened than in virtually any other industry. Accidents
during the construction process can similarly result in personal injuries and large expense.
Construction work has been increasing in developing and undeveloped countries over the past
few years. With an increase in this type of work, occupational fatalities have increased.
Occupational fatalities are individuals that pass way while on the job or performing work related
tasks within the field of construction it is important to have safe construction sites.

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Falls from heights are the leading cause of injury in the construction industry. Falls can occur
from height, Motor vehicle crashes, Excavation accidents, Electrocutions, Machines, and being
struck by falling objects. This is particularly a concern for elder and untrained construction.
(Safety practices in Construction projects the case of Building Construction projects in Debre
Berhan page 11-12)

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In Debre Berhan, data on Health and Safety risk assessment, communication and control in
Construction Management is inadequate. Building construction is being implementing in
different parts of the Debre Berhan City. Due to these activities, Accidents can occur frequently
on building construction sites with little or no documentation. While the workers themselves due
to illiteracy cause some of these accidents, lack of commitment to work etc.) .Some are caused
because of the poor or none safety measures employed by the Building construction
companies/site staff on site.

This research topic is to focus on factors that affect the implementation of health and safety
management at the construction or building phase of a project. The reason for the study
emanates from the desire to find out whether building contractors do implement health and safety
management on site. The researchers are an initiate to choose the title by the above reasons.

1.3 General Objective

The main objective of this study to identify and analyze the common problems Health and Safety
Management practices in Debre Berhan City area projects which is Construction of Building.

1.4 Specific Objective:

 To assess the essence of Health and Safety practice for Building Construction in Debre
 To assess the problems and challenges in checking and improving safety practices.
 To identify the effect of workers safety in construction site to ensure workers
 To evaluate the enforcement mechanisms of Health and Safety regulations on
Construction Sites.
 To suggest solutions for the selected problems and challenges based on results.

1.5 Significance of the Study

It is generally accept that to contribute towards the development of Health and Safety
Management practice for Building Construction in Debre Berhan city.

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

The researcher believed that a study of Health and Safety Management practice in Debre Berhan
to promote the stable system of managing that popularized and disseminate with in Building
Construction companies and all type of Construction projects in Ethiopia. The Researchers also
study to contributing to growing Health and Safety Management practices in Debre Berhan city.

To the researchers, this could give to motivating their needs for standardized framework of
production method with associated Health and Safety Management practices. The target group of
the report contains people and Building Construction companies involved in the Health and
Safety Management practices of Debre Berhan Town. Generally, to gain a better understanding
of the characteristics of Health and Safety Management practice in Debre Berhan town.

1.6 Scope and limitations of the Study

The studies will carried out on the construction companies in Debre Berhan that include the
contractors who involve in the building construction projects. The study will focus on their
Health and Safety Management practices on construction site. Limitation of the study in the
acquisition of data and information including Getting an appropriate information provider with
contractors and. The willingness to provide information from the respondents.

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Debre Berhan


This chapter presents theory relevant to the task and is based on literature review. The chapter is
used later as the basis for the methodology, analysis, discussion, and conclusion of the evaluation
of Health and Safety Management practices in Debre Berhan.

2.1 Introduction
Construction industry is an important part of the economy in many countries and often seen as a
driver of economic growth especially in developing countries. Typically, construction industry
Contributes to 11% of gross domestic products (GDP) in most developing countries (Giang and
Pheng, 2010). However many construction activities are inherently health and safety risks such
as working at height, working underground, working in confined spaces and close proximity to
falling materials, handling load manually, handling hazardous substances, noises, dusts, using
plant and equipment, fire, exposure to live cables, poor housekeeping and ergonomics.
In an urban context, health and safety accidents are relatively higher because high-rise buildings
remain predominant with the fast-growing complexities of domain-wide construction projects to
cope with modernizing cities arena and high demand for housing, offices, services and other
infrastructures due to the high urbanization. Despite its importance, therefore, construction
industry is considered as being risky with frequent and high accidents rate and ill health
problems to workers, practitioners and end user. . (Seminar Paper on Regulation Construction
Safety under the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA (2011) & the Applicable Laws in Hawassa
University project in2016 Page 11)

The construction industry has therefore earned the reputation of being a dangerous or highly
hazardous industry because of the disproportionately high incidence of accidents and fatalities.
That occurs on construction sites around the world (Smallwood and Haupt, 2008). Similarly,
Sohail (1999) labels construction industry as very hazardous. Internationally, construction
workers are two to three times more likely to die on the job than workers in other industries are
while the risk of serious injury is almost three times higher.
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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Health and Safety therefore is an economic as well as humanitarian concern that requires proper
Management control. One of the most common myths that have plagued this industry is that
health& safety comes at a cost. Construction managers tend to believe that introducing and
executing measures that ensure health and safety in construction sector will lead to higher cost,
and hence lower profitability. However, it has been proved that investment in construction health
and safety actually increases the profitability by increasing productivity rates, boosting employee
morale and decreasing attrition (Mohammed, 2003).
Construction Safety and Health Management therefore deals with actions those Managers at all
Levels can take to create an organizational setting in which workers will be trained and motivate
to perform safe and productive construction work. The system should delineate responsibilities
and accountabilities. It should also outline procedures for eliminating hazards and identifying
Potential hazards before they become the contributing factors to unfortunate accidents. (Seminar
Paper on Regulation construction safety under the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA (2011) & the
Applicable Laws in Hawassa University project in 2016 page11)
Construction project threats, health and safety come from myriads of sources. Among these are
the physical nature of tasks, the attitudes of employees, the culture of industry, cost and time
pressure, uncertain production environment, client and management priorities, onerous contract
and fragmented system of organization. It is thus such issues and their management that are tied
at the heart of construction accidents. (Safety practices in Construction projects the case of
Building Construction projects in Debre Berhan 2016 page 14)

The literature review involves researching what others have written in the subject area of in
Debre Berhan town in health and safety management practices.

2.2 What is Safety?

The word safety is common defined as to mean freedom from danger or protection from, or not
being expose to, the risk of harm or injury. But some says, simply, safety is the absence of
danger, which in turn absence of safety to mean danger. While others suggest that, safety is “a
state of protection “and “a condition not involving risk of hazard”. Nevertheless, there is no
arbitrary state of “absolute safety”. There is always a risk of something going wrong, even

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Debre Berhan

though that chance may be small. Hence, we may define safety as a relative freedom from
danger, risk or threat of harm, injury or loss to personnel and/or property, whether caused
deliberately or by accident. In relation to this, we may also define safeness as the quality of
making safe or secure, or of giving confidence, justifying trust, insuring against harm or loss, etc.
(Seminar Paper on Regulation construction safety under the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA
(2011) & the Applicable Laws in Hawassa university project)

2.3Health and safety management can be preparing for work

Occupational health and safety has been defined by the International Labor Organization (ILO),
2001 as: “The prevention and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social
well-being, the prevention of ill-health among workers caused by their working conditions, The
protection of workers from factors adverse to their health in their employment, and the placing
and maintaining workers in occupational environments adapted to their individual and
psychological conditions.”(International Labor Organization (ILO) code of practice)

Health refers to the protection of bodies and minds of people from illness resulting from
materials, processes or proceeding used in the work place whereas safety is protection of people
from physical injury. Safety means a stat e in which no danger of a damage causing accident
exists. A high level of occupational health and safety contributes to the achievement of material
and economic objectives and provides high quality and performance in working life. In spite of
this, conditions at work and in the work environment for many occupations and in many
countries still involve a distinct and even severe hazard to health that reduces the well-being,
working capacity and even the life span of working individuals.

The key to achieving healthy and safe working conditions is to ensure that health and safety
issues are planned, organized, controlled, monitored and reviewed. (International Labor
Organization (ILO) code of practice)

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Debre Berhan

Everyone controlling site work has health and safety responsibilities. Checking that working
conditions are healthy and safe before work begins and ensuring that the proposed work is not
going to put others at risk requires planning and organization.
This applies equally to a firm running and managing a small job, or to a subcontractor working at
a large site controlled by someone else. Planning has to consider changes to the site as it
develops – from welfare arrangements at the set up, through to snagging work and the
dismantling of site huts and hoardings at the end of the contract. The basic requirements apply to
all jobs.
Gathering as much health and safety information about the project and the proposed site before
work begins is important. Information available at tendering should used so that allowance is
made for the time and resources required to deal with particular problems. Sources of
information include:
 The client
 The design team
 Contract documents
 The main contractors on the site
 Specialist contractors and consultants
 Trade and contractor organizations
 Equipment and material suppliers
Find out about the history of the site and its surroundings. See if there are any unusual features,
which might affect the work, or how the work will affect others. Pay particular attention to:
 Asbestos or other contaminants
 Overhead power lines and underground services
 Unusual ground conditions
 Public rights of way across the site
 Nearby schools, footpaths, roads or railways; and
 Other activities going on at site.
Much of this information should be found in the pre-construction-stage health and safety plan.
Make sure its contents have been taken into account before tenders are submitted. Gathering

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Debre Berhan

information is still important. When estimating costs and preparing the program, consider any
particular health and safety hazards associated with the work. Make sure suitable allowances
have been made in the price.
The job will run more smoothly, efficiently and profitably if hazards have been predicted,
planned for and controlled from the outset. Having to stop or reschedule work to deal with
emergencies wastes Time and Money. (Seminar Paper on Regulation Construction Safety under
the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA (2011) & the Applicable Laws in Hawassa University project)

When materials are bought, or equipment is hired, the supplier has a duty to provide certain
health and safety information. Make sure is obtained and read. It may be necessary to:
 Consider using a specialist who is familiar with the necessary precautions;
 Carry out an assessment of the health risks arising from substances or equipment; and
 Act on your findings, e.g. by eliminating harmful substances where possible, or by using
a less hazardous method of work or providing training on the safe use of the material or
When programmers are prepared, consider whether there are any operations that will affect the
health or safety of others working at the site. For example:
 Think about access to the workplace – which trades will need to go where and when?
Arrange the programmed to make sure everyone who needs to use a scaffold or other
means of access has time to do so. Plan to make sure the access will be safe and suitable
for their use;
 Timber treatment or site radiography usually has to done when no one else is on site. The
site may have to be left vacant for a few days. Where a specialist contractor is used,
checks the requirements with them and programmed the work well in advance.
When taking on workers, ask about the training they have received and ask to see certificates of
training achievement. Get them to demonstrate their knowledge or to show examples of safe
working practice before setting them to work. (Seminar Paper on Regulation construction safety
under the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA (2011) & the Applicable Laws in Hawassa university

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Debre Berhan

2.4 Construction Industry Health and Safety

Construction workplaces the workers are exposing to hazards of occupational diseases and
injuries and the adverse effects of excessively long hours of work. Machines, plants and other
Sophisticated construction equipment poses danger to the operators, who in most cases do not
have prior skills for operating such machines or plants. A worker should be assigned duties in
relation to his physical and mental health and skills. Further, employers should have complete
control over their employees and therefore ensure adherence to safety practices. The company
must comply with all provisions of safety and health regulations that pertain to the construction
works itself.
A number of factors having a negative impact on health and safety management in developing
countries which include poor infrastructure; problems of communication due to low literacy
level; unregulated practices on construction sites; adherence to traditional methods of working;
non availability of equipment; extreme weather conditions; improper use of equipment and
corruption. The culture of the construction industry in developing countries also does not
promote health and safety.
The practices of competitive tendering and award of most public Contracts to the lowest bidder
in many developing countries compels contractors to drive their Prices low while cutting costs
which in turn affects health and safety. (Seminar Paper on Regulation construction safety under
the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA (2011) & the Applicable Laws in hawassa university project)

2.5 Construction Hazards

A hazard is the potential for harm. In practical terms, a hazard often is associated with a
condition or activity that, if left uncontrolled, can result in an injury or illness (Elaine, 2002)

It is often asked why construction hazards exist, According to handbook of OSHA construction
safety and health (Charles D. Reese, .2007). Construction is a very unique industry and very
unlike a stationary or fixed workplace or factory situation, which may help explain the safety and
health problems it faces. Some of the reasons why construction differs from other industries are
as follows:

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1. Worksites are dynamic (constantly changing) and temporary as work progresses and
other construction trade workers enter the process.
2. Each worksite may involve several small contractors (subcontractors) performing
different types of work in close proximity to each other.
3. Several trades may be present on the worksite at the same time, bring with them the
specific hazards of their trade, such as operating engineers with heavy equipment or
painter with their exotic paints. Thus, there is the potential for exposure to all workers at
the worksite not just those of that specific trade.
4. At times, on small sites one trade ends up doing all of the tasks usually performed by
another trade; therefore, the workers may not be familiar with the hazards involved in
performing tasks that are not part of their normal job.
5. Working surfaces, equipment, machinery, trenching, and scaffolding are regularly being
moved, being assembled and disassembled, or modified. Thus, new hazards are
constantly emerging.
6. Construction workers frequently change worksites and employers over the course of a
year. This results in using new procedures and equipment for which they have not been
7. The work is often seasonal which results in both contractors and workers feeling rushed
due to a sense of urgency to quickly complete projects. This increases the chances that
an accident might occur or that occupational exposure to harmful agents will go
8. Construction regulations are often difficult to understand. Sometimes the safety
standards or standards governing chemicals do not exist for construction or are designed
for factory workplaces, such as the use of asphalt, for which no specific regulation

Hazards in construction are typically of four classes: chemical, physical, biological and social
(Weeks and James L, 2011).

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2.5.1 Chemical hazards

Chemical hazards are often airborne and can appear as dusts, fumes, mists, vapors or gases; thus,
exposure usually occurs by inhalation, although some airborne hazards may settle on and be
absorbed through the intact skin (e.g., pesticides and some organic solvents). Chemical hazards
also occur in liquid or semi-liquid state (e.g., glues or adhesives, tar) or as powders (e.g., dry
cement). Skin contact with chemicals in this state can occur in addition to possible inhalation of
the vapor resulting in systemic poisoning or contact dermatitis. Chemicals might also be ingested
with food or water, or might be inhaled by smoking.

Several illnesses have been linked to the construction industry, among them:

 Silicosis among sand blasters, tunnel builders and rock drill operators
 Asbestosis (and other diseases caused by asbestos) among asbestos insulation workers,
steam pipe fitters, building demolition workers and others
 Bronchitis among welders
 Skin allergies among masons and others who work with cement
 Neurologic disorders among painters and others exposed to organic solvents and lead.

Elevated death rates from cancer of the lung and respiratory tree have been found among
asbestos insulation workers, roofers, welders and some woodworkers. Lead poisoning occurs
among bridge rehabilitation workers and painters, and heat stress (from wearing full-body
protective suits) among hazardous-waste clean-up workers and roofers. White finger (Raynaud‘s
syndrome) appears among some jackhammer operators and other workers who use vibrating
drills (e.g., stopper drills among tunnellers).

Alcoholism and other alcohol-related disease is more frequent than expected among construction
workers. Specific occupational causes have not been identified, but it is possible that it is related
to stress resulting from lack of control over employment prospects, heavy work demands or
social isolation due to unstable working relationships.

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Debre Berhan

2.5.2 Physical hazards

Physical hazards are present in every construction project. These hazards include noise, heat and
cold, radiation, vibration and barometric pressure. Construction work often must be done in
extreme heat or cold, in windy, rainy, snowy, or foggy weather or at night. Ionizing and non-
ionizing radiation is encountered, as are extremes of barometric pressure.

The machines that have transformed construction into an increasingly mechanized activity have
also made it increasingly noisy. Noise is present on demolition projects by the very activity of
demolition. It affects not only the person operating a noise-making machine, but all those close-
by and not only causes noise-induced hearing loss, but also masks other sound that is important
for communication and for safety.

Pneumatic hammers, many hand tools and earth-moving and other large mobile machines also
subject workers to segmental and whole-body vibration.

Heat and cold hazards arise primarily because a large portion of construction work is conducted
while exposed to the weather, the principal source of heat and cold hazards. Roofers are exposed
to the sun, often with no protection, and often must heat pots of tar, thus receiving both heavy
radiant and convective heat loads in addition to metabolic heat from physical labor.

Heavy equipment operators may sit beside a hot engine and work in an enclosed cab with
windows and without ventilation. Those that work in an open cab with no roof have no
protection from the sun. Workers in protective gear, such as that needed for removal of
hazardous waste, may generate metabolic heat from hard physical labor and get little relief since
they may be in an airtight suit.

A shortage of potable water or shade contributes to heat stress as well. Construction workers also
work in especially cold conditions during the winter, with danger of frostbite and hypothermia
and risk of slipping on ice. The principal sources of non-ionizing ultraviolet (UV) radiation are
the sun and electric arc welding. Exposure to ionizing radiation is less common, but can occur
with x-ray inspection of welds, for example, or it may occur with instruments such as flow
meters that use radioactive isotopes. Lasers are becoming more common and may cause injury,
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especially to the eyes, if the beam is intercepted. Falls due to unstable footing, unguarded holes
and slips off scaffolding and ladders are very common.

2.5.3 Biological hazards

Biological hazards are presented by exposure to infectious microorganisms, to toxic substances

of biological origin or animal attacks. Excavation workers, for example, can develop
histoplasmosis, an infection of the lung caused by a common soil fungus. Since there is constant
change in the composition of the labor force on any one project, individual workers been
exposed to other workers and, therefore, may become infected with contagious diseases
influenza or tuberculosis, for example. Workers may also be at risk of malaria, yellow fever or
Lyme disease if work is conducted in areas where these organisms and their insect vectors are

Toxic substances of plant origin come from poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac and nettles, all
of which can cause skin eruptions. Some wood dusts are carcinogenic, and some (e.g., western
red cedar) are allergenic.

Attacks by animals are rare but may occur whenever a construction project disturbs them or
encroaches on their habitat. This could include wasps, hornets, fire ants, snakes and many others.
Underwater workers may be at risk from attack by sharks or other fish.

2.5.4 Social hazards

Social hazards stem from the social organization of the industry. Employment is intermittent and
constantly changing, and control over many aspects of employment is limited because
construction activity is dependent on many factors over which construction workers have no
control, such as the state of an economy or the weather. Because of the same factors, there can be
intense pressure to become more productive. Since the workforce is constantly changing, and
with it the hours and location of work, and many projects require living in work camps away
from home and family, construction workers may lack stable and dependable networks of social
support. Features of construction work such as heavy workload, limited control and limited
social support are the very factors associated with increased stress in other industries. These
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hazards are not unique to any trade, but are common to all construction workers in one way or
another (Weeks and James L, 2011).

2.6 Hazard Prevention and Control

Continually review the work environment and work practices to control or prevent workplace
hazards. Systems used to prevent and control hazards include (OSHA, 2002):

2.6.1 Engineering Controls

The first and best strategy is to control the hazard at its source. Engineering controls do this,
unlike other controls that generally focus on the employee exposed to the hazard. The basic
concept behind engineering controls is that, to the extent feasible, the work environment and the
job itself should be designed to eliminate hazards or reduce exposure to hazards. Engineering
controls can be simple in some cases. They are based on the following principles:

 If feasible, design the facility, equipment, or process to remove the hazard or substitute
something that is not hazardous.
 If removal is not feasible, enclose the hazard to prevent exposure in normal operations.
 Where complete enclosure is not feasible, establish barriers or local ventilation to reduce
exposure to the hazard in normal operations.

2.6.2 Safe Work Practices

Safe work practices include the company‘s general workplace rules and other operation-specific
rules. For example, even when a hazard is enclosed, exposure can occur when maintenance is
necessary. Through established safe work practices, employee exposure to hazards can be further

2.6.3 Administrative Controls

Administrative controls to mean other measures aimed at reducing employee exposure to
hazards. These measures include additional relief workers, exercise breaks and rotation of
workers. These types of controls are normally used in conjunction with other controls that more
directly prevent or control exposure to the hazard.

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2.7 Health and Safety Measures in Construction

2.7.1 Site Layout and Planning

A badly planned and untidy site is the underlying cause of many accidents. These results from
fall of material and collisions between workers and plant or equipment. Space constraints,
particularly in urban work sites, are nearly always the biggest limiting factor and a layout that
caters best for the safety and health of workers may appear to be difficult to reconcile with
productivity. Proper planning by management is an essential part of preparation and budgeting
for the safe and efficient running of a construction operation. There are many accidents due to
tripping, slipping or falling over materials and equipment that have been left lying around, and
stepping on nails, which have been left projecting from Timber. (Seminar Paper on Regulation
Construction Safety under the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA (2011) & the Applicable Laws in
Hawassa University project Page13)

2.7.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other
garment or equipment designed to protect the wearer's body from injury by blunt impacts,
electrical hazards, heat, chemicals, and infection, for job-related occupational health and safety
purposes. OSHA (2007) requires the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce
employee exposure to hazards when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible or
effective in reducing these exposures to acceptable levels. If PPE is to be used, a PPE program
should be implemented. This program should address the hazards present; the selection,
maintenance, and use of PPE; the training of employees; and monitoring of the program to
ensure its ongoing effectiveness. The PPE required in the construction sites include; eye
protection and face protection, hearing protection, respiratory protection, hand and arm
protection, foot and leg protection, head protection and body and fall protection mechanisms.
During this survey, it was observed that construction workers on the sites lacked appropriate
protective equipment for instance workers were noted carrying out high risk activities such as
painting, excavations, concreting among others without the right protective gear such as helmets,

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masks, earmuffs, goggles and overalls. (Seminar Paper on Regulation Construction Safety under
the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA (2011) & the Applicable Laws in Hawassa University project
Page 13)

2.8Setting up the Site for Health and Safety

2.8.1Site access
There should be safe access onto and around the site for people and vehicles. Plan how vehicles
will be kept clear of pedestrians, especially at site entrances where it may be necessary to
provide doors or gates to achieve this segregation. Doors that open onto traffic routes may need
viewing panels or windows
Your plan should include how vehicles can be kept clear of pedestrians at vehicle
loading/unloading areas, parking and maneuvering places and areas where drivers’ vision may be
obstructed. For further information, see Safe use of vehicles on construction sites. (Seminar
Paper on Regulation construction safety under the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA (2011) & the
Applicable Laws in Hawassa University project)

2.8.2Working Environment

According to ILO (1999), chemical Substances are a major health hazards since there are many
chemicals used in the construction industry, which include insecticides, adhesives, cleaning
agents, wood preservatives, fungicides, and paints among others. Many of these chemicals are
hazardous, with a potential to cause poisoning. Toxic substances can cause both acute and
chronic effects resulting from exposure for a long period. Dusts from many sources are also a
prominent hazard in construction. Silica and asbestos dust can permanently damage the lung
tissue, whilst lead in dust is absorbed into lungs and enters the blood stream causing poisoning.

Cement mixes is also a well-known cause of skin disease. Lead is found in electricity cables,
pipes gutters and lead sheet roofs. Excessive lead absorption causes constipation, abdominal
pain, anemia, weak muscles and kidney failure. (Seminar Paper on Regulation construction
safety under the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA (2011) & the Applicable Laws in Hawassa
University project Page 15)
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2.8.3Site boundaries

 Construction work should be fenced off and suitably signed. This will protect people
(especially children) from site dangers and the site from vandalism and theft. For some
jobs, the workplace will have to be share. Perhaps the work will be done in an operating
factory or office. Agree who has to control each area. Agree what fences, barriers, means
of separation or permits to work are required to keep both construction workers away
from hazards created by others and other people away from hazards created by the
construction work; site rules might be needed. Make sure there is a system to ensure
necessary precautions are kept in place during working hours and that night-time and
weekend protection is put in place as required before the site closes. (Introduction to
Health and Safety in Construction book Page 106)

2.8.4Welfare Facilities
Work in the construction industry is tough and involves much manual or physical activity. It is
also hazardous and dirty and therefore good welfare facilities not only improve workers‟ welfare
but also enhance efficiency. Everyone who works on any site must have access to adequate toilet
and washing facilities, a place for preparing and consuming refreshments and somewhere for
storing and drying clothing and personal protective equipment. Principal contractors and others
who have control over construction sites are responsible for providing or making available site
welfare facilities. Employers are also responsible for ensuring that welfare facilities are adequate
for their employees.
The welfare facilities should be sufficient for everybody who is working on the site. If facilities
such as toilets and canteens provided by someone else are to be used, check that they are suitable
and properly maintained. They should be kept clean, warm and properly ventilated and lit.
Welfare facilities should be easily available to people working on the site. Toilets need to be
easily accessible from where the work is being done. Washing facilities should be as close as
possible to the toilets. Washing facilities also need to be close to canteens and rest rooms so that
people can wash before eating.

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Therefore, health and safety measures employed on construction sites are inadequate and fail to
meet the required standards. The culture and attitude of construction workers and the site
supervisors about health and safety often condone risk taking and unsafe work practices. Lack of
proper information and ignorance are also to blame for the poor safety measures in construction
sites. For instance, some workers felt that the safety equipment’s such as hard helmets and
reinforced boots are too cumbersome and uncomfortable. (Seminar Paper on Regulation
construction safety under the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA (2011) & the Applicable Laws in
Hawassa University project Page 16)

2.8.5 Health and Safety Warning Signs

Safety Signs and Signals are one of the main means of communicating health and safety
information. This includes the use of illuminated signs, hand and acoustic signals (e.g. fire
alarms), spoken communication and the marking of pipe work containing dangerous substances.
Traditional signboards, such as prohibition and warning signs, signs for fire exits, fire action plan
notices (fire drills) and fire-fighting equipment are also considered to be Safety Signs. It is
critical that all Safety Signs and Signals can be easily understood. Where signboards are used in
a workplace they should be sufficiently large and clear so that they can be easily seen and
understood. Signboards also need to be durable, securely fastened and properly maintained to
ensure they remain visible. Care must be taken to avoid using too many signboards in close
proximity, signboards are only effective if they can be seen and understood. If too many signs
are placed together, there is a danger of confusion or of important information, being overlooked
(HSE 2009). (Seminar Paper on Regulation construction safety under the MDB-FIDIC (2006),
the PPA (2011) & the Applicable Laws in Hawassa University project Page 14)

2.8.6Safety Policy
Site managers should have a written safety policy for their enterprise setting out the safety and
health standards, which it is their objective to achieve. The policy should name the senior
executive who is responsible for seeing that the standards are achieved, and who has authority to
allocate responsibilities to management and supervisors at all levels and to see they are carried
out. Construction safety policy therefore is something that must be developed by each site

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manager and operating company prior to starting any construction job. Once developed the
development safety plan should be placed into a training program that has needed to be
participated in by every site worker before partaking in any job found on the positioning
irrespective of the roles simplicity. The absence of site meetings as established in this survey
implies that workers are not given a forum learn about various risks on the sites and supervisors
equally do not have opportunities to communicate important health and safety matters to the
workers. Site meetings are one of the ways of sensitizing workers on their health and safety in
the site and should therefore be held frequently. (Seminar Paper on Regulation construction
safety under the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA (2011) & the Applicable Laws in Hawassa
University project Page 14)

2.8.7Sanitary conveniences
Wherever possible toilets should be flushed by water and connected to a mains drainage system.
If this is not possible, toilets with a built-in water supply and drainage tank may be provided. If
neither option is possible, chemical toilets may be provided.
A washbasin with water, soap and towels or dryers should be located close to the toilets.
(Seminar Paper on Regulation construction safety under the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA
(2011) & the Applicable Laws in Hawassa University project Page 14)

2.8.8Rest facilities
Facilities should be available for taking breaks and meal breaks
The facilities should provide shelter from the wind and rain and be heated as necessary.
Storing and drying clothing and personal protective equipment
Make sure there are proper arrangements for storing:
 Clothing not worn on site (e.g. hats and coats)
 Protective clothing needed for site work (e.g. Wellington boots, overalls, gloves etc);
 Personally issued equipment (e.g. ear defenders, goggles, harnesses etc).
Separate lockers might be needed, although on smaller sites the site office may be a suitable
storage area, provided it is kept secure. Where there is a risk of protective site clothing

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contaminating everyday clothing, store items separately. (Introduction to Health and Safety in
Construction book Page 110)

2.8.9Drinking water
Make sure there is a supply of drinking water. It is best if a tap direct from the mains is available,
otherwise bottles or tanks of water may be used for storage. If water is stored, it should be
protected from possible contamination and changed often enough to prevent it from becoming
stale or contaminated. (Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction book Page 111)

2.9Emergency procedures
At most sites, the most obvious emergency is fire. These general principles can be applied to
planning for other emergencies, such as flooding in excavations, tunnels, work near the sea or
rivers, waterworks etc, or a risk from asphyxiation or toxic gases. Plan emergency procedures
before work begins and put general precautions in place from the start of work. (Introduction to
Health and Safety in Construction book Page 94)

2.9.1First Aid
First aid can save lives, reduce pain and help an injured person make a quicker recovery. The
Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations require you to provide adequate and appropriate
equipment, facilities and personnel to enable first aid to be given to your employees if they are
injured or become ill at work.
The minimum provision for all sites is:
 A first aid box with enough equipment to cope with the number of workers on site;
 An appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements;
 Information telling workers the name of the appointed person or first aider and where to
find them. A notice in the site hut is a good way of doing this.
An appointed person is someone you choose to take charge when someone is injured or falls ill
and who will telephone for an ambulance if one is required. An appointed person should not
attempt to give first aid for which they have not been trained.
A first aider is someone who has undergone a training course in administering first aid at work
and holds a current first aid at work certificate. A first aider can undertake the duties of an

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appointed person. The number of qualified first aiders needed depends on the risk of injury and
ill health on site. As a guide:
Numbers employed at any location Number of first aid personnel
Fewer than five At least one appointed person
5 to 50 At least one first aider
More than 50 One additional first aider for every 50

The first-aid arrangements should cover shift working, night and weekend working where this is
carried out. This may mean appointing or training several people to ensure adequate cover.
There are factors that affect health and safety of the workers these problems can be including in
our researches. . (Seminar Paper on Regulation construction safety under the MDB-FIDIC
(2006), the PPA (2011) & the Applicable Laws in Hawassa University project Page 14)

2.10Health and safety risk assessment

Health and Safety risk assessment in a construction site is an important measure towards
reduction of hazards and injuries. In the context of health and safety, common definitions used
for risk are that: risk is the likelihood of a substance to cause harm; and risk is a combination of
the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s) and the severity of injury or
ill Health that can be caused by the event or exposure. According to HSE (2004), employers are
required to assess the Health and Safety risks to which Employees and others exposed on
Construction sites. The significant findings must be recorded where five of more people are
employed. Since managing health and Safety is different from Managing any other aspect in
Construction there need to do a risk assessment to find out about the risks, and to put sensible
Measures in place to control them, and make sure they stay controlled. . (Seminar Paper on
Regulation construction safety under the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA (2011) & the Applicable
Laws in Hawassa University project Page 16)

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2.11Health and Safety Training in Construction Sites

With regard to Occupational Safety and Health, training consist of instruction in hazard
recognition and control measures, learning safe work practices and proper use of personal
protective equipment, and acquiring knowledge of emergency procedures and preventive actions.
Training also provide workers with ways to obtain added information about potential hazards
and their control; they could gain skills to assume a more active role in implementing hazard
control programs or to effect organizational changes that would enhance worksite protection.
Employees must therefore be given health and safety induction training when they start work,
which should cover basics such as first aid and fire safety. There should also be job specific
health and safety training. Training must also be provided if risks change, and refresher training
when skills are not frequently used. This study established that the training and induction carried
out in construction sites is inadequate and hence there is need to review the same and probably
implement a training program on health and safety since it is required that all employees must be
given health and safety induction training when they start work, if risks change, and refresher
training when skills are not frequently used. (Seminar Paper on Regulation construction safety
under the MDB-FIDIC (2006), the PPA (2011) & the Applicable Laws in Hawassa University
project Page 15)

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Method of data collection

3.1 Instruments of data collection

In this study, two kinds of data gathering instruments would be used namely, questionnaire and
interview. These instruments would help as to get reliable information from the Construction
companies workers. (Assessment of health and safety and environment practices in construction
project on DB 2007 researches in DBU by Firehiwot teklu) as a reference.

3.2 Questionnaire and interview

The questionnaire includes both close-ended and open-ended questions. Open-ended
questionnaire helps the subjects write any response they want. It is also important to collect
information from small number of people. Close-ended questionnaire helps us to obtain
demographic information and data that can categorized easily. Obviously, it is much easier to
score closed ended items, and the subjects can answer the items more quickly.
Generally, we select questionnaire to gather data because it is relatively economical, and it has
the same type of questions for all persons that can ensure anonymity. The data gathered from the
interview will be used to support the data that will be collected through the questionnaire.
(Assessment of health and safety and environment practices in construction project on DB 2007
researches in DBU by Firehiwot teklu) as a reference.

3.3 Structure of the Thesis

The thesis has five chapters that discuss various aspects of the problem of condominium houses,
conditions focusing on the main provisions that are of relevance with this thesis. Chapter
1 explains the background of the research and spells out what the research intends to
achieve. Chapter two-form literature review of the thesis that provides a general
understanding of previous studies and theories related to the research area. This will also
provide some bases for the analysis of the main issues. Chapter 3 discusses the research
methodologies that are used for the research and it highlights the primary and secondary data
collection methods that the research employed. It followed by chapter four that is dedicated to
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the analysis and interpretation of the results obtained from the study. The last chapter draws
conclusion of the research executive summary and provides some recommendations for
Improvement in the sector. Further research executive summary and provides some
recommendations for improvement in the sector. (Assessment of health and safety and
environment practices in construction project on DB 2007 researches in DBU by Firehiwot
teklu) as a reference.

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Fig.1 below Methodology flow chart:

Topic selection and defining the problem

to be studied and minimize

Literature review

Information collection

Primary Interview, Secondary

information questioner and Information

Data analysis and discussion

Tables Graphs and figures


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These flow chart shows that the structure of research. Our research contain the above structure it
show that title selection literature review(all about Health and Safety definition, measures, PPE
etc.), information collection to make these research there are primary data collection(Interview,
questioner and observation) and secondary data collection(reference). Data analysis by using
figures and tables after these conclusion and recommendation for stockholders.

3.4Methods of data analysis and interpretation

Data analysis would be done thoroughly in order to make the study clear and very direct. The
organizing, summarizing and interpreting of data will be carried out by using tables and figures
whenever necessary. Finally, interpretation would be made in such a way that summary of ideas
or findings will be stated clearly and precisely. After the data presentation, analysis and
interpretation is successfully completed, conclusion will be drawn and recommendation will be
drawn for the study. (Assessment of health and safety and environment practices in construction
project on DB 2007 researches in DBU by Firehiwot teklu) as a reference.

3.5 Source of data and Study area

Emperor ZeraYaeqob established Debre Berhan City in 1454. It is situated in Amharic National
Regional State and currently, the city has been serving as the seat of Northern Shoa Zone
Administration, Debre Berhan City Administration and BassonaWoranaWoreda (district). The
city is located at 130 kilometers northeast direction along Addis Ababa–Dessie-Mekele route.
Astronomically, the city is positioned at 9°41' North latitude and 39°40' East longitude and
characterized by cool temperate climate. The annual average temperature of the city ranges
between 40C in the coldest month (August) to 26°C in the hottest month (April).
Average annual rainfall ranges between 814 to 1080 mm.
Most of the built up areas of Debre Berhan City have an altitude of 2750 meter above
mean sea level. Generally, the topography is classified as 86% flat, 10% sloppy and 4%
mountainous. The total area of the city is 21169.95 hectares of land. The City
Administration is further sub divided into nine kebele administrations (wards).
The projected population of the city based on the 2008 national census is 79,832 of which 37,500
are women and 42,332 men (CSA, 2008). The dominant economic activities in the town are

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tanneries and blanket factories. Agriculture on the suburbs provides livelihood to a large section
of society.
In the town there exist one Government University, various colleges, schools, banks,
hospitals both public and private, various clinics and higher secondary and preparatory schools
(Debre Berhan town Five Year Strategic Plan, 2006). (Assessment of health and safety and
environment practices in construction project on DB 2007 researches in DBU by Firehiwot

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4.1 Results
In this chapter in addition to our inspection, the results obtained from the respondents of the
questionnaire and interview will be present and discussed. The major sources for the study
outcome are questionnaires and interview. Questionnaires were forward to get information on
safety practices. The questionnaires were design and distributed to the consultants, contractors,
clients. In addition, interview for site workers had been participated in selected Debre Berhan
City construction projects.

4.1.2Distributed and Returned Questionnaires for the Study

The questionnaires were distributed to building construction project contractors that
implementing the different work activities and currently found in a working progress and for
other stakeholders. The Table 4.1 shows the distributed and collected number of the
questionnaires. From the table below, 100% of the distributed questionnaires were collected.

Stakeholders Distributed Collected Return

questionnaires questionnaires rate (%)

Contractors 8 5 62.5
Client 4 3 75

Consultants 6 3 50

Total 18 11 61.1
Table4.1Distributed and returned questionnaires

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Figure 4.1 proportions of questioner respondents.


4.1.3 Interview
The interview were collected from Debre Berhan university building construction project site
workers those are part of different ongoing current site activities. The table 4.2 shows the
collected number of the interviews, from the below table 100% interviews is conducted.

Workers Planned Collected Percent

interview interview (%)
Site workers 10 10 100

Table 4.2interview conducted

The Table 4.3 below shows that data collected from contractor sides and among distributed five
questioners to the contractors who participated in Debre Berhan City Building C
project 100% is collected.
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N Company Addres Nature of Experienc Worker Permanen Responden

o name s Ownershi e (year) s on Site t Staffs t Position
1 Adam
Addis Office
Constructio Private >15 11-100 1-20
Ababa Engineer
n Plc.
2 Tewodros
Abera Addis Project
Private >15 11-100 Above 31
Building Ababa Manager
3 Belete
Habtemikael Addis Site
Private >15 10-90 1-20
General Ababa Engineer
4 Wendwesen
Taffesse Debre Project
Private >10 11-70 1-15
general Berhan Manager
5 Aklil assefa
Addis Office
General Private >10 11-75 1-20
Ababa Engineer
Table 4.2 Population data collected from contractor side

4.1.4 Worker Safety Issues

Available Workers Safety policy

When we asked if their respective companies were aware of the available written worker safety
policy, they overwhelmingly signified awareness of the available regulations see table 4.3 below

Available worker Frequency Percent

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safety regulation
Yes 2 40%
No 3 60%
Total 5 100%

Table 4.3 Response to awareness of available safety policy by employer

Table 4.3 shows that Building Construction in Debre Berhan from the result 40% of the
respondents have available workers safety policy but 60% of respondents have not written safety
policy on their company from these result or the result shows that in Debre Berhan city building
construction companies have poor in workers safety policy.

Site Inspection

This is a commendable aspect; as such, inspections if done frequently will help check the
activities of the workers and employers on building construction sites (See Table 4.4 below).

Site Inspection Frequency Percent

Yes 2 40%
No 3 60%
Total 5 100%
Table 4.4 Response to visits for site inspection

Table 4.4 shows that site inspection in Debre Berhan Building Construction have poor site
inspection that means activity of workers and employees on site cannot check.

Safety Facilities, Equipment’s and PPE

The Companies opinions were sort on the relevance of provision of some safety facilities and
safety materials for their workers on site, their responses were analyzed Table 4.5 below:

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Safety facility Yes No

First Aid equipment 5(100%) -

Sanitary facility 2 3
Scaffold /ladder 5(100%) -
Hoisting equipment 1 4
Safety sign - 5(100%)
Table 4.5 Company staff response to the provision of safety facilities

Safety Materials

Safety Material
Yes No
Safety glass, goggles 2(40%) 3(60%)
Face shields 1(20%) 4(80%)
Helmets 5(100%) -
Gloves 2(40%) 3(60%)
Vest/safety clothes 1(20%) 4(80%)
Safety shoes 2(40%) 3(60%)
Earplugs - 5(100%)
Table 4.6 Company staff response to the availability of safety materials on their projects

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Safety Elements

Safety Elements Respondents frequency

Yes No
Formal safety committee that 2(40%) 3(60%)
meets on regular schedule
Labor safety training program 1(20%) 4(80%)
Designated safety budget as part 3(60%) 2(40%)
of normal operating budget
Formal emergency response plan 5(100%) -
for injured
Regularly scheduled on site 3(60%) 2(40%)
worker safety meeting
Table 4.7 Company response to the availability of safety elements on their projects

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Safety Practice

Safety Practices Yes No

your company consult its employee on
2(40%) 3(60%)
Project specific safety training for new
- 5(100%)
Immediate correction to unsafe
1(20%) 4(80%)
condition at job site
Your company belongs to any safety
3(60%) 2(40%)
your company in meeting and dealing the
employers organization and workers
4(80%) 1(20%)
organization to develop Health and Safety
your company on good Health and Safety
1(20%) 4(80%)
practice with governmental authorities

Table 4.8 Company staff response importance of safety practices

Effect of workers safety in construction site to ensure workers performance.

Ensure workers performance Yes No

In your project workers have good
2(40%) 3(60%)
Does your company have enough
- 5(100%)
budget to give sufficient awareness
Table 4.9 company staff response workers performance

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Problems controlling and recording data (problems) issues

recording data (problems) Respondents frequency

issues Yes No

your company have an internal 1(20%) 4(80%)

Safety Department
your company under take formal 2(40%) 3(60%)
site inspections
your company utilize accident 5(100%) -
report in preventing similar accident
your company keep records of all 4(80%) 1(20%)
Table 4.10 company staff response problem controlling and recording data issue

Nature of Accidents

When asked to indicate the main type of accident that occurs on their sites, their responses are
given below on the Table 4.9figure 4.2

Nature of Respondent
accidents frequency
Fatal injury -
Major injury -
Minor injury 4(80%)
Near misses 1(20%)
None -
Table 4.11 Company staff response to nature of accidents mainly experienced

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Nature of Accident
respondent frequiency

fatal injury major injury minor injury near misses none

Axis Title

Figure 4.2 Company Staff response to Nature of accidents mainly experienced

The figure show that more accidents are minor injuries occurred on sites. These means when
asked to indicate the main type of accident that occurs on their sites, from the respondents 80% it
indicates in sites nature of an accident is minor injury.
Cause of Accidents
The staffs were we also asked. what the major cause of accident among workers on their sites?
Table 4.10 and figure 4.3 below shows the breakdown of their opinion:
Cause of accident
Lack of safety training 3(60%)
Use of faulty tools 2(40%)
Over confidence 1(20%)
Lack of experience 1(20%)
Shortage of personal protective equipment’s -
Table 4.12 Company staff response to the causes of accident

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Cause of Accidents
Respondent Frequency


Lack of Safety
Use of Faulty Series 2
Training Over
Tools Lack of
Expreince Shortage of

Company staff response to the causes of accident

Figure 4.3Company
The figure show that more accidents caused by lack of Safety training.

4.1.5 Demography of Workers

The workers who participated in this research are mainly from Debre Berhan City building
construction projects. The most senior and experienced workers were identified on each site
visited and interviewed to get realistic results. The respondents included Masons, Carpenters,
daily Laborers and mixer operator. The responses they gave for
or the various questions ask a given

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Worker experience in Building Construction Industry

duration in building Frequency Percent (%)

construction sector
0-2 years 5 50%
3-6 years 2 20%
7-10 years 1 10%
11-15 years 2 20%
Over 15 years - -
total 10 100%

Table 4.13 workers experience in building construction industry

Table 4.11 above shows that 5 (50%) of the workers have 0-2 years’ experience in building,
2(20%) have 3-6 years’ experience, 1(10%) have 7-10 years’ experience, 2 (20%) have 11-15
years’ experience. This result shows that a majority of workers on building construction lack
experience as about 50% of the sample size had just 0-1years working experience.

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Debre Berhan

Age Group of Workers

Age group of worker

30% 60%
0% 0% 0
Less than 18-25 26-35 36-45 Morethan
18 45

Figure 4.4 group of workers Age

Figure 4.4 above shows that large number of workers on building construction sites fa
fall within
the age range of 18-25 years. They are mature and should be responsible for their work while
carrying out their duties on site.. This age group is a very good one and effectively utiliz
utilized, it
could high productivity on construction sites compare with others (other age).
Educational Qualification of Workers
The graph below shows that majority of the workers 4 (40%) had secondary school leaving
certificates, 2(20%) have 1-5
5 grade level certificates,
cer 1(10%) are 6-99 grades, 1(10%) are 2nd year
university level while two (20%) of the respondents claimed to have never attended school.
Basic education is not really a criterion for employing these workers, especially the unskilled
laborers. It is however, it is being advocate for the personal development of these unskilled
laborers. This will provide them with the ability to read and understand the regulations guiding
their activities on site.

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Education level

un educated 1-5 grades 6-9 grades 10 grades 11-12 grades university level

Figure 4.5 educational qualifications of workers

Training for new workers

Safety Issues Yes No
Any form of training before they joined the
6(60%) 4(40%)
Construction industry

Having break during days job 10(100%) -

Are you aware it’s the obligation of the employer

3(40%) 6(60%)
to provide necessary safety material on sites
Table 4.12 workers response in related to safety issues

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Debre Berhan

Cause of an Accident

Major Cause of Accidents



shortage of use of over shartage of shortage of
safety unsafe confidence experience PPE
trainig tools

Axis Title

Series 1

cause of accidents due to workers

Figure 4.6cause

From the above figure we get Lack of safety training and shortage of personal protective
equipment’s (PPE) the major cause of accident among the workers in Debre Berhan City
building sites with 8(80%).
0%). Lack of experience came in second on the list With 9 (90%). This
result further confirms the fact that Debre Berhan City building site workers do not give Safety
training for their workers before involving into the construction sector and they are not provide
with personal protective equipment’s. This implies that most employers are not implementing the
article 92 sub article 3 of Labor Proclamation
Proclama No.377/2003, which says that it is an obligation of
an employer to provide workers
kers with protective equipment.

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4.1.6 Other stakeholder Response

These questioners are prepared to know the role of stakeholders Health and Safety practice in
building Construction in Debre Berhan City. The first one is the role of consultant and the
second one is the roles of client.


Data collected company profiles from consultant side

No Company Address Nature of Experience Permanent Respondent

name Ownership (year) Staffs Position
1 Hana
Tefera Debre
Private 3yr 1-5 Consultant
consulting Berhan
and design
2 Kirubel
Consulting Debre
Private >5yr 1-7 consultant
Architects Berhan
3 Haymanot
Architects Private >3yr 1-5 Consultant
Table 4.13 Population data collected from consultant side

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Safety design issue

Safety in design face
Yes No
Company awareness on available regulation
2(66.7%) 1(33.3%)
regarding workers safety in countries
Is construction safety actively addressed in the
2(66.7%) 1(33.3%)
design phase
Providing safety training for employees - 3(100%)
Company having procedures for rejecting
3(100%) -
defective materials

Table 4.14 consultant response

Safety in design begins in the conceptual and planning phases of a project with an emphasis on
making choices about the design, methods of construction and materials used which enhance the
safety of the structure. Safety in design is about eliminating or controlling risks to health and
safety as early as possible in the planning and design of items that comprise a workplace, or are
used or encountered at work. In our thesis, we try find the roles of designers/consultants in
current practices of health and safety Management in Debre Berhan City building construction
From table 4.14 the result shows that Company awareness on available regulation regarding,
from the result none of them can use providing safety training for employees. To generalize the
result in Debre Berhan City good Health and Safety management practice in consultant is side
but not perfect.

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DBU Construction Project Office

This office takes part in our thesis as a client. Client is the owner of the whole project, and thus
follow-up the overall implementation of the proposed safety measures, but Debre Berhan
University is not dealing its expected responsibility in practicing health and safety in the

No Safety coordination of the owner Response

1 safety performance factor in tendering process No
control Consultant that you assigned he/she
2 perform his/her responsibility in our case No
specially Health and Safety on site
assign personnel to conduct job site safety
3 No
inspection or safety control
4 you tracking safety performance of the contractor No
Table 4.15 DBU construction project office responses

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The other Clients are Consultants they ask to researchers most of their customers has no idea
about Construction for that they give their role to consultants.

No Safety coordination of the owner Response

Yes No
1 safety performance factor in tendering process 1(33.3%) 2(66.7%)
control Consultant that you assigned he/she
2 perform his/her responsibility in our case 1(33.3%) 2(66.7%)
specially Health and Safety on site
assign personnel to conduct job site safety
3 1(33.3%) 2(66.7%)
inspection or safety control
4 you tracking safety performance of the contractor - 3(100&)
Table 4.16 other clients’ response

4.1.7 Sites Observation Results

During the questionnaire survey in construction sites, we also performed personal observation of
site to substantiate the results obtained using questionnaire, from different data types and

The results of site observations showed the following:

 In most of the construction sites observed by the researchers, it was difficult to see a
worker with the proper PPE
 Workers are sometimes reluctant to use PPE (e.g. Gloves, etc...) believing that it will
reduce their productivity.
 The scaffoldings observed on most of the construction sites selected for the study are
timber scaffolding that has used for too long time.
 In many construction sites the researchers try to see, there is no resting room for workers
 In addition, no toilets, Welfare Facilities etc. it was difficult to see in Construction sites.

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4.2 Discussion
The analysis also reveals that, safety meetings are not conduct frequently and there is poor
provision and use of safety equipment. Poor or little training and orientation is giving to
employees regarding health and safety by the companies this contradicts with the provisions of
ILO (1995) and the Labor Proclamation No.377/2003 of the FDRE, which seriously requires the
provision of regular health and safety training to employees of the construction company.

The tables presented above indicate that the standard of Health and Safety management practice
in Building construction in Debre Berhan City is very poor. The frequency of responses for the
OSH questions by the engineers show that attention is not given by the construction companies
regarding safety officer and safety committee, in the Article (92 sub article 2) of the Labor
Proclamation No. 377/2003 of the FDRE that states the employer has an obligation to assign
safety officer as well as establish an occupational safety and health committee. This implies that
the proclamation is not implementing by the Building Construction Companies.

With regard to site safety inspections, few of the companies conduct safety inspections regularly.
Majority of the engineers do not believe that their companies give priority for safety as they give
priority for profitability. This is not in agreement with the principle safety comes first. Because
of the fact, there is weak Health and Safety management practice condition in Building
construction industry.

The most frequent type of accident that occurs at construction areas according to this survey is
minor injury (80%). When it comes to the main cause of accidents in construction sites, lack of
safety training is the first one followed by lack of personal protective equipment (PPE).
According to Article 92 sub article 3 of the Labor Proclamation No. 377/2003 of the FDRE
states that the employer is obliged to provide workers with the appropriate personal protective
equipment, clothing and other materials and instruct them of its uses.

The above discussion related with contractors or Building Construction companies. Now we try
to see other stockholders that are consultants and clients.DBU Construction project office is in
these theses as a client owner of the whole project, and thus follow-up the overall

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implementation of the proposed safety measures, but Debre Berhan University is not dealing its
expected responsibility in practicing health and safety. By the company can’t control Consultant
that you assigned he/she perform his/her responsibility in our case specially Health and Safety on
site, safety performance factor in tendering process, assign personnel to conduct job site safety
inspection or safety control can’t consider safety performance factor in tendering process.

In addition, some consultants the other Clients are Consultants they ask to researchers most of
their customers has no idea about Construction for that they give their role to consultants. The
table result shows is not dealing its expected responsibility in practicing health and safety.

In our thesis, we try find the roles of designers/consultants in current practices of health and
safety Management in Debre Berhan City building construction projects. Safety in design begins
in the conceptual and planning phases of a project with an emphasis on making choices about the
design, methods of construction and materials used which enhance the safety of the structure.
Safety in design is about eliminating or controlling risks to health and safety as early as possible
in the planning and design of items that comprise a workplace, or are used or encountered at

From table 4.14 the result shows that Company awareness on available regulation regarding,
from the result none of them can use providing safety training for employees. To generalize the
result in Debre Berhan City good Health and Safety management practice in consultant is side
but not perfect.

1. Due to the fact that the study was conduct among Building Contractors in Debre Berhan City,
it is possible that inference made from this study will not apply to all construction companies in
the country.
2. In discussing the issues of health and safety with workers, some employers thought that the
researcher was exciting them and therefore accorded him cold reception.
3. The respondents are not on time respond the questioners.

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4. Uncooperative behavior of some secretaries to managers was very frustrating, the researcher
had to learn to accommodate.
5. Time was a limiting factor, as the researchers had to combine academic studies with data
collection and analysis that was a strain on academic work.
6. The target populations are not voluntary to receive the questioners
7. They cannot give questioners on the time.

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Conclusions and Recommendations

The conclusions drawn based on objective:

There was a consensus between the Site staff and workers as to the major cause of accident on
Debre Berhan City Building sites, they both believed lack of Safety training and shortage of
PPE was the major cause of accidents experienced, majority of the workers signified they didn’t
get any formal training before joining construction. The importance attached to the health and
safety of workers on building construction sites can never be overemphasized. This is because of
the mere reason that occurrence of accidents on sites result in far reaching consequences like
delays in project completion time, alter overall cost of executing project, taint the reputation of
the construction firm, de-motivate the co-workers and in some cases lead to death.

The tables presented above indicate that the standard of Health and Safety management practice
in Building construction in Debre Berhan City is very poor. The frequency of responses for the
OSH questions by the engineers show that attention is not given by the construction companies
regarding safety officer and safety committee, in the Article (92 sub article 2) of the Labor
Proclamation No. 377/2003 of the FDRE that states the employer has an obligation to assign
safety officer as well as establish an occupational safety and health committee. This implies that
the proclamation is not implementing by the Building Construction Companies.

From the research result, it found that the level of occupational health and safety practices in the
Debre Berhan City Building construction project is very poor. Similarly, the level
implementation of occupational Health and Safety standards and policies by the Construction
companies is very weak. It is concluded that generally the construction site has poor and
unstructured safety practices namely safety policy, education and training, site safety inspection,
safety auditing, safety meeting, site safety organization, personal protective equipment’s, and
safety promotions. Most of the construction companies do not have OHS components like

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written safety policy, safety officer, health and safety committee, hazard identification and
reporting program, and properly placed safety signs.

Construction site has poor and unstructured safety practices namely safety policy, education and
training, site safety inspection, safety auditing, safety meeting, site safety organization, personal
protective equipment’s, and safety promotions. Most of the construction companies do not have
OHS components like written safety policy, safety officer, health and safety committee, hazard
identification and reporting program, and properly placed safety signs. From these we conclude
effect of workers safety in construction site to ensure workers performance. The workers
performance or productivity in some workers when they use Safety material their performance
would be loose and in other side lack of Safety materials in site is reason for their cannot work

The result shows that Building Construction in Debre Berhan from the result 40% of the
respondents have available workers safety policy but 60% of respondents have not written safety
policy on their company from these result or the result shows that in Debre Berhan city building
construction companies have poor in workers safety policy.

Regarding to labors inspection service, the bureaus is not performing its duty in implementing
the proclamations. This result is consistent noted that enforcement of the construction regulations
is inadequate and that the OHS Inspectorate is understaffed and lacks the requisite construction

These objectives modified in the recommendation that means solutions for the above problems
(from result) we conclude such as:

 The problems, such as to provide effective safety training, allocation of budget for safety
management, full commitment from the top management, and to provide safety booklets
in various languages as the strategies to reduce problems in safety practices.
 There is lack of awareness on the issue among the stakeholders.
 In most of the construction sites observed by the researchers, it was difficult to see a
worker with the proper PPE

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 Workers are sometimes reluctant to use PPE (e.g. Gloves, etc...) believing that it will
reduce their productivity.
 The scaffoldings observed on most of the construction sites selected for the study are
timber scaffolding that has used for too long time.
 In many construction sites the researchers try to see, there is no resting room for workers
 In addition, no toilets, Welfare Facilities etc. it was difficult to see in Construction sites.
 Shortage of personal protective equipment’s (PPE) the major cause of accident.
 Majority of workers on building construction lack experience as about 50% of the sample
size had just 0-1years working experience.
 Accident that occurs on their sites.

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5.2 Recommendations
There is a lot to be exploring as regards to Health and Safety practices. This work analyzed the
practices experienced on typical building sites in Debre Berhan City Construction projects; there
are some more areas, which need more research:

 The sample for this study is draw exclusively from the construction industry within the
Debre Berhan University where the prevailing paradigm is a prescriptive one. As part of
a comparative study, it might be useful to conduct a survey of the top management of
firms in countries or in Debre Berhan city.

 Further research can be conducted in more cities preferably at least one city from
Ethiopia, in order to get a clearer picture of events.

 Future research should look into the roles played by safety officers in the various building
construction sites in Ethiopia.
The enforcement of proclamation in the DBU construction projects is inadequate and that the
OHS Inspectorate is understaffed and lacks the requisite construction expertise. Therefore, the
Ministry Of Labor and Social Affairs and other concerned government bodies in Ethiopia should
give more attention for the implementation of safety and health standards.

Several strategies have suggested overcoming the problems, such as to provide effective safety
training, allocation of budget for safety management, full commitment from the top
management, and to provide safety booklets in various languages as the strategies to reduce
problems in safety practices. To improve the level of occupational health and safety practices in
the construction industry, the concerted effort of stakeholders of the construction industry
including owners, management and employees, financers, insurance companies, safety
professionals of construction companies, consultants as well as government is necessary.
Therefore, the client, supervisors, contractors, governments, financers, insurance companies,
safety professionals should contribute to bring a considerable change in health and safety
practices. Construction companies should give regular health and safety training and orientation
to employees.
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The entire Contractor’s staff including labors should cooperate in following the safety
regulations for work sites. In particular, they should avoid drugs and alcohols should be avoid
prior to work, make sure that the equipment parts, signals, signs and markings are full visible and
functional; Equipment operators should make sure that they are physically and mentally ready
for work and remain alert especially during the operation of construction equipment and

In general, there is lack of awareness on the issue among the stakeholders. Therefore, a lot
should do to make best health and safety practices and to minimize accidents during
construction, but the responsibility would not be giving to one party only.

Implementation of occupational health and safety management systems are important on

construction sites to ensure that accidents and risks are minimize.

 To help improve upon the operation of occupational health and safety management
systems in the construction industry, it is recommending that;
 Top management should be committed to workers safety through the
establishment of safety training and orientation for employees.
 Clients, employers or the Procurement authority should ensure that safety
guidelines are set into the body of conditions of contract for projects.
 Consultants or designers should take into consideration health and safety matters
during the design face of a facility.
 Employers should institute Safety Award Schemes to motivate construction site
operatives to observe high level health and safety standards
 Safety committees should be set up to conduct periodic safety auditing
 Contractors must be prepared PPE for their workers and during tendering
including the cost that keeping workers safety.

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 introduction to health and safety in construction book

 (ilo safety and health in construction: an ilo code of practice geneva, international labor
office, 1992
 /code of practice/, /occupational safety/, /occupational health/, /construction industry/.
08.10.1 isbn 92-2-107104-9)
 handbook of osha construction safety and health / [charles d. reese, james v. edison].--
2nd ed
 stranks, j. (1994).safety management and policy. pitman london
 stranks, j. (1994). safety management and policy. . london: pitman.
 tuohy, c. and simard, m. (1993).the impact of joint health and safety committees in
 and quebec.(prepared for the canadian association of administrators of labor.
 ministry of labour and social affairs occupational safety and healthprofile for ethiopia,
compiled by dawit seblework (ilo consultant)
 managing health and safety in construction (design and management) health and safety
executive regulations 2015 crown copyright 2015 first published 2015, isbn 978 0 7176
6626 3
 v.j.daveis (1990); construction safety handbook

 assessment of health and safety and environment practices in construction project on db
2007 researches in dbu by firehiwot teklu

 (seminar paper on regulation construction safety under the mdb-fidic (2006), the ppa
(2011) & the applicable laws in hawassa university project)

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 health and safety management practices by building contractors in the ashanti region by
kwasi yankah february 2012

Web sites
 http// and safety management
 http// safety performance
 Types of construction accidents, 17/11/2016)

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A thesis submitted to the school of engineering under graduate studies of Debre Berhan
University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of BSc in Construction
Technology and Management

Dear /Sirs

We kindly request your participation and support in the research on Health and Safety
Management practice in Building Construction in Debre Berhan.

Please Note that the information you provide is strictly confidential, real and used only for
academic propose.

If you have, any inquiry please contacts, any of the group through the following addresses.

 Yoftahe Samuel

Signature: ____________

Mobile Phone number +251-921452297

Email: yoftaheabush@Gmail.Com

Thank you, for your participation.

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NOTE: Please give your response for the questions here under putting a “” mark at your
appropriate choice or by putting your answers in the space provided.

Respondent Identification

Please provide the name of your organization

Category: - Employer. ________________________________________

House Hold ________________________________________

The Title/Position of the respondent __________________________________

Questionnaires for the Client

Q1. Do you have safety performance factor in tendering process?

Yes No
If no put your reason:
Q2. Do you control Consultant that you assigned he/she perform his/her responsibility in our case
specially Health and Safety on site?
Yes No
If no put your reason:
Q3. Do you assign personnel to conduct job site safety inspection or safety control?
Yes No
If no put your reason:

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Q4. Do you tracking safety performance of the contractor?

Yes No
If no put your reason:
Q5. When an accident occurred in your site what is your decision?

NOTE: Please give your response for the questions here under putting a “” mark at your
appropriate choice or by putting your answers in the space provided.

Respondent Identification

Please provide the name of your organization

Category: - Consultant ________________________________________

Category of the company: GC1 GC2 GC3 GC4 GC5 GC6

The Title/Position of the respondent __________________________________

Questionnaires for Consultant
Q1. Does you have consider safety in design begin in the planning and design stage (phase)?
Yes No
If no put your reason:
Q2. Do you provide safety training for site employees?
Yes No

Department of construction technology and management

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

If no put your reason:

Q3. Do you include construction safety actively addressed in the design phase?
Yes No
If no put your reason:
Q4. Does you control having company having procedures for rejecting unsafe materials on site?
Yes No
If no put your reason:
Q5. Do you control contractor’s awareness on available regulation regarding workers safety in the site?
Yes No
If no put your reason:

NOTE: Please give your response for the questions here under putting a “” mark at your
appropriate choice or by putting your answers in the space provided.
Respondent Identification
Please provide the name of your organization
Category: - Contractor ________________________________________
Category of the company: GC1 GC2 GC3 GC4 GC5 GC6
The Title/Position of the respondent ___________________________________
Questionnaires for the Contractor
These Questions according to objective 1
Q1. Does your company have a written Health and Safety policy?
Yes No

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

If no put your reason:

Q2. Does your company consult its employee on safety?
Yes No
If no put your reason:
These Questions according to objective 5
Q1. Does your company in meeting and dealing the employers organization and workers organization to
develop Health and Safety practice in construction project?
Yes No
If no put your reason:
Q2. Does your company on good Health and Safety practice with governmental authorities?
Yes No
If no put your reason:

Q3. Does your company provide Safety facility, elements and PPE to protect workers from accident?

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Safety materials (PPE)

Safety materials Yes No

Safety glass, goggles

Face shields


Vest/safety clothes

Safety shoes


If no put your reason:


Safety facility
Safety facility Yes No

First Aid equipment

Sanitary facility

Scaffold /ladder

Hoisting equipment

Safety sign

If no put your reason:

These Questions according to objective 3

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Q1. Does your company under take formal Safety induction training for all new employees?
Yes No
If no put your reason:
Q2. Does your company have a formal Safety training program for workers?
Yes No
If no put your reason:
Q3. Does your company belong to any Safety training schemes?
Yes No
If no put your reason:

These Questions according to objective 2

Q1. Does the worker in your construction project have good performance on Safety practice?
Yes No
If no put your reason:
Q2. Does your company have enough budgets to give the workers sufficient awareness or performance on
Safety practices?
Yes No
If no put your reason:
These Questions according to objective 4&5
Q1. Does your company have an internal Safety Department?
Yes No
Department of construction technology and management
Prepared by: Yoftahe .S , Yishak .M , Eleni .D , Kidist .A Page 63
Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

If no put your reason:

Q2. Does your company under take formal site inspections?
Yes No
If no put your reason:
Q3. Does your company utilize accident report in preventing similar accident?
Yes No
If no put your reason:
Q4. Does your company keep records of all accident?
Yes No
If no put your reason:

Department of construction technology and management

Prepared by: Yoftahe .S , Yishak .M , Eleni .D , Kidist .A Page 64
Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Q5. Which main type of an accident occurs on your site from recorded data?
Nature of Respondent
accidents frequency
Fatal injury
Major injury
Minor injury
Near misses
Q6. What are major causes of an accident on your site?
Cause of accident
Yes No
Lack of safety training
Use of faulty tools
Over confidence
Lack of experience
Shortage of personal protective equipment’s
Q7. Does your recorded data type of an accident on your site?
Cause of accident
Yes No
Lack of safety training
Use of faulty tools
Over confidence
Lack of experience
Shortage of personal protective equipment’s

Department of construction technology and management

Prepared by: Yoftahe .S , Yishak .M , Eleni .D , Kidist .A Page 65
Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Q8. Does your company practice these Safety elements on your site?
Safety Elements Respondents frequency
Yes No
Formal safety committee that meets
on regular schedule
Labor safety training program
Designated safety budget as part of
normal operating budget
Formal emergency response plan
for injured
Regularly scheduled on site worker
safety meeting

Sample questioner for Contractor

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Department of construction technology and management

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Department of construction technology and management

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Department of construction technology and management

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Department of construction technology and management

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Department of construction technology and management

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Sample of the respondent Client

Department of construction technology and management

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Sample questioner consultant

Department of construction technology and management

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Interview questions for site workers

Q1. How many years you Work on Building Construction companies?
duration in Frequency of
building workers
construction sector
0-2 years
3-6 years
7-10 years
11-15 years
Over 15 years
Q2. How old are you?
Age: ________
Q3. Educational qualification: ____________________________________
Q4. Does company give any form of Health and Safety training before joins to work?
Yes No
Q5. Does company give enough break day during job?
Yes No
Q6. Are you aware it is the obligation of the employer to provide Safety materials on job site?
Yes No
Q7. Does company provide Safety facility?
Yes No
Q8.Which type cause of an accident majorly occurs in your site?
Cause of accident
Lack of safety training
Use of faulty tools
Over confidence
Lack of experience

Department of construction technology and management

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Health and Safety Management practice in Building Construction in 2017
Debre Berhan

Shortage of personal protective equipment’s

Department of construction technology and management

Prepared by: Yoftahe .S , Yishak .M , Eleni .D , Kidist .A Page 75

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