Question 3

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Question 3

Assess the information requirements needed to maintain and manage an appropriate

level of innovation within your organisation. Use examples to support your answer.

Every innovation faces a lot of challenges in developing new products or ideas.

However, maintaining and managing an appropriate level of innovation requires
conscientious consideration. The Innovation Value Chain Article written by Morten T.
Hansen and Birkinshaw. It is derived from interviewing many managers in different
countries. This article will provide a clear explanation of the three stages of the
Innovation Value Chain, together with how to manage an appropriate level of Tencent

1. Generation of Ideas
In the initial phase of the innovation, the Tencent company seeks new ideas or
products. Ideas can also be from research, employee surveying, etc. The events like
hackathons also provide many ideas for the Tencent company. These ideas can be
replicated by hackers or competitors so it is especially essential to maintain the
information. Keeping the ideas within the Tencent company to ensure strengthened
internal innovation. To maintain the level of innovation within the Tencent company, the
executives should perceive the generation of ideas to diffusion. It is like the Michael
Value Chain that transforms raw materials into products. It is difficult to adopt good
ideas for the company because of a lack of awareness and understanding. Here is an
example of the strategies for how Tencent will maintain the information in the generation
of ideas stage.

Strategies of Information Management in the Generation of Ideas Stage

If I were the manager of the Tencent company, some strategies I would manage:

▪ Diverse Information Sources: I would gather a variety of information resources

both internally and externally. Moreover, I will apply a knowledge management
system to store all the information effectively. This knowledge management
system (KMS) will reduce information silos, increased efficiency for Tencent

▪ Cross Unit Collaboration: It is the collaboration between people from different

departments within the Tencent company. This type of sharing information each
other can be made through video discussion, messages, and group discussion. I
will provide them with the technology integration, which helps in the handling of
the information, to improve the information process effectively.

▪ Mind Mapping: It is also a technique that is very helpful in the information

management of Tencent. They allow the complex information to break down into
understandable stages and make it easier for us to understand the scope of the
innovation project.

2. Conversion
In the conversion stage, the Tencent is transforming the new ideas into products or
services. The company collect the resources such as information, employees and
finances to develop the best ideas. Before officially launching the products, it is vital to
protect the intellectual property rights of innovations and products. Without IP
protection, Tencent may face the challenges of stolen ideas and difficulty in controlling
innovation. Intellectual property (IP) is not tangible so it can be difficult to protect than
tangible objects such as houses. The lack of IP can result struggle in market position.
Here is an example of the strategies for how Tencent will maintain the information in the
conversion stage.

Strategies of Information Maintaining in the Conversion Stage

▪ Risk Management – Not only information management but also information

maintenance is crucial. Every organization have to struggle with the risks of
innovation. I will conduct regular audits of Tencent to identify the potential risks
and develop strategies to mitigate risks. Furthermore, develop the maintenance
plan to address the security issues.

▪ Standardization and Cleansing – The false data information can cost 12 per cent
of the company revenue. The cleansing of information data includes fixing
incorrect data or identifying data errors. In addition, it is also the data maintaining
process. This will ensure the data information is accurate and helps to make the
Tencent data quality standards.

▪ Data Backup – It is also very important for the information maintained as it

involves protecting the data loss and unpredicted issues. The purpose of the data
backup is to recover the information during the event of hardware failures. I will
apply encryption to check the backup copies.

3. Diffusion
In the diffusion stage, Tencent spreads new ideas or products to a target audience. It is
also the initial introduction of the innovation. The goal of Tencent in this stage is for the
various customer groups to adopt the innovation. The group includes early adopters,
early majority, late majority and laggards. Understanding these processes is vital for
Tencent because it ensures that the innovation information is successfully adopted or
not. The Tencent might prioritize the user trust. In these processes, user privacy and
data security can be breached, impacting to diffusion process. Here is an example of
the strategies for how Tencent will maintain the information in the diffusion stage.

Strategies of Information Maintaining in the Diffusion Stage

▪ The User Security Measures: Most companies are struggling to detect security.
For these issues, I will provide training classes for the employees on information
security practices. It mitigates the risk of Tencent data breaches which enhance
the productivity of the company.

▪ Change Management: When data information is breached during an expected

situation, it is critical to quickly address these problems. I will remediate
vulnerabilities to avoid further causes. This will rebuild trust with the users.

▪ User Support and Help Desk: It is related to the information technical issues of
the new innovation. The help desk will help the user find common problems with
hardware and software to maintain higher data information.

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