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KA-POLI NOTES The cruelty against which the Constitution protects a

convicted man is cruelty inherent in the method of
punishment, not the necessary suffering involved in any
method employed to extinguish life humanely.

State the prohibition of the death penalty and the use of

RA 936 prohibits the imposition of the death penalty, while
RA 9745 prohibits the use of torture as punishment, to ensure
that the human rights of all persons are respected at all times.

What is the concept of cruel or unusual punishment?

A punishment is not cruel or unusual or disproportionate to
the nature of the offense unless it is barbarous, unknown to
law, or wholly disproportionate to the nature of the offense as
to shock the moral sense of the community.

That the penalty is out of proportion to the crime does not

warrant the declaration of unconstitutionality of the law on
the ground that it is cruel or unusual. The fact that the
This reviewer is made out of love and fear for the law. Please
punishment authorized by the statute is severe does not make
do not hesitate to share this material because sharing is caring
it cruel or unusual.
and karma always has its ways. #NoToCrabs
The form of punishment as fixed in antiquity and not the
BILL OF RIGHTS severity of the same that makes it cruel and unusual penalty.
Further, the punishment is cruel when it involves torture or
Section 19. lingering death.
What punishments are prohibited by law?
(1) Excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor cruel, degrading (1.) Excessive fines;
or inhuman punishment inflicted. Neither shall the death (2.) The employment of physical, psychological, or
penalty be imposed, unless, for compelling reasons involving degrading punishment
heinous crimes, the Congress hereafter provides for it. Any
death penalty already imposed shall be reduced to reclusion Based on this provision, does the 1987 Constitution prohibit
perpetua. imposition of death penalty?
Unless compelling reasons involving heinous crimes provided
(2) The employment of physical, psychological, or degrading by Congress
punishment against any prisoner or detainee or the use of
substandard or inadequate penal facilities under subhuman Is the imposition of the Congress absolute?
conditions shall be dealt with by law. Once the Congress classify a crime as heinous, the Congress
may, in its discretion, impose the penalty of death.
How many penalties or punishments are prohibited?
(1.) Excessive fines;
When is fine excessive?
(2.) Cruel;
When it is clearly shown that the nature of the violation
(3.) Degrading; or
compared with the fine is disproportionate, or if it exceeds the
(4.) Inhuman punishment.
utmost limit of the punishment which the vindication of the
These are separate punishments. So, it is prohibited even if it
law demands.
is just cruel, but not inhuman; cruel but not degrading.
When is this Constitutional mandate violated?
Is long duration of imprisonment cruel?
When the penalty is flagrant and plainly oppressive, and
Generally, the long duration of imprisonment is not
disproportionate to the nature of the offense as to shock the
considered in determining whether the punishment is cruel or
senses of the community.
not, but it is the manner of imposing the penalty which is
When an unforeseeable accident adds to the suffering of the
convict, a penalty otherwise valid does not become cruel or


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Supposing the penalty for violating quarantine protocols is People vs. Estoista
reclusion perpetual and the penalty for going out without a G.R. No. L-5793. August 27, 1953
pass punishable for a maximum of 3 years. So, here, can
cruelty be applied depending on the duration of the Facts:
➔ The firearm, which the appellant allegedly used, was his
No, the prohibition also includes periods, or the length of
father’s, Bruno Estoista’s.
imprisonment. When the duration of penalty is not
➔ Herein defendant, Alberto Estoista allegedly took shot at
commensurate with the offense or the crime committed, it
a wild rooster, but instead hit their helper, Diragon Dima.
may become “cruel”, so to speak.
➔ However, Bruno testified in court that his son was a
“sharp shooter” and that when the event happened, he
Why did the Court provide in People vs. Estoisa that the
was far from his son.
imprisonment of 5-10 years is not considered as cruel
punishment? ➔ Alberto, testified, however that it was his father who told
The rampant lawlessness against property, person, and even him to shot the wild rooster.
the very security of the Government, directly traceable in large ➔ These testimonies were in direct contradiction. Thus, the
measure to promiscuous carrying and use of powerful court knew that there was not a slightest ground to
weapons, justify imprisonment which in normal circumstances believe that these affidavits contained any truth in it.
might appear excessive. If imprisonment from 5 to 10 years is
out of proportion to the present case in view of certain UNITED STATES vs. SAMSON
circumstances, the law is not to be declared unconstitutional In this case, it stated that carrying a gun by order of the owner
for this reason. does not constitute illegal possession of the firearm.

Supposing the Congress revives death penalty by lethal REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4, AMENDING SECTION 2692 OF THE
injection, would that constitute “cruel punishment”? REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE CODE
The death penalty per se is not a cruel, degrading or inhuman Possess – This word was employed in its broad sense as to
punishment. In the oft-cited case of Harden vs. Director of include “carries” and “holds”. And that “ownership of the
Prisons, this Court held that "punishments are cruel when they weapon is necessary only insofar as the ownership may tend
involve torture or a lingering death; but the punishment of to establish the guilt or intention of the accused.”
death is not cruel, within the meaning of that word as used in
the constitution. It implies there something inhuman and Issue: W/N there was excessive, cruel, or unusual punishment
barbarous, something more than the mere extinguishment of which violated the Constitutional right of the accused.
Held: No. It is a mistake to point to US vs. Samson as authority
Can we say that death penalty in itself is cruel? for the appellant’s plea for acquittal.
No. Death is simply the consequence as to constitute cruelty, In the light of these considerations, it is a mistake to point to
it must constitute torture or lingering death. United States vs. Samson as authority for the appellant's plea
for acquittal. The implied holding in that case that the
In the case of Echagaray, in injecting the lethal injection, it will intention to possess is an essential element of a violation of
inflict pain. Would that be considered “cruel punishment”? the Firearms Law was not intended to imply title or right to
No. Pain is consequence of punishment; what is prohibited is the weapon to the exclusion of everyone else. The court did
that kind or level of pain, which is no longer necessary in the not mean only intention to own but also intention to use.
imposition of the penalty. From the very nature of the subject matter of the prohibition
control or dominion of the use of the weapon by the holder
How about not knowing the schedule of when the prisoner regardless of ownership is, of necessity, the essential factor.
would be entitled to death penalty. Would that constitute
“cruel punishment”? The terms "control" and "dominion" themselves are relative
No, the person who would soon undergo death penalty would terms not susceptible of exact definition, and opinions on the
know when as it is stated clearly in law. Section 1 of RA 8177 degree and character of control or dominion sufficient to
provides that the death sentence shall be carried out "not constitute a violation vary.
earlier than one (1) year nor later then eighteen (18) months
from the time the judgment imposing the death penalty A typical example of such possession is where "a person picks
became final and executory, without prejudice to the exercise up a weapon or hands it to another to examine or hold for a
by the President of his executive clemency powers at all moment, or to shoot at some object."
Appellant's case does not meet the above test.

His holding or carrying of his father's gun was not incidental,

casual, temporary or harmless. Away from his father's sight


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
and control, he carried the gun for the only purpose of using property is the inherent attribute of sovereignty—the police
it, as in fact he did, with fatal consequences. power of the state to protect its citizens and to provide for the
safety and good order of society.
US vs. Samson People vs. Estoista
Samson carried the gun Doctrine: The power of the legislature to prohibit the
solely in obedience to its possession of deadly weapon carries with it the power to
owner’s order or request provide for the confiscation or forfeiture of weapons
without any inferable unlawfully used or allowed by the licensed owner to be used.
intention to use it as a In this case, however, there
weapon. Here, the right to was an intention to carry Pursuant to the exercise of police power, the right to private
bear arms as a means of the firearm to shoot at wild property may be limited, restricted, and impaired so as to
defense is guaranteed, chickens. It was not for the promote the general welfare, public order and safety.
possession such as that by defense of anything.
Samson is by the weight of Thus, the ownership or possession of firearms is not a natural
authority considered a right protected by the Constitution. Above the right to own
violation of similar property is the inherent attribute of sovereignty—the police
statutes. power of the state to protect its citizens and to provide for the
safety and good order of society.
Without deciding whether the prohibition of the Constitution
against infliction of cruel and unusual punishment applies
People vs. Esparas
both to the form of the penalty and the duration of
G.R. No. 120034. August 20, 1996
imprisonment, it is our opinion that confinement from 6 to 10
years for possessing or carrying firearm is not cruel or unusual,
having due regard to the prevalent conditions which the law A little history on death penalty
proposes to suppress or curb.
The 1935 Constitution did not prohibit the imposition of the
The rampant lawlessness against property, person, and even death penalty. Both the Rules of Court of 1940 and 1964
the very security of the Government, directly traceable in large require the transmission to the Court of the records of all
measure to promiscuous carrying and use of powerful cases in which the death penalty was imposed by the court,
weapons, justify imprisonment which in normal circumstances whether the defendant has appealed or not, for review and
might appear excessive. If imprisonment from 5 to 10 years is judgment. These rules were taken from the General Orders
out of proportion to the present case in view of certain itself.
circumstances, the law is not to be declared unconstitutional
for this reason. The 1973 Constitution did not also prohibit death penalty.
The constitutionality of an act of the legislature is not to be Sec. 9, Rule 122 provided the procedure for review of death
judged in the light of exceptional cases. Small transgressors penalty cases by the Court. Sec. 10, Rule 122 of the 1985 Rules
for which the heavy net was not spread are, like small fish, on Criminal Procedure even reenacted said procedure of
bound to be caught, and it is to meet such a situation as this review and even expressly used the term "automatic review
that courts are advised to make a recommendation to the and judgment" by the Court.
Chief Executive for clemency or reduction of the penalty.
(1.) In People v. Villanueva, the Court held that the
However, considering the degree of malice of the defendant, withdrawal of appeal by a death convict does not deprive
application of the law to its full extent would be too harsh and, the Court of jurisdiction to review his conviction.
accordingly, it is ordered that copy of this decision be (2.) In People v. Cornelio, which involved the escape of a
furnished to the President, thru the Secretary of Justice, with death convict, the Court held that said escape does not
the recommendation that the imprisonment herein imposed relieve the Court of its duty of reviewing his conviction.
be reduced to six months. (3.) In People v. Daban, the Court said, speaking about
convictions by TC of death penalty on the defendant,
It takes more than merely being harsh, excessive, out of that until after the Court has spoken en consulta, no
proportion, or severe for a penalty to be obnoxious to the finality could be attached to said decision. This
Constitution. "The fact that the punishment authorized by the automatic review cannot be waived by the accused nor
statute is severe does not make it cruel and unusual." To come by the courts. The mere fact of escape of the accused
under the ban, the punishment must be "flagrantly and plainly cannot be a bar at all.
oppressive," or "wholly disproportionate to the nature of the (4.) In People v. Saliling, the Court said that it is not
offense as to shock the moral sense of the community." precluded from reviewing the death sentence of an
accused who is at large.
The ownership or possession of firearms is not a natural right (5.) In People v. Buynay, the Court reiterated the rule that
protected by the Constitution. Above the right to own escape of a death convict will not automatically result in
the dismissal of his appeal.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
and declared categorically therein that they contain "personal
Finally, the 1987 Constitution was enacted. In our current effects." Further, she checked in the traveling bags in her
Constitution, it expressly prohibited the imposition of the name as evidenced by the baggage claim tags attached to her
death penalty unless for compelling reasons involving plane ticket. Considering these circumstances, we are
heinous crimes as determined by Congress. governed by the disputable presumption that she owns the
subject bags. Moreover, she escaped from confinement
When the Congress reimposed the death penalty in December during the trial and there is nothing in the records to explain
1993, in cases involving the commission of heinous crimes, it how the subject shabu came to her possession.
revived the procedure by which the Court reviews death
penalty cases per the Rules. It remains automatic, does not There is not an iota of evidence on the absence of "animus
depend on the whims of the death convict, continues to be possidendi" or intent to possess on her part. We have held
mandatory, and leaves the Court without any option. that "mere uncorroborated claim of the accused that he did
not know that he had a prohibited drug in his possession is
Thus, Sec. 8, Rule 124, authorizing the dismissal of an appeal insufficient. Any evasion, false statement, or attempt at
when the appellant jumps bail, does not apply to cases where concealment on his to his part, in explaining how the drug
the death penalty is imposed. In death penalty cases, came into his possession, may be considered in determining
automatic review is mandatory. his guilt."

Facts: Animus possidendi is a state of mind, the presence or

➔ Esparas, together with her niece, arrived NAIA. determination of which is largely dependent on attendant
Afterwards, Esparas’ alleged husband, Libed, approached events in each case. It may be inferred from the prior or
Customs Examiner Bandong and handed her the contemporaneous acts of the accused, as well as the
baggage declaration form stating that he was there for surrounding circumstances.
an official government business.
➔ However, upon checking the baggage, the Customs In the case at bar, there is evidence to believe that appellant
Examiner noticed that there was something unusual with knew the existence of the shabu in her traveling bags. Upon
the baggage as the accused has placed a plywood to arriving at the NAIA, Libed, managed to obtain an official
business (OB) pass to gain access at the restricted customs
seem like the bottom of the bag. Thus, Bandong called
inspection area. He tried to dissuade the customs personnel
Customs Collector Templo to further inspect.
from examining appellant's luggage but failed. Appellant's
➔ After the inspection, they have found 9.9 kilograms of
used clothes were found inside the bags upon inspection.
shabu. Here, Libed stated that he was an employee of the
Upon further inspection, shabu was discovered in the false
Office of the Presidential Assistant on Military Affairs and
bottom of said bags. Shortly after the discovery of the shabu,
insisted that the shabu found has already been cleared
and as customs personnel were arguing with accused Libed,
by “higher authorities”. But, ofc, Customs personnel did
appellant walked away from the customs inspection lane
not believe.
without waiting for her other luggage to be cleared. In an
➔ Libed, Esparas, and their niece, were taken to the
unmistakable attempt to run away, appellant and Juson
customs extended service room where a more rigid
clandestinely headed towards the exit gate. They were
examination was conducted. Here, another bag was
fortunately intercepted by Agent Biteng. These circumstances
discovered to have been carrying the same amount of
lead to the inescapable conclusion that appellant knew the
illegal contents of her traveling bags.
➔ The DOJ conducted a preliminary investigation of the
incident. During this investigation, Esparas pointed to a However, it was urged that appellant should not have been
certain Robert Yu—whom she blamed as her “sponsor”. penalized with death because the prosecution failed to
However, after a series of investigation, it was found that establish that she is a member of an organized or syndicated
Esparas was a member of a drug syndicate. group. Allegedly, there is no proof that conspiracy existed
between her and accused Libed. However, the SC was not
Issue: W/N there was excessive, cruel, or unusual punishment persuaded.
which violated the Constitutional right of the accused.
The governing law at the time the crime was committed was
Held: No. We have thoroughly examined the evidence and we RA 7659, which amended Republic Act No. 6425 and some
entertain no doubt as to the guilt of appellant Esparas. The provisions of the Revised Penal Code. The penalty for
Court may proceed to automatically review Esparas’s death unlawfully bringing 200 grams or more of shabu into the
sentence despite her absence. country is reclusion perpetua to death and the imposable fine
may range from P500,000 to P10,000,000. The crime is
The prosecution evidence indubitably shows that the traveling aggravated when committed by any person who belongs to
bags containing the shabu were in the possession of an organized or syndicated crime group. In such a case, the
appellant. She personally accomplished the baggage death penalty shall be imposed.
declaration form for her luggage which included said bags


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Echagaray vs. Secretary of Justice
Appellant cannot rely on the June 20, 1994 Resolution issued G.R. No. 132601. October 12, 1998
by Atty. Macapagal and approved by Assistant Chief
Prosecutor Jovencio R. Zuno because the same was reversed Facts:
by then Acting Secretary of Justice Ramon Liwag who found
➔ Leo Echegaray was convicted for the crime of rape of the
prima facie showing of conspiracy between appellant and
10 year-old daughter of his common-law spouse and the
accused Libed. Accordingly, appellant and accused Libed were
imposition upon him of the death penalty for the said
charged with a violation of the Dangerous Drugs Act for
conspiring to import, without authority, the said regulated
➔ Petitioner duly filed a Motion for Reconsideration raising
drug into the country.
for the first time the issue of the constitutionality of
Republic Act No. 7659 (the death penalty law) and the
Moreover, an organized or syndicated crime group has been
imposition of the death penalty for the crime of rape.
defined as a group of two or more persons collaborating,
➔ This Court denied petitioner's Motion with a finding that
confederating or mutually helping one another for purposes
Congress duly complied with the requirements for the
of gain in the commission of any crime.
reimposition of the death penalty and therefore the
death penalty law is not unconstitutional.
In the case at bar, the collaborative efforts of appellant and
accused Libed were well established by the prosecution and ➔ In the meantime, Congress had seen it fit to change the
correctly appreciated by the trial court. Thus, insofar as it mode of execution of the death penalty from
prescribes the death penalty, it must be submitted to the electrocution to lethal injection through Republic Act
ruling of the Court, by a majority vote. No. 8177. Pursuant to the provisions of said law, the
Secretary of Justice promulgated the Rules and
Regulations to Implement RA 8177 ("implementing
Doctrine: There is more wisdom in mandating the review by
rules") and directed the Director of the Bureau of
the Court of all death penalty cases, regardless of the wish of
Corrections to prepare the Lethal Injection Manual.
the convict and regardless of the will of the Court.
➔ Petitioner filed a Petition for Prohibition, Injunction
Nothing less than life is at stake and any court decision and/or Temporary Restraining Order to enjoin
authorizing the State to take life must be as error-free as respondents from carrying out the execution by lethal
possible. An appellant may withdraw his appeal not because injection as this is unconstitutional and void for being:
he is guilty but because of his wrong perception of the law, or (a) cruel, degrading and inhuman punishment per se,
because he may want to avail of the speedier remedy of and (b) a violation of the Philippines' obligations under
pardon, or because of his frustration and misapprehension international covenants.
that he will not get justice from the authorities. Nor should
the Court be influenced by the seeming repudiation of its Issue: W/N R.A. No. 8177 and its implementing rules do not
jurisdiction when a convict plans to escape. pass constitutional muster for: (a) violation of the
constitutional proscription against cruel, degrading or
The Court has the duty to review all death penalty cases. No inhuman punishment; and (b) violation of our international
litigant can repudiate this power which is bestowed by the treaty obligations
Constitution. The power is more of a sacred duty which the
Court has to discharge to assure the People that the Held: NO.
innocence of a citizen is the main concern especially in crimes
that that shock the conscience. This concern cannot be I. LETHAL INJECTION, NOT CRUEL, DEGRADING OR INHUMAN

Petitioner contends that death by lethal injection constitutes

cruel, degrading and inhuman punishment considering that
(1) R.A. No. 8177 fails to provide for the drugs to be used in
carrying out lethal injection, the dosage, and the procedure;
(2) R.A. No. 8177 and its implementing rules are uncertain as
to the date of execution, time of notification, which
uncertainties cause the greatest pain and suffering for the
convict; and (3) the possibility of "botched executions" or
mistakes in administering the drugs renders lethal injection
inherently cruel.

In lethal injection, the condemned inmate is strapped on a

hospital gurney and wheeled into the execution room. A
trained technician inserts a needle into a vein in the inmate's
arm and begins an intravenous flow of saline solution. At the


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
warden's signal, a lethal combination of drugs is injected into What is cruel and unusual "is not fastened to the obsolete but
the intravenous line. The deadly concoction typically includes may acquire meaning as public opinion becomes enlightened
three drugs: (1) a nonlethal dose of sodium thiopenthotal, a by a humane justice" and "must draw its meaning from the
sleep-inducing barbiturate; (2) lethal doses of pancuronium evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a
bromide, a drug that paralyzes the muscles; and (3) potassium maturing society." Indeed, "other (U.S.) courts have focused
chloride, which stops the heart within seconds. The first two on 'standards of decency' finding that the widespread use of
drugs are commonly used during surgery to put the patient lethal injections indicates that it comports with contemporary
to sleep and relax muscles; the third is used in heart bypass norms." The primary indicator of society's standard of decency
surgery. with regard to capital punishment is the response of the
country's legislatures to the sanction. Hence, for as long as the
Now it is well-settled in jurisprudence that the death penalty death penalty remains in our statute books and meets the
per se is not a cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment. In the most stringent requirements provided by the Constitution, we
case of Harden v. Director of Prisons, this Court held that must confine our inquiry to the legality of R.A. No. 8177,
"punishments are cruel when they involve torture or a whose constitutionality we duly sustain in the face of
lingering death; but the punishment of death is not cruel, petitioner's challenge. We find that the legislature's
within the meaning of that word as used in the constitution. It substitution of the mode of carrying out the death penalty
implies there something inhuman and barbarous, something from electrocution to lethal injection infringes no
more than the mere extinguishment of life." constitutional rights of petitioner herein.

Would the lack in particularity then as to the details involved II. REIMPOSITION OF THE DEATH PENALTY LAW DOES NOT
in the execution by lethal injection render said law "cruel, VIOLATE INTERNATIONAL TREATY OBLIGATIONS
degrading or inhuman"? The Court believes not.
Indisputably, Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil
Petitioner further contends that the infliction of "wanton pain" and Political Rights enshrines the individual's right to life.
in case of possible complications, as petitioner claims that Nevertheless, Article 6 (2) of the Covenant explicitly
respondent Director is an untrained and untested person recognizes that capital punishment is an allowable limitation
insofar as the choice and administration of lethal injection is on the right to life, subject to the limitation that it be imposed
concerned, renders lethal injection a cruel, degrading and for the "most serious crimes". The Human Rights Committee
inhuman punishment. Such supposition is highly speculative issued General Comment No. 6 stating that "(while) it follows
and unsubstantiated. from Article 6 (2) to (6) that State parties are not obliged to
abolish the death penalty totally, they are obliged to limit its
First. Petitioner has neither alleged nor presented evidence use and, in particular, to abolish it for other than the 'most
that lethal injection requires the expertise only of serious crimes.'
phlebotomists and not trained personnel and that the drugs
to be administered are unsafe or ineffective. Doctrine: The death penalty per se is not a cruel, degrading or
inhuman punishment. In the oft-cited case of Harden vs.
Second. Petitioner overlooked Section 1, third paragraph of Director of Prisons, this Court held that "punishments are
R.A. No. 8177 which requires that all personnel involved in the cruel when they involve torture or a lingering death; but the
execution proceedings should be trained prior to the punishment of death is not cruel, within the meaning of that
performance of such task. We must presume that the public word as used in the constitution. It implies there something
officials entrusted with the implementation of the death inhuman and barbarous, something more than the mere
penalty (by lethal injection) will carefully avoid inflicting cruel extinguishment of life."
Any infliction of pain in lethal injection is merely in carrying
Third. Any infliction of pain in lethal injection is merely out the execution of the death penalty and does not fall within
incidental in carrying out the execution of the death penalty the constitutional prescription against cruel, degrading or
and does not fall within the constitutional proscription against inhuman punishment. "In a limited sense, anything is cruel
cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment. "In a limited sense, which is calculated to give pain or distress, and since
anything is cruel which is calculated to give pain or distress, punishment imports pain of suffering to the convict, it may be
and since punishment imports pain or suffering to the convict, said that all punishment is cruel. But of course, the
it may be said that all punishments are cruel. But of course, Constitution does not mean that crime, for this reason, is to
the Constitution does not mean that crime, for this reason, is go unpunished." The cruelty against which the Constitution
to go unpunished." The cruelty against which the Constitution protects a convicted man is cruelty inherent in the method of
protects a convicted man is cruelty inherent in the method of punishment, not the necessary suffering involved in any
punishment, not the necessary suffering involved in any method employed to extinguish life humanely.
method employed to extinguish life humanely.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva

(1.) The 1987 Constitution abolished the death penalty from

our statute books. It did not merely suspend or prohibit
its imposition.
(2.) The Charter effectively granted a new right: the
constitutional right against the death penalty, which is
really a species of the right to life.
(3.) Any law reviving the capital penalty must be strictly
construed against the State and liberally in favor of the
accused, because such a statute denigrates the
Constitution, impinges on a basic right and tends to deny
equal justice to the underprivileged.
(4.) Every word or phrase in the Constitution is sacred and
should never be ignored, cavalierly treated or brushed
(5.) Congressional power to prescribe death is severely
limited by two concurrent requirements:
(a.) First, Congress must provide a set of attendant
circumstances which the prosecution must prove
beyond reasonable doubt, apart from the
elements of the crime and itself. Congress must
explain why and how these circumstances define
or characterize the crime as 'heinous.'
(b.) Second, Congress has also the duty of laying out
clear and specific reasons which arose after the
effectivity of the Constitution compelling the
enactment of the law. It bears repeating that these
requirements are inseparable. They must both be
present in view of the specific constitutional
mandate — 'for compelling reasons involving
heinous crimes.' The compelling reason must flow
from the heinous nature of the offense.
(6.) In every law reviving the capital penalty, the heinousness
and compelling reasons must be set out for each and
every crime, and not just for all crimes generally and


Because of the unconstitutionality of the Death Penalty Law, I
cannot hold for the legality of RA 8177. The only purpose of
RA 8177 is to have a means of carrying out the death sentence
— by lethal injection. But if RA 7659 is inconsistent with the
letter and the spirit of the Constitution, essentially, there is
nothing to implement. With the abolition of the death penalty
in the 1987 Constitution, any means to carry it out is without
any basis and, therefore, is illegal.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva

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