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KA-POLI NOTES (4.) Which alters the legal rules of evidence and receives less
or different testimony than the law required at the time
of the commission of the offense in order to convict the
(5.) Every law which, in relation to the offense or its
consequences, alters the situation of a person to his
(6.) Which assumes to regulate civil rights and remedies only
but in effect imposes a penalty or deprivation of a right
which when done was lawful; or
(7.) Deprives a person accused of a crime of some lawful
protection to which he has become entitled, such as the
protection of a former conviction or acquittal, or a
proclamation of amnesty.

What are the characteristics of an ex post facto law?

The law must be penal, retroactive, and prejudicial to the

Is the imposition of tax an ex post facto law?

This reviewer is made out of love and fear for the law. Please
No, because tax law is not penal in nature.
do not hesitate to share this material because sharing is caring
and karma always has its ways. #NoToCrabs
Is the creation of Sandiganbayan an ex post facto law?
No, because while it erases the two channels of appeal, the
BILL OF RIGHTS decision is made by three judges of the Sandiganbayan.

Section 22. No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall be Is suspension of a public officer ex post facto?
enacted. No, even if it is retroactive. Suspension from office is not a
penalty. It is not imposed as a result of judicial proceedings.
Application of an ex post facto law
The prohibition applies only to criminal legislation which
What is a Bill of Attainder?
affects the substantial rights of the accused. It also applies to
It is a law that punishes an act without judicial trial. It is a law
criminal procedure law prejudicial to the accused. Further, it is
that substitutes legislation for judicial determination of guilt.
improper to apply the prohibition to an executive
It is a situation where the legislative body, in enacting a bill of
proclamation suspending the privilege of writ of habeas
attainder, exercises the powers and office of a judge. It
corpus. Moreover, even if the law be penal and retroactive, it
pronounces upon the guilt of the party without any of the
will still not be ex post facto if it does not operate to the
forms or safeguards of trial; it fixes the degree of punishment
disadvantage of the accused.
in accordance with its own notions of the offense.

What is the purpose of the prohibition against the passage of United States vs. Conde
a bill of attainder? G.R. No. 18208. February 14, 1922
It is designed to respect the principle of separation of powers.
Is BP 22 a bill of attainder? ➔ The defendants were charged with the violation of the
No. In BP 22, every element of the crime must still be proven Usury Law (Act No. 2655).
before the trial court can warrant a conviction for the ➔ However, the appellants averred that the contract upon
violation. which the alleged usurious interest was collected was
executed before the Act was adopted, that there was no
What is an ex post facto law? usury law in force when the contract was made, and that
(1.) Which makes an act done criminal before the passing of such law could have no retroactive effect or operation.
the law and which was innocent when committed, and ➔ Regardless, the lower court stated that at the time of the
punishes such action; collection of the usurious rate of interest, the Usury Law
(2.) Which aggravates a crime or makes it greater than when was already promulgated. Thus, the lower court
it was committed; sentenced them guilty of the violation of such Act.
(3.) Which changes the punishment and inflicts a greater
punishment than the law annexed to the crime when it
was committed;


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Issue: W/N the Constitutionally mandated right of the Doctrine: A law imposing a new penalty, or a new liability or
appellants were violated when they were sentenced guilty of disability, or giving a new right of action, must not be
the violation of the Usury Law. construed as having a retroactive effect. It is an elementary
rule of contract that the laws in force at the time the contract
Held: Yes. The obligation to pay interest on money due under was made must govern its interpretation and application.
a contract, be it express or implied, is a part of the obligation Laws must be construed prospectively and not retrospectively.
of the contract. Laws adopted after the execution of a
contract, changing or altering the rate of interest, cannot be
Concepcion vs. Garcia
made to apply to such contract without violating the
G.R. No. L-32380. November 29, 1929
provisions of the constitution which prohibit the adoption of
a law impairing the obligation of contract.
That law must govern and control the contract in every aspect ➔ The Government of the Philippine Islands instituted a
in which it is intended to bear upon it, whether it affect its civil action (No. 35867) against Florencio Reyes, former
validity, construction, or discharge. Any law which enlarges, chief of the stamp division in the Bureau of Posts, for the
abridges, or in any manner changes the intention of the purpose of recovering the sum of P212,349.42, the value
parties, necessarily impairs the contract itself. of stamps alleged to have been misappropriated by him.
➔ In connection with the complaint in said case the
A law imposing a new penalty, or a new liability or disability, Government obtained an attachment against the
or giving a new right of action, must not be construed as defendant, by virtue whereof the respondent, in the
having a retroactive effect. It is an elementary rule of contract capacity of deputy sheriff, levied upon certain household
that the laws in force at the time the contract was made must effects as the property of the defendant.
govern its interpretation and application. Laws must be ➔ The present petitioner, Dominga Concepcion, the wife of
construed prospectively and not retrospectively. Reyes, presented a third-party claim asserting ownership
in the household effect which had been taken upon
If a contract is legal at its inception, it cannot be rendered attachment, all pursuant to section 442 of the Code of
illegal by any subsequent legislation. If that were permitted Civil Procedure.
then the obligations of a contract might be impaired, which is ➔ Upon receiving this claim the respondent Garcia
prohibited by the organic law of the Philippine Islands. demanded that the Government should give bond to
secure him against liability from said claim.
Ex post facto laws, unless they are favorable to the defendant, ➔ At the request of the Attorney-General the period for the
are prohibited in this jurisdiction. Every law that makes an giving of this bond was extended until October 10, 1929,
action, done before the passage of the law and which was and before this date arrived the Legislature enacted a
innocent when done, criminal, and punishes such action, is an statute (Act No. 3531) adding an amendment, in the form
ex post facto law. of a proviso, to both sections 442 and 451 of the Code
of Civil Procedure: "Provided, however, That when the
In the present case, Act No. 2655 made an act which had been plaintiff, or the person in whose favor the writ of
done before the law was adopted, a criminal act, and to make attachment runs, is the Insular Government, or any
said Act applicable to the act complained of would be to give officer duly representing it, the filing of such bond shall
it an ex post facto operation. The Legislature is prohibited not be required, and in case the sheriff or attaching
from adopting a law which will make an act done before its officer is sued for damages as a result of the attachment,
adoption a crime. he shall be represented by the Attorney-General and if
held liable therefor, the actual damages adjudged by the
A law may be given a retroactive effect in civil action, court shall be paid by the Insular Treasurer out of such
providing it is curative in character, but ex post facto laws are funds as may be appropriated for the purpose."
absolutely prohibited unless its retroactive effect is favorable ➔ This Act was approved on September 28, 1929, and it was
to the defendant. therefore in full effect upon October 10, 1929, when the
period expired within which the bond demanded by the
For the reason, therefore, that the acts complained of in the sheriff should have been given. However, under the
present case were legal at the time of their occurrence, they authority of the amendment above mentioned, the
cannot be made criminal by any subsequent or ex post facto respondent deputy sheriff maintained the attachment,
legislation. What the courts may say, considering the and he now admittedly has the attached property in his
provisions the Civil Code, when a civil action is brought upon possession.
said contract, cannot now be determined. A contract may be ➔ The present petition seeks to compel the respondent, by
annulled by the courts when it is shown that it is against mandamus, to surrender the property, consisting of the
morals or public order. household effects described in the petitioner's third-
party claim; and the theory underlying the petition is that
Act No. 3531 is not applicable to the situation described,


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
and that, if the Act should be interpreted as applicable punishment or forfeitures, and not to civil proceedings,
thereto, it should be held unconstitutional. In this which affect private rights retrospectively.
connection it is claimed that, if the Act be interpreted as
applicable to the subject matter of the aforesaid Nasi-Villar vs. People of the Philippines
attachment, it would be an ex post facto law. G.R. Nos. 176169. November 14, 2008

Issue: W/N the Act was ex post facto.

➔ The accused was charged with willfully, unlawfully, and
Held: No. Act No. 3531 is an Act dealing exclusively with
feloniously recruiting Nila Panilag for employment
remedies and modes of procedure. Such an Act is repugnant
abroad while she was not even licensed to engage in
to no constitutional provision, and its legality is beyond
recruitment of workers abroad.
question. A person has no vested right in any particular
remedy, and a litigant cannot insist on the application to the ➔ An information was filed against Nasi-Villar, which
trial of his case, whether civil or criminal, of any other than the provided that she has violated RA 8042 on the ground of
illegal recruitment.
existing rules of procedure. Statutes making changes in the
remedy or procedure are laws within the discretion of the ➔ However, after due trial, the RTC found the evidence
lawmaking power, and are valid so long as they do not deprive presented credible to hold petitioner liable for the
the accused of any substantial right, or conflict with specific offense of illegal recruitment under the Labor Code.
and applicable provisions of the Federal Constitution. ➔ Nasi-Villar, then, appealed to the CA averring that there
was an error in finding her guilty of illegal recruitment.
Moreover, the term "ex post facto," as applied to statutes, is a ➔ The appellate court stated that the criminal acts alleged
technical term, used only in connection with crimes and to have been committed happened sometime in 1993.
penalties. The term is never used to indicate the obnoxious However, RA 8042, under which Nasi-Villar was charged,
character of statutes dealing retroactively with civil rights. Of was approved only in 1995. Thus, the appellate court
course, retroactive statutes dealing with civil rights may also declared that Nasi-Villar should have been charged
be unconstitutional if they impair the obligations of contracts under the Labor Code and not RA 8042.
or deprive a person of a vested right, but this remedial Act is
not subject to criticism on this ground. As was said in Roman Issue: W/N there was a violation of the Constitutionally
Catholic Bishop of Lipa vs. Municipality of Taal, "The Act in mandated right against ex post facto laws.
question is not an ex post facto law, as it is not penal in its
nature. It has long been settled that the phrase 'ex post facto Held: No. In Gabriel v. Court of Appeals, it was held that the
laws' is not applicable to civil laws, but to penal and criminal real nature of the crime charged is determined, not from the
laws which punish a party for acts antecedently done which caption or preamble of the information nor from the
were not punishable at all, or not punishable to the extend or specification of the law alleged to have been violated, but by
in the manner prescribed. In short ex post facto laws relate to the actual recital of facts in the complaint or information.
penal and criminal proceedings, which impose punishment or What controls is not the designation but the description of
forfeitures, and not to civil proceedings, which affect private the offense charged. From a legal point of view, it is of no
rights retrospectively." concern to the accused what the technical name of the crime
of which he stands charged is. If the accused performed the
Doctrine: Ex Post Facto Laws do not apply to: acts alleged in the body of the information, in the manner
(1.) Remedial Laws - A person has no vested right in any stated, then he ought to be punished and punished
particular remedy, and a litigant cannot insist on the adequately, whatever may be the name of the crime which
application to the trial of his case, whether civil or those acts constitute.
criminal, of any other than the existing rules of
procedure. Statutes making changes in the remedy or In this case, the prosecution established beyond reasonable
procedure are laws within the discretion of the doubt that petitioner had performed the acts constituting the
lawmaking power, and are valid so long as they do not offense defined in the Labor Code:
deprive the accused of any substantial right, or conflict (1.) The person charged with the crime must have
with specific and applicable provisions of the Federal undertaken recruitment activities, or any of the activities
Constitution. enumerated in the Labor Code, as amended; and
(2.) Civil Laws - The Act in question is not an ex post facto (2.) The same said person does not have a license or
law, as it is not penal in its nature. It has long been settled authority to do so.
that the phrase 'ex post facto laws' is not applicable to
civil laws, but to penal and criminal laws which punish a The Labor Code defines "recruitment and placement" as "any
party for acts antecedently done which were not act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting, transporting,
punishable at all, or not punishable to the extend or in utilizing, hiring, or procuring workers, and includes referrals,
the manner prescribed. In short ex post facto laws relate contract services, promising, or advertising for employment,
to penal and criminal proceedings, which impose locally or abroad, whether for profit or not; provided that any


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
person or entity which, in any manner, offers or promises for Salvador vs. Mapa Jr.
a fee employment to two or more persons, is considered G.R. No. 135080. November 28, 2007
engaged in recruitment and placement."
The trial court found these two elements had been proven in
➔ October 8, 1992 – Former President FVR issued
the case at bar. Petitioner has not offered any argument or
Administrative Order No. 13 (AO 13) creating the
proof that countervails such findings.
Presidential Ad Hoc Fact-Finding Committee on Behest
A criminal act is punishable under the law in force at the time
➔ November 9, 1992 – By Memorandum Order No. 61 (MO
of its commission. Thus, petitioner can only be charged and
61), the functions of the Committee were subsequently
found guilty under the Labor Code.

Petitioner was charged in 1998 under an Information that

erroneously designated the offense as covered by RA 8042,
➔ Several loan accounts were referred to the Committee
but alleged in its body acts which are punishable under the
for investigation, including the loan transactions
Labor Code. As it was proven that petitioner had committed
between Metals Exploration Asia (MEA), not Phil. Eagle
the acts she was charged with, she was properly convicted
Mines (PEMI), and the Development Bank of the
under the Labor Code, and not under RA 8042. There is no
Philippines (DBP).
violation of the prohibition against ex post facto law nor a
retroactive application of RA 8042, as alleged by petitioner. ➔ After examining and studying the documents on the loan
transactions, the Committee determined that they bore
An ex post facto law is one which, among others, aggravates the characteristics of behest loans, as defined under MO
a crime or makes it greater than it was when committed or 61.
changes the punishment and inflicts a greater punishment ➔ The investigation revealed that PEMI applied for a
than the law annexed to the crime when committed. foreign currency loan and bank investment on its
preferred shares with DBP. The loan was approved as per
Penal laws and laws which, while not penal in nature, Board Resolution 1297, but the loan was never released
nonetheless have provisions defining offenses and because PEMI failed with the conditions imposed by DBP.
prescribing penalties for their violation operate prospectively. ➔ To accommodate PEMI, DBP subsequently adopted
Penal laws cannot be given retroactive effect, except when Board Resolution No. 2315 amending 1297, and then
they are favorable to the accused. authorizing the release of PEMI’s foreign currency loan
proceeds, and even increasing the same. Thus, PEMI was
RA 8042 only amended pertinent provisions of the Labor granted a foreign currency loan and it was released
Code and gave a new definition of the crime of illegal despite non-compliance.
recruitment and provided for its higher penalty. There is no ➔ Here, the Committee claimed that the loan had no
indication in RA 8042 that said law, including the penalties sufficient collaterals and PEMI had no sufficient capital at
provided therein, would take effect retroactively. that time.
➔ Thus, herein respondents were charged with the
A law can never be considered ex post facto as long as it violation of RA 3019 or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
operates prospectively since its strictures would cover only Practices Act.
offenses committed after and not before its enactment.
Neither did the trial court nor the appellate court give RA 8042 Issue: W/N AO 13 and MO 61 are ex post facto laws.
a retroactive application since both courts passed upon
petitioner's case only under the aegis of the Labor Code. Held: No.

The proceedings before the trial court and the appellate court An ex post facto law has been defined as one:
did not violate the prohibition against ex post facto law nor (1.) Which makes an action done before the passing of the
involved a retroactive application of RA 8042 in any way. law and which was innocent when done criminal, and
punishes such action;
Doctrine: A law can never be considered ex post facto as long (2.) Which aggravates a crime or makes it greater than it was
as it operates prospectively since its strictures would cover when committed;
only offenses committed after and not before its enactment. (3.) Which changes the punishment and inflicts a greater
punishment than the law annexed to the crime when it
was committed;
(4.) Which alters the legal rules of evidence and receives less
or different testimony than the law required at the time
of the commission of the offense in order to convict the


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
This Court added two (2) more to the list, namely: What are “behest loans”?
(1.) That which assumes to regulate civil rights and remedies Under MO 61, the following criteria may be utilized as a frame
only but in effect imposes a penalty or deprivation of a of reference in determining a behest loan:
right which when done was lawful; or (1.) The loan must be under-collateralized;
(2.) That which deprives a person accused of a crime of some (2.) The borrower-corporation is undercapitalized;
lawful protection to which he has become entitled, such (3.) There is direct or indirect endorsement by high
as the protection of a former conviction or acquittal, or government officials like presence of marginal notes;
a proclamation of amnesty. (4.) Stockholders, officers, or agents of the borrower-
corporation are identified as “cronies”;
The constitutional doctrine that outlaws an ex post facto law (5.) Deviation of use of loan proceeds from the purpose
generally prohibits the retrospectivity of penal laws. Penal intended;
laws are those acts of the legislature which prohibit certain (6.) There is use of corporate layering;
acts and establish penalties for their violations; or those that (7.) There is non-feasibility of the project for which financing
define crimes, treat of their nature, and provide for their is being sought; and
punishment. (8.) There is extraordinary speed in which the loan release
was made.
The subject administrative and memorandum orders clearly
do not come within the shadow of this definition. A behest loan may be distinguished from a non-behest loan
in that while both may involve civil liability for non-payment
AO 13 creates the Presidential Ad Hoc Fact-Finding or non-recovery, the former may likewise entail criminal
Committee on Behest Loans, and provides for its composition liability.
and functions. It does not mete out penalty for the act of
granting behest loans.

MO 61 merely provides a frame of reference for determining

behest loans.

Not being penal laws, AO 13 and MO 61 cannot be

characterized as ex post facto laws. There is, therefore, no
basis for the Ombudsman to rule that the subject
administrative and memorandum orders are ex post facto.

Doctrine: An ex post facto law has been defined as one:

(1.) Which makes an action done before the passing of the
law and which was innocent when done criminal, and
punishes such action;
(2.) Which aggravates a crime or makes it greater than it was
when committed;
(3.) Which changes the punishment and inflicts a greater
punishment than the law annexed to the crime when it
was committed;
(4.) Which alters the legal rules of evidence and receives less
or different testimony than the law required at the time
of the commission of the offense in order to convict the
(5.) That which assumes to regulate civil rights and remedies
only but in effect imposes a penalty or deprivation of a
right which when done was lawful; or
(6.) That which deprives a person accused of a crime of some
lawful protection to which he has become entitled, such
as the protection of a former conviction or acquittal, or
a proclamation of amnesty.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva

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