Lesson 9 Writing Practice Sample Answers

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Number 1:
Request E-mail or Memo: Need Information About Awardees

As an assistant in the Human Resources Department of a large corporation, you and your
department are preparing to honour outstanding employees at an awards ceremony. Three
department managers submitted names of employees they would like to honor. However, you
need more information about the employees. The ceremony is scheduled to be given at a banquet
on June 15. Your boss asks you to write to the managers asking for more information so that the
presenter has something interesting to say about each awardee. The information will also be
published in the company print and online newsletters. Arrange a series of questions in a readable,
logical list. What would readers like to know about these awardees?

Your Task. Draft a well-organized e-mail message or memo to Nicole Masterson, manager,
Reprographic Services, asking for more information about awardee Martin Medina, whom she
nominated. Prepare the message so that it can be used to write to all three managers with a few
changes. Be sure to include an action closing and deadline. Add information if needed.
Sample answer:
To: Nicole Masterson- Manager of Reprographic Services

Subject: Request for Additional Information About Awardee Martin Medina

Dear Ms Masterson,

I hope this message finds you well. As we prepare for the upcoming awards ceremony scheduled
for June 15th, I am reaching out to gather more information about the outstanding employees
nominated by your department managers.

Martin Medina, whom you have nominated for an award, is among the individuals we are seeking
additional details about. In order to properly recognize Martin's achievements and contributions
at the ceremony, as well as to feature his story in our company print and online newsletters, we
would greatly appreciate your assistance in providing some further insights.

To ensure a comprehensive and compelling profile of Martin, could you please provide the
following information:

1. A brief overview of Martin's role and responsibilities within Reprographic Services.

2. Specific examples of outstanding performance or noteworthy accomplishments that make
Martin deserving of this recognition.
3. Any relevant professional development or growth initiatives Martin has undertaken within
the company.
4. Personal qualities or attributes that distinguish Martin as an exceptional employee.
5. Any additional information or anecdotes that would help paint a more complete picture of
Martin's contributions.

Your input will not only enrich Martin's profile but also contribute to making the awards
ceremony a meaningful and memorable event for all attendees.

I kindly request that you provide this information by June 10th to ensure we have sufficient time
to compile and incorporate it into the ceremony preparations and publications.

Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. Should you have any questions or
require further clarification, please feel free to reach out to me.

Looking forward to your prompt response.

Best regards,

Number 2:
Information E-Mail or Memo: Organizing Presentations

As assistant director, you have been working on a program of speakers for the spring luncheon
meetings of the National Workrights Council, a group that advocates for workers. You have
received confirmation that William J. Prewarski will speak on January 11. His topic is "Wellness
Programs and Employee Rights." Bridget F. Benoit will discuss "Rising Healthcare Costs" on
March 13. You are fairly certain that Joel Shaw-Jones will speak to the group on May 15. His
topic is "Outrageous CEO Compensation." For the June 9 meeting, you propose three
possibilities: "The Real Cost of Offshoring," "Perform or Perish," or "Workplace Privacy."

Your Task. Prepare a message addressed to Colson M. Kettler, Executive Director, National
Workrights Council. Outline the proposed speaking schedule and ask him to choose a topic for
June 9. Include an action closing and deadline for his response. Provide a reason for the deadline.
Sample answer:
To: Colson M. Kettler- Executive Director

Subject: Request for Topic Selection for June 9 Luncheon Meeting

Dear Mr Kettler,

I hope this email finds you well. As the assistant director of the National Workrights Council,
I've been diligently working on organizing the speaker lineup for our upcoming spring luncheon
meetings. I'm pleased to inform you of the confirmed speakers and their topics for the first half
of the year:

• January 11: William J. Prewarski - "Wellness Programs and Employee Rights"

• March 13: Bridget F. Benoit - "Rising Healthcare Costs"
• May 15: Joel Shaw-Jones - "Outrageous CEO Compensation"

For our June 9 meeting, I'd like to propose three possible topics that address crucial issues aligning
with our council's mission and objectives:

1. "The Real Cost of Offshoring"

2. "Perform or Perish"
3. "Workplace Privacy"

However, we need to finalize the topic for June 9. Therefore, I kindly request your input on which
topic you believe would be most beneficial and relevant for our members.

Could you please review the proposed topics and indicate your preference for June 9? Your
decision will enable us to proceed with securing the appropriate speaker and finalizing the agenda
in a timely manner.

Given the need to confirm arrangements with the chosen speaker and adequately promote the
event to our members, I would appreciate your response no later than June 1st. This deadline will
ensure that we have sufficient time to make necessary arrangements and effectively communicate
the finalized schedule to all stakeholders.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving your input and moving
forward with our spring luncheon meetings.

Warm regards,

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