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Procedure E-Mail or Memo: Running Meetings More Efficiently

Management guru Peter Drucker once said, "Meetings are a symptom of a bad
organization. The fewer meetings, the better." Some businesspeople hate meetings;
however, many meetings are necessary and can be productive if run efficiently. As
an intern at a midsized company, you have been asked to submit ideas for improving
meetings. You will be participating in a seminar on improving meeting efficiency.

Your Task. Prepare a procedure memo or e-mail outlining five to ten suggestions
for conducting effective meetings. Address your message to District Supervisor Noah
Burgess, who requested these memos from all interns prior to the seminar.
Group version:

DATE: 29th February, 2024

TO: District Supervisor Noah Burgess

SUBJECT: Suggestion for conducting effective meetings

Dear Mr. Burgess,

As requested, I have compiled a list of practical suggestions to enhance meeting

efficiency within our organization. Effective meetings are essential for productivity
and collaboration, and I believe implementing these strategies will lead to more
purposeful and impactful discussions.

Before meeting the Meeting

● Inform participators about the meetings’ location, platform, time and goals.
● Define a clear objective before proceeding into the meeting.
● Set an agenda for the meeting with a clear time bound.
● Appointed clear roles of participators.
● For participants, they need to prepare the material and ideas beforehand.

During meeting the Meeting

● Adhere to the scheduled timeline.

● Encourage open dialogue and active listening.

After meeting the Meeting

● Summarise the meeting.

● Collect feedback from participants.
● Ensure everyone knows what they need to do with a clear deadline after the
● Schedule for the next meeting.

I hope these recommendations could can help you with more efficient and purposeful
meetings. If you have any further questions or need additional details, feel free to
reach out.

Best regards,

Sample version:

TO: District Supervisor Noah Burgess

SUBJECT: Enhancing Meeting Efficiency: Practical Suggestions

Dear Mr. Burgess,

As requested, I’m sharing a set of practical recommendations to optimize meeting

efficiency within our organization. In response to Peter Drucker's insight, our aim is
to make meetings purposeful and impactful, minimizing time wastage, and here are
some key suggestions:

Before the Meeting:

• Provide clear communication regarding the meeting's location, platform, time,

and objectives.
• Define a clear objective for the meeting to guide discussions.
• Establish a structured agenda with specific time allocations.
• Assign clear roles to participants.
• Encourage participants to prepare materials and ideas in advance.
During the Meeting:

• Adhere strictly to the scheduled timeline to maximize efficiency.

• Foster open dialogue and active listening among participants.

After the Meeting:

• Summarize key points and decisions made during the meeting.

• Gather feedback from participants to identify areas for improvement.
• Ensure clarity regarding assigned tasks and deadlines.

By implementing these suggestions, we can transform our meetings into valuable

forums for collaboration, decision-making, and progress. I look forward to
discussing these ideas further during the upcoming seminar on improving meeting

Best regards,

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