Official Sega Dreamcast 1 Sep 1999

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INSIDE: Everything you need to know about your next system!


Ready 2 Rumble Boxing ©1999 Midway Home Entertainment Inc. All rir intits reserved, likeness ot Michael Butter and Hie Ready to Rumble® trademark used under license tram Bolter Partnership ( All character names aie trademarks ot Midway Home Entertainment trie M.'dwa
mark ol Midway Games. Inc. Used by Demission. Nintendo, Nintendo 6 M. and ttre 3-D N logo are trademarks ol Nintendo ot America Inc.© 1996. Nintendo ol America Inc. Licensed by Nintendo. Nintendo, Game Boy, Game Boy Color and The Otiieia! Sea! are registe'ed trademarks ot Nintendo ot

©1989. 1998 Nintendo ol America Inc. PlayStation and the PlayStalion logos are registered trademarks o! Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Sega. Dreamcas! and the Dreamcast logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks o! Sega Enterprises, Lid.










vs. "Rll


% a


We meet
n September 9, the world of
videogames will be forever changed.
Sega Dreamcast will launch with
nineteen stellar titles, a built-in modem for surfing
the Internet and playing massively multiplayer
games, and a 128bit graphics engine to rival

reality. It will be, in every way, a revolutionary

console. It deserves a revolutionary magazine.
Like the system, we’re ahead of the curve.
Dedicated to bringing you the complete world of
Dreamcast in every issue, our promise to you is

that we will work tirelessly for the biggest

exclusives, the best features, the most accurate
and in-depth reviews, and the most
comprehensive tips and strategies. We will never
review a game until it’s completely finished. And
when it arrives in the office, we won’t score it

until we’ve played the whole thing through,


from the start menu to the end sequence.
But what about that ‘official’ tag? That means we
can’t speak our minds, right? Wrong. This magazine
carries the official license because that’s the best Read the
way to give you, the reader, the best value every review, Shorty.
issue. It gives you a GD-ROM (starting Issue 2)
packed with playable demos, and uninhibited
access to Sega’s legendary world-class
development studios. It gives us the backstage
pass. But Sega has absolutely no say in the content
of this magazine. We are editorially independent —
beholden to no-one. We answer only to you.
Welcome to the premiere issue of the
Sega Dreamcast Magazine. We’ve been
expecting you...

Simon Cox

Official Sega ©'Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 01

. .

Contents Volume 1. Issue 1

DREAMCAST MAGAZINE voice: 415.468.4684 xlOO

Imagine Media, Inc. fax:

150 North Hill Drive, email:

Brisbane CA 94005
If you have questions

voice: 415.468.4684
about a subscription,
please contact:
Dreamcast News Network
fax: no faxes, please
Customer Service
email: P.0. Box 53680, This issue: Dreamcast prepares for launch, tons of new
Boulder, CO 80322 peripherals announced, Sonic’s TV adventure, Sega’s arcade
800.678.3643 stunner F355 Challenge debuts, pg 12

PCM People
Simon Cox editor-in-chief
Randy Nelson senior editor
Francesca Reyes reviews editor
Gerry Serrano launch art director

Dave Cordon, Rey Serrano, Anna Cobb

Jason Brookes, Jeff Chen, Sarah Ellerman, Dan Egger, Dean Evans,

Mayard, Frank O’Connor, Lisa Renninger, Jorg Tittel REGULARS
Hiroki Izumi, Aaron Lauer, Michael Sexton
D-Mail Special Report
ILLUSTRATION Your rants, raves, questions, and other miscellaneous Coin-op king Midway has a stunning line up for the
Kevin Marburg, Axal
missives processed by our mail droids, pg 4 Dreamcast launch. Read all about it here! pg 80
For reprints call The Reprint Dept. 717.481.8500

Fantasy Zone Team Battle
Doug Faust, Amy Nibbi, RPG news. Project Ares revealed, Editors locked in a room with three
publisher circulation manager
Langrisser update, and Q&A. pg 26 weird Japanese games... pg 94
Chris Yatrakis, Jonathan Venier,
national advertising director newsstand marketing manager
Robin John Rosales,
regional advertising manager
Jeanne Mangabat,
fulfillment manager
Arcade Zone DC Nation
J.C. Standish, Coin-op news. DCM visits Gameworks The Dreamcast online gaming
marketing director International Licensing
and takes Crazy Taxi for a spin! pg 28 revolution starts here! pg 118
Richard Lesovoy,
production director
and Associates,
720 Post Road,
J. Abramson
Profile ^34^ End Zone
Susan Meredith, Scarsdale, New York 1 0583 Sonic creator Yuji Naka gets chatty with DCM on Win a Hydro Thunder arcade machine and find out
production coordinator
Sonic Adventure, and his, er, Namco dream... pg 34 what’s cooking for Issue 2 of DCM. pg 120

Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine (ISSN 1525-1764] published bi-monthly by Imagine


Media Inc.. 150 North Hill Drive, Brisbane. CA 94005, USA. Application to mail 2nd class
pending at Brisbane CA and additional mailing offices. Newsstand distribution is handled
by Curtis Circulation Company. Basic subscription rate: one year (6 issues/6 GD-ROMs)
US: $20: Canada: $22; Foreign: $27. Canada and foreign orders must be pre-paid, US
„ _ »
funds only. Canadian price includes postage and GST (GST#R1 28220688], Postmaster ft;'
Send changes of address to the Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine, P.O. Box 52850,
Boulder. CO 80322-2850. Standard Mail enclosed in the following editions: A2, B.
Preview Zone
Imagine Media also publishes PC Gamer, Next Generation, MacAddict, Maximum PC. PC
Accelerator, PSM, Business 2.0 and Games Business. Entire contents copyright 1999,
Imagine Media Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited.
Imagine Media Inc. is not affiliated with the companies or products covered in the Official
Sega Dreamcast Magazine. L Bl072


Imagine Media, Inc.,

150 North Hill Dr., Brisbane, CA 94005

(415) 468-4684 Virtua Fighter 3tb .... 50 Test Drive 6 63 Ecco the Dolphin 70
Chris Anderson IMAGINE Sega Rally 2 52 Shenmue 66 MSR 72
TomValentino Jonathan Simpson-Bint
Sega Sports NBA 2K . . 54 Street Fighter Alpha 3 67 V8 Second Offense ... 74
vice president/CFO president Code Veronica 56 Toy Commander 67 Climax Landers 76
Holly Klingel Matt Firme
vice president/circulation vice president/editorial director
Castlevania 58 Sega Bass Fishing. ... 68 Dynamite Cop 78
Charles Schug Slave Zero 63 Soul Fighter 68 Floigan Brothers 78
general counsel

Imagine Media is aimed at people who have a passion. A passion for games. For business. For computers.

magazines, websites and CO-ROMs imaginable. We love to innovate, we love to have fun, and we have
a east-iron rule always to deliver spectacular editorial value. That means doing whatever it takes to give
you the information you need. With any luck, we'll even make you smile sometimes.
Official Sega # Dreamcast Magazine
D-Day: A Survival Guide
A survival guide to the Dreamcast launch
line-up. We give you the low-down on all 19
launch titles and tell you what to buy i

September 9. pg 38

Everything you ever wanted to

know about your Dreamcast, from
the inside out. Plus: We reveal the
Dreamcast hardware designs that
didn't make the cut. pg 88

In-depth Reviews
Tips, Codes, Strategies

Sonin Adventure Super Test

Read our massive in-depth six-page Super Test review of
the incredible new Sonic game. This is the EXCLUSIVE
review of the FULL US version. Accept no
substitutes! pg 98

House of the Dead 2

The return of the living dead! The arcade

smash comes home to Dreamcast in fine

style. Read our review on pg 106

Official Sega ©Dreamcast Magazine 03

Team DCM
asjkaskjs kjdfsl jalk jdksj dkajs Ijkjd ajsikdj kajlskj
S dksjlkajskdjalkjs dlkjal kjslkd asjkaskjs kjdfsljalkj

dksjdk ajsljkajs kdjaikjsd Ikjalaasjkask jskjdfslj

kjskj dfsljalkjdk sjdka jsljkjdajslkdjka jlskjdks jlkajskd jalkjs


dlkjalkjs Ikdjlka sdjfhdjf hdjf dfdjdrkdfhj Tickled pinfev monthly repetition of “PSX Sucks, Nintendo blows”
I must say, I was tickled pink several months ago garbage. 7.) Contests! Lots of them with great
when I discovered that Imagine would be doing the prizes! ‘Nuff said! 8.) Last, but definitely not least,
SIMON COX Dreamcast Magazine. That said, I’d
Official like to demo discs! There you go. Good luck as you pull
Editor In Chief add my two bits on what I’m hoping to see in your things together over the next month or two, and
magazine. 1.) Great coverage of imports. I want to remember we’re waiting! I can’t wait to check out
Previously Executive Editor
know what I’m missing, and I trust you guys to the first issue and see how things turn out.
with Imagine’s ground- provide honest reviews of games we probably will Best of luck to you,
breaking Next Generation never see here in the US, so know if a game
I is Landon Hobbs
magazine and (in a former
worth the $60. 2.) Brutal honesty in reviews (i-e. no CS DBA
life) full-time Englishman.
signs of Sega’s ass stuck to the reviewer’s lips). 3.) Self Memorial Hospital

Favorite Sega game: Quality screen shots. There’s little excuse for doing
Arcade classic OutRun. screen grabs at 160X120 at 10dpi. Please, PLEASE ^hanks for the gh$at letter, Landon! As we hope you can
tryand get decent screen shots without doctoring see from the issue you’re now holding in your hands, you
them (yes, this is a peeve of mine). 4.) Interviews. I need not fear. And yoiKcan rest assured that we’ll be
love good interviews with creators, programmers, keeping as far away frorrhSega’s “ass” as is humanly
artists, etc. 5.) Reader interaction. It’d be nice to possible. Anyway, allow us to, e*m, kiss yours for a minute
Senior Editor
see polls run off the web or via email, on a variety by bestowing upon you our firsKietter of the Month

Background: of topics to give us an idea of other console award. Expect a free year’s subscriplfam to DCM, as well
Previously seen working owners’ opinions. 6.) System bias kept to a as an extra Sega Dreamcast controller i'd^the mail in the
tirelessly for internet minimum. I realize that this is THE Dreamcast very near future. Congratulations!
games destination,
magazine, but I think we could all do without the, and (in a former
life) EB sales guy.

Favorite Sega game:

Gunstar Heroes
The man who would be king SNK fans
take note:
Hello, was wondering if you can I
both King of
answer one question. Will SNK bring out Fighters
King of Fighters Dream Match '99 Dream
Reviews Editor US? I know SNK games aren’t very popular with the
mainstream US crowd, but my friend would pretty Dreamcast
Background: much buy a DC just for that game alone! talked to a I as well as
Star writer for Imagine’s the Neo
person that works with SNK and sad that they had
Ultra Game Players, PSM, Geo Pocket
plans to release it, but I haven’t heard anything official
and Next Generation, Color
magazines and (in a former yet. Please help us SNK fans if you can! version are
life) coffee shop slave. SNK Fan, on the way!
James Boone
Favorite Sega game: via email
Shining Force II

Help is on the way, James! SNK have decided to give US “I’MHOPING TO SEE IN YOUR
gamers another taste of what it’s known for throughout the MAGAZINE BRUTAL HONESTY IN
more King of Fighters'. Expect a
world: full preview and an in-
depth look at SNK’s other fan favorite, the Neo Geo pocket,
in the next issue of DCM. Expect full compatibility between

the color hand-held and Dreamcast, as well as a great little

King of Fighters title on the NGP. wonder, will my Saturn take the role of my once-
beloved Sega CD and sit by the TV collecting dust? I

think not.
Fanatic Case File No. 3021 I stillremember the day bought my baby (February I

With the Dreamcast almost out, it’s 20th, 1997). spent more money on it than anything

difficult for me to avoid salivating every else in my life. In order to even play my only game
time I hear about one of Sega’s schemes (which I bought almost a month later), the Legend of
to take back the market that is rightfully theirs. Oasis, I had to borrow an RF-switch from my friend.
However, with all this anticipation, I can’t help but Now, I’ve spent more money on my Saturn than I care

official Sega ® Dreamcast Magazine
to tell my parents, and logged more hours on it than official! Sega has always supplied the fantasy realm of really cried for joy. Anyway, I’m a really big Sega fan
I’ve slept these last two years. At the same time, grew I the video game industry. would also love to see an
I and I have a few questions.
to hate Sony for “killing" my god, and got rid of any update to Space Harrier done as well. Sega needs to 1 . Is it true that Marvel vs. Capcom has a new mode
non-Sega video game systems I owned to purify take a look at their roots, because that’s where we all called Cross Fever? change the game?
If so, will this

myself. Even better, I imported Grandia, even though I fell in love with Sega to begin with! 2. What are your thoughts on the Dreamcast

know no Japanese, because couldn't pass up the I

Dominic Jason Leeah controller? Why didn’t Sega design a controller with six
game of all time. In fact, to prove my undying
greatest buttons on the face instead of four?
love for Sega, I even got a tattoo in the shape of the 3. Will Sega bring out a Panzer Dragoon game on

Empire’s symbol from Panzer Dragoon. When people Just like Hollywood Dreamcast?
ask me what it is, I tell them it symbolizes hope. It’s good to hear that you guys are 4. And will Shenmue for the US be dubbed in
Kurt Best doing the Official Sega Dreamcast English, or will it be in Japanese with English subtitles?
Asbestos4@ hotma .com i I
Magazine. I’m a big fan of PSM, and I

just hope that you can keep that independent spirit

JYou’re pulling our leg!! A tattoo., really??! That has to take while doing a sanctioned mag. I’m majorly stoked for Thanks for the support!
the cake! Send us a picture of it and we’ll send you a 9/9/99. 1 already love the Dreamcast. I kind of wonder 1. Yes, there is a Cross Fever
Dreamcast T-shirt, Kurt! though... almost every game I’ve seen announced for mode that enables four-player

US release is rumored for a September 9th release. It’s fighting action in Marvel vs.

Help! I’m a Mech freak! going to be the biggest launch ever, but I’m starting Capcom, which we think answers
I’d just like to say that the five games to think that this is going to turn into overkill. Do we your next question. Imagine you
that I’d love to see on Dreamcast (when I really need 20-plus games on one day? I’m afraid that and three buddies going to head to
get one, of course) are: this might dilute the market. Just like in Hollywood, head as any character from
Gundam they don’t release all of the summer blockbusters on Megaman to Spidey! That’s sure

Slave Zero the same day. They all have their own time to shine. to change the way the game
Frame Gride Just a thought. plays in a good way.
Space Griffon Ken R. Murray 2. A-ha, the six-button controller
Toledo, OH
Virtual On 2 debate! The best way to remedy
I’m a mech freak... so, me... erm... maybe you
sue ""1
You give me fever your need for complete fighting
better not... I won’t have any money after buy all of I Hey, what’s up? game control is the official

these games. Okay, what game would most like to see I After hearing about a new magazine Dreamcast Arcade Stick, which is

brought back for Dreamcast from an older system? I'd from Imagine, I was really excited. But being brought Stateside by AGETEC
have to say Metal Warriors by Konami on the SNES. I when I heard it was an official Dreamcast magazine, I (formerly ASCII). You may also want to

realize it’s a Nintendo machine, but maybe Konami check out some of the six-button
could still make an update (I hope, I hope, I hope!). “TO PROVE MY UNDYING LOVE FOR controllers being brought to market
where Sega
Lastly, here’s a question: Exactly is trying
by interact.

to take this whole Internet thing? I’m assuming there 3. No word on a Panzer game as of

will be a keyboard and mouse, and that there is a Zip

SHAPE OF THE EMPIRE’S SYMBOL yet, but we’re hoping so.
Drive in the works, and the modem is modular ... not to FROM PANZER DRAGOON ” Kurt Best 4. Right now, it’s much too far
mention lots of multiplayer games... but are they really off to be able to report on any
ready? Or are they going to pull a “Saturn” and re- Will Sega of the changes being planned
release the games that weren’t previously Internet repent for for the US version. The
its past
capable? Thank you for your time and good luck on the localization for the game, we do
sins on
magazine. I know I’ll be subscribing! Saturn with know, is going to be a real bear
Austin Rucker with tons of dialogue and n^uitiple
Phantasy V?
Star chapters. We can only hope that
Sega decides to go the Panzer
Ares may
I Hands on be it, but Dragoon Saga route and subtitle all

Dear Dreamcast Aficionados, expect big the dialogue. It ..Just feels more
I am writing this letter in the hopes things authentic that wayT doesn’t it?
either way.
that it will strike an early chord with other
DC fanatics. While I am patiently waiting for the US
launch date, I can’t help but think of all of the wonders

that await my tireless gaming hands. NiGHTS 2, Sega

Rally 2, MDK 2, Sonic Adventure, and The House of the
Dead 2. Yet one possible game has escaped the
masses, the Phantasy Star franchise.
would it be to have Phantasy Star V as a launch
How bad ass
Man oh man, I would have to take a couple of days off The pen is mightier than the sword. And so is the keyboard... erm... and pencil. Drop us a line at: DCM, c/o Imagine
from work for that. Project Ares has been announced Media, 150 North Hill Drive, Brisbane, CA 94005. Electronically is even better: In

by the original team that did PS on the Sega Master anticipation of DCM’s second issue and the launch of the Dreamcast, send us a letter detailing your favorite Sega-

System. This is the best news I’ve heard about the related experience. The best letter gets a bunch of cool Dreamcast swag direct from Sega and DCM!
Dreamcast since NiGHTS 2’s development went 1 J

official Sega ©Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 5


ROM Disc Guide

Loading Next Issue

• Virtua Fighter 3tb
• Ready 2 Rumble
• Trickstyle
• Dynamite Cop
See every game in action
before it hits shelves! Each

disc will come jam-packed

with loads of high-quality, hot-
from-the-Dreamcast gameplay
movies viewable on your

official Sega® Dreamcast Magazine

interviews with ISSUE #3
top game
makers and
Sega’s finest! l DECEMBER
Downloadable VMU
• Video walk-throughs — we show
you how to master all the top
• DC Nation Live — On-the-scene
reports from every Dreamcast
• FREE screen-savers, art,
and extras!

Official Sega# Dreamcast Maga;izine

expi_ore Dinosaur iSLano as eLue
sea rescue orqanizanon memser
eliot BaLLaoe or pormer Heavy
weapons expenr ooqs Bower.

soLve puzzLes, swim, CLimB,

piqHT, jump, crawL anD BLasT
THrouqH more THan 230
reaLisnc 3-0 Locanons.

Loan up with Hi-TecH super Bazooxas,

qaTLinq quns ano acio BLasTers
aqainsT 51 menacinq monsTers with
unique mooes op arracK.


Sega Dreamcast
0 1999 SEGA ENTERPRISES. LTD. Sega. Sega Dreamcast and Blue Stinger are trademarks of SEGA. This game is licensed for use with the Sega Dreamcast system only.

Published and distributed by Activision. Inc. Activision is a registered trademark of Activision. Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association.

All rights reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.
State of the art, web-
ready technology, nineteen
amazing titles at launch, and
a bright new future for Sega...

spa Dreamcast

SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega# Dreamcast Magazine

Dreamcast News Network >
f you're reading this, then chances are With pre-orders already at 250,000, it’s the first

that you’ve already bought, or are

planning to buy, Sega's stunning new
console to launch with a firmly installed user
base, and in launch terms, has already crushed
machine. The good news is that you've made the the initial success of Sony’s PlayStation.
right choice. Well done. Much as it normally hurts The Internet-ready console will be prepared Three games you
to plunk down two hundred big ones for anything, for plug-and-play the second you get your
simply must buy
this time you can rest assured that you have picked machine home. The Dreamcast Passport
the ultimate games machine. Expandable, exciting, GD-ROM is included with the console, and will
Just to spread the goodness
explosive. Dreamcast is finally here. guide you swiftly and simply online, using
around, we suggest you take the
For $199, on September 9, 1999, you can go either your existing ISP, or hooking you up with following three games home with
home with the world's first Internet-ready console, Sega's recommended partner - complete with your new console on day one
(but bear in mind that there are
with a built-in modem and demos of the most special offers. You can immediately browse the
other good choices to be made):
technically advanced console games ever made. web, send email, chat with buddies - and, soon
after launch, play games online with your SONIC ADVENTURE
THE LINE-UP IN FULL friends. A keyboard will be available from day No console launch is complete
without a platform game. Sonic
one, and Sega intends to make Dreamcast
has been beefed up significantly
At the time of writing, the following gaming the ultimate online experience. since its Japanese release.
games were confirmed for September 9. There will be an overwhelming 19
Of some don’t appear, don’t call us.) Dreamcast games available at launch, a figure NFL 2K
Football never looked so good.
made all the more incredible by the numbers Huge, fluid polygon figures with
PLATFORM the competition can boast Sony PlayStation, stunning motion capture show
Sonic Adventure • Sega
its next biggest rival, had only eight, while incredible attention to detail.

FIGHTING Nintendo 64 started life with a paltry two. Not

Soul Calibur • Namco only is the number of launch games massive, Namco’s arcade fighter received a
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Midway •
but it covers every major genre; shooting, makeover before stepping up the
Mortal Kombat Gold • Midway Dreamcast stage. When in motion,
and platform. With companies
fighting, driving,
Power Stone • Capcom the results are truly amazing.
Marvel vs Capcom • Capcom like Namco, Capcom, and Konami supporting
King of Fighters: the console from day one, it already has a
Dream Match ’99 • SNK massive advantage over its antiquated rivals.

RACING And of course, Sonic is back. Only a

Hydro Thunder
Trickstyle • Acclaim
• Midway reunion of the Beatles has been more eagerly
awaited around the world.A crack team of IN THE BOX
TNN Motorsports Sega programmers, including Sonic creator
HardCore Heat • ASC Games Naka, has been here the US, tweaking,
So what should you expect when you unpack your
Yuji in
Tokyo Xtreme Racer • Crave brand-spanking-new system on September 9?
changing, and improving the US version of
Monaco Grand Prix • Ubi Soft Here's a rundown of what you'll find inside the box
Flag to Flag • Sega Sonic Adventure for months. Their hard work
(no, you don’t get a 29-inch wide-screen TV).
and dedication means that the version
SPORTS American gamers get their sweaty mitts on is
NFL Blitz 2000 • Midway Power cord
bigger, better, and even more fun than the (D Dreamcast console (?)
NFL 2K • Sega
brilliant Japanese original.
(2) Controller x 1 (§) Instruction manual
ACTION/SHOOTING The ninth of September, 1999, will be the
House of the Dead 2 • Sega
most remarkable day in the colorful history of (D Composite A/V cable (D Dreamcast Passport
Blue Stinger • Activision
videogames. Sega is back and setting the pace web software
Airforce Delta • Konami
Armada • Metro 3D to fast-forward. It's time to play.

rO Even if you can only afford one game at launch, you’ll find a collection
of superb demos ready to boot up. Sega’s Dreamcast Generator
sampler disc contains seven playable demos and four movies. Enjoy.
S (£) Sonic Adventure (Sega) (8)

Sega Sports NFL 2K (Sega)

ui Ready 2 Rumble (Midway) (D Sega Sports NBA 2K (Sega)
x (2)

(3) Monaco Grand Prix (Ubi Soft) @ Hydro Thunder (Midway)

(4) Power Stone (Capcom) @ NFL 2000 (Midway)

z (5) House of the Dead 2 (Sega) (clockwise from top left) Ready to

V (D Flag to Flag (Sega)
(7) Sega Bass Fishing (Sega)
Rumble, Power Stone, Flag to Flag, and

House of the Dead 2

official Sega # Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 13

> DC ?
Dreamcast News Network

Infogrames is porting its

third-person PC adventure
titleOutcast to Dreamcast. Peripherals up for grabs
The title famously eschews
polygons for a voxel-based
engine and possesses some of
the best visuals yet seen on
hould you find yourself with ARCADE STICK
Dreamcast (PC version below).
For release next spring. S
spare cash on day one (who
are you,

Gates?), there are


Heavy, durable arcade stick

• 6 buttons
manufacturers lining up to tout their • VMU Slot

licensed wares. While not all the

controllers and other gadgets listed
below have been fully licensed at press
time, all of the following products will be
available on September 9.
For further information, Price: $59.99
Dreamcast is fast becoming
contact the individual • 12 buttons
titles, the latest of which companies or visit iji • Aluminum base TREMOR PAK—
comes courtesy of Ultimate
— their websites. tlV I • Programmable Interact
Race developer Kalisto
functions Price: $9.99
early adopter of the PowerVR
technology inside Dreamcast. • Adjustable vibration
XLeration (below) promises
solid 60 fps racing on 16
• Compatible with Sega’s
courses encompassing arcade pack-in controller
and championship modes.

ACT LABS RS Price: $29.99
Act Labs (www.act-labs .com)
8 buttons
Price: $69.99
Programmable functions
• Includes foot pedals and auto-fire option
• Programmable VMU and Jump Pack slots

Armchair snowboarders
soon be spoilt for choice.
^ • Steering wheel cover

Joining UEP's Cool Boarders

Burn (although much later) STARFIRE RADIUS
is Infogrames' Supreme
Snowboarding (below). The LIGHT BLASTER RACING PAD
Housemarque-developed game Interact Interact
is scheduled for next year. Price: $29.99 Price: $34.99

Auto-fire function • Doubles as regular/

Auto-reload function racing controller
VMU Slot • Allows for turns up
to60 degrees
• VMU and Jump
Pack slots

Price: $24.99

• 6 buttons
• Auto-fire option
• Slots for VMU and
Jump Pack
• Comes in four
different colors

Price: $50-60

• Lightweight, plastic frame

• Gear shifters
• VMU slot on base

imcaSt Magazine
Dreamcast News Network


Ubi Soft has gained a

HOME ALONE NBA Showtime hoops it up this November license from

Alstare which lends a larger
Team Suzuki

dose of realism to its first

Dreamcast motorbike racing
sim, Redline Racer. Due this
Capcom’s Resident Evil may have sold in early out of
fall, the game will be re-titled

truck-loads around the world, but the the gate with Suzuki Alstare Racing and will

feature the team’s top drivers

original ‘survival horror’ experience its impressive
and their bikes such as the—
be traced back to Infogrames’ 1993 PC four-titlelaunch volley Alstare GSX R600s and GSX
classic Alone in the Dark. Heading for (page 80), Midway has R750s. (Well, you have to like

Dreamcast is the fourth installment in given DCM a sneak bikes, really.)

the series (below), in which you’re preview of its next

forced, flashlight in hand, to navigate Dreamcast offering: a
spooky passages and scramble along pixel-for-pixel port of
rooftops, with all manner of dreadful coin-op NBA Showtime.
ghouls nipping at your heels. With Code On the arcade circuit

Veronica (page 56) and AITD4 both since early April, Showtime
arriving some time next spring, the new takes the adrenaline-
millennium is shaping up to be a charged two-on-two play of
DMA Design, Scottish
nightmarish time for DC owners. its predecessors, NBA Jam creator of the 16bit classic
and NBA Hangtime, and A sophisticated play mode Lemmings, is assembling a
division of heavily-armed tanks
employs full 3D, further means players don’t even look
for its first Dreamcast title,
spicing things up via a where they’re dunking (right) Wild Metal Country. To be
broadcast TV presentation published by Rockstar Games
this fall, WMC's mix of action
(courtesy of NBC) that in a slew of new hidden and strategy has you
includes some truly jaw- characters and codes. DC controlling a battlefield of
fanciful (yet lethal) artillery in
dropping slow-mo slam players will also have access
fully 3D skirmishes.
dunk replays. to a new home-only season
NBA Showtime retains play mode that features full
NBA Hangtime’ s create-a- statistical tracking. You’ll see
player mode, while throwing more of this next issue.

MDK SHINES AGAIN Sega is evaluating (starting,

surely,with the name) the

Once more unto the breach with Kurt Hectic (and a dog) Japanese robot fighting game
Frame Gride for possible
domestic release next year.
Highlights are customizable
robots and lush organic arenas.
ell bent on delivering a
Schwarzenegger-sized helping
of gun-toting action, Interplay
is long into development on MDK2, the

sequel to Shiny’s gritty, yet darkly

humorous, PC action game.
Here are the details we’ve dug up so far:
Implausibly well-armed hero Kurt Hectic is

back, joined by two additions to the character

roster, his dog Max and the ‘eccentric’ Doctor
Hawkins. Their collective talents (Kurt's

stealth, Max's firepower, and the Doctor’s

MacGuyver-like talent for creating weapons)
be put to the test across nine stages.
Quiz |0
will Which DCM favorite
According to developer BioWare, the game from the Genesis days
saw a well-known
will be a more adventurous romp than its
kid’s cartoon character omping
precursor with a stronger focus on exploration through toyland? Bonus uestion:
what was the crappy foil w-up?
and character interaction. MDK2 is on target i

for release by year’s end - look for an

MDKZs cast (clockwise from top): Kurt Hectic,
eisejuej ‘uoisnm jo a/jsep :sja/wsuv

in-depth preview of the game next issue. ® the ‘eccentric’ scientist, and Max the dog

Official Sega © Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 15

Dreamcast News Network

Sega is planning a port of

its Naomi-based arcade soccer Sega’s F355 Challenge heads full throttle for US arcades
title Virtua Striker Ver. 2000
for releaseon the Sega Sports
label next year. The coin-op is
currently limbering up on test
in Japan, but we’re expecting

great things.

Jaleco will release schlock

horror adventure, Carrier early ,

next year. Set on a futuristic DCM. You know that new F355 coin-op?
“Hello, this Sega? Yeah, well we want one delivered to the office,
aircraft carrier overrun by — is Hi, it’s

you guessed it — zombies and please. We’d like to test dri... (line goes dead) Er... Sega? How about some screens, then? Hello?”
monsters, it strangely features
realtime backdrops and ega’s Yu Suzuki scare the pants off high-end
dynamic camerawork similar and a huge team of sim manufacturers. During its
to Capcom’s Resident Evil:
designers are hard development, Ferrari has been
Code Veronica. Hmmm.
atwork on a Naomi-powered lending full support to the
coin-op racer that’s shaping design team to ensure every
up to be the most incredible aspect of the game’s
driving experience yet. look, sound, and
Using three screens to feel are spot on.
simulate a convincing wrap- Next issue
around display - and not one, we’ll have played
but four Naomi boards running this awesome
Trickstyle coders Criterion
in parallel - this is certainly no game, so look out
Studios are working on Deep technical slouch. In fact, there’s for an exclusive
Fighter: The Tsunami Offensive,
enough hardware in this baby to in-depth report.
a underwater action shooter
for Ubi Soft. Set in full 3D and
integrating realtime strategy
elements, the developer's
second DC release is heading
Stateside in spring 2000.
Ryo Hazuki ( Shenmue star) Tom Cruise (film star)
The future of DC data?

Tom Cruise has a lot
reamcast is an endlessly expandable beast, and to to answer for. Since
Top Gun, we’ve lost
prove it, Iomega's clever Zip Disk technology will be
count of how many
resting snugly underneath American systems next game characters
year - in the shape of a re-writable drive from Sega. aspire to his crap
80s style. Shenmue
Initially, as a means for storing saved games, e-mail, and media
hero Ryo is, Sega
Rayman developer Ubi Soft clips, the device will eventually be called into play for downloading assures us, taller
is producing a third-person
game updates and demos from the web. Each disk will hold up to than Cruise (and
action game based on The thankfully, he keeps
New BatmanAdventures 100 megabytes of information - let's just hope it
his pants on).
animated series. Expect lots doesn't all go toward unwanted spam mail.
of high-tech gadgetry (and
have add-on
plenty of spandex)

released next
HBk. We'll details of
peripheral as they're released

we have
currently zip
( Groan -Ed). M
Capcom has just announced plans to
convert coin-op fighters Plasma
Honestly, it won’t Sword (right) and Tech Romancer to
look anything like Dreamcast. Both games will debut at
this. (
Erm , who the autumn Tokyo Game Show on
exactly chose this September 17, promising better-than-
picture? -Ed.) arcade graphics and gameplay.

(reamcast Magazine
Dreamcast News Network

Sonic Adventure backpack

Price: N/A

You won't find this Sonic collectable at you local Track

'n' Trail shop. It's one of only a dozen or so in existence
and you can win it (and other items) next issue.

Rei Shenhua figure

Giant Gram VMU Price: ¥1,200
Sega (Japan) Rei, the starry-eyed heroine from
Price: ¥3,800 t Shenmue, is one of more than 50 tie-in
collectibles available in Japan.

Giant Gram is the first Naomi

coin-op in Japan to include a
VMU slot for uploading/saving
game data. This custom VMU VF2 figures
includes a training game. Sega
Price: ¥800

Reminding us just how far in-game character

Sonic toys models have come since Virtua Fighter 2, these
Sega molded plastic figurines are available only
in Japan.
Price: N/A

Cute, huh? We reckon

these Sonic Adventure
soft toys are some of the
best videogame-related
goodies around. You'll
be able to find them
on US shelves in a
few months.

Here at DCM towers we’ve started to receive lots of Sarah Bryant figure
stuff.Things like dull faxes (and bills) go straight in the
garbage, while cool gadgets, Japanese goodies, and DC-related stuff
are saved for this page. Over the coming months, we’ll be giving you Sarah Bryant is one of the best of the Virtua
the chance to win some of them, too. (We’re nice like that.) Fighter alumni, and this limited-edition sculpture
features exceptional (ahem) attention to detail.

fficial Sega# Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 17

> DC nzj

Dreamcast News Network


Britain's Rage Software is

bringing its eye-popping His Hedgehogness spins back onto afternoon TV

Contra tribute, Expendable, to
the US. Already consuming PC
players' leisure time, its
hat’s super-day-glo green, newly-born younger brother of Sonic, Inspector Gadget animation house DiC) left
massive explosions and two-
hopelessly hyperactive, and is who’s making his return to the the air. In the new series, Manic, Sonic, and
player, third-person carnage
will arrive on Dreamcast next the closest thing you're airwaves in a new cartoon series another new arrival, Sonia, have forged a
year (and should look even band {Oh dear and now spend their
ever likely to get to an animated called Sonic Underground. -Edi),
better than on PC).
likeness of The Cure front man Sonic’s whacked-out sibling isn’t the days ‘underground’ and undercover banging
only new character addition since The out glam rock tunes to cheer up woeful
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (also townsfolk who are lorded over by the evil

created by Sheriff Robotnik.

In short: it's Sonic meets The Partridge
Family - so you shouldn’t expect it to be a
shred like Sonic Adventure.
Sonic Underground m\\ be airing in more
than 182 cities nationwide when it hits the
airwaves on August 29. Check your local
listings for exact airtimes and stations - just

keep the sequined clothes and giant wigs

stowed well away.

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Dreamcast News Network

Idol nation
heesy Japanese ‘idol’ pop may be a
strong contender for the world’s worst
music (although Michael Bolton gets our
vote), but it means one thing for the
companies that churn it out: mega Yen. That’s
probably why Bomberman creator Hudsonsoft
is hard at work on Super Producers, a sim in

which teenage girls play the role of a talent

scout and all-round music biz head honcho.
The road to Japanese super-stardom is strewn
with decisions: Should your idols perform heavy
metal, hip-hop, or pop? {What, no country? -Ed.).
And what about fashioning the ‘look’ of your client
and organizing TV exposure? Only when your cutie
has a portfolio full of chart-topping hits and a
Rainbow Six is the thinking man’s first-person shooter.
bigger fan base than, well, Michael Bolton (heaven
Guess we’d better find someone to review it for us, then.
IforlJB) isvictory claimed. More interesting, though,
the way you can dump underperformers on


Sega's Dricas website, which can then be picked

by other players and ‘remarketed’. Whatever
happened to unbridled musical ‘talent’?

YOUR SIX Tecmo’s future Naomi coin-op, Dead or Alive 2, already

looks a match for Namco’s Soul Calibur. It features huge,

animated backdrops (and huge animated cleavages).
PC hit Rainbow Six sneaks up
raised for
its smart, suspenseful take on the
shooter genre, Redstorm's
Bouncing back
Rainbow Six for PC is stealthily heading espite the fact that only visiting aliens
towards Dreamcast. Based on the Tom Games’ ‘Patriot |
would have mistaken the gravity-
Clancy novel of the same name, the game places you defying, helium-filled balloons in Saturn Dead
in charge of an ‘elite, multi-national taskforce’ that has or Alive for bouncing breasts, you have to The chances of Super Producers being released in the US
been assigned to stop a ring of terrorists from wreaking admit that this woefully adolescent attempt at are virtually nil. In fact, let’s say ‘minus 2’ to be safe.
havoc at a number of prominent global landmarks. simulating ‘real-life physics’ was pretty funny.
Business as usual, then. reassuring, then, that a video demo Dead
As the team’s leader, your job is two-fold — plan

or Alive 2 stunned passers-by at this year’s

Fishy business
your attack, then put it into motion. During the planning videogame trade events, even though its wobblier ivarium’s Seaman is the unfortunate
stage, you must choose which skilled sharp-shooters bits had yet to be added (the developers are moniker for the first title to use Sega’s
you want on your team and map out your course of probably coming to grips with new motion capture new microphone peripheral. From what we’ve
action. Only then will you be able to initiate the equipment for the task). Developed specifically for seen, it’s a weird underwater game where you talk
operation and execute your attack plan. Naomi, D0A2 is currently looking amazing - even to creatures controlled by artificial intelligence -
Playable from a first- or third-person view, the game next to Soul Calibur - and has been confirmed for something that didn’t seem to rub off on any of the
relies heavily on a finely-tuned balance of stealth and a home release in Japan around six months after 500 Japanese DC owners that recently forked out
teamwork. One glance from the enemy - or an ill-timed the September roll-out of the arcade for limited-edition Seaman Dreamcast packs.
shot from a confused teammate - and you're toast. version. While there’s been no included a transparent Dreamcast
The Dreamcast conversion of Rainbow Six will confirmation of a Stateside (left), microphone headset,
feature split-screen multi-player gameplay, and release, it’s likely ti VMU, and mini game - and, of
cooperative Internet play is also in the cards. Aiming to gamers will see it course, the extremely weird
be more than a mere one-for-one port of the PC spring. Until game itself. Those otaku, huh?
version, the game will also let you play through a series enjoy the wobble- More money than sense.
of missions originally packaged as an add-on pack free screenshots.
called Eagle Watch.
Publisher Majesco is shooting for a September 9
release, though the game may arrive shortly thereafter.

22 SEPTEMBER 99 official Sega ©Dreamcast Magazine

UEP Systems
Out now (Japan)
¥ 5,800 ($50 )

Snow sports are so over-crowded in Japan, the closest

Furballs may look like kids’ play, but we assure you it’s brutal.

most gamers get to a white slope is the elevation of their

Dreamcast lid when inserting a new game. Cool Boarders automatic weapons? you said your dreams,’ you’re
— —
Bum the latest in a popular series should change that.
If ‘in

one sick puppy, and this game might be right up your

If you own an imported machine, be sure to check it out.

I J alley. Furballs sees you controlling an A-Team- like

band of six mercenary animals — the Furballs —

out to save the forest from marauding bears who

DC Europe
errect a strip mall on your
for its

currently seeking a world-wide publisher
sometime mid-way through next year -
but we’ll keep you posted.
turf. Bizarre
Argonaut’s Red Dog packs more
(And you don’t have to dress like a
firepower than
punk and eat dog
Mad Max.

The British developer responsible for the classic environments (such as sprawling cityscapes and
16bit shooter StarFox is preparing to enter the swamps), as well as four-player deathmatch and
The Euro invasion Dreamcast arena. Slated to
European launch, Argonaut’s
arrive in

Red Dog seats you at

time for the
Sunday drive.

You can expect

it should be anything but a
this one to roll out
ega Europe has signed a group of ‘1.5 party the controls of the eponymous off-road-tank- Stateside before the year is out.
developers’ to create a line-up of original futuristic-vehicle-thing, Red Dog, as you take on Scottish developer Red Lemoi
games Dreamcast’s September 23 arrival in
for an invading alien armada ( The more things work on Braveheart for PC, butti^

the UK, Germany, and all points in between. Sega change, eh? -Ed.). With some interesting free-roaming develop a first-person light-^un ga
of America’s part in the equation spells good news Take the Bullet travels b:

for US gamers previously used to a diet of mainly where bodyguard Jack Trai ending an
US- and Japanese-developed games. Whereas American presidential candi under threat
the 32bit era saw a relative trickle of European from terrorist attack. Perhaps biggest draw will

titles making their way onto American soil, be the ability to take full control of vour movement as
Dreamcast is preparing to receive a torrent of you snipe at would-be asStssms^e assume this wl
them, and Sega expects most, if not all, to arrive employ the light-gun’s umque directional batir^lthotigi
Stateside between late 1999 and 2000. Bizarre this hasn’t been confirmed by the developer (they’n

Creations’ Metropolis Street Racer (page 72) probably too busy eatingjiaggis or>something). Early
starts the ball rolling and will quickly be followed reports suggest that the game~is still a ways froi

by No Cliche’s 7oy Commander (page 67). completion and that there’s a great deal of gameplay
UK developer Bizarre Creations has already nailed tweaking to be done. Expected by the year end in

the driving game with the stunning Metropolis Street Europe, Take the Bullet will offer four-player split-

Racer, but Furballs is destined to show it can handle screen deathmatch play (four light-guns!) and 16-

cutesy and cuddly themes, too - with a unhealthy dose player melees via Sega’s Dreamcast Network online
of deranged violence thrown in for good measure, of service. As one of the only Western first-person action
course. Where else can you see cartoony zoo animals Hopefully not all the adversaries in Red Lemon’s In the Line titles currently on the horizon (the other is Rainbow Six'),
blowing the stuffing out of evil teddy bears with of Fire-themed Take the Bu//etwill be this one-dimensional. Red Lemon’s latest project is worth watching.

Dreamcast Global
News Network

official Sega • Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 23

CAPCOM LOGO are registered trademarks of CAPCOM CO., LTD. POWER STONE is a trademark of CAPCOM CO., LTD. Sega,
Dreamcast, and the Dreamcast logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. The ratings icon is

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Yeah. Power Stone rocks.

FANTASYSMf Dreamcast RPG Scene


Sega introduces Project Ares to the world At the forefront of Japan's

RPG news are details of two of

hantasy Star V it’s certainly not, but the core team the more beloved strategy series

responsible for the Star series (with the exception to grace Japanese Sega

of the abysmal Phantasy Star III: Generations) has systems. Langrisser Millennium

a brand new baby on the way, tentatively named Project and Black Matrix AD are both

Ares. Announced at the recent New Challenge Conference, sequels and heirs to very lofty

Sega proudly touted its upcoming RPG as the game to break thrones. Langrisser's lineage

new boundaries in the genre — both visually and stretches back to the days of the

conceptually. Featuring a completely original cast of Mega Drive, with the only US
characters and a fantastic world in which flying ships are the port in the series the ill-received

main means of transportation, Project Ares capitalizes on War Song on the Genesis.
the power of Dreamcast by taking place in a 3D universe. Known for massive battles

The game takes place in the Renaissance era of ‘exploration’, as and distinctive character

opposed to the futuristic fantasy settings of most RPGs [replete illustrations by anime artist

with swords, dragons, and mechs). This nugget of information Satoshi Urushihara, Langrisser

brings to mind images of historical figures like Shakespeare, and Millennium strikes out into new
other bearded men in tights from the same time period, as you territory by incorporating 3D, as

assume control of a team of adventurers who must set out to well as some Dragon Force-type

explore strange, new continents. Though there’s little else gameplay. Japanese fans of the

confirmed concerning the storyline thus far, a press release given series have been watching the

to attendees of the show places plenty of emphasis on grandiose development of this title closely,

themes such as ‘romance’ and ‘courage.’ But with little hard worried that the series will be

information regarding the actual gameplay or characters, the too much of a departure from

screenshots have to do most of the talking. Expect this to be an old. When the game ships in

RPG on the same scale as past role-playing classics such as Team October, Masaya, the game's

Andromeda’s Panzer Dragoon Saga and Game Arts’ Grandia. Set developer, will face the music.

for a year 2000 release, keep your eyes on Fantasy Zone for more First appearing on Saturn,

information on Project Ares as it develops. We can’t wait. NEC’s Black Matrix AD takes a
more Tactics Ogre approach to

strategy with isometric views of

the 2D battlefield and multiple

party members. Featuring a

large cast of characters and

some very impressive spell

effects, Black Matrix AD is set

for a late '99 release in Japan.

No word on a US date, yet.

W £ ztrUMt, jM

Primed for successful DC

releases in Japan: Langrisser
Millennium (top) and Black

Project Ares (top).

Matrix AD (above).
Ships are the main means of transportation in

Early character sketches reveal a penchant for elaborate dress.

26 SEPTEMBER 99 official Sega # Dreamcast Magazine

Dreamcast RPG Scene


Sting and ESP’s Evolution was the first

traditional RPG to hit the Japanese Dreamcast

after launch, and the buzz about the game
coming to the States has been unprecedented.
With retailers showing the game on their lists,
but still no official word from Sega, its fate still
hangs in the balance. With randomly generated
dungeons, gorgeous 3D graphics, painfully cute
character designs, and a pleasant, but
predictable storyline, cross your fingers.
Wouldn’t this one be perfect for the holidays?

While Espers and magical talking cats in Project Ares’ cast of characters are conspicuous by their absence, we’re
still crossing our fingers for them to make an appearance. Beautiful 3D environments put Dreamcast through its paces.

Are Mag Launcher, Linear Cannon, and the rest of

LETTER PERFECT the goofily named cast destined for the US? Maybe.


Got a burning question about the Dreamcast RPG scene that needs immediate attention? Mail it to:
DCM Fantasy Zone, c/o Imagine Media, 150 N. Hill Dr., Brisbane, CA 94005. Or email us at:

HOLD YOUR BREATH Ah, curious about Capcom’s deal with Flagship for that long-
rumored multi-scenario RPG? Unfortunately, there hasn’t been any

9® Over the past few months, I’ve been following the

Dreamcast and everything about it

pre-ordered mine in April and can't wait to
even I
HI confirmation about content or even a title for the series, but
perhaps it has something to do with Yoshitaka Amano’s C Final Fantasy

series artist) involvement with a Capcom game called Emblem of Eru?

get my hands on the system and the four games I'm At this point, there are more questions than answers, so we’ll have to
intending to buy at launch: Sonic, Power Stone, wait and see. Capcom hasn’t been incredibly forthcoming with
House of the Dead 2, and Blue Stinger I’m also information about the project and whether there are plans for it to
cross the pond to the US. But you can rely on the fact that it has
dying to play Shenmue and Climax Landers.
nothing to do with Capcom’s Breath of Fire franchise.
do have two questions about facts that

As for Landers and Shenmue... Sega has announced that

I’ve read in the past though, and some more Landers will be out this winter (read more about it in our
recent ones: First what will Capcom's new Coming Soon section) and Shenmue is a ways off. We think
‘24-part RPG’ be about? If it’s about Breath we’ll see it next year - in the summer, perhaps.
of Fire, then bummer. I thought BoF //and III

sucked. Second, will Shenmue and Climax Landers Thanks to uber-talented artist. Axel, we are pleased
be out before Christmas this year? I want my to introduce Fantasy Zone’s part-time dragon slayer
hands on those games this holiday season! and full time postmistress, Noriko, and her trusty
Roy Simpson robot sidekick, DC! 28.
roysimpson@aol. com To check out more of Axel’s amazing art, visit

Cafe Takara at

Official Sega # Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99


Sega’s giant Seattle arcade plays host to DCM

- and

A rriving unannounced is never a great

idea, whether it’s to your own funeral
(always good for causing a few gapng
mouths) or to GameWorks in Seattle. As one of the
Dreamcast magazine to his beat with open arms
and plying us with free game cards, which we
rapidly spend on Crazy Taxi (see page 30).
From classics like Indy 500 and Manx 77 to Sega
scene is what we’re here
very healthy animal [Erm.
the thermometer? -
Next month,

DCM will

. .


at the
it looks to be a
where exactly did you

LA GameWorks,

largest arcades on the West Coast, Sega’s Rally Championship, House of the Dead 2, and Crazy well as bringing you an exclusive report on Sega’s next
interactive paradise is busy as heck when we Taxi, if you’re into Sega coin-op - then this is your big arcade smash - F355 Challenge. But before we go,
arrive with photographer and a truck-load of gear Mecca. As Matt clarifies, “Sega games are cutting we have to know, Matt - what’s the lamest attempt you
in tow on the first of our regular outings to the edge, and the most popular right now is, would say,
I hear to get a free credit on a game?
biggest, brightest, and best Sega arcades in the House of the Dead 2" As our photography reveals, that’s “It’s got to be ‘the game atemy card.’ The games do
country. But Matt Gerosin, Assistant Manager, not the only game that has the public digging into its not eat your card, and I can show you that they don’t!"

takes it all in his stride, welcoming America’s pockets. Taking the temperature of the Sega coin-op That’s okay, Matt - we believe you...

28^^SEPTEMBER99j Official Sega® Dreamcast Magazine

Sega Coin-op News

“You only want to take my picture because

I’m a girl, right? bet you don’t print the

picture of my boyfriend with me, either. God,

you’re sooo predictable.” We'd like to refute
Clarissa's accusations, but, somewhat
predictably of course, we can’t, y

A “So how much longer do we have to keep smiling like this? think may have just bit

my ‘thung.’” “I don’t know, guess until they take their stupid picture and go away.” Jamie

and girlfriend grin and bear it with the popular shooter, LA Machine Guns.

A Cliff plays Sega Rally 2 Championship, oblivious to the camera team just
behind his right ear. “I play thisgame more than any other game here. I just
keep coming back to it.” And he only needs one arm to beat it...

A “This game sucked me in, and now can’t get away


from it.” Jeff is having trouble dealing with his addiction

to Top Skater. Well, Jeff, maybe if you let go of the bars
you could get away? "What? Oh... yeah, guess. Hey,

thanks!" Glad to be of service, Jeff.

A GameWorks host Lindsey shows them how it’s done on Indy 500. “The weirdest thing we've seen? Well, it’s kinda gross,
once there was this woman sucking on a joystick from one of the fighting games.” (Does that count as a special move? -

Official Sega © Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99

Manufacturer: Sega

CRAZY Developer: AM3

You talkin’ to me? There’s nobody else here

reedom within a bustling city is another game that looks as
the core appeal of the latest coin- vibrant as this.
op from Sega’s Japanese labs. Given the speed at which
Crazy Taxi throws you in the seat of a bright Power Stone and House of the Technnologically, there are
yellow open-top cab in San Francisco and Dead 2 have jumped to the home few differences between
offers one objective — to pick people up at console, only the most pessimistic Dreamcast and Naomi apart
the roadside and get them to their chosen Dreamcast owner would doubt from an extra amount of RAM
destination as swiftly as possible. Reckless its imminent transferal. Rumors on the motherboard and the
driving is not appreciated by some abound at Sega that Crazy Taxi code being mounted in ROM,
passengers, though — a lower tip is their way will arrive ooner than we think, instead of on CD. This means
of letting you know. however - possibly as early as
A Crazy Taxi looks amazing and plays so well that the conversion process is
that you’ll be hard-pressed to letgo of the wheel.
Packed with pedestrians and dense with February 2000. Here’s hoping for relatively straightforward and
other traffic, we found there’s a tendency to a multi-player rumble between only tweaks such as reducing
career around trying to ram as much as possible rival cab companies... the number of textures are
at first. But as with Harley-Davidson required for it to run on

L.A. Riders, progress can only be Dreamcast.

M “Get in and I’ll
made by hunting out shortcuts [often scare the living Perhaps the most
narrow one-way streets] and accruing daylights out of encouraging aspect, though,
as many time bonuses as possible. you! No? What’s is that Naomi is cheap and is
wrong with you
Funnily enough, the urban humor and therefore facilitating slightly
people, anyway?”
garish hues of Crazy Taxi also remind greater creative risks within
one slightly of the Atari skateboarding Sega. Apart from planned
classic 72Cf - perhaps no coincidence, multi-screen efforts such as
since the creator’s previous project Airline Pilots and F355
was the excellent skateboarding sim Challenge, some titles (the
Top Skater first will be Giant Gram All

In terms of handling, the ultra-fast Japan Pro-Wrestling 2) will

and comically exaggerated dynamics even feature cross

of Crazy Taxi make Sega Rally look like compatibility between
a lesson in simulating car physics. Dreamcast’s VMS and the
Employing some of the most coin-op — simply plug your
exaggerated driving moves yet seen VMS into the arcade cabinet
in a racer, powerslides, jumps, and and your favorite trained
even acceleration/braking combos characters will become active
are possible while you're weaving in on the big screen. Sega says
A After several near-death experiences, the
and out of the traffic trying to keep a less-than-satisfied customer exits the cab a further two or three games
cool head. It’s all very 70s cop-show rather more quickly than he entered it. You’re will utilize this cross-

car chase. And it works like a treat.

penalized for poor driving with lower fares. fertilization of code this year.

But this is no slouch in the visual A “Yeeeeehhhaaaahaaaa!” The

department either. Packing Naomi streets of San Francisco as runway.

sidebar), Crazy Taxi
its hood
perhaps the best
[see ^
evidence yet of just how good Sega’s
new console is at throwing
polygons around the screen. ^
Streets unravel into the
distance with
pop-up, and every-
thing runs at a silky

smooth 60fps, but where

it really scores in its use
of realistic lighting and
shadows - try and find

30 September^! official Sega ® Dreamcast Mag azine

SOULCALIBUR 'h 1998 1999 itamco Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Sega. Dreamcast. and the Dreamcast logo are either registered

trademarks nr trademarks jjLSega Enterprises, Ltd. The ratings icon is a trademark ol the Interactive Digital Soltware Association.
\ *

It’s the game that will turn you into a proud owner of the Sega Dreamcast! Soul Calibur
pits weapon-wielding warriors from around the globe in the definitive fighting game
experience. One that Next Generation calls "the new benchmark by which all other games

will be judged.” Soul Calibur from Namco. Sweet Dreamcasts are made of this.
Yuji Naka

Sega star Yuji Naka is the man behind Sonic

the Hedgehog and the Saturn blockbuster
Nights. Now he talks exclusively to DCM...


What did
you want to be when you were a kid?
When was I child, there were
many typical things... like a train conductor,

an airplane pilot, or an astronaut. I didn't

think about making games at all. I realized I

wanted to make games when I was in

the third grade in high school [17-18

years old]. I applied to a game school
in order to be able to come to Tokyo.
I am originally from Osaka and I wanted to come to Tokyo, and I was getting more and more
stayed there until I was 1 8 years old. interested in computers at that time. But the main reason why I wanted
Then I came to Tokyo, and I've been to get involved with computers and programming was because of
with Sega for 1 5 years now. [Yuji Naka Ryuichi Sakamoto's Yellow Magic Orchestra. I really loved them. I took a
I is 33 years old.] part-time job so I could save up for a synthesizer, but
computer, instead. By then, computers had become very interesting;
I finally bought a

What games did you to play had started to play games, and then I began working at Sega. Maybe if I

when you were child? had bought the synthesizer, instead of a computer, I might have become
Namco's Xevious, Rally X, a musician [laughs].
Bosconian... really wanted

Initially, I to

work at Namco. But it wasn't possible What was the first game you worked on at Sega?
since Namco didn't hire high-school legan at Sega in 1984 and first worked on the SG-1000 Mark II

graduates without a University [a precursor to the Master System]. I worked as a programmer on Girts
l degree at that time. And I really Garden, a game created to attract female players. It was actually a big
I didn't want to go to University to hit at the time. All the main characters in the game were girls, and in

study. So, I eventually decided to order get dates with boys, they had to buy or pick flowers for them.
enter Sega [laughs]. There was serious competition for dates, therefore players
had to be quick off the mark! There were even some
Why did you suddenly annoying non-human enemies like bees and
decide to work in the games industry? bears. It was really funny [laughs]. Later on. I ^^k
worked on Phantasy Star I and II with Oshima ^^k
Photography by Hiroki Izumi
Naoto [the character designer of the ^^k
original Sonic]. ^^k

SEPTEMBER 99 Ireamcast Magazine

How did the Sonic Team originally come together?
we handled the direction and planning in Japan. We were
At the start, the Sonic Team was composed of Oshima Naoto and
already thinking up initial concepts for Sonic Adventure at the
myself. The two of us were the “team” responsible for creating Sonic the
beginning of the hardware development stage of Dreamcast -
Hedgehog, and once we decided to make it an action game, we began to
around the summer of 1997.
gather a small group of very talented people. In fact, we only had about
seven team members when we started actually making the game.
ffiiWhat was the biggest hurdle you faced during the
the development of Sonic Adventure?
Could you give us an idea of how the concept
The fact that we didn't have any hardware [laughs]. The
of Sonic originally came about?
hardware was completed only two months before the Japanese

release. That was the most difficult thing for us.
At the beginning, Sonic was a simple round
shape we used in the program to simulate a character
What has changed since the Japanese version?
on the screen. Then we started to work on the
We changed a lot of small details, but nothing very drastic
character design, and we started to think about what
as far as the game's visuals. For example, we changed some
kind of animal or character could move like this. At
camera views and we fixed a few bugs. The US version will offer
first, Sonic was a rabbit! He could stop objects, hold
the same gameplay and levels as the Japanese version, and you
them, and then throw them at enemies. But that broke
can download data from the ’net in the same way too.
up the flow of action, so we decided that in order to
destroy or defeat enemies, the character would bump
What's your favorite level?
into them instead. To keep the action flowing, we
Probably Mystic Ruins. We went to South America to get a
designed and programmed the character to have a
feel for the atmosphere of the jungle rainforests and ruins and
streamlined shape that rolled well. We found that
we were very satisfied with the results. Mystic Ruins is very
faithful to what we saw while there.

Finally, is Nights 2 heading for Dreamcast?

Yes. I was asked about this by many fans during
this year’s E3. Even Nintendo's Mr. Miyamoto asked
me if I was making it! But it’s also enjoyable to work
on brand new titles - maybe even more so - than
games from existing series.

there aren't too many animals that moved in this way. In fact,

we only found the armadillo and the hedgehog had this potential,

and decided to go with the hedgehog. Then Oshima-san began

work on Sonic's original design such as adding the spines on
his back - it took approximately three months from initial

concept to final design.

What do you think has been the secret to Sonic's success?

I've always been very serious about the success of every game that
’ve made. At the time that we were making Sonic the MegaDrive was not
selling at all in Japan and the hardware was about to be released in the
USA [as the Sega Genesis]. In order to crack the market in Japan, I wanted
to make Sonic a hit in the US, so decided to make a game that would be

popular with Americans. At that time, it was a common to believe that

games that succeeded in the US would become hits in Japan, too. It's
only recently that this type of thinking is not so common anymore. So, I

began creating Sonic with US players in mind. The game ended up very
successful, as I hoped. Though, I really wished it sold as well in Japan....

When did you have the idea for Sonic Adventure? Wasn’t the
game initially planned for Saturn?
Yes, we started to develop it for the Saturn around the time that Sonic
R’s development was wrapping up. Sonic R was being done in the UK, but

jpScial Sega # Dreamcasl Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 35

Sega Dreamcast.
DMA and the DMA logo are trademarks of DMA Design Ltd. Rockstar Games and the Rockstar logo are trademarks of Take-Two Interactive, Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital

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are Association. Sega, Dreamcast and the Dreamcast logo are registered trademarks of Sega Enterprise, Ltd. ©1999 All rights reserved.

On September 9, more than nineteen shiny new

games will beam down at you from the shelves,

all trying desperately to win your hard-earned

cash. How will you pick the winners from the
by losers, the shining stars from the smelly socks,
the Ishtars from the Jurassic Parks' Read on.
Your guide to our guide
he Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine different from a game than if you’re new to all this fun
(DCM to our friends] would like to welcome stuff. You can handle simulations, games with complex
you to the world of Sega Dreamcast. Day one moves and combos, and in all probability have the cat-
of this new future begins for North America on like reflexes of, well, a cat. You should take the word of
September 9. When this day comes, you need to be our cap-wearing buddy, Rob, as your gospel. But if

prepared. We'd like you to think of us as your Yoda-like you’re a newbie, or someone who only plays
guides - wise beyond our years, revered by all, and videogames when they have nothing better to do
possessed of an uncanny ability to still look like a rubber (there’s something better to do?], then we’ve catered
muppet regardless of the development in computer- to your tastes, too. We figure you’re more likely to want
generated imagery that has occurred since the early '80s. something a little easier to get into, short on simulation,
Your guide to the launch games is divided into two high on the action. You may also find bright colors
perspectives - the ‘veteran’ and the ‘newbie.’ If you’re attractive and enjoy books with LARGE TYPE. Just
an experienced gamer, have owned a few systems, read kidding. You will newbie Katy’s advice a more
game magazines (like this one] religiously, and don’t useful guide as to what you should be spending your
have thumbs where your fingers should be, then we money on this September. So without further ado, let's
figured you’d probably want something more and/or introduce our panel of judges...


NAME: Rob NAME: Katy

AGE: Early twenties (but acts like a teenager]. AGE: Late teens (but hangs out with slightly older guys],

PLAYS GAMES: All the time. PLAYS GAMES: When there’s nothing on TV or to annoy her brother.

WHEN NOT PLAYING GAMES, CAN BE FOUND: Buying a new game. LIKES: Games that don’t expect you to spend the rest of your natural
LIKES: Games that take ages to figure out and beat. life learning the moves.

DISLIKES: Anything easy. DISLIKES: Games that expect you to spend the rest...

MOST LIKELY TO SAY: “It sucks that this character only has (well, you get the picture],

35 combos.” MOST LIKELY TO SAY: “This is bor-ring. Later.”

40 September 99 official Sega ® Dreamcast Magazine

A videogame legend runs rings around the
velocity-challenged competition


Pilot His Hedgehogness through 10 levels of the most beautifully rendered
environments ever seen in a videogame. Collect stuff, rescue your pals (a load
of cutesy critters) from the evil Dr. Robotnick, and, should you feel the urge,
engage in a little A-Life action, breeding the teardrop-shaped fuzzies known
as ‘Chaos’

So it looks amazing - the levels are incredibly detailed, and some are
absolutely huge. Never before has a game world been so beautifully realized,
or more cunningly populated with all manner of surprising and imaginative
enemies. Some of the set-pieces are simply amazing. Fancy being chased by
a killer whale? Look no further than the first level, Emerald Coast, where a

particularly huge one tailgates Sonic as he speeds along a rapidly

disappearing wooden pier, in the process of being demolished by said
videogame equivalent of Free Willy. Sonic can go pretty much anywhere, and
everything is true 3D. Each level is themed, and they vary from the Aztec
pyramids and temples of Mystic Ruin to the futuristic Speed Highway (a level

devoted almost entirely to showing off the sheer pace of the game). It is, as
our videogaming veteran says opposite, “awesome.” (You can read our in-
"Awesome! It looks amazing and it’s a lot of fun to play, and I like the depth Super Test review of the game on page 98.)
immersive feel of the levels. You can sort of do them any way you want
- you know, you can explore and spend a lot of time getting to know INSIDE TRACK:
every little corner of the map, or you can just go for speed and get on
Sonic Adventure started life in Japan and was developed by world famous
to what's next. It doesn’t look to me as if it would take that long to get
through the Sonic though. producer/designer Yuji Naka. Working tirelessly with his “Sonic Team,” Naka
stuff, It's a little easy.”
brought his Sega Genesis creation to Japanese Dreamcasts last December.
Since then, he’s been working to make it even better for the US debut this fall.
“Eh? Oh - you want to know what think? Okay - well, it’s like he said.

would add that liked exploring the levels - just seeing what was
Only, 1

- and

there the blobby things were cool [A-Life -Ed.] but a little
complicated at first. You have to stick with that. It’s definitely something
If you buy one game with your Dreamcast, this should be it.

ia Duy. ns preuy amazing looKingi

It’s East versus West in a battle royale of superheroes. In tights

WHAT’S THE GAME? other 2D title looking game is fast! There’s so


Round up a dozen or more Marvel Comics like a pretender. You can much going on, it's crazy. I’m
a big fan of the original Street
superheroes, all your favorite Capcom fighters from also build tag-teams
Fighter games, and I really
the classic Street Fighter games (and other Capcom made up of heroes from
like the Marvel universe. The
oldies), throw in some suitably exotic locations both sides, mixing and four-player battles are cool, too. Okay, it’s not
and, for added spice,some special effects so matching to create the as deep as some fighters I like, but it’s great
outrageous they’ll make your eyes bleed and - voila! perfect line-up. for playing with your buddies. It's a blast!”

You’ve got an instantly accessible slugfest for the

Ritalin generation. INSIDETRACK
Capcom held off converting the game for the home until a system
SO? “I had trouble
powerful enough to handle all those huge sprites and effects in all
keeping up with all the stuff
So if you dig comics, and the idea of spending weeks their glory came around - Dreamcast was that machine.
that was going on, but it

to master the likes of Virtua Fighter 3tb is poison to wasn’t too hard to learn the
you, then you’ve just found your game. The BOTTOM LINE moves. But if you wind up with his buddies
animation is amazing, the sprites are huge and Makes a Kung Fu action flick look like a Czechoslovakian drama coming over," (looks at Rob) “then I wouldn't
recommend it at all..." (laughs)
detailed, and the dazzling pyrotechnics leave every about basket weaving.

Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 41

A coin-op fighter in new garb. Classic cut, but cool cloth

WHATS THE GAME? weapons-based combat on its ear.

Head back to the time of swashbucklers and samurai for Throw in six new modes and you’re
some fully 3D, one-on-one combat, featuring a cast of 17 left with a game that not only looks
lethal guys and gals who can pull off more moves than light years beyond its arcade cousin, but
Michael Flatley after 18 espressos. Unlike Ireland’s offers a great deal more depth to boot.
sweatiest foot-tapper, they’re brandishing swords,
spears, axes, and all types of pointy miscellany. INSIDETRACK
Soul Calibur was released in arcades more than a
SO? year ago, and Namco has since spruced up the game
So it’s the most drop-dead gorgeous fighting game with higher-resolution graphics, better animation, and
you’ve ever seen. It will be a long time before anyone taps several new modes - totally transforming it in the process.
100% of Dreamcast’s potential, but Namco has gotten
close. The resulting volley of hyper-realistic character BOTTOM LINE
animation, dazzling special effects, and acute attention to Five fighting games will be staring you in the face on the
even the tiniest of details is enough to turn the world of ninth — if you can only get one, make sure this is it.

haven’t really played a lot of fighting “I’m a huge fan of the coin-op, and this

games, but this is easily the coolest I’ve ’X* version looks a hundred times better. It’s

seen. Plus it’s easy to jump in and start got a bunch of new stuff, but most of all,

beating up my friends, even though I

it plays just like the original. Wait until my
don’t know all of the moves yet.” friends see this - they’re gonna freak!”


CART racing, Dreamcast-style. No, not
shopping carts, silly — race carts
Zombies are on the rampage (again)
A console take on the North American motorsport of CART racing - a
WHATS THE GAME? variant of Formula One taking place on permanent courses and city streets.
Grab a friend (and a couple of light guns) and blast your way The game sports 27 drivers and 19 courses, with play modes including
through a quaint European village overrun with zombies. championship, time trial, and one- to two-player arcade matches.

So it’s fast, challenging, addictive, and features more zombies So thanks to the game’s official license and some visual handwork by
than the average Jerry Springer Show. Sega, Flag to Flag not only features a complete line-up of real-life drivers,

courses, and cars, but incredibly fast (and good-looking] gameplay as well.
INSIDETRACK It’s the next best thing to being in the cockpit of a real FI speedster.
This isn’t a console game - it’s a state-of-the-art coin-op
(from Sega’s Naomi arcade system) squeezed onto a CD. INSIDETRACK
Flag to Flag is Sega’s first Formula-One-style racer since Virtua Racing,
BOTTOM LINE and despite the North American sport, the game was developed wholly
Sega gives you more zombies per square foot. in Japan.

“Ewww — this is horrible! But A faster, friendlier take on the often stodgy realm of racing simulations.
blasting the zombies is so much
fun, although the game gets way
“Most Formula One games are way too
too hard later on. It’s easy to pick
boring, but this one’s a lot faster - and
up and play whenever you fancy a
I don’t spend most of the race on the
quick go — mine don’t last long!”
grass or doing doughnuts. I couldn’t
care less about the licensed drivers and
tracks, but the TV-like presentation is cool.”
This is the bomb! A
great-looking game.
But what I really like “Forget it - even though he says
are the different it's more exciting than other racing
paths you can simulations, racing around the
take - it makes you want to play same track over and over just
through more than once. The doesn't interest me. Maybe it’s just
training mode is cool, too.” me, but I think I’d prefer racing the shopping carts.”

“Ugh. I was “It reminds me a
expecting the lot of Asteroids,
first Dreamcast but with better
shooter to be graphics, of
something new course. I played
Get lost in space
and exciting, but this sucks! It’s with my friends for a while to pass (and go back in time)
more like the ones played on my I the time, but it got boring pretty
16 and 32bit systems." fast. Next, please.”
Armada is the first US-developed
WHAT’S THE GAME? Dreamcast game that runs on Microsoft’s
Outfit your ship with various weapons and head off for a Windows CE operating system. Bill Gates
top-down-view melee in deep space with up to four might be smiling, but we’re not.

simultaneous players.
SO? Decidedly past-generation shooter on a next-generation
So it’s like Asteroids meets Star Control, except now you system. Wait for our full review before spending your hard-earned cash
can have it out against three buddies at once. - that’s an order, now.

Longer in the tooth than a saber-toothed tiger, but

not extinct yet...
WHAT’S THE GAME? globe. And the addition of 3D objects in

A conversion of SNK’s the backgrounds means that it looks

popular 2D arcade brawler better than the arcade game, too.

King of Fighters '98. Dream

Match '99 boasts a roster of INSIDETRACK
more than 36 characters, Dream Match '99 is the
King of Fighters:
plus new 3D backgrounds firstDreamcast game that can
and CD-quality music. communicate with SNK’s Neo-Geo
Pocket handheld system, via a link cable.
So it’s got gobs of characters, BOTTOM LINE
and they all have tons of moves. Nirvana for old-school fighting-game fans,
You’re able to select a team of three to but compared to Soul Calibur and VF3, it

fight against other teams from around the looks like it should belong in a museum.

gnawing off my leg,” etc.

Bored of racing games? INSIDETRACK

Try these boards for size Trickstyle developer
Criterion Studios
WHAT’S THE GAME? currently working on

Back to the Future 2-style hover-board its next Dreamcast

racing (without Michael J. Fox]. Power game, a submarine
Rangers dress-alikes rack up trick points on blaster called Deep
courses in post-apocalyptic New York, Fighter, which will be
London, and Tokyo. Two players can hover at released by Ubi Soft

once, and like any futuristic boarding romp next year.

worth its Hover Wax™, it has a “skate park” for
brushing up on those mad skillz. As Keanu Reeves BOTTOM LINE
might say, “Woah. Totally rad, cyber dude.” One of Dreamcast’s best looking
games. Not for all racing fans, but if

SO? skating or snowboarding is your lifeblood, it’ll be right up your

So you’ll need some pretty cool tricks in the
to pull off half-pipe.

future of skate games - least of all “How do stop I

playing this addictive game? need to feed the dog, he’~


“This is fast - a lot faster than any of “It’s not as hard to get into as
the racing games I've played on other other racing games, and there’s
systems. The characters remind me of a lot to do - especially with the
some great cartoons, but most of all, I tricks. I like the characters, and
like the stunts - they’re easy to pull the way you hover seems quite
off and add a lot of depth to the game. Pretty good." realistic, if you know what mean.” I

Official S<
Muscle-bound adventuring Go to Tokyo. Scream around the highways at
night in flashy cars. Get arrested
Not only Dreamcast’s first adventure game, but one of the WHATS THE GAME?
first to ditch a pre-rendered game world in favor of More of a battle game than a racer. You take on a progressively more
intricately detailed polygon sets. You play as two difficult opposition while using your winnings to upgrade your car (or even
characters: a rescue team member and a boat captain, buy a new one, you show-off).
both stranded on an asteroid-impacted island, with the
goal to make their way off - and figure out just why SO?
its inhabitants have been transformed into mutants. So there’s really not another racer like it for miles. Instead of doing laps
against several opponents, you try to outrun a single opponent whilst
SO? dodging oncoming traffic. Use the forks in the highway to your advantage.
So it looks gorgeous, promises hours of gameplay, and is

the first and only adventure game for Dreamcast. There’s INSIDE TRACK
“You really have to
plenty of exploration, but you’ll need to knock the snot out of Developer Genki is also the crew
spend a while with
a horde of monstrosities with handguns and bazookas. responsible for the Dreamcast this to appreciate it

conversion of Sega’s mighty arcade - it can seem really

INSIDETRACK fighter Virtua Fighter 3tb. boring at first, but
The Japanese version of Blue Stinger was riddled with sometimes sickening camera once you start defeating opponents

problems - thankfully, Activision has completely overhauled this aspect of the game. BOTTOM LINE and upgrading your car, it gets better.
Wait until you go up against the later
This is one for the maniacal drivers out drivers - they’re real tough!”
BOTTOM LINE there (you know who
Other adventure games look like matte paintings compared to this. you are). It’s for
those who like “Sorry? Only one
"The graphics are cool, "It’s like being in a upgrading track - and it’s all

and I like my adventure movie - it looks so set at night-time?

their cars,
games to have a lot to There were a
great! I just don’t get it.
too, but this
do and find. This one few points that were This sounds like

has plenty - really frustrating, but is hardly a what my younger brother does with
I just wish I

the story and dialogue had been better." found it fairly easy to make progress.” classic. his buddies. And he’s a loser.”

Armchair off-roading The world’s the most exciting

GP circuits on one CD
Eight different dune buggies and trucks WHAT’S THE GAME?
battle it out on seven courses. Formula One motorsport with courses that
span the globe. Racing fans may notice
SO? the lack of real-world drivers, though,
So it has a bit more bump and jump
appeal than some of the DC racing pack. SO?
So it has more realistic car handling
INSIDETRACK than Flag to Flag, and a classic mode that
This one was called Buggy Heat when released in Japan. lets you race, well, classic Grand Prix cars
around a sole countryside course.

A rough-and-tumbley INSIDETRACK
racer that’s reasonably “I like the variety was Ubi
This Soft’s first Japanese Dreamcast
of courses and
fun and looks cool, game and came out there last year.
the fact that you
can drive different

kinds of off-road
cars and trucks. But I’m holding out If you absolutely must have a Grand Prix game at launch, then this is for you.
for Sega Rally 2- it’s gonna rock!" They’ll be better ones coming along, though.

“Getting used (Asleep) “Zzzzzzz... "Way too technical

to the controls uh, sorry dudes, I
for my tastes. I don’t
didn’t take long, must have dozed off. like serious racing
and once I did, it Racing simulations simulations much,
was pretty fun — can be so boring - but I think I prefer
and a lot more exciting than and this one didn’t change my mind. Flag to Flag to this anyday because it

Flag to Flag or Monaco'.' I’d rather sleep than play this.”

was so much easier to play.”

Official Sega ©'Dreamcast Magazine

To fighting games what the Chemical Brothers are to Kenny Rogers
WHAT’S THE GAME? Sega’s Naomi board, so, just like House of the Dead 2, the
Capcom smashes the 2D mold it Dreamcast conversion is indistinguishable from the one
created for games such as Street running in the cabinet down at your local arcade.
Fighter II, pitting its combatants
against one another in large, free- BOTTOM LINE
roaming environments where they can If you want a glimpse at the future of fighting games, look
leap off backgrounds, throw objects, no further. If you want a fun game, it’s that, too.

and use weapons. And then there are

the power stones themselves - when all
“Now this is cool! It’s totally different
three are collected, they transform your
from every other fighter 1
played, and
character into a super-human being
although it took me a while to learn
capable of massively damaging special
_ the gameplay, it’s a blast once you
attacks. Not bad for a 3D novice.
get it down pat. 1 don’t think it’s so
g reat in sin gle player mode, but when my friends
a nd 1
play it we have a blast.”
So it’s incredibly frantic, looks fabulous, and is unlike
any fighting game you’ve ever played before. There’s
tons of strategy involved in using the environment and
“1 tried to play, but it was just way too

the various weapons, but the true drive is to snap up frantic for me. 1 kept getting clobbered

all three power stones as quickly as possible. It’s a true before 1 could figure out how to throw
party game - playing it alone just isn’t the same. something at the other person. I’ll

keep at it though, because everyone

INSIDETRACK e se seems t o be having so much fun playing - there
Power Stone was the first arcade game developed for rr ust be sorr ething there."

rsT “Wow! 1 loved the

this version is just
as good.
in the arcade, and
1 really like the
courses - they’re almost like amusement
my friends and had
Rocket-powered racing — with waves
park rides. Plus

with the two-player mode."

1 a blast


Powerboat racing with more bumps than Baywatch. Eleven futuristic
“As much as 1 hate to agree with him, 1

I think this one’s great, too. It’s not

courses range from a post-apocalyptic New York City to an Indiana Jones-
complicated like those other racers, and
style Nile romp. Thirteen boats at your (and a friend’s] disposal, and each there are some hilarious touches. The
course has lots of time-saving shortcuts and jumps. Your boat also has a
handy turbo-boost - one of the game’s best features, in fact.

SO? plays just like its coin-op parent, and the variety of boats
So the water effects are so and courses is absolutely huge - with lots of hidden ones
realistic you’ll be tempted to be unlocked as well.

to wear a rain slicker.

It’s exhilarating, INSIDE TRACK
looks and Hydro Thunder is another arcade port, and it’s a stunning

looker. The Dreamcast version has an extra course

(a training park] not found in the coin-op.

Great fun. Another state of the art
coin-op squeezed onto a GD-ROM.

official Sega ©
leet the next generation of videogame football

top priority in this game, and boy, did it pay a voice actor to provide NFL 2K with great audio,
off. Remember the good old days of 16bit play by play. They created an identity, a commentary
football where the players moved as fast style, and even a back-story for his character, and
as you could twitch? Well, we haven’t seen then put him through the paces to make more than
that in years as past 32 and 64bit football 14,000 individual play-by-play comments.
titles traded speed for flashy graphics.
Now we get the smoothness and the BOTTOM LINE:
control that goes with it. This is THE game sports fans have been waiting for.

Don’t worry though, excellent graphics

haven’t been sacrificed on the altar of speed.
Sega’s first gridiron game for
The player models, stadiums, and even the
innovative play calling screen [which enables you to
rxn “1

haven't seen a
the classic
game this

Genesis Madden

Dreamcast is one of the best sports see your plays lined up on the actual field) look \\Tjl series. I’ve got nothing against football

The motions are and the stunning games on other systems, but 1 missed
titles we’ve seen on any system in years. With its fantastic. life-like,
the tight control and the speed that
radically different play calling system, 3D sound, and between-play graphics will make spectators
came with those great sprite-based games.”
incredibly smooth graphics, NFL 2K has the question whether or not they’re watching a real

potential to be the most exciting game to hit

football game. Add all this to Visual Concepts’ fanatical
the market since the Madden series. attention to detail and ear-popping 3D audio, and "I love the fact that you can see how
you’ve got something football fans can really get your plays will run on the field when
SO? you call them. This way can see I

excited about.
where my receivers are cutting, and
The strength of NFL 2K is its focus on speed. can immediately tell which receiver

Spurred on by the visual impact and playability of INSIDETRACK: is the one that I should be looking for. I also like how
arcade coin-muncher NFL Blitz, Visual Concepts Tired of hearing robotic commentary from hired- the game includes trash talking. Nothing makes a

made constant 60 frames-per-second movement gun, big-name sportscasters? Visual Concepts hired great tackle feel better than a good taunt afterward.”


The definitive collection for fatality fiends No-rules, high-octane football


Given half a chance, right-wing Christian activists (and members of Congress) Tossing good sportsmanship to the wolves, NFL Blitz

would probably cast MKs army of fans into hell’s hottest and most painful 2000 is adrenaline-heavy, in your face, and aims to
corners for eternity. But Mortal Kombat has long been an incredibly popular re-create all of the sport’s hard hits - but very few
fighting title among American gamers. Based on last year’s Mortal Kombat 4, of its rules.

this latest chapter in the seemingly im-mortal series brings back four familiar
characters from past Kombats and introduces at least three all-new faces. SO?
So it moves faster than a cheetah that went
SO? without lunch and proves to be a furious riot when
So it looks, moves, and plays just like the arcade version of Mortal Kombat 4, with you gather up three friends for a game. There are
the added perk of new characters and backgrounds. Just don’t expect a revolution lots of different kinds of plays to choose from, and
in fighting games (or much of an evolution, for that matter). you also have the ability to create your own
from scratch and save them to a VMU for future
INSIDETRACK use. It’s got a full NFL license, so you
Midway estimates that Mortal Kombat Gold's get all of the league’s players and
characters are comprised of more than "I’ve been waiting for teams to boot. “Blitz is a lot of

3,000 polygons apiece - that’s nearly three an arcade-perfect fun in multi-player

times the detail found in the version of MK4 for INSIDETRACK sessions, but being
ages, and this
console version of MK 4.
manages to deliver
NFL 2000 originated in the arcades
Blitz huge football nut
and was one of the most successful I’d rather have more realism in the
more even more than that. Soul
BOTTOM LINE Calibur is still way ahead, though.”
coin-ops of last year. It shares its long run - like in NFL 2K”
Sort of a ‘greatest action-heavy slant with another classic
hits’ collection Midway arcade game: NBA Jam.
“What’s the point? “I really like this
for Mortal
Kombat fans.
It’s easy enough to BOTTOM LINE even though it’s

play, but there

and pace far simpler than
CAren't they a seem to be a
If you find the rules of
the other one. This
rapidly dying more to it than
lot traditional football as tedious as playing

breed? -Ed.) cheesy characters and fatalities to cards with your granny, then this is the is so much, much simpler football

memorize. It leaves me cold.” game for you.

- great for quick sessions."

Official Sega# Dreamcast Magazine

Remember Punch Out? So do we
Come fly the unfriendly skies
This is no heavyweight simulation - it’s a fast, fun
arcade-style boxing fest. There are 20 superb
WHAT’S THE GAME? characters,all possessing unique postures, strategies,

Don’t let the ‘air force’ in the title fool you into thinking this has and combo attacks. Unleashing a tough beating powers
anything to do with the military - you’re a hot-shot mercenary up your rumble meter, for a massive super attack.
contracted to perform aerial hits in top-dollar assignments. You’ve got a hangar
full of firepower (more than 30 real-world jets in all) and missions that carry you SO?
from the Great Wall of China to the Middle East. It’s a frequent-flyer-mile frenzy. So in addition to the game’s arcade-like slug-outs, you can
assume the role of a boxing manager and buy equipment, sign a

SO? boxer, and train them up. Not

So it’s the best-looking aerial shoot- to mention the fact that it looks
“Wow, the graphics "It’s not as deep as
'em-up this side of million-dollar some of my favorite absolutely gorgeous.
in this are really
military-training simulations, but it’s a something. There’s fighting games, but
lot more action packed. plenty to shoot at, it’s just so much fun INSIDETRACK
too, but the strategy to play with my Ready 2 Rumble's development
friends. won’t you which one
INSIDETRACK of plotting the best course of attack I tell
team was previously
gives a of depth, too.” looks like Katy.” (laughs)
One of Konami’s very first games
it bit
responsible for Bio Freaks -
during the 8bit era was Top Gun. just don’t tell them
"It’s a lot easier to “What a cool party we told you.
BOTTOM LINE play than those game. You don’t have

Looks like a million

PC flight sims my to know a lot of fancy BOTTOM
brother spends all moves to have fun, it
dollars, but in gameplay
day and night with. looks so silly. It’s a
terms, the beauty is
I think you’ll only really like this one if riot.By the way, Rob couldn't punch
A great boxing
only skin-deep. you've got a thing for fighter jets.” his way out of a paper bag.” game! Ka-pow!


“I love Sonic, so he just had to be my top choice. “As you can see, I’m a huge fan of fighting
I chose Ready 2 Rumble, House of the Dead 2, and games. Soul Calibur and Power Stone are
Hydro Thunder because you don’t need a Ph.D in incredible, but I’m a sucker for 2D fighters,

‘executing combos’ to enjoy them. As for NFL 2K, it’s too. NFL 2K and Sonic are amazing, too -

just a brilliant sports game to enjoy with friends." and to think that this is just the start!”

1 . Sonic Adventure 1. Soul Calibur

2 . Ready 2 Rumble 2 . Sonic Adventure
3 . NFL 2K 3 . NFL 2K
4 . House of the Dead 2 4 . Power Stone
5 . Hydro Thunder 5 . Marvel vs. Capcom


Okay, so you forgot to preorder a Call in a bomb scare* (4) Cross-dress. Will only work if you are particularly
masculine. Do not shave, wear a tight lycra
Dreamcast and you're now faced with the Swap clothes with a street bum, and then stand
dress, pumps, and a wig, and then stand in line
prospect of waiting in line at the mall, like in line as usual. It will shrink rapidly.
singing, “Girl, You'll be a Woman Soon” in a
a common monkey. No need to worry, Swan directly past the Dreamcast line clutching gravelly voice. Again, immediate line shrinkage.

since our espionage celebrity party and only a Zelda action figure and a jaunty Parappa
limo with Johnny Cochran. anyone
(§) Arrive in a If

black-ops expert has been examining hat then say to the clerk, “I'll just take these two
gives you any crap, have him do the talking.
things, ooh isn’t this line terrible? What’s it for?
mall security in order to bring you this:
Oooh, D-r-e-a-m-c-a-s-t. What's that then? I'll
*Whatever you do, DO NOT call in a bomb
The ultimate lazy bastard's guide to not
take one of those, too. and I suppose I’ll need scare. It would be irresponsible, and besides,
waiting in line with patient, normal, people: some games. Oooh, what a choice." then you’d have to leave the mall, too.

Official Sega® Dreamcast Magazine 1ER 99 47



0.0 1



U JL n _TT=^ U
Sega is regraiared in ths U.S Patera and Trademark office. 61999 SEGA.
AS righls
.n IT KNOWS IT’S ALIVE. it’s thinking I
reamcast will arrive
on September 9 with able to read about these
a staggering library of 19 titles to choose forthcoming releases each
from. That's alot of games - more than issue, with more exclusive
some systems have seen in their first year screens and in-depth informa-
of life. It's right here in Coming Soon that you'll be tion than anywhere else.

To get things off to a running

start, we've rounded up all of the
major releases headed your way
INCOMING! next six months. You'll find the latest on
in the

Shenmue, Resident Evil: Code Veronica,

Release dates as of press time Castlevania Resurrection, and a sneak-pre-
Air Force Delta Shooter 9/9/99 view of Sega's next big platformer, Floigan
Armada Shooter 9/9/99 Brothers - not to mention a whole heck of a
Blue Stinger Action 9/9/99 lot more.
CART Racing Racing 9/9/99
You've probably noticed the other special
House Dead 2
of the Light Gun 9/9/99
Hydro Thunder Racing 9/9/99
features of this page by now. Incoming' is

King of Fighters '99 Fighting 9/9/99 our comprehensive listing of games due in

Marvelvs. Capcom Fighting 9/9/99 the next few months. ‘Hot List’ is where
Monaco Grand Prix Racing 9/9/99 we round up the top five games that the
Mortal Kombat Gold Fighting 9/9/99
NFL 2000 Sports
DCM staff and your fellow readers are
looking forward to, including a wish
NFL Blitz 2000 Sports 9/9/99
Power Stone Fighting 9/9/99 list of games you'd like to see, be
Ready 2 Rumble Sports 9/9/99 they far-fetched or not.
Sonic Adventure Platform 9/9/99 So welcome to Coming
Soul Calibur Fighting 9/9/99
Soon - and if you'd like to
TNN Hardcore Heat Racing 9/9/99
register your vote for the
Tokyo Extreme Racer Racing 9/9/99
Trick Style Racing 9/9/99 Hot List, feel free to drop
Aerowings Simulation September us a line at hotlist@
Quarterback Club 2000 Sports September
Rainbow Six Action September
Slave Zero Action September
Soul Fighter Action September
Speed Devils Racing September
NBA 2000 Sports October
Sega Bass Fishing Sports October
Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense Action October
Virtua Fighter 3tb Fighting October
Blades of Vengeance Adventure November
Fighting Force 2 Action November PREVIEWS INDEX
Sega Rally 2 Racing November P52
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Fighting November THIS MONTH'S FEATURED
Test Drive 6 Racing November GAMES AT A GLANCE
Climax Landers RPG Q4
Dynamite Cop Action Q4
Metropolis Street Racer Racing Q4
Castlevania: Resurrection p58
NHL Hockey 2000 Sports Q4 Climax Landers p76
Red Dog Action Q4 Dynamite Cop p78
Take the Bullet First -Person Q4
Ecco the Dolphin p70
Toy Commander Action/Strategy Q4
Xleration Racing Q4 Floigan Brothers p78
Batman Beyond
in the Dark 4 Adventure
HOT LIST LOST sN f Metropolis Street Racer p72
NBA 2000 p54
Castlevania: Resurrection Action/Adventure 2000 WE RE LOOKING FORWARD TO ... WHATEVER HAPPENED TO ...
Ecco the Dolphin Adventure 2000 Resident Evil: Code Veronica p56
1. Resident Evil: 3. Shenmue
Floigan Brothers
Platform 2000
Code Veronica 4. Ecco the Dolphin GEIST Sega Bass Fishing p68
Adventure 2000
2. Crazy Taxi 5. Project Areas Sega Rally 2 p52
Resident Evil: Code Veronica Action/Adventure 2000
Supreme Snowboarding Sports 2000 YOU'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO ... Developer
Shenmue p66
Sega Sports Baseball Sports 2000 1. Shenmue 3. Castlevania Slave Zero p63
Intended Release:
Baldur’s Gate Online RPG TBA 2. Resident Evil: 4. Project Ares Soul Fighter p68
Cool Boarders Sports TBA Code Veronica 5. Climax Landers
Crazy Taxi Sega's space shooter was originally Street Fighter Alpha 3 p67
Frame Gride scheduled for launch with the system
Action TBA Test Drive 6 p63
1. Phantasy Star 4. Nights but was suddenly yanked from the roster
Frontier Online RPG TBA Toy Commander p67
2. Streets of Rage 5. Shinobi after more than a year in development.
Furballs Action/Platform TBA Sega claims It just wasn’t up to snuff.
3. Eternal Champions Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense p74
Konami Baseball Sports TBA It’s now officially lost in space.
Konami Basketball Sports TBA Virtua Fighter 3tb p50

Official Sega # Dreamcast Maga zine SEPTEMBER 99 49

S3 COMINGSOON Preview Zone

| Virtua Fighter 3tb

Sega’s flagship arcade fighter flexes its muscles. Welcome to
Zen and the art of finely tuned, one-on-one combat...

1 Lion's kicks prove more

dangerous than a spill down
the cathedral steps. 2 Shun
attacks during a brief
moment of sobriety. 3 Ill-timed
kicks can leave you ripe for
reversal. 4 Fisticuffs errupt on
KVNKtf 2
the Great Wall tour.



Deeper than reading

Deep' in a submarine at
‘ The
console to

call its
unlike Kung

own. Performing
around Saturn, the game was instead (and quite
smartly) called
Fu’s Cain, Sega’s top
arcade fighter has been wandering the
earth for what seems like an eternity -
not searching for

up for first-string duty on the only

its brother, but for a
a stealthy side-step

the bottom of the Atlantic home machine that could truly do it justice. You’ll also have a IT’S THE GAME’S ALMOST ZEN-LIKE
Added versus mode kicks

Japanese version into shape

Whereas countless other
on flashy super attacks and seemingly
games rely so bevy of
endless combos for their appeal, Virtua Fighter 3tb at your disposal. A ELEVATES IT ABOVE THE LESS
— POINTS instead embraces a near simulation-level take on the few quick button ENLIGHTENED COMPETITION
fine art of kicking the crap out of an opponent. stabs and directional
• Novices may struggle to That’s not to say it lacks a memorable personality, combinations will go a long way, resulting in acrobatic

get to grips with the multi- or indeed, some truly breathtaking moments. Far from leg sweeps, back-flips, and more - and there’s always

faceted gameplay it. In fact, it’s the game’s almost Zen-like approach to an ‘out.’ If you didn’t get that reversal just right, or your

• It’s yet another fighting one-on-one combat that elevates it above its less opponent is laying into you big time, simply hit the

game enlightened rivals. dodge button and side-step your way out of danger.

Most of this stems from the fighting system itself. Perhaps the craftiest move, however, is to utilize the

BOTTOM LINE Gone are the fireworks, the colored trails, and the big arenas themselves. They may be achingly pretty to look
glowing numbers that tally up consecutive at - some, such as Aoi’s snowy backdrop, employing
The game that kept a million clobberings. In their place, you’re faced with a impressive depth of field - but their uneven surfaces
Japanese workers away from measured balance of standard attacks - throws that allow you to take the ‘higher ground,’ figuratively as
their desks, day In, day out would make the WWF proud - and what should be well as literally. This means that skillful players have

for over a year. If you thought some especially satisfying reversals (for example, you the potential to reverse-attack the moves of an
VF2 had depth, wait until you might grab an incoming attack, and use your opponent who’s on a slightly lower level.

get a load of this. The state opponent’s momentum to slam them into the mat or, VF3tb’s globe-trotting scenario assembles a cast of
of the art craftier yet, snap a few bones). twelve skilled warriors from almost every continent,

50 SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega® Dreamcast Magazine

Virtua Fighter 3tb

1 As beautiful as ballet,
but alot more painful.
2 Throws factor even
more so here than in
3 Subway self-
defense done by
the book.
, 4 Taka’s
motto: ‘less
moving, more


pitting them against one another on their respective

home These vary from the high-tech urban
CHAPTER landscape of an unfinished skyscraper, to the
AND VERSUS ruralexpanse of the Great Wall of China. Okay, so this
clash of nations might not be explained in terms of a
. TICKING OUT the few extra tightly scripted plot, but each fighter does have an
, weeks between the system ultimate objective: to secure a one-on-one against a
launch and the Virtua Fighter liquid metal fighter named Dural (and rack up some
3tb release should be made a little frequent-flyer miles in the process).
easier by the knowledge that Sega is Of course, we all know thatone of the best parts of

taking that extra time to include a every kung fu action flick (okay, the best part) is how
versus mode — the most glaring the brawling actually looks on screen. In VF3tb's case
omission from last November's this happens at 60 frames-per-second, and at a

Japanese release. The ability to higher resolution than the high-powered coin-op. Just
choose new characters and like its big brother, the Dreamcast version employs
battlegrounds after a match against stacks of motion capture, although we can’t be sure
friends got left out in the Tokyo cold. that such techniques were used for the facial

Being community-minded here at expressions - but hey, we were fooled. In fact, fooling

DCM, we’d ike you to help our you into thinking you’re actually fighting is what VF3tb
Japanese friends to find it. is all about.
If you see it. please let it know While absent from Dreamcast’s launch line-up, Sega’s
that there are thousands of horribly fighter will be out soon afterwards. By the way, does
worried Japanese gamers that anyone know if Cain ever did find his brother? Answers
'really aren't angry' and 'just on a postcard, please.
- Randy Nelson

Official Sega ©Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 51

m COMINGSOON Preview Zone

| Sega Rally 2
It’s like NASCAR, but with proper tracks. And weather.
And mud. Lots and lots and lots of mud




Car physics are

right on
n n spite of

the seat-of-your-pants
world motorsport
delight of arcade
its rugged
about as close to a gentleman’s sport as
get going
Sega first

looks, rally racing

120mph on unpaved
attempted to re-create
of the wildly popular
1996’s Sega Rally, much to the
and Sega Saturn fans. Now the

• Added tracks for the

tricked-out descendant of the game is flooring it
home version
towards Dreamcast, bringing with it more than a few
• Impeccable heritage
extra features not found in its coin-op counterpart.
mode 1-6 Sega Rally 2 offers simulation-level detail
Leading the pack
which aims
is an all-new 10-year
to simulate the sport’s grueling

racing and arcade thrills, from seat-of-your-pants

schedule, complete with twisty courses and hot-shot night-driving to the tight cornering required of

• Tracks are short and opponents that become even more trying as the quaint old European towns - where the locals

could get repetitive seasons progress. Herein also lies the path to still marvel at the ‘horseless carriage’.
• The difficulty curve is unlocking one of the game’s other primary bonuses, a
really steep, and can be bevy of all-new cars. While placing above third in any
daunting of the first nine years will allow you passage to the enough grueling courses to muck it up
next, only a ranking of first will land you a brand new on? Not much. It’s with that fact in mind
BOTTOM LINE set of wheels for your garage. that the Sega Rally 2 crew has outfitted
There are 20 cars in all, with eight being the Dreamcast conversion of their game
The arcade version was a immediately selectable, 11 unlocked in the 10-year with a whole extra locale in which to

classic, noted for its superb mode, and one rewarded for completing the arcade compete - a lush rainforest - and at
handling and a great mode. Each is available in automatic and manual least two new variations of the arcade
sensation of speed. There's flavors and have several handling attributes that can version’s three courses: desert,
nothing to suggest that the be tweaked in the rally mode for optimal performance, mountain, and ‘snowy.’ Rounding out
home version won’t be at and, ultimately, a faster lap. the pack are the hairpin-filled Riviera
least as good - if not better But what good is a shiny new rally car without oval and a top-secret indoor course that

52 SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega ® Dreamcast Magazin

Sega Rally

IT’S GOING TO TAKE EVERY OUNCE 1 In the Alps, returning that late video rental takes on new
urgency when you have checkpoints to beat. The Lancia
OF RACING KNOW-HOW YOU HAVE pictured in this screenshot should get you there on time,
IF YOU EVER PLAN TO SEE THAT though - it’s the best all-rounder in the game. 2-3 The desert

I SECRET TRACK stage offers plenty of opportunity for honing your

powersiidiung skills, but in the ‘snowy’ stage you’ll want to
only the very best drivers will ever manage to see. tightly control both your speed and sliding if you want to
Becoming the Steve McQueen of rally drivers isn’t avoid losing those precious seconds that could make the
going to be such a cakewalk. It's going to take every difference between qualifying and ‘Game Over’.
EGA RALLY 2 IS SLATED to be one of the first ounce of racing game know-how you have if you ever

S games that will use Dreamcast Network for

head-to-head gaming via the Internet.
Sega’s online service rolls
out this November, you’ll be
plan to see that secret track
first position,

for that matter.

of the game’s
- or get past year five


But if

service for
you’re logged onto Sega’s forthcoming

different sight
Dreamcast, you’re
- up to three other
likely to

human opponents
see a very

able to race up to three other human opponents convincing] physics and handling will be essential in vying for your coveted first place position. Unlike the Al
simultanously, and will have access to a world wide getting you past each checkpoint, closer to your next drivers offline, it’s a pretty safe bet that this lot won’t
ranking system and chat lounge for arranging races opponent, and shaving precious seconds off your laps. hesitate to nudge you into the occasional ravine.
and giving the losers a hard time. But, hey, it’s the It’s not your typical racer where tires stay firmly Did we say ‘gentleman’s sport’? Our mistake. Let’s
taking part that counts, right? planted on the tarmac, either - quite the opposite. amend that to ‘lead-footed nightmare haven’t-had-
Loose gravel, snow, and copious amounts of rain lend my-medication-today-but-l'm-fine-really-no-please-
themselves well to power sliding. don’t-send-me-back-to-that-place’ lunatic sport.
Looking in your rearview mirror won’t reveal your Alrighty, then - where do we sign up?
aunt Lois barking out unsolicited driving instructions. -Randy Nelson

official Sega ©Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 53

19 COMINGSOOV Preview Zone

| NBA 2000 IP

Forget hedgehogs and zombies, sports fans

This is what you've been waiting for... L

move is true-to-life, with over 1,600 motion captured

animations [more than four times that of any current
sports game). It's no wonder this title is

shaping up to be more realistic than any II I

basketball game on any system thus far. jJttfjj
1-2 For fans frustrated by the recent shortened season in the NBA, you’ll finally be able to take Producer Marcus Mathews points to the
it to the hoop as Raptor Vince Carter against the behind-the-back play of the Kings’ J. Will.
variety of motion capture as one of the keys
that makes the game look so good. "We
t's easy to gloss over Sega's NBA 2000 motion captured seven different people, so
IN BRIEF when Sega Sports is best known for its small guys really run like small guys. We have PH
phenomenal baseball game, World Series
Baseball '98, and its upcoming NFL 2000
medium, medium-large, and large, and
depending on who you are, you’re going to
^ ;

is so flashy that it casts a ominous shadow over any see a different run. You’re going to see a
• Basketball games have
other Dreamcast sports title. After seeing NBA 2000 in different walk. You’re going to see different HI
never been this realistic
action, however, there's no question that this game dunks, obviously, and different lay-ups." rafMj
• Arcade mode should
should be taken seriously. The more we see it, the This attention to detail is not just cosmetic.
satisfy players looking for
more we like it, and the more we realize how powerful You can't stuff a 360 degree aerial dunk from
a less rigid set of rules
a sports console Dreamcast can be.

— |
NBA 2000

isone of the few certifiably 'cutting
on the horizon that did not gain that oft-

flashy graphics, speedy

overused label because of its
• The ‘line up the arrows’ free
framerate, or great sound - although it already excels
throw system might be VISUAL CONCEPTS almost no detail, no matter

in all three areas. No, it stands out because of its how small, out of this game. Can you guess which
confusing if you’re used to
obsessive attention to detail. In basketball, more than they included and which they left out?
the traditional ‘stop the
any other sport, the little things matter most because c
moving ball'
you only have ten players on the court, and this game
Brian Grant's Dreadlocks YES E NOD
Alan Iverson's Parole officer YES NO[x|
BOTTOM LINE aims to gets those precious details dead right.
Shaq's Superman Tattoo YES e NOD
One look at the player models will confirm this. In Chris Webber's Dealer YES NOS
Sega takes basketball other basketball games, detail stops at Dennis Rik Smits Knee-High Socks YES E NOD
simulations to the next level Rodman's changing hair color - but NBA 2000 shows Latrell Sprewell's temper guage YES NOS
" '

down to tattoos, dreadlocks, and v

by making them look and everything right fully-

play more realistically than polygonal facial features. Even the way that the players


54 SEPTEMBER 99 official Sega® Dreamcast Magaz

NBA 2000

1-2 Former teammates, Spree

and Muggsy ham it up while
muscling their way to the hoop in

glorious hi-resolution. 3-5 With

NBA 2000 taking into account
each current players' physical
attributes, expect this to be one
of the most realistic hoops games
available. 6-7 Golden Boy, Kobe
Bryant, and the Pistons’ Grant
Hill decide to play a little ball in

between filming Sprite and candy-

bar commercials.

the free throw line with

Shaq, and you won't muscle
your way through the heart of
San Antonio's defense with diminutive Alan Iverson.
NBA 2000 even takes into account the weight of its
players so even posting up becomes the pound-versus-
pound struggle that it is in real life.

You'd think with the developers paying so

much attention to the players and the gameplay
that the other details could be forgotten, but
that's not the case. Stadiums are to be
recreated right down to their individual seat

types, the stands are packed with polygonal

and even the team benches and court
perimeter are populated with splinter-gathering
backups, pacing coaches, score keepers and MUSCLE YOUR
familiar referees. WAY THROUGH
Sega knows the importance of building a
strong sports following for its console. Genesis
flourished with great sports games while Saturn SAN ANTONIO’S
floundered without good sports titles of its own. DEFENSE WITH
Judging by NBA 2000 Dreamcast is off to a

blazing start.

Official Sega® Dreamcast Magazin SEPTEMBER 99

Resident Code Veronica



Resident Evil
Code Veronica
“Dear Mom
- the hotel’s

great, but there’s something

really odd about the staff...”

1-2 Claire’s back to her old job of

offing zombies in tight quarters.

3 Guns are nice, but knives get

straight to the point. Har-har. 4

Realtime environments and
dynamic lighting make for extra-

spooky atmosphere. 5 Gloomy

corridors give way to well
6 And no, the zombies haven’t
lit labs.
+ |
gotten any smarter.
• Realtime graphics and
icking up where part two in the series dramatic camerawork are

left off, Resident Evil: Code Veronica sees sure to increase the
heroine Claire Redfield setting off for spook factor
Europe to rescue her missing brother, • First-person mode
Chris. But before she can even take in a little

sightseeing, she's ambushed and spirited off to the — |

hidden island stronghold of the evil Umbrella
syndicate. (Not to be confused with the one chaired by • Will this latest chapter
the estimable Mary Poppins.) contain enough innovation
Once there, Claire's left with nothing but a survival to please those us of who
knife and a hazy sense of direction with which to find finished the first two
her way - and hopefully locate her kidnapped sibling also possible, and will surely take the series' Resident Evils ?
in the process. Standing in her way are the dark, dank frightening atmosphere to an unprecedented level.

halls and rooms of the stronghold and the hideous Certain to push the series even further are the addition BOTTOM LINE
cast of zombies, mutants, and other unsightly Euro- of a first-person mode [which opens up a coffin-load
trash which inhabit them. of possibilities, including a little sniper action), a cache Capcom’s groundbreaking
Unlike the two previous Resident Evil adventures, of new high-powered weaponry, and the ability to ‘survival horror’ franchise
Code Veronica isn't limited to pre-rendered download new items and weapons from the internet. adds realtime 3D graphics,
environments and fixed camera angles. Tapping the While the game isn't due to hit these shores until first-person gamepiay, new
resources of Dreamcast's powerful silicon, the game is early next year, these latest scream-shots are already weapons, and Internet-
capable of delivering real-time scenes in which to keeping us awake at night in anticipation. based expandability for its

combat the undead hordes. Movie-like camerawork is -Randy Nelson first outing on Dreamcast.

SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega ^Dreamcast Magazine








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Castlevania: Resurrection


r Resurrection
Old red-eyes is

year's handheld game Castlevania: Legends. Along for

the ride is newcomer Victor Belmont, a mercenary IN BRIEF
from the future who bears an uncanny resemblance to

1 Indiana Jones would have wet

Evil Dead's Bruce Campbell. Lucky him. f |
Fitting, really, because they'll both be pitted against
himself at this point, but our
some truly evil (and very dead) adversaries. • Takes the series into 3D
heroine takes it all in her stride.
Count Dracula is back, summoned by the every-bit- and back into step with
2 New enemies show off the
as-vile Countess of Castlevania, and they've brought a itsaction-packed platform
game’s accute attention to
motley crew of classic bosses with them. ancestry
detail. 3 Castlevania’s ghastly
Frankenstein's monster (‘Frank’ to his friends), the • Looks gorgeous
welcoming commitee. 4 When
Wolfman, and Death himself are out for blood - this
theater ushers die...
Carpenter’s The
5 A John
Fog homage?
time they'll team up to make things

trickier. — |
Returning to its roots from a gameplay standpoint,
6 Tomb sweet tomb.
the game casts aside the exploration aspects of its • Seasoned Castlevania

more recent siblings in favor of pure action. Dracula's veterans might find it

castle is still as sprawling as ever (five levels big, each shallower than past
onami's twelfth (yes, twelfth) with five to eight sub-sections), but you'll spend far installments

resurrection of the nearly two-decade- more time whipping your way through baddies than • 2D to 3D is a tough move
old Castlevania license aims to win over exploring its every nook and cranny this time around.
fans of the game's earliest ancestors and Classic elements that you’ll remember from the BOTTOM LINE
those yearning for the series to make a proper leap 16bit and 32bit (re-)incarnations such as leaping
into 3D. Fortunately for us, this won't be accomplished across clock tower cogs and swinging from Konami is reinventing its

through the simulation of noisy tourists, tacky souvenir chandeliers will feature prominently, accompanied by classic vampire hunting
stands, or other hallmarks of modern-day castles, but some new hair-raising twists - battling against a series, going back to the
rather by drawing on tried-and-true gameplay and three-headed serpent as it chases you, for one. basics to produce an
Dreamcast's cutting-edge technology. Castlevania Resurrection is still a few months off, adventure that’s lighter on
Employing cast from its previous chapters, this with a current ETA of next spring. We'll be keeping our exploration, heavier on
latest outing equips you in the vampire hunting gear of holy water and crucifixes within easy reach until then. action, and aims to be the
whip-wielding Sonia Belmont, who hails from last -Randy Nelson most gorgeous yet

58 SEPTEMBER 99 official Seaa® Dreamcast Magazine

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Preview Zone

One evil
Slave Zero
emperor. One giant robot. Revenge against all odds.

n the not-so-distant future, the entire Wiring you into the cockpit of this massive, yet
population of a massive metropolis has incredibly nimble juggernaut, Slave Zero aims to let

been brought under the control of one you live out every Robotech fan’s fantasy. If you’ve

man: an evil dictator named SovKahn. every fancied piloting a 60-foot-tall robot armed with
This doesn’t bode well for the fate of mankind, and it’s Plasma Rail Cannons in a bustling metropolis, this is
up one would-be hero - that’s you - to save the
to your chance. Want to scale skyscrapers and squash
day by hijacking one of SovKahn’s enforcer robots. puny little tanks with your giant metallic feet? Behavior
of that sort is highly encouraged - and often
necessary for survival.

By accessing Slave Zero's online capabilities, you’ll

also be able to test your mettle against up to 16 other

human pilots simultaneously in a variety of cleverly
designed arenas.
Tying together an epic
story, frenetic action, and
more than 15 missions, 1 Piloting a gigantic robot

thegame will stomp its through a mile-high city is

way onto Dreamcast in frought with dangers —

late September. luckily you’re heavily armed.
- Francesca Reyes 2 Enemies will pursue
relentlessly, so you'll often

have to climb to safety.

Throw caution (and

Test Drive
traffic laws) to the wind in Infogrames’ first Dreamcast racer
Test Drive 6
1 Drive like that boozy uncle ombine 40 licensed vehicles, full-scale newest effort looks to be no different.

- and get away with it. 2 cop chases, high-resolution visuals, and True to its ancestry, Test Drive 6 take players on a
Wave to the nice police what do you get? Test Drive 6, the latest break-neck tour of global locations such as London and
officer as you fly past. installment in one of the best-known Hong Kong. But with the power of Dreamcast, cruising
racing series on the planet. The franchise that put through any of the 30 new tracks will surely look as

Accolade (now known as Infogrames North America) good as the game promises to play. Police chases have
on the map has been evolving at a rapid pace, and this also been fine-tuned as well, allowing for multiple
pursuits to be taking place simultaneously and whole
convoys of pesky cops to
tail your car.

Throw into the mix

police helicopters and
night-time patrol courses
and Test Drive 6 appears
to be shifting quite
seamlessly into the next
generation of gaming.
Infogrames will give you
the keys and the pink-slip
this November.
- Francesca Reyes

Official Sega ©Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 63 |


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Sega’s epic may be a small step for
man, one giant leap for gaming

very system needs a game that will both

sell it to the skeptical and show off its IN BRIEF
capabilities. Since the earliest days of
Dreamcast,game has been that + I POINTS
Shenmue. While details on the game continue to 1 Meet Ryo Hazaki. He’ll be your likeness through the
• Ultra-realistic graphics
emerge at a steady pace, there are still many treacherous streets of urban China and beyond. 2-4 A
questions left unanswered. Is an RPG? Is it an it mixture of QTEs, real action bits, and free-roaming
• Innovative gameplay that
adventure? Or is a fighting game? And why is
it exploration, Shenmue promises to immerse you in its realism.
mixes all types of modes
everyone dressed in cheesy 80’s outfits? into one adventure
Easily the most ambitious title in gameplay features the inclusion of sequences called • It’s set in the 80’s

development for any system, Quick Timer Events. These consist of scripted action
Shenmue attempts to mix elements sequences where you’re required to hit the right — |
from all three genres to create a new category button at precisely the right moment in order to
of gaming that its obsessive creator Yu Suzuki survive. Or in other words: Simon Says. Suzuki claims • Does anyone really know
i refers to as FREE (Full Reactive Eyes that these QTE’s will be randomly placed throughout what this game is really

Entertainment). Conceptually, FREE means that the game and will not feature as prominently as the about besides Yu Suzuki?
you’ll be able to do practically anything you choose free-roaming action and adventure segments. Bearing • It’s set in the (gulp!) 80's
to within the game’s world, from interacting with in mind the luke-warm press reception to this mode,
townsfolk to choosing your own mode of that seems like a wise move.
transportation to participating in any number of mini- With every other aspect of Shenmue continuing to BOTTOM LINE
games. You can stumble unexpectedly into a exceed expectations, it’s still the title to beat - QTEs
warehouse brawl, bike to the local grocery store, or not. While the plot has yet to be completely Ambitious in its scope and
gamble with street merchants for money... the list goes revealed, Shenmue promises to up the ante for all promising to be equally
on. And from everything we’ve learned about adventure games to come. Sega are betting on it impressive in its realization,

Shenmue, this may very well shape up to be a appealing to all ages, approaching the holy-grail of a Shenmue may prove to be
boundless experience set to reinvent the genre. truly mass-market game. TV had the moon landings to Dreamcast's ‘killer app,'
But in practical terms, FREE may mean a sell it to the masses. Videogaming has Shenmue. changing the way we play
completely different thing. A big part of Shenmue's - Francesca Reyes games forever
Preview Zone

Street Fighter Alpha 3

Capcom's famed fighting series sticks to 2D — but adds online play
Street Fighter Alpha 3
rcade-goers have been pummeling away
on the latest - and most outrageous - PUBUSHER: CAPCOM
installment in the Street Fighter Alpha
line since its debut late last year, and in GENRE: FIGHTING
be coming home 1-2
few short months the game
just a will NUMBER OF PLAYERS:
more than intact on Dreamcast. ONUNE: YES
Unlike the version of the game already available for RELEASE DATE: FALL
PlayStation, Dreamcast's Street
Fighter Alpha 3 will feature all of the
character and background
animation present in the arcade
game coupled with zero load time.
Being carried over from the sound, head-to-head Internet brawls via Dreamcast's
Capcom's initial home port are built-in modem will be possible, as will the ability to
several new fighters (which are train your fighters using the VMU - which can then be
now playable from the get-go), and linked with a friend's for some pint-sized pugilism. If 1 Ryu and the gang are able

the World Tour adventure mode. allgoes as planned, you'll even be able to download to perform flashier moves
There's also a four-player mode in new characters via Capcom's website. than ever. 2 Old favorites

the works similar to the one found Street Fighter Alpha 3 might be strictly old-school - such as Guile are playable

in the Dreamcast port of sister-title but, like a pair of Vans sneakers, should prove to be a from the get-go. 3 Get
Marvel vs. Capcom. perfect fit for fans. clobbered like this by players

Beyond flashier graphics and -Randy Nelson over the Internet.

Toy Commander
Pint-sized warriors wage battle on the real home front

ow come your parents always insisted Putting a particularly warped twist on the ‘toys
Toy Commander
1 This Godzilla look-alike

must be stopped, if not just that your toys be put neatly away when come alive’ theme of movies like Pixar's Toy Story, the

for his poor fashion sense. 2 you were done playing with them? If Toy game casts you as a would-be general charged with
Not to be confused with Commander is anything to go by, they waging full-scale (or was that sixteenth-scale?) war in

other ‘Army men’ games. 3 probably feared a sharp jump in their insurance bill. your living room. You'll have all sorts of pint-sized units

No bats in these rafters — atyour beck and call, including radio-controlled cars,
model aircraft, and the requisite plastic Army men.
Ordinance will be suitably low-caliber as well - atom
bombs get replaced by rubber erasers in this world.
Straying from the oft-seen real-time strategy
model, the game spans several forms of gameplay,
including first-person shooting, racing, and flying, with
tedious movement commands kept to a minimum.
French developer No Cliche (known for such games as
Twinsen's Quest on the PC) also has designs to work
split-screen four player combat and modem-based
melees into the game's remarkably detailed world.
If Toy Commander turns out anywhere near as
brilliant as its concept, we reckon you'll be just as slow
to stow it as you were with your real toys.
-Randy Nelson

Official Sega ® Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 67 |


Sega Bass
Sega confirms what you’ve always suspected: Size
really does matter
Sega Bass Fishing
magine a world where fishing is the
supreme sport and the highest
achievement is hooking that elusive 20
pound bass... Okay, so that may not be
the world that we’d all like to live in, but Sega has
created such a universe with its more than arcade-
perfect port of Sega Bass Fishing.

Featuring a Dreamcast-only Original Mode that

allows you to play
through a string of
progressively tough
tournaments against
other fishermen (and
women), Sega Bass there will assuredly be enough simulation elements to 1 All the fun of fishing
Fishing also gives you a please even the most veteran fishing fiends. without the drag of having
chance to test your skills Add in the option to use Sega’s clever fishing to gut and clean the
against the clock in controller, and you’ll be able to feel all the tugs and suckers after they've been
Arcade Mode. Controlling ferocious reeling of what may be the most true-to-life hooked! 2 Easy to play, but
the game promises to be fishing game yet. Super-realistic graphics, challenging progressively tough to
enough for those who’ve gameplay, secret lures, and day-glo fishing caps round master, Sega Bass Fishing
never virtually trawled the out the package. promises to be the fishing
lakebeds for bass, while - Francesca Reyes game to beat.

Soul Fighter
Pig-faced monsters and barbarians square off

Soul Fighter f not for the lack of gnome-like fellows

PIGGYBACK dishing out rotisserie turkeys, you might
INTERACTIVE just mistake Piggyback Interactive’s first

go on Dreamcast as a 3D successor to
the mighty arcade classic Golden Axe at first glance.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: Choosing one of three medieval action-romp
JUMP PACK - a burly warrior, scantily-clad
archetypes vixen, and
RELEASE DATE: SEPTEMBER mysterious mage - you set off to hack your way
through several fully 3D stages populated
with all assortments of baddies, from
boar-like warriors to bona fide giants.
Unlike past treatments of the genre, you
can zip into a first-person mode for some
1-2 Depending on your high-accuracy slaying after procuring the
taste, Soul Fighter offers
dagger, crossbow, or bomb power-ups.
both first-person and third- If hand-to-hand melees are more your
person views to take in all
you can always sheath your weapon
the action. 3 Don’t expect and charge up for a devastating combo
a stroll down Sesame move that would leave Conan scrambling
Street, this game isn’t for for his video camera. Or more steroids.
the faint of heart. - Randy Nelson

official Sega ©Dreamcast Magazine


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| Ecco the Dolphin

Defender of the Future
Ecco resurfaces in stunning 3D to prove he’s more than
just a sub-aquatic substitute for Lassie. Woof! (gurgle)...

olphins - you’ve gotta love’em. And we

IN BRIEF do here at DCM. Senior Editor Randy
Nelson claims he actually ‘met’ TV star
POINTS Flipper at a Hollywood schmoozefest,
(though was unnerved by the Wet-One’s permanent
» Beautifully-realized levels “He on
smile]. just stood there his tail smiling and
and astounding graphics making clicking noises, “ claims Randy. “
It was sort of
» Massive environments to creepy, actually.” Ecco, however, happily remains
1 Ecco activates his sonar. 2 “Look,
explore, and plenty to do untouched by the warped mirror of fame, and has
I’m not your mom, okay? You’re a
* Dolphins are cool returned looking better than ever. And with a great big
shark, I’m a dolphin.” 3 Dolphin HQ. 4
smile on his face.
The producer on the project, Gergely Csaszar,
Ecco explores. 5 Turtle-burgers
round. 6 Ecco’s island in the sun.

remarked that this title looks so realistic "that one

• It’s rare that classic 2D cannot help but forget that this whole world is 'just a "Our goal was to have
titles make the jump to 3D videogame.' For me it went beyond a game: it is a real an easy to use tool set for
successfully place with real living creatures. It's like creating life." building the game part
• It’s a game about fish, Obviously, even the developers have lost every (placement of objects
essentially sense of reality, but it proves that Ecco will give new .lighting, sound effects,
meaning what you might
to call "virtual reality." It behavioral patterns, etc.)
BOTTOM LINE looks as though it will be an ideal showcase for the and an interactive,
Dreamcast's awesome power, much like the Genesis realtime engine which
There are few titles on the game set new standards in the 16bit era. To make all allows us to run the
horizon that look as good as this possible, Appaloosa uses its proprietary ‘Game game instantly, as soon
Ecco the Dolphin, and fewer World Builder’ technology, a combination of as we have completed
still that provide the less development ‘tool’ and game engine, all running on a some tuning." Csaszar
arcade-obsessed gamers Windows-based interface.What all that means is that makes it all seem easy.
with a sizable world to the teams can add and subtract parts of the game "With a few other mouse clicks you can run the
explore. Appaloosa’s Dolphin world at the touch of a button, and create new maps game on the target platform, which in this case is

Safe title is one to watch and levels quickly. It’s kind of like Lego - but in code. Dreamcast. Basically, anybody can tune the game

70 SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega® Dreamcast Magazine

Ecco the Dolphin

1 “Hi, I'm Ecco, and I’ll be your

intelligent sub-aquatic mammal." 2
An octopus boss gets a little too

friendly. 3 Back to school. 4 Future

super-villain headquarters. 5 “Gurgle”

and get results with minutes and hours instead of days

or weeks." This explains why Ecco made many games

pale in comparison at E3, and it's

only been in development for a ECCO MADE MANY GAMES PALE IN

year or so.
In addition to the great
attention to graphical detail and SHOW, AND IT’S ONLY BEEN IN
ppaloosa created a special ‘world realism, Appaloosa is hard at work DEVELOPMENT FOR A YEAR

A builder’ program to help them
construct these amazing levels
game quickly and easy. Slyly codenamed
at creating
"Once we have an
environment that looks beautifully
just playing around with the dolphin
lagoons "(Is that legal?- Ed] and performing various
acrobatics in the air. Appaloosa also has "something
in quiet, remote

Game World Builder', it’s shaved months off real and creatures that look and

the production schedule and allows the team behave as if they were truly alive, very special indeed" planned for the VMU, which is

to spend their time dreaming up ever more we will continue this approach meant to remain a surprise for now. A tuna cannery
fiendish traps ands tricks to keep even the and make the 'videogame' sim, perhaps...

most Flipper-obsessed gamers in the drink for elements blend into the natural as Interestingly, the story was created by none other
weeks (this boring gray screenshot is what it well," Csaszar explains. Ecco will than David Brin, the Hugo Award-winning author of
looks like to the lucky whizkids designing be an "adventure game with many sci-fi epics such as The Postman and Startide Rising

the game). action elements." You’ll get to (Here’s hoping this story, at least, won’t make it to

explore four widely different Kevin Costner’s agent, eh David?]. Regarding his

worlds, each subdivided into areas collaboration with Appaloosa he tells DCM, "At first I

packed with all sorts of puzzles was reluctant - 1 have a pretty full plate with novels and
and enemies. You can also choose movies. But then I got to see the Genesis version of
between a "simulation" and Ecco and was captivated! This wasn’t just another
"arcade" type control, based on shoot-em-up game. found myself imagining a

how comfortable you are with the storyline to back-up the action-packed game
dolphin controls and "navigating, sequences. Well, as long as I was day-dreaming a

diving, climbing and spinning story, I might just as well get paid for it!"

around in a virtual world." Not Just as long as we never live to see the day Kevin
only will the veteran gamer be Costner arrives on screen in a rubber dolphin outfit,

served with this game, but people the prospect of such an amazing-looking adventure
less interested in finishing the title is a welcome one indeed.
adventure will "find endless fun -Jorg S. Tittel (gurgle .
. J

Sega@Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 71

D COMINGSO Preview Zone

| Metropolis
Street Racer
“Drive", she said. So you did, and
she hasn't seen you in weeks

ega originally wanted the Liverpool-

IN BRIEF based coders Bizarre Creations to
create a cutting edge Grand Prix
+ |
POIN TS game for the Dreamcast. But
company founder Martyn Chudley felt
• It’s the best-looking racing he needed to do another FI game
game ever made like a moose needs a weekend in
• You get to race real cities Vegas. So out went the Ferraris,
• And absurdly quick the yellow flags and the pit-stops,
Japanese sports cars and in came rag-top European
speedsters and
joyously reckless powersliding.
thrills of

You’ll be able to drive at least 20

• It’s another racing game different production cars (Ford
• Will the detail in the car Mustang, Honda NSX, Euro-sportscar
models mean too few Fiat Barcetta and more), licensed from 13
‘background’ vehicles? different manufacturers. And yes, you’ll be me icvcia, is nibicuiuiy ucidiieu.
• The hype is building... able to race against other super-convertibles 2-4 The cars look simply fantastic. The
around the tricky twists of urban street tracks. What challenge for Bizarre is to add multiple cars to scenes while

BOTTOM LINE gives the game its unique edge is that its nine circuits keeping the frame-rate smooth - the programming equivalent of
are based on real areas of three world cities - Tokyo, hitting the exhaust port of the Death Star. Without The Force.
Bizarre Creations know London and San Francisco. While other games let you
racing games like Colonel thunder around fictional courses, Metropolis Street and home of tastless tourist knick-knacks,
Sanders knows chicken. If Racer has realistically modeled three two square mile Fisherman’s Wharf.
anyone can pull this areas per urban sprawl. Come the game’s launch this The extent of the realism is staggering. Not only
ambitious project off, it’s fall, you’ll be able to zip past the tourist traps of were the game’s cars modeled from official
those guys. You can bet London (Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, schematics and technical specs, but Bizarre Creations
Sega's racing teams are Picadilly Circus), before tackling the narrow streets also dispatched researchers to photograph and film
taking notes and tight turns of San Francisco’s own T-shirt Mecca the featured cities to get the building textures and the

Official Sega # Dreamcast Magazine
Metropolis Street Racer


1 The Ford Mustang takes a

spin around the hilly streets

of San Francisco, oddly

enough without a driver.

Spooky. 2-4 The Honda NSX is

one of the fastest cars in the

game. Here It makes

somewhat wayward progress
around Tokyo's hyper-trendy
Shibuya district. Note the
lens-flare from the headlights
and the specular highlighting
(reflections) on the
bodywork. It's okay to gasp -

we think the visuals are

breathtaking too.

ccurately- modeled city tracks? background minutia just right. The result is an THE BRICK-PERFECT DETAIL

A Laudable. Split-screen multiplayer (and

possibly a modem option)? Let’s have
a round of applause, please. But probably the
level of in-game detail

lampposts to accurate wall surfaces,

fire escapes and billboards -
- from

as the
neatest feature of Metropolis Street Racer thousands of photographs were painstakingly AN ICE-SKATING HEFFER...
promises to be the Gang Mode which turned into textures and squeezed into the game.
recreates the thrills and illegal spills of late- The bottom line is that if you live on a street that And that’s the key: playability. Whether you race in

night, hot-rod street racing. “We’d all seen makes up one of San Francisco’s tortuous tracks, daylight or darkness, around the neon-lit suburbs of

videos of cars racing up and down the you’ll be able to drive past and check out a Shibuya or Bullitt-style through the hilly

Yokohama freeway, lights blazing, engines recreation of your house, pixel-style. neighborhoods of San Francisco, the brick-perfect
roaring,” explains the law-abiding Martyn “What makes MSR different," suggests detail counts for nothing if your car boasts all the

Chudley. “So we tried to capture a bit of that. Chudley, “are the hyper-realistic environments. agility of an ice-skating heffer. “The handling of the

One of our producers at Sega used to be a Nobody else has really done that before - not to cars is going to be as true to their real-life

member of a London street gang, the Scorpions, this extent. It’s an idea which goes back to our counterparts as possible,” promises Chudley. “But it’s

so he’s been very helpful telling us about the Formula 1 heritage, of representing real and not going to be intrusive. Metropolis Street Racer will

culture and how it could work in a game.” recognizable environments. At the same time, have an arcade feel to it, for sure, but not at the
we’re not going to be too anal about it, because at expense of detail and gameplay.”
the end of the day the game has got to play well.” - Dean Evans

Official Sega® Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99

Vigilante 8: Second Offense


Vigilante 8
Second Offense
Activision redefines digital road rage

1-2 Whether playing against the

computer or friends, car combat
ensures a satisfying experience
for those with an appetite for
destruction. 3 Activision hints

that Dreamcast gamers will

have exclusive three and four

player modes to play with. 4-6
The variety of new powerups
allow you to cruise almost any
terrain with equal ease. IN BRIEF
et against the disco-fever
1970s America, the original Vigilante 8
backdrop of + | POINTS

game (released for those quaint old 32bit • Bright, shiny objects that

consoles) pitted rival car gangs against explode really well

one another, armed to the teeth with fantastic artillery • Huge variety of modes, as
and equally fantastic hair-do’s. Developer Luxoflux is well as multiplayer options

aiming to recapture the adrenaline-charged drama of • Loads of new features

the original, but is going the distance to ensure that
won’t be a simple rehash.

— |
Incorporating a new system of power-ups, Vigilante
8: Second Offense allows you to collect icons that • Al and detailed controls
enable its 17 new cars to transform robot-style are still yet to be seen
between different modes including a hovercraft, • Even though its all-action

snowmobile, and hydroplane. the characters still have

Luxoflux has also made sure to carry over to be identifiable and cool
elements from the original, such as recurring
characters and completely destructible combat BOTTOM LINE
arenas. There are 1 2 arenas in total, as well as
multiple gameplay modes for single players Being the first car combat
divided into Quest, Brawl and Desperado and game on Dreamcast, and a
two-, three- and four-player modes for what level drops a level or two - but that’s to be expected). promising one at that,
are sure to be some truly wild multi-player With 17 brand-new vehicles, as well as the addition Vigilante 8: Second Offense
melees. This is all handled split-screeen, and of the particularly vicious Drifter gang to the lineup, has little chance of failing,
from the early version shown to DCM, copes Vigilante 8: Second Offense could well have what it takes making it a good bet for fans
well with the added load, with little to be the king of the car-combat sequel road. of the genre and newcomers
framerate slow-down (though the detail - Francesca Reyes with a taste for explosives


0.02 ”[

- nui
sfeieied in the U.S. Patent and Trademat MAKE it smarter. it’s thinking (

I Climax Landers
Wanted: Role-playing game with cheeky female party member;
preferably in form - fitting attire. No experience points necessary

ST- —— b? ' • v LAY OF THE

Jm. -
Name: Lady
Origin: Ladystalker (Japan only)

Type: Elf

v ;>*• Specialty: Martial Arts

Name: Lyle

Origin: Landstalker

Type: Elf

Specialty: Thievery

Origin: N/A
Type: Half-man, half-roast beast

Specialty: Strength
limax Landers is the title
IN BRIEF on the lips of every
dedicated RPG fan. And Origin: Shining in the Darkness
with good reason. With Type: Magician
its lush environments and highly Specialty: Magic
• Gorgeous graphics feature a detailed polygonal cast of characters,
fully 3D universe it seems that there’s plenty to be
• Monster breeding, time excited about. Origin: N/A
traveling, and checkout lines Among the game’s many interesting features, the 1 Lady takes a good look at the machine that Type: Human
• Six characters to play most notable is the ability to travel back and forth will launch her and her comrades back and forth Specialty: Swordsmanship
through time. Sword, the main character, is through time. 2 The battle systems allows you
POINTS approached by one of the elders in his village to to capture animals and have them fight Name: Marion
decipher the mystery of the strange time portals that alongside your character. 3 Marion pulls off the A tree, perhaps?
• One town and only exist near the town (the elder would go himself of daring stunt of flying through the air on what Type: Wooden Puppet
regenerating dungeons may course, but he’s presumably ‘busy’). And so the looks like a large Dreamcast dinner mint. Specialty: Flammability
prove a little dull and less spritely young Sword must then rely on his inherent

expansive than other RPGs magic skills to solve the mystery by joining up with a Another of Climax Landers' much-
• How long is Landers? band of five other wanderers. publicized features is the strangely familiar
While the game only really features one town, band of characters cast in the game. Savvy
BOTTOM LINE Climax Landers gives you the chance to experience gamers who remember Climax’s other
this multi-faceted landscape in several different time classic RPGs, such as Landstalker and
With its beautiful landscapes periods. You’ll be able to shop in a modern Shining in the Darkness on the Genesis, will
and promising gameplay, convenience store at one point in the game, then most likely recognize the mugs of two of
Climax Landers should give explore prehistoric ruins complete with primitive the former games’ heroes. Marlin, the
us a peek at what’s to come peoples and dinosaurs the next (sounds like my local spunky mage who was one-third of the
for RPGs, but its success mall - Ed). The combination offers an interesting dungeon exploring team in Shining in the
relies more on storyline and opportunity not only for jokes about elf ears and Darkness, as well as Lyle, the cocky elfin
characters. It’s still wait-and- Slurpees, but also plenty of innovation and variety in thief from Landstalker, both play integral
see on this one. a genre that can be all too predictable roles in Landers.

official Sega ® Dreamcast Magazine
Climax Landers

1 Approaching the stage deep inside the

fabled Batcave, Sword prepares to
audition for the part of Robin (oops -
wrong universe). 2 The textures and IS YOUR ABILITY TO TRAVEL BACK
environments in the game are simply AND FORTH THROUGH TIME
breathtaking. 3 Sword confronts one of

the many bosses within Landers; For those who had the chance to lay their
prepare for some tough battles. 4 Marlin paws on the import, Ladystalker, will no doubt also
defends her right to wear bright recognize Lady, the female martial arts master,
lavender tights by wielding a rather too. Sword will also call upon the help of
large wooden stick. newcomers, Rao, a powerful beastman, and
Marion, an enigmatic female wooden puppet
character of which little is known in the game
(apart from her aversion to naked flames]. All six

characters will be playable, but only one

character can be controlled at a time, so don’t
expect to be traipsing about the dungeons with all

six of these powerful warriors in tow.

With a release date tentatively set for Winter,
Sega plans on promoting Climax Landers not only
on the strength of its gorgeous visuals, but with

its multitude of unique features. A string of 10

VMU-related mini-games to support the

monster-breeding options and casino-type sub-
games sound cool. But ultimately the story and
gameplay will tell Climax Landers’ tale. Expect
more coverage of this amazing looking RPG in
Fantasy Zone in the coming months.
- Francesca Reyes

Official Sega® Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99

53 COMINGSOOfV Preview Zone

Dynamite Cop
Pirates of the Caribbean gone horribly wrong
Dynamite Cop
rading foreign terrorists for the scariest action button when prompted in order to
PUBLISHER: SEGA pirates this side of Captain Ron, Sega’s clothesline oncoming baddies and perform
unofficial sequel to Die Hard Arcade has tricky jumps, amongst other marginally
GENRE: ACTION you donning the gear of a police special amazing feats.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 1-2 weapons member on a mission to rescue the Explaining yourself
PERIPHERALS: JUMP PACK president’s daughter off a hijacked cruise ship. to the President if you
RELEASE DATE: FALL Fortunately, you’ll be well armed - and look don’t rescue his
nothing like Keanu Reaves. Instead, you can choose daughter is the one
from three different characters. truly amazing feat
Comprised of three missions, the game lets you you’ll hopefully never
pummel your eye-patch-wearing adversaries with have to pull off.
nearly anything onboard that’s not nailed down, - Randy Nelson
including (but certainly not limited to) hat
1 Most of the baddies are racks, arcade machines, and, uh, toilet

pirates, although this one plungers. These are in addition to a

looks suspiciously like A- whole host of punches and kicks, not to
Team hero, Mr. T. 2 The mention intentionally-lethal objects the
action commences the likes of .9mm handguns and Uzis.
moment you set foot on the Breaking up the beat-’em-up
boat. 3 As a rule, every shenanigans are timing-oriented action
Sega beat-’em-up must sequences similar to those in Die Hard
feature a disco brawl. Arcade, whereby you’ll have to press the

Floigan Brothers
Sega’s top-secret platforming duo steps out of the shadows
Floigan Brothers eet the dynamic duo behind what Sega is to the popular platform genre in many years.
hoping will be one of the biggest games Playing as Hoigal (he’s the smaller one), you’ve got
DEVELOPER: VISUAL CONCEPTS of next year: Hoigel and Moigal Floigan. to work together with your Al-controlled sibling,
Their names may be funny, and their Moigal, in order to solve the game’s various puzzles -
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: world lifted straight out of old Laurel and Hardy skits, such as having him toss you up to hard-to-reach
JUMP PACK but these two decidedly places and moving large objects.
goofy brothers may be Developer Visual Concepts (NFL
the best thing to happen 2000) is keeping a tight lid on the
rest of the game’s inner-workings,
but we do know the motivation
FT 1 Moigal is easily im-
behind their mission: they’re about
pressed. Let’s hope he’s as
to lose their junkyard home to a
easy for Hoigal to control.

"l 1
fc. ^ greedy
without a good
land developer,

Brothers won’t
but not
2 The Floigan's junkyard
home is stunningly
Floigan be
*« available until next spring, but it’s
rendered, and will be
1* appearing in Better Homes
shaping up as one of the most
- * original representatives of its class.
and Gardens next month.
- .
if We’ll have much more on the game 3 Both characters look like

they’ve jumped straight

next month, so stay tuned to this station...
- Randy Nelson out of a cartoon.

78 SEPTEMBER 99 official Sega © Dreamcast Magazine


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Come to think of
be an understatement.
it, ‘full-tilt’ might

Enter the punch-drunk bunch

When September 9 rolls around, almost a

quarter of the 19 games you’ll be able to lay

Within minutes of arriving at Midway’s offices we were face-to-face with
some very sketchy-looking guys. Some of them weren’t too hard on the
hands on at your local games emporium will
eye - at least they were well-groomed and had good complexions. It was
carry the Midway logo — the largest day-one the other bunch that scared us. They looked like they’d just broken out of
a Federal Penitentiary and had a few scores to settle. They were
turn-out from anyone but Sega. Mortal Kombat
muggers, serial killers, granny bashers (or possibly even night club
and NFL Blitz will show up, of course, doormen), all boasting

but there will also be two fresh faces

multiple chins and the kind of
dark, sunken eyes that hadn’t
in the bunch, namely the high-octane v seen sleep for weeks.
racer Hydro Thunder and Ready 2 But this wasn’t the
slumber-deprived rabble that
Rumble, Dreamcast’s first boxing title.
normally passes for a games
But we’ve all played MK and Blitz development team. No, this

before — a racer’s just a racer, and all

motley crew were the
neatly-designed gang of
those questionable 32bit boxing ,
thugs in Ready 2 Rumble -
‘sims’ surely spelled the end of Jl Midway’s splendid new boxing
title that lodges its tongue
sleep-depriving, edge-of-your-chair
firmly in its bruised and bloody
videogame pugilism, right? Giving cheek. It most definitely pulls

no punches.
our magic eight-ball a good shake,
Even though some of the
and getting a curious ‘No’ fictional fighters were loosely based on
in response to this query, it
actual team members, we found a
friendly and enthusiastic bunch at work
W3S t' me t0 S6t t0
on the project. “It’s got an over-the-top
/ Midway’s San Diego, and we’re
look, a very responsive feel,

California studios to
concentrating more
on fun than
anything else,” assured programmer
^investigate further. Dave Wagner. “We’ve had people who
don't even play games pick it up and Ready 2 Rumble taps
start having fun right away.” Dreamcast’s enormous
graphical potential to

Bigger, stronger, fester render boxers that not

To create Ready 2 Rumble’s unique cast of some 20 only move like the real

boxers,and the multitude of boxing arenas, the team deal but also bleed,

has been drawing upon equal doses of classical sweat, and bruise like it

animation techniques, motion capture, and state- too. Calling traditional

of-the-art programming know-how. character animation

Each of the fighters has been conceived much tecniques into play,

in the same way as a cartoon character, and then Midway has created a
brought to life as a 3D model and ‘painted’ by roster of characters that

texture artist. From here, they receive their own are anything but your

unique array of moves, and then average run-of-the-

are given
footwork by the team’s
motion capture model, a
real-world kick boxer.
their fancy

w mill pugilists.

crowning touch comes in

the form of outlandish facial

animation, realistic bruises,
even the occasional missing tooth - all

occurring in realtime.

"We have a lot of our own tools to make the

motion and the facial expressions and the swell
points and the bruising,” adds lead programmer
Terry Bertram. “It’s even more

official Sega © Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99

Not everyone on Midway’s Ready 2 Rumble crew fancies themselves as would-be
pugilists — or so they say. You certainly wouldn’t be able to tell it judging by their
recent projects, which have included the console-exclusive fighting title Bio Freaks,
or that visibly worn Soul Calibur machine displayed proudly in their work space...

even another human player over the modem, the

latter game puts you in the ill-fitting blazer (and
maybe even a stark-white ‘fro?) of a boxing
manager. Given an entry-level sum of cash, it’s up
to you to hire a fighter, buy equipment, and train

them for a valiant victory.

It’s in this portion of the game that your VMU
(see page 91) will come into play, enabling you to
hone your prize fighter’s skills on the go, and even
trade them with friends. Your fighters can also
work out within the game on jump ropes, weight
machines, punching bags, and the like. There’s
even an ‘exhibition’ mode, where you and a friend
can load up your boxers and watch them duke it
out, the victor winning not only bragging rights,

but the other player’s character to boot.

comical when your boxer smiles at the end and he has a
IN BRIEF few teeth missing.” It saves on polygons, too. T.K.O.
It wasn’t long before we learned how quickly ‘pick-up-
POINTS Hard hitting and-play’ can turn into ‘pick-up-and-never-put-down’
Bruises, missing teeth, and dislocated jawbones when caught in a flurry of flying fists, swelling faces
• Could well turn out to be
generally come about from particularly hard blows in and cheering fans at 60 frames per second. It’s an
Punch Out, DC-style Ready 2 Rumble, and these are usually the rule and not impressive and thoroughly entertaining package.
• Hilarious, super-detailed,
the exception. In addition to the two basic high and One thing is for certain: Over-the-top boxing is A good, solid blow will
fat-lipped caricatures
mid-blows (oomph!), each boxer can land a variety of back and it’s never looked so good. And fortunately, send your opponent’s
• 60fps arcade-style speed
special punches, and chain combos can be executed these black eyes don’t sting anywhere near as much elastic jaw into orbit.

via predetermined directional and button as the real thing. First-person perspective

combinations, and, of course, precision timing.
Delivering a thunderous hit rewards you with one

more detail,

else at this point.


letter from the word ‘rumble’ for your appropriately Motion trails add to
• Single player game has
named Rumble Meter, which, when fully charged, can the game’s arcade look.
yet to be seen in action
be used to launch into a sort of berserker rage -
• First- person view will need
complete with fantastically glowing gloves. Go down for
some more work
the count, and a garter-wearing referee will make his
• You can’t punch Don King
way out onto the mat, accompanied by cinematic
camera angles. Tapping the shoulder buttons rapidly at
BOTTOM LINE this point is the best course of action - it’s essential for

We all know how terrible

regaining stamina for the remainder of the fight.

boxing games can be, but Of course, apart from knocking your foes

this one shines like George senseless, your other main goal is to avoid seeing

Foreman’s smooth, sweat- stars yourself. And through use of the shoulder

covered noggin buttons, life-saving ducks, and side-

steps are possible.

Road to victory
Whether you choose to compete as the
smack-talking Afro Thunder, the
grotesquely obese Salua, or any of their
Left- and right-handed blows are executed via separate
outlandish companions, Ready 2 Rumble
buttons, and, using a second set of buttons, can be directed
provides two basic gameplay modes -
toward your opponent’s head or chest. Each boxer falters
Arcade and Championship. Whereas the
and sways differently depending on the blow they’re dealt,
former is straightforward enough {you go
serving to further cement their individual character traits.
up against one Al opponent a friend, or

e| 82 official Sega ® Dreamcast Magazine

latest version that now
warrants a ‘Gold’ suffix.

While effortlessly
executing a 14-hit combo,
Kaffka explains all. “The
biggest thing is that
you’re going to be
able to play a
perfect version at
Familiar foes such as the home. It’s as good
four-armed Goro return as [
as MKIV in the
bosses. Reach out and arcade, but then all of
disembowel someone. MK the extra characters and
reminds us why parents and backgrounds that we’ll
politicians grimmace at the add to it are going to
mere mention name. " “
of its ' »
make it that much better.”

In addition to

ATTRACTION resurrecting ‘kombatants’

from the past MKs, the
Kombat update goes for gold team has brought along
Before we could make our way to some familiar fighting locales as well. Arenas such as
Ready 2 Rumble's title fight we were MKIfs Living Forest and Pit II have been updated for

quickly whisked away to a very the polygon age with added depth, and even those
different kind of combat. From a brought over from the last game have been
darkened conference room, came the enhanced with new animated
distant sound of blood-curdling elements. Taking advantage
screams and the decidedly grave and of Dreamcast’s power,
command, “finish him!”
familiar arcade-perfect characters of
was no test screening of a
This around 3,000 polygons each
new UPN gameshow, but, of course, are hurtled around over the
the latest, and potentially greatest, addition to the backdrops at a blistering 60
IN BRIEF Mortal Kombat universe, Mortal Kombat Gold. frames per second.
Fortunately bearing no resemblance to the armor-clad And what role has
POINTS warriors in the game, production staffers Andy Kaffka renowned series co-creator
and Ed Tucker invited us to pull up chairs as they Ed Boon had to play in all this?
• Biggest, boldest, bloodiest
casually disemboweled each other on screen. “Ed is still very involved in the
Mortal Kombat yet
• “Better than arcade-
While it may be true that at least one DCM staffer creative content and all of the

perfect,” you lucky people

entertained vague delusions of themselves as an MK creative decisions,” reports

• Horrible new characters

guru back in the days of MKII (Finish them! -Ed), we Kaffaka. In other words, he’s the
watched the mayhem unfolding on screen before one they’d be answering to if the
jumping into the fray. Having dabbled in just about identity of those aforementioned
— POINTS every incarnation of the series published to date, we hidden characters made a no-show.
just had to know what was so special about this He’d never get away with it.

• Your little sister won’t like

it (hang on, that's a plus)

• Long in the tooth THE NEW KOMBATANTS
• Remember, it’s not big or Apart from cosmetic tweaks and new backdrops, extra characters
clever to rip out spines mostly come in the form of some familiar faces from past MKs which
didn't make the cut for MK4. There’s the blade-wielding mutant,
Barraka; the noble, fan-throwing Kitana; the Scorpion-esque robot
Cyrax; and Kung Lao, who may very well have learned his razor-sharp
For the legions of obessive
hat throwing skills from James Bond’s Odd Job. Each character has
MK fans, no amount of blood
their own high-resolution FMV ending that has been created especially
and guts will ever be enough.
this latest chapter in the series, and the storyline has been
At least MK Gold could
tweaked subtly to compensate for their inclusion. “There’re also
silence the fans
one to three other characters,” Kaffka caught himself. This was
clearly one of those ‘I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill

you moments. We later dug out the information from our

network of unofficial sources — the Ogre-like Belokk has
spines across his head and back and looks utterly
fearsome. Well, what did you expect, Pee-Wee Herman?

official Sega ©Dreamcast Magazii



Left to right: Ed Tucker (associate producer), Michael Gottleib (producer), and
Andy Kaffka (assistant producer). This tireless trio serves double duty POINTS
supervising the coin-op conversion of NFL Blitz 2000 by US-based Avalanche
and the original efforts of Bristish developer Eurcom on Mortal Kombat
• Does away with pesky
rules that serve no point
but to slow things down
• Somehow managed a full

NFL license anyhow

NFL coin-op hit heads home — POINTS

Barring Street Fighter II, NFL Blitz has become one of • Rival players don’t say
the most-played arcade games of the ‘90s. Now its “Sorry, did I do that?” after
millennium edition (which for all intents and
an especially nasty hit
purposes is Blitz ‘99] is headed for day one release on • Still some rules remaining,
Dreamcast. Still visibly shaken from his heated match
of MK Gold, associate producer Ed Tucker explained
7 YARD RUN why the game has become such a phenomenon.
“All of the othergames are pretty much simulations BOTTOM LINE
of a football game, whereas Blitz takes all of the fun Think of it as a diet version
aspects of football and eliminates anything we find to of Sega's own NFL 2000
not be as much fun, such as pass interference and when it comes to adherence
certain other rules. You still have the basic structure of to rules, but when it comes
a football game, but you lose all of the elements that to the grit and hits of real
slow things down.” gridiron clashes, it may very
The moral is, football, like so many other aspects of well be the Jolt Cola of
life, can be made more entertaining when certain football games
Players of last year's version have a rules are removed. But it doesn’t hurt to have a few
bevy of new features awaiting them, new rules (such as the ability to perform super-
including weather effects, better opponent human tackles, or run faster than a freight train)
Al, and a greatly expanded play book. The thrown into the fray.
latter can be expanded to include Boosting play speed doesn’t hurt either.
player-created plays, which can Thanks to the similarities between
m /r~ then be saved to a VMU. / " Dreamcast and the hardware running
& w Blitz in arcades, this will be the first

f L home version of the game to run every

bit as fast as its coin-op counterpart.


Seeing the snap of the ball, the hand-off, and
a 10 yard gain happen in the blink of an eye is

a sobering experience — enough perhaps to

PHILAfeiJTHIA relegate you to the infinitely more placid
TENNESSEE. role of a bystander during multi-player sessions.

official Sega <3

Hydro racer vamps up the pace
After three bone-jarring play sessions, what could
• This is no Sunday pleasure
possibly be more relaxing than an leisurely boat cruise
cruise for wusses
around a tranquil lake? Not Hydro Thunder, that’s for
• Vast courses with massive
sure. Those familiar with Midway’s coin-op will know
Hydro Thunders courses span the stomach-churning drops
that the boat question has a jet engine strapped to
globe — from the polar ice cap to the in
• Naturally, arcade quality
it, and that the lake includes huge stunt ramps and
pagoda peppered Far East. 2 Its boats
whopping 500ft drops. Not very relaxing at all, then.
have seemingly taken lessons turbo

boosting from Knight Rider's KITT.

"You’re never going to see a boat
realistically react to water, react to
game that will
other boats, react to
Lost Island is one of 13 total courses
running into walls, or jumping the way Hydro Thunder • You could be reminded
each uttered with shortcuts and stunt
does," associate producer Sean Wilson yelled over the what you ate for lunch
ramps. Track-side details range from
high-pitched whine of the boat’s engine. • Missing hydraulics
the mammoth to the minute, such as
Hurtling headlong towards an ominous waterfall
• Arcade-style hull could
hot air balloons orbiting Lake Powell
edge, it’s perhaps understandable for a novice to think
possibly spring some leaks
Boost fuel can be gleaned from
their number could be well and truly up. However, we
natural (albeit dangerous) sources.
know better - the coin-op has been sitting in the
DCM offices for ages so we were well prepared for BOTTOM LINE

some nautical gymnastics. Wilson, our instructor for Short of a simulation of the
the day, decides to put minds at rest anyway. “That’s sinking Titantic (where Leo

another thing that our boat racing has that you simply di Caprio gets pushed
can't do with a driving game - the depth of courses," overboard and glugs to a
he yelled, swaying in his seat. “In most racing games watery grave in the first five

you’re basically on a track. We catch some serious air. minutes), this one deserves

I mean, you go off these cliffs..." We hurtle down the to rule the waves of

500ft drop which is accompanied by a suitable "yee- Dreamcast boating games

hah!” from our virtual co-pilot.
00:25.86 Ranging from Lost Island to the Far East to the Ice

Cap, the rest of the game’s post-apocalyptic courses

all have something in common: Handily-placed jumps,
ludicrous drops, (and most useful of all) plenty of
shortcuts. Each boat - in easy, medium, hard,
a and super-hard varieties - also has one
M BEST Ti across-the-board feature: a time-saving
nitro boost which is recharged in five and 10-

second increments by picking up

floating buoys. Triggering your boost also
invokes the aptly-named ‘mighty hull,'

which enables you to send competitors

hurtling end-over-end.
Amidst this flurry of jet spray,

precision jumps, and break-neck

speed, we decided to part
company with Midway
before someone got hurt
Originally developed for the arcade, Hydro Thunder is being ported lock, stock, and
- we’d had enough
barrel to Dreamcast. All of the coin-op’s 13 powerboats (some of which are hidden)
excitement for one
and 11 courses remain intact, as are its blindingly fast visuals,
day. On September
which, at the time of writing, are promised to
9 you could well feel
remain at a consistent 30
the same way... HI
frames-per-second. True to so
many other arcade-to-home conversions produced in the next
generation age, Hydro Thunder is also receiving some
specialized attention on Dreamcast to the tune of two new
courses including a training area and a hidden cavern circuit.

Now, if only the hydraulics were included...


Heading up the Dreamcast conversion of Hydro Thunder are associate producer Sean
Wilson (left) and assistant producer Ed Duran (right). Its creators are presently locked

away at Midway’s Southern California offices working on a new, top-secret title.


ik\ Cft>MIDWAY
R2 m m\m mirlu/au rn
\ \

MORTAL KOMBAT® GOLD 0 1997, 1999 Midway Games Inc. All rights reserved. MIDWAY, MORTAL KOMBAT, the DRAGON DESIGN and all character names are trademarks of Midway Games Inc. Used by permission. Distributed by Midway Home Entertainment Inc. under license. Sega, Dreamcast and the Dreamcast logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd.
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world. Here your
preconceptions of videogames will quickly be redefined as Sega
realizes its most powerful vision of interactive entertainment yet.
Dreamcast is no amble along the videogaming highway, it’s a
nitrous-oxide-fueled drag race to the next level, leaving current
gaming systems spluttering in the dust. Representing the absolute
peak of Sega’s home gaming know-how, it pulls together bleeding-
edge technology from electronics wizards NEC, Microsoft, Hitachi,
and Yamaha — and it’s going to blow your mind.
On the surface, Dreamcast has many similarities to past consoles. It
still uses a traditional-style controller (Virtual Reality never quite seemed
to catch on) and its games once again come stored on compact discs -
not some sort of Star Trek holo-cube, as you might have thought. But
beneath its unassuming, pearly white exterior, however, lies a new
dimension of earth-shaking innovations and unprecedented possibilities.

Over the following pages, we give you the lowdown on what makes
this exotic beast so different from its predecessors, and provide you with
more than enough tech-talk with which to astound your uninitiated
So fix yourself a drink and a tasty snack, sit down, put your
friends. feet

up, and take some quality time to get to know your Dreamcast.
A brave new world awaits, and you’ll want to be prepared...

Official Sega €> Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 89


Dreamcast's custom CD unit runs at 12

ideogame machines are times the speed of normal drives, often
ultimately the sum of their reducing load times to “blink-and-
you’ll-miss-it” insignificance.
component parts, and in


play your audio CDs, though even

Dreamcast's case, those parts are the ones cheesier than Camerbert.
staggeringly powerful. Here's a
breakdown of the cutting-
edge silicon under the
hood of the world’s
most technologically
advanced gamebox. WEEk f
And you don’t need /
a pair of overalls /gigabyiedix
and an oily wrench... / recordabl£


Sega has created a new storage

format especially for Dreamcast
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
called GD-ROM [Gigabyte Disc
Hitachi SH-4 SuperH RISC (Reduced
Read-Only Memory). It can store You can hardly wait, can you? Press this Say “ahhh” as your Dreamcast lid glides open with
Instruction Set Computer) running at
twice the data of normal discs, vitally important button and bear witness the grace of a space ship entry ramp. Mind your
200 Megahertz, and capable of 360
meaning you won’t have to swap to the power of the most fully armed fingers though - the discs are almost like saw
million instructions per second.
discs as often in “epic" RPGs. videogame console in existence. blades when spinning down from their 12x speed.

NEC Videologic PowerVR2DC chipset
capable of rendering 3 million polygons
per second with the following effects:
perspective-correct texture mapping, These are high-bandwidth ports (i.e.
point, bilinear, trilinear, and anisotropic very, very fast at moving data) that

mip-map filtering, Gouraud shading, z- can handle not only controllers, but
buffer, colored light sourcing, full scene a host of peripherals such as digital
anti-aliasing, fog, and cameras and storage devices.
bump mapping.

Yamaha ‘Super Intelligent Sound
Processor’ capable of articulating 64
simultaneous audio channels with 3D
environmental effects.
Attach your A/C power cord here.
Memory It’s detachable, so you can run down
16 Megabytes of main system memory. to theshop and buy a replacement
Elsewhere on the board is 8Mb of video inthe event your cat gnaws its way
memory and 2Mb for sound. Dimensions through it. Me-oooooooow!
Dreamcast isn’t gonna forget things. 7 and 7/16 inches (W) by 3 inches (H)
by 7 and 11/16 inches (D).
12x speed specialized Yamaha CD- Weight
ROM drive (known as “GD-ROM") 4.4lbs. The modem can be taken out of Here's where four types This port can accept a
capable of holding up to 1 Gigabyte. the expansion bus connector. of audio-visual cables variety of communication
Supplied Accessories This socket will accommodate Composite Video,
attach: add-ons, such as the link-
Modem Composite A/V cable, power cord, future add-ons (such as the S-Video, RGB, and the cable, for transferring
56k ITU V.90 standard - upgradeable modular telephone cord, internet proposed Zip Disk drive, which sharper-than-real-life data to and from a
through replacement (in the future). access software, one controller. will sit underneath the system). VGA adaptor for PCs. Neo Geo Pocket system.

ai Sega Dreamcast Magazir

VISUAL From: Sega

MEMORY Price: $24.95

Release: 9/9/99
One of Dreamcast's most Games: All
unique features, the VMU
(which stands for “Visual VMU
like a
Unit”), is
smallish hand-held
more PORTS
Not, in fact, for making
game system than a toast, but recesses for the
memory card — which it’s VMU and Jump Pack.
intended to replace. Two VMUs can exchange
Central to the VMUs data sitting side-by-side.
functionality are its LCD
screen, control pad, and
ij action buttons, which
enable you to organize
data independent of your
system. More importantly, WHAT,
you can also play a variety
of mini-games that can
be downloaded from By now, you've probably
Dreamcast titles. noticed that Dreamcast is

missing what would normally

be an otherwise common
component of a videogame
system - a reset button. It's

still possible (and quite

simple) to reset the system
though. You simply hold
down all four action buttons
on your controller (“A”, “B",

“X”, and “Y") and hit Start.

Mini-games, such as this
Viola! Just don't let this slip to
one downloadable from
Sonic Adventure (above), your annoying little brother or
can be downloaded into clumsy friends, okay?
the tea bag-sized device.
The results (in this case,
better-trained Chaos) can
then be used in the main fAL PAD START BUTTON
game to increase your Usually saved for 2D sprite-based games, this it sounds - it starts your games, and, in
Just as
performance, and so on. most cases, pauses them while in progress.
directional controller can also be used as four
VMUs also have a built-in
extra buttons (Aero Dancing employs it for extra (The latter is, of course, essential for those
clock and calendar urgent pizza-craving moments.)
control over your aircraft, for example).
function, so not only do
they make storing your
data more manageable,
but they also help sort out ANALOG STICK ACTION BUTTONS
your social life as well. Provides a full 360-degrees of movement and Color-coded for easy recognition, these are
Sega is also including
256 levels of “give". This means that you can used for selecting menu options and making
VMU ports on some of its move characters with extreme precision - from your on-screen persona run, jump, shoot, fish -
Naomi arcade machines, crawling to jogging in virtually every direction. oh, come on, you know the drill by now.
which are are essentially
Dreamcasts in coin-op
cabinets. This will enable
the use of data saved onto
VMUs at home (things like JUMP PACK
specialized fighting game Adds punch to your games -
Sold separately on day-one, This snugly into
characters) to come to life literally. fits
the VMU will be an essential the VMU slot on your
in the arcade. So far, the
purchase. (See left for details.)
controller (or light gun) and
only Naomi coin-ops to
include this feature are the BUTTONS provides a rumbling force-
feedback effect with certain
Japanese-only wrestling Just like their counterparts
Giant Gram, and the
games. The effect varies in
This is the ‘visual’ in ‘visual on the controller, the “A”
currently-on-test (and intensity, so you can feel
memory.' The VMU’s liquid and “B” buttons are used
highly promising) Virtua everything from the pitter-
crystal screen displays text for selecting menu options
Striker 2000. Many more patter of Sonic's feet to
and images with remarkable and controlling games.
are planned, though. massive, booming explosions.
clarity, with none of the “Mode” lets you switch
blurriness usually associated between data management
From: Sega From: Sega
with handheld game systems. and game modes, while
Price: $19.95 Price: $19.95
It’s not back-lit, so you’ll have ‘sleep’ turns the unit off for
Release: 9/9/99 Release: 9/9/99
to use it in direct light in order conserving battery power.
Games: All Games: All
to see what you’re doing.

Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine


While this model won’t be
Built from the same components as Sega's
coin-op joysticks, such as the one used by
available at
will include
launch, others
the same
Virtua Fighter 3tb. Durable, in other words.
features Csee page 107).
Boasting an eight-way directional pad, the gun
From: Agetec From the moment its tech specs
can accommodate a VMU or Jump Pack -
Price: $39.95 were drafted up, a product
the latter will add force-feedback recoil
Release: 9/9/99 design team began the long
effects in compatible games.
Games: Power Stone, Soul Calibur, and more process of creating the look of
Dreamcast. As you can see
From: Various
below, some of the earlier
Price: From $29.95
efforts were truly “out there”...
Release: 9/9/99
Games: House of the Dead 2

In addition to thecommonplace trigger, action, and

start buttons, the gun features a eight-way directional
pad that can be used to move around the game world
while firing. The first game to make use of this feature

willbe Sega’s Take the Bullet (page 23). The potential

for even simplistic H0TD2- style shooters to include
some degree of realtime, directional control is exciting. The first conceptual designs
had more in common with
William Gibson’s Neuromancer
than a games system (although
it could pass for a custom Super

Hang On controller, perhaps).

RALLY WHEEL Its nozzle-like appendages are
presumably controller ports.
From: Agetec
Price: $39.95 MENU BUTTONS
Release: 9/9/99 These substitute for Dreamcast
Games: CART R you
controller’s directional pad, letting
Monaco Grand P skip forward and backward through
Tokyo Extreme your game’s menu options.
Racer, Hydro
and more

Attempt number two mimicked

the design sensibilities of the
Sega Saturn, with the obvious
ACTION addition of two more gamepad
BUTTONS ports. This design also displays

Beyond letting you confirm one of the earliest prototype

menu options, these buttons
names for the system, “Vortex”
(which mimic the console — just one of several working
controller’s A, B, X, and Y monikers given to Dreamcast
buttons) can be used
while it was under construction.
in various racers to
honk your horn,
activate headlights,
and raise the hood
(er, maybe).

Sega’s near-complete design

bears many similarities to the
final production model —
except, of course, for the CD lid,
You can save data in your racing games thanks to which looks like a 22nd century
the wheel’s built-in VMU slot. The VMU window displays windowed toilet seat. Eek.
race-related information (should you get bored of
Ufe V/
looking at the TV screen).

92 SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine

/ \


Dreamcast is more expandable BUTTONS Serving these little-known
morsels of trivia at your next
than Inspector Gadget’s In Sega Bass Fishing these,

Big Briefcase Full of Gadgets™. four buttons are used for

gaming get-together will

capable of “evolving” forever affirm your status as

In fact, it’s confirming menu commands,
to adapt to new technologies. getting out your tackle (huh, a smug, next generation
Here are three next-generation huh), and selecting lures. gaming know-it-all. Just
add-ons that Sega has planned cross your fingers that your
for the year 2000 and beyond: friends didn’t read this
feature first
Microphone Pack
This should be out in Japan by Before Dreamcast...
the time you readthis, and will ...therewere actually two
be used by games programmed next-generation Sega game
to react to vocal commands. machines in development in
But that’s not all. Sega intends parallel. One of them used
the device to be used as part of
graphics technology from
a video phone system in Japan
Japanese chip giant NEC,
using the Dreamcast’s built-in
while the other involved PC
modem and coupled to a small
3D card maker 3Dfx. NEC’s
digital camera positioned on
top of the monitor.
won out in the end.

Zip Drive The Name Game

Similar to those currently “Vortex” is just one of the
ust like on a real fishing rod, spinning the names given to Dreamcast
available for home computers,
eel forward will allow you to let out your during development.
the drive will be able to store up its
ishing line to decrease line tension, while 3Dfx’s prototype silicon was
100 megabytes of information One of the world’s most popular
spinning it toward you will reel in your given the name “Black Belt”,
on removable disks, which can pastimes deserves its own videogame
catch (and your dinner).
be over-written again and The Fishing Controller makes
controller. while NEC’s was dubbed
again. The device will reeling in your catch in Sega Bass “Dural” (after the Virtua
have a number of Internet- Fishing (and, no doubt, future fishing Fighter 3tb character) and
related uses, including the titles) an incredibly engrossing later “Project Katana”.
downloading of digital movies, experience. Thanks to its internal
music, game demos, and motion sensor, casting and tugging at Codename Katana
expansion data. Sega Bass Fishing employs the analog
your lure is performed just as in real life, The word “Katana” can still
stick for moving your boat to various
and the feedback motor lets you feel be found stamped on
DVD every tug of the fish once it’s hooked. positions on the lake, as well as paging
Dreamcast’s motherboard
The future of video is DVD, and through the sets of lures in your tackle
and power supply, making
Sega has already announced box and highlighting menu options.
From: Sega you wonder if it was, at
plans to release an add-on box Price: $34.95 some point, destined to be
for Dreamcast enabling the Release: October the final production name
pearly white console to play Games: Sega Bass Fighting
them in the future. We’ll have for the system. Who knows?
more on this as it’s revealed. Sega, for sure.

k J

From: Sega Okay, so console manufacturers have, at some time or
Price: $19.95 adding a keyboard to a
other, flirted with the idea of
Release: 9/9/99 games system. However, only now does a console
pack enough potential to really warrant the use of one.
Perhaps the most ingenious of
If Dreamcast's connectivity to the internet figures
Dreamcast’s peripherals, the
highly in its future, a keyboard could eventually
adaptor enables you to connect
become as essential to the DC player as the standard
your system to a VGA computer
controller (for surfing the Web, participating in chat
monitor for the sharpest display
rooms, and playing online games that require text
possible. It also features
be about as useful as the fishing
entry, the latter will
composite and S-Video ports so
controller). Featuringall the keys and doodads you'll
you can switch between a
find on a standard computer keyboard, the Dreamcast
television and monitor by simply
model also boasts a number of shortcut keys designed
flipping a switch.
specifically to make using the system's bundled
internet software easier to operate (such the
From: Sega
automated typing of common things as ”www’’ and
Price: TBA
“.com” for website addresses).
Release: TBA
Games: All

oifidai Sega ^ Dreamcast Mag;azine SEPTEMBER 99

•9 TEAMB477LE A Big Night In

A magazine team. What’s going on?

Three weird-ass very issue, the DCM team gets together
Japanese games. for a night of gaming. Each team
member has one goal mind - to
No beer. Welcome convince the others that their

game is

to Team Battle. the best, and worthy of a Team Battle trophy 0-e.,
having beers bought for them that night by the losers].
There are no rules, but the team member that argues
the best case wins.
For this inaugural Team Battle, we pick three
Japanese games to throw into the mix. Fran’s a huge
RPG nut, so she grabs Sengoku Turb right out of the
FedEx guy’s hand. Randy is all about Godzilla movies
Cwith the obvious exception of the last one) and picks
the Godzilla Generations title. Simon’s into racing
games and naturally gravitates toward the weird Pen
Pen Tri-lcelon. What follows are edited highlights from
what was obviously a very long night.

“If I can just nudge

Simon out of the way,
then my dwarf shark-bear
creature could get a few
waddles ahead of his blue
penguin-dog creature.” Team
DCM gets into Pen Pen

Photgraphy by Michael Sexton

A Big Night In

The Contenders
Simon: Right, let’s see what you’ve got. A gray-colored stick figure appears in front of the girl, and the
cat-things fall around her. One looks as if it's trying to eat
Randy: A bunch of weird games, that’s what we’ve got. SENGOKU TURB (NEC)
the back of her head. The gray guy is hit by a laser-beam.
Simon: Look, try to get in the spirit of this, okay? Or The camera flashes back to the abandoned cat-thing in the
you’re fired, or something. tunnel. It makes a squeaking noise.
Godzilla Generations from
Randy: (Ulp!) Okay, I've got Godzilla. Simon: Is that a turb, then?
General Entertainment
Randy boots the game up in the Japanese Dreamcast, and Fran: I have no idea what’s going on. provides minutes of fun
everyone gathers around the giant TV.
The scene changes. A huge cat-shaped cookie is floating inbetween jokes about
Simon: This had better be an improvement on the movie. in space.
guys in monster suits
Fran: It’s not. Fran: What the hell is that? and the inevitable jibe at
Randy: Hey! You just haven’t played it. It’s cool. You get to Simon: It’s a space biscuit. A cat-spaceship-biscuit-cookie the latest movie. 1 Here
step on stuff. How many games do you know where you thing. In space.
Godzilla splashes about
get to step on stuff, eh? Yeah, right, not many, (looking
A bubble-ship appears, with the rollergirl in it. It flies through
smug and nodding his head) He loads it up and starts the for a while before
space until it reaches a planet with continents shaped like a
game in Original Mode. Godzilla appears at the water's edge inching slowly towards a
sleeping cat with a flower for a head. It crash-lands and the
next to a really badly rendered town. ‘town’ somewhere in
title “Episode 1: Visitors" appears. Switching to the game-
Simon: It’s amazing. They’ve managed to make it look like engine, the rollergirl appears, shot out of a hole in the Japan, occasionally
a guy in a suit, even for the videogame. ground in what looks a lot like TeleTubbie land. A nurse stick- resisted by a small tank
Fran: Is he even moving? figure appears and then speaks in what sounds to everyone
(also moving very
like the backwards-talking dwarf from Twin Peaks. Midgets in
Godzilla inches forwards,makes a pathetic squealing noise, slowly). 2 The ability to
wheelbarrows, a king, more stick figures without hands, and
and shuffles towards the nearest building. Randy works the some music. stomp buildings (very
analog pad and tries desperately to make the oversized
Fran: Now it’s getting really weird. slowly) prolongs the
gecko do something other than creep about the landscape
occasionally making buildings spontaneously combust by Simon: Is the king a turb? agony, to the tune of
swooshing them r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w-l-y with its tail. some truly dreadful
Randy: What’s going on?
Randy (nervously): Well, she does more than that. You just marching band music. No
Fran: I give up.
need to get into it. Urn...
wonder the Japanese are
Simon: Yes, but what’s a turb?
Fran: What’s that noise? It sounds like a marching band. Is
so scared of Godzilla...
there a marching band? Blank stares all around.
The exact nature of
Randy (defensivelyf. It’s the in-game music. Randy: On to Pen Pen, I guess.
Japanese ‘RPG’ Sengoku
Fran: I didn’t really sell that too well, did I?
Turb remains shrouded in
Randy (solemnly): You did what you could, Fran.
PSYCHEDELIC COLORS, WEIRD mystery. It’s a fact not at
Simon: think we have a winner! Pen Pen can’t possibly be
helped by the addition
CREATURES WITH GIANT GAPING worse than those two. That’s that, then. Well, goodnight.

of weird cat-creatures
And you owe me a
that look like they’re
Fran: Maybe we should see your game first?
made of cookie-dough,

stick people, neon hearts

Simon: sounds like the kind of really dull band music
Simon (wearilyj. Alright, if you’re going to be like that.
and midgets in
that you always used to hear in those news stories about Pen Pen boots, and the team is immediately dropped into a wheelbarrows.
Russia, where they’d always just show a really big parade Yellow-Submarine-///ce animated world, with psychedelic
of tanks and missiles, to the tune of a really moribund colors, weird creatures with giant gaping mouths, and jaunty From the people that
version of “She’ll Be Coming ’Round the Mountain.” music. Everyone starts laughing. brought you Godzilla
Fran: It was the sound of the ’80s. Fran: Oh my god. Generations comes the
Simon: That and A Rock of Seagulls. Randy: It’s kinda cool. complete head-trip that is

Randy: So you don't think much of it, then? Simon: It looks whacked, but good. I’m going to be this Pen Pen Tri-lcelon. You'll

Simon: Randy, it’s a piece of era little guy. never look at penguins

Fran (helpfullyf. But in a good way. Erm... anybody want to Seconds later, Simon's controlling a weird, stunted, blue (or dogs) the same way.
see Sengoku Turb? dog/penguin as it slides across the first part of Pen-Pen ’s
three-stage jungle course. Pressing the (A) button flaps its
Randy (offended): I hadn’t really finished with Godzilla...
wings, propelling it first across ice, then through water, and
but guess so.
then, eventually, waddling along in the final stage of the race

Simon: That’s great, Randy. So, Fran — Sengoku Turb. to the finish.
The Winner
Fran boots the game on the Dreamcast, and throws Godzilla Randy: So it’s a racing game where you press the buttons to
It’s weird. It’s funky.
at the trash. Randy dives out of his seat and catches it keep moving, and the last stage is basically a walking race
between his teeth, does a T.J. Hooker roll back to his desk between seven tubby-looking monsters in a Play-Doh world. It’s got a blue flapping
and puts it carefully back into the case. penguin and a shark-
Simon: Yes.
Fran (sarcastically): Great save, Randy. thing and weird walking
Randy: And you think that beats Godzilla and Turbfi
Meanwhile, Sengoku Turb’s bizarre intro sequence is in full races and if you play it
Simon: Easily. Look, they’re so cool! That one's doing a
swing. A stick figure, rollerblading in a tunnel, is chased by for too long it makes
little dance!
flames. Three tiny floating cat-people and cling to her back. you go funny in the
One of them falls off, but she keeps going. The end of the Fran: At least we can all play this one. It's four-player, too.
head. It’s Pen Pen Tri-
tunnel is in sight, along with what appears to be a giant Simon: The winner! And the beers are on you two. But
lcelon and it’s a winner!
stereo with a huge neon heart glowing above it.
before we split, let’s try and figure out what a ‘turb’ is. I

Randy: It’s Neil Diamond in the 21” century! (He begins have a hunch it's the little wheelbarrow creatures. Want to
singing " Turn on Your Heartlight. ") hear my theory? Hello? Fran? Randy? EH

Official Sega ©Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 95




IT CANT HELP YOU. it’s thinking I


ntering. .
elcome to Test Zone, your never happen to you again if you read Test Zone
HOW WE SCORE comprehensive guide to every US every issue. Publishers and developers have
Dreamcast release. Every issue features absolutely no influence
We mark out of 10. the most complete and in-depth reviews here. We promise to
When we believe a
around and provides you with a solid-gold guide to give you honest,
game is merely
average, we give it
what you should be buying for the greatest video- unbiased,

5/10. Unlike other games console on the planet. No one likes to throw independent reviews,
magazines, we don’t away $50 on a sub-standard game, and that will written by
believe in giving experienced
everything a catch-all,
who know

7/10. We think you’re games inside-out and

smarter than that. You who know what you
deserve a system that
uses the whole range of
marks. Below is a short
guide to how we rate
The lead review in Test Zone is called “Super Test”.
want from a
Dreamcast title.
So welcome once
the games we review. Here, you’ll find the biggest and most important release again to Test Zone.
exhaustively play-tested. It’s just one of the many areas Don’t leave
where DCM has the advantage over other games home
magazines out there. We’re able to devote six packed without it!

10 phenomenal pages to giving you the most

on-target Dreamcast game
detailed, in-depth,

reviews on the planet!


9 near perfect

8 excellent
7 good
With Dreamcast’s stellar
Very few
games will achieve the
Dream Game Award, and we
software lineup, we won't be hardpressed to pick a hope that fewer still will qualify for our Disc Inferno
6 for fans game each issue that goes above and beyond the hall of shame. Every Issue, DCM will feature the

call of duty and scores a hefty 9/10 or more. For worst game here, in the hope that the publishers

5 average
a title,

we've created the Dream
our highest recommendation to buy, no
Game and developers
be embarrassed
of these travesties
enough to think twice before

matter what your particular tastes. Every Dream foisting more of the same upon our beloved
4 flawed Game should be In your collection. Dreamcast. Disc Inferno fires up for Issue 2... IN THIS ISSUE
3 weak
Super Test Madness!
ou can expect us to finish every game we review
2 pathetic
Y and play them into the ground. But there are
games that keep us playing beyond the final
score. Here's what we had locked into our systems
N 1

Sonic Adventure p98

1 embarrassing during the making of this issue of

A round-up of
+ the best and
the worst of
the game

The whole review in a
handy bite-size chunk
Our Chaos are doing well. Balanced, elegant, and as scary, and perfect
It’s still (Japan) A tantalizing
Oh, wait, what’s that one deep as a well (but not as for a quick blastbetween sneak peek at the future
1-^ Official oSegd ,
of 3D fighting games.
doing in the corner? Ew! wet or dark, obviously). extended VF3tb slugfests.
Dreamcast Magazine

Official Sega f> Dreamcast Magaz SEPTEMBER 99

SUPERTEST Featured Review

1-2 While Sonic Adventure retains many of the trademark elements (like the red bumper pad shown in this shot), the dazzle is amplified hundreds of times over. 3 Warp pads in
the Chao areas allow you to transport live goods easily. 4 With the gift of gab on his side, Sonic can now converse with anyone in town (but his lip-synch is a little off).

Sonic Adventure
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something
blue - Sonic the Hedgehog reborn for the new millennium

1 Knuckles the ornery

echidna is back as well. 2-3
Filled with brainbending
turns, spectacular stunts
and rather breathtaking
views, Windy Valley is simply
the most visually amazing
stage ever designed in a
videogame. Period. And it
plays as well as it looks to

ummer 1991. Millions of Sonic the

Hedgehog carts are plugged into the

oddly frisbee-shaped cart port of the 16-

bit Genesis. Sega finally has a worthy

mascot to take on arch rival Mario. Sonic is a technical

marvel and a gaming legend is born.

Back then, despite videogames exploding in themes. Cute mascots are

popularity, playing them was seen to be about as cool hardly where it’s at, and
as wearing a pair of tightie-whities covered in Teenage Sega knows it. So is there
Mutant Ninja Turtles. Of you’ve got ‘Cowabunga!’ a place
still still in the nation’s
emblazoned across your butt cheeks then you’re hearts for the spiky but
reading the wrong magazine.) So while Sonic may have cuddly one?
been the cool face of videogames in his heyday, the Sonic Adventure takes the legendary cutesy flavor
charm of his blue spikes, pointy finger gestures and of the series and stirs in a healthy helping of futuristic
entourage of woodland critters CarrrhQ, are no longer a fantasy - pulling the little guy out of the past and into

sure thing in this age of mature action and adventure the now. Sonic has never looked as contemporary or as

| 98 SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega ® Dreamcast Magazine

Sonic Adventure


1 New features, like these mini-cannon launchers, are

set to become staples in the Sonic library. 2 Your ability
to play through the game as several different characters
ensures a new experience in every level. 3 Many of the
game’s events play like interactive cinematic features,
like the killer whale chase in Emerald Coast. 4 For
gamers predisposed to motion sickness, down a few
bottles of Pepto then take a ride down this ramp. Or
forget the Pepto altogether — you’ll probably be too busy
marveling over the sights to get sick. 5 Each character
has his or her own set of objectives to complete in every
level, but the rings remain the same.

Official Sega® Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 99

SUPER7ES7 Featured Review


relevant as he does in Sonic Adventure. Under the
watchful eye of series creator, Yuji Naka, not only is

this the biggest game yet for the Blue Blur, but also the

first time he has stepped out into a truly expansive 3D

1-2 While many of the secondary
characters’ adventures tend to be a bit
world. For a series that’s been enslaved to 2D side-

shallow in comparison to Sonic’s, you’re scrolling convention since its conception, it represents
guaranteed a satisfying thrill ride as E-
nothing less than a step out into the great unknown.
102 Gamma or Tails. 3 The obligatory
fishing segment is met with Big the Familiarity then, is a welcome shoehorn to begin
Cat’s mission to save Froggy. 4 As
Knuckles, you’ll be able to scale nearly
with as Sonic is once again pitted against the maniacal

every surface; a skill Incredibly useful Dr. Robotnik in a fight to preserve the world from an
when you reach the Red Mountain stage.
uncertain (but probably pretty robotic) fate. But this
5 We’re convinced that Sega put E-102
Gamma in the game merely to meet time, there are more twists and turns to the storyline,
Randy’s request for ‘a robot in every
courtesy of Sonic’s chums, both old and new, who join

the action. And those who fondly remember the first

zone of the original Sonic the Hedgehog, stage one of


onic runs, dashes, and... erm, carries

S things

all through his

first 3D adventure.

are new, while others are

pure vintage Sonic. Here's a handy guide to the

He jumps! Jumping, then
pressing (A) again at the height
of Sonic’s leap allows him to
in on the nearest enemy
jump dash to cover a greater
He dashes!
is little
Sonic’s dash

around town or stages more

more than a way to get

Press B to get around

at light speed.
He spins! Get the Speed Shoes
pick-up, press (B) and you get
the Super Spin Dash. With each
upgrade you receive, Sonic's
dash will become more and
He carries stuff! An ability

only accessible to Sonic during

the adventure segments of the
game. Pick things
babies) up or set

them down by
little blue dude’s signature moves. distance more quickly. more powerful. pressing (Y).

100 SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega ©'Dreamcast Magazine

Sonic Adventure


W ay back



Now, eight years

1991, Sonic entered the

bright-eyed and bushy-spined.


he impart to us as the decade comes to a close?

what wisdom can

Species: Hedgehog
Best Level:
Windy Valley
Favorite ‘90s
moment: Starring in
1 It’s perfectly normal for hedgehogs to ride trains,
right? RIGHT?! Uh... Hello?
my own game and TV
series, of course

Sonic Adventure will be pleasantly familiar too.


As the first ‘action stage,’ Emerald Coast, Species: Fox

reveals, many quintessential features - Best Level:

such as speed boost pads, gold rings to Speed Highway

Favorite ‘90s
collect, cute enemies to bonk on the
moment: Turning
head, and red bumpers that launch you into orbit -
down that Disney
have survived the transition. The obvious difference is contract
that it’s now it's all in glorious 3D. The result is a

gorgeous and massively detailed world, populated by |

Species: Hedgehog
cleverly designed objects and characters that interact
Best Level: Final Egg
seamlessly with the lush environments.
Favorite ‘90s
The heart of Sonic’s new world is the fictional
moment: Lillith Fair,

metropolis, and central hub, of Station Square. From pepper spray,

here you locate the entrances to the ensuing stages Backstreet Boys

and events, search for a way to open the doors at the

local casino, or simply hop on a bullet train to the 1 KNUCKLES

Species: Echidna
tropics. Station Square contains ‘flagpoints’ by which
Best Level:
you meet different characters or find power-ups that
Red Mountain
give you that added edge in the action stages. Favorite ‘90s
Sega hasn’t forgotten how its favorite mascot came moment: Grunge rock
to be loved by millions. Pure speed and blissful and attending the
spectacle are Sonic trademarks, and they haven’t been

ditched in favor of talking foxes or fishing fat-cats. The

action stages showcase such moments in stunning |

Species: Guess
sequences. Dizzying loops and gravity-defying tracks
Best Level: Ice Cap
that propel Sonic like a pinball into rollercoaster runs
Favorite ‘90s
are displayed in breathtaking detail, as well as mad moment: 24-hour fast

stuff such as riding on the landing gear of a helicopter food drive thru,

across a 50-mile drop, or snowboarding down a steep bought a ‘Clapper’

canyon course just one step ahead of a massive

avalanche. Such set-pieces clearly show that Sonic |

E-102 GAMM A
hasn’t lost his edge one bit.
Species: Robot
1 Speed boost pads
Best Level:
are essentials in any But a problem that has lingered over from Sonic’s
Sonic game and Sonic Red Mountain
days of yore is the tendency for these action segments,
Adventure is no Favorite ‘90s
different. 2 Knuckles no matter how spectacular they appear, to feel a little
plays an important role
too scripted. Even with the new ability to move about in ...Randy Nelson...
in the actual storyline
of the game.

Official Sega ® Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99

SUPER7EST Featured Review


hough optional, Sonic

1 While this shot of Tails

may not be so
complimentary, the skyline
T Adventure's virtual pet mini-

game can be
whole game, unto
considered a
itself. Not only
is absolutely breathtaking. will these little creatures give you
2 Chaos bring out the
hours of love and entertainment,
sensitive, nurturing side of
Sonic. This photo was they’ll also give you a good reason
taken somewhere deep in
to use your VMU.
the secluded privacy of a
Chao Garden. 3 The Lost
Q: How do get started?

World level recreates a

A: First, you must find an
genuine Indiana Jones feel.
egg. There are two pastel-
4 Oh, how very ‘extreme.’
colored ones sitting in the
Next issue: Sonic
Chao Garden in Station
‘slammin’ a Dew.’
Square that can be hatched,
but you can also find additional
eggs as well as special colored
eggs in many of the adventure
stages such as Mystic Ruins and the
Egg Carrier. But you can only hatch and
up and bring it near a Chao. The Chao
care for them in a Chao Garden.
willthen nuzzle the animal and take on
any would be some of its characteristics. You can
direction, it foolish to deny that, at times, Q: How do hatch an egg?

also feed your Chaos by shaking down

A: Chaos are very sensitive to your
you feel you’re being lead around by your hedgehog coconuts from the trees in the garden.
actions, so it’s best to avoid dropping
Never hurt your Chaos by spinning into
snout. After all, Sonic’s all about speed, not ambling or throwing an egg. Hatch it nice and
them or jumping on top of them. If you
slow by first picking it up with the (Y)
around pulling switches and collecting keys. But just accidentally do, make sure to feed it
button, then holding the button down
plenty of coconuts. It also doesn’t hurt
when you think this might begin to get on your nerves, and pressing any direction on the
to (ahem) cuddle them once in awhile.
analog stick. You’ll begin caressing the
you discover the trump card. After completing the
egg, coaxing out the Chao. Once you
Q: Can you mate Chaos in the gardens
game with Sonic, you’ll have the option to play through set it back on the ground, it’ll hatch.
or only on the VMU?
different sets of levels as various characters you meet A: You can mate them anywhere, but
Q: What should I do with it once it

along the way. The staple duo of the series, Tails and
preferably not in public. When a Chao
reaches adulthood, it will enter an egg
newcomers Amy,
A: Pay close attention to how acts
Knuckles, as well as Big the Cat and phase, then hatch with a larger body.
each time you visit. At this early stage
Now it’s ready to find a mate. Set the
E-102 Gamma, all possess in a Chao’s life, you can assimilate
two adults next to one another, then
PURE SPEED AND BLISSFUL entirely new objectives
different animals with it. This can be
give them some privacy (you’d want
done by freeing some of Robotnik's
SPECTACLE ARE SONIC TRADEMARKS suited to their individual animal slaves stages then
in different
some too!). If successful, the Chaos
will produce an egg!
AND HAVEN’T BEEN DITCHED IN unique features (see
returning to a Chao Garden. Pick one


102 SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega @ Dreamcast Magazine

Sonic Adventure


page 101). Our favorite is Tails, who despite being the

kind of videogame character who would clearly be

beaten to a pulp within nanoseconds of arriving at
school, can fly. This makes the scenic routes of the

game even more breathtaking.

1-2 Sonic will have to face And while none of the characters’ individual
all sorts of danger and
adventures really match up to the depth and fun to be
menace as he pursues Dr.
Robotnik. 3-4 Knuckles and found in Sonic’s game, they do add a great new
Tikal, the past guardian of
dimension to the in-game universe, and a lot of replay
the Chaos, have more in
common than pseudo- value. You feel there’s always more you can explore of
dreadlocked coiffants. 5 week
the levels, and even coming back to it after a off,
Amy gets to take out some
much needed ‘female’ mastering the other characters is a challenge.
aggression on Sonic, Tails
and Dr. Robotnik during a
But what about the bad stuff? Well, the only real SECOND OPINION
surreal Whack-A-Mole type gripe we have is with the cheesy voice-acting that
mini-game. Camille Paglia, onic Adventure every way, a work of
creeps in as the auxiliary characters’ adventures are is, in
eat your heart out. 6-7
Little details, like a
dandelion puff floating by
or the leaves swirling
around in the air, leaves an
progressively unlocked. At least you can reach for the

volume knob when

Despite this, in
it all gets too much
every other respect Sonic Adventure
to bear. S art. The graphics are simply the best
ever seen, the characters look unbelievably

good, and the levels are designed with creator



indelible visual impression Naka’s trademark hidden

breaks barriers in gameplay and graphics, while flair for r

on the player.
retaining enough of the series’ quintessential quirks to depth and replay-value. It’s a little easy \
keep original fans happy. With an improved camera to get through it as Sonic (it takes just X
system [from the one seen in the Japanese release), six hours if you’re not a complete loser),

vast environments, and some novel gameplay features, but, like a fine glass of wine, this is on*-
it’s a fast, furious rollercoaster ride with enough depth to savor, not chug like a cheap
and beauty to satisfy even the most jaded gamer. It’s beer. It’s a truly awesome adventure
not the only reason to buy a Dreamcast, but it's a damn and a perfect intro to the power of the mighty

convincing one. Welcome back, Sonic old pal, we’ve Dreamcast.

missed you! -Simon

-Francesca Reyes

+ + Drop-dead gorgeous graphics + Cleverly designed levels + High replay value with six different characters


- Camera system still

isn’t perfect - Secondary adventures a

designs and tons of replay value deserve to send

bit shallow - Have you heard Big the Cat talk?

Sonic’s back and on better form than ever for his Dreamcast debut. Stunning graphics, imaginitive
it to the top of your ‘Most Wanted’ list!
out of 10
Official Sega ©Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 103 I

m |
III W Soil |

* -C*


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JESTZONE In-depth Reviews

1 “The driver said it would be here in 20 minutes or it’s free.” 2 “More pepperoni please...” A zombie gets up close and personal for a hot lead dessert. 3 Expect all manners of
the undead, complete with individual patterns of attack you’ll need to learn in order to survive. 4 Meet the enemy —
part-time 4X4 driving J. Crew model, full-time flesh eater.

House of the Dead 2

Welcome to the land of the living dead (we sometimes look like this
after a tough deadline well, Randy does anyway...) —
1 Saving citizens from the
fate of an early zombie-
induced death is one of your
primary goals in H0TD2.
With a haircut like that,
though, this guy surely
knew what was coming.
2 “Hello. Can interest you

in a set of encyclopedias?”
3 By 6:00am, the ravers
were looking well past their
best. Two more hours of
techno and they’ll be the
living dead, alright.
4 This game does have
educational leanings — it

explains how to defeat each

of the game’s bosses.
5 A level boss — tougher
onsider Without
than an iron box full of
this: zombies,
nails. videogame players would probably have
a lot of time on their hands. (As would
video store workers in the early days of
VCRs - but that’s another story.) Despite smelling like

rotting Herrings and having the vacant look of an

gaming public loves them. Well,
infomercial host, the
loves shooting them to be more precise. Thankfully,
mass zombie slaughter is the name of the game in
House of the Dead 2 - and it's utterly fantastic.
In the cerebrally challenged domain of the lightgun
shooter, all you really need to know is, if it moves, shoot
it (unless it’s a human, in which case, try not to - quite
important, really). H0TD2 drops you headfirst into a
strange cobblestone town overrun with zombies, with though, and you’ll lose precious opportunities to
only a handgun
six-round for protection. collect life bonuses or to take the game’s alternate
While chasing the maniacal mind who set them routes. It’s this feature that sets HOTD2 apart from its

loose, you’ll need to save the lives of any stranded gun-game competition and makes for extended replay
citizens left in the city. Start mowing them down value. Structurally, the different scenarios are activated

106 SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega # Dreamcast Magazine

House of the Dead 2




Sega’s decision to not bring over its custom lightgun
for the US launch of Dreamcast may hit House of the
Dead 2 fanatics hard. Since so many units have
by either saving humans or collecting certain items. proved defective in Japan, we think it’s just as well.
Instead, US company Interact has promised that it
They add a sufficient amount of replay value, too, so by
will deliver the
doing something slightly different, a completely new goods with its
path is revealed. At the end of each of the six officially

“chapters” you must also plug away at some very licensed

1 A touching moment between two stiffs in suits
(sniff). 2 Want to see the next section? Then you’ll clever boss creatures, too. Creatively designed and
need to find each boss' own weak point. 3 Hostage harboring unique weaknesses, these guys are a treat,
(right). Look
fashion tip #12: Always wear a ‘sports casual’ with the possible exception of the final boss, whose out for it in
sweater when your town gets invaded by zombies.
tough difficulty level cheapness Che morphs
smacks of stores at launch,
4 Michael Jackson’s Thriller crew returns for their retailing at $30.
first paid work in years. 5 “Spare a quarter, man?”
through all the previous bosses] and is sure to send
It’s best to aim where it’s sure to hurt the head. — more than a few players to the brink of tears.
As you’d expect Sega has also implemented an


in the Dreamcast version that gives
the chance to pick up items that add a While the joypad sometimes works pretty well Ots
twist to the proceedings. Imagine blasting through rapid-fire ability gives you an edge over big targets

EGA HAS NAILED it perfectly. H0TD2 is zombieville as a gray-haired granny [hey, she might such as bosses], obviously it’s not quite as enjoyable

S incredibly fast-paced, tough

you coming back day after day after day

(and missing certain magazine deadlines...) and
enough to keep make some
of bullets
the latter
friends], or using

What do you
green fishing lures instead
sadly you can’t use the fishing controller
think this is, Get Zombie? -

away at the screen with a plastic gun.
as blasting
For a game so rich in cinematic potential, it’s a
shame Sega used a bunch of ex-carpet ad salesmen
has been a big hit around the office. My only Okay, these are token additions, but they’re fun, and all for the voice acting - it transcends B-movie-esque

problem with it is that you only have six rounds in the extras combine to make H0TD2 a good value. kitsch and grates very quickly. This aside, HOTD2’s
Arcade mode, and if you don’t have a lightgun, But the real variable in truly getting the most of sheen is tarnished by very little indeed. Of course, it’s

you’re really missing out. Oh — and the speech is H0TD2 is the accuracy and quality of the lightgun you not going to deliver endless thrills (unless you have the

terrible, but it’s pretty funny, in a cheap-ass B-movie wield. If it’s not calibrated correctly, you’re guaranteed memory of a zombie], but it’s great fun while it lasts.

sort of way. to be worm food - unlike your zombie friends, once And that, flesh fiends, is surely what counts.
—Simon your credits are up, there’s no afterlife for you. -Francesca Reyes

f Amazing arcade graphics + Alternate routes increase replay value + As campy as a row of tents (kind of)

r >.

Official Sega


- B-movie voice overkill - End boss is cheap, and we don’t mean stingy

Fast-paced lightgun “survival horror” with tough bosses and some amazing set-pieces.
If you’re “mature enough” to handle it, then this has loads to
- It’s tough

if you’re new to gun games
out of 10

official Sega © Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 107 |

TrickStyle"* and Acclaim® © 1999 Acclaim Entertainment. Inc. All Rights Reserved. Developed by Criterion Studios Ltd. Sega. Dreamcast, and the Dreamcast logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Sega Enterprises. Ltd.
WANNA GET INTO TRICKSTYLE. THAT’S Then you can drop some ill 720 ° spins,
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Clockwise from the top right.

Bronx slam. Zak T. lays down the sick heelflip luge into a luge 360 and finishes with a headspin flip.

Sega >K<laim
. ,.

o one can fault Sonic Adventure for not
having a deep set of side-games and sub-
missions to accomplish. This game is literally
bursting with secrets and tasks for the
filled to
meticulous Sonic fanatic to discover. Intrigued by the 130
Emblems waiting to be unlocked throughout the game?
Need a helping hand getting started with raising your Chao?

TO. DCM has the answers, and more.

Getting alL . .
the Emblems
ou’ve finally finished the

it a day. Not quite. You've
of these
game with
all six of

got Chaos to
side-games and sub-quests to play through,
the characters, and you’re ready to kick back and
raise, secrets to uncover, and
it’s almost like a
whole new game
to collect!
for those
devoted to getting the most out of Sonic Adventure. Feel like you’re missing out? Read no further than
DCM’s complete guide to getting all the Emblems, raise a respectable Chao, and unlock all the secrets.

Mini-Games H
ft e
There are a total of

Adventure’s various mini-games.

10 Emblems to be earned by playing Sonic
m ^ Fafcl KNUCKLES fell ROBOT (j-ll TAILS

Set the high score
as 1
Complete the course
m a fal
® l.ySg-l 1

m m

' r

m m’]
Set the high score again

viihh — I3ft m t
Set the record lap time
Eft m 1


Complete the
Eft m
Am m
VlHi level
Eft tft ZJ
Complete the course
once * Eft ift
m fflll
Hi m
Beat the high score *
Set the record lap time
Eft &&i Eft
0B @1 mm Total Emblems to be earned: 10
Complete the
Emblem Guide no level

A-B-C Emblems
Eft KaB.I By passing through gates, you receive points. The more gates you clear, the higher

the amount of points will be when counted toward your course score.
Chao Guide 114
Sonic Network 116
Beat the high score
(@] E9
V. ;
Eft iS3

|110 SEPTEMBER 99 official Sega © Dreamcast Magazine

Tips, Codes, Strategies n_r

Adventure Field There are a total of 12

around on the adventure

that you can find lying


cliff behind Tail’s home

(HE) m £321 i
lH 1


platform across from waiting area

Train Station


Beneath a fallen tree trunk near Big’s home Dig or cut grass in front lavvn area of City


Inside the tree next to Big’s home


High above the alley near Casinopolis

HQ m
Off the
left side of the wooden
mm bridge
mm1 feln

tip of high platform above Robotnik’s

leading to Chaos Emerald on Angel Island

the spinning platform on Egg Carrier
Underneath Robotnik’s bed*

In a steel crate on the deck, near the boss
fight area**

Total Emblems to be earned: 12

Egg Carrier must be in winged form to find this Emblem. Use the cannons near the ship’s bridge to
launch up to the high platform and reach Robotnik’s bedroom. Inside, step on the switch to reveal
his bed.

Step on the switch in the ship’s bridge to transform the ship into its winged form, then head outside
to the circular platform elevated that’s high above the deck. Hop into the cannons surrounding the
platform and use them to destroy the steel crates scattered around. You’ll find the Emblem hidden
inside one of them.

Official Sega © Dreamcast Magaz SEPTEMBER 99 in

* HOW ODD Tips, Codes, Strategies

TheA-B-C’s of
Elmblems by Level
The C Emblem is easy enough to get; all you need to do is play throipT a level as each of the

Get the C Emblem characters. You’ll receive an

characters the first
Emblem when you
time through.
finish each level as each of the six different

• Emerald Coast •
Emerald Coast •
• Windy Valley
Windy Valley •
Speed Highway
• Casinopolis
Casinopolis >
Red Mountain
• Ice Cap IceCap •
Sky Deck
• Twinkle Park

Speed Highway »
Lost World
• Speedy Highway »

Simple enough, Finish the level by Find all three

• Sky Deck
finish the level! beating Sonic or shards of the
• Lost World
Robotnik to the Chaos Emerald
• Final Egg
end point


Twinkle Park
Final Egg
Hot Shelter mm (®

Emerald Coast
Windy Valley
Red Mountain

Hot Shelter
AMY BIG THE CAT • Emerald Coast E-102 GAMMA
Reach the balloon Catch Froggy! (Varies) Finish
• Ice Cap
and escape level within time
• Twinkle Park
ZERO limit or find
• Hot Shelter

Get the B Emblem With the exception of Knuckles and Big,

Adventure, you must finish each level
in order to get the B
with at least 50 rings in
emblem in

your pocket.

• Emerald Coast Emerald Coast 1

• Windy Valley Windy Valley •
Speed Highway
• Casinopolis Casinopolis •
Red Mountain
• Ice Cap IceCap •
Sky Deck
• Twinkle Park Speed Highway •
Lost World
SONIC • Speedy Highway TAILS Sky Deck KNUCKLES
Collect 50 rings Collect 50 rings Find three
• Sky Deck all

and keep ’em till

• Lost World and keep ’em till pieces of Master
the end the end Emerald without
• Final Egg
hint balls

Twinkle Park • Emerald Coast
Final Egg • Ice Cap

Hot Shelter • Twinkle Park
• Hot Shelter

AMY E-102 GAMMA • Emerald Coast BIG THE CAT

Collect 50 rings Collect 50 rings • Windy Valley Land a fish
and keep ’em till and keep ’em till • Red Mountain weighing 1,000
the end the end • Final Egg grams or more,
• Hot Shelter then catch Froggy

1121 SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega® Dreamcast Maga

Tips, Codes, Strategies

By far the hardest Emblem to receive out of the three, the A Emblem is yours only

Get the A Emblem if you’ve got the skills and shortcuts to beat each level under a variable time limit.

• Emerald Coast Emerald Coast

• Windy Valley 1
Windy Valley
• Casinopolis 1
• Ice Cap 1
Ice Cap
• Twinkle Park Speed Highway
SONIC • Speedy Highway TAILS •
Sky Deck
Complete the • Sky Deck Win the race to
level in under the the end of the
• Lost World
time limit level, yet again
• Final Egg

• Casinopolis • Emerald Coast

• Speed Highway • Windy Valley

gill •

Red Mountain
Sky Deck
• Red Mountain
• Final Egg
• Lost World • Hot Shelter
Complete the level
Find three shards
with more time on
of Master Emerald
the clock than you
within time limit
started with

• Emerald Coast • Twinkle Park

• Ice Cap • Final Egg
• Twinkle Park • Hot Shelter
• Hot Shelter


Catch a 2,000+g fish, then catch Froggy Complete the
level within a

certain time limit

Total A-B-C Emblems to be earned: 96

But I’m still missing six Emblems!

Okay, you’ve finished the game with all six characters, managed to find all the Emblems on the Adventure Field,

mastered the mini-games to grab even more, then relentlessly tracked down each and every A, B, and C Emblem
from thelevels... So why do you have only 124 Emblems instead of 130? Don’t fret - there are six Emblems still hiding

out. Where are they? Read on.


Once you finish the game with each of the six characters, you’ll
discover that a secret seventh character has become available:

SUPER SONIC! Now, you must play through the secret level
available to him and beat a whole new end boss to see the game’s
real ending - and earn an extra Emblem in the process. SuperSonic
is powered by gold rings, so take care not to run out!

Enter the Chao Races

If you participate in Chao side-games in Sonic Adventure, you’ll be
able to enter your little guy in the Chao Races. Place first at the races
five times and you’ll be awarded an Emblem each time - making for

a grand total of 130. For more info on how to raise a winning Chao,
check the Chao-specific section on the next page!

Official Sega® Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 |

113 |
HOW nan E

five of the six missing Emblems in
eed to earn
Sonic Adventure, but haven’t a clue as to what a
If you’ve taken a moment to explore any of
the adventure fields in the game, you’ll undoubtedly
have come across special areas harboring pastel-
colored eggs and special warp pads. These areas are
called Chaos Gardens, and you’ll be spending a good
deal of time in them if you plan on having anything to
do with Chaos.

The Basics cartand it will automatically take you to the Chao Chao Garden Goodies: What to do
Now that you’re all set to start on your own personal Gardens on the other side of the mountain. Again, With a newborn Chao in your charge, you’ll need to
Chao Adventure, you’ll need to be equipped with the there are two regularChao Eggs waiting for you there. know a few facts about how to tend to it regularly. It’s
basic knowledge, or the ‘Chao to,’ if you will, in order The third Chao Garden can be found on Robotnik’s important to feed your Chaos from time to time,
to make sure you raise a strong and healthy creature Egg Carrier. Perhaps the Eggman’s not as tough as he especially if they don’t seem very happy. You can do
of your own. be able to enter the Chao
seems, since you’ll third this by shaking down coconuts from any of the palm
Gardens inside the main light-rail station of his ship. trees in a Garden.
Chaos Gardens Find the doorway on the second Find a tree with a fully developed coconut waiting to
Start off by finding one of theChao Gardens located in level of the station and hop on be picked. You’ll know by the fact the fruit will be
the Adventure Stages of Sonic Adventure. There is one the letter plates to spell out brown, instead of green. Stand next to the tree, then
in Station Square on the second floor of the Hotel. ‘E-G-G-M-A-N’. Doing so press and hold (Y). You’ll grab onto the tree and
Once you enter, you’ll find two regular Chao Eggs will unlock the door, giving by pressing back and forth on the analog pad,
waiting for you. you access to the Chao your character will begin to shake the tree.
You’ll find the Mystic Ruins Chao Garden you Gardens beyond. Never jump, spin, or throw
if Continue to do so until the ripened fruit tumbles
wander down the path leading your Chao! If you
left past Tails’ home. it up and place it in front
to the ground. Next, pick
accidentally do so, then
Enter the small cave and follow the tunnel until you Hatching of the chosen Chao, which will automatically eat
make sure to feed it plenty of
reach a mine cart resting against a gate. Hop in the So, now that you’re set as far it. Do whenever you get a chance, and
coconuts in order to win
as knowing where each back its favor. If not, you’ve especially when you happen to injure or infuriate
of the Chao Gardens are got one angry creature. your Chao.
located, you’ll need to There are also a few other points of interest
start your journey into in each Chao Garden that you’ll want to take note
virtual parenthood. Choose an egg in the Garden to of. You’ll find a Download/Upload station in every
hatch and then stand next to it. Pick it up using the garden that allows you to place a Chao in your
00 button, taking care to hold 00 down. Now move VMU or extract one. This is the only way that

the analog stick in any you can participate in the Chao Adventure
direction repeatedly to slowly game, so you’ll become
cuddle the egg. quite familiar with the
After bonding with your Download/Upload Station
egg, set it gently down on the Pick up the
after a while.
ground. If all goes well, it selectedChao and bring it Make sure that your Chao
should hatch shortly after, to the Station. Step on the never gets too close to the
and you’ll now be in charge of red button and place the water if it hasn’t been trained
your very own live Chao! It’s Chao on the ground in front to swim. An untrained Chao
water a before
important to always hatch of the large VMU screen.
in will flail bit

Uploading a Chao to the drowning. While some Chaos

your eggs this way. If you plan You’ll be able to select a
Garden is easy from the U/D may have a natural affinity
Station (above), but make
on avoiding a dysfunctional VMU port to teleport the
for water, most need to be
sure to avoid injuring it or relationship with your Chao, Chao to. Once you do, it will
taught to swim in the VMU
else (right). you’ll need to be as careful disappear and your game before they can enter water.
and gentle with it as possible. will be saved.

|l14 SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega® Dreamcast Magazine

Chao Eggs L
ach of the different adventure fields yields STATION SQUARE MYSTIC RUINS EGG CARRIER
E Chao Eggs that look different from the
ones found in the Chaos Gardens. If you take
them back to a Garden and hatch them, you’ll
find that the resulting Chao is also different
from the rest. If you plan on getting the most
out of the Chao mini-game, sure to find make
and hatch these special eggs to round out
In the Antique Shop near City In the waterfall area near the Go to the jail cell block onboard
your Chao collection. Here’s a list of the three
Hall. You need to swap out the Jungle Area mine cart entrance. Egg Carrier. Look behind the
different eggs and where you can find them Golden Egg in the shop for the Push the rock on the right side Hedgehog Hammer game area
within the game. rock-colored egg on the lawn of of the waterfall to receive the and you’ll find an Ebony Egg.

City Hall.* Silver Eggs.

‘Note: Only available after completing Speed Highway.

CHAO DO One point of and bring it in front of your Chao. The Chao will then In the garden, set two adult Chaos next to one
interest in the Chao nuzzle the animal delightedly and promptly take on some another - if all goes well, they will mate. You’ll now
Try to play with your Chaos
Gardens is the warp of its characteristics. This is a great way to change the have a new Egg to hatch! The resulting Chao will have
in your VMU as much as
pad area near the D/U makeup of your Chao and vary its abilities. Depending on a combination of its parents’ stats, including
possible. This is one sure
way to check their stats. Station. The warp pads the animal you choose to use, your Chao will assume not some of the animal features from both.

Give them some fruits, and will only be activated if only different features, but will have some of its stats Using the VMU to mate your Chaos is a

provide them with some of you’ve completed the adjusted, too. little different. You’ll first need two VMUs,
that very important one-on- Adventure Stages that each with an adult Chao
one quality time. they are linked to Mating and More saved onto it. Connect the
VMU VMUs together and
(Station Square, Mystic You can either mate your Chaos in the or in a

Ruins, Egg Carrier). They Garden. The only requirement is that both Chaos must choose to Mate from the One way to have your Chao
provide you with a quick and easy way to transport Chaos be adults (or risk delinquency of a minor!). How can Chao Adventure menu. An become special-colored is

from one Garden to the next Simply hop onto the pad of you tell if your Chao is old enough to mate? You’ll know egg that will show up on to combine it with as many
your choice with a Chao in your arms, and you’ll soon once it re-enters an egg phase, then rehatches. A small the Status screen, which animals as possible,

grow around the Chao, indicating can then be downloaded preferably ones from the
appear in the respective Garden. ring of flowers will
into a Garden any time. same type (check the box at
that it’s ready to breed! at
the bottom of the screen to
Assimilating Abilities decipher which color family
Okay, now it’s time to start raising your little
the animal belongs to!).

ones and getting the real work done. You may

notice that each time you enter a Chao Chao Sense:
Garden after returning from an Action Stage,
the animals you save from the previous
Mindreading your Chaos

stage will literally fly off of you. This is a sign ith the basics out of the way, you’ll now need to get a grip on some of the finer aspects of Chao rearing, such
that you can get your Chaos to interact with as knowing how your Chao is feeling. While it’s not quite as touchy-feely as it sounds, it’s obvious that your pet
the animals that you’ve saved. can’t tell you what it’s thinking since it can’t talk. But there’s another way to decipher its sentiments. By interpreting

To do this, simply pick up one of the animals the different symbols that appear above its head from time to time, the task is easier than it sounds. Below is a quick

list of your Chao’s actions and what they mean. Consider this a Chao-to-English dictionary of sorts:

[Heart] It's happy with you. You’re a [XX across eyes] A very unhappy or
good parent. angry Chao. Feed it coconuts.

[Swirl] A bad sign. It’s angry or upset [ — across eyes] Very happy Chao.
with you. Feed it coconuts.
[Half-closed eyes] Tired Chao. Play

[Question mark] Your Chao is with it or feed it to wake it up.

indecisive. It doesn’t know what it wants

to do next.
[Waving arms] Your Chao wants love.

Pick it up.

[Exclamation] A surprised Chao. Wait

good or bad. [Flailing arms] Temper tantrum.
Save some animals and use them to g to find out if this is

your Chaos some new attributes!

Official Sega&Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 1 1

5 H
I HOW Tips, Codes, Strategies

S \
Sonic Network
Usin W
using the

the Internet capabilities of Dreamcast,
be able to do several cool things
modem and Sonic Adventure, some of
which are exclusive to the US version of the
game. What will you be able to do?

Y ou can’t simply
on raising your

prep it for the Chaos Races in Sonic

Chao in a Chaos Garden in order to
Using a special limited access browser through
your Dreamcast, you can start
high scores to the Sonic Adventure-on\y
off by uploading
site. With
Adventure. You’ll need to do a little this option you’ll be able to earn bragging rights
training with your VMU to rear a strong, amongst your friends and even across the nation
healthy Chao that can kick much butt in by seeing how your scores rank against other
a race. Sonic Adventure players. But that’s not all.

Chao fight, fight, fight! Throwing the first punch.

Chao Adventure! • Cool add-ons for download that work directly
Now that you have a Chao in your VMU, you can begin bottom of the screen and press the (A) button in order with Sonic Adventure. Similar to the Christmas
on a new adventure! Simply switch the mode on the for the meter to stop on the open dot. If you manage to Nights limited edition disc that was available for
VMU Game, and a Chao Adventure screen will pop
to do so, your Chao will attack! You must repeat this until Saturn, Sega has created the same type of
up. Now press the [A) and (B) buttons to begin. the enemy’s hit points have been completely depleted. holiday-themed add-on for Sonic Adventure which
Your Chao will now begin its quest, and it’s up to you Afterward, you’ll be rewarded with a treasure chest. you’ll be able to access in order to spruce up the
to attend to its needs in the meantime. The Chao There will be three different buttons below the chest, game just in time for the holidays.
Adventure basically consists of your Chao traveling and you can choose from any of the three to receive • In addition, there will be other add-ons that will

across different landscapes. During its journey, several different items. These items will then show up on your change various background elements, like
things can happen that may affect its stats and inventory. Items screen in the Chao Adventure menu. Make sure billboards, which will be used in conjunction with
First off, you can name your Chao by using the Name to heal your Chao after a fight by feeding it fruits. some special contests.
option on the Chao Adventure menu. To reach the menu, Once in a while, you’ll come across a treasure chest • The option to swap and trade Chaos across
simply press (A) at any time during the game. on its own on the adventure field. You can open it to the Internet in a mode called ‘Chao Daycare.’
possibly receive a fruit! Battling and treasure chests are Share your race-winning Chaos with other Sonic
Battling and Getting Items just two of the different events that can happen to your junkies, or exclusively with your friends by using
Occasionally during your journey, you’ll run across Chao during the journey that can help your pet to a password protection option available in
enemies that will challenge your Chao to a fight. When evolve at a steady pace. You can even run into the thismode, as well.
this happens, you’ll need to watch the dot meter at the different characters from Sonic Adventure, as well! Use • The best feature is one that is only available
theChao Adventure often in order to really help your to US players. Wonder what all that Emblem-
Chao develop. collecting was for throughout the game? Well, if

you collect more than 100 Emblems, you’ll have

Grocery List access to a special section of the site called the
You’ll need to feed your ‘Black Market.’ Here you’ll be able to download

Once you’ve managed to beef up your Chao, Chao fruits in order to heal an ultra special Chao that has been specially
you’re ready to take it to the races! Located
injuries or boost its stats. created for players by Sonic Team.
through the double door in the Station Square Win fruits by playing the

Chao Gardens, you’ll find a friendly race of alien

Chaos have set up a tournament consisting of

chests. Here’s
or finding them
what each
Chao eat, eat, eat! ms
item does for your Chao.
different types of races for you to enter your
Chao in. Each of the different races will focus on Cherry. Power +4 Chaonut. All x2

unique abilities such as flying, swimming, power Grape Run +4 : Lifenut Recover HP
and running. In order to grab those last five Lemon: Swim +4 Hastenut. Speed x2
Emblems, you’ll need a power Chao with stats Plum : Fly +4 Lazynut. Puts Chao
reaching over 300 apiece, so keep training them Starnut. Punch x2 to sleep

in order to come in first!

The Fruit Game
One way to earn fruits to feed your Chao is using the
Game option from the Chao Adventure menu. When
you choose the Game option, you’ll be able to play
Get useful
tips and
Concentration-type game in which you must match j

tricks on
pairs of food items on a grid until you reveal them all.
You’ll have three chances to win the game, or it’s over
and you must begin again. Winning the game without
making a mistake will reward you with a special fruit,

while using up one or two chances will win you a from Sega!
regular fruit. You can feed your Chao fruits in the VMU
or in a Chao Garden. HI

116 SEPTEMBER 99 official Sega ® Dreamcast Magazine


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© 1999
DCNATION Dreamcast Online Community

Dreamcast Network goes

ega is intent on changing the way you
Dreamcast isn’t just a play games forever, but its plans don't

game machine it’s a — have as much to do with cutting-edge

graphics or groundbreaking gameplay
how you'll
new breed of interaction as you'd think.
other Dreamcast owners
It has to do with
- whether they're
interact with
down the

between gamers. Enter block or on the other side of the globe.

Serving as a beacon for Dreamcast owners in the
DC Nation, your guide to electronic frenzy of the information superhighway,
Dreamcast Network enables you to connect with other
all aspects of this players from around the country, and, in the process,
aims to enhance your gameplay experience in ways
burgeoning community, never before possible.

online and off...

How does it work?
Pop in the Dreamcast Passport disc that comes with
1 Dreamcast Network’s
your system, click a button, and you'll be
main page is your portal to
connected before you know it. Sega
e-mail, chat, and other
has its own preferred Internet
resources. 2 Daily reports
Service Provider (ISP) for
from Sega will keep you
connecting to the service

Worlds apart for a monthly fee of

roughly $20 (full
updated on new features
and competitions.

details are
Exploring the vast new included with the Dreamcast system), or, if you already have an
Internet account for your personal computer, you can
frontier of online RPGs use it instead for no additional charge.

ext year, your every notion of What can you do?

console role-playing will be From the main Dreamcast Network site, you'll have
smashed into tiny little bits. How's access to private e-mail, message boards, daily news
Sega has two new online
that? updates, live chat with other users, and what Sega calls
adventure games in the cards that will enable “games extras” - online competitions, downloadable
hundreds of players participate within the same VMU games, and saved games.
game world simultaneously. Upon its launch on 9.9.99, interactive gaming on the
First out of the gate will be Baldur's Gate, a network will comprise a set of real-time parlor games,
Baldur’s Gate will be the first Dreamcast game to conversion of Interplay's popularPC role-playing game. such as backgammon and solitaire, that can be played
support hundreds of simultaneous players online. Based in the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten against several other users simultaneously. But that's
Realms universe, and played from a sprite-based, third- certainly not all Sega has in store.

person isometric viewpoint, the game will enable you to form parties of several
human players and work together to complete quests and combat other parties. Where's it going?
Far more ambitious in terms of player interaction is Sega's Frontier. Due to launch Starting this winter, Dreamcast Network will serve as
by the end of 2000, the game will place you within a massive, fully 3D world where ground zero for multiplayer gaming of a far grander
you can form parties composed of other human players, magnitude. Games such as Sega Rally 2 and Slave Zero
battle against other parties, and explore the vast will be among the first to let you go up against several

landscape in real-time.
“persistent online world,” the
In what
is called
will keep
a other users
every bit

as fast as
action-packed competitions
if you were playing against friends
that'll move

Multiplayer network games going even when you're not connected. your own living room. Over the next several months, this
This means that the time of day will will expand to encompass games enabling hundreds
Slave Zero Action September
change, seasons will pass, players will of users to participate simultaneously within massive, fully
Sega Rally 2 Shooter Fall

Street Fighter Alpha 3 Fighting Fall

grow older and gain experience, and 3D worlds.
Red Dog Racing Winter events will transpire depending on the Interaction like this iswhat Sega believes will truly take
Take the Bullet Action Winter global clock. gaming to the next level, and Dreamcast Network will make it
Baldur’s Gate RPG Spring Look for the latest on both of as simple as clicking a button on the screen — figuring out how
Frontier R pG TBA these games in next issue’s edition you ever played games the “old-fashioned” way, however, won't
of DC Nation. d3 be quite so easy. H

118 SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega® Dreamcast Magazir

Dreamcast Online Community

The Phantasy Star Pages:

Find out why everyone and
their brother is aching for a
Dreamcast installment in

this classic RPG series.

Sega Master System

Museum: Gobs of info on
Sega’s first US system,
including a complete
game bios archive.

Out there
aving a few of Meadows Ampitheater in Dreamcast tent.

your friends over Irvine, California this past June Events such as this
for a day of 19 as Sega sponsored KROQ become even more

games certainly radio’s annual Weenie Roast commonplace this summer something a bit

The Sonic Zone: History isn’t out of the ordinary — give alternative music festival. as Sega’s mobile tour rolls to stronger than Diet Coke,
of Sonic the Hedgehog in
a few thousand videogame Undaunted by the Southern malls and landmarks across the thousands of alternative
games, animation, and fans the chance to play Californian summer, gamers nation. Look for tour dates - as music fans stood out in the
television series. and rockers alike got their on other Southern California sun to
Dreamcast months before its well as information
US debut, and you end up with hands on the likes of Namco’s forthcoming Dreamcast-related get a first shot at some of

something altogether different. Soul Calibur and Midway’s events - in future installments Dreamcast’s first games.
Such was the case at Irvine Ready 2 Rumble under the of DC Nation. ®

1994: The Sega Channel 1999: Dreamcast Network

Sega’s high-tech mobile tour van.
ONLINE downloadable games
offers launches on 9.9.99 with e-

TIMELINE via cable television. mail, chat, and parlor games.

1989: Sega introduces MegaDrive modem

199‘ Saturn NetLink

2000: Dreamcast Network

in Japan. It’s slow — so is the mahjong brings Internet access to adds support for massively

game that’s playable on it. Sega's 32bit system. multiplayer games.

official Sega ©'Dreamcast Magazine SEPTEMBER 99 119

END ONE It’s All Over

Next Month:
The ‘Win an amazingly fabulous, eye-bulging, palm-sweat-
inducing, headache for parents and old people, really heavy,
Packed with playable demos and movies that will run on your
Dreamcast system! Not available anywhere else!

Ready 2 Rumble
kick-ass Hydro Thunder coin-op with adjustable seating
position’ competition.
Dynamite Cop
kay - like this: In our rec- Okay, off you go. The closing date for
...and more!
room here at DCM towers, we entries October 24, 1999, so
is if you
have two Midway Hydro snooze, you lose. Good luck!
Thunder coin-op machines,
and they’re great. So great, in fact, that when
Stuff our lawyers want you to read:
One entry total per Individual. All entries must be received no later than
Over 20 new Dreamcast games completed, reviewed, and
we were racking our brains trying to think of October 24, 1999. with the winner being announced on or around rated in our massive Issue 2 reviews bonanza!
what to offer our readers in this premier January 4, 2000. The editors of the Official Sega Dreamcast Magazine will

issue by way of a competition, it was only

be the judges, and their decision is final. Each of the judging criteria
Every launch
(design, originality, and paint-job} will be weighed equally at 33%. By
right that we give them something we’d all entering this contest you agree that the Official Sega Dreamcast
game rated!
love to have at home ourselves. At first we Magazine, Imagine Media, and the other contest sponsors may use your

thought some kind of weird South American

name and competition entry for promotional purposes without further
PLUS: World-first
payment. All prizes will be awarded and no minimum number of entries
jungle animal that stings and looks really is required. Prizes won by minors will be awarded to their parents or legal
review of Sega
cool would do it, but after running it past guardians. Imagine Media is not responsible for damages or expenses

legal Q.e. watching ‘it’ literally run past legal

that the winners might incur as a result of the Contest or the receipt of a
Sports NBA 2KL
prize, and winners are responsible for income taxes based on the value
and under a filing cabinet), we were of the prize received. A list of winners may also be obtained by sending

‘encouraged’ to come up with something a a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Imagine Media. c/o

Inc., B.

little less... well, potentially lethal, frankly.

Harms. 150 North Hill Drive, Brisbane, CA 94005. This contest is limited
to residents of the United States. No purchase necessary: void in Arizona,
All you have to do to win your very own Maryland, Vermont, From Japan: In-depth behind-the-scenes look at Sega’s next coin-op
Hydro Thunder arcade machine, courtesy of Puerto Rico, and where smash-hit F355 Challenge, plus interviews with the developers and more!
prohibited by law.
Midway, is to impress the hell out of us
with your brilliantly creative and
We roadtest Yu
mechanical minds. Or, in plain- Suzuki’s F355
speak - your ability to make stuff
out of cereal packets and old
Challenge and
toilet roll tubes. bring you a
What do I need to do? full report!
Eat the cereal, and, uh,
‘finish’ the toilet roll and then
set about making an original
Issue 2
scale model of a Hydro Thunder
boat. Then paint it and make it
with GD-ROM
into a
like the real thing and put
box and send it to us at
On sale Oct. 5
‘ Hydro Thunder Competition,' Don’t miss it!
Official Sega Dreamcast
Magazine, Imagine Media, 150
North Hill Drive, Brisbane, CA
94005, where we will judge it on WHO WOULD WIN
design, originality, and paint-job.
Needless to say, all entries are
non-returnable - so if you really fall
This issue, Sega star Yuji Naka
in love with your work, keep it on NAKA squares off against his most SONIC
the shelf at home. All entries must famous creation, Sonic the
Hedgehog. It’s like Darth and
be made from cereal packets and Luke, only with less heavy
toilet roll tubes, and must be original breathing. Write in and tell us
who you think would win and
designs. One boat per person per
why. Send your theories to
entry, please, and the maximum size is 12
inches in length, width, and height.

W\ 1 20 SEPTEMBER 99 Official Sega # Dreamcast Magazine

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