Toeic Vocabulary 1

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1. Algebra /ˈælʤɪbrə/ (n): đại số

algebraist /ˌælʤɪˈbreɪɪst/ (n): nhà đại số học

Algebra is the most difficult subject for me.

2. Art /ɑːt/ (n): mỹ thuật

artist /ˈɑːtɪst/ (n): họa sĩ

artistry /ˈɑːtɪstri/ (n): nghệ thuật
artistic /ɑːˈtɪstɪk/ (adj): thuộc nghệ thuật và nghệ sĩ
arty /ˈɑːti/ (adj): làm ra vẻ nghệ sĩ
artistically /ɑːˈtɪstɪk(ə)li/ (adv): khéo léo, sắc sảo

Some famous artists did not get good marks at art.

He fell in love with her because of her artistic mind.

3. Chemistry /ˈkɛmɪstri/ (n): hóa học

chemical /ˈkɛmɪkəl/ (n): hóa chất

chemist /ˈkɛmɪst/ (n): nhà hóa học
chemical /ˈkɛmɪkəl/ (adj): (thuộc) hóa học
chemically /ˈkɛmɪkəli/ (adv): về phương diện hóa học

Many students said that organic chemistry is the most difficult subject in
You need to be careful when you enter a chemical laboratory.

4. History /ˈhɪstəri/ (n): lịch sử

historian /hɪsˈtɔːrɪən/ (n): sử gia

prehistory /priːˈhɪstəri/ (n): tiền sử học
historic /hɪsˈtɒrɪk/ (adj): nổi tiếng hoặc quan trọng trong lịch sử
historical /hɪsˈtɒrɪkəl/ (adj): có thật trong lịch sử
historically /hɪsˈtɒrɪkəli/ (adv): về mặt lịch sử

Herodotus is one of the most famous historians in the world.

That turkeys were once worshiped like Gods is a historical fact.

5. Literature /ˈlɪtərɪʧə/ (n): ngữ văn

literacy /ˈlɪtərəsi/ (n): sự biết viết, sự biết đọc

illiterate /ɪˈlɪtərɪt/ (n): mù chữ
literati /ˌlɪtəˈrɑːtiː/ (n): giới trí thức
literary ˈlɪtərəri/ (adj): có tính chất văn học

It was once believed that literature is not a good profession for a living.
After World War 2, many people are illiterate.

6. Physics /ˈfɪzɪks/ (n): vật lý

physicist /ˈfɪzɪsɪst/ (n): nhà vật lý học

Albert Einstein is one of the physicists who formed the success of Physics.

7. Music /ˈmjuːzɪk/ (n): âm nhạc

musician /mjuˈzɪʃən/ (n): nhạc sĩ

musicianship /mjuˈzɪʃənʃɪp/ (n): nghệ thuật và tài năng trong (việc trình diễn)
âm nhạc
musicology /ˌmjuːzɪˈkɑːlədʒi/ (n): âm nhạc học
musicologist /ˌmjuːzɪˈkɒləʤɪst/ (n): nhà âm nhạc học
musical /ˈmjuːzɪkəl/ (adj): du dương

I love listening to my sister’s songs, her voice is extremely musical.

The musicianship of this girl is really breathtaking.

8. Geography /ʤɪˈɒgrəfi/ (n): địa lý

geographic /ʤɪəˈgræfɪk/ (adj): thuộc địa lý

Geography is one of the compulsory subjects at school.

9. Bachelor /ˈbæʧələ/ (n): bằng cử nhân

I am expected to earn a Bachelor degree after graduating from school.

10. Home-schooling /həʊm-ˈskuːlɪŋ/ (n): tự học ở nhà

Many students have to home-school during the COVID-19’s lockdown.

11. Curriculum /kəˈrɪkjələm/ (n) chương trình học

→ Curricula (plural) /kəˈrɪkjələ/ (n)
Ex:The school curriculum should be as broad as possible.
12. Evaluation /ɪˌvæljuˈeɪʃn/ (n) đánh giá
→ Evaluate /ɪˈvæljueɪt/ (v)
→ Evaluative /ɪˈvæljuətɪv/ (adj)
Ex:The technique is not widely practised and requires further evaluation.

13. Behave /bɪˈheɪv/ (v) hành xử

→ Behavior /bɪˈheɪvjə(r)/ (n) hành vi
→ Behavioral /bɪˈheɪvjərəl/ (adj) thuộc về hành vi
→ Behaviorally /bɪˈheɪvjərəli/ (adv)thái độ
→ Behaviorism /bɪˈheɪvjərɪzəm/ (n) hành vi học
→ko Behaviorist /bɪˈheɪvjərɪst/ (n) nhà hành vi học
Ex:The lecturers behaved very unprofessionally.
Ex:As a language learning theory, behaviourism had not much to offer.

14. Distance education /ˌdɪstəns edʒuˈkeɪʃn/ (n) đào tạo từ xa

Ex:Technology allows distance education to occur at all levels.

15. Psychology /saɪˈkɒlədʒi/ (n) tâm lý học

→ Psychological /ˌsiiaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ (adj) thuộc tâm lý
→ Psychologist /saɪˈkɒlədʒɪst/ (n) nhà tâm lý học
→ Psychologically /ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkli/ (adv) một cách tâm lý
Ex:I help the actors understand the psychology of their characters.
16. Academic /ˌækəˈdemɪk/ (n), (adj) hội viên hàn lâm viện, thuộc về học thuật
→ Academe /ˈæk.ə.diːm/ (n): học thuật
→ Academy /əˈkædəmi/ (n) học viện
→ Academically /ækəˈdemɪkli/ (adv) một cách học thuật
Ex:Improving the academic achievement of all students

17. Classroom observation /ˈklɑːsruːmˌɒbzəˈveɪʃn/ (n) dự giờ

Ex:The principal came by for a classroom observation.

18. Graduation ceremony /ˌɡrædʒuˈeɪʃn ˈserəmoʊni/ (n) lễ tốt nghiệp

→ Graduation (n) tốt nghiệp
Ex:My whole family came to my graduation ceremony.
19. Plagiarize /ˈpleɪdʒəraɪz/ (v): đạo văn
→ Plagiarism /ˈpleɪdʒərɪzəm/ (n): sự ăn cắp văn
→ Plagiarist /ˈpleɪdʒərɪst/ (n): người ăn cắp văn
Ex:He was accused of plagiarizing his colleague's results.

20. option /ˈɒpʃn/ (n): lựa chọn

→ optional /ˈɒpʃənl/ (adj): tự chọn
Ex:Certain courses are compulsory; others are optional.


1. ---- is a type of mathematics in which letters and symbols are used to

represent quantities
A. Algebra
B. History
C. Literature
D. Geography

2. Earning a ----- degree is a dream of many students.

A. Bachelor
B. Classroom observation
C. Psychology
D. Graduation ceremony

3. Because of the COVID - 19 pandemic, lots of students take the -----.

A. evaluation
B. academic
C. home - schooling
D. music

4. My teacher has prepared us very well because we are about to have -----.
A. plagiarize
B. classroom observation
C. option
D. behave

5. Many people assume that you need to have a special talent when studying ----.
A. physics
B. literature
C. music
D. geography
6. It is said that you need to have a good memory to study -----.
A. art
B. history
C. 3curriculum
D. distance education

7. ---- was once considered as an enemy in Vietnamese history.

A. illiterate
B. literature
C. literate
D. chemistry.

8. University’s professors forced their students to write the essays -----.

A. academe
B. academic
C. academically
D. academy

9. ---- is forbidden in the school.

A. Option
B. Plagiarism
C. Physics
D. Art

10. Everyone is allowed to have several ----- for their future.

A. options
B. behave
C. evaluation
D. graduation ceremony.


1. Advanced /ədˈvɑːnst/ (adj): tiên tiến
→ Advance /ədˈvɑːns/ (v): phát triển
→ Advancement /ədˈvɑːnsmənt/ (n) sự phát triển
Ex:The hotel at which we stay equipped with advanced technology.

2. Check in /tʃekɪn/ (n), (v): đăng ký khi đến, sự đăng ký khi đến
Ex:Guests are requested to check in two hours before arriving at the hotel.
3. Check out /tʃekaʊt/ (v) trả phòng
Ex:Guests should check out of their rooms by noon.

4. Reservation /ˌrezəˈveɪʃn/ (n): sự đặt trước

→ Reserve /rɪˈzɜːv/ (v): đặt trước
→ Reserved /rɪˈzɜːvd/ (adj): được đặt trước
Ex:I had to cancel my hotel reservation.

5. Confirm /kənˈfɜːm/ (v): xác nhận

→ Confirmation /ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃn/ (a) sự xác nhận
Ex:The Grand Hotel confirmed our reservation last night.

6. Service /ˈsɜːvɪs/ (n) dịch vụ

→ Room service /ˈruːm sɜːvɪs/ (n) dịch vụ phòng
Ex:Is the service here good?

7. Lobby /ˈlɒbi/ (n): sảnh

Ex:Long-distance calls can only be made from the lobby of the hotel.

8. Receptionist /rɪˈsepʃənɪst/ (n) lễ tân

→ Reception /rɪˈsepʃn/ (n) quầy lễ tân
Ex:Should there be any question, please contact our receptionists for more

9. Porter /ˈpɔːrtər/ (n): người khuân hành lý

Ex:There aren't any porters, so we'll have to find a trolley for the luggage.

10. Corridor /ˈkɒrɪdɔː(r)/ (n): hành lang

Ex:His room is along the corridor.

11. Preclude /prɪˈkluːd/ (v): ngăn ngừa, loại trừ

→ preclusion /prɪˈkluː.ʒən/ (n) sự phòng ngừa
Ex:The horrible storm precluded us from travelling further.

12. Single bed /ˈsɪŋɡl bed/ (n): giường đơn

Ex:Bedroom ' Emma ' has a single bed and a walk-in shower cubicle.

13. To pay the bill /bɪl/ (v) thanh toán hóa đơn
Ex:I will pay the electric and water bills this week.

14. Gym /dʒɪm/ (n): phòng tập thể dục

Ex:In our hotel, we have a gym, two pools and a mini bar.
15. Minibar /ˈmɪnibɑː(r)/ (n) tủ lạnh trong phòng khách sạn
Ex:Our hotel has minibars in every room.

16. Fire escape /ˈfaɪər ɪskeɪp/ (n) lối thoát hiểm

Ex:In the event of a fire, make your way immediately to the nearest fire escape.

17. Fire alarm /ˈfaɪər əlɑːm/ (n): chuông báo cháy

Ex:If the fire alarm goes off, leave the building calmly.

18. Vacancy /ˈveɪkənsi/ (n): phòng trống

Ex:The motel was full – we saw the "No Vacancy" sign.

19. Manager /ˈmænɪdʒə(r)/ (n) người quản lý

→ manage /ˈmænɪdʒ/ (v): quản lý
→ management /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ (n) sự quản lý, điều hành
Ex:I’d like to speak to your manager.

20. Internet access /ˈɪn.tə.netˈækses/ (n): truy cập mạng

Ex:The hotel itself has 201 rooms with complimentary Internet access.


1. You need to check ----- before 6 o’clock, ma’am.

A. away
B. up
C. out
D. for

2. It is illegal if a hotel is built without -----.

A. minibar
B. fire escape
C. door
D. none of the above.

3. I love the ----- here, I will return in the future.

A. service
B. preclusion
C. confirmation
D. none of the above.

4. The decoration of ----- in this building is based on a famous painting of Van Gogh.
A. service
B. porter
C. corridors
D. food

5. All the ------ here love their uniform.

A. vacancy
B. fire alarm
C. receptionists
D. lobby

6. To ---- thieves, the managers hire more security.

A. preclude
B. include
C. prevent
D. increase

7. My husband always pays ----- our bill.

A. with
B. on
C. into
D. for

8. All the ---- in this hotel are always full of food.

A. ceilings
B. corridors
C. minibars
D. rooms

9. The service here is so terrible, I need to complain with the ----.

A. receptionist.
B. manager.
C. porter.
D. reservation.

10. We only have one room with a ---- and no Internet access.
A. single bed
B. vacancy
C. lobby
D. gym


1. available /əˈveɪləbl/ (adj): có sẵn
→ availability /əˌveɪləˈbɪləti/ (n): khả năng mua được
Ex:We have plenty of rooms available.
2. broaden /ˈbrɔːdn/ (v) mở rộng
→ broad /brɔːd/ (adj): rộng
Ex:a promise to broaden access to higher education

3. category /ˈkætəɡərɪ/(n) loại, hạng

→ categories /ˈkætəɡəraɪz/ (v) phân loại
Ex:Students over 25 fall into a different category.

4. acquire /əˈkwaɪə(r)/ (v): thu được

Ex:He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty.

5. admire /ədˈmaɪə(r)/ (v) ngưỡng mộ

→ admirable /ˈædmərəbl/ (adj) đáng ngưỡng mộ
→ admirably /ˈædmərəbli/ (adv)
→ admirer /ədˈmaɪərə(r)/ (n) người ngưỡng mộ người khác
→ admiration /ˌædməˈreɪʃn/ sự ngưỡng mộ
Ex:I greatly admire my teacher for his dedication.

6. criticism /ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm/ (n): sự chỉ trích, phê bình

→ critical /ˈkrɪtɪkl/ (adj) mang tính chỉ trích
→ critic /ˈkrɪtɪk/ (n): nhà phê bình
→ criticise /ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz/ (v): chỉ trích, phê bình
Ex:Brad Pitt’s gripping performance has been praised by critics.

7. audience /ˈɔːdiəns/ (n) khán giả, thính giả

Ex: The audience was/were clapping for 10 minutes.

8. classic /ˈklæsɪk/ (adj): cổ điển

→ classical /ˈklæsɪkl/ (adj):
→ classically /ˈklæsɪkli/ (adv)
→ classicism /ˈklæsɪsɪzəm/ (n) chủ nghĩa cổ điển
Ex:we went to a concert last night and it was so classic.

9. Exhibit /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/
→ exhibition /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/
→ exhibitor /ɪɡˈzɪbɪtə(r)/
Ex:The gallery is hosting an exhibition of his work.

10. music /ˈmjuːzɪk/ (n) âm nhạc

→ musical /ˈmjuːzɪkl/ (adj) nhạc kích
Ex:She had a brilliant career in musical theatre.

11. Oil painting /ˈɔɪl peɪntɪŋ/ (n) tranh sơn dầu

Ex:Oil painting is a picture in oil paint.

12. Orchestra /'ɔ:kistrə/ dàn nhạc

Ex:She plays the flute in the school orchestra.

13. Perform /pə'fɔ:m/ biểu diễn, trình bày

→ Performance /pə'fɔ:məns/ việc diễn, việc đóng
Ex:Hugh Jackman’s performance in Wolverine was outstanding.

14. drama /ˈdrɑːmə/: vở kịch

→ dramatic /drəˈmætɪk/ bi tráng
Ex:Romeo and Juliet is quite a dramatic play

15. comedy /ˈkɒmədi/ (n) hài

→ comedian /kəˈmiːdiən/ (n) diễn viên hài
→ comedic /kəˈmiːdɪk/ (adj) hài
Ex:500 days of Summer is a romantic comedy.

16. Masterpieces /'mɑ:stəpi:s/ kiệt tác

Ex: The Mona Lisa is a masterpiece.

17. Sculpture /ˈskʌlptʃər/: điêu khắc

→ Sculptor /ˈskʌlp.təʳ/: nhà điêu khắc
Ex:There’s a sculpture of Uncle Ho on Nguyen Hue street.

18. To publish /'pʌbliʃ/ : phát hành

= To bring out
= To put out
Ex:Nhi đồng publish many books but my favorite one is Doraemon

19. abstract /'æbstrækt/ trừu tượng

Ex:Modern art nowaday is in the form of abstract art.

20. create /kriˈeɪt/ tạo ra, làm ra

→ creation /kriˈeɪʃn/
→ creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/ sáng tạo
→ creativity /ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti/ sự sáng tạo
→ creator /kriˈeɪtə(r)/: nhà sáng chế
Ex:Frankenstein was the creation of Mary Shelley.


1. ---- brings us together.
A. Music
B. Musics
C. We
D. none of the above

2. It is said that listening to ---- music is good for the baby.

A. classic
B. classicism
C. classical
D. classics

3. Not many people can understand the ---- art.

A. classic
B. oil painting
C. abstract
D. perform

4. She is ---- because of her beautiful mind.

A. admired
B. admiration
C. admirer
D. admire

5. Joker is the most dangerous ---- I’ve ever seen.

A. comedy
B. comedian
C. comedic
D. come

6. The ballet ---- last night was extremely marvelous.

A. dance
B. sing
C. song
D. performance

7. The Starry Night is a ---- of Vicent Van Gogh.

A. audience
B. masterpiece
C. acquire
D. criticism

8. A ---- life gave her a sharp brain and a kind heart.

A. drama
B. dramatic
C. dram
D. wonderful
9. ---- is often high valued in this major.
A. create
B. creative
C. creativity
D. comedy

10. Teenagers should be ---- basic knowledge before standing on their own feet.
A. require
B. requires
C. requirement
D. required
CHỦ ĐỀ 6: Environment (catastrophe)
1. Aftermath /ˈɑːftəmæθ/ hậu quả
Ex:A lot of rebuilding took place in the aftermath of the storm.

2. Aftershock /ˈɑːftəʃɒk/ dư chấn

Ex:The area suffered a series of aftershocks measuring up to 6.3 on the Richter

3. Avalanche /ˈævəlɑːnʃ/ tuyết lở

Ex:He was killed in an avalanche while skiing.

4. Blackout /ˈblækaʊt/ mất điện

Ex:The storm caused blackouts in many areas.

5. casualty /ˈkæʒuəlti/ thương vong, thiệt hại

Ex:Our primary objective is reducing road casualties.

6. cataclysm /ˈkætəklɪzəm/ đại họa

Ex:to survive the cataclysm of the Black Death

7. drought /draʊt/ hạn hán

Ex:Farmers are facing ruin after two years of severe drought.

8. earthquake /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ động đất

Ex:Much of the town was destroyed in the earthquake.

9. epicenter /ˈepɪsentə(r)/ tâm bão

Ex:The central point of the storm is called epicenter.

10. epidemic /ˌepɪˈdemɪk/ bệnh dịch

Ex: An epidemic of measles broke out, and over 200 children died.
11. eruption /ɪˈrʌpʃn/ phun trào
Ex: A major volcanic eruption

12. famine /ˈfæmɪn/ nạn đói

Ex: The threat of widespread famine in the area

13. flood /flʌd/ lũ lụt

Ex: The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country.

14. hail /heɪl/ mưa đá

→ hailstorm /ˈheɪlstɔːm/: bão đá
Ex: The pilot flew through a hailstorm and lost his way.

15. hurricane /ˈhʌrɪkən/ bão lớn

Ex: A powerful hurricane hit the Florida coast.

16. landslide /ˈlændslaɪd/ sạt lở

Ex: The house was buried beneath a landslide.

17. pandemic /pænˈdemɪk/ đại dịch

Ex: The coronavirus pandemic

18. tsunami /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ sóng thần

Ex: The tsunami caused immeasurable damage.

19. wildfire /ˈwaɪldfaɪə(r)/ cháy rừng

Ex: Firefighters are battling devastating wildfires in northern California.

20. tornado /tɔːˈneɪdəʊ/ lốc xoáy

Ex:Tornadoes ripped into the southern United States yesterday.


1. Some people believe that deforestation happens because of ----.

A. wildfire
B. wildlife
C. tsunami
D. none of the above

2. ---- is once considered as one of the greatest enemies of Vietnam.

A. Famine
B. Tsunami
C. Hailstorm
D. Eruption
3. Children should be trained in all the necessary skills which can help them to
protect themselves in an ----.
A. casualty
B. earthquake
C. aftermath
D. eathquake

4. The outbreak of COVID - 19 ---- spreading terror to all the inhabitants of Earth.
A. pademic
B. parade
C. pandemic
D. drought

5. The heavy rain last night caused the ---- in the city.
A. blackout
B. blackin
C. black
D. brightout

6. This body is buried alive due to a -----.

A. earthslide
B. planslide
C. rainslide
D. landslide

7. A volcanic ---- can wipe out a whole village nearby.

A. hurricane
B. eruption
C. flood
D. hail

8. Unfortunately, my home is in the ---- of the storm.

A. middle
B. edge
C. epicenter
D. epic

9. ---- are one of the most dangerous natural disasters.

A. Tornado
B. Casualty
C. Tornadoes
D. casualties
10. The ---- caused several damage.
A. epicenter
B. aftermath
C. aftershock
D. hurricane

CHỦ ĐỀ 7: Marketing
1. advertising /ˈædvətaɪzɪŋ/ (n) quảng cáo
Ex: He is a successful advertising executive.

2. consume /kənˈsjuːm/ (v) dùng, tiêu dùng, tiêu thụ,

→ consumable /kənˈsjuːməbl/ (a) có thể tiêu thụ được
→ consumer /kənˈsjuːmə(r)/(n) người tiêu dùng, người tiêu thụ
Ex: The analysts can consume new information quickly.

3. attract /əˈtrækt/ (v) thu hút

→ attractive /əˈtræktɪv/ (a)
→ attraction /əˈtrækʃ(ə)n/ (n)
Ex: This new advertising attracts all types of customers.

4. compare /kəmˈpeə/ (v) so sánh

→ comparable /ˈkɒmpərəbl/ (a) có thể so sánh được
→ comparison /kəmˈpærɪsn/ (n) sự so sánh
Ex: She always compares the prices before making a decision.

5. satisfaction /ˌsætɪsˈfækʃən/ (n) sự thỏa mãn

→ satisfy /ˈsætɪsfaɪ/ (v) thỏa mãn
→ satisfactory /ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri/ (a) vừa ý, thỏa mãn
Ex: Customer satisfaction is one of the highest priorities in our objective.

6. market /ˈmɑːkɪt/ (v) thị trường

→ marketing /ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ/ (n) tiếp thị
→ marketable /ˈmɑːkɪtəbl/ (a) có thể bán được
Ex: The price for this product is high compared to the other products on the market.

7. competition /ˌkɒmpɪˈtɪʃən/ (n) sự cạnh tranh

→ compete /kəmˈpiːt/ (v) cạnh tranh
→ competitive /kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv/ (a) cạnh tranh
Ex: To win this contract, our company competed fiercely with the other rival

8. inspiration /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən/ (n)

Ex: This man's an inspiration to all of us.
9. persuasion /pəˈsweɪʒən/ (n) thuyết phục
Ex: After a little gentle persuasion, he agreed to sign a contract.

10. productive /prəˈdʌktɪv/ (a) sản xuất, năng suất

→ produce /prəˈdjuːs/ (v) sản xuất
→ production /prəˈdʌkʃn/ (n) sự sản xuất, sản lượng
→ productively /prəˈdʌktɪvli/ (adv) một cách hiệu quả, sinh lợi
→ product /ˈprɒdʌkt/ (n) sản phẩm
→ producer /prəˈdjuːsə(r)/ (n) nhà sản xuất
Ex: Although they work hard, their efforts are not very productive.

11. currently /ˈkʌrəntli/ (adv) hiện tại

Ex: Sales are currently 2 times higher than the previous month

12. maximize /ˈmæksɪmaɪz/ : tối đa hóa

Ex: Corporations are accused of seeking to maximize profit at the expense of work
safety conditions and standards.

13. optimize /ˈɒptɪmaɪz/ : tối ưu hóa

Ex: The company's models are optimized outputs to maximize revenue.

14. market research: /ˌmɑːkɪt rɪˈsɜːtʃ/ : nghiên cứu thị trường

Ex: There are a wide variety of methods for conducting market research online.

15. objective /əbˈdʒektɪv/ (n) mục tiêu

Ex: The main objective of this meeting is to give more information for the upcoming

16. initiative /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/ (n)sáng kiến

Ex: He came up with a new initiative to increase company's revenue

17. label /ˈleɪbl/ (n) nhãn (dán trên hàng hóa)

Ex: Please stick this label to your baggage.

18. launch /lɔːnʧ/ (v) ra mắt (sản phẩm mới)

Ex: She plans to launch her own designer shoes label.

19. marketing channel /ˈmɑːr.kɪ.t̬ ɪŋ ˈtʃæn.əl/ kênh tiếp thị

Ex: The acquisition functions are able to support a variety of marketing channels.
20. benefit /ˈbenɪfɪt/ lợi ích
Ex: The company derived substantial benefit from the deal.


1. My project is ---- from the cherry blossom of Japan.

A. inspire
B. inspired
C. inspiration
D. inspiring

2. The advertisement agency always catches up with the latest trends to ---- their
A. compare
B. satisfaction
C. satisfy
D. satisfying

3. Our target ---- are children from 6 - 10 years old.

A. customers
B. competition
C. marketable
D. optimize

4. You did such a great job when succeeding in ----- our clients.
A. persuasion
B. persuade
C. persuading
D. none of the above

5. We are discussing ways to ---- the profit of our company.

A. objective
B. initiative
C. maximize
D. comparison

6. Our company ---- is customers’ happiness.

A. objective
B. comparable
C. initiative
D. label
7. Once we ---- our new movie to the customers, all the sales performance records
will be broken.
A. launching
B. launch
C. marketing
D. competition

8. ---- your file carefully so that we know what this file is about.
A. Labeled
B. Advertise
C. Advertising
D. Label

9. Many people ----- suspect that Facebook is spying on them.

A. current
B. optimize
C. productivity
D. currently

10. It will be to your ---- to sleep earlier.

A. beneficial
B. benefits
C. advertising
D. benefit

1. Accountant /əˈkaʊntənt/: ngành kế toán
→ account /əˈkaʊnt/ tài khoản, kế toán
Ex: With internet banking you can manage your account online.

2. Capital /ˈkæpɪtl/: vốn

Ex: a guide to investing capital in new markets.

3. accumulate /əˈkjuːmjəleɪt/ lũy kế,tích lũy

Ex: Debts began to accumulate

4. Cash discounts /kæʃ ˈdɪskaʊnts/: chiết khấu tiền mặt

Ex: We offer a 5% cash discount for prompt payment.

5. Profitably /ˈprɒfɪtəbli/: có lợi, sinh lời

Ex: to run a business profitably
6. Financial /faɪˈnænʃl/ tài chính
Ex: Tokyo and New York are major financial centres.

7. Carrying cost /ˈkæriɪŋ kɒst/: chi phí hàng lưu kho

Ex: Unsecured loan stock will have a higher carrying cost but less of an impact on
the offeror's gearing.

8. Concepts of accounting /ˈkɒnsɛpts ɒv əˈkaʊntɪŋ/: các nguyên tắc kế toán

Ex: We learn Basic concept of accounting in university.

9. Conservatism /kənˈsɜːvətɪzm/: nguyên tắc thận trọng

Ex: The ignorance and conservatism of the women.

10. Consistency /kənˈsɪstənsi/: nguyên tắc nhất quán

Ex: you must keep the consistency from report to report in accounting.

11. accumulation /kɒst əˌkjuːmjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/: sự tập hợp chi phí

Ex: the accumulation of wealth

12. Debentures /dɪˈbɛnʧəz/: trái phiếu, giấy nợ

Ex: Payment of interest is made to the debenture holder at a specified rate and at
clearly defined intervals.

13. Budget /ˈbʌʤɪt/: ngân sách

Ex: an annual budget of £10 million

14. Profitably /ˈprɒfɪtəbli/: có lợi, sinh lời

Ex: to run a business profitably

15. Reconcile /ˈrɛkənsaɪl/: cân đối

Ex: an attempt to reconcile the need for industrial development with concern for the

16. Depreciation /dɪˌpriːʃɪˈeɪʃən/ : Hao mòn lũy kế

Ex: the depreciation of fixed assets

17. Equity fund /ˈɛkwɪti ænd fʌndz/: quỹ đầu tư

Ex:An equity fund is a mutual fund that invests principally in stocks.

18. Inventory /in’ventri/: Hàng tồn kho

Ex:The inventory will be disposed of over the next twelve weeks.

19. Liabilities /,laiə’biliti/: Nợ phải trả

Ex: The company has liabilities to its employees.

20. Balance sheet /’bæləns ʃi:t/: Bảng cân đối kế toán

Ex: Balance sheet is a written statement showing the amount of money and


1. After graduating from university, I will work as an -----.

A. liabilities
B. accountant
C. equity
D. fund

2. I reviewed the -----, and decided to cut the cost.

A. budget
B. conservatism
C. profitably
D. none of the above

3. Please check the expiration days of the ---- carefully.

A. Event
B. Invent
C. Inventory
D. balance sheet

4. Some parents think their children are nothing but -----.

A. liability
B. ability
C. liabilities
D. none of the above

5. If you want to run a business profitably, I think you should master -----.
A. conservation
B. serve
C. consistence
D. conservatism

6. If you are in ------ trouble, come back home.

A. finance
B. financial
C. final
D. carrying cost
7. This may be a private ---- fund.
A. equity
B. equal
C. equipment
D. none of the above

8. Draw the ----- sheet carefully so that we can know what is happening about our
A. carrying cost
B. budget
C. accumulate
D. balance

9. I think we should offer cash ----- for the customers who pay in advance.
A. payment
B. paid
C. debit
D. discount

10. As long as human beings give up their insatiable greed, there’s no way that
technology and nature can be -----.
A. reconcile
B. reconcept
C. reconciled
D. concile


1. Amortization /ə,mɔ:ti’zeiʃn/ khấu hao

2. Authorise /ˈɔː.θər.aɪz/ cấp phép
3. Bankrupt /’bæɳkrəpt/ phá sản
→ bankrupted
4. Boom /bu:m/ tăng vọt, bùng nổ
5. Cheque /tʃek/ séc
6. Circulation /,sə:kju’leiʃn/ lưu thông
7. Commodity /kə’mɔditi/ hàng hóa
8. Debit /’debit/ ghi nợ
9. Deficit /’defisit/ thâm hụt
10. Appraisal /əˈpreɪzl/ (n): sự định giá, sự đánh giá
11. Capital goods /ˈkæpɪtl ɡʊdz/ tư liệu sản xuất
12. Confidential /ˌkɒnfɪˈdenʃl/ bí mật
→ confidentiality
13. Corporate (adj): công ty, đoàn thể
14. Corporate (n): hội, đoàn, công ty
→ corperation
15. Foreclosure /fɔːˈkləʊʒə(r)/ xiết nợ
16. Tangible /ˈtændʒəbl/ hữu hình
17. Cash flow statement /ˈkæʃ fləʊˈsteɪtmənt/ Báo cáo lưu chuyển tiền tệ
18. Financial market /faɪˈnænʃlˈmɑːkɪt/ thị trường tài chính (nơi mua bán cổ phiếu
hoặc hàng hóa)
19. Claimants /ˈkleɪmənt/ Người khiếu nại
20. Marginal Cost /ˈmɑːdʒɪnl kɒst/ Chi phí cận biên


1. Despite such a positive -----, his novels are badly criticized by his parents.
A. appraisal
B. praise
C. saying
D. none of the above

2. Being defaulted, his house is taken by the bank as a -----.

A. debit
B. crime
C. deficit
D. foreclosure

3. ----- is the most important requirement if you want to be one of us.

A. Secret
B. Confidentiality
C. Corporate
D. Commodity

4. You must be very clever if you want to survive in the ----- market.
A. fine
B. financial
C. finance
D. fin

5. My family needs to move away since my father’s company was -----.

A. bank
B. bankrupt
C. bankrupted
D. none of the above

6. The organic industry is enjoying a -----.

A. boom
B. marginal cost
C. tangible
D. amortization

7. Love may not ---- but it always exists among us.

A. tangled
B. claimant
C. tangible
D. cash flow statement

8. My ----- was licensed to operate next week.

A. cooperate
B. cop
C. authorize
D. corporation

9. This supermarket accepts paying by ---- card.

A. rabbit
B. deficit
C. debit
D. debt

10. The ----- complaint about our new products’ quality.

A. claim
B. claimants
C. comment
D. complainter

Chủ Đề 10: Business

1. agreement /əˈɡriːmənt/(n) hợp đồng, thỏa thuận

→ agree /əˈɡriː/(v) đồng ý

→ agreeable /əˈɡriːəbl/ (adj) bằng lòng

Ex: They signed a free trade agreement with Korea.

2. amendment /əˈmendmənt/ (n) sự sửa đổi/ hiệu chỉnh

→ amend /əˈmend/ (v) sửa đổi, hiệu chỉnh

Ex: The Liberal Democrats have tabled an amendment to the bill

3. assurance /əˈʃʊərəns/ (n) sự bảo đảm

→ assure /əˈʃʊə(r)/ (v) cam đoan

→ assured /əˈʃʊəd/ (adj) chắc chắn

Ex: He said it with complete assurance.

4. distribute /dɪˈstrɪbjuːt/ (v) phân phối

→ distribution /ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn/ (n) sự phân phối

→ distributor /dɪˈstrɪbjətə(r)/ (n) nhà phân phối, người phân phối

Ex: We distributed beans and maize to the refugees.

5. provide /prəˈvaɪd/ (v) cung cấp

→ provision /prəˈvɪʒn/ (n) sự cung cấp

→ provider /prəˈvaɪdə(r)/ (n) nhà cung cấp

Ex: Our office can provide information on the local area.

6. resolve /rɪˈzɒlv/ (v/n) giải quyết, sự giải quyết

→ resolution /ˌrezəˈluːʃn/ (n) sự phân giải

→ resolute /ˈrezəluːt/ (a) kiên quyết

→ resolutely /ˈrezəluːtli/ (adv) một cách kiên quyết

Ex: We hope to resolve this problem as soon as possible.

7. sign /saɪn/ (n/v): ký, ký kết

→ signature /ˈsɪɡnətʃə(r)/ (n): chữ ký

→ signatory /ˈsɪɡnətri/ (adj): đã ký vào

Ex: She signed her name in the end of the contract

8. affirm /əˈfɜːm/ (v): khẳng định, xác nhận

→ affirmation /ˌæfəˈmeɪʃn/ (n): sự khẳng định

→ affirmative /əˈfɜːmətɪv/ (adj): quả quyết

Ex: The minister affirmed that she would support any pro-European policy

9. consider /kənˈsɪdə(r)/ (v): xem xét, khảo sát

→ consideration /kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃn/ (n): sự xem xét, chú ý

→ considerable /kənˈsɪdərəbl/ (adj): đáng kể

Ex: You should consider carefully whether a product will meet your needs

10. expiration /ˌekspəˈreɪʃn/ (n): hết hạn

→ expire /ɪkˈspaɪə(r)/ (v): hết, hết hạn

Ex: This letter of Guarantee should be returned to our bank after its expiration.

11. reputation /ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn/ (n): danh tiếng, uy tín

→ reputable /ˈrepjətəbl/ (adj): có uy tín, danh giá

→ reputed /rɪˈpjuːtɪd/ (adj): có uy tín, có tiếng tăm

Ex: He did not have a good reputation in his company

12. require /rɪˈkwaɪə(r)/ (v): đòi hỏi, yêu cầu

→ requisite /ˈrekwɪzɪt/ (adj): cần thiết

→ requirement /rɪˈkwaɪəmənt/ (n): sự yêu cầu

Ex: The cause of the accident is still unclear and requires further investigation.

13. stipulate /ˈstɪpjuleɪt/ (v): quy định, ghi rõ

→ stipulation /ˌstɪpjuˈleɪʃn/ (n): sự quy định
→ stipulated /ˈstɪpjuleɪtɪd/(adj): được quy định

Ex: The constitution stipulates that a new president must be elected after four years

14. variety /vəˈraɪəti/ (n): nhiều loại, nhiều hạng

→ vary /ˈveəri/ (v): làm biến đổi, làm khác nhau

→ various /ˈveəriəs/ (adj): khác nhau, nhiều thứ

→ varied /ˈveərid/ (adj): đa dạng, thay đổi

Ex: There’s a variety of standard terms that you’ll find in warranties

15. characteristic /ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk/ (n/adj): đặc điểm, đặc tính

→ characterize /ˈkærəktəraɪz/ (v): biểu thị đặc trưng

→ characteristically /ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪkli/ (adv): tính cách đặc biệt

Ex: Please explain the clear characteristic of the product to the customer.

16. engage /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/ (v): thuê, hứa hẹn

→ engagement /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt/ (n): sự thuê/ hôn ước

Ex: The company engaged a new sales director.

17. establish /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ (v): thành lập

→ establishment /ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt/ (n): sự thành lập

→ established /ɪˈstæblɪʃt/ (adj): được thành lập, được chứng thực

Ex: The case established an important legal principle.

18. acceptance /əkˈseptəns/ (n): sự chấp nhận

→ accept /əkˈsept/ (v): đồng ý, chấp nhận

→ acceptable /əkˈseptəbl/ (adj): chấp nhận được

Ex: The new laws have gained widespread acceptance.

19. bind /baɪnd/ (v): buộc, ràng buộc

→ binder /ˈbaɪndə(r)/ (n): người ràng buộc

→ binding /ˈbaɪndɪŋ/ (adj): bắt buộc

Ex: The contract is legally binding.

20. protect /prəˈtekt/ (v): bảo vệ

→ protection /prəˈtekʃn/ (n): sự bảo vệ

→ protective /prəˈtektɪv/ (adj): mang tính bảo vệ

Ex: The company will protect its financial interests according to the contract.

1. I am trying to build a good ---- in the company.

A. reputate
B. reptile
C. reputation
D. none of the above

2. Our company ---- a new room.

A. buy
B. rent
C. have
D. engages

3. This company was ---- last year.

A. established
B. establish
C. establishment
D. establishes

4. After observing his -----, the manager decided to hire him.

A. characterize
B. characteristic
C. character
D. characteristically

5. The rule stipulates that you are not allowed to smoke here.

A. stipulates
B. stipulation
C. stipulated
D. none of the above

6. I would like to ----- this project clearly before making the decision.

A. consideration
B. considered
C. confirm
D. consider

7. Resolve the mess you made immediately.

A. Resolution
B. Resolute
C. Resolve
D. Relate

8. Our company does not ---- perfection, but it does ---- creativity and hard-work.

A. requirement
B. require
C. vary
D. bind

9. Do you want the ---- of Taylor Swift?

A. sign
B. protection
C. signature
D. expiration

10. My girlfriend ----- me to be a part of her life.

A. accepted
B. assurance
C. agreement
D. amendment

Chủ Đề 11:thể thao

1. cycling /ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ đạp xe
2. gymnastics /dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/ thể dục dụng cụ
3. synchronized swimming /ˌsɪŋkrənaɪzd ˈswɪmɪŋ/ bơi nghệ thuật
4. League /liːɡ/ giải đấu
5. Dominate /ˈdɑːmɪneɪt/ áp đảo
6. squash/tennis/badminton court: sân chơi vợt đơn, tennis, cầu lông
7. to be keen to do smth (to be keen on doing smth) đam mê
8. to be out of condition (to be out of shape): xuống cấp
9. to get into shape: lấy lại vóc dáng
10. to set a record: lập kỷ lục
11. treadmill: máy chạy bộ
12. trial-and-error method: phương pháp thử loại
13. physical trainer (PT): huấn luyện viên thể hình
14. A personal best: kỷ lục cá nhân
15. an athletics meeting: sự kiện thể thao
16. strenuous exercise:
17. Motivate sb to do sth
18. Succeed in
19. to Master sth
20. sports facilities
1. My sister is keen ------ swimming.
A. of
B. up
C. on
D. to
2. My brother uses a ----- to lose weight.
A. treadmill
B. treatment
C. condition
D. none of the above

Chủ Đề 12: Shopping

1. bargain /ˈbɑːɡən/ (n) món hời

Ex: The collectors like to explore antique shops looking for bargains.

2. bear /beə(r)/ (v) chịu đựng

Ex: I don’t like crowds so I cannot bear to shop during the holiday rush.

3. behavior /bɪˈheɪvjə(r)/ (n) cách cư xử

Ex: He conducted a survey on whether consumer behavior differs between men and

4. checkout /ˈtʃekaʊt/ (n) quầy thanh toán

Ex: The line at this checkout is too long, so I decide to look for another.

5. comfort /ˈkʌmfət/ (v) thoải mái

→ comfortable (a) thoải mái,dễ chịu
Ex: I like to dress for comfort if I’m spending the day shopping.

6. expand /ɪkˈspænd/ (v) mở rộng

Ex: The new manager has significantly expanded the store’s inventory.

7. explore /ɪkˈsplɔːr/ (v) khám phá

→ exploration /ˌekspləˈreɪʃn/ (n) cuộc thám hiểm
→ exploratory /ɪkˈsplɒrətri/ (a) thám hiểm, tìm tòi
Ex: While I shopped for clothes, my brother wandered off to explore the toy sellect.

8. item /ˈaɪtəm/ (n) món (ghi trong đơn hàng)

Ex: Do you think I will get all these items into one bag?
9. mandatory /ˈmændətəri/ (a) bắt buộc
Ex: The clothing store has a mandatory policy of showing customers only one item
at a time.

10. merchandise /ˈmɜːtʃəndaɪs/ (n) hàng hóa

Ex: The merchandise on display in the shop window.

11. strictly /ˈstrɪktli/ (adv) một cách nghiêm ngặt, nghiêm khắc
Ex: Our store strictly enforces its return policy.

12. trend /trend/ (n) xu hướng, thịnh hành

Ex: The clothing shop tries to stay on top of all the new trends.

13. window shopping /ˈwɪndəʊ ʃɒpɪŋ/ đi ngó lòng vòng

Ex: I often go window shopping before I buy something

14. on a tight budget /taɪtˈbʌdʒ.ɪt/ ngân sách eo hẹp

Ex:: It may involve a tight budget for meals

15. local shops /ˈləʊklʃɒp/ cửa hàng địa phương

Ex: I prefer local shops than the one in other cities.

16. shop assistants /ˈʃɒp əsɪstənt/ nhân viên bán hàng

Ex: shop assistant is a person whose job is to serve customers in a shop

17. to bargain /ˈbɑːɡən/ trả giá

Ex: I picked up a few good bargains in the sale.

18. advertising campaign /ˈædvətaɪzɪŋ kæmˈpeɪn/ chiến dịch quảng cáo

Ex: the previous advertising campaign involved in riding bikes around the city.

19. to pay the full price: trả đủ giá

Ex: you have to pay the full price when buying at certain shops

20. customer service /ˌkʌstəmə ˈsɜːvɪs/ chăm sóc khách hàng

Ex: Our main concern is to provide quality customer service.


1. Our models always catch up with the latest -----.

A. bargain
B. customer service
C. trend
D. strictly

2. I can buy lots of ----- on Black Friday

A. bargains
B. bargain
C. mandatory
D. window shopping

3. They laid their ----- on the shelves.

A. local shop
B. merchandise
C. shop
D. none of the above

4. This

Chủ Đề 13:ngân hàng

Chủ Đề 14:music

1. music genre: loại nhạc

Ex: My favourite music genre is rock.

2. pop music:nhạc pop

Ex: One of the most famous pop-singers in history are Michael Jackson and

3. rock music: nhạc rock

Ex: I adore such rock bands as The Beatles.

4. catchy tune: giai điệu bắt tai

Ex: I heard a catchy song the other day and now it's stuck in my head.

5. elevator music: nhạc trong thang máy

Ex: Yesterday I heard very annoying elevator music in the local supermarket.

6. music to one's ears: nghe suông tai, dễ nghe

Ex: When my teacher told me that I got the highest mark in the class, it was like
music to my ears.

7. huge following: lượng lớn người hâm mộ

Ex: Michael Jackson had a huge following.

8. piece of music: tác phẩm âm nhạc

Ex: Beethoven composed many beautiful pieces of music.

9. massive hit: lượng lớn bản nhạc hit

Ex: Em cua ngay hom qua was Son Tung ‘s massive hit that make him famous.

10. sing along to: hát theo

Ex: I let my kids sing along to disney music.

11. musical talent: tài năng âm nhạc (chỉ người)

Ex: There are lots of music talents in Rap Viet.

12. background music: nhạc nền

Ex: as background music is playing, they are doing something else.

13. live music: nhạc sống

Ex: I prefer listening to live music rather than recording. It's much more emotional
and energetic.

14. live performance: biểu diễn trực tiếp

Ex: Min’s live performance sound so good that it just like it is recorded

15. taste in music: gu âm nhạc

Ex: Our taste of music isn’t alike. yours is rock and mine is pop.

16. play things by ear (idiom) xuôi theo dòng nước (tùy theo tình hình)
Ex: I haven’t planned anything, I will just play things by ear.

17. read music: đọc nhạc

Ex: I mean making children read music before making them sing a song

18. go on tour: đi biểu diễn tour

Ex: Đen Vâu goes on a tour from north to south.

19. pop group: nhóm nhạc pop

Ex: Maroon 5 is one of the best pop group

20. soundtracks: các ca khúc

Ex: Spiderman has a lot of cool soundtracks.


1. My brother and I share different tastes ----- music.
A. of
B. about
C. in
D. none of the above

2. I love all the ----- of Disney movies.

A. read music
B. soundtrack
C. musical talent
D. sing along to

3. Taylor Swift owns lots of -----.

A. go on tour
B. massive hits
C. musical talent
D. pop group

4. Advertisers use ----- to sell products.

A. read music
B. live music
C. catchy tune
D. play things by ears
5. My sister’s voice is extremely beautiful. She is such a -----.
A. musical talent
B. music genre
C. soundtrack
D. none of the above

6. Her ----- performance was so good that the tickets sold out after a few hours.
A. alive
B. live
C. life
D. death

7. Everytime I hear the rhythms of my favourite song, I sing ------ to it.

A. with
B. for
C. long
D. along

8. My lover’s voice is ----- to my ears.

A. music
B. song
C. apple
D. none of the above

9. There are many different kinds of music ----- all over the world.
A. elevator
B. gene
C. generation
D. genre

10. I love listening to ---- music.

A. elevator
B. piece
C. read
D. pop

Chủ Đề 15:movies and books

1. to be engrossed in: mải mê, chìm đắm trong

Ex: I like nothing more than to be engrossed in a good movie.

2. bedtime reading: sách đọc trước giờ ngủ

Ex: I can’t go to sleep at night without some good bedtime reading

3. to be based on: được dựa trên

Ex: it was based on a town near where I was studying

4. a box office hit: bộ phim chiến thắng phòng vé (thu nhiều lợi nhuận
Ex: Iron man is a box office hit back in the day.

5. a blockbuster: phim bom tấn

Ex: Avenger: Endgame is such a blockbuster.

6. the central character: nhân vật chính

Ex: the central character lives during a period of great social change

7. a classic: tác phẩm kinh điển

Ex: I’m reading a classic which I don’t think feels right

8. couldn’t put it down (idiom): khó bỏ xuống (hấp dẫn)

Ex: I really couldn’t put it down a fantastic story

9. to get a good/bad review: Nhận được lời phê bình tốt/ xấu
Ex finding out on Amazon if a book you want has got a good review
10. to go on general release (khi một bộ phim) được ra mắt khán giả
Ex i’m going out to see a film when it goes on general release

11. a low budget film Một bộ phim ít kinh phí

Ex I prefer low-budget films

12. on the big screen Chiếu tại rạp

Ex i’m waiting for the next spiderman to be released on the big screen

13. plot: kịch bản

Ex Avenger had such a great plot

14. sci-fi khoa học viễn tưởng

Ex sci-fi usually involves aliens.

15. the setting: bối cảnh

Ex The alien movie have the setting on a spaceship

16. special effects: hiệu ứng

Ex There is a lot of special effect in Iron man series

17. to tell the story of: Kể lại câu chuyện về

Ex Titanic tell the story of the love of Jack and Rose

18. heartbreaking: buồn, bi ai, cảm động.

Ex The death of Jack in Titanic is heartbreaking.

19. breathtaking: ngoạn mục, gây cấn

Ex the fight between Hulk and the aliens was breathtaking.

20. to read between the lines: hiểu được ẩn ý

Ex Reading between the lines, I'd say he isn't happy with the situation


1. Harry Potter was a ---- office hit.
A. package
B. box
C. plot
D. none of the above
2. Fantastic Beast and where to find them is a wonderful ----- movie.
A. sci-fi
B. love
C. based on
D. special effect
3. Reading between the -----, I think that she has an unhappy life.
A. words
B. books
C. lines
D. pages
4. Annabelle was based ----- a true story.
A. at
B. up
C. in
D. on
5. To kill a mockingbird tells the story ----- a brave man who fought for social justice.
A. in
B. upto
C. of
D. none of the above
6. I am often ----- in a good book for several hours.
A. lease
B. engrossed
C. die
D. sleep
7. The ------ of Coco is a small village in Mexico.
A. based
B. screen
C. set
D. setting
8. When I read my most favourite book, I couldn’t put it -----.
A. down
B. off
C. on
D. into

Chủ Đề 16:nhà hàng

1. dine in: ăn ở nhà
Ex: We're dining in tonight.

2. dine out: ăn ở nhà hàng

Ex: We're dining out tonight.

3. fussy eater: người khó tính trong việc lựa chọn đồ ăn
Ex:: My husband is a fussy eater, and he's never pleased with my cooking.
4. home-cooked food: thức ăn nấu tại nhà
Ex:: Preparing home-cooked food is a good way to make a balanced meal.

5. in a walking distance of: gần

Ex:: I usually dine at a restaurant that's within walking distance of my home.

6. Italian cuisine: ẩm thực Ý.

Ex:: I adore pasta, pizza and Italian cuisine in general.

7. mouth-watering = my mouth is watering: ngon đến chảy nước miếng

Ex:: My mouth is watering every time I think about my grandmother's apple pie.

8. nutritious products: sản phẩm giàu dinh dưỡng

Ex:: A nutritious breakfast is a great way to start the day, as it gives your body the
nutrients and you get enough energy.

9. quality justifies the bill: mô tả sản phẩm đáng tiền bởi chất lượng của nó
Ex:: I first thought those strawberries were too expensive, but when I tasted them I
understood that their quality justified the bill.

10. Bread and butter: để chỉ nghề nghiệp của một người
Ex: Gardening is my bread and butter right now.

11. Book/ reserve a table (v): đặt bàn

Ex: you should book a table an hour before arrive at the restaurant

12. Confirm a table/ a reservation: xác nhận việc đặt bàn

Ex: Kichi Kichi has confirmed our reservation at noon recently

13. appetizer: Khai vị

Ex: Before the main course there are appetizers.

14. Main course: Món chính

Ex: The main course is usually served at the middle of the meal.

15. to eat like a horse: ăn nhiều như ngựa (ăn rất nhiều)
Ex: Wow, he is so hungry that he eats like a horse.

16. Vegetarian: món chay

Ex: I cannot eat meat so I have to eat vegetarian.

17. to be dying of hunger: đói tới chết (rất đói)

Ex: The homeless must be dying of hunger.
18. to have a sweet tooth: thích ăn đồ ngọt
Ex: My girlfriend really loves ice-cream, she must have a sweet tooth.

19. to spoil your appetite: làm mất khẩu vị

Ex: Don’t talk about snails now! you’re spoiling my appetite.

20. to wine and dine: cho ăn ngon

Ex: the HR management wine and dine us, so we wouldn’t leave the firm

Chủ Đề 17 sức khỏe

1. Does wonders (for (Sb/Sth): to cho ai/ cái gì
Ex: Doing exercises regularly does wonders for not only my physical but also
mental health

2. Hit the gym: tập trong phòng tập thể dục

Ex: I hit the gym on a daily basis.

3. Unwind xả hơi, thư giãn

Ex: It really helps me to unwind after work.

4. Health-conscious: quan tâm về sức khỏe

Ex: people tend to be more health-conscious and I am no exception

5. Speed up my metabolism: Tăng cường trao đổi chất

Ex: It helps me speed up my metabolism by burning much more calories.

6. Intensive training: Luyện tập cao độ

Ex: after an hour of intensive training. I feel like a deadman

7. Balanced diet Chế độ ăn cân bằng

Ex: She dances on a regular basis and has a balanced diet.

8. Lean body Cơ thể mảnh mai nhưng khỏe mạnh

Ex: I have managed to have a lean body after 2 weeks of dancing.

9. Chronic diseases Bệnh mãn tính

Ex: I can reduce the risk of getting chronic diseases, such as diabetes

10. Diabetes Bệnh tiểu đường

Ex: it’s hard to travel without any medicine for my diabetes
11. Remedy Phương thuốc
Ex: dance is a good remedy for both my physical as well as mental health.

12. Feasible methods Phương pháp khả thi

Ex: I think there are several feasible methods that could be adopted

13. Disseminated Tuyên truyền

Ex: taking up a sport should be produced and disseminated on social media such
as TV

14. as fit as a fiddle: rất khỏe mạnh

Ex: My grandmother's 89, but she's as fit as a fiddle.

15. be under the weather cảm thấy ốm (bệnh)

Ex: I'm feeling a bit under the weather - I think I'm getting a cold.

16. cuts and bruises: bị thương nhẹ

Ex: When I first hit the gym, I got some cuts and bruises.

17. N + ache: đau cái gì đó

Ex: Stomachache is very annoying, you can’t go anywhere with it

18. a blocked nose: nghẹt mũi

Ex: you cannot breath when having a blocked nose.

19. prescription charges: bệnh phí/ viện phí

Ex: people have to pay prescription charges which can be quite expensive

20. check-up: khám sức khỏe

Ex: My doctor says I should come back for a check-up every month.

Chủ Đề 18: báo chí

1. Dip into: đọc kỹ lưỡng, đọc nghiền ngẫm

2. Ubiquitous: có mặt khắp nơi
3. Social media platform: nền tảng mạng xã hội
4. Keep sb updated with: cập nhật với điều gì
5. Appealing: cuốn hút
6. Attractive visuals: hình ảnh đẹp đẽ
7. Column: bài báo (trong tạp chí)
8. Come to a halt: đến điểm dừng
Ex: Thanks for inviting me, but ballet isn't really my cup of tea.
9. Scroll down: Lướt
Ex: if you don’t want to read this news, just scroll down to see other news.
11. Choose sth over sth: chọn cái này thay vì cái kia

12. Cup of tea: Sở thích

13. Keep myself updated: Cập nhật

Ex: I read myself updated by reading newspaper every morning

14. Discount coupons: Phiếu giảm giá

Ex: I cut the discount coupons out of the newspaper and used them to buy an Iphone
at a reduced price.

15. Run: Chạy hoặc kiểu khởi động chương trình, cung cấp gì đó
Ex The school runs special courses for teenagers during the summer.

16. Issue: Số tạp chí định kỳ

Ex: In the last issue of the magazine, there is an article about restaurants in Hanoi.

17. Subscriber: Số người đăng ký

Ex: The number of subscribers to the magazine has now reached 10,000.

18. Fully intend to: Chuẩn bị kế hoạch làm gì đó

Ex: If I don’t go on holiday this month, then I fully intend to take a holiday next month.

19. Carry on: Tiếp tục

Ex: Even if I pass the exam, I fully intend to carry on studying English to an
advanced level.

20. Glossy: Mịn màng, sáng, đẹp

Ex: The shiny paper used in glossy magazines is very expensive, so the magazines
too are always expensive.

21. Outstanding: Tốt, rất quan trọng

Ex: The outstanding tourist attraction in New York is the Statue of Liberty.

Chủ Đề 19:bệnh viện

Chủ Đề 20: multimedia
Chủ Đề 21: natural
Chủ Đề 22:education
Chủ Đề 23:Investments
Chủ Đề 24:Taxes
Chủ Đề 25:Property and department
Chủ Đề 26:Board Meetings and committees.
Chủ Đề 27:digital
Chủ Đề 28:Cooking as a career
Chủ Đề 29:Events.
Chủ Đề 30:General Travel
Chủ Đề 31: vehicles
Chủ Đề 32: biểu đồ
Chủ Đề 33:email
Chủ Đề 34:product development
Chủ Đề 35:shipping
Chủ Đề 36:ordering
Chủ Đề 37:Interviewing
Chủ Đề 38:Human Resources
Chủ Đề 39: airport
Chủ Đề 40: real estate


1. Amusement park /ə'mju:zmənt/ /pɑ:k/(n): công viên giải trí

Ex: On holidays, our family often goes to the amusement park to have fun


2. Comedy: phim hài

Ex: Watching comedies has always been an effective method to

release stress.

3. Craft /krɑ:ft/(n): đồ thủ công → Craft kit: bộ đồ nghề thủ công

Ex: My sister sometimes makes crafts after watching DIY videos on


4. Cultural event /'kʌltʃərəl, i'vent/(n): sự kiện văn hoá

Ex: My hometown is going to hold at least 2 cultural events next year.

5. Do household chores /du:, 'haushould, tʃɔ:/: làm việc nhà

Ex: In my free time, I’d like to help my mom do the household chores.

6. Encyclopedia /ɪnˌsaɪ.kləˈpiː.di.ə/(n): bách khoa toàn thư

Ex: Reading encyclopedia helps readers to enhance almost all aspects

of life knowledge.

7. Go fishing (v): đi câu cá

Ex: There are a lot of people who choose to go fishing for relaxing at


8. Go picnicking (v): đi dã ngoại

Ex: Families enjoy spending time together by going picnicking on


9. Go out /ɡəʊ, aʊt/= hang out /hæŋ, aʊt/ (v): đi ra ngoài, đi chơi

Ex: I and my friends often hang out to relax after a working week.

10. Go shopping (v): đi mua sắm

Ex: Girls often go shopping when they are feeling depressed.

11. Listening to music: nghe nhạc

Ex: Listening to music is a great method for people to relax after work

or school.

12. Melody /'melədi/(n): giai điệu(âm nhạc)

Ex: My grandmother doesn’t like listening to rap as she isn’t in favor of

that kind of melody.

13. Play sports (v): chơi thể thao

Ex: I enjoy playing sports because it helps me enhance my durability

and flexibility.

14. Sunglasses /ˈsʌnˌɡlæs.ɪz/(n): kính râm

Ex: Wearing sunglasses not only helps people protect their eyes but

also look more fashionable.

15. Sunbathe /ˈsʌn.beɪð/ (n): tắm nắng

Ex: Vietnamese girls rarely sunbathe because they prefer their skin


16. Surf the internet /sə:f, ðə, ˈɪn.tə.net/(v): lướt net

Ex: My niece can surf the internet although she is only 3 years old.

17. Skateboard /ˈskeɪt.bɔːd/(n): lướt ván

Ex: Neither of my family nor my friends know how to use a skateboard.

18. Tour guide /tʊr ɡaɪd/(n): hướng dẫn viên

Ex: Being a tour guide not only enriches a young person’s experience

but also enhances his/her ability to communicate and behave.

19. Reality show /riˈæl.ə.ti, ʃəʊ/(n): chương trình truyền hình thực tế

Ex: Reality shows attract viewers for their fun moments and

20. Watch a fim/ movie /wɒtʃ, ə, fɪlm/ hoặc /wɒtʃ, ə, ˈmuː.vi/ : xem phim

Ex: We often watch movies while having dinner together on weekends.


1. My children love to go to the -----.

A. amusement park

B. amusing

C. watch a film

D. none of the above

2. I love ---- on the weekend.

A. watching films

B. watch films
C. craft

D. cultural event

3. I love listening to the consonant -----.

A. surf the Internet

B. household chores

C. melody

D. reality show

4. Parents should supervise their children carefully when they ----- the Internet.

A. surfing

B. surf

C. go out

D. skateboard



1. Celsius /ˈəs/(n): độ C

Ex: The average normal body temperature is generally accepted as 37

Celsius degrees.

2. Damp /'dæmp/: ẩm thấp, ẩm ướt

Ex: Wearing damp clothes makes me uncomfortable.
3. Dry /drai/: Khô
Ex: During dry seasons, there are less chances of rain, there are lesser
chances of experiencing flood.
4. Drizzle /'drizl/: mưa phùn
Ex: These days, in Vietnam, there are usually drizzles.

5. Fahrenheit /ˈfær.ən.haɪt/(n): độ F
Ex: On the Fahrenheit scale, the freezing point of water is 32°F and the
boiling point is 212°F.

6. Foggy /'fɔgi/(a): có sương mù

Ex: It’s often foggy in mountainous areas.

7. Frosty /ˈfrɒs.ti/(a): đầy sương giá

Ex: The nights in winter are frosty and snow falls occasionally.

8. Gale /geil/(n): cơn gió mạnh, bão

Ex: The "Monitor" was lost in a gale off Cape Hatteras on the 31st of
December 1862.
9. Hail /heil/(n): mưa đá
Ex: Thunder exploded and then the hail started, drumming on the roof like
large marbles.
10. Humid /'hju:mid/(a): Ẩm ướt
Ex: The day had been unusually hot and humid.
11. Hurricane(n): Siêu bão
Ex: Hurricanes caused severe damages to the islands.
12. Lightning /'laitniɳ/(n): tia chớp
Ex: Lightning remembers me about a hero dog in a Disney movie - Bolt.
13. Mild /'laitniɳ/(a): Ôn hòa
Ex: The day was sunny and mild – a perfect day for riding.
14. Rainfall /ˈreɪn.fɔːl/(n): lượng mưa
Ex: The rainfall in the south-west portion of the island is considerably greater
than in other districts.
15. Rainstorm /ˈreɪn.stɔːm/(n): mưa bão
Ex: What would be the best way to simulate a rainstorm?
16. Shower /'ʃouə(n)/: mưa rào
Ex: The shower was now over, and a rainbow above the eastern woods
promised a fair evening; so I took my departure.
17. Snow /snou/(n/v): tuyết
→ Snow-storm /'snoustɔ:m/: bão tuyết

→ Snowflake: bông hoa tuyết

→ Sunny: Có nắng
→ Sunshine: Ánh nắng
Ex: It's supposed to snow tonight.

18. Temperature /ˈtem.prə.tʃər/(n): nhiệt độ

Ex: Robots can work without ceasing in environments where the temperature
is a thousand degrees.

19. Thermometer /θəˈmɒm.ɪ.tər/(n): nhiệt kế

Ex: Carmen grabbed the thermometer from the counter and gave it to him.

20. Thunder /ˈθʌn.dər/(n): sấm sét

Ex: Lightning flashed around them and thunder rumbled.


1. Next, we will discuss ----- change.

A. climate
B. climb
C. dry
D. damp

2. When seeing my son take her lipsticks, my sister is as quick as -----.

A. sunny
B. light
C. lightning
D. none of the above

3. A ---- can bury an entire village.

A. snowflake
B. snowstorm
C. mild
D. dry

4. You should do the laundry when it’s still sunny.

A. sunny
B. sunshine
C. sun
D. drizzle

5. The ---- looks so beautiful.

A. climate
B. humid
C. mild
D. snowflake

6. It’s just the ---- of the first spring rain.

A. lamp
B. camp
C. damp
D. shower

7. My sister is afraid of the sound of -----.

A. lightning
B. thunder
C. light
D. dry
8. The ---- storm swept away my friend’s house.

A. dry
B. damp
C. humid
D. snow

9. You should not drive too fast in this ----- condition.

A. foggy
B. fog
C. frog
D. none of the above

10. His core ----- has gone up to 40 degrees.

A. temper
B. tremble
C. temperature
D. temple


1. Access email /ˈæksɛs, ˈiːmeɪl/: truy cập email

Ex: You need to access your email so as to open the file.
2. Awareness /əˈweə.nəs/(n): nhận thức
Ex: Government should do something to gain people awareness on
environment pollution.
3. Block email /blɒk ˈiːmeɪl/: chặn email
Ex: Blocking emails is a way to avoid receiving junk mails.
4. Breakthrough /ˈbreɪk.θruː/(n): bước đột phá
Ex: Microchip is one of the greatest technological breakthroughs that mankind
has made.
5. Chat /tʃæt/(v): tán gẫu
Ex: These days, people prefer chatting online than directly communicating.
6. Check email /ʧɛk, ˈiːmeɪl/: kiểm tra email
Ex: Check your email frequently to make sure you receive the notification
about changes of the event.
7. Database /ˈdeɪ.tə.beɪs/(n): cơ sở dữ liệu
Ex: The best way to find a quote is to perform a search of the database.
8. Download /ˌdaʊnˈləʊd/(v): tải xuống
Ex: Click on the icon to download a free copy.
9. Firewall /ˈfaɪə.wɔːl/(n): tường lửa
Ex: This is probably in response to the firewall issues.
10. Log in # Log out (v): đăng nhập # đăng xuất
Ex: Remember to log out your account after using.
11. Network /ˈnet.wɜːk/(n): mạng lưới
Ex: Let's say Linda has come up with a pretty interesting idea: A social
network for couples.
12. Offline /ˌɒfˈlaɪn/(a/adv): trực tiếp
Ex: My university often holds offline meetings for the students and famous
13. Online /ˈɒn.laɪn/(a): trực tuyến
Ex: Learning online is the most effective learning method in the breakout of
14. Search /sɜːtʃ/(v): tìm kiếm
Ex: Google is a place where you can search for anything in this world.
15. Social media /ˈsəʊ.ʃəl, ˈmiː.di.ə/: phương tiện truyền thông
Ex: Using social media helps businesses further reach their potential
16. Trend /trend/(n): xu hướng
Ex: Tiktok is where you can find people following a trend by doing anything.
17. Viral /ˈvɑɪ·rəl/(a): trở nên nổi tiếng
Ex: Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week.
18. Website /ˈweb.saɪt/(n): trang web
Ex: Creating a website helps businesses to demonstrate their products more
19. Wire /waɪər/(n): dây điện
Ex: Some of the containers had a thin wire running around but most were
standing alone.
20. Wireless /ˈwaɪə.ləs/(a): không dây
Ex: The versatility of wireless internet, and its potential for increasing
productivity by users, has consumers demanding the service at an increasing

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