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Computer Studies I


George Affainie

Regional Maritime University


January 2021

First Day in Class

Table of Content
1 Introduction to the World of Computers .............................................................. 1
1.1 Objectives................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Computers in the Home .............................................................................................. 1
1.3 Computers in Education ............................................................................................. 2
1.4 Computers on the Go ................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Computers on the Job ................................................................................................ 3
1.6 What is a Computer and What Does it Do? ................................................................ 4
1.7 Computers Then and Now .......................................................................................... 4
1.8 Data vs. Information.................................................................................................... 9
1.9 Hardware .................................................................................................................... 9
1.10 Software ....................................................................................................................10
1.11 Computer Users ........................................................................................................11
1.12 Computers to Fit Every Need.....................................................................................12
1.13 Computer Networks and the Internet .........................................................................18
1.14 Computers and Society .............................................................................................19
1.15 Summary ...................................................................................................................20
2 System and Program Development .................................................................... 21
2.1 Objectives..................................................................................................................21
2.2 System ......................................................................................................................22
2.3 Information system ....................................................................................................22
2.4 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) ...................................................................23
2.5 Program Development Life Cycle (PDLC)..................................................................25
2.6 Flow Chart and Algorithms Development ...................................................................26
2.7 Flow Chart .................................................................................................................28
2.8 Number Line ..............................................................................................................28
2.9 Summary ...................................................................................................................33
3 Computer Hardware and Software ..................................................................... 34
3.1 Objectives..................................................................................................................34
3.2 Machine Language, Assembly Language and High-Level Language ........................34
3.3 Number Systems .......................................................................................................35
3.4 Examples of Number Systems ...................................................................................38
3.5 Exercises: Number Systems ......................................................................................39

Table of Content

3.6 Summary of Number Base Conversions ....................................................................40

3.7 Solution to Number Base Exercises...........................................................................41
3.8 Information Units .......................................................................................................46
3.9 Teaching Computers how to represent decimal values ..............................................46
3.10 Teaching Computers how to represent alphabetical characters .................................47
3.11 File Storage ...............................................................................................................48
3.12 Making Computers Faster and Better Now and in the Future.....................................50
3.13 Summary ...................................................................................................................50
4 Internet and WWW ............................................................................................... 51
4.1 Objectives..................................................................................................................51
4.2 History of the Internet ................................................................................................51
4.3 What is the Internet and the World Wide Web? .........................................................52
4.4 The Internet Community Today .................................................................................52
4.5 Myths about the Internet ............................................................................................53
4.6 Accessing a Network or the Internet ..........................................................................54
4.7 IP Addresses and Domain Names .............................................................................54
4.8 Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) ...........................................................................55
4.9 E-Mail Addresses ......................................................................................................56
4.10 How Email works .......................................................................................................57
4.11 Surfing the Web .........................................................................................................57
4.12 Searching the Web ....................................................................................................58
4.13 Getting Set Up to Use the Internet .............................................................................58
4.14 Setting up Your Computer and Selecting an ISP .......................................................58
4.15 Beyond Browsing and E-Mail .....................................................................................60
4.16 Cloud Computing .......................................................................................................60
4.17 Microsoft’s Office 365 ................................................................................................61
4.18 Google's Mission and Philosophy ..............................................................................62
4.19 Social Networking ......................................................................................................63
4.20 Online Shopping and Investing ..................................................................................63
4.21 E-commerce activities................................................................................................64
4.22 Online Entertainment .................................................................................................65
4.23 Online News, Reference, and Information .................................................................65
4.24 Product, Corporate, and Government Information .....................................................66
4.25 Online Education and Writing ....................................................................................66
4.26 E–Health....................................................................................................................67

Table of Content

4.27 Rules of Netiquette ....................................................................................................68

4.28 Summary ...................................................................................................................68
5 Network and Internet Security ............................................................................ 69
5.1 Objectives..................................................................................................................69
5.2 Why Be Concerned about Network and Internet Security? ........................................69
5.3 Unauthorized Access and Unauthorized Use .............................................................70
5.4 Protecting Against Unauthorized Access and Use .....................................................70
5.5 Encryption .................................................................................................................74
5.6 Computer Sabotage...................................................................................................76
5.7 Protecting Against Computer Sabotage .....................................................................77
5.8 Online Theft, Online Fraud, and Other Dot Cons .......................................................78
5.9 Protecting Against Online Theft, Online Fraud, and Other Dot Cons ..........................79
5.10 Personal Safety Issues ..............................................................................................81
5.11 Censorship ................................................................................................................82
5.12 Web browsing privacy................................................................................................82
5.13 E-mail privacy ............................................................................................................82
5.14 Protecting Against Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking ..................................................83
5.15 Summary ...................................................................................................................83
6 Health and Environment ...................................................................................... 85
6.1 Objectives..................................................................................................................85
6.2 Ethics ........................................................................................................................85
6.3 Ethical Use of Copyrighted Material ...........................................................................85
6.4 Ethical Use of Resources and Information .................................................................86
6.5 Cheating and falsifying information ............................................................................87
6.6 Computer Hoaxes and Digital Manipulation ...............................................................87
6.7 Computers and Health ...............................................................................................87
6.8 Summary ...................................................................................................................93
7 Keywords .............................................................................................................. 94
8 Pasted Questions and Solutions ...................................................................... 120
9 References .......................................................................................................... 131

First Day in Class

First Meeting in Class

⚫ Introduce myself
▪ Name: George Affainie
▪ Phone No: 0248145826
⚫ Nature of the course
▪ Main aim of the course
▪ Online course
• Zoom
• Google Classroom
▪ Continuous Assessment (60% of the Exams Marks)
• Quizzes
• Assignments
• Midsemester Exams
▪ End of Semester Exams (40% of the Exams Marks)
▪ Write programs

⚫ Teaching Resources
▪ My Recorded Videos
▪ Videos from Youtube
▪ Our Digital Library
▪ Main Text Book

Recommended Book
⚫ Understanding Computers, Today and Tomorrow by Deborah Morley, Charles
S. Parker, 16th Editions

Prepared and Presented by

George Affainie

Computer Studies I Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Introduction to the World of


1.1 Objectives
⚫ Computers in your life
⚫ What computers are, how they work, and how they are used
⚫ Computer terminology
⚫ An overview of the history of computers
⚫ The basic types of computers in use today
⚫ An overview of networks and the Internet
⚫ Societal impacts of computers

1.2 Computers in the Home

• Computers used for a variety of tasks:

– Looking up information and news

– Exchanging e-mail

– Shopping and paying bills

– Watching TV and videos

– Downloading music and movies

– Organizing digital photographs

– Playing games

– Telecommuting

• Wireless networking

– Computers can be used in nearly any location

• Smart appliances

– Traditional appliances with built-in computer or

communication technology

Introduction to the World of Computer 1

Computer Studies I Chapter 1

• Smart homes

– Household tasks are monitored and controlled by a main

computer in the house

1.3 Computers in Education

• Many students today have access to computers either in a classroom

or a computer lab

• Computers are used during class to take notes, research, online

testing and more.

• Computer and projection equipment are used by both students and

teachers to deliver effective presentation.

• Colleges and universities are even more integrated

– Wireless hotspots allow usage of personal laptops to connect

to the college network

– Some colleges require a computer for enrolment

• Distance learning

– Students participate from locations other than the traditional

classroom setting using computers and Internet access

1.4 Computers on the Go

• Computers are encountered in nearly every aspect of daily life

– Consumer kiosks/Self-Service Kiosks: Computerize

kiosks are used to view Conferences, bridal registrations
information, create greetings cards, print photographs, order
products and services and more

– ATM transactions

– POS systems at retail stores

– Self-checkout systems

Introduction to the World of Computer 2

Computer Studies I Chapter 1

– Portable computers or mobile devices: People carry

portable computer all the time to access the internet, remain
in touch with others when they travel

– M-commerce systems

– GPS systems: Global positioning capabilities are built into

Cars, Portable computer, Handheld GPS receivers to
show users their exact location. They usually are used for

– Internet Access: Many hotels, restaurants and Internet

cafes offer wired or wireless internet access to their

1.5 Computers on the Job

• Computers have become a universal on-the-job tool for decision-

making, productivity, and communication

– Used by all types of employees

– Communications: Use Handheld Computers to:

Record data or need to access data located on the internet or
company network while they are away from their desk.

– Personal Productivity: Business professionals have

computer to Prepare written documents, communicate with
others, maintain schedules, Perform internet tasks

– Presentations: Create and give presentations for large and

small audience

– Used for access control and other security measures

– Customer Service: Use by service professionals to record

orders, prepare bills, store authorizing customer signatures

– Used extensively by the military

– Employees in all lines of work need to continually refresh their

computer skills

Introduction to the World of Computer 3

Computer Studies I Chapter 1

1.6 What is a Computer and What Does it Do?

• Computer: A programmable, electronic device that accepts

data, performs operations on that data, and stores the data or
results as needed
– Computers follow instructions, called programs, which
determine the tasks the computer will perform

• Basic operations
– Input: Entering data into the computer
– Processing: Performing operations on the data
– Output: Presenting the results
– Storage: Saving data, programs, or output for future use
– Communications: Sending or receiving data

1.7 Computers Then and Now

• The computer as we know is a fairly recent invention

• The history of computers is often referred to in terms of


• Each new generation is characterized by a major technological


Introduction to the World of Computer 4

Computer Studies I Chapter 1

• Pre-computers and early computers (before 1946)

– Counting started from the past

– Example
• Abacus
• Mechanical machine with gears and levers
• Electromechanical device using both electricity and
• Abacus, slide rules, mechanical calculators and
Dr. Herman Hollerith’s Punch Card Tabulating Machine
and Sorter

• First-generation computers (1946-1957)

– Enormous and powered by vacuum tubes

– Faster than Electromechanical machine

– Used a great deal of electricity and generated a lot of heat

– They are physically wired and reset to run programs

– Input
• Punched card

– Output
• Punched card and paper

– Used Machine and assemble language

– Examples:
• ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
• UNIVAC (UNIVersal Automatic Computer 1)

Introduction to the World of Computer 5

Computer Studies I Chapter 1

• Second-generation computers (1958-1963)

– Used transistors instead of Vacuum tube

– Computers were smaller, more powerful, cheaper, more

energy-efficient and more reliable

– Input
• Punch card and magnetic tape

– Output
• Punch card and paper

– Storage
• Magnetic tape and disk

– Language
• High-level programming

• Third-generation computers (1964-1970)

– Used integrated circuits (ICs) instead of transistors

– PC is even smaller and more reliable

– Input
• Keyboard

– Output
• Monitor

– Storage
• Magnetic disk

– Used Operating System

• Not manually reset of relays and wiring

Introduction to the World of Computer 6

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• Fourth - generation computers (1971 to present)

– Large Scale Integration (LSI)

• Chip has thousands of transistors

– Very Large-Scale Integration (VLS)

• Resulted microprocessor to produce microcomputer

– Example
• IBM PC, Apple Macintosh

– Input
• Use keyboards, mice, Other devices are now available

– Output
• Monitor and printers, Other devices are now available

– Storage
• Magnetic disks, memory chip, flash memory and optical

– Computer networks, wireless technologies, Internet introduced

• Fifth generation (now and the future)

– Infancy stage

– No precise classification

– May be based on artificial intelligence (AI)

– Likely use voice and touch input

– May be based on optical computers and utilize nanotechnology

– Nanotechnology: The science of creating tiny computers and

components by working at the individual atomic and molecular levels

Introduction to the World of Computer 7

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Introduction to the World of Computer 8

Computer Studies I Chapter 1

1.8 Data vs. Information

• Data

– Raw, unorganized facts

– Can be in the form of text, graphics, audio, or video

• Information

– Data that has been processed into a meaningful form

• Information processing

– Converting data into information

1.9 Hardware
Parts of Computer

• Hardware: The physical parts of a computer

– Internal hardware

• Located inside the main box (system unit) of the


– External hardware

• Located outside the system unit

• Connect to the computer via a wired or wireless


– There is hardware associated with all five computer operations

Input devices

– Used to input data into the computer

– Examples: Keyboards, mice, scanners, digital cameras,

electronic pens, microphones, joysticks, touch pads, touch
screens, fingerprint readers, etc.

Introduction to the World of Computer 9

Computer Studies I Chapter 1

Processing devices

– Perform calculations and control computer’s operation

– Examples: Central processing unit (CPU) and memory

Output devices

– Present results to the user

– Examples: Monitors, printers, speakers, data projectors,

headphone, headset, etc.

Storage devices

– Used to store data on or access data from storage media

– Examples: Hard drives, Floppy disk and drive, CD/DVD discs

and drives, Flash memory and USB flash drives, Flash memory
drives etc.

Communication devices

– Allow users to communicate with others and to electronically

access remote information

– Examples: Modems, network adapters, etc.

1.10 Software

• Software: The programs or instructions used to tell the

computer hardware what to do

– System software: Operating System (OS) starts up the

computer and controls its operation

• Without OS computer cannot function

• Boots the computer and launches programs at the

user’s direction

• Most use a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to interact

with the user via windows, icons, menus, buttons, etc.

• Examples: Windows, Mac OS, Linux, UNIX, etc.

Introduction to the World of Computer 10

Computer Studies I Chapter 1

• Application Software

– Application software: Performs specific tasks or


• Creating letters, budgets, etc.

• Managing inventory and customer databases

• Editing photographs

• Scheduling appointments

• Viewing Web pages

• Sending and receiving e-mail

• Recording/playing CDs/DVDs

• Designing homes

• Playing games

• Examples of application software:

– Word Processing Software (Microsoft Word)

– Desktop Publishing Software (Microsoft

– Spreadsheet Software (Microsoft Excel)

– Data Management Software (Microsoft Access)
– Statistical Software (IBM SPSS Statistics)
1.11 Computer Users

• Computer users (end users): People who use a computer to obtain


• The Type of computer Users:

– Home user

– Small office/home office (SOHO)

Introduction to the World of Computer 11

Computer Studies I Chapter 1

– Mobile users

– Large business users

– Power users

1.12 Computers to Fit Every Need

1.12.1 Six basic categories of computers:

• Generally classified in one of the six categories based on size,

capability and price

– Embedded computers

– Mobile devices

– Personal computers

– Midrange servers

– Mainframe computers

– Supercomputers

1.12.2 Embedded Computers

• Embedded computer: Embedded into a product and designed to

perform specific tasks or functions for that product

• Cannot be used as general-purpose computers

• Often embedded into:

– Household appliances

– Thermostats

– Sewing machines

– Audio-Visual (A/V) equipment: The equipment used to

create and present works such as slide, tape presentations,
films, television programs

– Cars

Introduction to the World of Computer 12

Computer Studies I Chapter 1

1.12.3 Mobile Devices

• Mobile device: A very small device with some type of built-in

computing or Internet capability

• Typically based on mobile phones and pagers

• Typically have small screens and keyboards

• They are used to: Maintain communication, checking of weather

forecast, stock prices, flight information, internet resources

• Examples:

– Smartphones

– Handheld gaming devices

– Portable digital media player


1.12.4 Personal Computers (PCs)

• Personal computer: A small computer designed to be used by

one person at a time

– Also called a microcomputer

– Range in size from desktop computers to UMPC’s

Introduction to the World of Computer 13

Computer Studies I Chapter 1

1.12.5 Desktop computers

• Desktop computers: Fit on or next to a desk

– Can use tower case, desktop case, or all-in-one

– Can be PC- compatible or Macintosh

– Not designed to be portable

1.12.6 Portable Computers

• Notebook (laptop) computers: Typically use clamshell design

• Tablet computers: Can be slate tablets or convertible tablets

• Netbooks: Small notebooks, rapidly growing type of PC

• Ultra-mobile PCs (UMPCs): Handheld computers

Introduction to the World of Computer 14

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1.12.7 Midrange Servers

• Midrange server: A medium-sized computer used to host

programs and data for a small network

– Users connect via a network with a computer, thin client, or

dumb terminal

Midrange Servers

Introduction to the World of Computer 15

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1.12.8 Mainframe Computers

• Mainframe computer: Powerful computer used by several large

organizations to manage large amounts of centralized data

– Standard choice for large organizations, hospitals,

universities, large businesses, banks, government offices

– Located in climate-controlled data centers and connected to

the rest of the company computers via a network

– Larger, more expensive, and more powerful than midrange


– Usually operate 24 hours a day

– Also called high-end servers or enterprise-class servers

Mainframe Computers

Introduction to the World of Computer 16

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1.12.9 Supercomputers

• Supercomputer: Fastest, most expensive, most powerful type

of computer

– Generally, run one program at a time, as fast as possible

– Commonly built by connecting hundreds of smaller

computers, supercomputing cluster

– Used for space exploration, missile guidance, satellites,

weather forecast, oil exploration, scientific research, complex
Web sites, decision support systems, 3D applications, etc.


Introduction to the World of Computer 17

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1.13 Computer Networks and the Internet

1.13.1 Computer Networks and the Internet

• Computer network: A collection of hardware and other

devices that are connected together
– Users can share hardware, software, and data
– Users can communicate with each other

• Network servers: Manage resources on a network

• Clients: Access resources through the network server

• Computer networks exist in many sizes and types

– Home networks
– School and small business networks
– Large corporate
– Public wireless networks
– The Internet

Introduction to the World of Computer 18

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1.14 Computers and Society

• The vast improvements in technology over the past decade have had
a distinct impact on daily life, both at home and at work

• Many benefits of a computer-oriented society:

– Ability to design products before construction leads to safer


– Earlier medical diagnoses

– Devices that allow challenged people to perform job tasks

– Documents e-mailed or faxed in moments

– Download information, music, programs, movies, and movie on


• Computer-oriented society also has risks

– Computer viruses and malware
– Identity theft and phishing
– Privacy issues

• Differences in online communications

– Less formal than traditional
– Netiquette
– Emoticons

• The anonymity factors

• Information Integrity
– Check your source, not all information on the Internet is accurate

Introduction to the World of Computer 19

Computer Studies I Chapter 1

1.15 Summary
⚫ Computers in your life
⚫ What computers are, how they work, and how they are used
⚫ Computer terminology
⚫ An overview of the history of computers
⚫ The basic types of computers in use today
⚫ An overview of networks and the Internet
⚫ Societal impacts of computers

Emoticon: A short sequence of keyboard letters and symbols, usually

emulating a facial expression that complements a text message.
Example: :-) Smile

Introduction to the World of Computer 20

Computer Studies I Chapter 2

Chapter 2 System and Program Development

2.1 Objectives
⚫ Overview of systems and its elements
⚫ System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
⚫ Program Development Life Cycle (PDLC)

⚫ Basic problem-solving techniques

⚫ Control Structures
⚫ Sequence Structure
⚫ Selection Structure
▪ if Selection Statement
▪ if...else Double-Selection Statement
⚫ Repetition Structure
▪ while Repetition Statement

System and Program Development 21

Computer Studies I Chapter 2

2.2 System

• Collection of elements and procedures that interact to accomplish a goal

2.3 Information system

• Information system

– Generate the information needed to support the users in an organization

Components of Information Systems

System and Program Development 22

Computer Studies I Chapter 2

2.4 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

• System Development Life Cycle (SDLC): The development of a system from

the time it is first studied until the time it is updated or replaced

• A system development project typically contains six steps or phases

– Phase 1: Preliminary investigation
– Phase 2: System analysis
– Phase 3: System design
– Phase 4: System acquisition
– Phase 5: System implementation
– Phase 6: System maintenance

• Each phase of the system development life cycle produces some type of
documentation to pass on to the next phase

System and Program Development 23

Computer Studies I Chapter 2

• Systems analyst: An IT professional who works on a high level in an

organization to ensure that systems, infrastructures and computer systems are
functioning as effectively and efficiently as possible

• Preliminary investigation: During this phase the systems analyst studies a

problem briefly and suggests solutions to management

• System analysis: If management decides that further development is

warranted, the systems analyst studies the situation in depth

• System design: The systems analyst develops a model of the new system
and prepares a detailed list of benefits and costs

• System acquisition: Upon management approval of the design, the systems

analyst decides which vendors to use in order to meet software, hardware, and
servicing needs

• System implementation: After system components have been acquired, the

systems analyst supervises the lengthy process of training users, converting data,
and the like

• System maintenance: The systems analyst evaluates the system on an

ongoing basis, to determine any corrections or modifications that should be

System and Program Development 24

Computer Studies I Chapter 2

2.5 Program Development Life Cycle (PDLC)

Fig 1: The Program Development Life Cycle

• Program Development Life Cycle (PDLC): The steps involved when a new
program needs to be created or modifying an existing program

• Program Development: Creating application programs

• Creating successful application programs for a computer system also requires

considerable planning

• Program development often begins with the system specifications that are
developed during the analysis and design phases of the SDLC

System and Program Development 25

Computer Studies I Chapter 2

• The steps involved in program development consist of the following

– Step 1: Problem analysis
– Step 2: Program design
– Step 3: Program coding
– Step 4: Program debugging and testing
– Step 5: Program implementation and maintenance

• Each step of the PDLC produces some type of documentation to pass on to the
next step. The documentation consists of details about what the program does and
how it works

• Problem analysis: In this phase the problem is carefully considered and the
program specification are developed

• Program design: In this phase program specifications are expanded into a

complete design of the new program

• Program coding: In this phase the program code is written using a programming

• Program debugging and testing: This phase ensures the program is correct and
works as intended

• Program implementation and maintenance: In this phase the program is

implemented and then maintained, as needed, to remain useful

2.6 Flow Chart and Algorithms Development

• Before writing a program
o Have a thorough understanding of problem
o Carefully plan your approach for solving it
• While writing a program
o Know what “building blocks” are available
o Use good programming principles

System and Program Development 26

Computer Studies I Chapter 2

• Algorithms
o The actions to execute
o The order in which these actions execute
• Program control
o Specifies the order in which actions execute in a program
o Performed in programming with control statements

4.3 Pseudocode
• Pseudocode
o Artificial, informal language used to develop algorithms
▪ Used to think out program before coding
• Easy to convert into Computer program
o Similar to everyday English
▪ Only executable statements
• No need to declare variables
o Not executed on computers
• Pseudocode for the addition program of two integers

1 Prompt the user to enter the first integer

2 Input the first integer
4 Prompt the user to enter the second integer
5 Input the second integer
7 Add first integer and second integer, store result
8 Display result

Pseudocode for the addition program

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Computer Studies I Chapter 2

2.7 Flow Chart

2.7.1 Common Flowchart Symbols

2.8 Number Line

System and Program Development 28

Computer Studies I Chapter 2

2.8.1 Flow Chart for Nested if…else Statement – Diagram


Input a value for x

if ( x  3)
f ( x) = x 2 + sin 2 x
else if ( x == 3)
f ( x) = 10.3 x
f ( x) = x 3 − cos 3x

Figure 2-1 Flow Chart for Nested if...else Statement

System and Program Development 29

Computer Studies I Chapter 2

Control Structures
• Sequential execution
o Statements executed in sequential order
• Transfer of control
o Next statement executed is not the next one in sequence
• Structured programming
o Eliminated goto statements
• Only three control structures needed
o No goto statements
o Three control structures
▪ Sequence structure
• Programs executed sequentially by default
▪ Selection structures
• if, if…else, switch
▪ Repetition structures
• while, do…while, for

if Selection Statement
• Selection statements
o Choose among alternative courses of action
o Pseudocode example
▪ If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60, print “Passed”

▪ If the condition is true

• Print statement executes, program continues to next statement
▪ If the condition is false
• Print statement ignored, program continues
▪ Indenting makes programs easier to read

o Any expression can be used as the condition

▪ If it evaluates to false, it is treated as false

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Computer Studies I Chapter 2

• Hence
• if selection statement
o Performs action if condition is true
• Pseudocode
o If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
print “Passed”

if…else Double-Selection Statement

• if…else selection statement

o Performs one action if condition is true, a different action if it is false
• Pseudocode
If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
print “Passed”
print “Failed”

• Nested if…else statements

o One inside another, test for multiple cases
o Once a condition met, other statements are skipped
o Example
if student’s grade is greater than or equal to 90
print “A”
If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 80
print “B”
If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 70
print “C”
If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
print “D”
print “F”

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Computer Studies I Chapter 2

while Repetition Statement

• Repetition statement
o Action repeated while some condition remains true
o Pseudocode
▪ While there are more items on my shopping list
• Purchase next item and cross it off my list
o while loop repeats until condition becomes false

Formulating Algorithms: Counter-Controlled Repetition

• Problem statement
▪ A class of ten students took a quiz. The grades (integers in the range 0 to
100) for this quiz are available to you. Calculate and display the total of all
student grades and the class average on the quiz.
• Counter-controlled repetition
o Loop repeated until counter reaches certain value
o Also known as definite repetition
▪ Number of repetitions known beforehand
o Counter variable
▪ Used to count
• In example, indicates which of the 10 grades is being entered
o Total variable
▪ Used to accumulate the sum of several values
▪ Normally initialized to zero beforehand
• Otherwise it would include the previous value stored in that memory

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Computer Studies I Chapter 2

• Pseudocode algorithm that uses counter-controlled repetition to solve the class

average problem
1 Set total to zero
2 Set grade counter to one
4 While grade counter is less than or equal to ten
5 Prompt the user to enter the next grade
6 Input the next grade
7 Add the grade into the total
8 Add one to the grade counter
10 Set the class average to the total divided by ten
11 Print the total of the grades for all students in the class
12 Print the class average

Pseudocode algorithm that uses counter-controlled repetition to solve the class average problem.

2.9 Summary
⚫ Overview of systems and its elements
⚫ System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
⚫ Program Development Life Cycle (PDLC)
⚫ Basic problem-solving techniques
⚫ Control Structures
⚫ Sequence Structure
⚫ Selection Structure
▪ if Selection Statement
▪ if...else Double-Selection Statement
⚫ Repetition Structure
▪ while Repetition Statement

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Chapter 3 Computer Hardware and Software

3.1 Objectives
⚫ Computer languages
⚫ Number systems used by the computers
⚫ Overview of information unit and file storage
⚫ Making computers faster and better

3.2 Machine Language, Assembly Language and

High-Level Language

• Three types of computer languages

– Machine language
• Only language computer directly understands
– “Natural language” of computer
– Defined by hardware design
• Generally, consist of strings of numbers
– Ultimately 0s and 1s
• Instruct computers to perform elementary operations
• Cumbersome for humans
• Example
– +1300042774
– Assembly language
• English-like abbreviations representing elementary
computer operations
• Clearer to humans
• Incomprehensible to computers
– Convert to machine language by translator
programs (assemblers)

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Computer Studies I Chapter 2

• Example
– Load basepay
add overpay
store grosspay
– High-level language
• Similar to everyday English
– Uses common mathematical notations
• Single statements accomplish substantial tasks
• Converted to machine language by translator programs
• Interpreter programs
– Directly execute high-level language programs
– Execute more slowly than the compiled
• Example
– grossPay = basePay + overTimePay

3.3 Number Systems

• Decimal number system (base 10)

– Integers such as 19 or 227 or 63

• Binary number system (base 2)

– Internally used by computers

• Octal number system (base 8) and the Hexadecimal number

system (base 16)
– Used to abbreviate binary numbers

• Octal to a binary number

– Replace each octal digit with its three-digit binary equivalent

• Hexadecimal number to a binary number

– Replace each hexadecimal digit with its four-digit binary

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• Number to decimal from another base

– Multiply the decimal equivalent of each digit by its positional
value and sum the products

Digits of the Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal Number Systems

Binary Digit Octal Digit Decimal Digit Hexadecimal Digit

0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6
7 7 7
8 8
9 9
A (10)
B (11)
C (12)
D (13)
E (14)
F (15)

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Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal equivalents

Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal

Number Representation Representation Representation
0 0000 0 0
1 0001 1 1
2 0010 2 2
3 0011 3 3
4 0100 4 4
5 0101 5 5
6 0110 6 6
7 0111 7 7
8 1000 10 8
9 1001 11 9
10 1010 12 A
11 1011 13 B
12 1100 14 C
13 1101 15 D
14 1110 16 E
15 1111 17 F
16 10000 20 10
17 10001 21 11
18 10010 22 12
19 10011 23 13
20 10100 24 14
21 10101 25 15
22 10110 26 16
23 10111 27 17
24 11000 30 18
25 11001 31 19
26 11010 32 1A
27 11011 33 1B
28 11100 34 1C
29 11101 35 1D
30 11110 36 1E
31 11111 37 1F

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3.4 Examples of Number Systems

3.4.1 Question 1
Show that these equivalent exits.
Binary number Octal equivalent Hexadecimal equivalent
100011010001 4321 8D1


Binary number to Octal equivalent

Binary number
100 011 010 001

Octal equivalent
100 011 010 001
4 3 2 1

Binary number to Hexadecimal equivalent

Binary number
1000 1101 0001

Hexadecimal equivalent
1000 1101 0001
8 D 1

3.4.2 Question 2
Convert binary number below to decimal


Positional values: 32 16 8 4 2 1
Symbol values: 1 1 0 1 0 1
Products: 1*32 = 32 1*16 = 16 0*8 = 1*4 = 4 0*2 = 0 1*1=1
Sum of Products: = 32 + 16 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 53

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3.4.3 Question 3
Convert octal number below to decimal


Positional values: 512 64 8 1

Symbol values: 7 6 1 4
Products: 7*512 = 3584 6 * 64 = 384 1*8 = 8 1*4 =4
Sum of Products: = 3584 + 384 + 8 + 4 = 3980

3.4.4 Question 4
Convert hexadecimal number below to decimal


Positional values: 4096 256 16 1

Symbol values: A D 3 B
Products: A*4096 = 40960 D * 256 = 3328 3*16 = 48 B*1=11
Sum of Products: = 40960 + 3328 + 48 + 11 = 44347

3.5 Exercises: Number Systems

Questions 1
Fill in the missing values in this chart of
positional values for the rightmost four positions
in each of the indicated number systems:

Decimal: 1000 100 10 1

Hexadecimal: ..... 256 ..... ….
Binary: …. ….. …. ….
Octal: 512 ….. 8 ….

Questions 2
Convert binary 110101011000 to octal and to
Questions 3
Convert hexadecimal FACE to binary

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Questions 4
Convert octal 7316 to binary
Questions 5
Convert hexadecimal 4FEC to octal
Hint: First convert 4FEC to binary and then convert
that binary number to octal
Questions 6
Convert binary 1101110 to decimal
Questions 7
Convert octal 317 to decimal
Questions 8
Convert hexadecimal EFD4 to decimal
Questions 9
Convert decimal 177 to binary, to octal and to

3.6 Summary of Number Base Conversions

• Base 10 to Any Base

– Divide the number by the base and take the remainder

• Any Base to Base 10

– Use the position values of the base to convert it to base 10

• Base 16 To Base 8 and vice versa

Base 16  Base 2 → Base 8

 Four groupings   three groupings 
   
 of binary digits   of binary digits 

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3.7 Solution to Number Base Exercises

3.7.1 Question 1
Convert binary 110101011000 to octal and to


Converting binary to octal

Binary number

110 101 011 000

Octal equivalent

110 101 011 000

6 5 3 0

Converting binary to hexadecimal

Binary number

1101 0101 1000

Hexadecimal equivalent

1101 0101 1000

D 5 8

3.7.2 Question 2
Convert hexadecimal FACE to binary


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Binary equivalent


1111 1010 1100 1110

= 1111101011001110

3.7.3 Question 3
Convert octal 7316 to Binary

Binary Equivalent

7 3 1 6

111 011 001 110

3.7.4 Question 4
Convert hexadecimal 4FEC to octal

Hint: First convert 4FEC to binary, then convert

that binary number to octal


Binary equivalent

4 F E C

0100 1111 1110 1100

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Octal equivalent

100 111 111 101 100

4 7 7 5 4

3.7.5 Question 5
Convert binary 1101110 to decimal

Position values: 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

Symbol value: 1 1 0 1 1 1 0

Sum of products: (1 x 64) + (1 x 32) + (0 x 16) + (1 x 8) + (1 x 4) + (1 x 2) + (1 x 1)

= 64 + 32 + 8 + 4 + 2 = 110

3.7.6 Question 6
Convert octal 317 to decimal

Positional Values: 64 8 1

Symbol Value: 3 1 7

Sum of Products: (3 x 64) + (1 x 8) + (7 x 1)

= 192 + 8 + 7 = 207

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3.7.7 Question 7
Convert hexadecimal EFD4 to decimal

Positional Values: 4096 256 16 1

Symbol Value: E F D 4

Sum Of Products: (E x 4096) + (F x 256) + (D x 16) + (1 x 4)

= (14 x 4096) + (15 x 256) + (13 x 16) + (1 x 4)

= 57344 + 3840 + 208 + 4 = 61,396


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3.7.9 Question 8
Convert decimal 177 to binary, to octal and



Binary equivalent

177 R
2 88 1
2 44 0
2 22 0
2 11 0
2 5 1
2 2 1
1 0

Therefore 117 = 101100012

Octal equivalent

010 110 001

2 6 1

Hexadecimal equivalent

1011 0001
B 1

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3.8 Information Units

• Can use light to convey information

– OK = on
– Not OK = off
• Bit or binary digit
– The smallest unit of data that a binary computer can
recognize (a single 1 or 0)
• Computers can only understand two types of signals
– On and Off
– On = 1
– Off = 0
– All information and commands to the computer are
described using these two signals

3.9 Teaching Computers how to represent decimal


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

… … … … … … … …

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

• 1 byte = 8 bits
• 1 byte = 256 decimal value ( 28 = 256 )
– Stores a binary number from 0 to 255

• Whole bytes are combined

– Example: Two bytes, Four bytes or Eight bytes
• 2 byte = 65,536 decimal value ( 216 = 65,536 )
– 2 bytes binary number could represent a decimal value up to

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3.10 Teaching Computers how to represent

alphabetical characters

• ASCII is American Standard Code of Information Interchange

• Standard ASCII is valid for all PCs
– Contains 127 characters
• letters (a, b, c, etc.)
• digits (1, 2, 3, etc.)
• control commands (such as carriage return)
• special characters (!, %, &, etc.)

• A sample of ASCII table is shown below

Character ASCII Value Binary Equivalent

A 65 01000001
B 66 01000010
C 67 01000011
a 97 01100001
b 98 01100010
c 99 01100011
0 48 00110000
1 49 00110001
2 50 00110010
Space 32 00100000
Tab 9 00001001
Carriages 13 00001101

For more information on ASCII Table:

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• Windows has ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

extension to the ASCII table
– Further 128 Characters
• characters (é, â and š)
• ASCII-Based system can support 256 characters
• Each character is assigned a number between 0 and

• Unicode Worldwide Character Standard (Unicode)

– Use 16 bits (2 bytes) to represent each character
– Create over 65,000 different characters
– Allows character from all the different languages in the world
to be represented within a single standard
– The main drawback
• takes up double the space in memory or on hard drive
as compared to ASCII based text file

3.11 File Storage

• Byte terminology
– Used to express the size of documents and other files,
programs, etc.
• Prefixes are often used to express larger quantities of bytes
– Kilobyte (KB), megabyte (MB), gigabyte (GB), terabyte (TB),

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• The table below gives an overview of the correlation between

the number of characters and the various sizes given in bytes
which features in the IT press and publicity

Approx. True True Values

Values Values
1 Character 8 bits 1 byte
1,024 characters 1 kilobyte (KB) 1,000 bytes 10 ^ 3 2 ^ 10 1,024

Approx. 1 million 1 megabyte (MB) 1,000 kilobytes 10 ^ 6 2 ^ 20 1,048,576


Approx. 1 billion 1 gigabyte (GB) 1,000 megabytes 10 ^ 9 2 ^ 30 1,073,741,824

Approx. 1 trillion 1 terabyte (TB) 1,000 gigabytes 10 ^ 12 2 ^ 40 1.09951E+12
Approx. 1 quadrillion 1 petabyte (PB) 1,000 terabytes 10 ^ 15 2 ^ 50 1.1259E+15

• For comparison
– Tightly written A4 page
• Contains about 3,000 – 4,000 characters
– Book manuscript of about 300 pages stored on a PC
• Will amount 1 – 2 MB
– A song on normal music CD
• Usually takes up about 40 - 50 MB

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3.12 Making Computers Faster and Better Now and in

the Future

• Improving performance today

– Add more memory
– Perform system maintenance
• Uninstall programs properly
• Consider placing large files on external storage
• Delete temporary files
• Check error and defragment the hard drive
• Scan for viruses and spyware
• Clean out dust once or twice a year
– Buy a larger or second hard drive
– Upgrade your Internet connection
– Upgrade your video graphics card

3.13 Summary
⚫ Computer languages
⚫ Number systems used by the computers
⚫ Overview of information unit and file storage
⚫ Making computers faster and better

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Chapter 4 Internet and WWW

4.1 Objectives

• The evolution of the Internet

• The Internet community

• Different options for connecting to the Internet

• Internet searching

• Common Internet applications available via the Internet

• Societal issues that apply to Internet use

4.2 History of the Internet

• While Internet has become a household word only during the past
two decades, it has operated in one form or another for much
longer than that

• ARPANET: The predecessor of the Internet, named after the

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), sponsored about a
dozen universities and research institutions to link them together to
form a network.
– The network quickly was called the ARPAnet
– Initially connected four supercomputers
– Eventually evolved into today’s Internet

• Earlier Uses of the Internet

– First, limited to colleges and research institutions
– Next, military became a big user
– Next, government allow the Internet for commercial purposes

• Businesses spent vast amounts of money to develop and

enhance the Internet

• Fierce competition among the communication carriers and

the hardware and software suppliers to meet the demand

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• Bandwidth on the Internet has increased, and cost has


4.3 What is the Internet and the World Wide Web?

• Internet: The largest and most well-known computer network in the


• Individuals connect to the Internet using an Internet service provider


• World Wide Web: One resource (a vast collection of Web

pages) available through the Internet

– Web sites contain Web pages stored on Web servers

– Web pages viewed using a Web browser (Internet Explorer,

Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, etc.)

• A wide variety of information is available through the Web

4.4 The Internet Community Today

• Most members of the Internet community fall into one or more of the
following groups:

– Users: People who use the Internet

– Internet Service Providers (ISPs): Provide access to the

Internet, typically for a fee

– Internet Content Providers: Provide Internet content

• Businesses, non-profit organizations, educational institutions

• Infrastructure companies: Own or operating the physical

structure of the Internet

– Conventional and mobile phone companies, cable

companies, and satellite Internet providers

• Hardware and software companies

– Provide the hardware and software used in conjunction with

the Internet and Web

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• Government and other organizations

– Some countries limit information and access

• Internet Society (ISOC): Addresses issues impacting the future

of the internet

• Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN):

Domain and IP management

• World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): Protocols and standards,

ensures interoperability

4.5 Myths about the Internet

• Myth 1: The Internet is free

– Most people and businesses pay for Internet access

– Businesses, schools, and libraries lease communications

lines from phone companies

– Fee-based content is growing at a rapid pace

– Music/movie downloads

– Donation based sites

• Myth 2: Someone controls the Internet

– No single group or organization controls the Internet

– Governments can regulate Internet use within its country, but

difficult to enforce

• Myth 3: The Internet and World Wide Web are identical

– Internet = physical network

– WWW = one resource (Web pages) available via the Internet

– Other resources are available via the Internet

• e.g. FTP

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4.6 Accessing a Network or the Internet

• Need a modem or network adapter

• Some networks require a username and password

• Internet connections can be:

– Direct (always-on) connections
– Dial-up connections

• Internet addresses are used to access resources on the Internet

– IP address: Numeric address that identifies computers
– Domain name: Text-based address that identifies computers
– Uniform resource locator (URL): Identifies Web pages
– E-mail address: Identifies people for e-mail exchange

4.7 IP Addresses and Domain Names

• IP addresses are numeric and unique

• Domain names: Correspond to IP addresses

– Top-level domains (TLDs): identifies type of organization or

its location

– Custom TLDs may soon be allowed

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4.8 Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

• URL: Uniquely identifies a Web page

– Consists of:
• Protocol or standard being used
• Identification of the Web server

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• Names of folders in which the Web page file is stored

• Web page’s filename

• Protocols:

– Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http://) is typically used to

display Web pages (https:// is used for secure Web pages)

– File Transfer Protocol (ftp://) is often used for file exchange

4.9 E-Mail Addresses

• E-mail addresses consist of:

– Username: A person’s identifying name for a particular


– The @ symbol

– Domain name for the computer that will be handling the

person’s e-mail (mail server)

• Pronouncing Internet addresses

Pronouncing the internet addresses

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4.10 How Email works

4.11 Surfing the Web

• Web browser: Used to display Web pages

• Browser starting or home page: The first page displayed when

the browser is opened

• To navigate to a Web page, you can:

– Type a URL in the Address bar

– Click a hyperlink on a displayed Web page

– Select a Favorite/Bookmark or page from the History list

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4.12 Searching the Web

• Search site: Web page that helps you find Web pages containing
the information you are seeking

– Typically search using keywords

4.13 Getting Set Up to Use the Internet

• Typically involves three decisions:

– Determining the type of device, you will use to access the


– Selecting the type of connection desired

– Deciding on the Internet service provider to be used

• Once these determinations have been made, your computer can be

set up to access the Internet

4.14 Setting up Your Computer and Selecting an ISP

• To set up your computer

– Install necessary hardware

– Install necessary software

– Select username, access telephone number (for dial-up

connections), and a payment method

– Perform any necessary set-up to share the connection with

other computers or devices

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• Selecting an ISP

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4.14.1 Summary of Types of Connection and Internet


4.15 Beyond Browsing and E-Mail

• Many other activities available via the Internet in addition to Web

browsing and e-mail

4.16 Cloud Computing

⚫ Cloud computing is internet-based computing in which remote servers
are networked to allow for centralized data storage, and online access to
services or resources

⚫ Web-based e-mail services, such as Gmail or Yahoo!, utilized a cloud

computing system. Files are not stored locally on your computer but rather
on a remote server

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⚫ Advantages of working in the cloud include access to data anywhere,

easy synchronization across devices, the ability to share files, and
automatic back-ups that prevent the loss of user information

4.17 Microsoft’s Office 365

⚫ Office 365 in an online, subscription-based software suit which offers
access to numerous services built around the traditional Microsoft Office

⚫ Office 365 includes online versions of the Office applications: Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, Access and OneNote

⚫ Office 365 exists in the cloud, allowing you to access your Office
applications and files from anywhere. Because they exist in the cloud; the
software always automatically stays up to date

⚫ Office 365 includes options for accessing and managing the following
items: Outlook, Calendar, People, Newsfeed, OneDrive, Sites and Tasks

⚫ OneDrive is a file hosting service that allows you to upload and sync your
Office files to Office 365’s cloud storage

⚫ To edit a document opened in the cloud, you can use the online versions
of the Office app, or the desktop version

⚫ When working with the online version of the Office apps, files are
automatically saved to the cloud

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4.18 Google's Mission and Philosophy

4.18.1 Google’s Mission

• Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it
universally accessible and useful

Product Categories

⚫ Applications
⚫ Search
⚫ Advertising
⚫ Enterprise
⚫ Mobile

4.18.2 Applications
• Google’s Application includes Google Apps for Non-Profits, Google Docs,
Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Google Talk, Google Friend Connect,
Google Webmaster Central, Blogger, Google Checkout, Google Groups,
Google Reader, Google Site, Google Translate, Google Voice, Picasa 3,
YouTube - Nonprofit Program, Google Health, Google Profile, Google Latitude,
iGoogle Start Page, Google Web Elements, Google Chrome and Google Gears

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4.18.3 Search Products

• Google’s Search Products include GOOG-411, Google News, Google Alerts,
Google Trends and Insights, Google Custom Search and Google Maps

4.18.4 Advertising
• Google’s Advertising include Google Analytics and Google Adwords

4.18.5 Enterprise
• Google’s Enterprise include Google Earth Pro, Google SketchUp Pro, Google
Appliances and Google Mini

4.18.6 Mobile Products

• Google’s Mobile Products include Google Products for your phone and
Google Wave

4.19 Social Networking

• Social networking site: A site that enables a community of

individuals to communicate and share information

– MySpace, Facebook, etc. allow people to post information

about themselves

– Video and photo sharing (YouTube, Flickr, etc.)

– Used by schools for classmates to meet and share

– Used in politics and business

– Used by families

– Users should be careful not to reveal too much about

themselves for safety reasons

4.20 Online Shopping and Investing

• E-commerce: Online financial transactions

– Precautions:
• Be sure all e-commerce activities are performed via a
secure Web server (https://)

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• Use a credit card or online payment service whenever


4.21 E-commerce activities

• Banking: Access account balance, pay bills, copy monthly


• E–Business: Correspondence, marketing, customer feedback,

customer support

• Online shopping: Buying products or services online

– Can purchase items via manufacturers, large businesses,

small businesses, etc.

– Usually paid via credit card, though other options may be


• Online auctions: Bids are placed for items, and the highest
bidder purchases the item

– Sellers list items (such as via eBay)

– Can bid until auction closes

– Winning bidder arranges payments and delivery with seller

– Seller pays auction fees

• Online investing: Buying and selling stocks or other types of

investments via the Web

– Online portfolios

– Avoid brokers

– Advantages

• Reduce transaction fees

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4.22 Online Entertainment

• Online music: Music played or obtained via the Web

– Internet radio stations: Listen to music live

– Online music stores: Used to purchase and download

music singles and albums in digital format legally

• Online video: Video watched or downloaded via the Web

• Online TV: Live or recorded TV shows available via the Web

• Online movies: Feature films available via the Web

• Video-on-demand (VoD): The process of downloading movies

and television shows, on demand, via the Web

• Online gaming: Playing games via the Web

– Web-based games, online multiplayer games, etc.

4.23 Online News, Reference, and Information

• News sites

– Available through Web sites belonging to news organizations,

television networks, newspapers, magazines, etc.

– Usually updated throughout the day

– News archives are often available (sometimes requires a fee)

• Reference sites

– Provide access to specific types of useful information

– Phone and address directories, weather, maps, home values,

encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.

• Podcasts: Recorded audio or video file that can be played or

downloaded via the Web

– Prepared by individuals and businesses

– Used to share knowledge, express opinions, share original

poems, songs, or short stories

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– Typically uploaded to the Web on a regular basis

4.24 Product, Corporate, and Government Information

• Vast amount of product and government information available online

• Sites dedicated to providing information about politics, social causes,


– Government websites: Law enforcements, employment,

military, national security, taxes, state and local agencies to
provides information for its citizens

4.25 Online Education and Writing

• Online education: Using the Internet to facilitate learning

– Web-based training (WBT): Instruction delivered

on an individual basis via the Web

• Corporate training, tutorials, distance learning, etc.

– Distance learning: When the student is physically

located away from the instructor and other students;
instruction take place via the Web

• Advantages: Self-paced instruction,

flexible location, up-to-date material,
immediate feedback, and customized content

• Disadvantages: Technology requirements

and problems, anonymity, and lack of face-to-
face contact

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• Online writing

• Blogs: A Web page that contains short, frequently updated

entries in chronological order, typically by just one individual

• Wikis: A collaborative Web page that is designed to be

edited and republished by a variety of individuals

– Wikipedia is largest
• Carefully evaluate content, as
irresponsible individuals can enter
erroneous information

• E-portfolios: A collection of an individual’s work accessible via

the Web

4.26 E–Health

• E–Health: Used extensively for regular checkups, having lab

work, outpatient test, emergency surgery

– Book appointment online

– Use web and medical software to research and diagnose

health conditions

– Used e-mail to communicate with patient

– Provide up-to-date medical, fitness, exercise information

– Maintain list of doctors and dentists to help you find the one
that fit your needs

– Can order prescriptions on-line

– Chatroom to talk to people diagnosed with similar conditions

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4.27 Rules of Netiquette

• Netiquette (Internet etiquette)

– Code of acceptable behaviors users should follow while on

the Internet.

• Keep messages short

• Be polite

• Read the FAQ if one exists

• Do not assume material is accurate or up-to-date

• Never read someone's private e-mail

4.28 Summary

• The evolution of the Internet

• The Internet community

• Different options for connecting to the Internet

• Internet searching

• Common Internet applications available via the Internet

• Societal issues that apply to Internet use

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Chapter 5 Network and Internet Security

5.1 Objectives
⚫ Why Be Concerned about Network and Internet Security?
⚫ Unauthorized Access and Unauthorized Use
⚫ Protecting Against Unauthorized Access & Unauthorized Use
⚫ Computer Sabotage
⚫ Protecting Against Computer Sabotage
⚫ Online Theft, Online Fraud, and Other Dot Cons
⚫ Protecting Against Online Theft, Online Fraud, and Other Dot Cons
⚫ Personal Safety Issues
⚫ Protecting Against Cyberbullying, Cyberstalking, and Other Personal
Safety Concerns

5.2 Why Be Concerned about Network and Internet


• Security concerns related to computer networks and the Internet


• Computer crime (cybercrime): Any illegal act involving a

computer, including:

– Theft of financial assets

– Manipulating data for personal advantage

– Act of sabotage (releasing a computer virus, shutting down a

Web server)

• All computer users should be aware of security concerns and the

precautions that can be taken

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5.3 Unauthorized Access and Unauthorized Use

• Unauthorized access: Gaining access to a computer, network,

file, or other resource without permission

• Unauthorized use: Using a computer resource for unapproved


• Both can be committed by insiders and outsiders

• Codes of conduct: Used to specify rules for behaviour, typically

by a business or school

• Hacking: Using a computer to break into another computer system

– A serious threat for individuals, businesses, and the country

(national security)

– Often performed via wireless networks today

– Many wireless networks are left unsecured

5.4 Protecting Against Unauthorized Access and Use

• Access Control Systems

• Access control systems: Used to control access to

– Facilities

– Computer networks

– Databases

– Web site accounts

• Can be:

– Identification systems: Verify that the person trying to

access the facility or system is an authorized user

– Authentication systems: Determine if the person is

who he or she claims to be

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• Possessed knowledge access systems

• Possessed knowledge access systems: Use information

that only an individual should know

– Usernames

– Passwords

• Should be strong passwords and changed


• Tokens can generate passwords

5.4.1 Hardware Token

– Disadvantages: Can be forgotten and used by

someone else

– Cognitive authentication systems: Use information

the individual knows (birthplace, pet names, etc.)

• Used in many password recovery systems

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5.4.2 Password Strategies

• Possessed object access systems

• Possessed object access systems: Use a physical object

an individual has in his/her possession to identify that

– Smart cards

– RFID-encoded badges

– Magnetic cards

– USB security keys or e-tokens

• Disadvantages: Can be lost or used by an unauthorized


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– When used with passwords or biometrics = two-factor


• Biometric access systems: Identifies users by a particular

unique biological characteristic

– Fingerprint, hand, face, iris, voice, etc.

– Data read by biometric reader must match what is stored in a


• Often used:

– To control access to secured facilities

– To log on to computers, punch in/out at work, law

enforcement, etc.

• Advantages: Can only be used by the authorized individual and

cannot be lost or forgotten

• Disadvantages: Cannot be reset; expensive

5.4.3 Examples of Possessed object access systems

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5.5 Encryption

• Encryption: Method of scrambling contents of e-mail or files to

make them unreadable if intercepted

– Private key encryption: Uses a single key

• Most often used to encrypt files on a computer
• If used to send files to others, the recipient needs to be
told the key

– Public key encryption: Uses two keys

• Public key: Can be given to anyone; used to encrypt
messages to be sent to that person
• Private key: Only known by the individual; used to
decrypt messages that are encrypted with the
individual’s public key
• Key pairs can be obtained through a Certificate

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5.5.1 Example of Encryption in E-mail

– Secure Web pages: Use encryption (SSL, EV SSL, etc.) to

protect information transmitted via their Web pages

• Look for a locked padlock on the status bar and https:// in the

• Only transmit credit card numbers and other sensitive data via
a secure Web server

Note: EV SSL is Extended Validation SSL

– Web-based encrypted e-mail (HushMail) is available

– Various strengths of encryption available

• Stronger is more difficult to crack

• Strong = 128-bit (16-character keys)

• Military = 2,048-bit (256-character keys)

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5.6 Computer Sabotage

• Computer sabotage: Acts of malicious destruction to a computer

or computer resource

• Malware

• Malware: Any type of malicious software

– Written to perform destructive acts (damaging programs,

deleting files, erasing drives, etc.)

– Writing malware is considered unethical, distributing is


– Can infect mobile phones and mobile devices (some

preinstalled on mobile devices)

5.6.1 How Malware spread?

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• Types of Malware

• Computer virus: A software program installed without the

user’s knowledge and designed to alter the way a computer
operates or to cause harm to the computer system

– Often embedded in downloaded programs and e-mail

messages (games, videos, music files)

• Computer worm: Malicious program designed to spread

rapidly by sending copies of itself to other computers

– Typically sent via e-mail

• Trojan horse: Malicious program that masquerades as

something else

– Usually appear to be a game or other program

– Cannot replicate themselves; must be downloaded and


– Rogue antivirus programs are common today

5.7 Protecting Against Computer Sabotage

• Security software: Typically, a suite of programs, used to protect

your computer against a variety of threats

• Antivirus software: Used to detect and eliminate computer

viruses and other types of malware

– Should be set up to run continuously to check incoming e-mail

messages, instant messages, Web page content, and
downloaded files

– Quarantines any suspicious content as it arrives

– Regular system scans should be performed

– New malware is always introduced, best to automatically

download new virus definitions on a regular basis

– Some ISPs filter include virus checking

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– E-mail authentication systems can protect against viruses sent

via e-mail

– Common sense precautions can help prevent a virus


– Web browser security settings can help protect against some


5.8 Online Theft, Online Fraud, and Other Dot Cons

• Dot con: A fraud or scam carried out through the Internet

• Data theft or information theft can be committed by:

– Stealing an actual computer or mobile device

– A hacker gaining unauthorized access

– Includes personal data, proprietary corporate information, and


• Identity theft: Using someone else’s identity to purchase goods or

services, obtain new credit cards or bank loans, or illegally
masquerade as that individual

– Information obtained via documents, phishing schemes, stolen

information, etc.

– Expensive and time consuming to recover from

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5.8.1 Example of Identity theft

• Online auction fraud: When an item purchased through an online

auction is never delivered, or the item is not as specified by the seller

• Internet offer scams: A wide range of scams offered through

Web sites or unsolicited e-mails

– Loan and pyramid scams

– Work-at-home cons

– Nigerian letter fraud scheme

– Soliciting of donations after disasters

– Pornographic sites

– Fake job site postings

5.9 Protecting Against Online Theft, Online Fraud, and

Other Dot Cons

• Protecting against data, information, and identity theft

– Do not give out personal information (Social Security number,

mother’s maiden name, etc.) unless absolutely necessary

– Never give out sensitive information over the phone or by


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– Shred documents containing sensitive data, credit card offers,


– Don’t place sensitive outgoing mail in your mailbox

– Watch your bills and credit report to detect identity theft early

• Protecting against phishing attacks

– Never click a link in an e-mail to go to a secure Web site

– Antiphishing tools built into Web browsers can help warn you
of potential phishing sites

– Some secure sites use methods to reassure users they are

on the legitimate site

• Digital certificate: Group of electronic data that can be used to

verify the identity of a person or organization

– Obtained from a Certificate Authority

– Typically contains identity information about the person or

organization, an expiration date, and a pair of keys to be used
with encryption and digital signatures

– Are also used with secure Web sites to guarantee that the
site is secure and actually belongs to the stated individual or

• Can be SSL or EV SSL

• Digital signature: Unique digital code that can be attached to

an e-mail message or document

– Can be used to verify the identity of the sender

– Can be used to guarantee the message or file has not been


– Uses public key encryption

• Document is signed with the sender’s private key

• The key and the document create a unique digital


• Signature is verified using the sender’s public key

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• Protecting against other dot cons:

– Use common sense

– Check online auction seller’s feedback before bidding

– Pay for online purchases via a credit card so transactions can

be disputed if needed

– Use an online payment system

– Take advantage of buyer protection

– Use an escrow service for high-priced items

5.10 Personal Safety Issues

• Cyberbullying: Children or teenagers bullying other children or

teenagers via the Internet

• Cyberstalking: Repeated threats or harassing behavior

between adults carried out via e-mail or another Internet
communication method

– Sending harassing e-mail messages to the victim

– Sending unwanted files to the victim

– Posting inappropriate messages about the victim

– Signing the victim up for offensive material

– Publicizing the victim’s contact information

– Hacking into victim’s social networking pages

– Sometimes escalates to personal violence

• Online pornography

– Concern for parents and schools

– Difficult to stop due to constitutional rights

– Online pornography involving minors is illegal

– Link between online pornography and child molestation

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– Internet can make it easier to arrange dangerous meetings

between predators and children

5.11 Censorship

• Censorship issues

– Some countries block some Internet content

– Free speech vs. offensive or indecent materials

– Internet filtering: Using software or browser options to

block access to particular Web pages or types of Web pages

• Used by individuals, schools, employers, public

computers, etc.

• Can use browser settings or special filtering software

5.12 Web browsing privacy

• Web browsing privacy: Privacy of Web activities

– Cookies: Small files stored on the user’s hard drive by a

Web server

• Add functionality (such as shopping carts and personal

preferences) to Web sites

• Can be used to track Web activity

• Cookie information can be personally identifiable or non-personally


• Cookie data can be viewed or deleted

• Cookie settings can be changed, and software can be used to

manage cookies

5.13 E-mail privacy

• E-mail privacy: Privacy of the e-mail messages you send and


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– Only encrypted e-mail can be transmitted privately

– Employers and ISPs have access to the e-mail you send

through those organizations

– Businesses and ISPs typically archive e-mail messages

5.14 Protecting Against Cyberbullying and


• Safety tips for adults

– Be cautious in chat rooms and use gender-neutral, non-

provocative names

– Do not reveal personal information

– Do not respond to insults or harassing comments

– Request to have personal information removed from online


• Safety tips for children

– Parents should monitor Internet activities

– Have children use a computer in a family room

– They should be told which activities are allowed

– Instruct them to tell a parent of a request for personal

information or a personal meeting

5.15 Summary
⚫ Why Be Concerned about Network and Internet Security?
⚫ Unauthorized Access and Unauthorized Use
⚫ Protecting Against Unauthorized Access & Unauthorized Use
⚫ Computer Sabotage
⚫ Protecting Against Computer Sabotage
⚫ Online Theft, Online Fraud, and Other Dot Cons
⚫ Protecting Against Online Theft, Online Fraud, and Other Dot Cons
⚫ Personal Safety Issues

Network and Internet Security 83

Computer Studies I Chapter 5

⚫ Protecting Against Cyberbullying, Cyberstalking, and Other Personal

Safety Concerns

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Computer Studies I Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Health and Environment

6.1 Objectives
⚫ Ethics
⚫ Computers and Health

6.2 Ethics

• Ethics: Overall standards of moral conduct

– Can vary with individual and religious beliefs, country, race,

or culture

– Personal ethics: Guide an individual’s personal behavior

– Business ethics: Guide a business’s policies, decisions,

and actions

– Computer ethics: Concern moral conduct related to

computer use

– Individuals and businesses need to make ethical decisions

every day

6.3 Ethical Use of Copyrighted Material

• Books and Web-based articles

– Need to properly credit sources to avoid plagiarism

– Strict consequences for plagiarism

– Online tests for plagiarism are available and widely used by


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6.3.1 Ethical Use of Copyrighted Material

6.4 Ethical Use of Resources and Information

• School or company resources

– Code of conduct: Policy that specifies allowable use of

resources by students or employees

• Students and employees should be familiar with what is

considered acceptable use of resources

– Code of ethics: Policy, typically for an industry or

organization, that specifies overall moral guidelines adopted
by that industry or organization

• Employee and customer information

– Businesses need to decide what is ethical use of employee

and customer information

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6.5 Cheating and falsifying information

– Cheating at high schools and colleges is rampant

• Can be reduced by academic honor codes

– Résumé padding is considered unethical by most companies

6.6 Computer Hoaxes and Digital Manipulation

• Computer hoax: An inaccurate statement or story spread

through the use of computers

– Often sent via e-mail

– Often related to viruses, health issues, political issues, etc.

– Consider researching before passing on to others

• Digital manipulation: Digitally altering text, images,

photographs, music, and other digital content

– Some beneficial ethical uses (aging photos of runaways,

altering photos of wanted criminals, etc.)

– Use by media is more controversial

– Difficult to tell in the future if a historical photo was


6.7 Computers and Health

• Computer use can cause physical injuries

– Repetitive stress injury (RSI)

• Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) (keyboard use)

• DeQuervain’s tendonitis
(mobile device keyboard and thumbpad use)

– Computer vision syndrome (CVS)

– Backaches

– Heat from laptops

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– Hearing loss from headphones

– Phone and texting-related car accidents

– Possible radiation risks

• Ergonomics: The science of fitting a work environment to the

people who work there

– Using good workspace design principles can help avoid

physical problems

– Ergonomic chairs, etc. are available

– More difficult with portable computers and mobile devices, but

possible to improve work environment

• Travel mice and travel keyboards can help while on the


• Docking stations or notebook stands can be used with

portable computer at home or in the office

– Docking station connects the computer to

permanent hardware, such as a keyboard,
mouse, monitor, etc.

– Notebook stand raises a notebook up to a better


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6.7.1 Ergonomics

6.7.2 Workspace Design - 1

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6.7.3 Workspace Design - 2

6.7.4 Ergonomic Hardware

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6.7.5 Good User Habits – 1

6.7.6 Good User Habits - 2

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• Computer use can also be a problem for emotional health

– Stress due to ever-changing technology

– Many jobs require computer use now than didn’t in the past

– Available 24/7 via technology

– Information overload

• Good searching techniques can help

• Managing your e-mail can help (e-mail filters, flags,

checking only periodically, etc.)

– Burnout: A state of fatigue or frustration brought on by


• Reevaluate schedule, ask for help, keep healthy food

and exercise routines, etc.

– Internet addiction: The problem of overusing, or being

unable to stop using, a computer or the Internet

• Growing problem in many countries

• Often related to e-mail, IM, shopping, gaming, social

networking, and pornography

• Can be addicted to other types of technology (video

games, etc.)

• Can result in loss of relationships, job loss, academic

failure, health problems, financial consequences, child
custody, suicide, and more

• Can be treated similar to other addictions

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6.7.7 Computer/Internet Addiction

6.8 Summary
⚫ Ethics
⚫ Computers and Health

Health and Environment 93

Computer Studies I Keywords

Chapter 7 Keywords
Chapter 1 Introduction to the World of Computer
Application Software: The programs that enable users to perform specific task on a
computer such as writing a letter or playing a game.

Communications: The transmission of data from one device to another.

Computer Network: A collection of computers and devices that are connected together
to share hardware, software and data as well as to communicate electronically with one

Computer User: A person who uses the computer.

Computer: A programmable, electronic device that accepts data input, performs

operation on that data and presents and stores the data.

Data: Raw, unorganized facts.

Desktop Computer: A PC designed to fit on or next to a desk.

Embedded computer: A tiny computer embedded in a product and designed to perform

specific tasks or functions for that product.

Handheld Computer: A portable PC about the size of a paperback book or pocket


Hardware: The physical part of a computer system such as the keyboard, monitors,
printer and so forth.

Information: Data that has been processed into a meaningful form.

Input: The process of entering data into a computer can also referred to the data itself.

Internet Appliance: A device designed only for viewing web pages and/or exchanging

Internet: The largest and the most well know computer network, linking millions of
computers all over the world.

Mainframe: A computer used in large organizations (such as hospitals, large businesses

and colleges) that need to manage large amounts of centralized data and run multiple
programs simultaneously.

Microcomputer: A computer system based on microprocessors, designed to be used

by one person at a time, and also called personal computer or PC.

Introduction to the World of Computer 94

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Midrange Server: A medium-sized computer used to host programs and data for a small

Mobile Device: A very small device usually based on a wireless phone or pager, that
has some type of computing or Internet capability built in.

Netbook: A very small notebook computer.

Network Computer (NC): A PC designed to access a network for processing and data
storage, instead of performing those tasks locally.

Notebook: A fully functioning portable PC that opens to reveal a screen and keyboard.

Output: The process of presenting the results of processing, can also referred to the
result themselves.

Portable computer: A small personal computer, such as a notebook, tablet, netbook,

or ultra-mobile PC (UMPC)/handheld PC, designed to be carried around easily.

Processing: Performing operation on data that has been input into a computer to convert
that input to output.

Programmer: A person who primary job responsibility is to write, maintain and test
computer programs.

Smartphone: A mobile device based on a mobile phone.

Software: The instruction, also called computer programs that is used to tell a
computer what it should do.

Storage: The operation of saving data, programs, or output for future use.

Super Computers: The fastest, most expensive and most powerful type of computer.

Supercomputing cluster: A supercomputer comprised of numerous smaller computers

connected together to act as a single computer.

System Software: Programs, such as the operation system, that control the operation
of a computer and its devices as well as enable application software to run on the PC.

Tablet PC: A portable PC about the size of a notebook that is designed to be used with
an electronic pen.

Thin Client: Another name for Network Computer.

Introduction to the World of Computer 95

Computer Studies I Keywords

Chapter 2 Using Your PC, Windows and the Web

Boot: To start up a computer.

Chat room: An Internet service that allows multiple users to exchange written
messages in real time.

Desktop: The background work area displayed on the screen when using Microsoft
Windows or another operating system with a graphical user interface.

Dialog box: A window that requires the user to supply information to the computer about
the task being requested.

Discussion group: An Internet communications medium that enables individual to post

messages on a particular topic for others to read and respond to.

Domain name: A text-based Internet address used to uniquely identify a computer

on the internet.

Electronic mail (e-mail): Electronic messages sent from one user to another over the
internet or other network.

Graphical User Interface (GUI): A graphical based interface that allows a user to
communicate instructions to the computer easily.

Hyperlink: Text or an image located on a web page or other document that is linked to
the web page or other type of document.

Icon: A small picture or other type of graphical images that represents a program,
command, or document and invokes some action when selected.

Instant messaging (IM): A form of private chat set up to allow users to easily and
quickly exchange real-time typed messages with the individuals they specify.

Internet telephony: The process of placing telephone calls over the Internet.

Menu: A set of options (usually text-based) that can be displayed on the screen to enable
the user to issue commands to the computer.

Microsoft Windows: The most common Operating System for IBM and IBM-Compatible

Netiquette: An etiquette for guiding online behaviour.

Operating system: A type of system software that enables a computer to operate and
manage its resources and activities.

Using Your PC, Windows and the Web 96

Computer Studies I Keywords

Scroll bar: A horizontal or vertical bar that appears along an edge of a window not large
enough to display its entire content; scroll bars are used to view the rest of the information
in the window.

Search site: A Web site designed to help users search for Web pages that matches
specified keyword or selected categories.

Start menu: The main Windows menu that is used to start programs.

Task button: A button displaced on the taskbar to present an open window, using this
button, the window can be minimized, restored or closed.

Taskbar: The bar located at the bottom of the Windows desktop that contains the start
button and the system tray.

Toolbar button: A button on a toolbar that is clicked to issue a command to the


Toolbar: A set of icons or buttons displayed horizontally or vertically on the screen

that can be used to issue commands to the computer.

Utility Program: A type of software that performs a specific task, usually relate to
management and maintaining the Computer System.

Video Conferencing: The use of computers, video cameras, microphone and other
communication technology to conduct face to face meeting over the Internet.

Web browser: A program used to view Web pages.

Web page: A document, typically containing hyperlink to another document, located on

a web server and available through the World Wide Web.

Web Server: A computer that is continually connected to the Internet and hosts web
pages that are accessible through the Internet

Website: A collection of related Web pages usually belonging to an organization or


Windows: A rectangular area in which programs, documents and other contents are

World Wide Web: The collection of Web pages available through the ssInternet.

Using Your PC, Windows and the Web 97

Computer Studies I Keywords

Chapter 3 The System Unit: Processing and Memory

ASCII (American Standard Code of Information Interchange): A fixed-length, binary
coding system widely used to represent text-based data for computer processing on many
types of computers.

Bandwidth: The amount of data that can be transferred in a given period of time; also
referred to as throughput.

Byte: A group of 8 bits; in ASCII and EBCDIC, it holds a single character of data.

Central processing unit (CPU): The chip located inside the system unit of a computer
that perform the processing of a computer.

Decimal numbering system: The numbering system that represents all numbers
using ten symbols.

EBCDIC: (Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code): A fixed-length, binary

coding system widely used to represent text-based data for computer on IBM mainframe

Flash memory: A type of non-volatile memory that can be erased and reprogrammed,
commonly implemented in the form of sticks or cards.

Machine language: A binary-based language for representing computer programs that

the computer can execute directly.

Memory: Chip-based storage.

Microprocessor: A CPU for a microcomputer.

Motherboard: The main circuit board of a computer, located inside the system unit, to
which all computer system components connect.

Multi-core CPU: A CPU that contains the processing components or core of more
than one processor in a single CPU.

Multiprocessing: The capability to use multiple processors or multiple processing

cores in a single computer, usually to process multiple jobs at one time faster than could
be performed with a single processor.

Nanotechnology: The science of creating tiny computers and components by working

at the individual atomic and molecular levels.

Optical computer: A computer that uses light, such as from laser beams or infrared
beams, to perform digital computations.

The System Unit: Processing and Memory 98

Computer Studies I Keywords

Parallel processing: A processing technique that uses multi processors simultaneously

in single computer, usually used to process a single job as fast as possible.

Port: A connector on the exterior of a PC's system unit to which a device may be attach.

Processor: Another name of CPU.

Quad-core CPU: A CPU that contains four separate processing cores.

Quantum computing: A technology that applies the principles of quantum physics

and quantum mechanics to computers to direct atoms or nuclei to work together as
quantum bits (qubits), which function simultaneously as the computer's processor and

Random Access Memory (RAM): Chips located on the motherboard that provide a
temporary location for the computer to hold data and programs instruction while they are

ROM (Read Only Memory): Non-erasable chips located on the motherboard into which
data or programs have been permanently stored.

System board: Another name for mother board.

System unit: The main box of a computer that houses the CPU, motherboard, memory,
and other devices.

Unicode: A coding system for text-based system using any written language.

USB (Universal Serial Bus): A universal bus used to connect up to 127 peripheral
devices to a computer without requiring the use of additional expansion cards.

Kilobyte (KB): 1024 bytes.

Megabyte (MB): Approximately 1 million bytes.

Gigabyte (GB): Approximately 1 billion bytes.

Terabyte (TB): Approximately 1 trillion bytes.

Petabyte (PB): Approximately l,000 terabytes.

Exabyte (EB): Approximately 1,000 petabytes.

Zettabyte (ZB): Approximately 1,000 exabytes.

Yottabyte (YB): Approximately 1,000 zettabytes.

The System Unit: Processing and Memory 99

Computer Studies I Keywords

Chapter 4 Storage
BD (BIu-ray Disc): A high-capacity (typically 25 MB or 50 MB) that is often used to
deliver high definition movies, as well as to store user data.

BD-R disc: A recordable Blu-ray Disc.

BD-RE disc: A rewritable Blu-ray Disc.

BD-ROM disc: A Blu-ray Disc that can be read from, but not written to, by the user.

CD (compact disc): A low capacity (typically 650 MB) optical disc that is often used
to deliver music and software, as well as to store user data.

CD-R disc: A recordable CD.

CD-ROM disc: An optical disc, usually holding about 650 MB that can be read but not
written to by the user.

CD-RW: A rewritable CD.

DVD disc: A medium capacity (typically 4.7 MB or 8.5 MB) optical disc that is often
used to deliver software and movies, as well as to store user data.

DVD-R/DVD+R discs: Recordable DVDs.

DVD-ROM disc: An optical disc, usually holding 4.7 GB that can be read, but not written
to by the user.

DVD-RW/DVD+RW/DVD-RAM discs: Rewritable DVDs.

File: Something stored on a storage medium, such as a program, document, or image.

Filename: A name given to a file by the user that is used to retrieve the file at a later

Flash memory card: A small, rectangular type of flash memory media, such as a
compactFlash or Secure Digital Card.

Flash memory drive: A small drive that usually plugs into a PC's USB port and
contains flash memory medium.

Flash memory media: Memory-chip-based storage media commonly implemented in

the form of sticks or cards.

Flash memory stick: A type of flash memory media about the size of a stick of gum.

Flash memory: Non-volatile memory chips that can be used for storage by the
computer or user; can be built into a computer or a storage medium.

Storage 100
Computer Studies I Keywords

Floppy disk drive: A storage device that reads from and writes to floppy disks.

Floppy disk: A low-capacity, removable magnetic disk made of flexible plastic inside a
hard-plastic cover.

Hard disk drive: A storage system consisting of one or more metal magnetic disks
permanently sealed with an access mechanism inside its drive.

Hard drive: The primary storage system for most computers; used to store most
programs and data used with a computer.

Magnetic disk: A storage medium that record data using magnetic spots on disk made
of flexible plastic or rigid metal.

Magnetic hard drive: A hard drive consisting of one or more metal magnetic disks
permanently sealed, with an access mechanism and read/write heads, inside its drive.

Magnetic tape: A plastic tape with a magnetizable surface that stores data as a series
of magnetic spots; typically comes in a cartridge.

Non-volatile: Describes a storage medium that retains its contents when the power is
shut off.

Online storage: Remote storage devices accessed via the Internet; also called
cloud storage.

Optical disc: A type of storage medium read from and written to using a laser beam.

Optical drive: A drive used with optical discs, such as CD or DVD discs.

Remote storage: A storage device that is not directly a part of the PC being used, such
as Network storage or online storage.

Smart card: A credit-card-sized piece of plastic containing a chip and other circuitry into
which data can be stored.

SSD (solid-state drive): A hard drive that uses flash memory media instead of metal
magnetic hard disks.

Storage device: A piece of hardware, such as a floppy drive or CD drive, into which a
storage medium is inserted to be read from or written to.

Storage medium: The part of a storage system where data is stored, such as a floppy
disk or CD disc.

USB flash drive: A small storage device that plugs into a USB port and contains
flash memory media.

Volatile: Describes a medium whose contents are erased when the power is shut off.

Storage 101
Computer Studies I Keywords

Chapter 5 Input and Output

Bar code reader: An input device that reads bar codes.

Bar code: A machine readable code that represents data as a set of bars.

Biometric reader: A device used to input biometric data, such as an individual's

fingerprint or voice.

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors: A display device that projects images onto a
display screen using a technology similar to the one used with conventional TVs.

Code: A machine-readable code that represents data as a set of bars.

Data projector: A display device that projects all computer output to a wall or projection

Digital camera: An input device that takes pictures and records them as digital data
(instead of film or videotaped) images.

Display device: An output device that contains a viewing screen.

Display screen: A display device built into a notebook computer, netbook, UMPC, or
another device.

Electronic pen: An input device that resembles an ordinary pen.

Handheld scanner: A small, handheld optical scanner.

Handwriting recognition: The ability of a scanning device to recognize handwritten or

typed characters and convert them to electronic form as text, not images.

Headphone: A personal audio output device used by an individual so only he or she

can hear the sound; headphones with a built-in microphone are typically referred to as

Ink-jet printer: An output device that sprays droplets of ink to produce images on paper.

Joystick: An input device that resembles a car’s gear shift and is often used for gaming.

Laser printer: An output device that uses toner powder and technology similar to that
of a photocopier produce images on paper.

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display): A type of flat panel display that uses charged liquid
crystals to display images.

MFD (Multifunction device): A device that offers multiple functions (such as

printing, scanning, and faxing) in a single unit.

Input and output 102

Computer Studies I Keywords

Optical Character Recognition (OCR): The ability of a scanning device to recognize

handwritten or typed characters and convert them to electronic form as text, not images.

Output device: A piece of hardware that accepts output from the computer and present
it in a form the user can understand.

Photo printer: An output device designed for printing digital photographs.

Pixel: The smallest colourable area in an electronic image, such as a scanned document
digital photograph, or image displayed on a display screen.

Pointing device: An input device that moves on onscreen pointer, such as an arrow or
insertion point, to allow the user to select objects on the screen.

Pointing stick: An input device shaped like a pencil eraser that appears in the middle
of some notebook computer keyboards and is used as a pointing device.

Portable printer: A small, lightweight printer designed to be used while on the go.

Portable scanner: A scanner designed to capture input while on the go.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification): A technology used to store and transmit data
located in RFID tags.

RFID tag: A device containing a tiny chip and a radio antenna that is attached to an
object so it can be identified using RFID technology.

Scanner: An input device that reads printed text and graphics and transfers them to a
computer in a digital form.

Speech recognition system: A system, consisting of appropriate hardware and

software, used to recognize voice input, such as dictation or audio computer

Stylus: A cordless electronic pen often used with pen-based PCs.

Touch pad: A small rectangular-shaped input device, often found on notebook

computers, that is touched with the finger or thumb to control an on-screen pointer and
make selections.

Trackball: An input device, similar to an upside-down mouse that can be used to control
an onscreen pointer and make selection.

Voice-input system: A system that enables a computer to recognize the human voice.

Voice-output system: A system that enables a computer to play back or imitate the
human voice.

Input and output 103

Computer Studies I Keywords

Chapter 6 System Software: Operating System and

Android: A Linux-based operating system designed for mobile phones and
developed by a group of companies that includes Google.

Backup: A duplicate copy of data or other computer contents for use in the event that
the original version is destroyed.

BlackBerry OS: The operating system designed for BlackBerry devices.

Command line interface: A user interface that requires the user to communicate
instructions to the computer via typed commands.

Device driver: A program that enables an operating system to communicate with a

specific device.

DOS (Disk Operating System): The operating System designed for a widely use in
early IBM and IBM-compatible PCs.

Embedded Linux: A version of Linux designed for mobile devices.

Embedded operating system: A type of operating system embedded into devices,

such as cars and consumer devices.

File compression program: A program that reduces the size of files, typically to be
stored or transmitted more efficiently.

File management programs: A utility program that enables the user to perform file
management task, such as copying and deleting files.

GUI (Graphical User Interface): A graphically based interface that allows a user to
communicate instructions to the computer easily.

iPhone as (Apple): The operating system designed for Apple mobile phones and
mobile devices.

Linux: A version of UNIX that is available without charge over the Internet and is
increasing being used with PCs, servers, mainframes, and supercomputers.

Mac as x Server: The version of Mac OS X designed for server use.

Mac OS X: The most recent version of Mac OS.

Mac OS: The operating system for Apple's Macintosh line of computers.

Mac: The operating system used on Apple computers; the most recent version as of
this printing is Mac OS.

System Software: Operating System and Utilities 104

Computer Studies I Keywords

Mobile operating system: A type of operating system used with mobile phones and
other mobile devices.

Multitasking: The capability of an operating system to execute two or more programs

or program tasks concurrently for a single user.

NetWare: A widely used operating system for PC-based networks.

Network operating system: A type of operating system designed to support multiple

users over a network.

Palm web OS: The newest operating system designed for Palm devices.

Palm OS: The operating system designed for Palm handheld PCs.

Search tool: A utility program designed to search for files on the user's hard drive.

Server operating system: A type of operating system designed to be installed on a

network server.

Symbian OS: A leading operation system for smart phone.

System software: Programs, such as the operating system that controls the operation
of a computer and its devices, as well as enables application software to run on the PC.

UNIX: A multiuser, multitasking operating system developed in the 1970s for midrange
servers and mainframes.

Utility Program: A type of software that performs a specific task, usually related to
managing and maintaining the computer system.

Virtual memory: A memory-management technique that uses hard drive space as an

extension to a PC's RAM.

Windows Embedded: A family of operating systems based on Windows and designed

for non-personal computer devices, such as cash registers and consumer electronic

Windows Explorer: The file management program built into the Windows operating

Windows Mobile: A family of operating systems based on Windows and designed for
handheld PC, smart phones and other mobile devices.

Windows: The primary PC operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation; the

most recent version is Windows 10.

System Software: Operating System and Utilities 105

Computer Studies I Keywords

Chapter 7 Software Application

Animation Software: Application software used to create animation to be used on web
pages or other multimedia applications.

Commercial software: A collection of software programs bundled together and sold

as a single software package.

Computer-Based Training (CBT): Individualized instruction delivered via a computer.

Constant value: A numerical entry in a worksheet cell.

Database software: Application software that allows the creation and manipulation of
an electronic database.

Database: A collection of related data that is stored in a manner enabling information to

be retrieved as needed; in a relational database, a collection of related tables.

Freeware: Copyrighted software that may be used free of charge.

Function: A named formula that can be entered into a worksheet cell to perform some
type of calculation or to extract information from other cells in the worksheet.

Graphics software: Application software used to create presentation graphics and

online slide shows.

Insertion point: An onscreen character that indicates the current location in a document,
which is where the next change will be made to the document.

Installed soft: Software that must be installed on a computer in order to be used.

Keyboard shortcut: A combination of keyboard keys that are pressed in unison to

issue a specific software command.

Label: A text-based entry in a worksheet cell that identifies data on the worksheet.

Multimedia authoring software: Application software designed to create stand-alone

multimedia applications to be delivered via CD, DVD or the web.

Multimedia: The integration of a variety of media such as text, graphic, video, animation
and sound.

Open source software: Software programs whose source code is made available to
the public.

Presentation graphic: An image, such as a graph or text chart, designed to visually

enhance a presentation.

Software Application 106

Computer Studies I Keywords

Presentation graphics software: Application software used to create or modify images.

Public domain software: Copyrighted software that is distributed on the honour system;
should be either paid for or to be uninstalled after the trial period.

Shareware: Software that is not copyrighted and may be used without restriction.

Slide: One-page presentation graphic that can be displayed in a group with others to
form an online slide show.

Software license: An agreement either included in a software package or displayed on

the screen during installation that specifies the conditions under which a buyer of the
program can use it.

Software suite: Copyrighted software that is developed, usually by a commercial

company, for sale to others.

Spreadsheet software: Application software used to create spreadsheet documents,

which typically contains a great deal of numbers and mathematical computations and are
organized into rows and columns.

Spreadsheet: A group of values and other data organized into rows and columns.

Web-based software: Software that is delivered on demand via the Web; also
referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloudware.

Web-Based Training (WBT): Instruction delivered on an individual basis via the World
Wide Web.

Word processing software: Application software used to create, edit, save, and print
written documents.

Word processing: Using a computer and word processing software to create edit, save
and print written documents such as letters, contracts and manuscripts.

Word wrap: The feature found in a word processing program that automatically return
the insertion point to the next line when the end of the screen line is reached.

Workbook: A collection of worksheets saved in a single spreadsheet file.

Software Application 107

Computer Studies I Keywords

Chapter 8 Computer Networks

Analog signal: A type of signal where the data is represented by continuous waves.

Antenna: A device used for receiving or sending radio signals; often used to
increase the range of a network.

Biometric device: A device that uses the recognition of some unique physical
characteristic (such as a person's fingerprint, face, or voice) to grant access to a computer
network or physical facility.

Bluetooth: A communications standard used to facilitate an automatic connection

between devices once they get within the allowable range.

Cellular phone: A mobile phone that communicates via a cellular network; also
called a cell phone.

Communications satellite: An earth-orbiting device that relays communications signals

over long distances.

Communications: The transmission of data from one device to another.

Computer Network: A collection of computers and other hardware devices that are
connected together to share hardware, software, and data, as well as to communicate
electronically with one another.

Digital signal: A type of signal where the data is represented by 0s and 1s.

Dual-mode phone: A mobile phone that can be used with more than one
communications network, such as with both a cellular and Wi-Fi network.

Ethernet: A widely used communication protocols for a LAN.

Extranet: An intranet that is at least partially accessible to authorized outsiders.

Fiber–Optic Cable: A communications medium that utilises hundreds of hair-thin,

transparent fibers over which lasers transmit data as light.

Firewall: A collection of hardware and/or software intended to protect a computer or

computer network from unauthorized access.

Global Positioning System (GPS): A system that uses satellites and a receiver to
determine exact geographic location of the receiver.

Hacking: Using a computer to break into a remote computer system.

Computer Networks 108

Computer Studies I Keywords

Infrared (IR) transmissions: A wireless networking medium that sends data as

infrared light rays.

Intranet: A private network that is set up similar to the World Wide Web.

Local Area Network (LAN): A network that connects devices located in a small
geographical area, such as within a building.

Malware: Any type of malicious software.

MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): A network designed to service a metropolitan


Microwave Station: An earth-based device that sends and received high-frequency,

high-speed radio signals.

Mobile phone: A phone, such as a cellular or satellite phone that uses a wireless

Modem: A communications device that enable digital computers to communicate over

analog media, such as connecting to the Internet via telephone lines.

Network Adapter: A network interface, such as and expansion card or external network

Online Conferencing: A real-time meeting that takes place between people in different
locations via computers and communications media.

PAN (Personal Area Network): A network that connects an individual's personal

devices that are located close together.

Parallel Transmission: Data transmission in which an entire byte of data is transmitted

at the same time.

Password: A secret combination of characters used to gain access to a computer,

computer network or other resource.

Router: A device on a network that sends data via the most efficient route to travel to
a specific location.

Serial Transmission: Data transmission in which every bit in a byte must travel down
the same path in succession.

TCP/IP: The communications protocol that uses packet switching to facilitate the
transmission of messages; the protocol used with the Internet.

Telecommuting: The use of computer and electronic devices to enable and individual
to work from him or her home.

Computer Networks 109

Computer Studies I Keywords

Telemedine: The use of communications technology to provide medical information and


Trojan horse: A malicious program that masquerades as something else.

Videoconferencing: The use of computers, video cameras, microphones, and

networking technologies to conduct face-to-face meetings over a network.

Virtual Private Network (VPN): A group of secure paths over the Internet that provide
authorized users a secure means of accessing a private network via the Internet.

Wide Area Network (WAN): A network that connects devices located in a large
geographical area.

Wi-Fi: A widely used communications protocol for wireless networks.

WiMAX: An emerging wireless networking standard that is faster and has a greater
range than Wi-Fi.

Wired Network: A network in which a computer and other devices are connected to the
network via physical cables.

Wireless access point: A device on a wireless network that connects wireless

devices to that network.

Wireless network: A network in which computers and other devices are connected to
the network without physical cables.

Wireless phone: A cellular or satellite phone.

Wireless USB: A wireless version of USB designed to connect peripheral devices.

Computer Networks 110

Computer Studies I Keywords

Chapter 9 The Internet And World Wide Web

Application service provider: A company that manages and distributes software-
based services over the Internet.

ARPANET: The predecessor of the Internet, named after the Advanced Research
Projects Agency (ARPA), which sponsored its development.

Blog: A web page that contains short, frequently updated entries in chronological order,
typically by just one individual, also called a web log.

BoF (broadband over fiber) Internet access: Very fast, direct Internet access via
fiber-optic networks; also referred to as fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP) Internet access.

Cable Internet access: Fast, direct Internet access via cable TV lines.

Conventional dial-up Internet access: Dial-up Internet access via a conventional dial-
up modem and standard telephone line.

Cookie: A small file stored on a user's hard drive by a Web server; commonly used to
identify personal preferences and settings for that user.

Dial-up connection: A type of Internet connection in which the PC or other device

must dial up and connect to a service provider's computer via telephone lines before being
connected to the Internet.

Direct connection: An always-on type of Internet connection in which the PC or other

device is continually connected to the Internet.

Distance learning: A learning environment in which the student is physically located

away from the instructor and other students; commonly instruction and communications
take place via the Internet.

DSL Internet access: Fast, direct Internet access via standard telephone lines.

E-book: A book obtained in electronic format.

E-portfolio: A collection of an individual's work accessible via the Web.

Fixed wireless Internet access: Fast, direct Internet access available in large
metropolitan area via the airwave and a radio transceiver.

IM (instant messaging): A way of exchanging real-time typed messages with other


Internet content provider: A person or an organization that provides Internet content.

The Internet and WWW 111

Computer Studies I Keywords

Internet filtering: Using a software program or browser option to block access to

particular Web page or types of Web pages.

Internet Service Provider (ISP): A business or other organization that provides Internet
access to others, typically for a fee.

Internet: The largest and most well-known computer network, linking millions of
computers over the world.

ISDN Internet access: Dial-up internet access that is faster than conventional dial-up,
but still uses standard telephone lines.

Keyword: A word typed in a search box on a search site or other Web page to locate
information related to that keyword.

Message board: A Web page that enables individuals to post messages on a

particular topic for others to read and respond to; also called a discussion group or
online forum.

Mobile wireless Internet access: Internet access via a wireless communications

network such as the ones used with cellular phones.

Online auction: An online activity for which bids are placed on items and the highest
bidder purchases the item.

Podcast: A recorded audio or video file that can be played or downloaded via the

Portal Web page: A Web page designed to be designated as a browser home page;
typically, can be customized to display personalized content.

Portal: A web site that supplies timely or useful content in hopes of enticing visitors to
use the site several times a day.

Satellite Internet access: Fast, direct Internet access via airwaves using a satellite dish
and satellite modem.

Search engine: A software program used by a search site to retrieve matching Web
pages from a search database.

Search site: A Website designed to help users search for Web pages that match
specified keyword or selected categories.

Social networking site: A site that enables a community of individuals to

communicate and share information.

The Internet and WWW 112

Computer Studies I Keywords

Spyware: Software programs often installed on a user's PC without the user's

knowledge that secretly collect information and send it to an outside party via the user's
Internet connection.

Text messaging: A way of exchanging real-time typed messages with other

individuals via a cellular network and, typically, cell phones.

Twittering: Sending short status updates about your current activities via the
Twitter service.

VOD (video-on-demand): The process of downloading movies and television shows,

on demand, via the Web.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol): The process of placing telephone calls via the

Web conference: A face-to-face meeting taking place via the Web, typically uses
video cameras and microphones to enable participants to see and hear each other.

Web service: A self-contained business application that operates over the Internet.

Webinar: A seminar presented via the Web.

Wi-Fi hotspot: A location that provides wireless Internet access to the public.

Wiki: A collaborative Web page that is designed to be edited and republished by a

variety of individuals.

World Wide Web: The collection of Web pages available through the Internet.

The Internet and WWW 113

Computer Studies I Keywords

Chapter 10 Program Development and Programming

Assembly language: A low-level programming language that uses names and other
symbols to replace some of the 0s and 1s in machine language.

BASIC: An easy-to-learn, high-level programming language that was developed to be

used by beginning programmers.

C#: The newest, object-oriented version of the C programming language

C: A high-level structured programming language that has the executioner efficiency

assembly language.

C++: A newer, object–oriented version of the C programming language.

COBOL: A high-level programming language developed for transaction processing


Compiler: A language translator that converts an entire program into machine language
before immediately executing it.

FORTRAN: A high-level programming language used for mathematical, scientific, and

engineering applications.

Fourth-generation language (4GL): A class of programming languages that is closer

to natural language and easier to work with than a high-level language.

High-level language: A class of programming languages that is closer to natural

language and easier to work with than low-level language.

Interpreter: A language translator that converts program statements line-by-line into

machine language, immediately executing each one.

Java: A high-level, object-oriented programming language frequently used for Web-

based applications.

Language translator: A software program that converts program code to machine


Logic error: A programming error that occurs when running a program produces
incorrect result.

Low-level language: A class of programming languages that are highly detailed and
machine dependent.

Program Development and Program Language 114

Computer Studies I Keywords

Machine language: A low-level programming language in which the program code

consists of 0s and 1s.

Object code: The machine-language version of a computer program generated after the
program's source code is compiled.

Pascal: A structured, high-level programming language that is often used to teach

structure programming; especially appropriate for use in math and science applications.

Programmer: A person whose job it is to write, tests, and maintain computer programs.

Programming language: A set of rules, words, symbols and codes used to write
computer programs.

Python: A high-level, open-source, dynamic object-oriented programming language

that can be used to develop a wide variety of applications.

Ruby: A high-Ievel, open-source, object-oriented programming language that is often

used to develop Web applications.

Source code: A computer program before it is compiled.

Syntax error: A programming error that occurs when the programmer has not followed
the rules of the programming language.

Visual Basic: An object-oriented, fourth-generation version of the BASIC programming


Program Development and Program Language 115

Computer Studies I Keywords

Chapter 11 Computer Security and Privacy

Antivirus software: Software used to detect and eliminate computer viruses and
other types of malware.

Bot: A computer that is controlled by a hacker or other computer criminal.

Computer crime: Any illegal act involving a computer.

Computer monitoring software: Software that can be used to record an individual's

computer usage, typically either by capturing images of the screen or by recording the
actual keystrokes used.

Electronic profiling: Using electronic means to collect a variety of in-depth information

about an individual; such as name, address, income, and buying habits.

E-mail filter: A tool that automatically sorts your incoming e-mail messages based on
specific criteria.

E-mail spoofing: The forgery of an e-mail header so that the message appears to
have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source.

Employee monitoring: Observing or reviewing employees’ action while they are on the

Firewall: A collection of hardware and/or software intended to protect a computer or

computer network from unauthorized access.

Hacking: Using a computer to break into another computer system.

Hardware theft: The theft of computer hardware.

Identity theft: Using someone else's identity to purchase goods or services, obtain
new credit cards or bank loans, or otherwise illegally masquerade as that individual.

Information privacy: The rights of individuals and companies to control how information
about them is collected and used.

Malware: Any type of malicious software.

Opt out: To request that you be removed from marketing activities or that your
information should not be shared with other companies.

Password: A secret combination of characters used to gain access to a computer,

computer network, or other resource.

Computer Security and Privacy 116

Computer Studies I Keywords

Pharming: The use of spoofed domain names to obtain personal information to be

used in fraudulent activities.

Phishing: The use of spoofed e-mail messages to gain credit card numbers and
other personal data to be used for fraudulent purposes.

Secure Web page: A Web page that uses encryption to protect information
transmitted via that Web page.

Security software: Software, typically a suite of programs, used to protect your

computer against a variety of threats.
Software piracy: The unauthorized copying of a computer program.

Spam filter: An e-mail filter used to redirect spam from a user's Inbox.

Spam: Unsolicited, bulk e-mail sent over the Internet.

Surge suppressor: A device that protects a computer system from damage due to
electrical fluctuation.

System failure: The complete malfunction of a computer system.

Throw-away e-mail address: An e-mail address used only for non-essential purposes
and activities that may result in spam; the address can be disposed and replaced if spam
becomes a problem.

UPS (uninterruptible power supply): A device containing a built-in battery that

provides continuous power to a computer and other connected components when the
electricity goes out.

Video surveillance: The use of video cameras to monitor activities of individuals,

such as employees or individuals in public locations, for work-related or crime-
prevention purposes.

VPN (virtual private network): A private, secure path over the Internet that provides
authorized users a secure means of accessing a private network via the Internet.

War driving: Driving around an area with a Wi-Fi-enabled computer or mobile device
to find a Wi-Fi network to access and use without authorization.

Wi-Fi piggybacking: Accessing an unsecured Wi-Fi network from your current

location without authorization.

Computer Security and Privacy 117

Computer Studies I Keywords

Chapter 12 Intellectual Property Rights, Ethic, Health,

Access and the environment
Assistive technology: Hardware and software specifically designed for use by
individuals with physical disabilities.

Burnout: A state of fatigue or frustration usually brought on by overwork.

Business ethics: Standards of moral conduct that guide a business's policies,

decisions, and actions.

Code of conduct: A policy, often for a school or business that specifies allowable use
of resources such as a computers and other equipment.

Code of ethic: A policy, often for an organization or industry that specify overall moral
guidelines adapted by that organization or industry.

Computer ethics: Standards of moral conduct as they relate to computer use.

Computer hoax: An inaccurate statement or story spread through the use of computers.

Copyright: The legal right to sell, publish, or distribute an original artistic or literary
work; is held by the creator of a work as soon as it exists in physical form.

CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome): A painful and crippling condition affecting the hands
and wrist that can be caused by computer use.

Cybersquatting: The act of registering a domain name with the intent to profit from
the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else.

DeQuervain's tendonitis: A condition in which the tendons on the thumb side of the
wrist are swollen and irritated.

Digital divide: The gap between those who have access to technology and those who

Digital manipulation: The alteration of digital content, usually text or photographs.

Digital watermark: A subtle alteration of digital content that isn't noticeable under
normal use, but that identifies the copyright holder.

Docking station: A device that connects a portable PC to conventional hardware, such

as a keyboard mouse, monitor and printer.

Ergonomic hardware: Hardware typically input and output devices, that is designed
to be more ergonomically correct than its non-ergonomic counterparts.

Intellectual Property Rights, Ethic, Health and Environment 118

Computer Studies I Keywords

Ergonomics: The science of fitting a work environment to the people who work there.

Ethics: Overall standards of moral conduct.

Green computing: The use of computers in an environmentally friendly manner.

Intellectual property rights: The rights to which creators of original creative works
(such as artistic or literary work, inventions, corporate logos, and more) are entitled.

Internet addiction: The problem of overusing, or being unable to stop using, the

Plagiarism: Presenting someone else's work as your own.

Repetitive stress injury (RSI): A type of injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, that
is caused by performing the same physical movements over and over again.

Intellectual Property Rights, Ethic, Health and Environment 119

Computer Studies I Solution

Chapter 8 Pasted Questions and Solutions


BCE 103



Explain in your own words what the following terms mean: [2 Marks Each]
a) Backup
b) Information
c) Internet Service Provider (ISP)
d) Operating System
e) Unauthorized access
f) Central Processing Unit (CPU)
g) Domain name
h) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
i) Unauthorized use
j) Spam

a) Convert the binary number 11101101111011to its decimal equivalent: [5 marks]
b) Convert the decimal number 1278 to its binary equivalent: [5 marks]
c) Convert the binary number 10101101011011 to its octal equivalent: [5 marks]
d) Convert the hexadecimal number D2AE to its binary equivalent: [5 marks]

a) Name the two organizations that created the network now called the internet.
[4 marks]
b) Explain how computer data travels over telephone lines. [6 marks]
c) If you need to download a 350 KB file and have a 56 kbps conventional dial-up
modem, how long should it take to download the file? What real-world conditions might
affect this download times? [6 marks]

Pasted Question 120

Computer Studies I Solution

d) List the two services the internet provides its users. [4 marks]

a) Give three examples of internet security risks? [6marks]
b) How do we secure our business transactions? [5marks]
c) How do we secure our email messages? [5marks]
d) How do we obtain a digital signature? [4 marks]

a) To secure files on your PC, so they are unreadable to a hacker, who might gain
access to your PC, what type of encryption (public or private key) would be most
appropriate? Explain. [6 marks]
b) List two precautions that individuals can take when purchasing items via an online
auction to avoid loss due to online auction fraud. [4 marks]
c) Briefly describe the safeguards a company could use for each of the following
threats to its computer system.
(i) Power failure of on-line systems [5 marks]
(ii) Disk corruption [5 marks]

a) When you have finished using a computer for the day, is it Ok to just turn it off by
pressing the power button. Why or why not? [6 marks]
b) If your Personal Computer seems sluggish, list two things you could do to try to
speed it up without resorting to purchasing an entirely new system. [4 marks]
c) Explain the purpose of an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and how it differs in
function from a surge suppressor. [4 marks]
d) Name three computer related activities that result in a threat to personal privacy.
[6 marks]

Pasted Question 121

Computer Studies I Solution


BCE 103





Explain in your own words what the following terms mean: [2 Marks Each]
a) Backup ANS: A duplicate copy of data or other computer contents for use in the
event that the original version is destroyed.
b) Information ANS: Data that has been processed into a meaning form
c) Internet Service Provider (ISP) ANS: A business or other organization that
provides Internet access to others, typically for a fee
d) Operating System ANS: A type of system software that enables a computer to
operate and manage its resources and activities
e) Unauthorized access ANS: Gaining access to a computer, network, file, or other
resource without permission.
f) Central Processing Unit (CPU) ANS: The chip located inside the system unit of
a computer that perform the processing of a computer.
g) Domain name ANS: A text-based Internet address used to uniquely identify a
computer on the internet.
h) Uniform Resource Locator (URL) ANS: An Internet address, usually beginning
with http://, that uniquely identifies a web page.
i) Unauthorized use ANS: Using a computer resource for unapproved activities.
j) Spam ANS: Unsolicited, bulk e-mail sent over the Internet

Pasted Question and Solution 122

Computer Studies I Solution

a) Convert the binary number 11101101111011 to its decimal equivalent:
[5 marks]
Conversion of 111011011110112 to base 10
Position 213 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
Binary 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
3 Marks

Decimal Value = ( 1 × 213 ) + ( 1 × 212 ) + ( 1 × 211) + ( 1 × 29) ( 1 × 28) + ( 1 × 26 ) +

( 1 × 25 ) + ( 1 × 24) + ( 1 × 23) + ( 1 × 21 ) + ( 1 × 20 ) 1 Mark

Decimal Value = 8192 + 4096 +2048 + 512 + 256 + 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 2 + 1

Decimal Value = 15,227 1 Mark

b) Convert the decimal number 1278 to its binary equivalent: [5 marks]

Conversion of 1278 to base 2

4 Marks for table and contents

2 639 R 0
2 319 R 1
2 159 R 1
2 79 R1
2 39 R1
2 19 R1
2 9 R1
2 4 R1
2 2 R0
2 1 R0
R is the Reminder, Therefore, 1987 = 100111111102 1 Mark

Pasted Question and Solution 123

Computer Studies I Solution

c) Convert the binary number 10101101011011 to its octal equivalent: [5 marks]

ANS 1:
Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal
Number Representation Representation Representation
0 0000 0 0
1 0001 1 1
2 0010 2 2
3 0011 3 3
4 0100 4 4
5 0101 5 5
6 0110 6 6
7 0111 7 7
8 1000 10 8
9 1001 11 9
10 1010 12 A
11 1011 13 B
12 1100 14 C
13 1101 15 D
14 1110 16 E
15 1111 17 F
2 marks

Binary number:

Dividing them into groups of three: 10 101 101 011 011 1 marks
Converting each group to base 10: 2 5 5 3 3

101011010110112 = 255338 1 marks

ANS 2: Another solution to c) part of this question

Conversion of 1010,1101,0110,112 to base 10

Position 213 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

Binary 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
1 Mark

Decimal Value = ( 1 × 213 ) + ( 0 × 212 ) + ( 1 × 211) + ( 1 × 29) ( 1 × 28) + ( 1 × 26 ) +

( 0 × 25 ) + ( 1 × 24) + ( 1 × 23) + ( 1 × 21 ) + ( 1 × 20 ) 1 Mark

Decimal Value = 8192 +2048 + 512 + 256 + 64 + 16 + 8 + 2 + 1

Decimal Value = 11099 1 Mark

Pasted Question and Solution 124

Computer Studies I Solution

Converting to base 8

11099 R
8 1387 3
1 Mark
8 172 3
8 21 5
8 2 5

101011010110112 = 255338 1 Mark

d) Convert the hexadecimal number D2AE to its binary equivalent: [5 marks]

ANS 1:
Convert the hexadecimal D2AE to binary
2 Marks

Hexadecimal D 2 A E
Decimal 13 2 10 14
Binary 1101 0010 1010 1110

13 10 14
2 1 R0
2 6 R1 2 5 R0 2 7 R0
2 3 R0 2 2 R1 2 3 R1
2 1 R1 2 1 R0 2 1 R1
13 = 11012 2 = 00102 10 =
10102 10 = 11102
½ Mark ½ Mark ½ Mark ½ Mark
D2AE16 = 1101 0010 1010 11102 1 Mark

ANS 2: Another solution to d) part of this question

Hexadecimal number = D2AE

A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14

Conversion of Hexadecimal number D2AE to base 10

Decimal Value = (D × 163) + (2 × 162) + (A× 16) + (E × 160) 1 Mark

Decimal Value = (13 × 163) + (2 × 162) + (10× 16) + (14 × 160)
Decimal Value = (13 × 4096) + (2 × 256) + (10× 16) + (14 × 1)
Decimal Value = (53248) + 512 + 160 + 14 1 Mark
Decimal Value = 53934 1 Mark

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Conversion of 53934 to base 2

53934 R
2 26967 0
2 13483 1
2 6741 1
2 3370 1
2 1685 0
2 842 1
2 421 0
2 210 1
2 105 0
2 52 1
2 26 0
2 13 0
2 6 1
2 3 0
1 1

D2AE16 = 1101 0010 1010 11102 1 Mark

a) Name the two organizations that created the network now called the internet.
[4 marks]
1. ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)) 2 Marks
2. National Science Foundation (NSF) 2 Marks

b) Explain how computer data travels over telephone lines. [6 marks]

For digital data to be transmitted across the system, digital computer signals must
first be converted to analog signal. This is achieved by using a modem. Modems work
by taking in digital signals and converting them to analog signals. These analog signals
are then transmitted across the network. At the other end of the PSTN connection, a
second modern converts the data back into digital signals, which can then be
understood by the computer receiving the data. 6 marks

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c) If you need to download a 350 KB file and have a 56 kbps conventional dial-up
modem, how long should it take to download the file? What real-world conditions
might affect this download times?
[6 marks]
56 kb -------- 1 second 2 Marks
350 kb -------- 1 * 350 / 56 = 6.25 seconds 2 Marks
Conventional dial-up bandwidth is shared by all the users in the area. As a result,
download time may increase during high usage periods. 2 Marks

d) List the two services the internet provides its users. [4 marks]
1. Download Web pages 2 Marks
2. Send e-mail messages. 2 Marks
3. Transfer files

a) Give three examples of internet security risks? [6 marks]

1. Denial of service attacks 2 marks
2. Unsecured business transactions 2 marks
3. Unsecured e-mail messages. 2 marks

b) How do we secure our business transactions? [5 marks]

A secure website should use a digital certificate to guarantee the Web site is legitimate
2.5 marks
Security protocol such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt data that passes
between a client and the server 2.5 marks

c) How do we secure our email messages? [5 marks]

To secure e-mail, senders can encrypt it with a program such as Pretty Good Privacy
2.5 marks
Attach a digital signature that verifies their identity 2.5 marks

d) How do we obtain a digital signature?

[4 marks]

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We get digital signature if we encrypt a document with our private key. 4 marks

a) To secure files on your PC, so they are unreadable to a hacker, who might gain
access to your PC, what type of encryption (public or private key) would be most
appropriate? Explain. [6 marks]
Public-Key encryption and Private Key encryption can be used in maintaining the
Confidentiality of data in your PC by encrypting the data.
In this situation Private key encryption is best for encrypting the data. 3 marks
It is faster and easier to implement. 3 marks

b) List two precautions that individuals can take when purchasing items via an
online auction to avoid loss due to online auction fraud. [4 marks]
1. Read thoroughly to understand all the conditions about the purchase. 2 marks
2. Look for secure shipping by making sure that when you go to pay for your
purchase, are you taken to a URL that begins with "https 2 marks
3. Check seller's reviews
4. Research!
5. When you are ready to make a purchase from a regular vendor, just take the
time to do a quick search engine search and see what is being said about them
6. Save everything: When you purchase anything online, always keep any
correspondence that you have with the vendor. You may want to archive it in
your email or you may wish to print it. This is something that can make a huge
difference if you run into some kind of trouble.
7. Stay in contact
8. When you want to figure out if a vendor is reliable, don't hesitate to email them a
question about the product. Do they respond promptly and are they able to
answer your questions thoroughly?

c) Briefly describe the safeguards a company could use for each of the following
threats to its computer system.

(i) Power failure of on-line systems [5 marks]

A surge protector or surge suppressors uses special electrical components to
smooth out minor noise, provide a stable current flow and keep an overvoltage from

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reaching the computer.

2.5 marks
An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) contains surge protection circuits and one or
more batteries that can provide power during an undervoltage. 2.5 marks

(ii) Disk corruption [5 marks]

Also to protect against accidental hardware damage:
Proper storage media care 2.5 marks
Precaution against excess dust 2.5 marks
Precaution against excess heat.

a) When you have finished using a computer for the day, is it Ok to just turn it off
by pressing the power button. Why or why not?
[6 marks]
It is not Ok to do that. 2 marks
This is because computer needs time to tidy up its work before shutting down.
1. This may include closing all files safely so that it does not loose information
2 marks
2. Running updates 2 marks
3. Putting itself into the most stable and secure state before shutting down so that it
can starts again normally when powered on later on.

b) If your Personal Computer seems sluggish, list two things you could do to try
to speed it up without resorting to purchasing an entirely new system.[4 marks]
1. Get more RAM. 2 marks
2. Install and scan the computer with reliable antivirus software and make sure that
it is regularly updated. 2 marks
3. Use System Tools such as Disk Cleaner and Disk Defragmenter to put the disc in
best shape.
4. Use System Restore tool to put the computer to the previous best state.

c) Explain the purpose of an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and how it differs
in function from a surge suppressor. [4 marks]

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An Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) contains surge protection circuits and one or
more batteries that can:
1. Provide power during an under voltage.
2. Also to protect against accidental hardware damage
3. Provide a proper storage media care. 2 marks
A Surge Protector or Surge Suppressors uses special electrical components to:
1. Smooth out minor noise
2. Provide a stable current flow
3. Keep an over voltage from reaching the computer. 2 marks

d) Name three computer related activities that result in a threat to personal

privacy. [6 marks]
1. Electronic profiles 2 marks
2. Cookies 2 marks
3. Spyware 2 marks
4. Employee monitoring
5. Web browsing and e-mail activities.
6. The extensive use of marketing databases and government databases
7. Shopping
8. Computer monitoring software
9. Video surveillance as an invasion of their privacy

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Chapter 9 References
⚫ Understanding Computers, Today and Tomorrow by Deborah Morley, Charles S.
Parker, 16th Editions

⚫ C++ How to program, 10th Edition, Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel


⚫ Google Tools, presented by Tim Hite, Resource Coordinator, Info Line / 2-1-1
Summit, Akron, OH

References 131

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