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All the l lvuds Ill' I)(.'parllllcnfs,
Couuul xsiuIH·I'S or Division .•.• ,
Ikpllfy ('oIllJllbsioIlCrs; allt!
,:~uh-I)i\'isiollal Magistrates ill (he Stall' uf l'uujuh.

SChClIIl' 1'01' corupnsxiuuut« nppuiuuncuts 2002- (~ralll 01' ciuploymcut III

Slat\.· Sl~l'\,j\·(·s (Ill fOlllpassiolllltl' grolllHls-plllicy ,·cganlillg.

Sir/i\ l ndnm,
( Hill din.'dcd (0 refer lu Ih(' l'uujnh (;UHl'IlIIH'1I1 Il'Iit'rs ix:xuecl vide Nu.
IIIIOS/9H-..fPI'IJ/14-l2t1, tla(t·d 21.11.2tl02 ruul No 11/1J')!2(J()2-4PP2/1HOH(, dakd

2H.12.200::i Oil the subject cited nhuvc ali(I 10 inlurm Ihal thv SI:lH' (~()\,l'l'llllll'llt

dt'dtlt'd 10 ncltl I'ollowillg pro\'i-;u lido\\' p:ll':l I.' (:1) of fllt'st· polit'Y illslrlldioll,o.;:-
"1'1'C1\'ilh,d Iha! ill lit,' ,·:lSt· ,du'n' ,·11
Iht· ""\·(·,, .•.• (;II\·CI·UIIU.'1l1

cmpluyvv "'ans IH:hind hisl ht'" miuur children, who art' sllltlyilll4 al
thl' rillll' or tlt-at.1t or the cruplovcc alld n rc '101 (JllaJil'i<.·tl 1'01' all

cmploymcu: ill the (;on~rllllll'n( a III I lilt' SpO\lS\' is 1I0t ill a Il().';i/ioll (0

join (ill' (;on'I'IlIIlCIII jnb, :I dependent t.',hild Ill:l~' he allowed 10 apply for
(,ol\lIl:1~, •.•il/llall' appoilllllll'lI( h.Y the ('ollll'dl'lIt Allthorit~·. within a
IH'rilld or om' )'('al' f'rruu lIu' dal{' or allaillillJ!, t lu- agl' IIl1d cducntiunul
qualific.uious for Cl (:rotlJl 'C' or 'I>' :lPPOiIlCIIH'llt ill (;o\'(,·'·UIllCIlI."

2. 011 Iuunuutturfun {"HISidl'I'HlioIlS, if /IllS als(l hevn .kd(h'<! as It spcclul

nnv t iuu- ""':ISIII"\' (0 t.'\tl'11I1 (lib /){'IIl'f'j1 10 all old tlt·S( -r \ iug c a."(.'S. III such l'HSl'S, !Ill
IIpplh::alioll foi' "'III/110."lIll'1I1 111:1," ht, nuu!e withlu si:-. mouths Iruru (hl' date of issue of
Ihl'Sl' iIlSll'lIflioll.'i, if lIot aln"ad~' uuulc. TIH' At/lllilli.slnllin' Ih'/lllrIIlH'1I1 shuuld
rOIlIIl,,"ll' (Ill' pI"lH·l·•.•
S or l!,i"ing t'llIpIO,\,IIH'lIt ",it hill a pl'I'iutl or nine 1I10Illh x 1'1'0111 Ihl'
tllIH' or i.'iSllltlll·(· or thv •..'· tuxtructtunx. No /'111'(11('1'rclaxntiuu ,'\hall hl' allowed under
:\lI~ dn·\lIII.'iI!lIH·(· x,

J. This dl:ltlgt III till' polir~ inxl ru cl iunx lIIay kil\(lI~' he hrollght 10 the
Iwl ice 01';111couccrucd 1'01'IIIt'I;(lIlolI,<';«.

\' III1I'S fa i Ih Iu llv,

~.1\fl 't (I( ,,\.'l '" )I I o •

(B.H. (\1;"',,:111:1)
Dqllll\' Sn'I'('(:II. Pcr"olllld
, I rJ '

:\ ('oP." i....
Ion) :tnktl 10 all Ihl' !o'i":lIH'ial ('(III1I1Ji:-,;jllllcrs. Prillcip:t1
S{'l'rl'l:lI'i('s :lllcl ,\dlllilliql':Ili\T SC'('I'd:II'il'-;ftl tll(' Co\ I. or "lIlIj;\lI, rill' illl'Ol'lllulioll
:11111 111I'I;cIlI0" •.• l'IIIIt"li:",,'\'.

1'';.\) {' (', i \ \ .1 .• ,11,1. U

1)1'11111,' ,'-;('I.•. H:l}I'., Pt'rsolllld

:\111111' l;ill:IIII,i:t1 {·011l11l1·; •.•11I1I •••.•.•• "ri'lrip;)1 St'l'l'l'iaril's

:Ill" A,"'tilll f,':HjYl' :-"', l'c'farin fit (;11\'1. ot I'un iuh.
I.Ij.I\II.II/')·)/'!(J01--lPP-2/~1'iO.\ ();:I~'d,( 1I:lIlIli;'::II'II.IlIl' 3.7.200~

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