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Deputy Director, (Pension)

Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume II
 This book has 15 Chapters as under:
1. Extent of Application and definitions;
2. General Provisions relating to grant of pension;
3. Service qualifying for pension;
4. Reckoning of service for Pension;
5. Different kinds of pension and conditions of their grant;
6. Amount of pension;
7. Re-employment of pensioners;
8. Wound and other Extra ordinary pensions;
9. Determination and authorization of pension & Gratuity;
10. Payment of pension;
11. Commutation of pension;
12. Consent and delegation of powers
13. General Provident Fund;
14. Contributory Provident Fund (Now deleted);
15. Group Insurance Scheme.
1. Pension
2. Family Pension
4. Commutation of Pension
5. Leave encashment
6. Group Insurance scheme;
7. GPF
8. Ex-Gratia Grant (in Case of death)
2.2 Future Good Conduct an implied condition;
2.2(b) Govt. reserves its right of withholding or
withdrawing a pension of any part of it or
ordering recovery from pension;
2.2 (c) Pending departmental or judicial proceedings,
Provisional Pension is to be paid but no gratuity
is to be paid un till the conclusion;
Provided that if C/S u/r 10 is pending, DCRG
shall not be withheld.
2.7 Ex gratia Payment of Rs. 1.00 lakh, 5.00 lakh or
10.00 lakh, as the case may be.
General Conditions for
Qualifying Service for Pension
1. Service Must be under the
2. The employment must be
substantive or permanent;
3. The service Must be paid by
the Government;
Reckoning of Service for Pension
a. Period of Leave;
b. Periods of Training;
c. Deputation Out of India;
d. Deputation to the Defence Deptt;
e. Period of Voyage to India on recall
to duty;
f. Period of Suspension when
a. Compensation Pension;
b.Invalid Pension;
c. Superannuation Pension
d.Retiring Pension
 Compensation Pension is granted to an
employee selected to be discharged
owing to abolition of his post unless he is
appointed to another post which is at
least equal to his own:
• He may choose to take compensation pension or
gratuity on the basis of his service rendered.
• Accept to transfer to another establishment even
on the lower pay if offered and continuing to
count his previous service for pension.
1. It is awarded to an employee on his retirement
who is permanently incapacitated due to bodily or
mental infirmity for the service to which he
belongs or for public service.
2. In case of partially incapacity he should be if
possible, employed to a lower post so that expense
on pensioning him are avoided.
3. If there is no means to employ him than he should
be admitted to pension but he should be
considered for pension in view of his partially
earning capacity
4. The amount of normal pension sanctioned under
this rule should not be less than the amount of
normal family pension.
1. If a Government employee is discharged
from service on the ground other than
mentioned under rule 5.11 & 5.12, even
though he has produced medical evidence
of incapacity for service.
2. If the incapacity is directly due to his/her
irregular or intemperate habits.
3. If such incapacity is not directly
attributable to these habits but are
aggravated by them, then the competent
authority sanctioning pension may decide
the amount of pension to be reduced.
1. Superannuation pension is admissible to
an employee who retire at a particular
age under rule 3.26 of Pb. CSR Volume-I,
Part –I
1. Group D Government employee retire at the
age of 60 years.
2. Other Government employees retire at the age
of 58 years.
3. Punjab Govt. has sanctioned 2 years extension
in service on certain conditions.
Pension is admissible to an
employee who:
1. is either compulsory retired
from service by the Government
under Punishment and Appeal
 2. had himself sought retirement
under pre-mature retirement
rules 1975.
1. Service not rendered under the Government.
2. Foreign Service if Pension Contribution is not paid.
3. Service adjudged as penalty if not asked for counting
towards pension by the competent Authority.
4. Over-stayal of Leave & Joining time.
5. Boy Service.
6. Period of Strike and willful absence if not regularized by
the competent Authority.
7. Extra-ordinary leave taken otherwise than on medical
8. Period between suspension, dismissal, removal &
premature retirement and subsequent re-instatement.
9. Ad-hoc Service not followed by regularization.
Qualifying Service for Pension
1. Calculate the period from the date of joining the
service and date of retirement.
2. Deduct there from the period which do not
count for pension.
3. Count the period Balance period in half yearlies.
4. Balance Period shall be rounded to the nearest
half year i.e. the period of three months and
above shall be treated as a complete six-
monthly period.
5. Maximum qualifying service for pension is 33
years or 66 Half-Years (up to 30.11.2011) & 25
years or 50 Half-yearlies w.e.f. 01.12.2011.
Let the Length of Service is from: 24.04.1975 to
Non qualifying service for pension is:
Period of suspension : 3 Months 14 days.
Overstayal of Joining time: 12 days.
Boy Service: 1 Year and 20 days.
Extra Ordinary leave 3 Months 5 days.
Period Total Service Rendered Days Months Years

From 24/04/1975 to 31/05/09 31 05 2009

24 04 1975
08 01 34

Non Qualifying Service Days Months Years

Boy Service 20 00 1
Period of Suspension 14 03 0
Overstayal of Joining Time 12 00 0
Extraordinary Leave 05 03 0
Total Period 21 07 01

Qualifying Service for Pension Days Months Years

Total Service 08 01 34
Less non-qualifying Service 21 07 01
Qualifying Service 17 05 32 Say 65 Half Years
Period Total Service Rendered Days Months Years

From 24/04/1973 to 31/05/09 31 05 2009

24 04 1973
08 01 36

Non Qualifying Service Days Months Years

Boy Service 20 00 1
Period of Suspension 14 03 0
Overstayal of Joining Time 12 00 0
Extraordinary Leave 05 03 0
Total Period 21 07 01

Qualifying Service for Pension Days Months Years

Total Service 08 01 36
Less non-qualifying Service 21 07 01
Qualifying Service 17 05 34 Say 66 Half Years
Period Total Service Rendered Days Months Years

From 20/01/1975 to 31/05/09 31 05 2009

20 01 1975
11 04 34

Non Qualifying Service Days Months Years

Boy Service 20 00 1
Period of Suspension 14 03 0
Overstayal of Joining Time 12 00 0
Extraordinary Leave 05 03 0
Total Period 21 07 01

Qualifying Service for Pension Days Months Years

Total Service 11 04 34
Less non-qualifying Service 21 07 01
Qualifying Service 20 08 32 Say 65 Half Years
Period Total Service Rendered Days Months Years

From 02/01/1975 to 31/05/09 31 05 2009

02 01 1975
29 04 34

Non Qualifying Service Days Months Years

Boy Service 20 00 1
Period of Suspension 14 03 0
Overstayal of Joining Time 12 00 0
Extraordinary Leave 05 03 0
Total Period 21 07 01

Qualifying Service for Pension Days Months Years

Total Service 29 04 34
Less non-qualifying Service 21 07 01
Qualifying Service 08 09 32 Say 66 Half Years
for Grant of pension
10 Years

 50% of the last pay drawn or 10 months average

emoluments, whichever is higher.
 If the service is less than 66 Half years (up to
30.11.2011) and 25 years (50 half years) w.e.f.
01.12.2011, the pension shall be reduced to the
proportionate of number of half years service
Example if the service is 63 Half years/44 years the
pension shall be:
(i) Full pension X 63/66 or
(ii) Full pension X 44/50.
Calculation of Average Emoluments:
Rule 6.24

Period Number of Emoluments Product:

From: To Months Drawn Column-II &
( Column-III

1.4.20018 to 2 25000+6600=31600 63200

1.06.2018 to 8 25950+6600=32550 260400
Total Emoluments 323600
for Last 10 months

Average Emoluments: 323600/10

= 32360/-
Gratuity Emoluments for the Gratuity Shall
Under rule Last Pay Drawn + DA
If an Employee has rendered a service
The Gratuity Shall be
1/4th of the
of 66 half years, his Last Pay is
emoluments for each 32550/- (DA 139%) his amount of
completed six
monthly period of
gratuity shall be:
qualifying service Emoluments:
subject to a
maximum of 16.5 32550+45245=77795/-
months (for Group
ABC) and 17.5 Amount of Gratuity:
Months for Group D 77795X66/4=12,83,618/-
employees, further to
the ceiling of
10,00,000/- Restricted to 10,00,000/-
Death Gratuity to an Employee
who dies in harness .
Qualifying Service Amount of Gratuity
(Max. 10,00,000)
Less than One Year 2 times the emoluments.

One Year or More but less the 6 times the emoluments.

Five Years

Five Years and more up to 12 Times the emoluments.

12 years.

Above 12 Years Half of the emoluments for each completed six

monthly period of qualifying Service subject to
maximum of 33 times of the emoluments
Gratuity Payment: to the Family members in case
of Death 6.16-B

 Family Shall include the following relatives: Gratuity

shall be distributed equally:
(i) Wife or wives including judicially separated wife or wives in
case of male officer.
(ii) Husband including judicially separated husband in case of
female officer
(iii) Sons including step children and adopted children.
(iv) Unmarried and widowed daughter.
(v) Brother below the age of 18 years unmarried or widowed
sister including step brothers and sisters.
(vi) Father/ Mother (including adopted parents if personal law
(vii) Married daughters and
(viii) Children of the pre-deceased son.
No Gratuity:
A Government employee who
joined Government service, if
dies in harness or after
retirement, his/her family is
eligible for family pension at
the following rates:
Pay in revised Pay Structure Rate of enhanced Family Pension
per Mensem
Pay up to Rs. 10,000 60% of pay
Pay Above Rs. 10,000 50% of pay subject to minimum of
Rs. 6,000

(After 15 years or GE’s age of 65 yeas, whichever period is less.

Pay in revised Pay Structure Rate of enhanced Family Pension

per Mensem
Pay up to Rs. 10,000 40% of pay subject to minimum of
Rs. 3,500
Pay Above Rs. 10,000 30% of pay subject to minimum of
Rs. 4,000
Age of the pensioner or family Rate of Additional pension or
pensioner family pension
From 65 years to less then 70 years Five percent
From 70 years to less then 75 years Ten percent
From 75 years to less then 80 years Fifteen percent
From 80 years to less then 85 years Twenty five percent
From 85 years to less then 90 years Thirty Five percent
From 90 years to less then 95 years Forty five percent
From 95 years to less then 100 years Fifty Five percent
100 years or more Hundred percent
A. Wife in case of Male employee and Husband in case of female
Government employee;

B. Judicially separated wife or husband, separation not being granted on

the ground of adultery;

C. Sons up-to the age of 25 years;

D. daughters up to the age of twenty-five years irrespective of their

marriage but unmarried daughters shall be included in the family
irrespective of their age);

E. parents who were wholly dependent on the Government employee,

when he/she was alive provided the deceased employee had left
behind neither a widow nor a child.
 In case of widow or widower up-to the date of
death or re-marriage, whichever is earlier.
 In case of son till he attains the age of 25 years
or starts earning his livelihood.
 To a daughter up-to the age of twenty-five years
irrespective of her marriage. However, an
unmarried daughter shall be entitled to family
pension irrespective of her age. But, family
pension shall not be admissible to a daughter, if
she starts earning her livelihood.
 If the son or daughter of a GE is suffering from
any disorder or disability of mind or is physically
crippled or disabled, the FP shall be payable to
him/her for life.
1. Staff paid from contingencies.
2. Work Charged Staff.
3. Casual labour
4. Contract employees;
5. Employees without a minimum service of
one year; and
6. Employees who joined Government Service
on or after 1.1.2004.
 Pension
50% of Rs. 77,000 (67000 + 10,000) i.e. Rs.
(Should not be less then 50% of the Initial pay of the
post from which pensioner has retired).
 Family Pension:
30% of Rs. 77,000 (67000 + 10,000) i.e. Rs.
(Should not be less then 30% of the Initial pay of the
post from which pensioner has retired).
 Initial Pay of Civil Pensioner on re-employment
shall be fixed at the same stage as the last pay
drwan by him before retirement and the pension
(before Commutation) shall be reduced from the
pay so fixed. He shall continue to draw Pension;
 Initial pay of re-employed ex-serviceman shall be
fixed at the same stage as the last pay drawn
before retirement. If GP of the new post is less than
the GP already drawn, pay in pay band is to be
 If Group A Offices wishes to accept commercial
employment within two years, previous sanction of
the Govt. is required.
From the date following the date Equal to the last pay drawn by the
of death of the employee till the deceased Government employee on
date he would have attained the the date of his death.
age of superannuation, had he

For the period beyond the (i) Sixty percent of the pay where
notional date of superannuation the pay of the deceased
mentioned above. Government employee on the
date of death does not exceed
then thousand rupees;
(ii) Fifty percent of the pay subject
to the minimum of six thousand
rupees, if the pay of the
deceased employee on the date
of death exceeds then thousands
Work to be completed in Two years before
1. Ist Stage – Verification of Service;
2. 2nd Stage – Making good omissions in the
service book;
3. 3rd stage – Obtaining of Form Pen 15 from GE 8
month before retirement;
4. Completion of Pension papers and forwarding
to AG before 6 months of retirement;
5. AG office shall authorise pension and gratuity
and issue of PPO not later than one month in
advance of retirement.
1. 100% Provisional Pension and 90%
Provisional Gratuity can be sanctioned after
due procedure, in case of inordinate delay
in isolated cases where in spite of following
procedure, pension could not be
2. Provisional Pension equal to the Maximum
Pension which would have been admissible,
where departmental or judicial proceedings
are pending.
1. If the payment of gratuity has been
authorized after three months from the date
when its payment became due and delay
was due to administrative lapse, Interest @
GPF would be payable;
2. Sanction is to be issued with the permission
of the Department of Finance;
3. Responsibility of delay is to be fixed and
disciplinary action against the employee (s)
is to be taken.
1. Upto 40% (upto 31.3.2013), 20% w.e.f.
01.04.2013 and 30% w.e.f. 01.04.2014 of the
total sanctioned pension can be got commuted
by an employee any time, without medical
examination within one year of his/ her
retirement or superannuation.
2. If pension is got commuted after one year
he/she has to go for a medical examination.
3. The formula for commutation is:
40%/20%/30% of pension X Purchase Rate X 12
Age next birth Commuta29tion Age next birth Commutation
value value expressed
expres3sed in in the number of
the number of years purchase
years purchase
20 9.188 29 9.176
21 9.187 30 9.173
22 9.186 31 9.169
23 9.185 32 9.164
24 9.181 33 9.159
25 9.183 34 9.152
26 9.182 35 9.145
27 9.180 36 9.136
28 9.178 37 9.126
Age next birth Commutation Age next birth Commutation
value expressed value expressed
in the number of in the number of
years purchase years purchase

38 9.116 47 8.943
39 9.103 48 8.913
40 9.090 49 8.881
41 9.075 50 8.846
42 9.059 51 8.808
43 9.040 52 8.768
44 9.019 53 8.724
45 8.996 54 8.678
46 8.971 55 8.627
Age next birth Commutation Age next birth Commutation
value expressed value expressed
in the number of in the number of
years purchase years purchase

55 8.627 64 7.862
56 8.572 65 7.731
57 8.512 66 7.591
58 8.446 67 7.431
59 8.371 68 7.262
60 8.287 69 7.083
61 8.194 70 6.897
62 8.093 71 6.703
63 7.982 72 6.502
Age next birth Commuta8tion Age next birth Commutation
value expressed value expressed
in the number of in the number of
years purchase years purchase

72 6.502 77 5.443
73 6.296 78 5.229
74 6.085 79 5.018
75 5.872 80 4.812
76 5.657 81 4.611
The Government employee on
retirement or superannuation or
death can get his leave salary in
lump some equal to earned leave
at credit on the date of death,
retirement or superannuation as
the case may be, subject to a
maximum of 300 days.
(Last Pay + DA ) X Leave at credit subject to
maximum of 300 days

Pay includes Pay+DP+IR+NPA (if any)

# 98880-10933

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