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1. Where are the new areopagi of mission in this new era?

Pope Francis identifies the following new areopagi of mission in this new era:

• The digital world: The digital world has opened up new possibilities for
evangelization. We can now reach people from all over the globe with the Gospel
• The world of work: The world of work is another new areopagus of mission. We
can encounter Jesus in our workplace and witness to his love and compassion to
our colleagues.
• The world of the poor and marginalized: The world of the poor and
marginalized is always a privileged place for mission. We can encounter Jesus in
the poor and marginalized and serve him in them.
2. How is 'mission' to be done today in this new era?
Pope Francis says that mission today is to be done with a spirit of dialogue,
encounter, and accompaniment.
• Dialogue: We need to be willing to dialogue with people of other faiths and
cultures. We need to listen to them and learn from them. We also need to share
our own faith and experience with them in a respectful and loving way.
• Encounter: We need to encounter people where they are. We need to go to
them and listen to them. We need to build relationships with them and share our
lives with them.
• Accompaniment: We need to accompany people on their journey of faith. We
need to walk with them and support them. We need to help them to grow in their
relationship with Jesus Christ.

Pope Francis also reminds us that mission is not about proselytism. It is about sharing
the love of Jesus Christ with the world. It is about inviting people to encounter Jesus
Christ and to experience his love and mercy.

In addition to the above, here are some other things that we can do to be effective
missionaries in this new era:
• Be authentic and genuine. People can spot a fake from a mile away. Be
yourself and let your love for Jesus Christ shine through.
• Be compassionate and merciful. Jesus Christ came to earth to heal the sick
and to forgive sinners. Be like Jesus and show compassion and mercy to
everyone you meet.
• Be joyful and hopeful. The Gospel is good news! Let your joy and hope be

Mission is not always easy, but it is always rewarding. When we share the love of Jesus
Christ with the world, we are making a difference. We are helping to build a more just
and loving world.

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