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A century ago, who would have thought that stars in the sky, which seems so far and hard

to grasp that
how massive they are. And are now just road tracks for our probes.

The advancement in robotics and automation made this impossible dream become a daily necessity for
us. To all who those are wondering, that how can it be a daily necessity; Every single electronic device
which we use today uses satellites of more than 100 million dollars just to operate our small devices.

Robots as of now accomplish critical work on the International Space Station. While there are
innumerable sensors and devices that help space travelers, robo-space explorers work close by their
human partners, finishing responsibilities and making their positions simpler. The smallest of repair
done on a satellite in space is made possible with the help of these robots. it is also argued that sending
robots and probes for exploration is better than compared to humans because of number of reasons.

• Robots are cheaper

• No risk of dieing or any other medical emergency

• Can work 24/7

• Easier to send another robot when something happens to the first one.

There are dozens of different robots who has been very impactful and important for us in our space

1) Satellites :-

Orbital satellites ordinarily make up most of space robots. These change in size and reason, however
much of the time are machines intended to catch data from one piece of the earth, then shaft it and
make it available somewhere else.

2) Rovers:-

They commonly travel past the Earth orbit to arrive on and investigate other planetary bodies like the
moon, Mars and Venus. These robots are wanderers or fixed landers, and regularly use parachutes or
retrorockets to securely land. After appearance, the robots use instrument bundles to look at the dirt
and environment.

For planets like Jupiter that have no strong surface, an alternate type of robot is important and
ordinarily one that can send and get transmissions rapidly prior to being consumed and obliterated by
the unfriendly climate.

3) Probes and Measurement Tools:-

A relative class of robots investigates the nearby planet group without quite landing anyplace. These
ordinarily use cameras and various instruments to gauge conditions on different planets, moons, and the
sun from some distance. A large portion of these utilization sun based cells to drive their instruments,
yet could likewise need to return occasionally to a boat or space station center point for charging.

Sometimes these probes are sent into deep dark space to explore distant stars and galaxies and
hopefully some day to scan our whole observable universe.
4) Astronaut Assistance:-

To transfer cargo, release satellites, and transport astronauts performing extra vehicular activities to
their work sites.

So the millions of dollars spent on these robots, satellites, probes, rovers, for almost half a century.
Have changed the course of human history of thousands of years, and change how we look at our world.
We cannot imagine a day without our cell phones, laptops or how we get from one place to another. All
these small robots and automation we use daily is a motivation we get by Space and Exploration.

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