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Chapter IV : Koussay The Motchared

While Motchardin are surprised from this cyberpunk civilisation a well

suited man comes to them

Man : “3aslema weldi, jdid lenna?”

Koussay : “Ey Baba jit narte7 lenna ama ta9rib bsh n3ish lenna”
Man : Laughs “3ejbetek lblasa mela?”
Koussay : “Wllh awel mara nshouf blasa aka mahish 7oma hedhi, hedhi
7adhara kemla”
Man : “Ena fa5our ennou madinti 3ejbetek”
Koussay : “Madintek?!”
Man : “Ey ena l mayor t3 homet l 3anber”
Koussay : “3anber City you should say”
Mayor : “Esm ma7leh 3anber City tana3ml e9tira7 nroddou esm
madinitna aka, l3abid mte3k hedhom?”
Koussay : “Ey baba fama li sayedtou wa fama li wrethtou mn 3and 3ilti”
Mayor : “Koussay isn’t it?”
Ghassen in his mind : “Kifh 3raf esmou?”
Koussay : “Ey koussay, kifh 3rft esmi?”
Mayor : “T5afesh weldi kol we7d yod5l f 3anber City lezem na3rfou 3lih
kol shy… sh9wlk tji tet3asha ba7dheya elila? Dhaher 3andk barsha
stories wa n7eb nasma3hom n7ebek ta7kili 3al outside world wa kifh
l7ayawenet lbara y3ishou “
Koussay : “Sure amma fammesh Hotel faza akeka lenna?”
Mayor : “Tw hedha klem weldi? dhaher fik met3awd b 3ishet l 7ayawenet
l bara ldarjet nsit 3ishetna” Laughs “Ey bara lawej fl City wa estakshf tw
tal9a barsha 7ajet wa famma hotels y5allouk tjib l3abid mte3k yor9dou
m3ak wa fama hotels yorfdhou li asbeb ya3ni”
Koussay : “Fhmtk wa9th nji l darek ll 3sha?”
Mayor : “9 P.M would be great wa as2el 3a dari or should I say 9asri”
Laughs “ wa tw ywarouhoulk”
Koussay : “Thanks see ya at 9 mela”
Mayor : “Good luck adventurer and one more thing”
Koussay : “What is it ?”
Mayor : “Don’t ask too many questions to our civilians, you know we
don’t want them to say unpleasant things about our City” Smiles in a
scary way
Koussay : Laughs “Ey ey t5afesh I know those things”

Motchardin are walking through the city and see a lot of cool things
flying cars, people with weird clothes (3ami9in) and some people
with robot body parts

Ghassen : “Koussay l mayor shek fina barsha”

Koussay : “Ey wa bsh y7awl y7aselna fl 3sha elila”
Samick : “MELA 3LH WEFE9T ?”
Koussay : “Enajmou na3mlou so7ba m3ah wa na3rfou ser eta9adom t3
city hedhi”

Koussay ran into a person by accident.

Person : “Matshoufesh ye5a ??? a3ma??? walla dhaher fik synth ah

Koussay : “Synth?”
Person : “Playing dumb, great strategy synth”
Koussay : “Fesh ta7ki???”
Person : “I see that ma5admoush algorithm mte3k bl behi “

Suddenly a girl comes

Girl : “Back it off Mark sayeb rajel 9allou synth”

Mark : “Oh great the crazy journalist is here”
Girl : “Crazy?! ti ena li netkb f articles te3in synth li enta tsada9 b
Mark : “Whatever” Goes away
Girl to Koussay : “Sama7ni rw mridh b 7keyet synth”
Girl : “Sar mata3rsh? jdid enta lenna?”
Koussay : “Ey”
Girl : “Sama7ni, ena Ella, Journalist t3 3anber Post Newspaper wenta?”
Koussay : “Ena Koussay wa hedhom l 3abid mte3i”
Ella : “I see”
Koussay : “3andi barsha as2la rani n7ebek tjewbili 3lehom”
Ella : “Msh l mayor glk matas2lsh barsha”
Koussay : “L mayor gel tas2ls normal civilians msh Journalists like you”
Ella : Laughs “Aya ll bureau mte3i wa 3abidek miselesh 5ali yjou m3ana
dhaher fehom yasm3ou lklem”

Motchardin are in Ella’s place and they see many articles in the wall
like : Are Synth Real? , Is the mayor a synth?, homet l 3anber is a
darwanic society

Ella sits in chair and tells koussay to sit while the rest of Motchardin are

Ella : “So shnouma as2eltk wa fi nafs lwa9t n7eb nektb article 3lik wa
tgolli 3al outside world kifh”
Koussay : “Shbeha asemikom mahish 3arbiya le5r esmou Mark wa enti
Ella ?”
Ella : “Hmm you really are not from here, this is part of our darwinian
evolution we get rid of arabic names bsh lwa3y mte3na yetawer akthr”
Samick : “That shit is crazy”
Ella : Looks at him with surprise on her eyes
Koussay : “SHUT UP SLAVE”
Ella : “OMG slave wa ya7ki?? wa ynajem yobdi ra2you??? kontsh
netsawer rahom ynajmou y developiw critical thinking”
Samick : “SUCK MY D_”
Ghassen : Punches Samick
Ella : “WOOOOOW slaves y2adbou f b3adhhom wa shbih le5r yo5zrli
kayennou bsh yo9tlni”
Wassim : Stares with anger
Koussay : “If you don’t stop this nonsense no food for you tonight”
Ella : “Wow slaves te3ink are quite interesting”
Koussay : “Yeah” Awkward laugh “Goltili shnouma Synth?”
Ella : “AAA synths houma humanoid robots”
Koussay : “kifh”
Ella : “Robots 3a shakl ensen s3ib tfare9 binethom wa binet l ensen”
Koussay : “Hmm wa shniya moshklt Mark m3ahom?”
Ella : “Synths are designed by the government of 3anber bsh ykounou
spies 3a civilians hedha li ena wselt lih ama government tenfi l woujoud
Koussay : “Mela mnin 3raftou enhom mawjoudin”
Ella : “Famma 7adtha kbira saret 3andha 6 shhour we7d meshi f shere3
tfarga3 wa ki jet ennes tthabet talgueh robot under human skin”
Koussay : “Wa shnawa sar7et l government ba3d hedha lkol?”
Ella : “E3ta9let shouhoud l 3iyen lkol wa famma li 5raj wa 3ash labes
amma gel rw masartsh l 7keya hedhi jemla wa famma li g3ad fl 7abs wa
famma li 5raj wa ja sara7 liya li shefou amma met ba3d nhar melli l
article hbat”
Koussay : “Wa 3leh maye3ta9louksh l 7oukouma ?”
Ella : “They see me as a pure white person 5aterni ml descendants t3
bourguiba so technically la3bed yshoufou fya princess”
Koussay : “Wa 3lh l7oukouma aslan 7ata spies ki 3andkom utopia lenna
unless fama shkoun yfaker f revolution”
Ella : “You’re quite smart!! hedha li netwa93ou ml whites “ Laughs “Welp
famma majmou3at metmarda barsha ta7t mousamma ‘El Jaysh Ethawri’
wa yo2mnou ennou la3bed lkol kif kif wa lezemna narj3ou kif konna
muslims wa hedha nidham 8alet”
Koussay : “Sar makomsh muslims?!”
Ella : “Darwanic Society rani 9olt, La7dha muslim enta ma3neha??”
Koussay : “Ey”
Nour in his mind : “Ta*cha”
Ella : “Well we respect religions amma we don’t respect terrorists like
Jaysh Thawri so you should stay clean or…”
Koussay : “Yeah I know those extremist people”
Ella : “Good Now tell me your story”

Koussay tells her a made up story about how he is a great

adventurer and killed 4 werewolves and how he hunted his ‘slaves’

Ella : “Wa koussay 3leh enta lenna f ksar hlel ? sure bsh tarte7?”
Koussay : “Yes wa jit leksar hlel aslan nlawej 3a shkoun”
Ella : “Shkoun ?”
Koussay : “A friend”
Ella : “Oooooo shnawa esmou ? “
Koussay : “Omnya”
Ella : “Hmm I hope you find her thnx I know the title of the next volume of
the newspaper”
Koussay : “See ya Ella”
Ella : “If you need anything come here”

Motchardin are back walking through the city and They are
determined to solve the mystery of this civilisation

They find a hotel and they end up sleeping from tiredness

In the next morning an article from the most famous newspaper
3anber post is published and it is titled : “The Adventures Of a
Motchared” This newspaper volume is best selling since the
beginning of the year, Koussay Becomes famous around 3anber
City as a great adventurer from the outside world

In the meantime someone is reading the newspaper and actually

liking the story and recognizes the name of “Koussay” and the
Other slaves

Omnya : “Logza je mela”

Meanwhile in the hotel

Ghassen : “Shnawa bsh na3mlou tw”

Samick : “We get out”
3zayez : “Shabeb berrasmi wallit 5ayef rani”
Wassim : “Nogtlou Ella”
Koussay : “This is a great adventure”
Yassine : “Netsawer a7sen 7aja netfar9ou f city wa nestakshfou”
Koussay : “This is dangerous they may catch you”
Yassine : “La 7asb ma rit a slave can go outside madem 3andou ma
yothbet ennou slave”
Koussay : “Wentouma sh3andkom mayothbt”
Yassine : “Lezmk tjib lina tasri7 ml baladiya wathi9at melkeya heki a7sen
Koussay gets those OwnerShip Documents and gives them to the
rest of Motchardin and they plan to divide and meet near the
mayor’s castle at 8:50 P.M The division will be the following:

Noor and Wassim

Yassine , Samick and 3zayez
Koussay and Ghassen

Motchardin’s Bizarre Adventures: Post Apocalypse

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