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Applied Surface Science 510 (2020) 145413

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One-step synthesis of iodine-doped g-C3N4 with enhanced photocatalytic T

nitrogen fixation performance

Xiuli Hu, Wenjun Zhang, Yuwen Yong, Ya Xu, Xuhong Wang, Xiaxi Yao
School of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Suzhou Key Laboratory of Functional Ceramic Materials, Changshu Institute of Technology, Changshu 215500, PR China


Keywords: Photocatalytic nitrogen fixation has attracted great attention recently due to the mild condition with solar en-
One-step pyrolysis ergy as the only energy input. In this work, the iodine-doped g-C3N4 with carbon vacancies has been successfully
Iodine-doped g-C3N4 synthesized via a one-step thermal-decomposition method. The results showed that the band gap of g-C3N4
Carbon vacancy decreased and the average PL lifetime of g-C3N4 increased after iodine doping. This demonstrated the expansion
Photocatalytic nitrogen fixation
of light responsive range and the high separation efficiency of the photo-generated charge carriers in iodine-
doped g-C3N4. The g-C3N4 with 10 wt% iodine doping exhibited excellent performance and well stability for the
photocatalytic nitrogen fixation under simulated sunlight irradiation within 3 h (200.8 mg/L/gcat), which is 2.8
times as high as that of bulk g-C3N4, owing to the reduced band gap, existence of carbon vacancies and enhanced
separation efficiency of the photo-generated charge carriers. A feasible mechanism was proposed for photo-
induced charge separation and nitrogen photofixation over iodine-doped g-C3N4.

1. Introduction splitting due to the large charge carrier mobility, strong light absorp-
tion and modified energy band [24–27]. In addition, carbon vacancies
Nitrogen is an indispensable element of life [1]. Therefore, nitrogen created in g-C3N4 can act as the active sites for the trapping of photo-
fixation is one of the most important reactions in nature. As everyone generated charge carriers and facilitate the adsorption and activation of
knows, nitrogen is the most abundant component in air with extremely nitrogen molecules, which can decrease the surface recombination of
strong triple bond (N^N). Nowadays, Haber-Bosch process [2] plays an photoexcited electron-hole pairs and improve the photocatalytic per-
important role in nitrogen fixation. The reaction condition of Haber- formance [28]. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop an io-
Bosch is so harsh (pressure of 15–25 MPa and temperature of dine-doped g-C3N4 with carbon vacancies for photocatalytic nitrogen
300–500 °C) [3] that a large amount of energy was consumed during fixation with the advantages of high charge carrier mobility, low re-
the process. This has spurred the development of an environment- combination rate and numerous active sites that are associated with
friendly and inexpensive method for nitrogen fixation with solar light as iodine doping and carbon vacancies.
the only driven energy [4–7]. Herein, we reported a facile large-scale synthesis of iodine-doped g-
Due to the high chemical stability, specific electronic structure and C3N4 with carbon vacancies by direct decomposition-thermal poly-
visible light responsive band gap, g-C3N4 has been widely utilized for merization with dicyandiamide and KIO3 as precursors. After iodine
hydrogen evolution [8,9], organic pollutants degradation [10,11], and doping, the band gap of g-C3N4 reduced from 2.76 to 2.68 eV and the
nitrogen fixation [12,13]. However, the weak electrical conductivity of average PL lifetime of g-C3N4 extended from 2.36 to 2.41 ns, demon-
graphical carbon nitride greatly limited their practical applications. strating the higher separation efficiency of the photo-generated charge
Various modifications have been utilized to improve the photoelec- carriers in iodine-doped g-C3N4. The g-C3N4 with 10 wt% iodine doping
trochemical properties of g-C3N4, including elements doping [14–17], exhibited the highest activity for photocatalytic nitrogen fixation under
composite [8,18], vacancies or defects [19,20], and morphology con- simulated sunlight irradiation within 3 h (200.8 mg/L/gcat) due to the
trol [21,22]. Among them, iodine is always used to increase the elec- reduced band gap, existence of carbon vacancies and enhanced se-
trical conductivity of conjugated polymers, such as polyaniline [23], paration efficiency of the photo-generated charge carriers.
and iodine-doped semiconductors have been reported for photo-
catalytic degradation of organic pollutants or photocatalytic water

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X. Yao).
Received 8 October 2019; Received in revised form 3 January 2020; Accepted 14 January 2020
Available online 19 January 2020
0169-4332/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Hu, et al. Applied Surface Science 510 (2020) 145413

2. Experimental

2.1. Preparation of bulk g-C3N4 and iodine-doped g-C3N4

All chemicals were analytical-grade reagents purchased from Sigma-

Aldrich, Inc. and used without further purification. Iodine-doped g-
C3N4 was synthesized by an in-situ decomposition-thermal poly-
merization method with dicyandiamide and KIO3 as the precursors. In a
typical procedure, 2 g of dicyandiamide with a certain amount of KIO3
was grounded carefully in an agate mortar and calcined at 823 K for 4 h
with a heating rate of 5 K/min under nitrogen atmosphere in a tube
furnace. The weight percent of KIO3 to dicyandiamide was controlled as
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 15%. The corresponding samples were marked as
CNIX, and X represents the weight percent of KIO3 to dicyandiamide.
Pure g-C3N4 was prepared under the same condition but in the absence
of KIO3, and the sample was marked as CN.

2.2. Characterization

The obtained CN and CNIX were characterized by powder X-ray

diffraction (XRD, Rigaku D/max-2200/PC), transmission electron mi-
croscopy (TEM, FEI Tecnai G2 F30), UV/vis spectrophotometer (UV/
vis, Shimadzu UV-2500), X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS, Fig. 1. TEM images and digital photographs of CN (a, c) and CNI10 (b, d).
Thermo Fisher, Al Kα, λ = 0.84 nm), Fourier transform-infrared spectra
(FT-IR, Bruker VECTOR 22), N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms
(Micromeritics ASAP 2020 apparatus), Fluorescence spectrophotometer (Table S1), and the pore volume slightly increased after iodine doping.
(PL, Hitachi F-7000) with an excitation wavelength of 365 nm, Time- Therefore, there is no substantial difference in the specific surface area
resolved PL spectra (Horiba Scientific), and Elemental analysis (EA, of CNIX. The mild change may be attributed to the thermal expansion
Elementar Vario MACRO cube) to determine the phase structure, caused by the decomposition of KIO3 (Equation (1)) during the calci-
morphology, UV/vis diffuse reflectance spectra, elemental composi- nation process.
tions and chemical states, specific surface area, photoluminescence KIO3 → KI + 3/2O2 (1)
spectra and lifetime, and atomic ratio of carbon to nitrogen. The
thermal property of KIO3 was tested by TGA-DSC (Netzsch STA 449 F3). Fig. 2a and Fig. S2 presented the XRD patterns of CN and CNIX. Two
characteristic peaks at about 13.1° and 27.2° were ascribed to (1 0 0)
2.3. Photocatalytic nitrogen fixation and (0 0 2) planes of g-C3N4, representing in-plane packing and inter-
facial stacking of g-C3N4 sheets, respectively [29]. After iodine doping,
The photocatalytic N2 fixation was conducted in a 50 mL jacketed the relative intensity of (1 0 0) peak became weaker than that of CN,
beaker with an external cooling water system. Typically, 20 mg of CN/ which was attributed to the decreased order degree of in-plane struc-
CNIX powder was dispersed in 30 mL of aqueous solution containing tural packing. Furthermore, the peak position of (0 0 2) plane shifted a
5 vol% methanol (scavenger) by ultrasound. To remove the gas im- little to higher 2θ values, indicating a reduction of the distance between
purity, N2 was bubbled to the suspension with a flow rate of 50 mL nanosheets [8,19,29]. The addition of excess KIO3 during the calcina-
min−1. Before irradiation, the mixture was stirred 30 min in dark with tion process may influence the thermal decomposition-polymerization
bubbled N2 to establish equilibrium. The reactor was irradiated using a of dicyandiamide due to the space baffle effect and cause the weak
300 W Xe lamp (PLS-SXE300D, Beijing Perfectlight Technology Co. Ltd) crystallinity of g-C3N4 because of the formation of a broad peak be-
with a power density of 191.2 mW/cm2 measured by an optical power tween 20° and 25°. No diffraction peaks assigned to KI were detected in
meter (model: CEL-NP2000, Beijing China Education Au-light Co., Ltd), the XRD patterns of CNIX. TGA-DSC was performed to explore the
while the power density of natural sunlight outside was 76.8 mW/cm2. thermal properties of KIO3 (Fig. 2b). The curve indicated that KIO3
At a certain time-interval, 2 mL of suspension was taken out for the decomposes at 822 K with a 24.0% mass decrease, which can be as-
following NH3/NH4+ concentration analysis. cribed to the release of oxygen according to Equation (1). Moreover, the
Nessler’s reagent method was conducted to analyze the concentra- residue of KIO3 calcined at 823 K for 4 h was checked by XRD (Fig. 2a).
tion of NH3/NH4+. First, 1 mL of the suspension was centrifuged and The diffraction peaks matched well with KI (PDF No.04-0471). How-
diluted by 4 mL of DI water in a 10 mL sample tube. Second, potassium ever, no KI component was found after calcining the mixture of di-
sodium tartrate solution (l mL) was added to the sample tube. Third, cyandiamide and KIO3, indicating that a reaction possibly happened
Nessler’s reagent (1 mL) was injected and the system was stood for between dicyandiamide and KIO3 during the decomposition process.
10 min for full color processing. Finally, UV–vis spectrophotometer was As shown in Fig. 3, similar features were observed in the FT-IR
applied to measure the NH3/NH4+ concentration at 420 nm. spectra of CN and CNI10, suggesting that the main chemical skeleton
was not changed by iodine doping process. The characteristic breathing
3. Results and discussion mode of triazine units at 812 cm−1 was observed [30]. Interestingly, in
CNI10, two new peaks at 2172 cm−1 and 539.9 cm−1 were detected,
As displayed in Fig. 1(a, b), the bulk g-C3N4 and iodine-doped g- caused by stretching vibration of cyanogen (eC^N) [31–33] and
C3N4 showed the typical lamellar structure with a sub-micrometer size. carbon-iodine bond (CeI) [34], respectively. It should be noted that the
After doping with iodine, the yellow color of CN becomes a little darker onset decomposition of KIO3 is 822 K (Fig. 2b) and may react with
(Fig. 1c, d). The specific surface areas and pore volumes of CN and CNIX amine groups in dicyandiamide or restrain the reaction of cyanogen of
were determined by the nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms (Fig. dicyandiamide, introducing the cyano group and carbon-iodine bond
S1). The CN, CNI2, CNI4, CNI6, CNI8, CNI10 and CNI15 featured the during the formation of CNIX [31].
surface area of 5.3, 5.2, 7.3, 4.9, 4.7, 5.5 and 5.3 m2/g, respectively The compositions and states of CN and CNI10 were further

X. Hu, et al. Applied Surface Science 510 (2020) 145413

Fig. 2. (a) XRD patterns of CN, CNI10 and residue of KIO3 calcined at 823 K. (b) TGA-DSC curves of KIO3 under N2 atmosphere.

formation of carbon vacancies due to the decrease of sp2-bonded carbon

(Table S2) [14,46]. Elemental analysis was conducted to further con-
firm the carbon vacancies in iodine-doped g-C3N4. As shown in Table
S2, the N/C atomic ratio increased from 1.30 in CN to 1.67 in CNI10
and then deceased a little to 1.58 in CNI15, which demonstrated the
existence of carbon vacancy as well. The ratio of N/H in CNI10 (11.48)
was higher than that in CN (8.12), showing the formation of cyano
group during the heating process [9,15]. In addition, the peak area ratio
of C = N-C/N-(C)3 increased from 4.36 in CN to 14.94 in CNI10 and
then decreased to 5.52 in CNI15, showing the bond break of Ne(C)3
during the doping process [14].
Fig. 5 and Fig. S3a presented the UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectra
of CN and CNIX. The CN sample showed the intrinsic absorption edge
around 450 nm due to the band gap of 2.76 eV. After doping with io-
dine, the absorption edge had an obvious red shift. The band gap en-
ergies of g-C3N4 and iodine-doped g-C3N4 were calculated according to
the following equation:

Fig. 3. FT-IR spectra of CN and CNI10. α hν = A(hν − Eg ) n (2)

where α, h, ν, Eg and A represent absorption coefficient, Planck con-

investigated by XPS, indicating that the CN sample was mainly com-
stant, light frequency, band gap energy, and a constant, respectively.
posed of C, N, and O elements, while the CNI10 sample consisted of C,
The band gap decreased from 2.76 eV to 2.68 eV with the increase of
N, O, and I elements (Fig. 4a). The O element could be attributed to the
KIO3 amount from 0 wt% to 10 wt% and then increased to 2.70 eV with
absorbed H2O or ·OH. The four peaks at 398.3, 398.9, 400.5, and
15 wt% KIO3 (Fig. S3b).
404.2 eV fitting from the N 1s spectrum were resulted from the nitrogen
The migration, separation and recombination of the photogenerated
in the C]NeC structure, [Ne(C)3] structure, amino groups, and π
charge carriers were investigated by the PL emission spectra. As in-
excitation, respectively (Fig. 4b). No obvious peak shift of N 1s was
dicated in Fig. 6 and Fig. S4, CN exhibited a main emission peak at
found between CN and CNI10, suggesting that the chemical states of
around 472 nm, which could be related to the recombination rate of the
nitrogen in CNI10 were almost the same as that in CN. In C1s spectra,
photoexcited electron-hole pairs. With the increase of iodine amount
the peaks centered at 284.5 eV, 286.4 eV and 288.1 eV were assigned to
from 2 wt% to 10 wt%, the peak intensity had a remarkable decrease,
CeC, CeN and NeC]N bonds, respectively [31,35,36]. The signal
implying that the charge recombination rate of CNIX was much lower
intensity of 286.4 eV in CNI10 was reinforced compared to that in CN
than that of CN [13,15,35,47]. Then, the emission intensity at 472 nm
(Fig. 4c), showing the existence of cyano groups (as known in FT-IR)
had little change for the further increased iodine amount. Time-re-
since cyanogen possess similar binding energies to that of CeN [31,36].
solved fluorescence decay spectra of CN and CNI10 were presented in
Notably, a new peak appeared at 295.1 eV in CNI10, which may be
Fig. 6b. Two-exponentials fitting was applied to calculate the decay
assigned to the binding energy of the CeI bond [37–41]. In Fig. 4(d),
time constants, as listed in the inset of Fig. 6b. Compared with CN
the binding energies of I 3d in CNI10 shifted to a lower value than that
(average lifetime 2.36 ns), CNI10 (average lifetime 2.41 ns) presented
in residue of calcined KIO3, indicating the change of I chemical sur-
slower decay kinetics, confirming the higher separation efficiency of the
rounding and the doping of g-C3N4 with iodine [11,30,42–45]. The
photogenerated charge carriers [3,45,48].
doping of iodine into g-C3N4 can improve the charge carrier mobility,
Photocatalytic nitrogen fixation was conducted to evaluate the
increase the light absorption, and cause the change of energy band,
photocatalytic performance. Controlled experiment indicated that
which is favorable for the enhancement of photocatalytic performance
NH4+ cannot be detected in the absence of light or photocatalyst. As
shown in Fig. 7a, CN exhibited a low activity for photocatalytic ni-
Furthermore, the peak area ratio of (N = C-N)/(C-NHx) decreased
trogen fixation (71.9 mg/L/gcat) under simulated sunlight irradiation
after iodine doping according to the XPS spectra, clearly indicating the
within 3 h. After doping with iodine, the photocatalytic performance

X. Hu, et al. Applied Surface Science 510 (2020) 145413

Fig. 4. XPS survey spectra (a) and high-resolution spectra of N 1s (b) and C 1s (c) of CN and CNI10. (d) High-resolution spectra of I 3d in CNI10 and calcined residue
of KIO3.

of KIO3 were used as the photocatalyst for the nitrogen fixation. The
results indicated that the addition of KI almost had no effect on the
photocatalytic performance of pure g-C3N4 (Fig. S5). The stability of
CNIX was evaluated by cycling photocatalytic nitrogen fixation ex-
periments, as shown in Fig. 7b. There is no obvious decrease of the
photocatalytic activity even after five consecutive cycling tests, in-
dicating that the CNI10 is sufficiently stable for photocatalytic reaction.
Actually, the photocatalytic performance was affected by many
factors, including phase structure, morphology, composition, specific
surface area, light absorption, charge separation and so on. In this
work, the samples were well characterized by powder X-ray diffraction,
transmission electron microscopy, UV/vis spectrophotometer, X-ray
photoelectron spectrometer, Fourier transform-infrared spectra, N2
adsorption-desorption isotherms, fluorescence spectrophotometer, and
Elemental analysis to determine the phase structure, morphology, light
response, elemental compositions and chemical states, specific surface
Fig.5. UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectra of CN and CNI10. Inset: Plots of (αhν)2 area, charge separation and lifetime, and atomic ratio of carbon to ni-
versus energy (hν) of CN and CNI10. trogen. The results showed that the 10 wt% iodine-doped g-C3N4
sample (CNI10) had narrower band gap (2.68 eV), lower PL emission
improved and then decreased with the increase of KIO3 amount, and intensity, longer average PL lifetime (2.41 ns), and more carbon va-
CNI10 showed the highest activity with an ammonia evolution rate of cancies in comparison with undoped g-C3N4. All these characteristics
200.8 mg/L/gcat, which was 2.8 times higher than that of CN. In order resulted in expanded light responsive range, weak charge recombina-
to explore the effect of the heating residuals of KIO3 on the photo- tion, and increased active sites, which were favorable for the enhanced
catalytic nitrogen fixation, the mixture of CN and the heating residuals photocatalytic performance. In addition, the energy band changed a

X. Hu, et al. Applied Surface Science 510 (2020) 145413

Fig. 6. Photoluminescence (PL) characterizations of CN and CNI10 (a) and nanosecond-level time-resolved PL spectra monitored under a 370 nm laser excitation.

little after iodine doping. Fig. 8a showed the Mott-Schottky (MS) plots (Eq. (3)) and the electrons were trapped by the carbon vacancies [46].
of CN and CNI10 samples, which were measured in an aqueous solution (3) The trapped electrons transferred from the carbon vacancies to ni-
of Na2SO4 through a typical three-electrode system. The calculated flat- trogen molecules and reduced nitrogen to form NH4+ with the protons
band potentials for CN and CNI10 were −1.06 and −0.96 V (vs. Ag/ from H2O (Eq. (4)) [13,14,19,20,45,50].
AgCl), respectively. According to the band gaps obtained from the
CNIX + hν → e− + h+ (3)
UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectra, the valence band positions for CN
− −
and CNI10 were 1.7 and 1.72 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), respectively. Therefore, N2 + 6H +
+ 6e + H2O → NH4 +
+ OH (4)
the improved photocatalytic nitrogen fixation of CNI10 was partially
ascribed to the enhanced oxidation power of holes to TEOA sacrificial
reagent [49]. With further increasing the amount of KIO3 to 15 wt%,
the photocatalytic activity dramatically decreased. Actually, there was 4. Conclusions
no obvious difference in the optical absorption, PL emission and BET
surface area. However, the addition of excess KIO3 during the calci- Iodine-doped g-C3N4 (CNIX) was successfully synthesized by an in-
nation process may influence the thermal decomposition-polymeriza- situ decomposition-thermal polymerization method with dicyandiamide
tion of dicyandiamide due to the space baffle effect and cause the weak and KIO3 as precursors. After iodine doping, the band gap of g-C3N4
crystallinity of g-C3N4 because of the formation of a broad peak be- reduced from 2.76 eV of CN to 2.68 eV of CNI10. The average PL
tween 20° and 25° in the XRD pattern. This phenomenon may lead to lifetime of CNI10 (2.41 ns) is longer than that of pure CN (2.36 ns),
the dramatic decrease of the photocatalytic activity of CNI15 sample. confirming the higher separation efficiency of the photo-generated
Furthermore, a possible path for the photocatalytic process in CNIX charge carriers in iodine-doped g-C3N4. The CNI10 showed excellent
system was proposed in Fig. 8b. Iodine was doped into g-C3N4 during performance for the photocatalytic nitrogen fixation with a rate of
the in-situ calcination method. Compared with CN, the improved pho- 200.8 mg/L/gcat under simulated sunlight irradiation within 3 h due to
tocatalytic performance of CNIX could be divided into the following the reduced band gap, carbon vacancies, and efficient charge separa-
steps: (1) nitrogen was easily adsorbed on CNIX to accelerate the rate of tion, which was 2.8 times as high as that of bulk g-C3N4. This work
photocatalytic fixation due to the existence of carbon vacancies [14]. demonstrates a possible pathway for the large-scale synthesis of g-C3N4
(2) The photogenerated electrons and holes could be well separated with iodine-doping for improved photocatalytic nitrogen fixation.

Fig. 7. (a) The photocatalytic nitrogen fixation over CN and CNIX under simulated sunlight irradiation; (b) Cycling experiments for photocatalytic nitrogen fixation
over CNI10.

X. Hu, et al. Applied Surface Science 510 (2020) 145413

Fig. 8. (a) Mott-Schottky (MS) plots of CN and CNI10 and (b) the possible process of photocatalytic nitrogen fixation over CNI10.

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