Late Activity AB Comms 3rd Year

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Name: Ricellene Kate Renegado Activity No.

Course & amp;Year Level AB COMM 3rd year Method of Research

Direction: Elaborate your insights on the following questions. 25 points will be given in each question.

1. How does research contribute to effective communication strategies and

message development within the field of Communication?

- The most important and critical aspect of learning is research. Without research, academics
simply cannot function and meet the demands of today's society. Research has always been
associated with efforts made by humans to get a deeper comprehension of their surroundings.
This has steered every field's development and expansion throughout history. Research is a
crucial tool for gathering data, opinions, and facts about a certain problem. situation, or

2. In what ways does research in Communication help in understanding

audience behavior, preferences, and trends, and how does it influence media

planning and content creation?

Identify who to target, how to get in touch with them, or what to give them, then choose how to
best meet their needs. Additionally, it might assist in supplying proof for any marketing claims
you would wish to make but do not yet have any supporting data for, this gives insightful
information about the tastes, actions, as well as media-consumption trends of the target

3. What role does research play in evaluating the impact and effectiveness of

various communication channels, such as social media, traditional media,

and interpersonal communication?

The shift aside from in-person interactions and towards digital communication is one of the effects
of social media on communication, enables you to communicate your wants and the
experiences you are having to another person. crucial and can considerably impact the success
of a study.

4. How does research in Communication contribute to the identification and

analysis of societal issues, and how can it be used to advocate for social

change or address communication challenges?

- Three reasons for this, is it adds clarity, it provides Evidence, and it adds value. Byt its adding
clarity is, we have the chance to figure out which concepts and messages were appealing to
voters and why thanks to that study. We achieved this by posing open-ended questions,
conversing with voters, following up, and retaliating. In evidence when having a particular
Project had no research of its own to claim it, when getting there in the end by referencing
previous research, narrative theory, and similar campaigns. Nothing hurt to take some
references to other researches just for help’s sake. Absolutely nobody has an endless supply of
resources. Budgets, even those worth millions of dollars, have limits. Research provides clarity,
which aids in collective decision-making. It assists in crafting persuasive communications with
the appropriate frames, narratives, and messaging.

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