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Prototype Model

The Prototype model is a software development approach that

involves creating a simplified model of the future product to test its
concept and functionality with minimal resource costs. The process
of creating a prototype involves a few steps based on testing results
and feedback: development, testing, and continuous improvement.

The prototype may include only the essential design elements and
features that are necessary for visualizing and demonstrating the
fundamental capabilities of the product. Prototypes are used by the
development team in collaboration with customers and
stakeholders to test the product’s design, architecture, and

Objectives of Prototype Model

1. Idea testing: Prototyping can determine the potential of an
idea before the final product is created.
2. Obtaining feedback: Prototypes provide an opportunity to
receive feedback from users, colleagues, or investors, which
can help improve the product.
3. Reducing time and development costs: Prototyping helps
identify problems early in the development process, reducing
the time and costs associated with correcting errors in the
future and improving the product’s quality.
4. Improving communication between teams: By creating a
prototype, the product takes on a tangible form and ceases to
be abstract, making it easier to discuss the idea among project
5. Convincing stakeholders: Prototypes are an effective way to 19/3/2024, 10 31 AM
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demonstrate a product’s potential to investors, clients, or
management, which can provide necessary support and

Types of Prototypes
Prototypes can be classified by the method of creation:

1. Paper prototype: The simplest and fastest to create, requiring

only pen and paper. It’s great for initial versions of prototypes.
Paper prototypes show the structure and design of the product,
as well as its basic functional elements.
2. Digital prototype: Created in specialized software and services
for prototyping. Digital prototypes accurately show product
functionality and may contain additional elements, such as
animations and interactive components.

Prototypes can also be classified by the level of detail:

1. Low-fidelity prototype: Reflects the basic structure and

functionality of the product, but does not include detailed
design such as interface elements.
2. High-fidelity prototype: A detailed and interactive prototype
that includes interface design and other elements that will be
present in the final product.

Stages in the Prototype Model

1. Requirements gathering: At this stage, the project team
communicates with customers, conducts research, and collects
all the requirements for the future product.
2. Design: At this stage, the structure and design of the product
are determined. For example, for a website, this would include 19/3/2024, 10 31 AM
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the number of pages, the purpose of each page, and the
placement of key elements.
3. Prototyping: Creating a prototype using the design that was
developed in the previous stage.
4. Prototype testing and feedback collection: The developed
prototype is tested to identify errors and areas for
5. Prototype refinement: The feedback obtained from testing is
used to improve the prototype and meet the requirements of
the product.
6. Development: After the prototype has been refined and meets
customer requirements, the team moves on to the final product

The Prototype model follows an iterative development process,

where testing and feedback collection are conducted for each new
version of the prototype. Based on the results of testing and new
requirements for improving the prototype are formed, and a new
version is released. This process is repeated until the prototype
satisfies the interests of all project participants. 19/3/2024, 10 31 AM
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