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MANAGEMENT (Masters612)


Name of organization: King Abdulaziz University technology and science

Problem: Lack of Alignment between Academic Programs and Industry Needs


There is a perceived gap between the academic programs offered by King Abdulaziz
University (KAU) and the evolving needs of industries. Graduates may not possess the
skills and knowledge demanded by the job market, leading to potential challenges in
employability and the university's reputation.


This issue falls under the "Planning" function of the P-O-L-C Framework. The
university's planning processes may not be fully aligned with the current and future
requirements of industries, resulting in a mismatch between educational offerings and
the skills demanded by employers.


Social Network (Organizing):Industry Collaboration

Concept: Establish closer ties with industry partners to understand current and future
skill requirements.

Action: Develop joint advisory boards with representatives from key industries to provide
input on curriculum development.
Organizational culture (Planning):Regular Curriculum Reviews

Concept: Implement a systematic process for regularly reviewing and updating

academic programs.

Action: Conduct periodic reviews of all programs, considering input from faculty,
students, alumni, and industry experts to ensure relevance.

Managing Groups and Team (Leading): Professional Development for Faculty

Concept: Ensure faculty members are equipped with the latest industry knowledge.

Action: Provide opportunities for faculty to engage in industry placements, attend

conferences, and participate in continuous professional development.

Organizational structure and change (Controlling):Flexible Program Structures

Concept: Adaptability to changing industry needs.

Action: Introduce flexible program structures that allow for quick adjustments to
curriculum based on emerging industry trends.

Organizational culture (Planning): Student Internship Programs

Concept: Bridge the gap between academic learning and practical industry experience.

Action: Establish internship programs with industry partners to provide students with
hands-on experience and networking opportunities.
Leading People and Organizational (Leading): Employability Workshops

Concept: Equip students with essential skills for the job market.

Action: Integrate workshops on resume building, interview skills, and job search
strategies into the curriculum.

By implementing these solutions, KAU can better align its academic programs with the
needs of industries, enhancing the employability of graduates and bolstering the
university's reputation as an institution that produces highly skilled and market-ready
professionals. These recommendations align with principles of strategic management,
continuous improvement, and stakeholder collaboration.

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